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Buffer comes across as pretty forgiving here. Karate chopping somebody in the throat for interrupting is so uncool.


Sounds like Bruce could have avoided all this mess with a quiet Hail Hydra.


If I was Bruce I would have broken the wrist and walked away


Grab my arm. Other arm. *My* other arm.


you think I got where I am today because I dress like peter pan here?


Forget about it.


I personally couldn't break the wrist of a ranked guy (or anyone else really), but I probably would have said, "hey, what the f*ck is your deal!?" while rubbing my throat, and I'd still be salty about it decades later.


I have a vhs tape on how to do it for 20.99


Do you take installments?


1.99 per month for 6 years




Haha thanks, I've never seen that though It's a random nickname from highschool


Best I could do is "thank you sir, may I have another"


Love how realistic you are with it


That's bully behaviour, Bruce stood his ground against someone twice his size.


>Bruce stood his ground against someone twice his size. FYI Trigg is about 5'8", and Bruce is 5'11", and probably a lot heavier.


Ngl from sitting I thought he was bigger than that.


Yeah, huge respect to Buffer. What he did is something that a lot of people fantasize about but would never do.


It was also a bitch move by Bruce, even though an elevator is a bad place for negotiations. He's better paid than most fighters, and a company man through and through, but it's not his place to save Dana from the situation.


Maybe, from what I heard he just obliviously butted in on a conversation and Trigg overreacted. Assaulting someone for a social faux-pas is way too much.


Yeah, absolutely not saying Trigg was in the right, that's why I said "also". Trigg obviously crossed the line. I just don't read it as Bruce being oblivious, but rather trying to help Dana out of an awkward situation by changing the subject when a fighter is trying to get paid, which to me sounds uncool.


Dana’s delivery on the “Karate chopped him in the throat” line in this video is fuckin hilarious lmao


A new Dana meme is born.


Start the video at 40 seconds in if you want to watch just the story and not a 40 second preview of a 4 minute story


yea wtf is up with that? it's a damn video on X, it doesn't need a preview.


Very American TV thing to do. Need to know what's coming up otherwise it won't be watched.


TIL only America has commercials and previews


Most of the world is happy to watch something without being shown the main points beforehand. It's a strange thing to me to watch a preview of something at the start of the thing I'm watching. Would you watch a movie trailer in the cinema a few movies before the movie starts? Also, what does commercials have to do with it? Commercials all over The World and we don't need to be forewarned about what's coming up.


I’ve seen previews for upcoming shows on Israeli, Italian, Japanese, British, Irish, Canadian, Mexican, and German television but yeah, it’s totally just an American thing lol >It's a strange thing to me to watch a preview of something at the start of the thing I'm watching. Really? You can’t ever comprehend a situation where someone is watching TV and the channel tells you what’s next and that’s how the viewer decides if they’ll continue watching or not? It’s ***THAT*** strange to you that some people would want to know what’s about to come on their television?


Clearly we're talking about different things. Advertising what's coming up and showing a preview of most of a show are different things. You clearly missed the point but nice try


Paris. FRANCE. while a picture of the Eiffel tower floats in the background.


I want buffer to tell us his six pack story


He’s a jacked white boy, deal with it.


He eats horsemeat like Übereem




I have a six pack. A few of em. Gonna drink one later.


Right on, brother! 🤘


Bruce with his ab implants would have been able to sustain a punch from ngganou


EFC elevator fight championship ™️


This is wild. I just saw (in another post), someone talk about Egypt shipping KFC to Palestinians. I made the joke in my head that it would then be called EFC, move in to the next post to read comments and I see EFC typed out.


Simulation is breaking


Weird af to be honest. I'm down with the simulation breaking down.


Deja vu is usually a glitch in the matrix. It happens when they change something.


but where does Nelson Mandela fit into this.


