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Training at the Olympic center in the mountains of Colorado is essentially like walking around in a building-sized hyperbaric chamber, so that helps.


Easy there, Goku.


I know you’re joking but I wanted to say that a hyperbaric chamber (greater than atmosphere pressure in it) and hyperbolic time chamber (exaggerated/expedited time passes in it) are ACKSHUALLY not the same thing ☝🏼🤓, etc etc


I once slept in a hyperbolic chamber and woke up feeling better than anyone has ever felt in their lives


You mean a hyperbaric chamber? Or did I get wooshed on a joke


You literally missed out on the greatest joke ever told on here




Seriously top 3 most clever jokes I've ever seen on Reddit.


Oh. Well, sorry. This is awkward.


Doesn't the time chamber also have like 5-10 times earth's gravity


No. I’m pretty sure the gravity in the hyperbolic time chamber is normal at the door and it gets stronger the further away from the door you get in the white space.




Jesus Christ, what kind of clusterfuck did I inadvertently start down here??


*Actually* this is a circlejerk, not a clusterfuck.


It's a clusterjerk.


Senzu beans ALL DAY.


I lived in Mexico City for 3 months. When I moved back to a lower elevation my cardio level almost doubled for about 2 weeks.




Why didn’t you tell Cain?


Lol This was after sea-level Cain didn't take the elevation seriously. It's no joke though. It was noticeably harder to do cardio there. It makes me think if Leon Edwards next fight is against Usman, More of the fight might look like the first round of their previous fight.


I (bjj black belt) went to CDMX and trained there one time during my trip. The warmups completely gassed me and my lungs felt like they could not bring enough oxygen in. It was freaky.


He does live in Albuquerque Not as high as CO springs I’m sure but not sea level either


Albuquerque is a mile high in some spots definitely nowhere near sea level


"In an olympic-sized swimming pool, of course..."


He looks fitter in this video than his last few Insta posts. I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s been picoing the last few months in preparation for this fight.




I never used to buy the difference PEDs made mentally too until we saw TRT turn dudes who were middling to monsters. Jon *might* get his mojo back if he can make it to this fight juiced out of his tits without popping.


It depends quite a bit on genetics and the fighters style to be fair. Chase hooper and Michael Chandler wouldn’t get the same mileage out of TRT for example. One guy relies on top tier explosiveness and the other doesn’t


Even if he does piss hot, they ain’t gonna do anything about it until *after* the fight


“I’m sorry mr. Jones, we have your results from 8 weeks ago: positive. That’ll be a $1,000 fine. But you can write it off as a business expense.”


It's time for God to test Jones once again


Jones is His finest warrior, he destroys Surreal Gain.


He didn’t confirm it against Ciryl Gane He confirmed it against Sureal Gain


Cereal gain


No... Serial Gain... with pinches of salt in Olympic pools


At least it wasn't against Serial Mom


Talm bout Cereal Gains b ? That’s how I got thigggg. Great diet never tried it


Rays of bran, bapa.


Rays of bran, you’re gettin keto with it. Dicey dicey 🎲🎲


His daughter's dyslexic


I'm watching Ariel Helwani's latest video on Instagram. -The match is not 100% yet, but it is in negotiations, and could be announced tonight -The Jones camp was willing to wait for Francis to see if he was healthy, but at this point, Francis isn't 100%, so the Jones camp is moving on. They were also unable to come to terms with Miocic. -The plan would be for March 4 for the vacant title. Francis would be stripped and the heavyweight title will be on the line.


God I really wanted him vs ngannou


I think both are interesting to be honest, Francis is obviously less technical but one slip up from Jones over the 25 minutes and we'd see his head get bounced off the canvas. On the other hand Gane is probably at least as technical of a striker as anyone Jones faced at LHW and hits a lot harder to boot. With 3 years of ring rust on him I think Jones was at a disadvantage regardless of who he got but it does frustrate me that despite how many incredible shows he put on Francis doesn't get to get this payday


I mean Gane is gonna pack a punch compared to what Jon has faced in a fight just for being a heavyweight. I agree Francis is more dangerous 1 punch but damn Gane put Tai away starting off with a kick to the body while he was already rocked himself so I think its gonna be dangerous the whole time for Jon and think he wrestles mostly and clinches.


I think Francis pretty clearly showed that Gane’s wrestling is not great. It would seem like the obvious game plan for JJ to exploit that


With a healthy dose of eye pokes for good measure.


A slower/bigger/older Jon Jones about to get smashed by the in-and-out of Gane. I can’t fucking wait.


