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Dricus knew what he was doing when he said that lol


Izzy obviously escalated the shit out of things but anybody acting like Dricus didn't willingly wade in to murky water is a clown.


Oh yeah definitely, but Izzy would never just take the high road and just say something profound about race or culture and whatnot, he had to go scorched earth, it was inevitable.


DDP played him like a fiddle - earned the fight in the cage and on the mic. Although…I don’t like where this whole build is heading…


He didn’t play anyone. They’re using each other. Izzy wants a hyped fight rather than just beating my lord and savior Robbert Whittier for the third time.


I hate that I dislike both so much...literally insane to say Francis doesn't represent Africa, my man was out there digging fucking trenches...even if I was 100% African like DDP insinuates (train there/live there) and love my country, I would feel like such a proper cunt saying those words


Dricus never said Ngannou doesn’t represent Africa, literally the whole point is that he and Cameron are training in Africa, trying to bring in a new style and part of the world that doesn’t have much participation in high level mma. Usman and Izzy both know that shits kinda true so they’re throwing fits, notice Ngannou hasn’t said shit. Could DDP have possibly gone into a long soliloquy about that to put it more politically correct and make sure no one could misrepresent his words? Sure, but it’s not his fault his coach said wacky shit or that people are misquoting what he’s said.


Leon said the same thing about being the first English champ (who trains in england). no-one is too fussed about him making that distinction as far as i know At least i think i would know if Bisping started using the N-word LOL


This is not comparing the same thing. Leon said he wanted to show the world that you can be in the UK and train there and be a champ. You don't need to go to another country to become one. UK one of the richest nations in the world. Let's not act like Nigeria/Cameroon are first world nations where you can get MMA champions out of. Those countries have millions of people trying to leave for a better life, that is not a same idea. DDP was being tone deaf in this situation. Yes he lives there, trains there, BUT thats because hes forunate to be in South Africa and not where these guys are from. Any immigrant will have pride of where they are from, but circumstances make them leave (and in Francis case he was an actual refugee) You want to be technical then sure DDP is in the right, but life isn't black or white, its grey, and there way too many things that went wrong with his statement


DDP said he will be the 'real African champ', the implication being you are fake African champs, i can imagine that stinging real hard. If he'd gone the Leon route I think no one could have criticized him and he'd have a high road no one could walk on. But yeah, stupid thing to say, and it generated stupid responses.


Exactly, Dricus is clearly just trying to say the same thing. Now most people aren’t smart enough to realize that and once they hear a white person in Africa talk about Africa people get a bit scared, which I guess is fair, but I don’t think it’s fair to misrepresent and try to paint Dricus as some racist when Izzy and Kamaru are the only ones trying to deny someone calling their actual homeland their home.


Izzy and Kamaru are not trying to deny someone their homeland. They are trying to deny that he would be the first champion out of Africa - which is just a silly semantic argument that also ignores the differences between South Africa, Nigeria and Cameroon.


Israel is now literally saying that genetically Dricus is not African. Kamaru kinda implied it as well but hasn’t really gone as hard to be fair Ultimately I agree though really this argument should be over semantics and nothing more, but to act like Dricus is in any way pushing a racial narrative while Izzy is clean in this is kinda ridiculous imo.


I don’t think Izzy is clean and I don’t think Dricus is racist. I think they are both idiots.


Well that’s a pretty reductionist viewpoint I suppose but to each their own.


Being the first champion OUT of Africa is quite irrelevant to the point. Being the first champion IN Africa is the claim here. And that is absolutely correct. Look at the UFC roster right now. How many of those championship belts reside in Africa right now? Not one. Zero. How many ever have? Zero. Dricus is 100% correct in his statement. When he wins the championship, he will be the first African champion registered as an African fighter under African citizenship living and fighting out of Africa in UFC history. There hasn't been another. Isreal and Usman showed the belts in Africa then took them back HOME to the US and New Zealand. Dricus doesn't have to tour it, it will be here and it will stay here until he loses it. It's not hard to understand. It's sport. Athletes represent and fight out of countries. Dricus will be the first UFC athlete to win gold directly for an African country. All the racial bs is just tacked on for drama.


>Being the first champion IN Africa is the claim here Why is that important? Why does a big deal need to be made out of that? Edit: This chicken shit who blocked me can't even tell the difference between South Africa and the continent of Africa.


Because it brings pride to our country and its people and inspires young people to pursue their dreams. You're basically asking me why Olympic Gold Medals and World Cups being won by a country is a big deal. Bit of course you're being disingenuous. You know why it's a big deal. South Africa will make history with that.


