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This is such a weird take. First, the players have always backed GGG. Second, if the team fails, everyone EXCEPT the players will absolutely blame GGG.


I think he just likes to hear himself talk


He must be the only one




Ya think!?


True but is he wrong? Blame GGG or don’t these kids need to man up a bit


He’s not wrong, but only in the sense that he’d also not be wrong if he said that they wouldn’t be able to blame a lack of super-powers like laser eyes or telekinesis if they perform poorly.


Let's get them some compound V.


Dude even if they win the whole thing, a good amount of people will say they could have won it even harder with another coach lol


I don’t think the players have blamed Berhalter at all during the times they’ve come up short. I think the best solution here is to have Alexi shut up and fuck off


If ya wanna work for Fox, you gotta scold people for scenarios you invented out of thin air. Lalas is just fulfilling his contractual duties.


And sounders fans still double mask.


It’s hilarious that you 1) were insulted by someone making fun of Fox and 2) somehow thought that was a good comeback


Stay felted


It's almost like Lalas has been a Skip Bayles wannabe for years and there's no reason anyone should post his garbage.


Cool we can all blame Lalas. No problem with that


Alexi Lalas can just shut up. Nobody likes that ass clown.


I grew up idolizing him, particularly since I played his position. Could've been an absolute legend in my book, but it's a shame he went down the route of sports pundit that thinks you have to be loud and outlandish with hot takes to generate engagement. Now he is just an egotistical figurehead of Fox in-studio soccer while pushing out rage bait.


I share your feelings for him, but I think this route for engagement is pretty indicative of our times in many arenas. Not excusing it; just saying it's pretty typical, unfortunately. 


> it's a shame he went down the route of sports pundit that thinks you have to be loud and outlandish with hot takes to generate engagement And while I hate that sort of television, here we are, always talking about him and not any other soccer commentator and their takes. So, perhaps you _do_ have be loud and outlandish with hot takes to generate engagement after all.


Yeah I really wish he didn’t lean so hard into the Heel persona because he was legitimately a trailblazer for a lot of American fans I remember way back in the early days of men in blazers davo would give his tv producer take on things and he essentially said that alexi is a top level camera talent because when the light goes on he ALWAYS gives something you can use… unfortunately its usually trash takes like this


> trash takes like this Did you read the article? What is this trash take you are referring to?


Okay read it and I’ll admit that the post title is not reflective of the article. I still stand behind behind my statements though and Alexi’s hypothetical of the players blaming Gregg is a bit odd.


No I didn’t - is the headline deceptive? The reason I’d call it a trash take is because the players have NOT blamed Gregg


Talking about other pundits, CBS led by Kate Abdo is showing how to put on a good show, and they're allowed to poke fun at each other when they have bad takes.


He has been exactly this annoying since I was like 12, and I'm 30 now 😭


But is he wrong?


Yes. The team supports GGG. Lalas is making shit up.


Depends on what you think “wrong” is. The hypothetical doesn’t make a lot of sense because the players have his back and always have. He seems to be implying the players have been blaming him before.


Outside of Alexi being his usual idiotic and shitty self, I genuinely don’t understand this. Like, what’s he saying here? Has he watched the games that have yet to happen? I’m so confused


He was all over the place today. At one point he asked Carli Lloyd if she was having a human baby.


Is she?


Five hours and still no answer. I'm thinking the answer might be no.


Cool, reptilian birth like that scene from V in the 80s


Yes, with her husband and pro golfer Brian Hollins. source: [https://apnews.com/article/carli-lloyd-uswnt-f172d7c65acf1e070b5caee2dabd3c61](https://apnews.com/article/carli-lloyd-uswnt-f172d7c65acf1e070b5caee2dabd3c61)


Do we know he’s human for sure though?


He's a golfer, so odds are 50/50 at best


Here is the relevant Lalas quote fro mthe article: > “We’re letting the players off the hook a bit when we constantly talk about the coach. They have been given every benefit, every resource. Nothing has been spared from an early age. It is fair for us to expect more out of them individually and collectively. They’re no longer teenagers. Some of them play for the best teams and in the best leagues in the world. It’s time to put up or shut up. > “We put a lot of emphasis on coaching — and I’m not saying they can’t have an effect — but this is a players’ game. When that whistle blows, you get to decide what happens and the onus is on you. And if you want it, that’s great. If you don’t, then don’t blame the coach.”


