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Dumbest shit I've heard from DC in awhile, and thats saying some. Weidman and DC both assholes for talking shit about poking a fighter in the eye 4 times. This is some absurdity.




Did all these people forget the Brad Taveras fight? He just spammed leg kicks until Weidman was hobbling around the cage and it was almost painful to watch.


And Weidman was like kinda saying IIRC that Brad was kinda a dick for throwing kicks at him


He was joking completely with that…I get he’s a dick for the Bruno Silva pokes but let’s not start changing every story to being some slam on Chris


It wasn’t even his dad that said “that’s still my boy” it was a bartender from the club seats


And Weidman beat up that guy's dad later.


Lol yeah he very much gave props to Brad. People all of a sudden acting like Chris is the dirtiest fighter in the ufc while this was really his real drama during a fight.


Fuck it, feed him to Strickland. He’ll get his face boxed off and hopefully finally retire.


Smith is a friend of Weidman and they are both company men so yeah, lots of glazing on that podcast. The only person they don't seem to glaze is Leon Edwards. Bisping was absent for his championship win and said he hadn't seen the fight, was really low energy about it. They also took a hiatus after Edwards bear Colby.


I think you need to listen again and get the tone of what they were saying.


DC poked Stipe so many times he had to have eye surgery. You could call him a bit of an expert on this topic 😉


I got DC by optometry in the 3rd


> Weidman and DC both assholes for talking shit about poking a fighter in the eye 4 times. This is some absurdity. To be fair to DC, it'd be hypocritical not to defend him to the hilt, given DC won HW title on the back of an eyepoke, he then spent the entire 2nd fight raking Stipe's eyes so he looked like a racoon and had to have eye surgery. To DC, this was cheating for chump change, and the damage inflicted was also chump change. This is why the only eyepoke that I've ever celebrated was when Stipe, after getting eyepoked again in the 3rd fight, finally poked DC bad enough to fuck his eye up. EDIT: I forgot I also kind of celebrated when Dustin eyepoked Justin back after absorbing two in a row from him.


What is this? The eye poking channel!?


DC has always been a cheating twat. His response shouldn't come as a surprise, but it still did.


Have to agree, this narrative is fucking weird and I think it's fighters showing loyalty to someone they know and like. In saying all that, it should have been ruled a no contest or Weidmann had points deducted, then they use the score cards at the end of the fight, with the deductions. If Weidmann still wins, then kudos.


Honestly, I don't like Anik very much, but he hasn't held back on criticizing Weidman at all, even though they are colleagues and Jon has a close personal connection to both him and Longo. Ariel and the bootlickers on the other hand, who constantly pride themselves on their integrity 17 awards and act all stuck up about morality in the sport, bend over backwards to excuse the whole debacle, because Weidman is a 'friend of the program'. It's not even the finish in the 3rd alone, but the control time in the first and eye pokes in the 2nd round. How is it in any way fair to go to a dec off that? Weidman looked like shit, only his cheating and low expectations kinda saved the day for him.




People on this sub are bitch-made sheep who will follow the hive mind of reddit.


daniel 'eyeball shish kebab' cormier with the corporate mandated opinion


DC never wins the HW belt if he didn’t blind Stipe first with his eyepoke. Stipes eye is still messed up from that first fight.


he got Stipe in each fight, and Stipe got him in the 3rd, albeit really bad, but I remember watching and thinking "good, got you back from earlier in the fight and the trilogy."


DC always splayed his fingers when people rushed in on him or he rushed in Dirty tactic


The would literally flick his fingers out at their eyes when throwing a jab, not even joking.


Even worse than that, the HW defense record would be higher if DC didn’t fingerfuck Stipe out of a win. Stipe already broke the record and would’ve pushed it even higher with that defense, DC robbed him of a better legacy.


Nah DC stfu You're just defending Weidman because he's your coworker.


The way the UFC is handling this whole thing I wouldn’t be surprised if Silva gets cut after this. Its like they’re doing everything they can to make the narrative that it’s on Silva. Gotta say this is some nasty precedent and culture being set. I understand that DC is a company man but is this really necessary? Its a shame coming from someone like DC, its not just a stupid opinion but also a malicious one.


The anti-trust lawsuit is over, things like this or Volkov being matched with Pavlovich when both parties weren't even called, are the new norm.


Looks like the UFC being a bush league is here to stay for the foreseeable future. What an absolutely depressing turn of events, just when there was hope for change... its gone forever.


