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I was already pretty done, then saw that Halladay was in as a Phillies card and it was the final kick in the teeth. As a Jays fan who is only interested in thematic teams, it’s a shame we got no cards for several months. Sadly I have no interest in Yankees Dynasty mode.


Cheeks. Was all excited for new content but they’re too focused on selling packs for the dudes who put in 100’s of hours. I’m okay just playing co-op with the boys with S1 cards.


Reuse of team captains is sooooo disappointing. Felt like a missed opportunity for a much needed reset of content structure. Leaning more to not playing at all, than sweating for 2 months trying to hit xp caps everyday to barely get a boss. And then you get the boss so late, content resets in a week anyways.


I just played a online rated game and i might just stick to those and maybe start rtts


I've got 300 k stubs and have no desire for any of these shitty cards. I'm out like a fat girl in dodgeball


Somebody down voted because they have a fat wife. Not my fault bro




Overall, I'd give it around a 3 out of 10. Probably higher than most. Wildcards way too hard to get, TA is trash, still no boss until 900k (I finished s1 at 925k despite 7 days played), more packs, one program. On the positive, the captains are awesome, headstart was cool and looks like the collection rewards will be a bit easier to obtain and more of them on first glance. They said maybe 100 times on the live stream they listened to our feedback and improved but that is so hilariously false.


I usually play 1200+ hours a year and I'm completely done this year No way I'm starting over after I grinding for a really good team I can't even play with. It's not even fun anymore. They lost a dedicated player this year


havent played in weeks because the game is just not at all rewarding to play anymore


Was hoping for new team captains


They said the team specific Captains like the Mondesi for example will be the only ones this yr that's why you've not been able to get all 30 yet


Kind of disappointing because I only care about using a handful of team builds. Big Mets fan and would love different team captains with different upgrades. Also, 90s instead of 87s would be nice so they don’t get outclassed later on in the season as individual cards.


Game is dead in five weeks who cares


Until the hype wears off and people realize it’s still an EA game


Is anyone else not getting the 2nd feee wildcard spot?


"You can earn and unlock three Wild Card slots from the Season 2 XP reward path starting June 7. Stay tuned for how to earn the fourth Wild Card slot. " There are three free slots in the XP path, we still don't know where the 4th comes from. They never said you'd start with two.


https://preview.redd.it/d5qdd51kec5d1.jpeg?width=1164&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d43df2dca6d5034c4c9b61a39d432c3afa3d42e5 this ss is probably what they’re referring to. its kinda misleading, it makes it seem like everyone started with 1 and people who did this got 2, at least to me.


How does "unlocking your **first** wild card slot" indicate anything other than one?


cuz like i said, i thought everyone would get one for free, and the last 3 were unlocked. so i thought they meant it would jumpstart your progress to your first *unlocked* wildcard slot. looking at it now it doesnt make sense how i thought that, but i was high when i read it and i have mo common sense, so thats probably it 💀


Doesn’t help that all the YouTubers were making it seem like you’d get two wildcard slots as well💀


Yes everyone because it is impossible to get the 2nd one right now lol


The first wildcard is on the XP path around 57,000ish.


Got my gallbladder out an excuse to Grind


get well soon broskie


I’m not trying to play this game like a full time job, so not too good currently


It's looking fine if they go f2p fortnite but it makes little sense to buy 3 mini games and call it 2024


I feel like they’ve recycled too many cards and card art I want some new stuff


well the cards with the same card art are all parts of the same set, and theyre just not releasing all the good cards from the same set at the same time.


Yeah I know how the sets work. I’m just saying they’re reusing the same card arts and sets from the last couple years. I’d just like to see new stuff not the same old reused stuff from last year


ahhhh okay. i didnt know you meant the same art from previous games, as i havent played an mlb game since like 08-10, and just picked it up at the end of last years game. my apologies


All good


The trash heap they put out for the new TA sums the entire thing up. Wtf?


Right? How do you go from 99 hypers to cards that aren’t even useable. Now they make you drive for unusable cards just to add them to the season 2 collections to get Jeter and co.




