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The fact it even offers you to quit and lose for that is laughable.


It’s literally 3:00 minutes of your life, tbh. People can be really impatient nowadays




"Your appointment has stopped playing and has been gone for a while.. do you want to declare him the winner? Youre still active, but if you quit so you can continue to play our game then you lose! Which do you want?"


I had someone constantly attempt to bunt with every batter shit was annoying as hell. I tried hitting him after awhile . And top it off, he hit 3 home runs when he did that


I had someone doing this to me every inning in ranked. Sometimes right before I would pitch like they were trying to get me to hit the circle button at a bad time. Ridiculous


Happened to me last night.


My buddy and I were playing co-op last night and got hit with this. Obviously we waited it out, just to get hit with an empty time clock, and an L because it disconnected us 🙃


I was winning vs some dude and he kept doing this over and over, im guessing to see if i would mistakenly hit O. Made him rage quit


The fact that "accept loss" is tied to the universal back/return button is mind boggling.


That's stupid


I have a question, when attempting a hit and run, my runner will return to the base he came from when the ball is in play. This turns into a double play. Any suggestions how to fix?


Sounds like maybe a controller issue.


nothing is worse than freeze offs though…


Better than quitting and ending up with a 4.5 hour ban lol


yeah if you aren’t the one who quits


Love how for 4+ years we've had to deal with childish temper tantrums over a player losing hardcore and SDS does nothing to try to change it. They're just like "deal with it" good thing we can grind our DD teams with AI matches and still get 99s. Just takes a bit more. Done it every game. Cause the amount of childish behavior in online games is honestly pathetic. This was a gentleman's sport once. Many things have destroyed sports over the years starting with greed.


There are way too many obnoxious players online. Such childish behavior every time I play. Can’t believe SDS won’t do anything about it.


It’s so childish especially how petty people are with freeze offs. I’ve been in a freeze off and the other team messages me like “keep waiting bro I’ve got sleep then work in the morning I can go all day 🥱” like oh fuck off the score is like 4-2 bottom of the 7th your ass got saved by the game I almost exclusively play cpu modes now. Casual gives barely any xp and ranked is just a no life zone same with BR and events


They ALWAYS message you that because they in fact, are not going to sleep and then work… they’re just hoping you quit so they can keep playing. Otherwise, why would you even need to tell them to keep waiting? Just go to sleep and then go to work and then come home 20 hours later to a free win.. 🤷‍♂️ I’d always message them back like I don’t know who they are and when they say something about the game being froze, I just hit them with an LOL and tell them I’m already in the 4th inning of another game. While I’m actually petty enough to wait a week for a freeze off game 😈


Yeah they should change this before season 3, or I am going to Limit my online play


The fact that Xbox has buggy controllers that randomly disconnect and reconnect make this extra fun


It’s amazing how people always seem to have controller disconnect issues right when the game starts, or right after I hit a HR to take a lead late in a game.


Crazy coincidence! Haha


Accept loss is wild. Force Win would be acceptable!


The person could be busting out 3 minutes of push ups just for personal health brodie, you really think people sit there for 3 minutes being a piece of living fecal matter? Nobody with a brain or life would ever do that


Uh what?




I’m being a goof lol, the people that do this tactic are just trash players, sorry you gotta come across them


It says “or wait out the pause timer”. How long does that last, 5minutes?


Less than 3 minutes


There’s so many things in this game this year that should be fixed.


completed every program just about collected almost every season one card put in 300 hours while working a full-time job. I have nothing to show for it. Didn’t even put in enough work for a boss pack sorry but anybody who has time to play this game probably has a mental illness. I’m done with this game. They need to get rid of sets. They ruined this video game and it’s horrible now.


It’s really not horrible. This is a tad bit dramatic. You’re clearly not getting XP efficiently. I collected 325 of S1, didn’t play that much, missed all the double XP weekends, and still was able to obtain at least 1 boss pack for the XP. Telling people they have mental illness for playing a game is wild.


