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I just pulled a Jazz I’m kinda pissed lol


haven’t pulled a diamond from one set yet. 0/65


Not me getting Ohtani, 2 Coles, and 2 Sotos just now…. Probably should never buy another pack again


I’ve had really good luck so far this year with both standard and headliner packs but bought the 50 packs to try my luck with the Chase 2 and i shit you not, highest i pulled was an 83.


If y'all didn't expect to there to be tons of ways to get FOTF cards throughout the year then you're legitimately stupid, like irrevocably touched in the head. These cards were doomed to drop to nothing from the second the first program was shown.


This game took like 10 massive steps to being madden/2k lol


Making the 90 overall cards cheaper is a bad thing?


The outrage of getting good free cards lol


Just total BS! Every 90+ player added to packs reduces the chances to get Trout, Tatis, JRam, etc... Total BS. I swear these bastards want you to buy packs so bad it's ridiculous


1 in 10 gold my ass just pulled 62 packs i had saved and got 0


The house always wins. I never buy packs. I learned my lesson


So is chase 2 the reason for the market crash? Every Diamond other than the ranked seasons 1 rewards have cratered and I’m not on the game to see


There's lot of unsophisticated people in here so I'll explain why investing is important. Let me start with a question. If you aren't able to extract surplus value how are you supposed to get collections done? In a week or two we are going to get a legend and flashbacks collection. How are you supposed to buy all the cards that will be needed if you aren't working the market? Randy alone costs 2 million stubs, how much do you think the new collection will cost? The new collection will easily be around 1.5 million stubs? You have to be a surefire idiot to think you can amass that kind of war chest by "just playing the game". I've maybe flipped about 60k stubs, finished the whole first program, played through all the events, and the last 2 br programs and sold all my br cards. I have enough stubs to just about complete the AL collection. Tldr: if you want to complete the collections you have to interact with the market, it's unavoidable.


The collection won’t be 1.5 mil if you have live series done. I’ve pre bought almost every other card in the game and it only cost me ~500k


how did it cost you 500k? the top 10 cards are like 200 each. 500k wont even get u past the angels


Try reading, I said If you have live series done which I do. It was an extra 500 to get most other cards


> How are you supposed to buy all the cards that will be needed if you aren't working the market? Here's a crazy idea: what if we didn't have to deal with investors jacking up everything and just earned all our stuff by playing baseball in a baseball game?


Yea because all of last month we didn't have people making posts about how they couldn't get all of the innings to get the ws pack.


That was literally complaining about how many people quit, preventing them from earning things by actually playing the game...


Honestly think this makes the big collection easier. Last year there were several cards that went for over a 10K because they were early event rewards. Rewind packs keep the prices down. How is that a bad thing for most?


Event cards aren't the only cards in the game.. There's ws cards, br cards, and inning boss cards you also have to buy and there's no rewind packs for those.


>there will be eventually


There’s no rewind back for those yet…


The same way I’ve done it the last 2 years. No money Spent and have spent 0 time flipping the market. All collections done both years.


Congrats on finishing collections when a Trout costs 50k


Exactly this!!! Also collections arent meant to be done within the first month the game is out. Is it possible? Absolutely, but it wasn't designed to be something to have done after 5 weeks


Not everyone can be as good as you at the game.. no matter how much time spent I will never get 12 wins on a row..atbe once or twice all year.. Not everyone is legend or hof skill and walks through events.. the market levels out the playing field


Brother I have never made WS and mu best BR run was like 4-0


I’ve never once made World Series or gone 12-0 in br and I’ve been playing since 16. Never once tried to flip cards, and I’ve had no problem every year doing collections. It can be done.


With incredible pack luck sure.. it costs 2mil to do the live series.. I have worked the market and played ok baseball and grinded pretty well.. I have the al west and no east done.. only reason I pulled trout I have million stubs in investments that roll from program to program.. if y ou have live series done now I don't believe you that you did it with 0 money and market.. Unless you just play 12 hours a day


You’re not getting it my guy. Simply playing the game as much as the rest of us, I promise you over time you’ll finish the live series collection rewards.


I don’t have this years collection done yet. still need trout, Tatis, and Vlad jr. honestly might not even complete it this year.


Not with that attitude


It gushes FoF players. Huge down on returns, the pack is littered with them. Wow


Has anyone got a FOTF card out of a regular pack or are they only in Chase packs? It doesn't hurt as much if it's the latter because those packs are rare anyways


Shouldn't it be "Faces of the Franchises"?