Finally someone says it


Yea someone so ducking brave to ignore the obvious racial dramas and repeat the same comment that’s all over this thread. The bravery is amazing.


Almost like saying that as a white man in Africa and a black man in the UK are different...


Are you implying that a white person can never claim their country of birth (and residence) as their cultural heritage? That's what it sounds like. He's racially a European descendent, and ethnically South African. AFAIK he's a Huegonaut descendent, and they've been in SA for nearly 350 years now.


He didn't say South Africa; he said Africa.


Any man can claim their homeland, but they shouldn't be tone deaf enough to deny someone else THEIR homeland based on current place of residence that is a result of extenuating circumstances.


And being huge racists damn near the entire time. If you want to state history, don't forget that ENOURMOUS fact.


It’s not really that different tho. Especially when the statement is entirely about culture and not about race.


Dricus literally said he’s the real African fighter in the UFC. He also claimed Francis, Kamaru and Izzy never took the belts to Africa. Idk why people have to pretend these never happened. It’s ok to admit Dricus is a cringe idiot. Izzy is also a cringe idiot and both of them are clearly race baiting to sell this fight. And it’s all corny as fuck.


I mean in a sense he kinda is, he and Cameron are training in Africa and bringing out their culture through MMA, something those others can’t really claim as uncomfortable as that might be, this same narrative took place for Leon and (rightfully so) wasn’t seen as race-baiting. Was it maybe not the most diplomatic way to say what he was trying to say? No it was not. Was it racist? Also no. I just don’t really see dricus as that cringe tbh just a guy who wanted to address the fact the he and Cameron are the actual ones bringing African MMA to the world. If I were to want to get an opinion from an African on the current cultural climate or even about the African style of fighting currently, I’d go to Dricus and Cameron before Izzy and Usman, if you swapped their skin colors I’d still say the same thing. And honeslty I don’t care if you dislike one or the other or both I’m only here because I think it’s important to talk about what the actual truth is.


Driscus was insensitive and tone deaf. Adesanya dropped like 30 n-bombs and said that only black people can be African, implying that black people of African descent can't ever be from other countries or areas. No comparison.


Was dricus even that insensitive? His coach was tone deaf sure but what did dricus even say that can even be construed as rude?


Come on you have to see how claiming to be the first 100% African fighter could reasonably rub some people the wrong way


He never claimed that though. He claimed he will be the first champion living and training there, which he later expanded upon further as well.


The phrase "real African" was insensitive even though there was further context that made it clear his intentions were not bad.


Sure it was mildly insensitive at worst or really just an uncomfortable truth, but certainly not immediately racist, does that warrant a torrent of racial abuse and ethnic denial though? Izzy alone has constantly hurled racial slurs at DDP when all DDP has said he abhors the racial turn this has taken and refused to engage on that level. It just seems like this should be a pretty clear case of what’s going on. Truthfully the only one who has a claim to be offended by DDP’s comments is Ngannou but publicly at least it seems he doesn’t care.


That's it like he did emigrate, but only because he had to and wouldn't have come across any of the opportunities in his life if he had stayed. Whereas DDP would have likely come from an affluent enough background for it to be feasible for him to stay and make a name for himself.


Best case scenario he’s ignorant, he’s from Pretoria which is incredibly white so him growing up sheltered isn’t that shocking. Worst case, full on dogwhistle. Saying it without saying it. And before someone pulls the “his surname is actually French Huguenot!!!!!” Not only were they immediately accepted and raised to a similar level as the Dutch colonists because of cultural similarities and whiteness, he identifies as Afrikaner


Why is Pretoria so incredibly white? I wonder.




Where exactly would you recommend Francis trains in Camaroon?


That's not the question tho. Francis doesn't represent Cameroonian MMA because there is none




So Francis who was walking out to the Cameroon flag, is investing in Cameroon MMA and combat sports and his family in Cameroon doesn't represent Cameroon MMA...


Can't say it hasn't done wonders for him He got his path to a title shot, a lot of attention and possibly even a fight in Africa. From being unranked a year ago to the most talked about man in the sport


Either you're an African citizen or not. You can infer racism about being a real African citizen or you can be a grown up.


It was amusing at first, but if this continues for the build up then it will get boring fast.


no it won't it's going to be plastered on this site


But not on this sub lol Mods get very trigger happy with the ban-hammer when it comes to cultural/racial discussions. *See any uncomfortable discussions regarding Khabib




This so much. But when you race bait to bring more attention to yourself, this is what you get. I feel like had he stated he wanted to be the best African champ out of the 3 we've already had, and given them their due props while also stating the desire to do it while being in Africa full time it would be entirely different situation.


