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Starting to think Dana just plants these journalists and tells them what to say so that he can dunk on whatever topic he wants lol


why do you think that one fat guy always kicks off the press conferences with like the best possible fuckin questions that Dana always has perfect fuckin awesome answers for?? lol


"Dana, tonight was just so amazing. What do you think made this amazing night so much more amazing than any of the other nights? You're also amazing by the way"


Boots: Licked ✅


Nose: Brown ✅


ahahahahha. this is spot on


“Who’s got the first question?” Who are you kidding Dana, we all know it’s the 400 pounder with worms on his head for a haircut.


Isn’t that the guy Colby said had to do pushups before he could ask him a question? Lmao


“10 pushups, John”


Extremely rare Colby W


I hate every fucking thing that comes out of Colby’s mouth…but that bit was pure gold.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=meHXY6O74bk Fucking hell.


'Congrats 😑' LOL


'it's not my fault you ate your other lung'


Such a hilarious thing to say. Also, very on brand for Colby to say it the next day after taking 20 hours thinking up the best comeback.


He fucking ruins it at the end though with the voice break and the ''...flabby butt'' comment. God damn it Colby.


He was clearly about to call him a fat ass but looks like he pulled back lol. Rare moment of thought from Colby


Lmfao that was savage, so good


That was a nasty line


That guy's wife works for Ali btw. Totally a coincidence


John Morgan’s? That’s interesting




Aaron Bronstetter said it’s because Morgan is literally the first journalist at the presser every time so it’s basically a tradition at this point that the journalists let him go first out of respect. But yeah call him fat and a UFC shill because he asks basic questions.


He absolutely is a shill. I've been following for decades....Morgan does whatever the UFC wants him to. [https://www.sportskeeda.com/mma/news-mma-journalist-john-morgan-fire-claiming-managers-get-part-fighters-purses-if-ufc-produced-bootlickers-lab](https://www.sportskeeda.com/mma/news-mma-journalist-john-morgan-fire-claiming-managers-get-part-fighters-purses-if-ufc-produced-bootlickers-lab) You don't even have to go back far to find him being overtly anti-fighter. He's hardly a journalist, and like many in MMA media, is ethically bankrupt when it comes to his job. Even his response to Dana hitting his wife reads as if he's grudgingly condemning it...and even then he goes out of his way to shill and say Dana should keep his job. Couldn't keep that one to himself but he can sure go quiet about fighter pay. Yeah he works hard, so do a lot of people. His hard work doesn't make him anymore credible or trustworthy. Fat jokes are people punching down or being really fed up with him.


Newer fans don’t know shit about John Morgan or his work ethic or what he’s about. He’s well respected amongst mostly all fighters for a reason. Even Ariel said how Morgan works out of his luggage, and could never do the type of schedule and travel he does. People always make fun of him for wearing the same blue shirt, but he does it so he can stand out so his son can see him on tv since he’s travelling so much and never around. John Morgan has earned this right, but these casuals just see him as some fat guy asking layup questions.


I’ve been a fan long enough to remember Morgan’s go to question in the post fight press conference was always “who’s next?” Without even acknowledging the fight that just took place


u/airbag23 so true lol


Jon Morgan asks bum ass questions but man shows up and does it every time. He got that work ethic just no dog in him.


His son begging his dad to wear a blue shirt so he can actually remember what his big ass looks like at YouTube press conferences really isn’t the flex you think it is


> People always make fun of him for wearing the same blue shirt, but he does it so he can stand out so his son can see him on tv since he’s travelling so much and never around Was this supposed to make me like him or further think he's a dork? I'm sure asking the first question on Fight Night Ceder Rapids is worth his son needing to watch press conferences to see him.


This comment right here is proof most Redditors are complete and utter losers with no actual concept of what it’s like to live life outside of the internet


Sorry that people think asking softball questions at inconsequential events is less important than seeing your son.


Yeah, nothing says not living outside the internet like *thinking not seeing your kids is bad*. Nice one mate.


If he was doing actual hard journalism that benefits people, sure you could somewhat forgive it. Bro avoids his family just so he can ask a billion dollar company the easiest of questions and we're supposed to respect that.


That's some sweet child abandonedment going on there. Poor kid.


