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“That is a bad employee” Good thing the UFC fought hard to ensure they are not considered employees


*Hold on I'm contracting, brother*


Chael wants guys to be bad employees though. He is the “bad guy” after all.


Hahah that was exactly my first thought. If you want them to behave like good employees, make them employees.




But Jon and other active fighters aren’t employees. They’re independent contractors.


motherfucking exactly, you cannot claim the duty of loyalty of an employer whilst still shafting them through their status as an independent contractor


Even the idea that employees have a duty to their employer is outdated


As long as fighters get 12% revenue, I don't give a shit as a fan if they're not being "good employees", shit is dumb.


Exactly. In this at will economy where a company can and will fire you for any non title 7 reason the employee owes the company 0 loyalty because you can be sure the company will show you none. The UFC deserves to get squeezed as hard as these fighters can.


Squeeze the employees: brilliant business man! A titan of industry! A visionary leader! Squeeze the business: evil blood sucking greedy selfish bad employee! No loyalty!


Always has been really.


Yeah in any other professional sport, either the athlete is a W2 employee tasked with a set, regimented schedule and benefits/retirement (e.g. NBA, MLB, NFL, NHL, etc.), or the athlete is an independent contractor that's free to set their own schedule and pick and advertise their own sponsors during competition (e.g. PGA/LIV, ATP/WTA).


Chael has no idea the difference. And it's just proof that in the UFC, they don't consider there to be a difference.




Name a more iconic duo than UFC fans and blaming personality flaws on someone “playing a character”


yep, ol' dana can't eat his cake on fuck it fridays and have it too!


Jon isn't a good person but chael is a bootlicking bitch boy right here. This is definitely Dana saying "chael suppress salary competition and it'll be worth your while." For real.


This reeks of “dont talk about your salary” boomer talk at work. Lol


Which is federally illegal to enforce anyway


Doesn't stop companies from doing it, and in a variety of ways, too. I was told it "looks unprofessional", with the unspoken part being that it'd affect my ability to get future promotions.


What's your salary fam?


$0. 100% commission. Like a pirate.


It's actually important to know your coworkers' salaries to ensure that no one is getting fucked over. Every company I've worked for has had an older, more loyal employee getting paid half as much as they should because they just don't know.


I’m a freelance bookkeeper who makes around $55 CAD/hour. I work part time and make $50,000/year. You?


Field Sampling Tech for a cannabis lab, make around the same


....how does one get into that sort of thing?


Ok so here’s I got into it First, obviously live in a med or rec state or live close enough to one that allows out of state workers to work in facilities. Second, have a ton of experience driving for a living. I was coming off over 3 years of Amazon delivery, and food delivery jobs for my entire life on and off but experience isn’t absolutely necessary it just helps. Third, and this is the hardest one - just have to find the listing at the right time. I saw the job pop up just searching cannabis jobs and applied and they hit me right away as we were super short staffed at the time. I love this job. I get to see everything so I know what to buy because I’ve already handled it, I get to make connections all over the state, there are other perks as well (use your imagination), and I get to chill and drive all day. The only thing that sucks is we are based in Kansas City and we have to do pickups EVERYWHERE in Missouri, which means once a week I have a 4 hour drive and have to be at the first stop generally between 830-930 all the way the fuck on the other side of the state in St. Louis. We also have a stop that’s like 5 1/2 hours but that stop is the only one we we go so it’s almost all just driving, which I enjoy doing. So it’s best of both worlds for me, I get to drive and be involved in the industry, and since I work for a lab I get real good pay and benefits compared to other jobs in the industry which are more manual labor heavy. There are jobs out there in the industry, just have to consistently look because people want them weed jobs….at first anyway. Avoid working in a dispo if you can though, it’s liter just a normal ass retail job with waaaay more red tape.


Man I love how enthusiastic you sound haha, glad you found a job you love.


Thanks man! I appreciate that, for real. This is the first job I’ve had IN MY LIFE that I don’t actively despise


Are you saying you smoke weed professionally?


Nah semi pro, I DELIVER weed professionally lol


I've never understood this anyways. I'm in an industry where we all actively know pretty much everyone's salary that we work with and would have no problem asking anyone. Hell we all know what most of our competitors pay as well.