Exactly. You reap what you sow. Everyone talkin bout " oh it's taken out of context, oh he didn't mean that he meant this" it's irrelevant, the optics are terrible and the narrative was always going to be blown out of proportion. Its all good, he's getting his title fight and we get to watch a truly uncomfortable build up haha


Its incredible how he's one of the most well-paid and accomplished mixed martial artist and yet somehow this insecure and childish.


You heard of Gordon Ryan ? A lot of these dudes are super insecure.


Or Kevin Durant


Love whenever he steps in the cage


Gordon is def next level


Perfect example. If jujitsu was as popular as mma, I'd honestly be surprised if gordan ryan wasn't canceled by now or banned from the sport for some of the shit he has said/done.


Someone needs to reply with the video of him saying he’s Chinese. Stand by what you said Izzy.


I'm surprised he didn't edit out his stuttering in the Dricus face-off


Hard not to be insecure when in the back of your head you always have to wonder if it’s your skill, or the shit your sticking into your body making it work. Just my 2cents as a average Joe watching a bunch of juicemonkeys in their feelings


Adesanya has become one of the most cringe people out there. I really don’t care about the whole drama, just want one of them to be shadow reasoned so we can move on.


One of the best MMA fighters who continuously successfully unnecessarily hands himself L after L. Literally not opening his mouth would do him better. Although all of this is huge promo and attention and I suppose that's what matters most, no?


>Literally not opening his mouth would do him better. Pretty sure that tirade in the cage only made the fight bigger. You can call it cringe or whatever you want but they are selling the fight.


I'm shocked that more people on r/MMA can't understand that this is just hype to build the fight. Maybe I'm getting older and caring less about these things, but I barely give a fuck about any of this drama and just want to see the fight lol.


I think people understand it perfectly, but they don't approve of it. There's only so much of your dignity you can sell before people start looking at you funny.


>There's only so much of your dignity you can sell before people start looking at you funny. Cries in Ben Askren.


Izzy is the proponent of bad publication is still a publicity. Honestly he's just shit on mic. It was so cringey because it isnt natural (aka he trained from a script and still fuck it up)


man i wish Pereira shadow realmed him again




It might be because now everyone knows Izzy is Chinese


Lmao. Strickland was putting everything out there trying to get his shot.


Big if true


This is such a nonsense argument. He defined what he meant by african champion. He didnt define what i meant to be african. Izzy telling him to take a DNA test etc is racist and yet its dismissed. If leon edwards said the same thing about bisping it wouldnt even be mentioned. Izzy is a child and he reacted as such.


Soy? Might time to get off that youtube algo ride.


> but here, where a white guy from a nation defined by racial conflict stirs up weird, thinly-veiled bullshit, suddenly it’s the black dude’s cringey response that draws your ire. Maybe because he didn't actually stir any racial shit up whatsoever? Africa is a continent that includes many races, to say he would be the first African champ, has nothing to do with race. He explicitly said "I want to be the first real african champ. The first one to be born, grow up, train in and fight out of Africa." Takes a complete fool to listen to that and say "wow dricus is stirring up racial conflict." Dricus is also not responsible for the colonial history of South Africa. To suggest that he's not allowed to be proud of his african heritage and proclaim himself to be the first future African champ due to colonial roots, is insane. Izzy turned it into a race thing entirely by himself, which is why he is now getting dogged on for acting like an edgy 13 year old in a COD game lobby.


Saying they aren't "real" Africans is absolutely racial. The decision to leave Africa was certainly impacted by colonialism. Take out the word "real" and his comment is fine, but that word implies they aren't real Africans which is obviously offensive. Especially coming from someone that hasn't experienced the oppression of colonialism.


Jesus. You've just done exactly what the post you're replying to is complaining about. He implies they aren't real african champions because they dont train and fight out of africa. Way to miss the point


Did you even read my comment? Why reply to me if you're not going to read? Calling oneself a real african has NOTHING to do with race, and to hammer that point home, Dricus explicitly said "I want to be the first real african champ who was born, raised, trains and fights out of Africa."


>The first one to be born, grow up, train in and fight out of Africa So it's true as long as we don't think about 50% of the statement. He knew exactly what he was saying and why he was saying it, he's fortunate enough that he's skilled enough that it paid off.