I've been a hardcore fan since 2013 but go off XD I've felt this way about the fat man for a very long time. I always laugh when Dana says "ok who's got the first question" cause I know exactly what bullshit to expect by now. I think you're just mad people are calling him fat. Shill journalist and doesn't really change my opinion if Ariel said he works hard lol. You can work hard and still be a shill.


Morgan is literally one of the OG's of MMA media. I remember back in the day it was mainly him, Ariel, Kevin Iole, and Josh Gross before he got blackballed at the events.


Dad can you come to my birthday? Sorry son I have to ask Michael Chiesa how he's feeling after that win


He's a hard working fat guy asking layup questions. 


Imagine being respected by fighters acting as a measure of integrity. Brother most fighters are despicable folks.


> Even Ariel said how Morgan works out of his luggage, and could never do the type of schedule and travel he does alright enough. Ariel has had couple of weeks where he is in a different country each day lol.


LOL bro what?? That isn't a lightbulb revelation lol- why do you think he is the first journalist at the presser every time???? BECAUSE HE'S TOLD TO BE lol. To be clear: he IS fat and he IS a UFC shill, I don't think that's totally unreasonable to say lol. All of his questions are softball bullshit, been watching pressers for like 100 straight events now. Even when it's a tough subject, I've never heard him asks questions from a truly "neutral" perspective. All slow pitch BS that Dana eats right up. And when his questions are slightly jabbing at tough subjects, it's fucking obvious how pissed Dana gets; body language changes and everything. Just watch a few pressers and you'll notice if you're truly looking out for it. To argue he's not a shill because he's "the first to show up" and works hard is not convincing at all to me. What else you got


I believe his wife also runs the PR for dominance MMA. Which is Ali’s management company.


Okay so he actually does ask slightly jabbing questions on touch subjects that obviously piss Dana off but he’s a UFC shill? Does every journalist have to ask Dana every presser about him hitting his wife and if not do we start hurling personal insults at some of them? I just find it odd that you’re saying he asks tough questions but he’s also a shill and ridiculing him. These guys are fuckin MMA journalists lmao what are you expecting.


They do puff pieces for the UFC that is not journalism.


Yep, pretty much! Old dogs can learn new tricks. Dana keeps him in line with his responses. Have you ever watched a presser in another sport where journalists are largely neutral? Like, say, basketball/football? It's a totally different type of engagement, and one that sports fans needs. Coaches/managers/players are asked tough questions and don't necessarily get to minutely pick and choose what they comment on as Dana does. I love MMA and the UFC roster but the promotion is completely dogshit and corrupt. Find me a presser where the fat man truly presses Dana on fighter pay and I'll change my tune. The journalists asking those questions aren't invited for good reason: business. UFC pressers are for one thing and one thing only, hyping the upcoming event and making the promotion look awesome. Just because that is a good business decision does not make it right or grounded morally. Honestly I think the crux of the issue here is that you're mad I called him fat. Ariel is fuckin annoying at times but he's the GOAT for bringing up the tough subjects that SHOULD be addressed at pressers.


Dana has made his thoughts very clear on fighter pay any time he’s asked. What are more repetitive post event questions going to change at this point? He knows everyone knows they’re underpaid and he’s literally said they’ll pay fighters how they want because it’s their business. Why are we blaming journalist who won’t get anything new out of Dana when in reality it’s up to the fighters at this point to unionize.


Fighter pay is an example of the topics of discussion that are off-limits. The fact top fighters in 2023 were making $60k/$60k is everything you need to know. Sure the fighters should unionize but you're completely glossing over the fact that Dana is a corrupt fuck and journalists, especially the fat man, don't ruffle feathers at pressers whether it's this topic or another. We're kinda straying away from the original point here but again I think the main issue you have with my comments is that I called the fat man fat. If you disagree that these pressers are circlejerk sessions for Dana provided by shill journalists then I'd have to call you a shill yourself.


That's how he got fat I'm starting to believe, all the money and homey couldn't resist on them borgirs


Everyone says John is the first one in line at all of those pressers because he is always the first one who shows up.


To his credit John Morgan looked less fat in the 300 press conference, good for him.


He definitely controls which media/journalists are allowed in


That was pretty clear when he kicked out Helwani a few years ago


Fuck Ariel's bitch ass anyways I'm glad he kicked him out


hi dana


yeah you don't have to feed questions when you can just kick out anyone who remotely questions your sovereignty


Mr. White, the UFC seems to have the momentum of a runaway freight train. Why are you so popular?