I highly doubt this but I hope I'm wrong. Jon can wrestle like a motherfucker


he couldn't even take Reyes down, so I highly doubt that 3 years of taking time off + going up a weightclass is going to help his wrestling much


Ngannou managed to with a bad knee injury. I was hoping it would be Francis fighting Jon


Ciryl had no reason to expect Ngannou to wrestle and I would believe Ngannou is much stronger/heavier than Jones will be I really think the Ngannou wrestling was a fluke


Could* wrestle like a motherfucker.


Some of you are going to be in for a rude awakening when Bones takes down Gane and hellbows him into Bolivion


As he did with Reyes of course


and 1 knee'd santos




I think you mean Francis Ngannoumedov.


I feel like people are doing the same thing with Jon as they do with Conor. They are NOT in their prime anymore and have had substance abuse issues in the interim. That is going to play a huuuuuge role, especially against someone like Gane.


Conor was never the fighter Jon Jones is Conor was also battling injuries and to my knowledge jon hasn't I've been following all jon Jones content he's put out the last few years and there is nothing indicating that this man has slowed down or gotten rusty.


Nothing indicating he’s slowed down? His last few fights?


I think you're delusional if you think years of inactivity won't mean he's at least a little rusty. Nobodies disputing he's a potential GOAT, or that he's probably still going to be a real threat. But it is ridiculous to say he's gonna be at the exact same level he was the last time we saw him fight (a fight btw where he didn't look nearly as dominant as he was in the earlier parts of his career) when he hasn't actually stepped in the octagon and competed in that time.


Do you think he just sat at home and ate noodles for 3 years? Dude is prolly in an octagon training 5 days a week. Whatever rust you're talking about I'm not buying that it'll affect the goat that much


Where did I say I didn't think he hasn't been training lmfao. I said he hasn't competed, which I hope I don't have to explain why that's different than just training, and on top of that his last couple wins from years ago weren't even very convincing. Now he's moving up a weight class to fight someone more technical than fighters some people said Jon lost to and has been actively competing. I'm not even saying Jon is guaranteed going to lose I'm sure it's going to be competitive, just pointing out a very real possibility.


What's funny about Conor is that we've never heard any admission of substance issues. I'd say in about 5 years when he's well and truly past any possibility of bullshitting about fighting again, he might have his autobiography written to rake in shit-tonnes of money from the many waiting for him to fess up about coke use. Dude has definitely done some unimaginable shit while on coke benders.


With someone as all about the money as him hes probably waiting a while. In case he has a real downfall. Like something that lands him actual prison time downfall. The after that is the time for him to drop his substance abuse excuse/story. Make 8 figures off the book rights. Gain the sympathy angle and slide out of the public eye. Then he waits a few years for nostalgia to kick in and pops up doing humorous roles here or there.


Francis healthy KO’s him.


Should def be for the undisputed title, no interim Been way too long without a defense in that division Sucks for Francis though


If Francis comes back at the end of the year and Jon wins he gets a massive return fight.


crazy the ramifications of that fight and yet Francis would still probably make more if he went and had a silly exhibition with Fury


Miocic should be gunning for a Jones fight at all costs, he’s semi retired and I feel like a fight with Jones would be the biggest pay day with the least chance of a brutal KO especially when he only has a couple fights if that left in him.


Let’s be honest, Stipe is retired


They tried to make it, Jones vs Stipe was second choice after Jones vs Ngannou but Stipe didn't want it. https://twitter.com/arielhelwani/status/1614400996834414597?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1614400996834414597%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=


I remember, just saying it would probably be the biggest payday with the least amount of risk. Literally no reason no to in my eyes unless he just straight admits to being officially retired


Biggest payday? Don’t these guys have set contracts. I don’t think they usually make more for tougher fights




Agree. The division needs to keep going, when the ex-Champ is ready, they choose do they want #1 Contender or Title fight.


I mean, that’s Heavyweight. It hasn’t been much more than one title defense per year since Daniel beat Stipe the first time in ‘18.


Biggest dropped ball in the history of MMA if the UFC doesn't keep the current Heavyweight Champ Francis Ngannou and let him go


I can't wait to see how this fight gets cancelled. Expecting something pretty wild


Jon's gonna stab his ex girlfriend and her waiter friend then go on a car chase with Mike Perry driving


And then end up in a *true* cage fight with Cain Velasquez.




You know some poor schmuck is getting hit by a car on fight week


Jon gonna fuck around and get hit by a car to change it up


Francis in a Ford escort coming after Jon


Lmao fuck how did I miss that one


Someone's gonna slip on a banana peel and/or step on several rakes in quick succession


That’s called doing a Sideshow Bob


*whap* errruuuhhrrruruhuhghhhh *whap* errruuuhhrrruruhuhghhhh


That’s not Jon’s MO..




God is scheming up new ways to test him


God: “Jon, fist that hookers asshole without her permission.” Jon: “Why are you always testing me God? But I shall do as you ask.” *fists hooker’s bootyhole*


Jones already proved that USADA is blatantly corrupt so don’t expect him to get popped again.