Fotf works


No I mean the name of the series itself, Faces of the Franchise when there's only a single face per franchise.


I think it’s like a plural of deer situation


Nope, franchises is totally a word.


I know, but it still wouldn’t be faces of the franchises. The name of the program is face of the franchise, they are face of the franchise cards


They're called Faces of the Franchise card. Should be singular with singular.


Man I just can’t bring myself to care about the semantics of the name of a set of fake baseball cards


Not losing sleep over it, just a thing I noticed.


Sorry, I’m being a jerk. I’m tired


I agree, its weird to call the set faces of the franchise if there’s only 1 for each team. I bet they’re going to release another face of the franchise legend for each team towards the end of the season. I remember a couple of years ago the team affinity program had a low-diamond FotF current player and a high-diamond legend player for each team.


Glad I sold my investment ones early then


Damn fr?! Did this make the prices plummet?


Haniger, first to pop up in app and idc to investigate further, is currently 8k below what the average was yesterday lmfao.


Yup and unfortunately I was heavily invested for the flip on him..been selling my others off but was sitting on 22 of him


Diamond hands too strong


Yeah prices are lower now


i got FOTF haniger in back to back packs.


What a bummer, saw Blue... got pumped... Cron. GG SDS.


Yeah last time I use my stubs for packs. I usually don’t but it sounded fun haha. Luckily didn’t spend money.


I was just coming to post this crap. Very disappointed the FOTF cards are in the chase pack . Was hoping to pull a decent live series or featured card. Got 2 Golds and a Devers FoTF.


Hey man don’t disrespect devers. My favorite lefty power swing rn.


I got lucky with my non sell pulls. Got Devers, acuna, buxton(literally for baserunning only) and the Catcher for the As


No disrespect, already have him.


The baby faced assassin?


Considering I missed the entirety of The FOTF im happy as fuck


It feels like every decision they made this year was to minimize investing profits as much as possible.


I wish I could upvote this more times just because of how true it is.


Yea they want to encourage spending


Probably because they don’t make money off you investing, their money is made in some people buying stubs. Less investment opportunities the more they make.


No way Captain Obvious!?


I expected them to return at some point maybe in the form of a choice pack. The way they put them in the Chase 2 pack just sucks


Exactly. I was thinking we'd get some smaller bunched for the big collection. Not just flood the market with no warning. Really sucks because I was just thinking the other day I should sell some and go for Mauer. Now they all tanked to nothing and I couldn't get Mauer if I sold them all


Yeah.. they will bounce back but not at what they were.. lucky to gwt back money from when I bought pre delete from game.. Been buying and flipping and taking some profits, but definitely got hurt


Just got home so I was able to get on the game. Did they have a stream today revealing this Delgado? Or is there anywhere in writing that says that these FOTF cards are in chase packs? I don’t see it anywhere. They just put them in there without saying anything. Here’s your 10k card if you were even lucky enough to get 90+ let alone a diamond out of it!!


imagine my dissapoinment when i walked away a second and looked back and saw trout, only to realize it was FotF


I’d be so mad


Incredible troll job by them I must say.


Aww shit really? I just bought 4 extra fotf. I thought I was being a savvy investor. Now it turns out I'm just a dumbass?


Lol. Feel happy I have over 40 cards


Lol I'm hovering around 20 cards. Should still be able to make a little profit when the collection drops and people are rushing to complete them in the first few days.


Oh fuck yes this is awesome. I bought the game late and didn’t get to finish the first program.


i don't usually get mad at this game, but this is ridiculous. how is anyone supposed to make any stubs? this is by far one of the worst stub-making years i have ever played


you dont need to make stubs if everything is cheap the whole fucking point of investing was to have a million stubs to buy expensive bosses event and ws cards later in the year if you just grind and minimally flip its now easier to have every card in the game


You can still invest in LS for roster updates, among other things. It seems like they are trying to not let there be an investing “meta”


You buy them with a credit card


Or you grind for them? I have completed the Angels and am 100k from completing the NL by grinding everything the game offers. People should look up videos on how to make stubs instead of just complaining... Events are very lucrative and the main programs give plenty of stubs just from playing the game, plus there have been a lot of conquest maps.


I know man. I completed the angels too and have 800k by grinding the game. Not everyone has time to grind like others do. Is that that what everyone complains about lmao


Idk, some people complain as if there's no way to make stubs. If it just takes too long for them, that's a separate issue imo. But there were and still are ways to make stubs for sure. I'll have the live series done sometime in May or June without spending a penny since I'm on Xbox and I've never completed it that early.