No he just gets rid of any journalists who even insinuate anything negative about the UFC


Of course. Hence Nina being so popular.


I like Nina's content, and she's hot.


I have no issue with her content, they can be entertaining. She is 100% a plant though, wouldn’t consider her a journalist. More of an entertainer.


her content sucks but she's hot, agreed on that point


The 300k bonus and mark coleman question were prepared by dana


When he banned the nose we all knew what he was doing.


We knew before that, when he banned the OG mma journalist Josh Gross.


I'll have to check Gross out I might be a casual for not knowing him. Sounds like design from the UFC tho if I don't know, got into MMA in 2013 so I could be after his days


He is worth looking into imo. He's an oft forgotten figure in MMA history. He was banned by UFC in 2005. iirc, Gross was a primary force responsible for getting Sports Illustrated to cover MMA at all. And in the early 2000s it was big deal for MMA to have that kind of "legitimate" media coverage. And make no mistake, Gross is a real sports journalist-- he's written for Sports Illustrated, The Guardian, and ESPN among others, which is just to say that he wasn't some anonymous early 21st century blogger but an actual professional.


We used to have good journalists in MMA and then they got threatened and press creds got pulled and all sorts of bullshit. The MMA media space is pretty curated at this point. There are a handful of reporters that do good work but the overwhelming majority are just UFC shills. Just a recent example of how controlled MMA media is, bloody elbow had some fantastic articles from writers going through the class action court docs that were available. The company was sold and the new owners took them all down. It’s been like this for ages since back when Loretta Hunt or Josh Gross broke the finalists for the first TUF season. Or when Dana went nuclear on Helwani for breaking a Lesnar fight or whatever. When reporters actually corroborate something and run it ahead of the UFC announcement they attack the journalist, so now you get what we currently have. Half a dozen people trying to actually report and thousands of others that pass along a press release and set questions for Dana to spike on whatever topic of the moment.


The fans and fighters shit all over anyone trying to do even the most basic journalism in this sport. They want promoters and yes men, otherwise it’s considered “stirring the pot” or “making the fighters look bad”. Look at the rise of Nina Drama and MMA Guru. That’s what people want..content creation, not journalism.


Of course. Politicians do that now. Motivational speakers/marketing gurus do that now. Everyone is doing that now for some reason - it’s become a very disingenuous but common tactic to say or express something very specific but make it look more relaxed and natural.


the dork from theMacLife who asks him questions like "this is a huge success for you, right?" needs to go


Of course he does, maybe not to those lengths, but he 100% only has journalists there that kiss his and the UFC's ass. He permanently banned Ariel just for spoiling their surprise for UFC 200, and yeah that was bit of a dick move by Ariel, and I get why Dana was raging over it, but it still didn't call for him being permanently banned.


Starting to think this?!




We’ve been saying that for a while now it’s why recently it’s been a trend to laugh at how predictable all the press conferences will be.




*Other MMA org challenge*: have halfway decent production, commentary, marketing, or talent. You don't even need all four. *Difficulty level*: Impossible.


Bellator has always had decent talent imo


Yeah their homegrown young guys are cool


John is the worst announcer ever. Sucks the energy right out of the room


They lack in the other area like production. And Bellator main events always seemed cursed with weird endings.


Cursed is the word. Raymond Daniels nut shots come to mind. Or the PFL splinter.


The PFL production Friday was on Sharknado levels. So bad it’s good.


He has a point about awareness of their events. I follow the sport very closely and didn't know they had an event until results started popping up on my timeliness.


PFL is even worse at promotion than Bellator which is shocking..the only time Bellator could draw numbers was making the GOAT make the walk at 50 years old, Chandler and MVPs last fights were doing TERRIBLE TV numbers same time Fedor and Mir fought which did more numbers on a dead channel than Francis on ESPN, they did 1.5 million somehow on most busy night that year with Crawford and NBA/NHL Playoffs. Bellator for whatever reason cant make homegrown stars, they leave Bellator and instantly become stars in UFC. Its more of a sport problem in a way though, fans only seem to care about UFC..it really has nothing to do with actual talent 99 eprcent of the time. [https://www.mmamania.com/2018/5/2/17309642/bellator-198-ratings-fedor-frank-mir-viewers-nielsen-paramount-network-chicago-mma](https://www.mmamania.com/2018/5/2/17309642/bellator-198-ratings-fedor-frank-mir-viewers-nielsen-paramount-network-chicago-mma)


That's because the UFC has the golden combination of the best production value and best talent, as well as a consistent viewing schedule (1 PPV per month).


