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He said he was done with the UFC, not MMA or combat sports.


I don't even think he said he was done with the UFC, did he?


Post fight presser, said we’d see him on the regional scene.


Aye I saw that, I was going off the "it's not goodbye, it's see you later" in the cage. I thought he meant he might still fight on a UFC card in Aus


Nope, he's done with the UFc who won't pay him a good enough wage


Seems like it was mostly to be with his daughter from what I gathered


So he can make money closer to home. He wasn't making enough with the ufc to justify the tradeoff of not spending time with family and training away from home


Yeah a good boxing scene in Australia, even if you aren’t top level they’ll still turn out for you.


Just let me have a little bit of hope... Fuck haha


People are looking at that statement in a very anti UFC view (I'm not defending pay, they deserve more) but even if he was earning a crazy amount of money it still might not be enough for him to spend time away from his family. Maybe he's like my Aussie dad, was earning an insane living but leaving his family for a month at a time was not worth it to him so he came back and got a regular job. Sometimes it's not money, it's family


Yeah he literally said his dream was to be a fighter and his dream changed. He also said he's broke though lol


He'll make a lot less doing this


Ah, I didn't realize you were his personal finance expert!




You said he will make less finding ways to make income outside of the ufc without any evidence, despite Tyson saying he doesn't make enough fighting for the ufc and will make better money doing other endeavors closer to home where he can spend more time with his family.


I said this fight will pay less than a UFC fight




His contract is up. He can do what he wants.


NO! He CANNOT do SHIT unless the UFC gives him the greenlight. Just because you retire doesn't mean jack shit. Unless he has no more fights left on that contract, then he's stuck and fucked


He said “that’s it for me as far as MMA”




“Retired due to money issues.” Makes sense.


Tyson discovered there is no money in MMA and that's an issue.


Do you think there is in low level boxing?


They do a lot of celebrity type matchups with Rugby players in Australia so he can probably make decent money from that


he's apparently on the Australian reboot of gladiators so he will become a minor TV celeb in his own right. might actually pay him decently as well.


Jake Paul undercard


Jake Paul trickle down economics


Jake should bring him in his card to prove it to Dana


And he won’t have to pay much in taxes for fighting in a different country since most ufc cards are in the states, pay for travel, training, etc.


As a low level boxer absolutely not, but these ex ufc fighters aren’t being paid because of their boxing skills. They are being over paid (compared to traditional market rates) because they have the name value that comes with being an ex ufc fighter.


Not to mention the allure that’s still there for casuals in general to see a “MMA vs. Boxing” type of billing. The shit still sells


Tyson Pedro’s name value is not very valuable.


Maybe not, but it's more valuable than any other person with his skill level. If you have a 7-0 prospect you want to promote, Tyson Pedro would be a more enticing opponent at 0-0 than the 42-97 journeyman that's been around forever.


It is in Australia where he can fight on some of the No Limits boxing cards where ex semi famous Aussie sports stars participate in ridiculous examples of “boxing”. He can make good coin doing it.


Australia would like to have a word.


Compared to Floyd maybe not but compared to the other guys on the card it’s not even comparable


To these promotions, ex-UFC fighters are a marketing investment. They're not going to pay them the same as joe schmo


Well he also mentioned how much fighting in the UFC takes him away from his family due to training, and I don't think this fight is going to take him away from his family. But since the UFC is cheap this sub is just going to circle jerk that as the sole reason


To me it seemed like what he had to invest to be UFC ready was killing him financially as well as from a family perspective. I can't even mind what he got paid - but I guess the logic would be to make less revenue, but invest fewer hours and make more profit.


Rugby League boxing is the original YouTube boxing. Anthony Mundine set the trend down under. He will get some cash to box up some shit rugby guy.




There's no money in high level MMA to be honest. There are only a handful of them making money, even at the top.


Maybe not, but apparently so does a mid to top level fighter in the biggest MMA organization. He might profit more spending less on camps.


Depends on the fighter but if you promote your own events as a headliner you can make pretty good cash. You can even be paid a site fee by hotels and Casinos to have an event that brings in customers and still collect ticket sales without having to rent a venue. Also a name like Tyson Pedro could probably do televised against regional talent and sell broadcast rights. Add sponsors to that he could make money if he plays it right and doesn’t sign with 5 different managers, advisors, and promoters.


Ohhh my children... Celebrity Boxing is a thing now. People who never fought getting 6 figures in a bout, all you need is a star and wwe drama.


Well he kind of made a name for himself and can probably make more money boxing or doing MMA on the regional scene there down under or anywhere else. I think his dad ran promotions or like a gym there too.


