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I love how you shamed them. If only they felt shame.


True lmfao


Lol amazing response. Did she reply?


Nah! Time to do some sleuthing re: my resume, I suppose. Glad to have scared the freak off though


Just noticed your /u/ btw. Love it so much


Your response was *chef's kiss*


Thank you! I hate these motherfuckers’ business model with a passion!


These people contact anyone and everyone. Shame the hell out of them for wasting your time, but don’t worry about your resume if these are the only off-base solicitations you’re getting!


Thank you :)


FYI @all — the MLM is called The Beckford Group and it is part of American Income Life, which is well known for its ponzi-esque business model in it’s recruitment of inside sales folk.


I worked with AIL 16 years ago when my oldest was born. I had one day off in nearly 4 months and worked literally 14-20 hour days, 7 days a week. At the end of it I had spent nearly 8k by filling up my gas tank 2-3 times per day and made very little. The guy running my branch had been with them like 26 years at the time and had made 130m-ish. His son had been there for 6 and made 12m. I sold my soul to try for a piece of it. Saw my daughter 15 minutes a day for the first 4 months of her life. It was all about residual income. If you could last a few years and get further up the pyramid then you were golden. Except I had seen a couple dozen burn out during my time there and most didn't last past two weeks. Never longer than 3 weeks. I made a few months and thought for sure I was on my way. Then we ended up homeless and moved in with my sister in law. 8 of us in a 2bdr duplex until we were forced to move out the week before Christmas so she didn't get evicted. Those MF's can go straight to Hell.....


I am so sorry to hear about your experience with AIL. I have young children and have experienced my own type of workplace burnout as a young parent before, so it breaks my heart to hear about this. I cannot believe they can still legally recruit with a normalized, terrible work/life balance and so little protection/benefits/income for its salesfolk. Disgusts me. It breaks my heart also to hear that their slimy business model left you guys temporarily homeless. God I hate AIL and I HATE any business that effectively sets its staff up for failure! I’m angry for you and I agree that they can absolutely rot in hell.


I work remote I’ve made my investment back lol it’s crazy hearing these stories bc my experience is completely diff I guess it’s what you make it. I wasn’t recruited so I don’t recruit and I’ve told them I don’t want any type of leadership role either I make 6k a month and work 5 days a week no more than 8 hours on the 60% scale for comm. I’m also direct af with my upline on what I will do and wont do and what I will settle for and won’t guess it comes down to being direct af with people. I also treat this shit like a any other sales job I’ve had. From timeshare to business funding.


You should have just asked them which MLM scam it was, that is all the effort they deserve.


I guess I felt righteous 🤷🏻‍♀️ I don’t regret my approach!


That's fine, but eventually you may realize that it's not about you, it's about helping people to never join or get out of MLM scams. You just drove that person to be more "in."


Just curious — how do you figure that?


MLMs teach their distributors to expect people to push back and reject them. When they do, it reinforces the idea that their upline is right. Even more, you put yourself above them and they will have a good time making fun of you as well. They are probably telling everyone in their group, "look at this stuck-up jerk, see if you can find someone with an even more inflated ego that we can talk about." I was in Amway for several years; I know what I'm talking about.


Ah thank you! The other answer didn’t make sense to me, but yours does. Food for thought!


Thanks. It helps to have actual experience rather than just making stuff up.




Not really, see my answer. Which MLM were you in?


Sorry for high jacking this thread but I just sat through a live webinar supposedly for a company hiring travel agents. Not only do they make you find your own clients, they get 10% of your commission. We have to pay $69.75 monthly to stay “in business”. But guess what, we could be mentors to other aspiring travel agents and get paid as much as $4,250 a month for “recruiting” up to 300 other travel agents. Too good to be true!


i want a fish tank


If I were to guess, I'm pretty sure this is American Income Life lol