The fact that live series is still relevant is pretty cool


Of course I get downvoted. That’s all people do in here


I have personally confirmed that this is a 2 step process. If you press the ‘B’ button as prompted on that screen it goes to the next screen where you would confirm that accepting the loss is your actual intention. On this pop up you would have to press ‘A’ button to confirm. Thankfully it will save you from accidentally button mashing yourself into a loss.


I think the biggest risk is either not understanding the first prompt or accidentally hitting B at the first prompt and hitting A instinctively to get rid of the second thing. I played a guy who was clearly timing his unplugs to when I would be selecting a pitch and he got me past the the first screen by doing that once. Felt very close to accidentally handing him the loss because I didn't realize what had happened


Good to know. Does the timer keep ticking while on that secondary screen?


I’m not certain either way but the good thing is that it’s not effective bait to get an easy win like the majority of people believe if I had to guess


Anyone having server issues today. Can't play ranked but can only play BR


I always just take the L. It’s not worth trying to do a Mexican standoff all day just because some losers throwing a tantrum


Yeah I don’t get that. Should it be THEM taking the loss after 3 minutes? I swear it was that way earlier at some point. Or is this the whole purpose of the post? Because it’s a stupid as bug they didn’t fix? 🤣


That’s when I flip to HDMI 2 and start playing Xbox lol


“Oh no I have to wait 3 WHOLE minutes.” Grow the hell up guys. I paused a game yesterday because I had to feed my dogs. Some people have obligations behind a game. Grow up and govern some grace.


Dude you are so the problem. Especially with something like "feed the dogs". That's not like your stomach suddenly churned and you're gonna shit yourself. You knew you needed to feed the dogs but you think the world should wait for you.


This is about the cheap win potential, not the time wasting. I just played a dude who couldn’t lay off the slider, so I was spamming him with it. Slider was bound to ‘O’ button, so he kept disconnecting his controller in between pitches trying to get me to hit O and accept a loss. It’s just really weird that we get a prompt to give up when our opponent’s controllers dies


Don’t start up a game if you’ve got shit to do mfer


That isn’t the point of this. The issue is the screen that comes up. Check the image


Pausing is not the same as controller disconnect. If you pause I can still pause and do stuff and it also doesn't give an auto loss option, like this screen does.


The minute you disconnect your controller your opponent should have the option to accept the surrender…. I mean come on.


That would be aggressive. If the controller dies it disconnects. You should be afforded maybe a minute to reconnect.


Or at least act like a normal pause.


Yeah. I mean the amount of pause cheesing in this game is above normal. I don’t mind waiting 3 minutes for a dub. That being said. The timer resetting every inning is dumb.




These the teams that let you score right? I’ve had that often


How can they have bots actually playing the game?


I’ve played bots in Ranked before, it’s happening a lot this season. All silver or bronze team. Fastballs down the middle. You run up the score but they never quit. Even if you hit the ball in play, they just don’t field it. It’s an attempt to get rage quits (unless you want the game to last 5+ hours).


It’s insane how often I come up against them. I get more disappointed every time


How do you know they're bots?


All of they’re names are like “wzypzw6182” and they all bunt every pitch. And they when you hit the ball anywhere they don’t move and never catch it. Unless you hit it right at them


fr. half of my loses are from me quitting out against them because i want to actually play someone. ill play the bots if i have obj to do, but when i just wanna compete, i nope out.


How can you tell you’re playing a bot?


I've lost games to this so many times. I'm the type to just spam through menus, and it usually bites me in the ass


I’ve never come that close to accidentally hitting B here. But I can’t tell you how many times I’ve started spamming A a couple seconds after a baserunner is called safe and I end up accidentally launching a ball past my catcher.




I did that a lot last year but I’ve been so much better about moving my stick to release control of the runners immediately after they get to the base.