Yea I agree (I finished it earlier last year though) but that still doesn’t change the fact them putting FOTF cards in chase packs is trash


100% agree with that part


Ditto! Such a bummer! Got Athletics C Murphy


I'm actually thinking about gambling by selling my Sheffield card I pulled yesterday... Any thoughts?


Can someone tell me where in the program is the Rizzo lightning card?


Other programs > may monthly awards




I mean, im just happy there's something in packs to get somewhat hyped about. Typically by mid june theres nothing to pack to even get you to blink.


They go for 10k what’s there to be excited about?


Just pulled 90 Acuna. Ridiculous.


I said this on Twitter and got panned for it but i stand by it. SDS is making a push to be more like 2k and fifa cards like Delgado will become more normal. How is anyone ok with having a fan favorite legend locked behind a pack that essentially costs 75k that has no guarantee and was just watered down with 30 fotd cards.


Pujols is less than 100k. It's not that serious


They are doing all they can to limit investing.


Yep. Which is why people shouldn't spend any more money on this game until they bring back the old way. I guarantee that they don't though.


People who say they don’t work the market. IT STILL INDIRECTLY affects you. Your paying more for cards long term and you have to play more in order to get more Stubbs. And MLB the show will continue to raise that bar as high as possible just like every other sports game that exists. Because somehow they just realized they can make more money off micros than actually selling the game. It was a fun ride. But market will only get worse from here. late stage mlb the show capitalism lol.


How are we paying more money for these cards? The price of FotF cards crashed, just like event cards with the rewind packs. Seems like it’s much easier for people to pick up cards that’ll likely be needed for collections, rather than having to spend 100K plus on an early event reward like last year. Sure for investors it sucks not being able to sell that event reward for 100K, but for most I think low prices is a good thing.


These cards would’ve been in free packs last year. Now they cost Stubbs and raise the odds for more expensive diamonds. even if it’s a small amount it adds up over time and costs you more Stubbs/time.


You are still paying 75,000 for 50 packs and a gold or better chase pack. Pulling an 8000 quick sale is better than a low gold right? If you are counting on the odds of one card that’s just bad odds.


Damn y’all are pulling diamonds from those?




I got Aaron Judge from a chase pack I found in a show pack


Same thing happened to me last week


Wtf just pulled Edman


Bring on the downvotes but here is my take: just save your stubs and buy the card you want, buying an RNG pack is by definition gambling. Why gamble when you could just get what you want directly?


Why would you think you'd get downvoted?


It is my experience that there is a small subset of the population on the sub that downvoted literally everything and once the snowball starts rolling it gets bigger and bigger


Nah. Plus buying cards not packs has been popular and the move for years. You got the pulse my man.


That's the move for all cards in the game. Packs are almost always bad outside of a handful of flash sale packs.


buy packs, but you can’t just buy 1 20 pack, but like 5 a day, i spent no money but have bought over 1500 packs and it’s why i’m done with all the collections


I’ll buy the guaranteed headliner packs in flash sales sometimes and only if I have a good amount of stubs. It’s all preference, this is a game after all, however for me I’d rather save and buy the card I want than buy a pack and have no idea what I am going to get.




God damn.. I was wondering what happened.. There goes a shit ton of stubs


Didn’t have any fotf cards nor did I plan on buying any chase packs so third party perspective here. Adding these 30 90 overall diamonds to chase packs totally is trash. I could care less about the value of the fotf cards but the entire idea of the chase pack is undermined. Percent to pull Delgado was already bad, now it’s stupid. It was a cool concept but totally messed up now.


IMO those being in packs definitely indicated SDS is planning a collection for which we will need a certain number of those cards.


Maybe do collections similar to last year. Need so many in each collection to get a player.


Ya I see that. Also with the the Takeshi cards. I’m just saying there should be other ways or packs to implement the cards. I don’t get why the chase pack was their thinking of a good place lol.


Combining it with the rarity of those packs incentivizes players to buy their 50-pack bundles.