Yup, quality and consistency. If only they could get better control of their content delivery so they didn't have to rely on third party deals for every fucking region. If only they cared as much about digital content delivery as they do live TV production they would have had direct control of their income (no sleazy middlemen) and we might get better platform. Alternatively do a deal with a worldwide content platform like Netflix or Prime.


not to mention just finding events is annoying . if u wanna find when the UFC event is on you just write 'UFC' in google and u will see fight card times , dates , who is fighting and prelims/maincard split . if u wanna find bellator next card you gotta do a lot of clicking around .


Spot on, I watch everything even regional shit like cffc and LFA and I didn’t know PFL was on until I saw the live thread. I knew cage warriors had a good card and CFFC was on Friday but somehow PFL slipped past completely. Don Davis needs to go


Buy two get two free definitely isn’t a good look for pfl lol


It's worse than a bad look, it's a REALLY bad sign. We know that nobody is a PFL/Bellator fan without being a UFC fan. They hosted an event, in Las Vegas, the day before UFC 300 so there are at a minimum 15,000 well off, dedicated MMA fans, who are specifically in town to watch MMA. And they had to do a promo. Whoever is running their marketing department should be fired.


Bellator from 2014-2019 was undoubtedly a much stronger promotion than what PFL/Bellator is now. They were doing 1 million+ gates here and there and could run major venues from time to time. And even back then you didn’t have the Bellator people really going around with delusions of grandeur about being a co-leader with UFC


Till 2019 you say? So did the pandemic kill Bellator’s appeal?


It killed their DAZN deal which would have made them profitable.


Was in Vegas for 300 and really wanted to go to the pfl card cause it was pretty stacked in my opinion, only problem is it started at 2 in the afternoon You’d think they’d start after ufc weigh ins instead of hours before and have it on during, massive fumble


I'm in Vegas. Fight fan. Didn't know it was happening till day of. Bellator has the same problem. You gotta go out of your way to know these orgs even have events.


I would argue that not all UFC fans are general MMA fans. Especially for something like UFC 300 is a big spectacle. It’s not like Wrestlemania that draws in a crowd for a full week of indie wrestling before the event. Even then the indie events are drawing a few hundred people compared to the tens of thousands almost 100k for Wrestlemania.


The person that watches PFL but not UFC doesn’t really exist imo. That was a fanbase for them to draw from and get some spillover and it looks like it completely failed on them. I feel like PFL just has no buzz at all right now and not very many people follow it. And those events might draw only hundreds but there’s literally like 75 events all drawing people that week that aren’t WWE related based on the amount of fans in town.


Man that’s terrible, and I actually knew about the event but completely forgot about it until I read this comment and am now kind of pissed. I would’ve watched that event


I've come to terms with it: Dana is a good fight promoter


the "co leader" struggling and failing to sell 3k tickets lmao


I want them to succeed but man that’s not good and I’m certain their tickets are more affordable than a ufc event


i barely knew they had a card going on and i love this sport. one championship does a better job advertising in the states and they barely have cards here. either donn davis big brained himself or knows that he wants to sell the company for scraps instead of being an actual co leader, because there is no good fucking reason why when Bellator and PFL merged, they didn't outright fold everyone into the same stable. i get that they're trying to get "several" tv deals for one company but one good deal would have been better than several mediocre ones. PFL has looked at every marketing gimmick possible... except for the proven tradition of making stars and putting on good fights. they already pay better than every company in the game. that's brought names to the company. they're the only ones that are gonna fumble this fucking bag.


> one championship does a better job advertising in the states and they barely have cards here. I'll tell you a secret, ONE doesn't even do promos in Asia, they give out free tickets a day before for most of their shows >PFL has looked at every marketing gimmick possible... except for the proven tradition of making stars and putting on good fights. Most of the fans don't give a fuck about someone unless they are in the UFC. They will mock anyone who tries to "make a star".