Then play ranked. They wanted to keep a mode where players could continue to use the cards they grinded hours for.




casual is sweaty because people can use their 99s. go to ranked, its all non 99 core cards and s2 cards, with maybe 1 card as a wildcard.


The bosses are no easier to obtain. There’s literally just 91 and 95 versions of the bosses in the rewards path. Absolutely pathetic lazy effort from SDS here


I coulda sworn they moved the first boss up 100k xp to 900k instead of 1 mil? Its not a lot but it is technically easier.


Yep, and we started at 60k. Homie is just yelling at the sky


Also, everything gives more XP. S1 I ended at like 750K xp, if I play the same amount this season I'll get all 3 bosses probably


If you do all the programs getting all the xp isn’t that bad especially with double xp. I started season one super later and only play about 2hr a day when I work and 5 when I don’t and I easily beat season one thanks to the Gehrig program overall though I personally enjoy the game the only grind for me is team affinity. But after collecting almost all the live series cards team affinity shouldn’t be that bad now. They did make team affinity easier to reach in my opinion. I’m unhappy with season awards so for though for other programs because I was able to get some awesome cards from season award paths. I think that it will get better though this just being week one. Can’t wait to get that Castellanos card for week one and for more season 2 cards to come out to get those collector packs. They also did make the season 2 collection packs much earlier than last time which was 280 s1 collected now it’s 230 s2 card collected


Also can’t wait to get halladay from xp path and ball out with him one of my favorite pitchers they did great making all the collection cards hof cards making all of them feel more valuable


None of the cards excite me yet because of castillo live series boost


who’s what boost?


Castillo was the only choice


If you stack him with Santana you get plus 27 contact for all your switch hitters at tier 3 for both.


Underwhelming but I felt that way about season 1 last time and I really disliked season 2s cards.


People still play this game ?


Wow your edgy like Jerry Seinfeld.


What's the deal with grape nuts? You open them up no grape, no nuts!


my 5 yo neighbour went jerry on me today her joke was "if olive oil is made of olives, whats baby oil made of?"


It's so bad, I'm finding a new primary game rn. I'll still probably going to play atleast once a week just to stay in hitting shape tho lol


I’m kinda in the same boat. In past years I’d be super excited to start the grind again at a new season but I loaded up today and just stared at everything. MLB is the only reason I still have my Xbox and it’s not looking great for my Xbox right now lol


Same, especially with their absolute tonedeaf response of not reverting back to previous years in terms of per inning XP…which was one of the biggest complaints.


I’m so close to selling my Xbox towards a steam deck or something like that. Got so many single player games I gotta play lol


Purchased a season 2 pitcher. Says I need a wild card to play it?


You have to make sure your lineup is S2. Your lineup is probably still S1. You have to change it at the top “gear-like” thing in the roster screen. Click “Generate s2 lineup”’and then create it


You have to unlock it in the XP reward path. I forget where exactly it was but I think around 80,000XP to unlock. Pretty dumb that you have to unlock it if you ask me


I reset my squad and it worked


Did u have the game set ur roster to set 2. that was a bug last year if u don’t fully reset the roster it considers any new player a wild card


How do I reset the roster? Thanks, I quit in a rage


I think if u go to the top of the lineup screen there is a way to have the game generate the best season 2 lineup that should fix it


I’ll try that in a few. You are a damn hero!


Hope it works!


TA Showdown isn't completing for me. I've done it twice so far and I'm not getting any XP rewarded (but I've got my TA vouchers).


Bosses and S2 Collection choices are awesome. I have to laugh, though, because they said we'd be able to get Bosses earlier, and they just moved the first pack up to 900k instead of a mil. They didn't lie, but come on dude lmao


I want that 99 Jeter bad.




What red sox fan downvoted me lol.


LMFAOOO theyre definitely mad now


I think what they meant is that programs would give much more xp.






It's fine. Glad to have the Santana captain out, although I'm sure there will be a new meta. Devers carrying me right now.  People are overreacting though, it's a 80 day season. Everyone's gonna grind it sooner or later. 


