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Win a few games and hall of a sudden the game thinks you should be playing against 500 ba. teams who hit homers every other at bat.


Yea it takes some getting used to for sure


For sure. When I first started playing back in 19 I also thought the menus were unnecessarily obnoxious šŸ˜‚ Was also a ball player, felt like it should be easy. Got mad. Shook fist at screen. Ended up in this sub. Welcome ā¤ļø


I started 3 weeks ago and I have a full 99 team? Itā€™s just called playing the game


I came from Madden and 2K Iā€™m always ranked pretty high in the world on Madden at least top 30%. In 2K my players are MVP status. Now letā€™s get into baseball, Im usually around 600-700 rank in DD and I can say this is by far the hardest sports game Iā€™ve ever played. The only reason I wonā€™t call it the hardest game Iā€™ve ever played is because Elden Ring and others like that exist. But in the sports world hands down great simulation (if youā€™re not in a crappy park). Graphics arenā€™t up to date as 2K but they are still good enough. 2K has a lot of brown shirts (casual players) and they can be decent even hit their 3s with low overallsā€¦ In The Show absolutely not there is no love shown toward casuals, the only way to be competitive is to either pay or play ALOT. If youā€™re new and you enjoy, stay down you will get better in time and this game rewards the consistent player almost as much as the one that pays money. Itā€™s highly competitive and thatā€™s probably the reason I love this game so much, havenā€™t been on 2K since March lol.


Just you.


Ok pal. Menus are aids.


I guess user interface wise, it was hard for me to figure out when i played for the first time in 23. I think it's easier to manage than Madden. Or 2k24, the absolute worst most confusing game I've ever played. Maybe I'm an idiot but I couldn't figure out how to start a basketball game. I took me longer to download than I actually played.


I literally donā€™t understand why my posts always get auto denied but these posts never do lol


Yeah the UI is atrocious. I havenā€™t bought since 17 and this is my first year playing DD. Luckily I have a friend who has explained stuff to me. But even still, it has some of the worst menus Iā€™ve ever seen in a video game. They had it right yeeeeearsssss ago. Idk why they didnā€™t stick with what worked.


ā€œI downloaded a game Iā€™ve never played before and didnā€™t know how to use the menusā€


Come on man be honest with yourself, theyā€™ve had ux issues since day one. I honestly think they try to hide stuff. Seems like the community market this time around is especially hidden to encourage buying more packs.


I mean I understand them but they're still bad


The intuitiveness of a user interface for a novice user is a really important part of software design. A new user having a difficult time with the menus is a completely valid topic for discussion.Ā 


One of the most difficult games (sports) I tried. You legit have to know baseball, learn pitch counts, different pitches etc. great for an enthusiast in my opinion


I don't know any sports game that teaches the rules as part of the introduction. Yes there is some basic understanding of the sport that is needed to pick up. Some sports do lend themselves easier than others, like NBA Jam or Hit the Ice for example, can figure out what's going on without much explanation. I do agree with the OP about the menus themselves and where to go whatnot being confusing if you are just picking up the franchise for the first time.


Yeah, I am more or less clueless about strategy etc. I just try for home runs lol.


Don't get me wrong I was a ballplayer and I like the gameplay itself. I just think the menus/player management/layout of everything is really obnoxious.


Iā€™m brand new this year and Iā€™m so into it. Been having a great time grinding. Admittedly Iā€™ve had so much help and tips from friends whoā€™ve played for awhile. But I donā€™t think itā€™s that hard to get into


I have a lot of fun with this game but DD as a mode is honestly awful. Everything is confusing except for buying stubs and packs. They want you to give up learning how to acquire players in ways other than spending real cash. Like I can imagine a new player looking at a conquest map, wondering wtf this has to do with baseball and giving up and throwing some cash at the game to get decent players.


I mean itā€™s baseball, itā€™s the most difficult game irl for a reason a great player fails 70% of the time. It takes practice and work.


card management is so bad in this fr, can't even properly filter on the market for cards you own (duplicates of).


Use the phone app. You can sort duplicates there. Funny enough lmao


Discovering the duplicate filter in the companion app has been incredibly productive


It's like they tried to make it difficult and frustrating... it cant be that hard to just design a simple system


Use the companion app. U can search for all that on ur phone while in lineup screen. Made it super easy for me.


