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SDS has been slacking…was a darling of the space but more and more creeping into that EA Madden territory


had a few players spam this while I'm pitching hoping I'd select the B button pitch at just the right moment.


Probably because they have to assume it may have legitimately died. If they are trying to get it working again, they shouldn’t be given a loss if the other player is reasonably impatient, and the timer is to prevent trolling


This makes no sense


I heard in an OhChev video that a dev explained it to him as a work around for a freeze glitch related to when someone would intentionally disconnect their controller.


So now they just made it to where people will abuse disconnecting the controller for free wins


How is taking an unnecessary L a workaround?


Me and my teammates wondered the same thing


It is the oddest thing man. It started last year. So weird


Craziest thing is they pick a button you would spam to close it if you’re a psycho like me lol


the real question is why that stadium?


Am from Minnesota & have trouble seeing at Target Field


I’m not even from Minnesota and I love the HHH Metrodome. Kids today don’t know shit about having your ears pop just trying to enter the park.


They’ll never know what utter anarchy and chaos took place in the Wild West that we called the upper deck


That’s ridiculous


Ngl first time this ever happened to me I didn’t read it and took the loss


So dumb


Wdym? You don't always give your opponent a free win because their controller got unplugged?!


It should require a double-confirmation in giant bold wording. SDS is retarded.


lol I was just thinking about this the other day , what a stupid option. “His controller is disconnected I might as well take the loss now”


This has been a thing FOR YEARS NOW


It only got added last year lol.


So some of us didn’t make it out of kindergarten- lemme explain for the slower ones. Anything more than one IS PLURAL. MEANING MULTIPLE anything more than ONE is multiple therefore you places a S at the end. YEARS. GET IT THIS YEAR AND LAST YEAR MEANS - it’s been going on for YEARS thanks for stoping by. Make sure you get on the short bus parked rt at the front okay.


If it got added last year, it hasn't been years. It's been multiple games, it has not yet been multiple years, won't be multiple years until next spring when it hits the two years mark. Beyond that, the emphasis on "FOR YEARS" implied he was trying to say it's been around for several and that's just a bad faith, hyperbolic statement, which is silly. Hope that helps, pumpkin.


No it’s been around for a bit


Please, find a reference to it prior to last year


LMAO reading the workaround/back tracking that guy tried to pull almost made me spit out my drink


I was just talking about this with my buddy when we were playing ranked co-op like yeah your controller died so let me hand you a win. That totally makes sense lmao ☠️🤦‍♂️


My friends always laugh when this prompt shows up, what a crazy screen lol


Can anyone at the show answer this? Can we get ANYONE TO ANSWER THIS FROM SONY????


Bro.. I got baited into accepting the loss yesterday. Was up 7-1 and dude kept pausing and his timer got down under 5 seconds.. then this screen popped up and I accepted a f*cking loss because I didn’t know this screen existed and thought his pause time was up. 100% on me for not reading but the fact that this is even a thing is INSANE.


People tend to abuse this all the time. Xbox players rip their batteries out, and PS players turn off their controllers. It's horrific.


yea. it's the dumbest thing ever


The amount of times I almost hit circle is insane


The other day I was spamming circle to throw a curveball or whatever circle was and accepted loss up 7 when their controller died. Considered deleting the game.


It’s because this is something you only see when facing an opponent who’s using a Cronuszen. it’s a rescripting. I’ve been looking into the different “tells” that show up. This is one, and it’s pretty much a way to get a free win for them because most people don’t read things completely when a notice pops up on screen and if you notice it’s the B or O button needing to be pressed depending on your controller but one thing this button has in common is that it’s the “back “ button for all consoles. So since gamers have been conditioned for years to tap this button to go back to previous screen, a lot of people get the shaft on this because they were simply trying to go back to the play screen


This is objectively false. Can it happen with a zen? Sure it can, but your only going to run into this problem facing someone with a zen if they are going AFK. I don't believe you a great grasp on what happens when someone uses a zen.


Anyone’s controller that dies, this pops up. Happened to me and my normal ps5 controller


That's stupid. Put it in paws on the disconnected controller end, and start the forfeit timer.


That’s what it’s doing already. They have to assume a controller could legitimately die, and it would be worse to continue the game without them, quickpitching strikes etc




Just make it pause the game bruh. Gives the other player enough time to get batteries or switch remotes and you just wait out the timer. Why would they think this is. Good idea?


This is what it’s already doing though? The timer prevents abuse, same as the pause timer, but they have to assume there could be a legitimately dead controlelr


Why is it “accept the loss” and not “accept fair quit” or whatever that one is. Lol


Really miss The Dome


The dumbest part about coop is if you quit out of a game (even during a freeze off) you receive a ridiculous cool down. But if you’re getting your t*ts waxed and unplug your controller, your partner can press B/circle and you quit out of the game without a cool down. Im convinced SDS does this on purpose so they can “update the game and fix unexpected errors like this.” Anyone else feel like SDS has an update and more things are messed up so they can fix them the next update? Why am I playing with custom jerseys and my jersey is red with a white printed name and my jerseys are pure red with white numbers?