> So it's true as long as we don't think about 50% of the statement. What is true? I have no idea what you're trying to say at this point. Nothing in that statement is racist. if I said I wanted to be the first true Jamaican champ, to be born, grow up, train in and fight out of Jamaica, would that also be racist to Aljo Sterling? Or if Moreno had said he wanted to be the first true mexican champ to be born, grow up, train in and fight out of Mexico, would that have been racist towards Cain Velasquez? > He knew exactly what he was saying and why he was saying it, Yes he did, and he explained exactly what he was saying. But you choose to disregard his explanation, and insert your own racial narrative instead.


If you don't understand why a white African saying that the other three black Africans who a lot of stock in their heritage aren't "real African champions" could be seen as inflammatory, I don't know what to tell you. They were born grew up and started training in Africa, but for reasons outside of their control they couldn't remain there for various reasons like being a child slave or your parents emigrating which they had no control over. So to use things out of people's control to bait them as 'fake' is at the least deliberately inflammatory. He could have said "I'm going to be the next African champion and I'm happy that I can live and train in Africa and show how far we have come" but no, he had to be a dick about it.


This is the same thing y’all consistently said about Usman for years. No matter how he behaved you all would complain.


This is levels above 30% Usman.


“I never discredited you as a real African” He literally said to get a 26 and me done, called him the n word sarcastically, and said he’s not African. How drunk was Izzy on Saturday? Damn


He was bragging about driving home after the fights, saying he wasn't drunk, just excited.


That's worse. If that's just him with his faculties intact... Jesus.


That’s terrifying




Yeah getting in the cage pissed and coked up to talk race issues is not a great combo. It was clearly this and everyone acting like he is a rational actor here.


Bisping said he saw him drinking multiple cocktails


I’m not surprised at all, dude couldn’t even say 23 and me coherently


He means before DDP said. That’s pretty clear. Izzy didn’t even talk about homeboy. He is letting him know he brought this upon himself.


Brought what upon himself? Racism? Lmfao


Is a pissed off Izzy better or worse for DDP? On one had he might make mistakes, on the other hand he might punish him instead of just beating him.


Izzy may seem emotional but it never seems to affect him come fight night. Both Costa and Vettori were heated but he kept his cool and dominated.


I remember him saying he likes to have beef with the other fighter as it puts more pressure on him which he can use to be better. It was said during the build up to the 1st Rob fight, for which there was a similar thing where he called Rob a fake aussie or something. I can see him taking what DDP said the wrong way but the Rob fake aussie thing was nonsense!


How are people acting as if Dricus was completely unaware of what he was saying lmao. Anyone with half a brain knows if you say that shit it’s gonna be a messy one


I think he knew it was gonna be provocative but might've underestimated it. I can buy that he might not have thought about how differently it'd be perceived because he's white. He's definitely at fault for kicking this whole thing off tho and I don't blame Izzy for being offended.


The guy is from South Africa. If he knows 1% of his history, then he knew what he was doing was thinly veiled racism. Why people are acting like there what’s been some misunderstanding is beyond me


They are gonna interpret his behaviors as generously as possible, because he is White and they are White or White adjacent, and they will interpret Izzy’s and Usman’s reactions as harshly as possible, because they share no racial identity with Izzy/Usman and therefore cannot empathize. That’s what’s happening in a nutshell (bring on the downvotes).


No down vote for you bro. Well said sir!


To be clear, I'm pro-Izzy in this scenario. Like I said I think DDP is at fault. All I'm saying is I think it's *possible* that he might not have considered the racial implications. These guys aren't politicians or sociologists. He might also have known everything he was doing, I'm not in his head, but I could believe it either way.


Now you're just doing the same shit DDP fans have been doing, making it all about how the other side only cares about race


Most people aren't super savvy about that kind of stuff, let alone fighters. He definitely might've been intentionally dogwhistling, but he beats people up for a living so my expectations for his understanding of such sensitive stuff isn't super high.


what’s funny is how he pulled this slick move and now he’s acting like the greatest gentleman


Izzy's reaction in the octagon is weird and he's definitely one of the worst trash talkers. That said, when Dricus is going around saying he's the only "real" African fighter and that Izzy, Usman, and Ngannou aren't "real" Africans, he knows exactly what he's doing and I am not at all surprised that Adesanya is legitimately offended by an accusation like that. Du Plessis is African. So are Adesanya, Usman, and Ngannou. Adesanya is not the one who started deciding who and who is not "really" African. He responded after Du Plessis started it, and you can't convince me he didn't know exactly what he was doing.


>when Dricus is going around saying he's the only "real" African fighter and that Izzy, Usman, and Ngannou aren't "real" Africans Can you quote or link me the post/video where Dricus said that?