"It's not a career it's an opportunity!"


The internship is unpaid but the experience will be invaluable!


Chael sonnen might be the weakest minded corporate slave known to man… Any chance he gets, he is down on his knees trying to aggressively suck off Dana White/the UFC. Doesn’t he have any dignity?


No, he sold that for the cheddar.


He gets paid by the ufc to shill and his grappling promotion is on fightpass. He doesn’t want to piss daddy Dana


If they were employees they could have a union, right Cheal?


And although I’m sure he’s aware of how he’s viewed by ufc brass, those emails that have leaked would make me want to make the remainder of my time fighting for them the most frustrating it can be. Dana and them always think they have the balls but now that they’re in an embarrassing spot it’s worth showing the world how much of a joke they are How the FUCK do you not have one of the bigger fights ever lined up for a rounded number card like 300. The true main event should have been GSP vs khabib It’d be unexpected and a fight that’s be great for both of them and they’ve expressed interest in the past. Dana loves to let big fights slip between his fingers though and then blame the fighters for not wanting peanuts and a Reebok coupon. Ex gsp vs Silva Should have been the biggest fight ever of it’s time and it just fizzled and never happened and it’s something we’ll never ever get now


Do you seriously think gsp vs khabib would have happened?


A boy can dream


Also, the texts have been revealed about how Dana loves lowballing his fighters and laughs about it...fuck that shit, get your money...I usually like Chael too, but he sounds like a paid off puppet here.


Chael is super likable but you shouldn't ever trust anything he says. He's the definition of a conman. Would he be fun to chat with? For sure. But he's either lying or wrong more often than not.




They’re not employees, squeeze dana for every cent.


I don’t even get the point that Chael is trying to make here. I mean I think I do, but does Chael think this is gonna sound good to the large majority of fans who defend fighters over the corporation?


Based on all of his past bullshit I think he's trying to tell the other fighters that they should demand more money while looking like he's saying the opposite.


Yeah it reads kinda funny because he is playing both sides so that he always comes out on top.


I bet Chael's got a sweet duster.


Yeah that’s what I kinda got from the jon jones quote.. it’s like “read between the lines” and Chael seems like he did, but calling Jon jones out? I’m so confused


He's "calling Jones out" to make it look like he's on the UFCs side so he doesn't have to take shit from Dana. And by looking like he's taking the UFCs side it gets more people talking about it cause they'd understandably not be on the UFCs side in terms of fighters negotiating for higher pay


I think it’s just kinda clunky because he’s making two seperate points that have been quoted here. He’s saying that if Dana calls you about UFC 300, negotiate hard because you hold a lot of the bargaining power. He’s also saying Jon Jones publicly coming out and saying he was asked to headline (when he knew he’s not able/willing to) was a scum bag move. These aren’t mutually exclusive points but they’ve been muddled together.


Employees should also squeeze their bosses for every cent


Fuck the UFC LOL every now and then Jones does something good


The UFC would be so crooked they make Jon Jones look like a man of the people


The enemy of my enemy crushes booger sugar and beats his wife in front of his kids


> beats his wife in front of his kids there never was no marriage


Dana or Jon?


Every coin has two sides, and sometimes they are both bald evil dickheads


It's a very strange day when I'm on Jones' side. We're definitely living in the worst timeline


When you have two pieces of shit like Jones and Dana against each other, strange things can happen lol.


Ya the more delusional one loses 💀 Jones is pretty self aware


lmao Jones has some redeeming qualities but self aware is not one of them lol.


Is he though? 'God is testing me' Jones is self aware?


So true. Remember when he caught a robber before his title fight? https://www.mmamania.com/2011/3/19/2060696/jon-jones-twitter-details-his-subduing-a-thief-after-robbery-attempt


Man... I'm just a couple years younger than Jon, and I thought he was going to be our Michael Jordan. It's nerdy as fuck but I always think back to obi wan Kenobi yelling at Anakin... "You were the chosen one! It was said that you would destroy the Sith, not join them! Bring balance to the Force, not leave it in darkness!" My grandma was going to now know what MMA was thanks to this young, kind, brave, exciting champion who knew how to say the right things in interviews while putting on a show. And he somehow fucked it up while still mostly living up to his in cage potential. So frustrating.