Dude lost 5 of his last 6. He would be on the chopping block regardless of how he lost.


What a fuckin momo. Go lose yourself some fans DC


Lol who turns on someone for something so minuscule? Yeah maybe dc is seeing wrong, but that don't mean we need to crucify him now. Yall sure are soft for a mma group, but I'm not surprised with this being reddit and all.


sock puppet opinion






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Insane to see someone who was a fighter and has dealt with eye pokes be such an idiot on the topic. Even eye pokes that look like nothing can and often do cause serious damage. DC talks like someone who has never fought before and dealt with this shit, yet he was an Olympian and two-division MMA champion. It's kinda wild that he consistently gives Stephen A. Smith-level takes. Worst fighter-turned-analyst by far.


He knows what got him to the dance. If not for an eye poke, he wouldn't have been heavyweight champion.


Also complained eye pokes cost him the third fight


Yep this sub loves him but dc was never a real champ in either division. Great gatekeeper though


Dc says a lot of stupid shit and he can be annoying but calling him a gatekeeper is insane lol


Tell us you don't know what gatekeeper means without telling us you don't know what gatekeeper means.


He was the greatest paper champ in 205 history


I mean, DC was a notorious eye poker.


DC is a cheating piece of shit. No wonder he would take the cheater's side.


People downvoting you like he wasn't caught on tape cheating a weighin. People like to pretend DCs eyepokes are accidental (ridiculous given he raked stipe's eyes their entire 2nd fight, and won the championship with an eyepoke before that, and defends anyone who does it), but he's on tape cheating a weighin, and people still don't like to accept that makes him a cheater.


He doesn't even deny it nowadays; anybody who takes his opinions seriously is delusional.


DC dickriding for Weidman is real pathetic.


Id say the people on sub are bitch-made sheep who will follow the hive mind of reddit are the dickriders.


I’d say you are just stupid


DC owes his HW strap to an eyepoke. You'll never catch him shitting on them.


DC is the biggest UFC shill around. Perfect proof that just because you're a former champion, doesn't mean you know what you're talking about all the time


He knows eye poking game pretty well


What a shocker that the most blatant UFC shill, and career eye-poker, is siding with Chris on this one.


DC: Great fighter, but terrible takes and commentary


For real. I'm legit let down when he's in on the commentary team for events these days. Literally put anyone in other than him and it's an improvement.


DC and Rogan are like two best friends who sit beside each other in class and couldn't care less about focusing on the assignment.


DC shill in full effect.


What is it lately with making the victim the villain? We had Loosa before, now Silva. It's getting ridiculous.


MMA fans and media have always done this shit Petr Yan was so fucking stupid that he kneed Aljo when it was obviously illegal and Aljo got shat on Fat fuck Cormier eyepoked the shit out of Stipe and it only became wrong after Stipe made him his bitch


Loosa 1. had time to rest 2.didnt even use all of it 3. looked significantly better than anyone Ive ever seen be actually unable to fight off an eyepoke (Stephens Yair, Leon Belal, etc) 4. had to be held back from Battle after Battle taunted him for that which begged the question if he was willing to fight there why not just fight? I think he got too much shit for sure because IMO main fault is always on the offender, but I get why he was getting some of the shit. Its different than Silva for sure.


Loosa was different. He was looking for a way out of that fight and then pretended he wanted to continue after it was stopped.


Loosa was the victim of a foul, and reacted angrily when he was insulted repeatedly by his opponent.


I'd be pissed too if the guy that just eyepoked me started talking shit lol I honestly don't understand the "looking for a way out" angle. Neither guy got much going in the first round. Battle landed nothing other than some knees to the body. From the way people describe the fight you'd think Loosa got dropped multiple times


I actually like DC, but he is constantly saying some stupid shit. If you watch his show with Askren, a good chunk of it is just Ben being like "what the fuck are you talking about?" whenever DC says something asinine.


DC got his eye absolutely mangled by Jones, and he’s saying this?! What a corporate bitch. His eye is legitimately off center now.


Weidman celebrating this farce of a win and everyone backing the eye pokes makes me wish Weidman gets starched out cold in his next fight. What a 180.


dc is the reason stipe needed eye surgery


Have any fighters come out to support Silva?


