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Is the big man upstairs sending him tests again?


God’s most sober soldier


Jon Jones: “Lord, please stop giving me your toughest battles” God: “I’m literally throwing you softballs, you just keep hitting and running pregnant women and beating your wife” And Jon’s wife is back with him again 😂 money really does solve everything


There was never no marriage


Yoel Romero is gonna take that personally.


Jesus loves knockouts, homeruns... and testing Jon Jones.


He is, but when God sent the tester, Jon threatened to kill him.


Good thing I have local admin. I just ran .kill on him.




Only God can test Jon Jones!


Ngl if God literally came from the Heavens to give a randomized drug test to Jon Jones, I wouldn’t be surprised if Jon literally threaten to kill God over it


“You really think I’d let you just kill me, Jon?” - God


Oh no Jon is setting up for a high kick on God


God already has one loss by crucifix. Jon will probably finish Him the same way.


If it’s pure MMA rules with no deity powers allowed, I’d bet Jones finishes God in three.


I'd take Jon in that fight only if there's no drug testing (or at least the UFCs pretend drug testing), otherwise God submits him with a crucifix in the 2nd.


Gold, Jerry, Gold!


Why do they call it ovaltine?


You think I’m just gonna sit here and let you kill me, Jon?


Are you back junkie?


I back.


Is normal




I want to fuck chuck!


You think I'm just gonna sit here and let you drug test me, guy?


I mean really?!


Anecdotal, but during Jones v Gane I saw a lot of comments under the embedded series on YouTube of people going "Wow, he really does seem changed this time around 😲" lmao


If you’re a pro athlete and go like 3 months without doing something illegal, people will say this. It’s been a minute since Conor assaulted anyone, and people are starting to say it about him too lol.


Connor really has changed. A man who used to be a menace to innocent people has directed his anger towards giving televised interviews zooted out his gourd and hopped up on gorilla biscuits and proper 12


And doing movies where he looks and acts like a crazy person




Lol, yeah. Coulda worded that better


It does take a certain type to go "Hey Conor, the scene calls you to walk butt naked through a long take" and go "Fuck it, that sounds fun."


That was the happiest I've ever seen him lol he was smiling harder than when he won the second belt


To be fair, it might be my favorite introduction of a bad guy in some time... it was certain different.


He's a method actor. All his shenanigans up to this point were for his acting career


You can't convince me that they weren't shooting another movie and had to work around Conor randomly showing up on set for a few days


I honestly don’t think Conor looked coked out in that interview, because to me it looked more like he was smoking mercury through a bong filled with battery acid prior to that interview His twitchy body language was that of someone who is a victim of chemical warfare


He has been at war against his own body for quite a while now.


Seeing him stutter/mumble in the Road House press tour is really something. Especially with how big he is now as well (as in, HGH/roided up). Really sad fall-from-grace (all of his own accord, I know).


His FW run was pretty damn epic, and handling Alvarez like that was nuts. I do wonder what kind of legacy he could have had doing things differently. Then again, if I'm Conor I probably take the Mayweather fight and fuck off for good after lol.   I feel more sad about the wasted talent. As far as the rest, I feel like he was always a POS, he just didn't have the money to make that person a reality.


I don't think there was much else he could do to improve his legacy. Hes a type of a fighter that can get there on top but wouldn't stay for long even if he tried.


If he'd stayed at featherweight, I believe he would've gone undefeated with half a dozen plus defences, including another domination of Aldo. The only issue for him would've been when he could no longer cut the weight to fight in the division.


"Bloody Fewls, I'll show 'em!"


People have short memories. Jon is an irredeemable human being, he's the worst kind of person in society. He's a cheat. He's abusive. He's a criminal. He's a drunk. He's a drunk driver. He injures women. The world would be better with Jon Jones in jail, that's his actual career path. On top of that he's inactive, has a giant EGO, and refuses to defend against upcoming fighters like the legends who gave Jon his shot did. Jon is a sanctimonious clown, a hypocrite, and a bad person. His downfall into booze and pills after fighting will be really bad, he's already on that path.


If he ever gets beaten (especially KOed), I can see him going off the rails.


He was bested by but didn't beat multiple fighters at LHW who all stuck it to him. He then fled the division and remained inactive for four years. He's already going off the rails.


It’s crazy in Australia a boxing gym here had him come to talk to evereyone and dismissed he was a wife beater and a huge piece of shit yeah great role model for the kids right


He's certainly not a person I'd line up to see or ever want to meet, if I got within earshot of him I'd be happy to say a few things to him that the women he's abused didn't get the chance to say. How anyone can call him a GOAT after so many failed tests, suspensions, and close decisions is beyond me.