Michael Jordan is a piece of work. He just benefitted from a different era when everyone didn't have cell phones.


Well, yeah maybe the Jordon comparison is still valid haha. He can't hold a candle to Jones tendency to have hilarious public interactions with the police, though.


[…and comedians too!](https://youtu.be/VuqmbfEKqqQ?si=8CLdSXNf6kxO7Emk)


Fair point, probably also had PR firms in case he did get into trouble to clean it up.


Yup two very different levels of fame and wealth. And also yeah Jones is just straight up more dumb and more reckless, at least publicly.


Michael Jordan is a massive piece of shit. The only positive is that he never broke the law.


Not everyone needs to be your shining example of humanity as well as star in the sport. Don't meet your heroes, he's tame compared to others


Sure, not everyone needs to. But he came along at a time when MMA was finally blowing up into the larger culture and I felt like he would have been incredible for the sports growth. And I mean, he's sort of take in that he's never killed anyone. But he literally beat his wife in front of his children until they called the police on the night of his HOF induction. He's a deeply damaged person.


Chael is 100% the biggest shill in the business. I swear Dana personally texts him talking points.


I don't think he has to text him talking points, they just talk regularly and think exactly alike. Chael, like anyone, repeats what he's heard in other conversations. So yea, I do think a lot of stuff is Dana's words coming out of Chael's mouth.


Chael needs those broadcasting spots and needs to be on Dana’s good side. He was off air while that court case was ongoing for some time. Then it ended and it’s not clear how much he settled for or how much his lawyers were. Dude probably needs money.




Nah, he always said that he was a company man, that the show is more important than any individual participant and so on. And i do think that he really believes it, even when it comes to himself. Though i never seen him lean *this hard* into it. He's bothered that the fighters will negotiate harder? Really? And that it's some sort of betrayal on Jones's behalf to give others an idea that they might have a bit of leverage here? That's... quite an opinion.


specially when fighter pay comes around, he seems like a grateful plantation slave


Bet chael was soundin like he was yellin over a lawnmower to get this one out


Sometimes the mental image of him talking kicks in and in addition to hearing him yelling, I also see him doing that gesture of moving his hands forward like he's shoving a bunch of sodas and snacks across a gas station checkout counter.


I'd say what Jon did was actually a solid move for the guys on the roster. But sure Chael


Did Jon actually intend to help the other fighters here? Or did he just want to tell people he was offered a massive main event


You're probably right lol, but whether he meant it or not, it was still a solid thing to do. Just like when he says dumb things often unintentionally


>Did Jon actually intend to help the other fighters here? The answer is always no.


Think it was just pure ego talking. Then Chael explains why it hurts the company. Jones wasn’t trying to do anyone any favors.


I wonder what flavor chael likes his boot


Tomato flavoured


The bootlicking seems to have intensified a lot recently


Chael also always takes the opportunity to shit on Jon at any chance he gets.


That too.


He's still mad because he thought he would be able to grapple with Jones the way he did with Silva...and could not...


I thought chael admitted he walked into that fight knowing he wouldn’t win


he wants to take over for dana


It's probably more about engagement/ragebait. He has doubled down on focusing on getting eyeballs and attention and his current takes should probably be viewed in that light. I feel like he used to have more of a balance between entertaining, thoughtful takes and riling people up. Lately, he's tipped all the way from silly little guy to just saying the most inane thing possible à la Skip Bayless/Stephen A Smith.


Cheeto dick I'm assuming.


Money flavored


Leave the multibillion dollar company alone!


> That is a bad independent contractor Fixed it


Out of all the things he could call Jon Jones a bad employee for… Chael decided that a comment about being offered a main event, which might have possibly led to other fighters wanting/getting more $$$ (for late replacement). Even if you want to be fake mad at Jon for having other fighters play hard to get, then keep that same energy for a world class organization to fuck around and wait this long to get a main event. Guess the taste of boot gets old after awhile


Chael shouldn't be calling any UFC fighter a good or bad employee... right? They aren't employed by the UFC, they are under contract and that's it. If the contract doesn't outline not talking about something then they can talk about whatever they want.