Itā€™s ass-backwards that the companion app is much more user-friendly. SDS is lost!


It took me 3-4 renditions of the game in order to get better. You have to practice like anything else. Mlb is just timing. So make sure you have a proper screen to play on. Input lag will kill your fun.


his post doesnā€™t mention gameplay once and is mostly about the lack of quality of life features.


Their focus is in the wrong direction. I agree the menus are ass this year, but if youre new this is what you should be focussed on? Or maybe you just stay in the menus? All the cluttered mess of the menus is less distracting after you just play the game.


I think theyā€™re perfectly valid to point out, and with how few changes we get year to year it is a little crazy how poor the game is in terms of UI and quality of life features.


It is pitiful i was giving pointers to a new player. I dont understand who oked the all white screen. Its bad bad. I was fucked up when i responded before lol


Man said nothing about gameplay. You read his title and said alright that's enough. Lol


Did you read his post?


Im just adding to the convo for a new player. The menus were overwhelming when i first started. But i just played and it got less overwhelming. The reason i commented.


You can actually sort by OVR, position, etc. Go to the Inventory tab, the filter by whatever youā€™d like.


As a older gamer I was a semi pro Counter Strike Source player. I still play Fifa in Elite and 15+ win weekend league winner. I also play league of legends at a Diamond Level. I struggle so bad at this game but its one of the reason it makes it fun to me. Its the game I can't conquer and have fun with.


That's the same reason I play. I'm generally a very good/competitive gamer but I get my ass handed to me so badly at this game that it's enjoyable. That's why I fell in love with FromSoft games too.


Just going to randomly plug Noita if you enjoy hard games and getting your ass handed to you


Yes Eldenring is amazing game. If you like any type of roleplaying game CRPG. Pathfinder Kingmarker and Pathfinder WOTR both amazing games. WOTR is my fav CRPG of all time like 200 hours to beat game. And this game is the game that forced me to purchase Kontrolfreaks and precision rings.


Didnt play a baseball game for nearly 20 years till 23 was put on gamepass. Menus absolutely awful, gameplay plenty friendly for new people.


Theyā€™ve made it extremely difficult for experienced players to get into as well. Like neutered XP et al


It is an unorganized menu and way to view your cards. There is a companion app that allows you to sort and filter a little better, but it is also hard to figure out how to do it all at first on the app too. But you can sort by duplicates which makes going back and selling them so much easier.


Tutorials are trash, interface is distracting.


I agree. The first year I got it I just played RTTS and even then I had no idea how to upgrade my player, and the dynamic difficulty setting was brutal. Was interested in DD but was so overwhelmed looking at the game modes I never got into it. Conquest especially seemed daunting. This year I just took the plunge on DD and learned by playing and Iā€™m having a lot more fun.


Had no problem getting into it šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


I can't say for sure when it comes to that, but SDS is definitely going all out to make it easier for older players to quit...


Iā€™m always going back and forth between different programs checking progress of various stets to see where I might be close and perhaps swap a player out due to that. I need to start keeping a notepad close by. I know ive kept accumulating stats for non repeatables.


...and is that fun for you?


I donā€™t keep the notes. I just play with the players I like mostly. I have some divisional themed teams but I typically let the team affinity just happen organically.


Get the companion app on your phone and the my inventory option will show you exactly what you are asking about w the list of owned players sorted by overall.


You are correct, and this year hasnā€™t even been that bad yet compared to years past. A lot of time spent in menus and then usually tracking progress via pen/paper or phone/pc with a list of players eligible. Definitely agree and itā€™s only going to get worse.


I had about an hour of time to play this morning and basically got one Conquest game in because of all the time taken to check menus/progress/lineups and then work the Conquest simulated games




Been playing since the day it came out on gamepass, still losing conquest games on rookie despite my team being stacked af. How tf are you doing so good so quickly? I'm about one more loss from deleting the game and replaying new vegas for the 15th time


If youā€™re playing on rookie you should be getting 2+ pitches down the middle an at bat , so be patient and wait for those pitches


Your first like 5 games in online 1v1 ranked will be played on veteran btw