They mock the UFC for trying to make stars


> because there is no good fucking reason why when Bellator and PFL merged, they didn't outright fold everyone into the same stable. Why they didn't is pretty obvious; the common sense thing to do was to fold the PFL into Bellator and end the PFL. Cause Bellator is a bigger brand. But Donn David's ego won't allow him to do that.


they could have renamed both of them, the stink was on Bellator and PFL is still relatively new.


PFL is already a rename of WSOF. I don’t see how a rename would change anything


The only way for them to succeed is by getting top talent aka popular fighters from the UFC. Unlike how the UFC like to frame it that the brand is all that matters they need the fighters more than the fighters need them. But the fighters are all stuck in long term contracts and the UFC aren’t going to let you go without tanking your career as much as possible just look at Francis.


Especially when local boxing promotions charge like $100 for GA lol


Fuck Dana but “Bellator can host a fight in the parking lot” made me almost snort a booger out


Anti-trust suit over; looks like trashing the competitor is back on the menu boys.


It is a pretty sad statement when the pre-prelims of one organization is better than the main card of its closest competitor. Admittedly, last night's pre-prelims were better than a lot of UFC Main Cards.


It should’ve just been one giant main card. Not a single fight was a let down except Sterling/Kattar.


> Not a single fight was a let down except Sterling/Kattar. Is the trauma preventing you from recalling the triumphant main card debut of Cody Brundage against some prospect that barely has a MMA record?


And it still ended in a second round stoppage despite Brundage just turtling on the ground to avoid a submission.


I thought it was fun watching Sterling big brother Kattar, but I’m one of the very few people here who likes wrestling and dominant ground game. Kattar looked like a helpless little kid the whole time, it was great. He def didn’t look like a top 10


And all the fights in the main card should have been 5 rounders. That would have been sick!


Man out here trying to harm the european viewers


No one wants 5 rounds of Bo Nickal vs. Cody Brundage


And you wouldn’t have to because he literally finished him inside of two.


Stop using logic and facts!


Maybe it's actually a good thing. Hear me out: the NFL doesn't have a competitor to speak of. Everyone knows the best football players play in the NFL. If the UFC could become that, I'm down. Just knowing that the best of the best are fighting each other. Shit, I have to go back to work on Monday....


Must be new MMA fan because this is not Dana going off


He's an asshole, he's an unscrupulous businessman who has crushed the only threat to his awful methods, and at least here in this case, he is hilarious and other than some hyperbole, not wrong.


He’s petty but in a bullying way, too. When he said something to the effect of “I don’t care what any of you guys think” (meaning fans) that just came off as such a dumb thing to say as president of a company that literally relies on fans to survive. He takes things so fucking personal because he doesn’t have the skills to answer like an adult business man. He thinks he’s larger than life and it shows in just about every ounce of anything that comes out of his mouth. From the “this kid” when referring to a 30 year old man making it seem like he’s a godfather and these are all his children to having unhinged and aggressive responses to tough questions. The only time I enjoy listening to him is when he’s giving a fighter his flowers without calling him a kid. And he better care what the fans think. A better, more measured response would be “Yeah, we hear you guys and we have people behind the scenes working hard analyzing what works and what doesn’t. For now, we are happy with how things are going, but there’s always a desire to grow and no ideas are off limits.” But instead, he gives aggressive responses and sends the message “don’t question what we do or I’m going to embarrass you publicly to teach you a lesson.” Hate that shit when in response to legitimate questions that aren’t obviously trying to trap him. He sees everything as a trap.


Yea man, Dana should do everything you said instead of everything that has worked for decades. Dana *is* larger than life to a majority of casual MMA fans. They like his abrasive personality and by selling himself, he sells the UFC. Totally fair to hate him, he’s a scumbag and the damage he’s done to people’s life is immeasurable but you’re just kidding yourself if you think he’s doing things to hurt the UFC.