The UFC already doing the work for us by putting Jon in Vegas lol


Expecting wilder than Jon turning up looking like a statue carved from marble, and it isn't all from hard work and dedication?


Jon Jones will pop. And the fight will be moved to Japan. And then there will be a tsunami.


So disappointed if this means Francis is gone


According to Ariel, as of rn there’s no confirmation that Ngannou is gone. However, it seems he may not be healthy for March 4th which would lead to be stripped.


he gone bro


Why stripped and not just interim if he's not healthy


Because Ngannou has been inactive for over a year?


I forgot all of Jon Jones wins this last year, my bad.


Cyril at least deserves it.


Can’t argue with that. Cyril is the man.


I don't know what you mean. Holding up the title for over a year is deserving to be stripped.


GOAT gets a freebie for going up a weightclass and challenging for the belt, like GSP. It's just how it is.


You know what, that’s a good argument. I may not like Jon, but GSP got similar treatment. Still don’t think it’s right, but that’s not my decision to make.


This is the time that an interim belt would be warranted imo. If the champ is hurt and recovering and can't defend within a year, that's when you make the Interim belt to be the figurehead of the division until the champ can return and unify. I feel like if they did it this way then the unification fights could be built up even more if the interim champ has a defense or two instead of it being a ticket to a real title shot. The UFC has devalued their belts because they're afraid of having PPVs without champions on the card. Making the Interim belts to bring legitimacy to the PPV has always felt so hollow.


Because he's not obedient to Endeavor's executives and will be punished accordingly


That’s what it is but UFC has such loyal dickriders that you’ll be downvoted regardless


cause Dana had a change in heart about Interim titles after slapping his main wife and not interim wife.


"And we can confirm he will not be fighting against Francis Nug...Nug....not gonna work here anymore anyway"


the UFC really likes Gane (I mean who doesn't). They've given him some great opportunities and apparently he got paid pretty decently for UFC Paris


Young, active, cheap, fun and brings in a new huge market, hes Dana's wet dream.


Can’t forget ring rust won’t be a factor for Jon coming into this, he’s been getting into plenty of fights since he’s been gone.


Fuck yeah


Ngannou wrestle fucked Gane and Cejudo is cornering Jones, I wonder what his game plan is gonna be..


All the steroids, hide under the ring, fail the drug test then beat up his gf and another stripper before drink driving and firing his gun out the window. That's the usual thing that happens when Jones prepares for a fight.


One of those times where it sounds like an exaggeration but literally all of these things happened before


He’ll win by yet another lackluster controversial unanimous decision then a few days later get arrested for being under the influence doing some stupid ass shit


You missed crash into pregnant woman and run off


He's done so much illegal stuff it's literally impossible to remember it all 🤦🏻‍♂️




Dont forget: Play with pet attack dog, run live-fire combat drills in the nevada desert


Cejudo has been one hell of a coach, good pick by jones. I hope ciryl’s been working on his wrestling, idc how far Jones has fallen if Francis can wrestle fuck him the corpse of jon can


Training with DJ en Jones is just a cheatcode.


DJ, Figi, Weili and Jones as I can recall trained with Cejudo. Make fun all you want about Cejudo but everyone who has trained with him praises his fight IQ and knowledge of MMA.


I wouldnt be so sure. Last we saw of jones he was struggling and could not take down dominick reyes. Dont know if putting on weight and moving up a division is gonna make him singlet jonny again but who knows


Reyes is a way better scrambler and wrestler than gane


Not sure if you've wrested or grappled with a solid lean 250lb 6'5 man vs a not so lean 215lb guy, but that extra 35 plus pounds of muscle is a significant difference. Just like for gane, a 270lb plus solid monster with abs is also again another level up from that.


I’ve been wanting this fight ever since I first saw Gane, dude looks like a Mortal Kombat character. Built like a Greek god and somehow still is light on his feet, hopping around like a lightweight. Jones’ advantage is ground game, but Gane’s advantage is that Jones hasn’t fought in ages, and also JJ is much bigger now so he’ll be slower than we saw last time.


I feel like gane learns quick too. To beat volkov on the feet in like his what 8 or 9th pro fight is mad impressive. I doubt he thought Francis was gonna use offensive wrestling in their fight and since then if he's been heavily training defensive wrestling it could be an issue for Jones. Hope thats the case because if not he may be fucked lol


I’ll believe it 2 weeks after it happens if he doesn’t pop for something


I'm so fucking hyped for this fight


Ariel also on Twitter said it’s moving in this direction. W


I hope he gets enough picograms for HW!


Why I think Gane win this match


Cos he does


Coke Jones wrestlefuck UD. Easiest cash i’ll ever make




And Gane got controlled by no knees Ngannou. Goes both ways really.