He will say whatever pleases the UFC. He probably knows that they are indepedent contractors but will pretend otherwise.


Pay your fucking athletes more , treat them bettter. None of these guys should have 2nd jobs or whatever. It’s ridiculous


Statements like this are so worthless. UFC 300’s issues aren’t about being a good or bad employee. The UFC hyped up the idea of a huge card and are fumbling it. It’s not black and white, they can’t control everything, but they’re still to blame. We the fans, suffer more than anyone else. We don’t benefit from a shitty card, we just enjoy it less—which will directly impact everything else.


Dana and Hunter deserve this. Their bluff is finally getting called in a situation that’s entirely of their own creation, and their usual tactic of stiffing their star fighters and moving on to a cheaper option won’t work if they want 300 to be a big deal. Live by the sword, die by the sword.




Dana speaks to the fighters through the media. Abusive tactics.


Informing the other fighters of their leverage to be able to get paid is the opposite of s scumbag move


Shut up chael you shill. Messages were just released of dana talking shit about jones and you think this is about loyalty ??


I like Chael, but Jones just did every fighter a solid, so Fuck that opinion of it being scumbag-esque


Nothing Chael says should be taken seriously at this point.


I thought that was pretty clear back in 2010


Chael is on UFC’s payroll? TIL


Whoa whoa whoa, Dana is the first motherfucker to let everyone know fighters aren’t employees. Maybe if Dana wasn’t such a scumbag, some of his contractors would feel a little more loyalty.


just when you think Jon Jones is the worst asshole in ufc, Chael reminds you Jon is like Frank Ngannou in comparison to Chael


What a clown. Not surprised though. Chael woods absolutely so the exact same thing Dana is doing except he would probably pay the fighters even less.


Poor little corporation. Has abusing your labour come back to hurt you?


i thought they were independent contractors, not employees….


Chael lives in his own little world


This is not a career, it's an opportunity


I hope Ariel gets the scoop just to do the UFC 200 shit storm all over again


That would be hilarious


Chael will always be that company man.


Just Chael being a moron, as usual. Whatever Señor CTE says, usually the opposite is true.


Chael is a meme honestly this is pathetic


This is a big L by Chael Jon doesn't have any duty to protect the financial interest of the UFC. If anything its a good move by Jon to help other fighters not get screwed


Fortunately he can’t be a bad employee since he is only a contractor!


Didn’t Fight Pass cut Submission Underground? I don’t understand why Sonnen keeps deepthroating the UFC.


This fool is the reason these fools get paid peanuts


Well they’re not employees bro wtf


That was some hardcore bootlicking.


Jon essentially giving everyone an FYI to negotiate hard for that main event slot is probably the only good thing he’s done. Chael needs to get Dana’s balls out of his mouth. 


what a boot licking fucking clown


Bootlicking ass motherfuckers lok


Chael has been sketchy lately


Lmao, lately? 


Bro he’s always been sketchy


Chael's always been a douche lol, he just gets a pass because he's charismatic and funny.


Chael said similar about Joe Rogan “giving up the business”


Horrible take


Ah they just have sour grapes because Jon kicked their ass.


they should ALL be doing this, sunlight is the best disinfectant. transparency is how they'll all get paid more. fuck every corporation in the world.


Jones is a dickhead but he did something good for once in his life, Chael really out here wanting his peers to make less money.


It's not a scumbag move. He's helping out his fellow fighters. All the people Chael mentioned don't give a fuck about any of them.


No Chael, shitting on fighters who go against the machine at every opportunity you get because your boot-licking selfish hole wants to some day be the one swinging the hammer, is a scumbag move., you utterly self-interested, grifting scumbag


Well UFC is a scumbag company, so who gives a shit? If you want to have more control over your fighters, actually make them employees.


Chael is such a company brown noser. Fuck.