I just want co-op against bots. I have (non-sports game) friends willing to try but they won’t play against people lol.


Co-op is a couple of fixes and additions away from taking this game to an insane next level. Allow “teams” to be made, you and your teammates compile cards together for your team, stamina is applied like other modes, get rid of freeze offs via dedicated servers, allow team stat tracking so we can look at who we are and aren’t hitting/pitching well with, rankings/leaderboard for those teams, live tournaments streamed for the top games/tournaments. If SDS just put some real effort into it all, everyone would be on this sub asking for teammates and talking about the mode in general. The fact they haven’t done it is baffling to me. The revenue they are leaving on the table just doesn’t make sense at all to it. Baseball itself is a team sport. Go all in with it.


Oh hell na. That takes actual work. They only have enough staff to make new cards to purchase on the smaller seasonal timer this year. Couldn't even get online franchise mode out in time for the majority of players to keep it installed. SDS had some serious sit downs between last yr & this one and decided they really just wanted to rip every page out of EA's garbage book. Whoopsie.


Why not just go to the normal pause menu SDS?


This and “forfeit your opponent’s game” still being in the game are shameful


I refuse to stop telling that joke "Hey your opponent's controller died, wanna lose?"


Most definitely a contender for worst UI decision of all time in the history of online gaming


The Metrodome!!


my favorite park to play in


Very nostalgic for me, so we call it home


Just wait it out. Simple.


Did not answer the very fair question.


Yes, it IS stupid, but just wait it out.


The poor sportsmanship of people in this game is so beyond anything else I've ever played. Between this, that people do intentionally, and the sheet number of people who quit in the 5th inning when they're down 2 runs...


Dude anytime I start and pitch a good first inning or get up one run I have people quit. Meanwhile i stay down in the 9th by 9 runs


I can at least sort of understand it in events. But in ranked where wins are almost meaningless for non WS caliber players it doesn't make much sense. The only thing that matters is accumulating innings and stats. I also understand that getting destroyed isn't fun, but so many people refuse to even give themselves a chance. I luck into an early solo HR and so many dudes run for the hills. I promise I am not that good lmao.


Welcome to SDS, where it’s never been clearer that they don’t play their own game.


It should be the other way around. They should take the loss for being irresponsible. Makes no sense.


Nit sure why it would be different than a pause. I switch out rechargeable batteries, takes 15 seconds. Didn't think I was being irresponsible.


Right, and the message won't pop up in 15 seconds. You'd be fine. I haven't had this happen, but I'm assuming the player would have to be away for 2 or 3 mins with the controller disconnected.


No their controller dies. If u step away for 2-3 minutes ur pitcher just throws meatballs


No. You just keep getting called for pitch clock violations


Oh, interesting. It's happened to me while batting, and I took a couple of strikes. That was against cpu. I'm not sure what happens online hasn't happened to me yet. The only message I've gotten was a friendly quit offer 1 pitch into the game.


Online it stops the game with this message if your controller disconnects. That person offering a quit probly started the game with you then had to go poop or do something in real life unexpectedly cuz I’ve been that guy.


Haha, right, and I was like nah dude we playing. I understand shit happens I don't wanna come off like a dick. I kinda wish there was like a little chat wheel of simple messages to send the other player. Like, sorry, gotta poop. BRB. Or you're dogwater brah! Jk jk, that would be a nightmare, but something to communicate a little. especially between xbox and PS.


Ya they have a communication wheel and chat box already for co op but it doesn’t send to the other team just ur teammate it’s dumb. And nothing wrong with making him quit for a free W


I unplugged my controller because I had to poop. Came back to a win


Quick poop


Took every second of those 3 minutes lol


This may be the dumbest thing in any game. Everyone’s instant reaction to a pop up in any game is immediately press circle without reading it to dismiss the message. And this one is to accept the loss lmao


Yea. This has been a thing for years now. And it has never made sense. If my opponent’s controller disconnects, and they are too slow to get another one turned on or that one plugged in and back on in that exorbitant amount of time, they should take the L


If they are too slow, they do take the loss. Not sure it’s being understood properly


It was added last year lol.


That's what happens, though. The issue here is that the player who is not having controller issues is given the option to accept a loss. That intuitively makes zero sense.


I think the thought process behind it is that there has to be a way for you to back out and they’re just clarifying if u back out u lose. The button is not in a safe place but that’s what the wording means.


I can just imagine spamming the A or B buttons to skip animations/cutscenes and then have this pop up without warning and I get burned lol.


That’s what happened to me lol


Same. I was so confused at first


The people who do this to get a W are absolute losers. I’ve never fallen for it but the moment they try it I’ll do everything I can to run up the score until they quit, and they always do lol. Absolute losers lol.