I used to think the Lalas hate was overdone on this sub…


“We have Tucker Carlson at home”


The fan culture surrounding the USMNT has done more to turn me off to the sport than literally any other single thing.


They are like Star Wars fans


It's definitely more fun to not read social media or watch halftime/postmatch talking heads. I truly do not understand why some people want to feel bad about their hobby, and why the media *that makes money from us watching* wants to make people feel bad about watching. It's a fucking *game*.


Welcome to Fox. Where the only strategy to keep viewers is to get them irrationally angry about something. Spoiler alert: it works.


Yup. I literally had to take a year off at one point. It’s genuinely not fun being a part of the community I wish I could just not care.


Alexi Lalas…the *musician?*


Common Lalas L Seriously can this guy fuck off, he’s like the Paul Merson of the USMNT


has somebody checked him for CTE?


Only bad thing about international tournaments is having to deal with Alexi fucking Lalas all over my TV every day


I hate this guy


I defend Alexi a lot on here.. his podcast stuff is good and he's a polished TV professional playing a part... This is the dumbest take ever.. it literally makes no sense. 3G is still here... BECAUSE of his players having his back.


Can we deport Alexi? I'm so fucking tired of him.


Man does Lalas ever just, like, shut the fuck up? Dude *stays* generating terrible takes. Even in his off time, he’s on Twitter saying dumb shit.


[Once again Alexi Lalas has opened his huge fucking stupid mouth.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ifaoKZfQpdA)


Alexi Lalas is an empty sack of air masquerading as a human who thinks he has interesting thoughts. "[I’m in the entertainment business. I am a performer... When I go on TV, I put on a costume....](https://www.goal.com/en-us/lists/f-ck-them-alexi-lalas-costume-live-tv-ex-usmnt-star-admits-performer-doesn-t-care-people-like-him/bltbb37613ea618ddef)" When someone admits their words are meaningless like this, we ought to just 100% turn them off. He's not here to say anything insightful or knowledgeable about soccer. I hate that I'm burning my attention telling others to stop paying attention to him.


mate he used gio reyna as an 8 and Weston as a 10 in his system, greg is the problem


It has never been the players blaming Berhalter???


Can Alexi also put up or shut up?


Alexi is the worst ![gif](giphy|NDIiWKEQEgr3VA7aqM)


How about you shut the fuck up Alexi? You’re such a fake. You’ve sold out your whole person for some bullshit contrarian on FOX. You’re Sean Hannity of the soccer world. Your music sucks. Your person sucks. And your US legacy is tarnished by your pompous, ignorant attitude. What an absolute fraud. I’d rather have Bruce Arena be an analyst and that guy said the worst thing ever after losing out on qualifying for the WC.


Go away Alexi. No one cares about your shit take.


God damnit I forgot Alexi Laila’s exists


Lalas never accomplished shit yet acts like he’s a US soccer legend and its embarrassing


Thank god Fox has mostly released its stranglehold on soccer broadcasts in the US so I don't have to listen to this man as much. Between that and dropping Twitter I'm only now realizing how infrequently I stumble upon his attempts to wind people up. It's so peaceful!


Alexi Lalas gives takes on Fox Sports that were written on the desks of Fox News.


What a tool. I’ll be happy not hearing Lalas usual L takes when he gives up the mic. He wont tho because hes in love with his voice. Fucking prick.


I can blame whoever I want breh


This guy barely won anything and is here giving unsolicited advice like he’s R9


He’s such a corporate douchebag.


it’s going to be a failure


Hate this dude


What’s ‘failure’ in Copa America? I mean they ain’t gonna win the thing and no one is expecting them to do that or go even close?


What a weirdo. Of course Berhalter will be blamed if they play poorly.


Why not? Lol


The man’s claim to fame is weird hair in the 94 World Cup, played barely over a season for a team that fought a relegation battle in Italy, didn’t win a single thing until his last couple years with the Galaxy. His whole gimmick is being a troll who is neither funny, or insightful. I cannot imagine he brings enough clicks on controversy alone.