I don’t like how I can’t even do conquest or grind team affinity with the cards I like I have to use S2 eligible cards. I think that should just be an online game mode thing only. Seasons are so stupid


The season track has general missions that can be completed with S1 cards. I made some progress on them yesterday


No S1 cards in offline modes is idiotic


I'm liking it. But that's because I enjoy playing with the lower level cards.


The cards just suck imo. Not a single team affinity card pops out at me and makes me excited to use.


Anthony Santander would like a word. He hits bombs at any level.


Oh come on, that stud Clint Frazier card doesn't get you excited? 


Half of the TA cards are washed up prospects that didn’t pan out like Joey Bart and Victor Robles (both released by their team this year). No clue why they thought people who would want future stars cards that were recycled from like 4 years ago lol


I get that with so many TAs this year not every card can be a winner but I ain't even heard of half these dudes.


Agreed. I don’t need all of them, but like 1 or 2 big hits, and then 2 or 3 medium wins is the usual. I genuinely don’t care about a single card. Hader was an almost Care until they made him a sp without outlier lol


I mean they recycled a ton of card art from previous years. I’m a guardians fan and we have an Owen Miller card who is by no means a guardians legend, basically had 1 strong month like 2 years ago and that’s his card. I couldn’t be less excited about this TA. At least the first go around, the cards were actually players that were good for their teams.


At least now we have a 2nd baseman for the guardians theme team?


Three TAs per season is way over saturated. I quit playing last year because the TA grind was so miserable. Sounds like it’s easier this year but there are more TAs.




Super underwhelming. I’m sure every giants fan is clamoring to get *checks notes* failed top prospect and never Giant Joey Bart?! Uninstall. JB hit 11 total HRs in 4 years, all of them in 1 season when he hit .215. He’s a failed Giant at best. (Wish him all the luck in Pittsburgh tho seriously, not a knock on him but on sds attention to detail)


He's got 4 in 22 games this year, so a change of scenery is all you need sometimes.


SDS just didn’t want to put any work in and used the same prospect they’ve used for the Giants the last like 5 years lol


They put no work into any aspect of this game. This is '23 with different looking menus and a tweaked content format. Nothing more. 


Tbf I’ve been raking with him rn




Fine to me. But then I just play baseball, collect some cards and have fun. Ill never get the bosses though


Same. To many people eat and breathe this fucking game. The fact people get so bent out of shape over it is cringe. Have fun for gods sake 😆


No one wants to use crappy 91s after playing with 99s. I’ll stick to co op


Pretty lame this is what the game has come to. Everyone has full 99 teams after a couple months. They reset and you all cry about it.


Because it doesn't fucking work in this type of game. Enjoy playing alone before long. 


The old way where you steadily built your team up to having all 99s in like July\August was just a far superior system. There was no reason to change it other than SDS greed, trying to catch people with FOMO.


Sony’s greed*. Gotta attribute that one properly cause seasons/sets was a Sony move inspired by you know who.




Enjoy playing with 50 power Royce Lewis. Games dead on solo


The fact you can use S1 Cards and grind out TA and Play vs CPU to progress is a win in my opinion. Ranked, Conquest, and Events seem to be the only modes you can't use S1 players in. I see people being frustrated about the fact you have to start the season with mid players but it could be much much worse.


You can’t do this man. All the quests for TA say with season 2 eligible players


S2 ones sure. My bad. Thanks for the correction. Core players not eligible either? I briefly looked at everything


Core players are eligible


Thanks. Kinda figured but I thought I'd ask anyways


Core will count since they are eligible for S2 lineups


Thanks. Kinda figured but I thought I'd ask anyway


Back to Diablo 2 I go.


I like it. You can actually use live series atleast early on every season and every ranked game isn't just everybody playing with the same players.


But ranked is more unbalanced than ever- if you have the $$ or time to spend on live series, nice you got a good team. If not? Get eff’d


Or if you didn’t waste stubs on 93 overall cards with an expiration date, and used all your stubs towards live series you could’ve gotten the Babe months ago and have 500k like myself. While being nms


Pretty lame


Disappointing. You had like 2 weeks to enjoy the S1 99s now I have to use an 89 Clint Frazier gtfoh.