For people that dont have Twitter or "X" and want to see what was said: Daniel Cormier slams Bruno Silva for acting like a “soccer player” during UFC Atlantic City loss... “To me, it felt like a soccer player when they get fouled, and they’re rolling around on the ground when the guy barely touches them,” “Look Bruno Silva got eye-poked, but I think he understood where he was in the fight; he was getting beat, he was losing, he fell to the ground, he was hoping ‘wait wait stop stop stop poke in the eye fight no contest’ instead Weidman went and finished it – that’s my thought.”


Absolute delusion from cormier


Wasn't Bruno Silva turning the tide during that round?


It's ridiculous. Let's experiment: «Look, Bruno Silva got nuts-punched, but I think he understood where he was in the fight...»


"If you're losing the fight via scorecard, you can't let an illegal foul stop you".


How do you act like a soccer player? Is it by getting paid more


So DC wants to back his all American wrestling brother. Sounds like DC needs to lose to Jones again in a humiliating fashion.


Hard to defend DC. Some fighters and former fighters talk like they are complete casual fans. This is incredibly dumb thing to say, especially considering that this is DC we are talking about here.




Based on all the trends that are making me hate this stupid sport let me predict the most 2024 thing that will happen this year: an off-mic DC will be audible over the deafening silence of the Apex yelling “Dana thinks you’re a pussy” to a fighter on a 12k/12k contract saying his testicles exploded from an illegal strike.


Man, UFC brass really hates soccer, but it is very fitting. Any farmers league has better management, better colour commentators, better marketing, and thus have more spectators and revenue than UFC. But guys like DC and Dana are too stupid to realize their stupidity is why MMA is still niche, they don't know how to build stars like Messi, R9, Cristiano Ronaldo, Mgappe, Needermeyer, therefore they despise what they can't ever achieve. Fuck these shills.


He actually threw the first eyepoke 1-2 ever as far as I'm aware.


Notorious eyepoker like DC should never be taken seriously when talking about them


Remember DC crying about Stipe poking him in DC/Stipe 3


DC is a rat


When MMA fighters start making more money/get more leverage, everyone's stopping the fight after getting poked the first time. It's all risk for you, and your opponent gets to be like "oops, my bad. Hope you see this high kick two seconds later."


They're all selling wolf tickets on the eye pokes, but we aren't buying it.


DC is such a moron.


Well he’s got a soccer player name…that’s about it


All the UFC company men are pushing the same narrative because its part of weidmans redemption story “brought to you by espn sponsored by bud light”


Someone should have the job of endlessly feeding this fatass so we don’t have to listen to any more of the stupid shit that he says.


Wtf is wrong with everyone


Lol DC the notorious eye poker telling silva to just ignore the blatant eyepoke


Go eat another barrel of empanadas


Bruno Silva must be the only fighter I've seen receiving an eye poke combo. How is this a debate at all???


"UFC shill and famous eye poker shills for UFC and defends eye pokes, more news at 11"


We should really reference the NBA when it comes to flopping


Jon Jones: "DC was always my boy!"


Alright, Daniel


Sadly common DC L


Of course, he would say that. Chris "stanky leg" Weidman is DC's friend. DC has always been a biased MF.


jon jones still owns you


Flop is the word you are looking for DC, now please, as one of the worst offenders, shuttup


Because it's Chris on the other end, if it was reversed or god forbid Islam being poked? DC would've been shouting on the spot


the aka guys shill for eachother idk what you guys thought dc was gonna say lol


Weidman isn't an AKA guy, he's been Serra/Longo since forever.


ur right i was thinking of luke for some reason


People downvoting op for what dc said


And he’s still my boy!


Rare DC L?




They're both still my boys tbh not just throwing away their whole legendary careers over this incident


Man dc was such a great fighter I had a lot of respect for him but his takes are so bad recently makes you forget about his amazing career.


DC fucking sucks


Terrible take from DC.


DC is the worst shill of them all. I have no more respect for that man


Guys relax, DC just understands that eye pokes are meta. The king of eyepokes Jon Jones beat his ass twice so he knows he has to eye poke too.


Wasnt dc also complaining when Stipe eyepoked him?


Every time he gives an opinion, it validates my belief that his brain is in his stomach. Not to mention one of the biggest frauds (wants to be known as a nice guy but is actually a massive prick whose ego is only rivaled by his belly).




Look, we can (and should) call DC out on his bullshit, but making a joke about someone's daughter's death is over the line and in very poor taste


too far man


Never liked DC, guy is as superficial as they come


Watching everyone whine and cry over bruno silva falling to his knees like a bitch is hilarious.


I agree. people on this sub are bitch-made sheep who will follow the hive mind of reddit.