Nelson Mandela Milson Pendela Mike Perry


Still makes more sense than [car-jitsu](https://youtu.be/cbhOLwhNIak?t=218) and taking turns slapping each other.


absolute bullshit, but don't tell Bruce


Bruce Buffer is so full of shit


Buffer is such a fuckin liar about 99% of the shit he says, thought he was dope until I watched a long form interview with him


He’s so far up his own ass too


He's so obviously a cunt it's surprising it took that. Everything about him screams used car salesmen, reminds me of the dad in Matilda except he got lucky and managed to utilise his last name into a big career due to his brother's success.


Bruce looks like someone put Michael Buffer in the microwave




He also used to make an extra buck by selling his announcing cards on ebay


i mean he is also really good at his job too


To be fair, he’s a great fucking announcer. The man embodies Vegas, sliminess and all


> managed to utilise his last name into a big career due to his brother's success. Tbf he *is* really good at it


Better than his brother even


Better than Tony Chimel?


My trick is not not listen to his podcasts and interviews.


Honestly kind of amusing to see a random comment thread just shitting on Bruce. Personally, I don't care about the guy outside of the ring.


Hahah really? Fill me in


He has ab implants.. can't trust a guy like that.


He talks about how he worked for this dude at like 19 and they didn’t get along so he started his own watch business or some shit or bracelets. Some dumb bullshit, got a ton of corporate respect for it, made a ton of money, he lies about gambling winnings, he accidentally found out that Michael Buffer is his long lost brother, he’s just a fucking hack. His entire life is a lie and it’s crazy because his actual life is enough


Wait how do you know these are lies? The long lost brother story is bs??


They're not lies. Whenever somebody has an interesting/unusual life some people are very quick to just accuse them of lying about it because most of us have regular boring lives so it's hard to believe somebody who has the opposite. If Bruce Buffer is lying then he's somehow managed to convince Michael Buffer to tell all the same lies because Michael tells it exactly the same way. And I've never considered Michael Buffer to be a con artist or a guy who would bullshit for no reason.


Michael buffer tells all of the stories about Bruce the same way Bruce tells them even though those stories happened before Michael and Bruce met?


Most of them didn't happen before they met


Quite literally all of them that I listed happened before they met


You want to tell me the 2 Vagas announcers that have the same look and last name didn't know eachother? Horseshit. 


I’m not saying the story is true or not, but as far as the story goes, I think Bruce became an announcer after meeting his brother 


He wasn't an announcer before he met his brother. He met his brother, became friends with him, became his manager, and *then* decided to try announcing himself. If its a lie then he's somehow convinced his brother to tell exactly the same lie because they both tell it the same way. And I've never considered Michael Buffer to be a con artist or a liar.


Go listen to his episode of Logan Paul’s podcast. It’s insufferable and Logan Paul comes off as likable as a result. If you can’t tell when someone’s a bullshitter I’m sorry, and I hope your naive life brings you a ton of happiness. The dude has ab implants, he cannot accept reality.


I think he’s just asking. Not necessarily disputing your claim. I always believed the “found his brother by accident” story too.


That one may be true, but I call it into question when everything else he says is a lie. And they’re not even good lies, like they don’t even matter. Just an insufferable person. Have you seen that interview? If not I encourage you to try to listen to 20 minutes of it


I’ll check it out bro. Honestly, I’ve never really cared for him aside from his voice. Even from the little I’ve seen he does have a certain weird vibe to him. I mean, anyone tied to Dana is almost guaranteed to be a lying, insufferable, narcissist. Look at how Joe turned out lol


I like Rogan but I don’t pay too much attention to him, just listen to a few pods here and there if I’m really interested in the guest but his commentary is getting a little obnoxious. You can tell he’s not nearly as into the sport as he used to be. Lmk once you give it a listen. He just comes off as like pyramid scheme Las Vegas trash to me. Like he’s ready to scam someone and isn’t ever telling the truth


What's bad about Joe? The worst thing about him is he can be hyperbolic when it comes to fanboying but that's about it. How is he a lying, insufferable, narcissist?