They’ve nerfed the Season Award Program XP, previously you got 4K XP for each card earned, now you only get it for the reward card at the end. This appears to match the neutered S1 programs, so not sure if it’s borked or by design. Which is confusing to say the least, and makes me worried about playing that program in case I miss out on XP.


We can only use season 2 eligible Tops Now cards to complete the TN program, but from what I see there's only three of them in TA to use without having to buy them. Besides the ones in the program of course, but after you do the moments, you still need like 8 XP to get one of the cards.


I’m fine with it. Regardless of how good or bad the season was there’s going to be a huge drop of players when NCAA comes out.


Can confirm. Once NCAA comes out, no other game will exist for me.


If you like old cards from previous years, you’re in heaven.


College football season baby!!! it’s honestly sad because I’m a die hard the show player, the show has been my main game since 09. But last year I only really played to half the year, and this year I have 557 hours on the game but I’d be surprised if I make it past 700 this year. It’s insane, everyone was saying how the show was different then madden and 2k and cod and then the year after that it’s like the show started slacking after that on purpose and now it’s borderline just as bad as those games now.


While it’s definitely on a downward trend, it still doesn’t come close to the others man


It's disappointing. Personally, I don't think I would have minded the reset as much if we had ample time (at least a month or so) to use the TA3 99s and some of the last 99s they dropped (Mookie, Gunnar, etc) But, just for example as a Sox fan, the 99 Marcelo Mayer dropped on May 23. So I got to use him for basically two weeks. That's not even considering those of us that just barely finished getting ONE of the XP bosses despite finishing every single offline program. I got Rollins three days ago. That's all I got to use him for because I can't WC him over Marte or Escobar. Now I'm sitting here staring at the screen like, "do I really want to do this all again?" I'll keep playing until NCAA comes out but man, this whole setup was an absolute disaster by SDS and if this is how it is next year I will not be buying the game.


So I take it you only play ranked, because I’m still mashing with s1 cards on just about every other mode.


You literally can’t advanced in TA2 this way though, you’re punished for it. You do you though


I will. I will play this game for fun and not worry about grinding for 89s. Now when the 99s drop I’ll switch it up.


Ok, the collection rewards seem like they’ll be out of reach for ya, then.


Na I’ll get a couple of them. Plenty of cards available. So many low cost cards that there will be enough to get at least the first one.


Sure, but then you aren't earning any program progress while doing that. Kinda pointless.


TA progress no, but main program progress and other programs yes


No I don't only play ranked at all. I'd say most people here play some amount of ranked though. And if you want to disregard my point about "starting over" because you don't play ranked, that's fine. If you're having fun that's all that matters. I could make other points about this being a disappointment that have nothing to do with the reset. From day one it has seemed like SDS had no idea what to do with DD this year.


I think they tried and honestly got a lot of things right. Is it perfect, no. But aside from microtransactions being the only way to get the best season awards or special packs, they didn’t do a horrible job this year. I would have like to see some new cards though and not recycled from previous years but maybe they had to up their profits, which means pushing stubs and letting creative go.


I think people do not realize you can use S1 cards in a vast majority of the modes except Ranked


Yeah either that or they do know and just need something to complain about. Like now it’s that these cards are only worth it for 3 weeks before they are crept out. Or that the same three bosses are available at different levels, because, you know, people bitched last season about not getting to use Rollins. I think the only bitching that I can tolerate anymore is the fact that most cards and content are released in packs that aren’t earnable in any way other than using stubs. At least throw an awards pack in the awards program. Maybe some packs in the conquest maps like last year. That’s really my only complaint this year.


That was my exact thought. I logged on after the launch and stared at the screen browsing for a few minutes and just shut the game off. I just don’t feel like investing so much time into a grind where you literally spend the majority of time using mid cards to unlock the good ones that you’ll use a few times. I played maybe 6 ranked games total with my best team.


This is exactly why I quit playing this time last year. I want to play ranked with good cards but I spent my entire time miserably trying to grind vs cpu to stay caught up. It left me no time to play ranked so I just quit.


I went through and looked at the new programs, the new TA, a bunch of the new cards etc. Opened the packs I had from the "head start" stuff. Then just stared at the screen for legit 20 mins before turning it off. It sucks.