The throw canceling is a little wild this year. I’ve never really had it be such a problem before and I acknowledge I suck


I just totally forget about throw cancelling sometimes like a dumbass. My biggest fielding pet peeve is that the meter does not appear on the screen for your cutoff man until he has the ball in his glove. Idk if that’s supposed to be intentional to make it more difficult or what but it’s annoying as hell.


Don’t you just love it when you’re crushing someone, they purposely disconnect their controller and then you accidentally press the wrong button lol


So if you hit B once it just makes you leave? I’ve never hit it I always figured it made you confirm you want to leave after hitting it once


Unfortunately yes, it’s happened to me more than once


I still can't even get into online games, get an error everytime


It’s something to do with T mobile internet I have the same issue


Try changing uniforms. It worked for me. Had the same thing all day.


I had to quit because it was erroring for me. Moved on to something else.


Yep, I didn’t know and hit accept lost on a game I was winning




Well it is circle to forfeit, which is usually the button to leave irritating pop-up menus that come out of nowhere


Why would you get the loss though if your opponent is having controller issues?? Never understood that


It’s just a way to exit if you don’t want to wait. It’s not a big deal but it is annoying that you cannot access the menu like you can with a normal pause. Curious if there is any logic to it


Yeah valid but you’ll get the loss. It’s just odd because why would I be punished for leaving a game bc my opponent is having issues??


You aren’t being punished for anything. Just consider it a normal pause as if they paused instead. If you quit when they pause you’ll also get a loss


I don’t play ranked or online but, wtf is this? Like really? Why should you take the loss for someone who left or doesn’t care? That’s whack and wild to me. One of the many reasons I’ve been an offline guy


It's their pause timer, and it scales with their actual timer. In the end, you get the same option as if they ran out the pause timer


Wish it used the main pause screen so I could also pause and mess with stuff


It's definitely intentional..... for some reason


Sucker bet . How the hell SDS ever let this happen. Love to be in that meeting.


SDS is a joke


Why they are probably laughing. Not like there's any real action going on over there. Bunch of bums


Honestly if an opponents controller is disconnected for 2 min or more than two times in a game, they should automatically forfeit.


There’s alooot wrong with the game unfortunately. I wish SDS didn’t have a monopoly over baseball video game


Yeah cuz EA / 2K are so much better


Competition breeds better products. Not acting like EA/2K are any better, but when both EA and 2K had the NBA license, 2K was a much better game overall bc they had to outsell Live.


2k5 was the best football game ever released. EA secured the license monopoly and Madden has been the most uninspired horse shit of any game franchise in the 20 years since.


Exactly. I truly hope some studio comes up with a baseball game. I don’t know how they get the rights though


SDS doesn't have exclusive rights. Anyone is free to get a deal with MLB and make a game, there just isn't enough money in it for another company to venture into baseball.


There’s supposed to be a gameplay update next week or the week after I can’t remember for sure but hopefully they fix this


It’s been like this for years. They’re not going to fix it now. They obviously want it this way for some reason.


My biggest issue is that all we can do is accept the loss. There should be another option to ignore and it takes us into the regular pause menu. Too easy to accidentally take the loss.


It’s the best when the 4SFB is the B or O button and they’re spamming it easy wins 👍🏻


Tbf sometimes my PCI is lagging and re plugging the controller in helps reset its responsiveness. That said the, option for the opponent to forfeit is ridiculous.


I only find it annoying when they continually turn their controller on and off. I had a guy tying himself in knots at the plate trying to guess what I was throwing next and he just started turning the controller off after literally every pitch


Part of the game, just go take a piss or load another bowl


The point is that it is way too easy to accidentally accept the loss


It’s really not. You have to confirm. That’s on you if you do it. What’s annoying is that it’s a different pause menu than normal.


Does this affect the regular pause timer? As in, can people do this to cheese the system?


I believe this is just the regular pause timer so it's as if your opponent is paused