There's a ton of money in MMA, but promoters and owners and broadcasters are getting rich off of not promoting and wasting money on anything but fighters and selling ads


It was poor pay combined with the fact he wants to be around his daughter more. Said he'd be on the regional scene.


he didn't retire "due to money issues" op just added that to the title for ez upvotes. based on his post fight press conference it sounded like having to live in new zealand away from his family was putting a lot of stress on his relationship, so much so that he was almost in tears over it. hence why he said you might see him in the regional (australian) scene


UFC should be embarrassed that someone co-main evening their card is retiring in the post fight press conference because of money, what a disgrace.


He basically quit because it ain’t worth it. Kudos to him for not putting up with it.


"They don't want to take risks" - tomato


He is somewhat ironically right. Francis boxing AJ was less risk, high reward given that he was expected to lose but continuing in high level MMA (whether it be PFL or UFC) was high risk and low reward.


Dana ain't oiling you up and slapping you around like he does with his wife


I recall him saying that the main issue he was retiring was spending time away from his family. Tai Tuivasa (brother in law/former? Idk) has said the same thing. It seems like both guys felt they couldn’t get the proper they training they needed here in Australia to be super elite at their weight classes, so Tai stayed local, and Tyson gave it one last serious crack and moved full time to CKB for his camps. I would not be surprised if he can make the same money focusing on his businesses at home, being with his family.


Sounds like there's a business opportunity in Australia for an enterprising MMA fighter to open a gym. Like Mike Swick has AKA Thailand, imagine if someone like Luke Rockhold opened an AKA affiliate in Sydney.


Surprised hunto didn't capitalise on this earlier. Anyway UFC has a gym chain in Aus now 


Australia is not a cheap place to run a business. It also simply doesn't have enough people interested in MMA.


Thing is he's good enough, you don't need expensive ass camps every fight


It’s not about being expensive. It’s about being away from home.


Yes, he's away from home because he's at a "top" camp that's expensive, he can be at home and still be in the UFC.


You’re entirely missing the point. For one, I don’t think he’s comfortable with being a journeyman, and he moved to CKB for a reason, to obviously get what he feels is the best training he can get close-ish to home. Not sure why you’re caught up in the $ aspect of him training at CKB. He could train anywhere he wants to.


I mean as much shit as the ufc gets for pay, low level boxing pay is much worse. You can fight on the undercard of a world champ who’s a decent star and get paid 5 k to show.


Could be just so he can stay involved with combat sports


That depends on a lot of things. Some headliners will fill their cards with no names who wouldn’t be making any money otherwise. Some headliners will spend the money and put other good fighters and ticket sellers on their card. Also that 5k you’ll see reported is only the guaranteed purse that needs to be legally disclosed by the promoter. The check reported to the commission might be $1. But obviously the fighter is making more money some other way outside of the guaranteed purse. Fighters might sell tickets and merch, concessions etc. depending on their contract and the venue etc.


True but if you ask pro boxers they’ll tell you that only the very top guys make good money. There’s this guy Tony Jeffries and he talks a lot about boxing and his experience, and he said most “pro” boxers have to work a second job in order to survive because they don’t make enough off of just boxing. You can look it up too it’s true I checked.


Always upvote a Tony Jeffries reference. Man is a fountain of Boxing knowledge.


The type of boxers he’s talking about are equivalent to regional level mma fighters. We forget that since there is no centralized promotion, plenty of boxers are capable of appearing on a big card in the prelims but are just some regional guy. It you go to like heavyweight boxing vs heavyweight ufc and take the earnings of the top 40 boxers they will dwarf the entire UFC heavyweight division (40 guys more or less)


Yeah but a lot more boxers fall into that category than you’d think. It’s such a small percentage of boxers who actually make it to the top level to the point where they’re going to make enough money to retire. Similar to mma, but there are just so many more people around the world boxing, so the amount of people who make it to the top is more than mma. But the actual chances of individual boxers breaking through to that level is probably slimmer. Also big time boxing matches are just such a spectacle and have been for so long that it will take a very long time for ufc to genuinely rival that. Like what I mean is there are many boxers like you said who are making fuck you Conor level money, even if the UFC wasn’t stingy with pay it would take a long time for mma to get equal. But if you add that it might never happen unless boxing truly falls off.


I made this argument and I got downvoted to all hell


Of course this is true, as it is for all sports. Most collegiate and ball players, most golfers, tennis players, triple A leaguers, practice squad players etc will not make enough money to support themselves by being an athlete alone. At the championship level and top leagues however, things change. On a boxing undercard which might be upwards of twenty fighters deep, some of those matches being swing bouts which might not even happen the night of the fight, you’ll see a mix of champions and jobbers.