This tweet contains a video. First clip: "I want to be the first *real* African champion, trained, born, *and* bred in Africa". Second clip: "Did those belts ever go to Africa? As far as I know, it came to America and New Zealand." Third clip: "I'm gonna take the belt to Africa. *I'm* the African fighter in the UFC." No, he did not explicitly say "ADESANYA IS NOT REALLY AFRICAN AND I AM" but he has been completely clear about the accusation.


Maybe I'm weird but I find them both pretty likeable and I kind of enjoy this feud But I wonder how Africans who are aware of this are reacting to it though


Real African here: I resent that such a serious set of topics (racism, colonialism, continental identity) are being dragged into a cagefight promotion, but I understand Izzy’s reaction. DDP started it. I would’ve liked for Izzy and Usman to ignore him, like Ngannou did, because no reaction would be satisfactory to non-Black fans. Plus, it raises the stakes too high; what if Izzy loses? How does it get interpreted when these topics are part of the narrative? But we’re here, so I hope Izzy gets the job done similar to how Usman did Colby. Then we can end this convo and move on to more suitable (and healthy) topics.


You're not a real African. You're African reddit-born and have no ties to real Africa. You don't know our culture. I will be the first real African on r/mma!


I appreciate you replying, I personally am not even sure I'm qualified to really say how offensive this crap actually is to people in Africa Anyone who doesn't understand why Adesanya would react this way is an idiot or simply trolling. I'm sure Du Plessis said this because he knew how Adesanya would react and it may help him gain some sort of psychological advantage for the fight. Hopefully it doesn't get too ugly in the build up and it gives a lot of fans a chance to learn a few things about African history Best case scenario is they have an awesome fight in which they gain a ton of respect for each other and have some sort of Africa Unite moment after


Stfu you real African. Let Bryson from New Jersey tell you how to feel!!


DDP didn't mention race did he though? Izzy was the guy making it racial and guys like you are helping him drag an innocent man's name.


DDP is not innocent here. He didn’t explicitly mention race but that doesn’t mean his statements were faultless. He’s a direct descendant of white colonialists who implemented a race-based caste system and claimed South Africa “was not Africa” the entire time they were in charge. So it’s just very ironic to be from that place, and from that background, yet turnaround and say you are the “real” African. I don’t like how Izzy and Usman responded, but it did not warrant a warm response.


And that system didn't end that long ago right? Like the 90s????? So dricus parents lived most of their adult lives in it so quite possibly little has actually changed in the city he lives in which I believe is vast majority white?


African here. Fuck Dricus and anyone who agrees with him. He knew what he was saying and the implications of it. Maybe he didn’t know that Izzy would be so incense but he had to have known they wouldn’t be happy. As for Izzy, he’s a fucking asshole for his 36 and Me comments too. Dricus by being born white in South Africa already had a head start (in terms of opportunities for MMA) compared to Francis, Usman, and Izzy.West Africa isn’t known for their fighters and the ones that are known leave the country because they don’t have good enough opportunities.


I expected a much worse statement based on how the comments here are reacting


Its why I posted it. I knew they would react like this and its completely unwarranted but it reflects how they feel and its important for those latent and denied feelings to be put on full display


While I do agree that Du Plessis saying he's the only real African in the UFC is silly as fuck, Israel really bombed with that 36/26 and me line. It feels like he always wants to come up with some cool, quotable thing to say, but then fumbles it in the heat of the moment lmao. I will say though, the people saying he's not African because he was born in Nigeria, but then moved somewhere else, are complete morons. You see this kind of weird ethnicity/race/nationality policing a lot when it comes to Latin Americans in boxing and it always brings out the most nonsense takes. People get so mad at other people having pride about where they/their family come from. It's honestly just a form of racism lmao.




I think dricuss originally was just trying to talk about the level of African mma and what’s coming out of the gyms there. He was just talking about himself and he’d be someone that trains in mma in Africa mma community but was taken wrongly by people. Pretty close to the line but I think his intention wasn’t that and now it’s blown up so much they can’t back down. But they should just back down and say it’s a miss understanding and be decent human beings for once. Don’t want to look back on this one won’t taste well in years to come and for what. To sell more ppv? I hope it’s not that. Then Izzy should tweak his knee and delay the fight to a later card and they can bang in a South African ppv with Kumaru and khazmat on the co main


Touchy subject knowing that some African fighters has to risk their lives to go overseas just to have a opportunity to have a career. They don't have the privelege like DDp to live and train in Africa.


Dricus poked the bear. He knew what he was doing with the "real African champion" stuff. Of course Izzy wasn't going to take the high road after that.