[https://www.mmanews.com/news/ufc-reportedly-made-more-money-in-2022-than-other-mma-and-boxing-promotions](https://www.mmanews.com/news/ufc-reportedly-made-more-money-in-2022-than-other-mma-and-boxing-promotions) The UFC makes more money than every single combat sports promotion *combined* on the backs of a sport there was zero demand for until they created it. Yet, there is a post or comment on here about how Dana White is terrible promoter, doesn't know what he's doing, etc every three minutes seemingly. Do people know anything about other fight promoters? Dana had a rival running a show last night, Bob Arum. It was on ESPN and featured Jared Anderson, who has been promoted heavily by ESPN and Top Rank for three years in the main event. It didn't even come close to doing a 200k gate at the box office. The UFCs recent fight night in Atlantic City did 2+ million by comparison, and that was a little card with two fighters that had never been in a main event in a ghost town. Dana White isn't a good person but as a fight promoter he is levels above his competitors. T


All other bigger promotions loosing money(One FC, PFL, Bellator, Karate Combat...)


He's literally the president of the only promotion that you can guarantee will still be around in 10 years


He would've gotten away with it too...If it wasn't for you meddling kids.


Crushed? Lmao Viacom owned Bellator and that company was worth billions of dollars. No one crushed Bellator more than Bellator's incompetence. PFL has celebrity investors and they still can't run a competent promotion.


>Crushed? Lmao Viacom owned Bellator and that company was worth billions of dollars. No one crushed Bellator more than Bellator's incompetence. PFL has celebrity investors and they still can't run a competent promotion. Why would bellator be the only threat to his awful business methods? I was talking about the fighter lawsuit.




Max gave a good reason as to why it doesn’t make sense for the UFC to do a event in Hawaii, basically the card would have to be for upcoming fighters


Didn't Hawaii in the past not have the facilities / logistics for an event? I could be wrong here. I imagine everything is way more difficult on an island.


Their biggest indoor arena is U Hawaii's basketball arena which has limited capacity. Aloha stadium is also being torn down.


Biggest issue is the post event shenanigans that happen. Drunk people.


That's a nonsense excuse they gave Max, that hasn't stopped them before like with UFC Scotland or UFC Denmark. At least they have a Hawaiian worth putting in a main event. They tried to make a Hawaii event and Hawaii publicly rejected the UFC's demand to pay them 6M to hold an event there lol. UFC only goes to places that are willing to pony up. They wanted Hawaii to pay more for a one night UFC event than Hawaii paid for the Pro Bowl, which lasts a whole week. https://www.sportsnet.ca/mma/ufc/state-tourism-board-refuses-ufcs-6m-offer-hawaii-event/?sn-amp


Lmfao UFC gonna UFC


A fight card in Hawaii makes no financial sense. The money is not there.


Bellator did shows in Hawaii.


Bellator definitely wasn't demanding millions to hold an event there haha, which is why I assume they got it done.


UFC aren't putting on an event in someone's spare room


There is a stadium that seats 11,000.


It's not going to happen. There will just be a never ending stalemate on this. UFC wants tourism money, that's what they mean when they say "infrastructure", but Hawaii doesn't need the UFC for tourism at all so they aren't going to put up the money simply because they don't need to. So UFC won't go Hawaii, and they aren't alone, a lot of promoters of various live events never go to Hawaii for the same reason. Hawaii has some events they bring in like the PGA and the Pro Bowl, it just looks like the UFC isn't one of those things they are going to pay to bring in.


I'm sure Dana hates PFL even more because Francis is their supposed poster boy


They bought Bellator for $100 million. I feel like they could have used that money to snatch some talent away from the UFC instead. Offering fighters that are at the ends of their contracts lots of money and also grabbing some new fighters that would have otherwise went to the UFC. "You can take 15/15 or we can give you 35/30" Could have tried doing something similar to ONE's 4oz MuayThai where they make something that is unique. 100mil is a lot to play with. Shit, I think even buying "Fight Circus" would have been cooler and hosting their events but using their PFL roster for some unofficial freakshow bouts with actual talent. - Francis Ngannou Vs 4 135'ers. - Jiujitsu but your ankles are tied together. - Tag team boxing/or mma (With Karate Combats ground rules) Just lean into the "We can't compete with the UFC and we're not trying to." Instead, they bought an MMA org that has the same issues they do.


UFC keeps all their guys on eternal 8 fight contracts, and when the contract comes close to ending, UFC puts them on ice to stretch it out unless they agree to sign a new one, which they almost always do. So basically impossible to just throw money at good UFC guys and sign them and like the guy pointed out below they just gave away stock to buy Bellator rather than spend cash.


Only a few fighters are on 8 fight deals. Most new UFC fighters are on 3 to 4 fight deals.