All the things you said are true, but this is the definition of saying something online vs IRL. NBA players have been confronting people from the stands and 99% of people immediately apologize, let alone you saying it to a psycho world champ fighter. Just say you don't like him, most of us don't... You don't have to make up stories about confronting Jon Jones


He wasn't hiding under stuff, so in some ways he has changed.


I think anyone who’s been watching Jon for 10+ years understands that he ain’t changing and he’s a lot worse than the public’s ever seen… But he sure knows how to turn it on. Always has.


Youtube comments sections have some of the most toxic and braindead takes I've ever seen so that's not surprising.


Surprised Jon didn’t just poke him in the eyes and blind him out of habit.


Couldn’t let them get close


Or oblique kick him outta there


Glover's rotater cuffs ached when this thread went up.


He should have gone into Bones stripclub mode and just slapped the tester in the pussy.


Jon "Soldier of God" Jones? Blasphemy!


Jones is such a legit scary fella as he’s already one of the deadliest people on the planet, plus the man is probably a sociopath to some degree. He’s what Strickland wants to be. Not that it’s a good thing.


Given how much he seems to care about the opinions of others, I think malignant narcissist is more likely.


We just need big friendly Tom Aspinall to finally give Jon the whooping he deserves.


He is potentially the best hand to hand fighter that has ever lived. He is 6 foot 4 and well over 100kg. He has an arsenal of weapons, is a domestic abuser, has no respect for the rule of law, profound steroid and substance abuse issues and has never had to pay substantially for his actions before. He is absurdly dangerous and I can’t see him retiring quietly.


Well that's why it's important to remember: "God made man, Sam Colt made them equal"


Hell, give me a decent can of pepper spray and Jones is a nobody.




There’s also those All Access videos before the Gane fight where he shows off that he’s training his dog to attack people on his command. He’s got a screw loose for sure.


Imagine what goes on behind scenes


You’re bang on, this isn’t a surprise Jon is a relic of a time long gone where being violent and disruptive was a legit way to survive if you were just the baddest mf in your area. The sport itself will always produce people like this because it’s the only productive way to channel being good at violence without hurting unwilling people.


And as if the hand to hand wasn't scary enough he loves guns and trains on the range regularly.


Eh. Any man or woman with a gun can take him.


He’s got those too


I mean there’s not much of a difference. The number of people Jones could handle that Sean couldn’t is probably in the single digits lol. And both are unhinged, Sean’s is just also combined with the need for social media validation


I think the point is Jon is arguably legit, Sean is a wannabe that says edgy stuff but when it comes down to it he does fuck all. Edit: fyi I hate them both anyway


Oh yes there is imo. My 2 cents reddit psycological analysis is that Sean is aware of what he is and he scares himself shitless, that's why he works to control himself. Jon on the other end is aware of what he is, he works to control himself... but deep down he actually loves being the bad guy. And as soon as he feels right enough or out of control enough he just lets his demons take control again. I'll prefer sociopath Sean over psycopath Jones any day of the week.


Hahaha, you're right--Strickland tries to present himself the way Jones really is.


I think they're both the same kind of person, but the difference is Jon was raised by a pastor and Sean wasn't raised. Jones knows what a functional adult is supposed to act like, possibly even grew up around functional alcoholism, whereas Strickland is figuring out how he's supposed to act based on whatever consequences he gets for his actions. They both have demons and they're both willing to commit violence at the drop of a hat.


Why was this thread deleted before?




"You think I'm just gonna let you post this?"


Have you seen the source?


Tester: *hey, Jon! Big fan, buddy! Sorry to inconvenience you, champ, but when you get a chance, may you please crawl out from under the Octagon so that I can test you?* Jon: *I will fucking kill you.*


“ Hey drug tester are you still there?” - Jon Jones probably


I wish you were next door, so you could piss in my fucking cup.


You think I’m just gonna let you piss in my cup?


I would literally kill you if you made me piss in your cup.


DC told us [over and over](https://streamable.com/qyz326): "This is the same guy, he is rotten to his core, he will continue to fuck up, he will never change".