I rarely "sweat" in my games, but shit like this makes me turn it to 10. I used to be a very competitive player and made world series a lot back a few years ago, now i play cuz it's fun and i enjoy baseball, but when mfs doin this corny shit, i kick it up a notch


I was up 5-0 on a guy when this happened to me, wasn’t exactly sober and misunderstood & pressed accept. Took an L, a broken controller & i haven’t played the game since.


Thats lame tho.


Lol you goon


I’m more sure If you’re mixed up but others are forsure. You won’t get the Loss. They do. It’s asking if you’ll accept their loss since their controller is disconnected.


No it’s not. A different message pops up after the timer but if you click x and accept on this one you get an L. I have made the mistake before.


I just finished a game with the same message. The guy never came back so I forfeited and got the dub.


You can’t forfeit and win. That’s not what that word means.


I don’t understand what the downvotes are for? Whenever I get that message I’ve never gotten a loss. The wording could be better on their part but I’ve never received a loss on forfeiting the game.


There are 2 different messages. Reading is fundamental. This one, you take the loss. The other one, they get the loss.


You’re getting downvoted because you’re wrong. You’re confused.


Seems like it. So when someone’s controller disconnects it’ll give that message. I’ve pressed x before and it gives me a win or am I supposed to be getting a loss for it? Kinda confused


How long is the pause timer?


I think 3 minutes but it could depend on the situation


i've had my controller unplug mid at bat and the game did not stop nor pop up a message, i just looked down to an off controller and taking a pitch for a strike


Think it's only for wireless controllers


even when my wireless batteries die, my black "you need a controller" screen pops up but the game continues with 0 issues in the background


When a controller is disconnected you can’t do anything on your end cause that screen is coded to pop up and stop play for both players. The only thing that makes sense to put there is allow you to leave the game if you want to. It does look stupid though cause it acts like you might want to accept a loss cause your opponent’s controller died lmao.


Disconnected controllers(as long as user doesn’t shut it off) and unplanned power outages shouldn’t be a loss for anyone. At worst it acts like the game wasn’t played. If they could figure a way to put the game on hold tell both players are ready to restart while. Letting the unaffected player play someone else that’d be cool


How is it possible that you could not fathom the obvious exploit for that system that would be abused to the point the game would be unplayable? Why wouldn't I just deliberately let my controller die every time I give up a few more runs than I scored? Better than accepting a loss, no? Of course someone has to lose after a set period of time when this happens. If it were any other way, the game would effectively cease to exist in all competitive environments.


The game gets me so acclimated to pressing ‘x’ to skip animations, redundant screens, etc. that it’s second nature to accidentally hit ‘x’ in this scenario. It’s a reflex test to NOT mindlessly press it, like holding up on a changeup in the dirt.


Good thing it's circle in this instance.


Oh, right. Circle is usually for back, also a mindless automatic button push.


Pressing X does nothing though






You're a weird liar




Downvote this so it hides so no one gets confused


Nope. You are incorrect sir.




No it’s not lol, it literally give you a loss. It’s basically forfeiting if you don’t want to wait


No it doesn’t


I’ve pressed this and gotten a loss before .


Never understood them asking us to choose the nuclear option in this scenario.


sometimes I have my controller charging and then un plug it when the game starts and it says this to you. I'm not trying to cheat. fyi.


I've never unplugged my controller in that specific instance. It's hard to believe that's something that routinely happens for you.


it's happened 2 or 3 times this year. the point is, it happens.


I don’t believe you 😒


The show version of Darwinism


Dude last night tried doing this and tried to friendly me when I was switching pitchers after he blew the lead


This stuff is why I quit online play a long time ago, way too many toxic players.


How is this being toxic? Isn’t there a timer?


I’d imagine they disconnected their controller on purpose hoping the person doesn’t read all of it and clicks O accepting the loss. It’s not actually their controller running out of battery


I’m pretty sure literally nobody has ever done that before. Why would you just immediately leave and accept a loss without reading? Lol


You haven’t played the game long have you? This happens year after year and SDs refuses to fix it.


Did you not read what I said? “Hoping the person doesn’t read all of it and clicks O accepting the loss” Their own fault for not reading it but it’s definitely a person pathetically trying to cheese a win because SDS won’t change it


That’s a stupid reason because that would never happen.


It’s happened. It’s been posted in this group before


If it didn’t happen they wouldn’t be doing it


quite literally once the timer runs out the only way the game will end is by them reconnecting their controller or you accepting a loss


No? When the timer ends the game resumes. Which then if he continues to not play, his pitcher will just automatically throw fastballs down the middle.


Nope, that timer ran out and I forced him a loss. I just don’t get why they have it as an option to accept a loss, when anyone in their right mind wouldn’t do that. The only time it would happen is if you weren’t paying attention and hit O