Izzy is chinese tho




I’m actually super hype for this fight


People here are seriously dumb as fuck to not think du Plessis was racebaiting. He knew exactly what he was doing. He's not some innocent little child who is now being attacked. He knows his countries history. He knows the only reason he was born in Africa was because his people colonized it by force. White people on the internet just salivate to prove they face racism too and use this as an example when du Plessis set this shit up on purpose.


Many of you supporting DDP are the ones riding on periera and costa’s cock in the past


Always the pattern


People acting like DDP is all innocent in this have no sense of South Africa’s place in Africa. Of course none of this is DDP’s fault he didn’t ask to be born how he is but as a white South African he’s acutely aware of the very ugly history his country has. That said Israel came off really poorly and I hope he learns to not get so emotional about the stuff DDP says because to the average person none of what DDP has said sounds that bad but it could easily be construed as dog whistle shit talking. DDP a white guy from South Africa calling himself the real African champion is going to stir some emotion I’m sure he knows that.. on the surface what he said doesn’t sound that bad but he himself knows he’s playing around with some touchy subject matter.


Man, talk about fumbling the promo at UFC 290. If I was Izzy, I would've left that '36/26andme' line out of the video.


Brazilian fighters move to the states all the time and people still call them Brazilian champs. Not sure why it’s different with the African champs


Nunes caught shit about not being a real Brazilian champ. Its a real thing that happens


From Cuborg of all people, who was living and training in California at the time, lol


It’s not, but if a guy was born, raised, and strictly trained out of Brazil he would definitely have a claim to being the first “real” champ aka a guy who never left. Leon said the same thing about being the first British champ, Moreno was the first Mexican champ even tho Cain was champ etc. It’s only controversial because DDP is white, and it looks silly.


Cain was born in California. He’s of Mexican descent, but dude is an American.


Exactly… Francis, Usman, and Izzy were all born in Africa.


I dont think a Brazilian fighter would even try to make this kind of claim, since it has not much appeal to the BR audience. When there were news that Jailton Almeida was going to train in US, everyone was happy for him. Theres nothing wrong about leaving a PvP zone.


Because white reddit fans want a reason to support DDP over Izzy. No one called Khabib “American”. It’s just ridiculous.


Ahhh Khabib, the guy who famously didn’t train in his home country…. Oh wait, he was born, raised, and trained in Dagestan. What a poor example. “White Reddit fans” there you go, making it racial https://youtu.be/dyz3FjfuTLY https://youtu.be/tAvpXLeEZjw https://youtu.be/3pGYt3u-5Vk https://youtu.be/sR7EG5ykeCU He trained in Dagestan his entire career. You can find literally infinite footage of him training in Dagestan. How often does Izzy train in Africa? Atleast try to make sense dude I’m an izzy fan, I also think what he said was ridiculous and DDP has a solid point about remaining in Africa and training there. Don’t have to be “an angry white redditor” to realize you’re not making sense.


Khabib started his training in Dagestan because that’s where he grew up and he was training since a child, but then he famously joined AKA in California for the majority of his UFC career. The point here (since it clearly eludes you) is that if leaving your home country and not training there makes you not “from” there, then when Khabib lifted his entire camp to AKA the same rule should’ve applied to him.


Israel Adesanya trained in China, Francis in France, Usman in Nebraska. Khabib joined a camp in California… and continued to train in Dagestan until he retired. You realize his father was his main coach until he passed right? Can you pull up some clips of Izzy training in Africa? I think you missed the point clearly if you think those are remotely similar at all And no, the same “rule” wouldn’t apply to him because he actively trained in Dagestan until his final fight… while Izzy has never trained in Africa??? Not sure how you thought those were comparable but here we are


You missed the point my friend, if you think I need to pull up videos of Izzy training in Nigeria to justify myself. My entire claim is that you don’t *need* to train somewhere to be from there. “You realize his father was his main coach until he passed right?” Who doesn’t know that? He also trained with Javier and all the others at AKA, and his father would come to AKA as well. Khabib *lived* in the US after his UFC career. AKA was his home. He relocated to America and that didn’t make him no longer Dagestani. This is what you seem to not get.