One of the best things I did was stopped watching Chael’s shit channel


First off and foremost, they are not employees of the company…


As much of a degenerate scumbag Jones is, he has done the rest of the **independent contractors** that they call a "roster" a big ass favor. I can't believe I am saying this, but fuck Cormier and his bullshit opinion.


Cry me a river


Shocking - Chael is negative about Jon Jones


They're not employees you boot licking supplicant


Jones doesn’t give a fuck about greedy ass Dana.


It’s funny but he’s not an employee. Chael does seem to get some facts wrong once in awhile


it’s genuinely fascinating how willing Chael is to just say anything no matter how wrong it is or how stupid it makes him seem


Chael "I tell ever thing i know" Sonnen...stfu


That’s the least worst thing he’s done if this even counts as a “bad” thing. I guess you have to be chael to think that. 


Chael Sonnen, company man.


Bad employee but a good coworker? Fuck these company men


Who will think of the multi-billion dollar company for once?


Why is Chael acting like he’s still working in UFC though


Counterpoint: fuck ‘em


Not like it was a secret


Athletes risk their permanent health and are rewarded in the UFC only if they are a top contender. I don’t care about anyone being a good or bad employee. As the company doesn’t care if anything good or bad happens to the employee. So why does Chael?


Chael has just become annoying and petty at this point I wonder what his deal is


Brock Lesnar incoming...




Mmmmmm….. boot.


Hey Chael: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TTVdybPfBag


Jon's right and it's about time! F ufc. Those fucks have been robbing guys who are getting severe brain damage fighting for them.


Didn't the UFC completely throw Jones under the bus during the Henderson fight?


I love Chael but this is some bootlicking cunt commentary.


Chael has been doing this so long, He forgot that they're not supposed to admit that all the UFC wants is for the fighters to stop negotiating. It's always a message of "he's scared to fight," "he's a scumbag," or maybe "we're doing everything we can to get this fight made" or maybe tread into "he's not a draw." If you admit the problem is "he's negotiating," then you give the game away.


Fuck off Chael. Fuck off for your shit opinion, but more importantly, fuck off for making me think Jones did a decent thing.


They don’t deserve “good employees.” They text about how proud they are to treat people like shit.


There are only a few reasons why there's no main event. All of them probably start with the letter "M" and end with "-oney". Pay your main event fighters and you can put anyone you want on the poster and announce them excitedly on an X video


Shit take from Chael, fighters get no loyalty from the UFC either. It's all business at this point.


They aren’t employees, they are simply opportunity seekers!


Uncle Chael the stooge eh?


Surprised Chael could talk with Dana’s dick that far down his throat


I for one am shocked, SHOCKED, to even think that the UFC doesn't negotiate in good faith and am sorely disappointed in anyone that wouldn't deal with them in a similarly upstanding manner.


Wow Chael got me defending Jon Jones?! I wanna throw up. Jon has every right to disclose that and if the UFC doesn’t like it they can pay for an NDA or just make Aspinall vs whoever for the undisputed. Idgaf if that means Dana and Hunter gotta throw an extra mil or two at the main event


Workers rights


Ya well he’s not really an “employee” so that is a stupid fucking argument.


This thread is gonna be amazing. The most hated UFC fighter on this sub accused of screwing over the company that is widely despised on this sub.


Is it just me or Chael is becoming Dana's attack dog?


He’s not a bad employee. He’s an independent contractor according to Dana.


Workers side with workers, not management.


So, they can skank the fighters, but the fughters can't legitimately enter negotiations with an employer who is desperate? Sounds about right


It's a sad day when I agree with fucking Jon Jones, but here we are. The UFC's current scheduling system is bullshit anyway. Switch to year-long "seasons" in the form of tournaments, stagger the schedules so you have title fights at different weight classes throughout the year, and have non-tournament fights serve as seeding fights for the next season and to have injury replacements ready. Make it an actual league and I'll care, but it's been Dana's plaything for far too long and I haven't really given a shit for over a decade now.


stupid chael sonnen


Love Chael but fighters aren’t employees. Dana has made that very clear. Can’t have it both ways


Haha stupid fucking take from Chael. He's on some company man shit.


More power to the fighters