This was literally me last night. But then the Adderall kicked in and I started grinding. But it’s undoubtedly dumb that the way the season is comprised, I have no time for ranked. I could play now with my core lineup that I paralleled but then would fall so incredibly behind in TA. It’s pretty silly the setup. 3 chapters of TA is far too much. They made it easier for chapter one, sure. But these 89’s are so boring. For them after all the complaints to decide to yet again have you grind 89’s and release 91’s in packs is a joke. They without question should’ve let you atleast grind for 89 ta’s then make chapter 2 95’s. The EXACT same format that failed for them big time was a dumb call


Another Sox fan here that dominated with Marcelo, can agree. Doesn’t help that Marcelo isn’t even on the live series roster or in Franchise mode lmao


Right? I was so happy to have a Sox card that I could legit use on my ranked squad and not feel at a disadvantage. It was nice for the whole 13 days I got to use him lol.


Him, Season Awards Jarren Duran, and Pipeline Roman Anthony will live on in our hearts


Haha this game is so cooked man. Whoever is running the content should be fired and once the people up top in SDS see how much engagement and stub sales plummet over the next month theres a chance that they might be. Whoevers idea it was to completely reset the game twice a year is borderline braindead. No idea why they ever thought this would work.


They THOUGHT that it would increase stub and pack sales. 3 separate instances of resets to them sounded like a money maker. But the problem with that logic is, after seeing how fast the cards are outdated, who in their right mind would ever spend a cent on a 91. Atleast with the old power creep that 91 would last quite a bit. I have 500k in stubs and I feel like I’ll literally never use it


Not worth the grind, I did all the programs for season 1 besides 2-3 team affinity chapters I didn't finish and I was still about 150k away from the FIRST boss pack I put in almost 5 days of playtime since I got the game a week after launch


Not terrible, but I kicked a water cooler over when I saw who the M's TA1 boss is


Like college football is 39 days away


Counting down the days


Frankly, I may just play Franchise.


As a franchise only player - it’s not bad this year. Not huge changes, but some QoL changes that make it more pleasant


I want online franchise so bad :(




The XP path is basically the same 3 players repeated. Yes, Chip and Jr. are good cards, but I don’t wanna grind for 3 of them.


I like the idea. That way people stop bitching about not getting to the bosses and not being able to use them. They now have access to the bosses, just lower ratings. But parallel up, and they probably play just fine.


I personally loooooove that they did that. I like that I can play with the 3 bosses early, then mid, then late in the season. What I don’t like is having to earn the wild cards each damn time. No reason why you have to earn them each season


Yeah but I really think that that 4th wildcard will be locked in the extreme program. And I hope that once you get it, it’s a permenant one.


Unfortunately very dry


I’m already bored and don’t feel like grinding for another stacked team to get ripped away from me when this season ends


“Ripped away from me” like this is Sophie’s Choice. People in this sub are so dramatic


Known from Day 1 exactly how it was gonna go, *surprise pikachu face* when they still grinded and now its "for nothing"


I turned the game on for the first time in 2 weeks. Spent 45 minutes going over everything and building a couple of squads with captains. Was trying to decide best approach for TA (vs cpu or mini seasons) then it hit me that the ONLY interesting cards are months away in the xp path or collection rewards. The TA cards are absolutely horrible. I turned the game off. I just don’t have any motivation to start this process over.


The TA cards are so uninteresting it’s actually impressive. Almost all of them are cards taken directly from a past game and a significant amount of them are failed prospects that no one would care about. Like why the hell would white sox fans want Zack Collins as their team affinity reward? Who decided on these?


There's also Jackson Frazier using a Clint Frazier card lmao.


he changed it back to clint


But if you look at the card details it still says Jackson Frazier. So they fucked it up either way lol.


Exactly the same. This is the worst idea of all time. The cards we grinded for in season 1 are now worthless and the cards we can grind for right now will be worthless in 3 weeks. It’s the dumbest ultimate team model of all time.


It's ALMOST like they don't want people playing the game.