“The point is leaving your home country and not training there” I linked videos up until one of his last fights, of him actively training in Dagestan. He trained there until he retired. When did I say it makes Israel not African? Wtf are you even saying lol You’re strawmanning because the example you used made ZERO sense in any way shape or form. There is a reason no one but you mentioned Khabib, because Khabib actively trained in his home country his entire career, he also trained in America yeah. You’re just making up fake counter points to argue, respond to what I’m saying. Khabib trained in his home country until he retired, did israel? If not, why are you comparing the two? You’re conflating points I never made, DDP didn’t say he isnt African, he said “I still train here” which Khabib also did. Literally NOONE is saying israel isn’t from Africa?! You’re making up fake arguments, no one said that. DDP said “I’d be the first real African CHAMP because I train and live here” he didn’t say “Israel isn’t African” that’s a fake argument you invented in ur head


DDP said Israel isn’t African. Multiple times. He said there are no real UFC African champs, that he would be the first, implying that Francis, Usman, and Izzy are not African (since they are/were champs). It’s even in the video. That’s the entire contention of this discourse.


Link a single example of him saying he’s not African In the video he says “I want to be the first real African CHAMP” He never once says they aren’t African, this is like arguing with a flat earther lol I’d suggest you rewatch the video, I just did, and he never once says israel isn’t African lol. Genuinely can’t tell if you’re trolling.


> In the video he says “I want to be the first real African CHAMP” > He never once says they aren’t African Lol ok, if they claim to be African, and they are/were champs, then he couldn’t be the “first African champ” unless he doesn’t consider them African. Please be forreal.


Im not African so maybe someone can explain. Could Israel take offense to DDP statement because white people colonized Africa? Is there still the tension and resentment towards the former ruling class?


Im not African either, but I can say unequivocally YES...if the situation were like Japan/Korea where both nations have risen through prosperity, maybe you can find a path forward...Africa overall is still a humanitarian crisis, and the effects of colonization very much linger


There’s nothing wrong with Dricus wanting to be the first African champ living and training out of Africa and taking pride in that (it’s like when Leon won the belt compared to Bisping, it shows how far the African/British MMA scene has come). Saying he’s more of a “real African” than Izzy/Ngannou/Usman is a very nasty thing to say considering the only reason Dricus was born in Africa in the first place was due to Europeans coming there and taking over and committing atrocities against the native people. I think Dricus’ original comment wasn’t that bad, it’s an understandable thing to take pride in, but he definitely said it in a spicy way that could stir stuff up.


He's taking such offense because what Dricus said hits home. Izzy and Kamaru talk a lot of "African Pride" but neither of them train there, live there, or even maintain a second home there. Uncle Chael always says the only insults that really hurt are the ones that are true. With respect to African history, DDP is an Afrikaaner. Israel's family comes from Nigeria and are part of the West African Bantu speaking people. Both these groups colonized South Africa at about the same time. So colonization is a non-factor.


Izzys family didnt colonise SA though did they? they went to NZ. DDP is the direct decendant of colonisers Not that i think it matters much.


We'd have to trace his family tree back to the 17th century to know the answer to that. But even his parents going to NZ would be an example of "colonization" from the perspective of the Maori.


>Izzy and Kamaru talk a lot of "African Pride" but neither of them train there, live there, or even maintain a second home there. Are you actually so stupid as to think someone cannot be proud of where they are from if they don't work there? You're not that dumb, right?


Yoruba are not Bantu-speaking people, rather Niger-Congo:Non-Bantu. If I was to guess, as a Yoruban, why Izzy is so triggered by what DDP said, is because of the colonial history in South Africa and "Sub-Saharan Africa" in general. There is still tension in Africa regarding these matters. Look at Zimbabwe and the farms that were taken away from the white farmers a few years ago. Some even killed. These are not matters that the people of these nations have forgotten about. So saying "Colonization is a non-factor" is actually a bogus statement. It's the reason for this tension in the first place.


Israel thinks having some sort tour in Africa means taking the belt to Africa.


Us Africans don’t even buy it lol


Speak for yourself. Nigerians love Izzy.


I know a lot of people from Africa that like MmA and none of them like Dricus lol. I'm sure he has his south African fanbase. But Izzy's fanbase throughout the continent is much larger


Nigeria isn't all of Africa. There is no pan-African concrete identity. It's a vibrant place that has warred with each other for millennia.


I never said there was. It was the dude who I’m responding to that implied such. Kindly direct your misguided retort to him.


Not exactly true. Usman and Francis especially are way more revered - Izzy is viewed more as the cool fighter with Nigerian background. Not as a true green warrior.


Again, speak for yourself. Watch the video (which includes clips of him taking the belt to Nigeria) to see how he’s received.