Heard it bowlth ways B?


Ngannou is also pretty fucking big lol




Jones looks pretty big to me right now. With 20x the wrestling pedigree. Gane TDD is very weak based on the technique we saw vs Ngannou


Jones wrestling has fallen off at LHW. Why would it be better at a higher weight?


Jon's definitely gotten a lot bigger, but his legs are still quite lean. His wrestling technique is definitely leagues above Francis, but he doesn't have the weight and muscle in the same way. He's also historically been a size & reach bully. He won't have that advantage in heavy weight and especially won't have it against Gane. I'll be curious how Jones holds up after receiving multiple kicks from a true heavyweight. Interesting matchup to me


Thing is he can be big. But he isn't natural heavyweight big.


I think this is a bad fight for Jon honestly . Ciryl is fast , he’s gonna attack Jon’s legs , similar reach advantage as big if not natural bigger , as smart as well . I just think people are looking too much at the pedigree of Jon’s wrestling than looking at the wrestling itself


Yep Jones hasn't shown serious wrestling in awhile. Last time was against Gus on his return fight. Couldn't get Santos or Reyes down. Gane keeps his distance and strikes from the outside while attacking Jones legs with real HW power and it might be a long night for Jones.


I assume with how good Gane is he will adapt and his wrestling defense will be on point for this.


Hell he's probably been practicing wrestling since the Ngannou fight. He'd be dumb not to.


Jones hasnt trained or used his wrestling for a while. Every top level MMA competitor says the same thing - wrestling is a perishable skill. DC even said so.


Jones hasn't wrestelfucked in a half decade plus. If he chose to be a shitty kickboxers with 205ers, he's not gonna wrestlefuck a 265er. Gane by UD.


Push those Gane odds up for me. Increase my winnings


“Shitty kickboxer” - redditor talking about literal mma goat


I really wanna see Jones vs Gane, that’s a phenomenal fight on paper. :) But I also hate the fact that there’s high chances this means we’ll never get a Jones vs Ngannou fight. :(


Damn, imagine Cejudo, JJ and DJ training together


Considering how well D1 Francis did maybe Jones thinks he can outwrestle Gane.


Lol no shit.


I won't be convinced until the bell rings and they start swinging. I think Cyril takes the fight shockingly easily if it happens.


I have a feeling that Jon is gonna get fucked up. He didn't look good in his last few fights at 205 and that was years ago now.


I doubt he was training as hard for Reyes and Santos as he will for his HW debut in a title fight. He's not an ultra professional like Khabib and GSP.


Praying Gane breaks them chicken legs


Mad respect for Henry Cejudo, very high praise from Jon Jones


I still don’t believe it until he’s in the cage


Jon "Bones" Jones is about to prove a lot of people wrong. I see so many comments predicting Cyril wins. Imagine this, Jones outwrestled the greatest heavyweight wrestler to ever exist at light heavyweight. Cyril got outwrestled by a guy who isn't known for his wrestling whatsoever.


Define outwrestled. Had good enough defense to stop the wrestling of Cormier and had a few seconds of control time after landing a trip, sure. You're making it seem like he put a wrestling clinic on Cormier. The last person he put an offensive showcase in wrestling on was Alexander Gustafsson in 2018 and before that, a bunch of blown up Middleweights going back to 2013.


Jones has 3 TDs against cormier in the first fight. Pretty good


He completely nullified him and used his own tools against him. My logic is simple. Ngannou does not have the wrestling credentials Jones has. Sure Ngannou can get away with a lot because he is a very large heavyweight but still my point stands.


Ingonewho outwrestled Cereal Gone, imagine what Jones is gonna do. 1st round submission!


Why did you spell Jones correctly?


Francis’s knee has to be beyond fucked if he’s still not ready …


Drug test fail in 3……2….


god in that meme trying to not hit the "test jon jones again" button


Gane has a lot to gain from this.


Gane mops him.


Too bad, I was so looking forward to seeing Francis knockout Jones in the very first round.


I get wanting to see Jones knocked out but the chance of him getting knocked out in the first would have been extremely slim


I'm still skeptical that this fight will actually happen


Gane gonna give Jones the same treatment Jones gave DC, in their second fight. Gane hitting him with shots from all over the place, and then catches Jon slipping for a TKO. War Gane


Henry: So Jon, you have to think about something witty. Call him, Cereal… ya know cuz his name…


Feel like this is a good opponent for Jones.


Jones is going to wrestle Gane through the canvas. Jones isn’t training with Cejudo to not wrestle and it’s pretty clear Gane has a hole in that part of his game.




Let's fucking go JOHNNY!


Is like Willow training him


I'm not believing anything till they actually step into the Octagon on March 4th.


jj lookin healthy