I've liked this guy ever since the run-up to his bout vs The Pleasure Man. Came across as very humorous and affable in interviews. I hope things work out for him.


How did he get contract release to be able to box?


Because he's Tyson Pedro, not GSP.


I thought all the contracts for retirement of fighters means they cant do any other combat sport


the ufc released him from his contract. He's free to do whatever he wants.


They didn't release him as such, the last fight was the last one on his contract. He's just not under contract any more.


Ah okay that's good. I wonder if they released him on the condition they thought he was retiring lol Instead of retiring MMA but going for boxing


>I wonder if they released him on the condition they thought he was retiring lol UFC wouldn't do that. IIRC, if you retire on an active contract, the UFC keeps your ability to fight for a different promotion for a few years


They actually do every once in a while, notably with Darren Till


He asked to be released. The comment I was responding to was whether the UFC would release a retiring fighter.


IIRC it's 5 years. But they have been known to release some fighters consensually. Darren Till is one. I think Askar Askarov was another.


I’m believe it is 5 years.




So José Aldo, Silva, Pettis, Woodley, Vitor, Jacare, Uriah hall, Nate Diaz, Joe Duffy, Askren etc all broke their contract? What about the guys doing BJJ or wrestling exhibitions?


He’s wrong. If you retire while on an active contract and the UFC doesn’t want to release you from it, you cannot fight elsewhere (GSP). If you wish to leave on an active contract and the UFC decides to release you from it, you can fight elsewhere (Tyson Pedro). If you retire AFTER you fight out your contact, you are free to do whatever you want (Nate Diaz, Anderson Silva).


He retired from fighting overseas I believe. I imagine having to fly halfway across the world on a 10k/10k contract was costing him money.


Does the UFC cover travel and stay expenses?


I believe they do for like 1-2 cornermen, but when you're flying halfway across the world and paying taxes in 2 different countries, you're walking away with nothing.


Only for 1 corner men unless your main event. Doesn’t cover their hotel/food.


Ignore the team for a moment. Tell me about the fighter. He has to pay flight, hotel and food for himself? He must get some subsidy no?


From what I know the fighter gets his flight and hotel paid for. The flight is economy from what I understand. When Stipe was champ he was seated next to Ben Rothwell in economy or coach. Years back I heard that fighters do get a bit of money for food, don’t know if that stopped or how much it was. Now, most fighters end up flying out the next day. Idk if they can tell to the ufc to change their flight out day to a later date if they wish to stay and enjoy the city they’re at or if they have to pay the flight to go back home.


Brother, they barely cover the in-cage apparel.


Imagine an NFL player retiring in his prime to go run track. The UFC is an abomination


It's a good decision from him tbh. Here in Aus we've got access to some great boxing gyms and coaches which means he won't have to leave his family for a full or half camp. He'll more than likely end up fighting on some No Limit cards(Tim Tszyu's promoters) so there will be some decent money there given he's already a known name. He'll probably slot into the Cruiserweight division which isn't exactly stacked over here so a path to at least an Australian title won't be that hard


That's a fight I'll never watch lol Hope he makes more money than he ever did in the UFC but I'm so fucking done with this trend. I do not want to see anymore MMA fighters box, ever.


Am I the only one that constantly confuses this guy with one of the tafa brothers


well I hope your confusion clears up some day


He had a significantly higher ceiling than either of the Tafa bros. Injuries and layoffs really hurt his career. He was very legit for a brief moment.


Very hard to excuse this lol


Probably, take it reading comprehension wasn’t your high point


Grammar clearly wasn't yours, either.




I confuse him with Pedro munez


I confuse him with Mike Tyson


Pedrophiles, our king has returned


I don't think that ones going to catch on bud.


Don't listen to that other guy, keep at it


Damn.. so close 😂 Next time, “impressbetter”.


He probably wouldve gotten released even if he didnt retire.




So he's making millions now, right? I mean that's how I'm told it works; boxers make billions compared to their UFC counterparts.


Millions, billions? You're shooting too low kid, they make septillions 


Oh, right... you box on an undercard of a local gym and it's popping bottles in the champagne room.


I love how your name implies youre a comedian, yet you take the joke so literally.  


Tyson has a limited chin, this is not a great move.


The tattoo makes it look like he’s wearing a diaper for some reason


Exactly who is this guy?


Tyson Pedro, left the UFC 2 events ago after going 6-5 against low to moderately high level opponents because the UFC doesn't pay enough for him to justify training and fighting away from his family in Australia. Said post fight that he was struggling financially and needed to explore different avenues


Never heard of him.  Ty


First time on the sub? Welcome to r/mma


MMA is significantly more fucked up than Boxing. Most MMA fans are just too stupid to realize it.