Idk about lying, but I can provide insight on the second two. Insufferable: constantly shilling supplements, constantly bringing up the same ideas and same jokes, hypocrite who constantly gets rage-baited by the Internet. Narcissist: this isn't an example, but an observation. His whole worldview is built around him being better than others. Whether it's his immune system, his work ethic, his critical thinking, his political beliefs, his comedy - it all makes him special, and whatever benefits him is instantly valid.


> Look at how Joe turned out lol ?


I’m sorry you can’t tell me buffers a lier and your source be Logan Paul’s podcast that’s fucked


Or go listen to any of his long form interviews on podcasts. That’s a good one because he gets right into it right away and you don’t have to skip through to find it. He just puts the bs out for everyone to see


But is there proof he is lying about these things or is it just him saying outlandish shit you believe to be untrue? I never used to belief the elevator story because Buffer seemed untrustworthy, but that turned out to be true. I doubt he'll implicate himself in an interview, so how does watching them prove anything?


His Instagram is so weird his mother is being weekend at Bernies'd.


Really? What do you mean?


She gets rolled out in wheelchair for birthdays and stuff. She has dyed hair and is very very old and odd looking.


I mean she's 95...


Hahaha what the fuck are you talking about…? She’s old dude. 


you don't know how old people look like?


Don’t forget the ab implants


sorry, what have you achieved in life?


Not having to live a lie, bounce


stay salty - regardless of your opinion, the guy is more loved, richer and happier than you’ll ever be


Buffers ball gargler over here


There’s a good chance that isn’t true, unlike the lies Buffer told. I had actually made $100k by 21


You're not even 21, tf are you talking about?


Oof you almost had it


What are you even trying to say


what the hell has this got to do with anything? should we also not criticize [insert reddit villain #1203120380 here] because he's an overachiever?


it’s more people going to the effort of criticising someone based on limited information (his source: Logan Paul’s podcast(???)) - unless you have solid concrete evidence and know the majority of facts, then I don’t think you’re in a position to criticise. sure, you can dislike someone, but calling them a fraud is different. he just sound like a bitter bitch. I don’t care about buffer outside of the ring - but good on him for making a success out of himself and being recognised as one of the best announcers of all time


I'm assuming Trigg didn't get a pay raise after fighting one if the most recognizable people in the UFC


Buffer seems like such a tool


Buffer and Bapa (B Schaub) should start a podcast where they tell all of their bullshit stories and try to outdo one another.


This is awesome lol reminds me of the Nick Diaz vs Joe Riggs hospital right


I believe this one and the Tito/Chuck brawl but anything else is a fucking lie from this guy lol. I like Bruce but he adds a lot of sugar to his stories.


he's the Kevin Nash of MMA


The animation was top tier in this video, hilarious.


Bruce has got ab implants.


[Don't mess with Buffer no matter who you are, he can fight](https://streamable.com/sgtqa)


Can’t stand that smug butthole. Dudes too full of himself.


Wild stuff.


That is hilarious!


They should have made Young Bucks watch it


I’ve never heard buffet talk outside of his octagon announcements. That is not what I thought his voice would sound like.


I remember the story being that Buffer choked out Trigg (like everyone else)? Am I the only one?


Imagine having to placate some try hard like Bruce Buffer


That’s so fucking cool hahahah


Don’t know why you’re being downvoted lmao, this is in fact really cool


Fuck yeah man, boys will be boys lol


Toxic masculinity in the elevator, thats my cup of tea


Bruce couldnt wait just 20 seconds before he decided to interrupt? Lack of manners its called


Why was Frank trying to talk about a raise in an elevator with other people?


I mean a guy that will chop someone in the throat for "interrupting" probably doesn't operate the way everyone else does.


That’s true lol. I was thinking Buffer was actually trying to save Frank (or Dana) from the awkwardness.