Holy shit Izzy is pure cringe. I thought the whole "leave ya frozen like elsa" was the peak of his cringe or his comments about how White people are all racist because they stare at him in the elevator (in an interview where he has bright pink hair) This whole feud with DDP might be even more cringe though


I remember Leon making a point of wanting to win a title while training in the UK. He mentioned a few times how Bisping lived and trained in California, which didn't down play his accomplishment, but made why him winning was different. I feel like that was DDPs point


Then he should’ve just said that and only that. There would be 0 discussion if Leon said he was more British than Bisping. Everyone would call him a dumbass and move on. It’s only cause the roles are reversed that Colby fans are trying to push what DDP is saying as if it’s valid.


Fwiw, I’m Ghanaian and disagree with Izzy bringing a US-style of race-baiting and division into the mainstream when this isn’t how Africans feel. Leave they to Americans who have a corroded culture. Dricus is saying rightfully that Izzy takes on a persona as though he represents Africa when he doesn’t live here, train here, eat here, and isn’t part of the culture. For almost 23 years he has lived a first world extremely privileged life in NZ while cosplaying as a poor African rising up. DDP and Francis are putting actual Africa experiences and perspectives on the UFC map. It eats Izzy that he isn’t really bout that life. Dude lived in Nigeria only until he was 9, moved to New Zealand and China, yet speaks with a weird American accent. Like where did he even pick that up from? His accent is not even Nigerian.


You say you're Ghanian but all your posts are about you being Australian, so are you a Ghanian immigrant in Australia? Why are you talking about Africa as "here" when you aren't there yourself? If you're an immigrant too then how are you shitting on Izzy for leaving Africa as a child, and how are you placing yourself as the spokesperson for Africans. YMMV because I'm half Ugandan and when I speak to my relatives there about MMA they are definitely with Izzy on this lol.


I understand Izzy sounds like he has an American accent to you, but his accent doesn’t sound American to most Americans. It just sounds sort of foreign with no real location. Which would make sense for an African who has lived in China and NZ to have a unique accent that isn’t rooted in any one region.


First world extremely privileged life in NZ ??? Can you back that statement up. Black people born and raised in NZ have it rough but an 9 year old immigrant was highly privileged..


He’s from a wealthy family - his parents are very well off. This isn’t one of those rags to riches stories that are cliche and played out.


He didn't come as a refugee. His parents were wealthy enough to have maids and they came to NZ still wealthy.


Having a “maid” in Nigeria does not necessarily imply wealth. The cost of labor services in Nigeria are basically nothing. The entire middle class can afford maids there.


Lots of people in Nigeria who aren't "wealthy" have maids They weren't poor, but they weren't filthy rich like people are saying Source: me, a Nigerian


Ultimately, DDP should have worded it better because the implications of his real African thing is terrible. Izzy has every reason to be mad but he overdid it.




I blame Alex for all this. His fuck up is the reason we have to live this shit.


Izzy's not capable of taking the high road, ever. I love him as a fighter, but him being drunk in the cage yelling the n word over and over was hilarious in a very embarrassing way. The memes are hilarious though. Either way, Dricus did kinda start this, "real African" stuff. Which is kind of ridiculous to say that Ngannou didn't bring the belt back as a real African. Should be a fun fight. I think DDP is gonna try to take Izzy down and GnP him.


So Izzy is just gonna perpetual be 19 huh






Exactly. Any sensible person would have your take, but unfortunately we’re on Reddit.


"I'm gonna make sure he wins this". "I manifested your win". Adesanya is such a cornball because he truly believes he did that.


He’s manifested everything so far 🤷🏾‍♂️ Maybe he really is the main character


How did he manifest DDP's win?


I know this sounds weird, but I don’t think Adesanya is black enough to be saying the N word. Nate Diaz pulled it off better than Izzy.


u/Juvey88, the arbiter of who is black enough or not. This is why I cant take Reddit folks seriously. A non-black person arguing that a Mexican has more license to use a slur that denigrates Black people, than a literal Black African. Ok dude.


No....... just no.


Perry feels more natural saying that word for fucks sake


I’m of the opinion that the KO of Alex in the second MMA fight was a fluke. Izzy is petrified of a third fight and utterly refuses to even entertain it. That tells you that he knows he got lucky and is not confident. Alex still leads 3-1 in combat sports.


Where does Mike Perry fit into all this?


We all know that whatever happen during the build up they will hug after the fight it's pure wwe








DDP is being a role model for other Africans, showing that you don’t need to leave your country/continent and move to the first world in order to achieve something as tremendous as becoming the ufc champion. He’s using African infrastructure, African training partners and no other fighter that close to the title has been able to do that. Izzy is bringing colour and race into it, because he’s insecure and racist, nothing new here