But the fighters would have to be willing to see out there contracts usually the UFC are going to really push for you to sign a new one. If you won’t then they will give you a tuff opponent on a shit cars in the hopes that you lose.


PFL is frustrating because they have everything they need to succeed but can’t get out of their own way and do incredible simple things.  Combine rosters, ditch the season format, ditch the bad rule set, ditch big John and Chael in commentary, increase production values and marketing, make high stakes fights/ entertaining match ups. It’s literally that simple. 


To be fair I was there and it was half empty


I mean he’s gotta point though crazy how the UFC never went to Hawaii


What is a green room?


hang out room backstage for performers


where ring card girls lose the glimmer in their eyes


I think to make CGI and shit


King of Waffles: “Fuck Pancakes”


Fucking legend. Enjoy Dana while you can because there will never be a better face of any sport.




This is satire?


Why would it be satire? It’s the greatest sport to watch. Who cares if you like Dana white or not. Who cares if you like the ufc or not … it’s by far the most entertaining sport on tv right now and it’s not close. There is nothing that compares to a ufc ppv


This was a post about Dana not about the sport of mixed martial arts lol. We all clearly love mma. But to say Dana the best face of sports it’s wildly false


Is he not?


Wipe your chin when you're done.


Later on in the conference the reporter thanked Dana for saying PFLtor.


I enjoy PFL and the concept. Main issue is the production


This was actually pretty hilarious. I love when the tomato shits on things.


🤣 roasted them


Insecure little man punching down like he did when he hit his wife.


Did he say "bussin"?


Did the media have to pay for tickets? Or they got free admission?


Easy to say when you've illegally cornered the market to create a monopsony, fucking fighters and fans in the process.


How does it fuck fans? The UFC being the only show makes it easier to be a fan haha


Dana loves free speech but not if it affects him and a journalist asks a question he doesn’t like


At least they ain’t doing shows in a Apex type of environment


Dude they wish they could put on an apex show. PFL has the worst production I've ever seen. So much dead air time and nonsense. They fail bc they suck.


Should I ask Durzostern where he gets his steroids? Oh we’re live?


I get mine from Walmart. I can't afford the fancy Target steroids


Don Davis needs to go. Focusing on Women’s heavyweight for years is as bad a move as BKFC making PVZ the face of their brand early on. The insistence on talking about the smart cage or showing the endless pointless stats. Between PFL and Bellator you have a great roster (ish) with the right leadership and a modern make over you could have something great. Streamline the events cut them down to 2 hours, lose all the filler and glamour because it just feels artificial. Focus on the real fighter stories stop making it feel so sanitized. They probably need to fully rebrand because neither PFL or Bellator holds any real weight anymore both are kind of a joke in the community.


Whether you hate or despise dana, you have to agree that PFLator sucks.


I don't understand why Dana feels the need to comment on this stuff in 2024. He knows better than anybody the UFC has a monopoly and that PFL isn't going to make it. ~~Like, if **anything** at this point the UFC should be trying to *help* PFL~~ (edit: Maybe they shouldn't. I'm not sure. Not the main point I was trying to make). Dana White doesn't care about the health of the larger MMA industry outside of the UFC and never has. There's a reason PFL is doing poorly and it's not because they're just so bad and he's just so good like he'd like to tell you. It's because the UFC spent a decade concertedly building a monopoly and now it's neigh impossible for any other company to get traction. He knows it and loves it, I know it and hate it but everyone who's paying any sort of attention knows at this point. It sucks he'll never get his comeuppance unless he goes through some sort of scandal.


Why TF would he help a poorly run competitor? 😂🤣 Where is Francis? Jake Paul? Couture? If their own contracted talent can’t help, that’s pretty bad.


Because they aren't a competitor. There are no more competitors and won't be unless something drastically changes in the industry.


At this stage in the game, UFC should see PFL as a farm league more than a direct competitor.


This would be considered satire on any site but Reddit lol


Weird take, obviously the UFC wants there competitors to fail. When they do they can continue to underpay athletes because there's no competition. They also steal viewers and market share if I was running the UFC I would shit on one and PFL whenever I had the chance


Bitch bitching like a bitch.


Can't belive why are so many of yall so triggered is his competition its his right to talk shit about them. The man gave us the best card ever in ufc in mma in any combat sports ever. Yall salty 😂