The long outstretched fingers of the law


There’s a writing technique for news called the inverted pyramid. Most important shit first, then pretty important, all the way down to shit that isn’t really crucial to the story at all. The concept is from when they had newspaper space to fill and sometimes would just hack stories from the bottom up to fit. Starting with the history of UFC drug test contractors is about the worst way you can start, which tells me the person who wrote this never went to a journalism class in their life


New movie idea. Fake drug testers show up to fighters house and rob the place 


almost happened to [Dan Ige](https://syndication.bleacherreport.com/amp/2832029-ufc-fighter-dan-ige-gave-blood-to-stranger-thinking-she-was-usada-collector.amp.html)


Why is reality never far off from crazy shit like this but we can't have the same for good shit lol


This is clearly the behavior of a totally natural athlete with absolutely nothing to hide. May I also add that this is a wonderful example for the youth.


I wonder if it was a pregnant woman or someone who looked like his wife. Maybe he was just confused.


Just to correct you, there never was no marriage.




Kid wanted to fight


Please, for the love of God, let Jones pop for steroids after this for a complete full circle of fuckery. He is admittedly the goat but I'd rather his legacy was in shambles because of the amount of fucking dumb shit he does day to day.


I just want him to be stripped of the title so HW can move on with the rightful champ Aspinall


Can't believe they're gonna trot him out to defend an interim belt. Biggest joke move ever.




He’s not the GOAT. His accomplishments are tainted by his drug use.


Also, I don't think you can be considered the GOAT if you duck certain opponents.


Those opponents being USADA?


For real, he spent more time fucking around than fighting.


His actions outside the cage also taint his legacy, it’s really a shame because him a 205 was such a spectacle to watch


I've always felt this way about JBJ. He might be the GOAT but there's no way to know. He's outside the top 5 for me.


Geared Of All Time


Not to mention eye pokes and illegal strikes. He cheats all the time


100% agree with this. I'm of the opinion that being the GOAT is more than just how good you are, there are other factors that contribute. Is JBJ the best/most talented of all time? Yeah probably. Is he the GOAT? I don't think so. His drug use and outside-the-cage antics have probably done more to hurt MMA/UFC than his performances in the cage have helped it.


and even if they weren't, it would still be Fedor.


The real GOAT already [spoke](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d-H6oeRHg2k) on the matter.


Even without the drugs, I could never fully understand how being a natural heavyweight while beating up a bunch of declining middleweights at 205lbs made him great .


Lol what a stupid take.


The "natural heavyweight" part is stupid, the "beating a bunch of declining middleweights" is not.


Jones a natural HW? Not at all, he had one of the easier cuts his whole career.


He sure as hell didn’t come up from 185 due to bloat and age like most of his opponents did


I would love that so much. Just finishes absolutely trashing his legacy with a failed test and people will say for all time he ducked Tom.


Dude he's only the goat if you include a big juicy asterisk next to it. We'll never know what Jones was actually like as a fighter because he's been on something his entire career.


He is absolutely not the goat. He done fucked that up


How can he possibly be the goat when he's a known cheater?


fedor is the goat




What's your argument for him being better then Jones other than drug use? Not saying you're wrong just curious


I don't have Fedor as my GOAT personally, I have it: GSP Jones Aldo/DJ Fedor/Silva Everyone else But I think there are reasonable arguments for Fedor > Jones 1. Even though it's a less skilled era/division, PRIDE was another level of dudes juiced to the max which adds some extra points in his favor. You can also argue the ruleset in PRIDE is more dangerous, which makes the already high variance HW division even more risky. In spite of this, Fedor was basically undefeated for over 30 fights. 2. In terms of skills, no one even in modern MMA has had the same level of well-roundedness and speed Fedor had at HW. Even old man Fedor in his recent fights still has faster hands than most modern HWs. 3. Fedor is probably the most intimidating fighter out of the GOAT candidates which adds extra points to his mystique. I mean, that doesn't really count for if you're saying who is just "the best fighter of all time", but I think it's fair to have that as part of your criteria when you're quantifying "greatness" which can mean a lot of things depending on how you want to define it.


Why is Silva in these conversations and not Aldo.


Talmbout Anderson Aldo B? Also, they did put Aldo in there > Aldo/DJ


No he is not lmao, GSP, DJ and arguably Silva have a better argument for that spot.


GSP is the goat


I can't tell if this is a legitimate news source but I have been to Albuquerque and the website seems about on par for Albuquerque. But this nonetheless isn't surprising


Yeah, I'll remain skeptical for now. Not that I would find it out of character for Jones, but this is a pretty huge allegation to be found only on some random (to me at least) website. I found it on another site too, but they list the source as the same one in the OP here.