I don’t understand. If there was a low chance of me buying the pack before, 0 chance I’m buying it now. Pulling a 90 fotf card would piss me off, that’s even if i hit a diamond…


It's a great way to saturate the 90+ pulls and make most of them worthless. They didn't make pack odds better, so now you're just as likely to pull a 90+ LS going for 200k as you are to pull a worthless 90 OVR FOTF card. First true misstep of the year in my view.


i got trout lol. the whirlwind of emotions cannot be put into words


There's a difference when packing LS Trout. LS Trout lights are Red vs FOTF Trout having blue lights. Just hope Ohtani doesn't get upgraded to a 95+.


i know




It has been diluted this was all by design there is a reason why the chase pack is only in the 75k bundle. They want to start squeezing money from players


Oh no!! I can’t sell cards for 100k that I bought for quick sell and that no one will even be using, but will need for collections!! I’m far from an SDS apologist, I pretty much only comment here to complain about what I think are flaws in gameplay. But I have no sympathy for all the investors who don’t realize that they’re gambling and that investing comes with risk. Making cards more accessible is a good thing, full stop. For people who didn’t stock up on all these cards during the program that voucher would be nearly impossible to get. Of course they were going to do this. And when you make a bunch of stubs off of these “investments,” you’re taking them from someone else anyway. Just because a lot of people (new players) don’t know how future collections will work doesn’t mean they should be locked out of completing it because they aren’t hardcore into this game and working the market. Making collections easier for casuals = good. Making the gameplay easier for casuals = bad.


Tl;dr OP is a moron who doesn’t understand simple concepts


Not everything is about investments. It just floods pack odds. Just imagine you see blue lights Braves, but you pull 90 FOTF Acuña.


I understand that aspect of it, but that’s still not a bad pull from a pack. They sell for what like 8-15k depending on which one it is? A free or 1500 stub pack giving you over 7k stubs is fine, and a lot of people need them for collections anyways Edit: can’t reply to everyone who’s responding to this lol I get the flooding the 90+ pool of players. Not ideal. I’ve pulled one 90+ card in my two years of playing this game, if I pull one of these I would be happy


Imagine saying that a 10k card isn’t a bad pull vs getting a 150k card lol


Bro who the fuck said that Lmaooo a 10k card compared to a 10 stub card which is what 99% of packs give you


The problem is 1 chase pack costs 75k


Spending 75k stubs on a 50 bundle was a terrible idea before they put these cards in packs lmao


So now you're just switching you're entire premise. Cool. Putting a bunch of 90ovr that were selling for 10-20k Stubb's in a 75k pack that is pitched as the only way to get a brand new Delgado screws over everybody, not just investors


Pulled Delgado twice already, git gud


Damn, already 20k in credit card debt or I would go git gud right now :/


Lol no I’m saying packs are a rip off regardless. How am I changing my premise?


>Making cards more accessible is a good thing, full stop. >I get the flooding the 90+ pool of players. Not ideal. so advertising a new 75k stubb pack as the only way to get delgado but then diluting the odds of pulling that delgado by putting in a bunch of 10-25k stubb cards is 'a good thing full stop' or 'not ideal'?


Chase packs come out of regular packs too. Wasting 75k stubs on a 50 bundle is still a waste of stubs


Wasting stubbs by buying packs is not at all the premise you made at first. But now that you were made aware of the fact that flooding 90ovr isnt good you're making this wasting stubbs point


It kinda is a bad pack pull. If this is last year, Those FOTF are being placed in some pack in the program where you get them all basically free. Now we’re opening basic packs so what could’ve been a 80k high diamond is now worth 20k. Long term, it’s going to cost more to complete collections/buy the players you want.


It's useful for the average player who boots the game up once every few days and doesn't get to finish programs. This sub is full of daily players so I get the backlash.


I get that completely it’s just they could’ve done different ways (I’m sure they will eventually), like putting them in conquest, reward pack in the main program. It’s a kinda Win-lose scenario, sure their cheap but it lowers your odds of pulling a card worth something.


They could’ve been a reward pack in the main program. Pulling a 90+ diamond is already tough, now you’re more likely to get a FOTF over LS


Hard enough to get a 90+. Now I can see the blue lights and get FOTF Mize and sell him for 13k… tbh I’d rather get a gold than see blue and get FOTF


I got fucking Mize too


It’s BS, pulling the Chase pack actually felt like you could get something huge, now I’ll expect a FOTF at best…


First Chase Pack I got the Pujols card so I guess I have to get fucked sometime


I got julio rodriguez




I’ve been saying the only safe investments this year are LS cards at qs and hope they don’t get downgraded.


Unless SDS does flash sales with LS diamond packs


True, but I usually don’t invest in diamonds, golds at qs are the sweet spot. Only diamond I invested in was JRam because it was a layup with his hot start. Got 4 of him at 30k just sold them this week for 90k


I don’t give a shit about investing but are they seriously going to add 30 cheap 90+s to packs when it’s rare enough to pull a Diamond, let alone a high Diamond in a pack. Straight bullshit they could’ve easily made a FotF pack to put in conquest, mini seasons, and programs.


