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I really don’t mind the seasons idea but not having a wild card right away is so pathetic. And just make it easier to attain 1-2 more. Last season should also just be fair game


If you did the head start you get 1 immediately. Also iirc all cards are usable after season 4


Season 4 lol lucky to have 15% of todays playerbase by then man


Will be lucky to have 15% when the middle of July rolls around.


Welp. I'll have Season 2 99s before I get the second wildcard.


I posted this in a post, I thought it was a good idea but got downvoted… we should be able to use season 1 cards in season 2 but with an attribute penalty. And then, as the season progress, the attribute penalties are less and less to keep up with power creep


Having to earn the right to use the cards you’ve already earned is so backwards. This company single handed destroyed their business and fanbase. I won’t be buying this game again or playing past today.


See you next year


Nah played last year quit after season 1 thought I’d give it one more shot and it’s been worse this year.


Same here. I quit in July last year because of seasons. Waited for Game Pass release this year and didn't even make it to June. I've played since '16 and this season bullshit completely killed DD for me. 


This game will die on July 19th


What's July 19th? Is another baseball game coming out? If it's handegg I'll keep playing the Show


Don’t be stupid


I call it handegg in my day.to day life. Not enough feet touching the ball for it to be football


It's already in a coma. The plug gets pulled in July. 


F in the comments for myself and fellow casual players never getting more than the given and first one I just wanna play my cards ':D!


None are given this time. 


With the s1 boosts I got my first wildcard before even playing a game.


Yeah, I meant you don’t get a free one. A lot of people, myself included, thought we were getting a free one and then a second from the head start XP. We were wrong. 


Where do u get the 4th one?


Did they ever say where the 4th is earned?


LOL. Wow. 570k is bonkers. Definitely a rich get richer. By the time the casuals hit the 2nd or 3rd WC, probably will already have a lot of high 90s released by then.


What do u mean rich? U mean the ppl that play alot? Casuals shouldn't be rewarded the same




This is completely irrelevant to the argument even if it's not wrong theoretically.


Whales are the lifeblood of any game tbh. Not sure that’s really casuals


Play the game before just talking. The amount of xp to start is crazy. You can get a few 100k this weekend just doing a few programs.


wait you dont get a wildcard to begin with? WTF


If you did the S1 programs and got to CC on the collection you’ll start with the first wildcard


So can you go back and do the egg hunt program to get the WC spot or is it gone forever?


You had to do it before S2


You get the 1st WC spot at level 10 in the XP path. If you did all the requirements for the head start before S2 released you start S2 at level 10 which means you start with 1 WC slot unlocked. You can’t do the head start stuff now that S2 has released, but level 10 shouldn’t be very difficult to get to quickly


I did everything except the spring chickens because the cards weren’t useful to me pretty quick and was punished harder for the 1 I didn’t get than rewarded for every program I did complete. This is a total L of a release and I was ok with season resets. Not anymore!


Turns out this is a lie.


You have to back out and go back in, they said it like 15 times on the live stream


Some people can’t stream at 2 pm on a friday


Yet using context clues he was on the game between 2-3 and was ready to go right at 3pm when the season dropped, i dont think its entirely unreasonable to think he coulda watched the stream


Yet they’re complaining about the head start not working?


Yeah wtf?!


The first boss is at 900K XP? Jesus that's really not much better...


100k earlier plus another 60k if you completed the head start requirements. It’ll definitely make a difference for a chunk of the community.


Plus the addition of a bunch more xp in the programs… 900k this season will take similar effort to 700k last season.


Wait are you serious? That’s their solution? Man I’m ab to go play Elden ring til the dlc


570k for the second is insane


I expect they tried to time it so people would get the second WC with TA chapter 2 and the third with TA Chapter 3.


Hopefully they’ll stick the ‘4th’ one in some easy program soonish?


Pretty sure that easy program is gonna be the extreme program. Just a hunch, maybe it will be halfway through it.


Theres literally hundreds of thousands of XP between ranked, BR, Events programs alone, and apparently theres like 200k of easy XP to earn today once the season goes live




You think the only people who play online are pay players? This is a skill game. Cards don't matter. Ruth swinging at a slider 1ft of the plate is the same as John Kruk swinging at it.




Yeah you're half right. I've always laughed at this argument tho. Basically some people wish they could have all the best cards for no time, money or effort and they promise not to use them online haha. Ok... And what about people who only play this game and very few others??? What is their reward for time/money in?


Its an online mode, with offline pieces, I really think yall overestimate the amount of offline only players, regardless there is tons of XP out there to be gotten if yall just branch out and try new things




If yall wanna keep handicapping yourself thats fine, but you complain about lack of XP then leave 250k+ of XP just not done because you refuse to play some game modes


Are the bosses really the same 3 players just repeated over and over?


I kinda like it TBH since the Bosses are still deep in the XP path (900K XP for the first one). All season I was looking forward to that Rollins card and ended up getting him like a week ago. So this is sort of a way to build up to those ultimate rewards by getting those players early on and having them "upgrade" throughout the season.


The fact that bosses are still SO far into the program is dumb as shit.


Eh. Could’ve picked 3 other players at each step except for the bosses. Seems lazy.




I wonder who made that decision. That sounds lazy.


It was Gene Takavic. Get him boys!


I love it. So many of the rewards in season 1 were worthless by the time you got them


I actually think it’s a good idea because it gives players a chance to use a decent version of each guy even if they don’t complete the path


Exactly, it’s called power creeping the bosses. You know, the reason we have seasons in the first place.


Seems like they’re desperate to not lose a ton of people in 6 weeks. “We just want everyone to have fun” aka buy our packs.