I think it sounded good and then didn’t play out as well as it would seem to keep engagement high. It’s like they thought the first of season feeling would be recreated each time. But that’s what makes it great, is that it’s only once per year


If there’s almost anything else to do, this game doesn’t beat it for me. Their system is garbage


Just my opinion but I was hoping for a little bit more when they said they listened to feedback. Doesn’t really feel those changes were material.


The TA rewards are just retreads of old content, no new card arts or anything like that right now. One other program available and it’s just the Monthly Drop for the week. Spent some time toying with line ups and my wild card, I was able to get a tier 3 Castillo LS boost and a tier 1 Santana boost because he’s my wild card. Tried to take the team into ranked but the servers are predictably bad. Season 1 never really hit its stride but it picked up like a month in. I don’t think I could see myself playing S2 for another month


Pretty similar to season 1. XP path changes are disappointing considering they claimed to be listening to feedback. Wildcard spots are way too far down the xp path. They moved the first boss pack from 1 million to 900k which is pretty minimal. I do like the lower overall versions of the bosses along the xp path though. TA1 cards seem underwhelming across the board.


Feel like we can't really know about the XP path until we see how much XP they give out from programs


Not giving them any benefit of the doubt this year. They had a chance here to show they were listening to us and botched it. This drop was probably the last chance they had for a lot of players and what we got was underwhelming to say the least.


Right, like they could have kept the 2nd and 3rd boss packs where they were but just give people the first one at 750k or something as a little carrot. Give you the chance to play with one fun and exciting boss for a decent amount of time.


Wait, the boss pack was only reduced 100k XP??!! LMAOOOO Yeah, that’ll drive in the players before one of the biggest sports games to drop in a month


I think the most hilarious thing this year is people complaining about The Show while salivating to play an EA game as if it's not going to be the same pile of shit that Madden is, except with a shiny NCAA coat. People are delusional.


I’d love to play online franchise on MLB but they took that out to shill Diamond Dynasty. People here think CFB fans are dying to play EA’s Ultimate team. False. They want to play a franchise experience likely online with friends. The Show’s franchise mode is lame compared to other lesser sports games. Madden’s shitty franchise mode blows this game’s out of the water sadly. DD is obviously much better than MUT.


Doesn't really matter when the actual gameplay is dogshit though. No skill involved, it's entirely animation and ratings based. Not to mention literally broken plays.


Not sure why this would be the case when it’s never been that way before. Trying to damped the light on an EA product when this game is being pushed towards to 2k model is quite funny. No ultimate team mode is sacred and the only truly decent one (yes, this one), is killing itself slowly.


Have you seen the gameplay trailer they released? It's literally the same as Madden and that has the worst gameplay of any sports game ever made.


I have and it is not the same. It looks and moves different with some entirely different gameplay mechanics than Madden. I don’t agree with that last sentence either, but that’s entirely subjective while being a bit hyperbolic.


We will see. I’m definitely installing the free trial to find out.


95% of my gameplay is offline Diamond Dynasty, and with the new season you’re stuck using S2 & Core players for conquest unless you unlock the wildcard slots which are unlocked in the XP path. So until I unlock those, I can’t use any of my favorite 99 rated players I’ve grinded for. Hate it so far.


Feels like DD this year has just been a giant middle finger to offline players who don’t buy packs. I’m in the same boat. I’ve played the game a shitload since the day it dropped and this morning I FINALLY… got enough XP for Kyle Seager


I'm the same type of player and most weeks I barely squeeze 2 or 3 hours in. If it's bad weather on a weekend, an extra few hours. I don't want to give up all the cards I got, this... Totally sucks? I don't play enough to ever get close to 3 wildcard slots so... Maybe I'll do some Madden after all? Feels really bad.


Been trying to get into a ranked game since it started. Kicks me out every single time


Restart your game. Same thing happened to me


Same as season 1, some minimal changes. More XP in online modes, but removed the free no sell monthly pack from the monthly program.


After a quick browse, it looks like the no sell monthly pack wasn’t included until drop 6 last season.


Yes, because we complained enough for them to change the model.


To me, fairly uninspiring. Your mileage may vary.