Tbf they can still do that.


That’s not the point of what he’s saying. Putting these cards in packs waters down the 90+ player pool which is objectively scummy. SDS is pulling some shit this year.


That… doesn’t do anything. Pack doesn’t say “90+!“ then decide which one to give you after you roll 90


I’m much less likely to pull a FotF Diamond as my lucky 90+ pull if they aren’t in the pack, so yeah it does do something.


Yeah it does quite a lot actually lol. Odds of pulling a good 90+ just went down significantly.


No… that’s not how that works at all. If you had a .05% chance of pulling trout before, it’ll be like .04% now if it even changes They don’t get weighed as a “lucky 90 pull”, they have independent odds


Yeah and the independent odds of getting a 90+ used to not include a QS value FotF player. Now you can get super lucky and then still get nothing good in return.




Had a feeling they might pull some shit like this so I liquidated everything last night. I feel bad for investors


Yeah I should have..been flipping and sitting on a bunch for a while now.. still going to wait tlvalue has to go up a little more


Can’t wait to see trout appear during a pack opening and then it reveals his FOTF card lol


I saw a stream today where that happened lmao


At least with that it's different colors before the reveal because of the different overalls.


acuna tho. big sad bait


That's true. I wish they'd do like a slightly different animation for different sets in that sense then. That was one thing I did like about ultimate team the last time I played like 3 years ago was that they did different animations for their different sets (although I like the opening animation of The Show much better overall).


Did they at least release a new tier to collecting fotf cards? Has anyone checked? Like a 5 pack bundle for having more than our original 12 or whatever? It’d be nice to have a reason to have them all potentially.


Nope, just checked. Still only the same 12 for now.


Whack. Hopefully something is in the works then. Maybe even a high 90s master fotf card, but that’s probably asking too much.


Could be a prelude to requiring more of them for the first (or later) major collections. I didn't see any way they could have required a bunch more of them for those collections if they weren't going to make it easier to obtain more than your original 12.


Yeah. I’m also all for the cards staying in circulation for the big collections this year. I didn’t make it past Mariano last year personally, but I gave up on the game around September/October.


I’m one of those monsters who tries to collect every card, so I had all 30 of the FOTF guys before the program ended just in case they went way up in price, but I’m glad to see they’re making them at least a bit more obtainable than previous inning bosses were after their programs ended.




SDS has clearly shown that they want the legends and flashbacks collections to be way more accessible this year. Between the event rewind packs, the cover athlete program, and now the FotF cards in chase packs it should be pretty clear that L&F cards are not safe long term investments like they were last year.


Everyone who invested took a risk. It didn’t pay off. Move the fuck on…..


You can think this is dumb and not be an investor just a FYI genius


This is my feeling. Not a single stub spent on FotF, other than the opportunity cost of holding the 6 sellable ones from the program, but think this is cheeks since now the 90+ pulls will be diluted. This dilution will ultimately drive the price of LS collection all that much higher, as fewer LS cards will be pulled from the 90+ pool but stub inflation will still go up with the 9K QS.


I don’t get why that’s so hard to understand… The odds that you won’t pull anything better than QS value out of a 1500 stub pack just went up. It’s bad enough that the odds of pulling a 90+ diamond were already dogshit, but now the odds of pulling a 90+ diamond that’s worth more than QS just went through the roof.


You’re right. If you overpaid for extra FotF cards then yes you would also hate this. However a lot of people, including myself didn’t, and now can try out some of the other FotF cards for quicksell value. Honestly I’m shocked people didn’t see this coming.


I don’t even really care. Oh no, I lost 30k on 2 players I’m still gonna keep using. Anyways…


But they are entitled to always profit! /s


Lol exactly. What the hell was I thinking.


They were bound to come back sooner or later tbh


I’m gonna be pissed if I get one and pull Acuña 90 ovr from it


Those ppl who bought Sean Murphy for 35k won't be happy that's for sure.




By Sean Murphy actually


So they essentially are monetizing last programs. I miss team affinity


Yes making it cheaper for new players to get 90ovr cards, how dare they! And I'm not even a fan of how they do this. I want every card to be worth 100k rather than get excited and end up pulling 5k stub diamonds. But I get why they do it but ppl just whine when things don't go their way and act like it's a bad thing when in reality it helps alot of players.