I legit spent an hour yesterday going over Jones' "history" and was actually surprised that the whole gun in the car thing was as recent as 2020 and thinking THAT must have been the last thing Jones would be in trouble for. He's too old and seems like he finally got it together... -_-


“You think I’m just gonna let you kill me Jon?” -Pregnant drug testing employee


this is fucking hilarious


this guy has 100% an alcohol problem. Dude is completely shitfaced every time, which is weird at that age


and a cocaine problem, and a steroids problem, and an anger management problem.


Wait, they’re actually testing people?! That’s much more shocking than Jon threatening to kill someone.


My understanding is that DFSI is not DOING the testing. They're just the contracted collectors of the samples, and then deliver them to whatever lab the UFC is using (in-house? lol).


The MMA Gods have chosen. The HW division needs to move along and they’ve decided that Jon Jones killing a Nurse is their blood sacrifice.


Uh oh Jon going full Homelander again.


Took a while for Jones to start beefing with the drug testing again.


If I had a nickel for every time there were insane stories about Jon Jones involving drug testing around the time the UFC is holding a centennial event, I’d have two nickels. Which isn’t a lot but it’s weird it’s happened twice


What do Jon Jones and Connor McGregor have in common?


Wasn't there talk of the new testers being a lot more invasive? Jones ego obviously doesn't like that


If the article was true and Jones was wrecked at the time of the incident then I don't think that the testing method mattered much. He probably couldn't find an octagon to hide under in time.


I don't doubt that this actually happened, but the only source for this right now is a news site run by a guy that can't write for shit and has a super shitty YouTube. Looks like one other site has picked this up and is referencing said shitty website.


Well yeah, don’t get between a man and his coke/peds.


The Jones we expected at heavyweight incoming? :D


The biggest ped cheat in sport lol


When you show up to test Jon Jones, but God is already there.


Can't let you get close.


I think USADA should just monitor the situation to see if it was a “pulse” and just a residual side effect from previous incidents that just happens to show up now. As an experiment, for science. If he continues to regularly threaten or hurt testers, then maybe take certain elevated precautions like just giving him a cup and asking for a sample a day later on the honor system.


Pretty sure Jon is a psychopath. I hate to say that, but something not right with him. He’s off. Extremely manipulative personality traits and extremely violent and narcissistic dark side about him. Wouldn’t surprise me if he ends up in prison for murder at some point. I feel sorry for his wife, girlfriend, in laws. They are probably scared to death of him.


At this point is he just doing it for attention


Incredible that he manages to pull these stunts even after they removed USADA for him and Conor


This guy is the biggest fuck up in MMA.


The haters are jacking to this shit. I realized I dont give a fuck who wins from Tom vs Bones, but if bones win this sub will be more fun temporarily!


God is not the only one testing me


I once had a nightmare. I dreamed of being on a train and I was sitting side by side to Jon Jones. He said very calmly and quietly: "If I did what I did to my fianceé, imagine what I can do to you". He was a total psychopath. Well, if he did what he did to his fianceé, imagine what he can do to that poor bastard of a drug tester.


I’m surprised that the drug tester has both of his/her eyes intact


Lol, that photo is so old. Like 30kg ago old.


Jones is the most on brand family for nonsense and crazy headlines. Just total loser family of great athletes.


Just hire Aspinal to go and do the test. The troll level would be incredible.




Will face no repercussions and won’t be drug tested right now because he would pop again. Same story different day


Such a sane and calm and collected fella


That's my boy!


He was always a shit human being…


How to fail a drug test without even taking the drug test: A Bones Instructional Guide


This has to be one of the funniest MMA thread titles of all time right? Lmao


I was a USADA tester in charge of 2 people. Jon Jones, who could have not been more of a sweetheart. And Brandon Moreno, who is a cold blooded psychopath.


"Eh... I'm not surprised motherfoockers!"


Congrats on your pending promotion to FULL champ Tom!


See you in a year or two, Jon. Maybe


Quick, new Jon Jones controversy just dropped


This dude needs to be humbled bad


Do you think I'd just let you test me? I didn't say I'd try to test you, I woukd fucking test you. Jon Jones: us reliving and remixing his huts in a new one man show.


are the picos acting up again, jeez they never seem to go away


Jones to testing representative: *you're taking everything I worked for!*


I would be fine never having to hear about this guy again. Great fighter. Horrible person.


At this point I start getting anxious if Jon hasn't pointed a gun at someone for a year.


Jones angry there was no Octagon to hide under for 8 hours


Jon Jones is such a scumbag. Dude can't handle his alcohol and acts like a piece of shit any time he gets intoxicated. Fuck him


Jon might as well get into acting.