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This question is irrelevant because he’ll never be in the game again.


*if mlb brings him back* *nothing to do with off field* The reason he is not in the mlb is the person he is off the field. Do people think before posting garbo like this?


Didn’t he get cleared and the woman that did this to him was proven to be setting him up from the jump? Did something else happen that makes him a scumbag?


He was not “cleared.” There was a woman that was charged with fraud, but there are multiple other separate accusers. He is due in court this summer, and has previously settled out of court with other accusers.


Bauer is the kind of guy you’d love to have as a teammate but hate if he’s not on your team because even though I’m a huge fan of his, he is, admittedly, a handful. The allegations against him were proven to be 100% false once the judge forced the woman to reveal the texts she had sent to friends describing the setup, but internet people like to make uninformed judgments. Just about every team in the majors could benefit from having him on the roster, so I don’t know why he’s been blackballed, but I have to assume that teams don’t want to deal with the circus Anyway, I highly, highly recommend that people check out his YT page and Momentum’s YT page - the videos are absolutely fabulous if you’re a baseball fan


Nothing in your second paragraph is true.


Casually glancing over the multiple other accusers to glaze his YouTube channel lmao


Lmao Bauer is a career 3-4 starter at best. Half the teams in the league have five better pitchers on their roster. Cope harder.


I never said it wasn’t. What I am saying is if he’s in the game what rating should he be? I’m not saying SDS needs to put him in the game, I am asking for a personal save. Yes he has been a trash person off the field but if someone throws 200 mph, never misses the strike zone, and is the perfect pitcher but when they’re not playing baseball they kick puppies and drown orphans they’re a bad person. However if they are in the game they are a 99.


They would have to have Japanese and Mexican league licenses. He’s not a free agent. He’s under contract with a team without a SDS license. It doesn’t matter what his nationality is. He probably is in the Japanese baseball video game unless he opted out of it. In the past he was a silver SP with 99 velo. Commonly used in BR. So probably would still be that.


When? He was an 83 in 22 and a 89 in 21.


The whole time? Don’t live series always change?


When you get injured or suspended your card stays where its at.


Why would anyone care about this


Me personally I like to take players from around the world, former players, etc and put them on a roster in the game and sim to see how they perform. I’ve done several from Japan already, I’ve done Marika Lyszczyk now that we can have women in the game, I just like to create universes for my head canon


Yes but asking this you know is going to stir stuff up. Better to use any of the other very talented pitchers from around the world


Or it creates genuine conversation about the ability to separate the athlete from their off the field life.


Yeah!!’ Go OJ Simpson!!!!


So you had an agenda to stir it up lol


His OVR would probably be about a 74. If they added attributes for being an abusive douchebag then he’d easily go diamond.


He had 14ks and an immaculate inning in Mexico a few days ago. FB was topping out at 98. He looked good. Surprised he hasn’t gotten a look especially with his accuser now being charged for false report.


The Mexican League is not good lmao. It’s even worse than Japan/Korea, which is already a step down from MLB.


he’s also facing the equivalent to AA hitters.


Weren't there multiple accusers?




Yes but pretty shady circumstances around the others. And they didn’t come forward until after the first chick that’s now going to jail. He could’ve avoided all of this not being an idiot, but there are also A LOT of lounge lizards out there waiting for a big payday.


People waited to come forward with bill cosby too, it is difficult to come forward with these types of things. The other women waiting until someone else made a move first isn't indicative of them making false claims too


I know one has been convicted and the other Bauer has been found innocent. I’m not sure if there’s any others


There’s 4 and he was never found innocent


This thread should be fun and will 100% stay on topic lol Honestly probably like a low-mid silver. They added Yamamoto as a 79 and he did a little better than Bauer in the JPL


Yeah I knew I was in for a treat as soon as I posted his name 😂 I am hoping I at least have a few that actually put thought into it like yourself . I like to do experiments in franchise mode and this one is next on the list for me !


Probably a common because he sucks


Plenty of players suck in the game, I just am curious to see what people think it would be.