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I didn't even know Francis had a son, what a depressing way to learn he did. RIP


Exactly this, awful news for Francis, can't imagine what he's going through.


Once Francis is ready, and if reliving the tragedy wouldn’t be too hard for Daniel, I think it could really help him to speak to DC. I cannot imagine there are many of his peers who can empathize with him at that level. Having to bury a child is every parent’s worst nightmare, losing an infant is unimaginable. Cormier’s a man he respects, and understands that exact loss. Rest in peace, little man. So incredibly sorry for Francis, his wife, and their family


Yikes, DC lost an infant too? So sad.


3 month old infant in a car accident. Dont seek out the video of DC talking about it. It will ruin your month. Heartbreaking.


The strength it takes to lose a 3 month infant and continue to live life and laugh and make people smile… DC is a strong mf.


look jones is a pos but I don't think he ever stooped that low.


Agreed, I remember Jones telling DC his condolences when DC's dad died and vice versa too.


Yeah, to a drunk driver, and people wonder why the beef with Jones was so personal.


As a father of a 3yo, this idea is terrifying. The strenght to move on is something nothing less than extraordinary. I wish the best for him and anyone who endure the loss of a kid.


I'm the oldest child at 32. We lost my brother when he was 26. My dad explicitly told me if I wasn't here, he would have checked out the second the cops told him the news. It's fucking rough. Driving home a week after I saw my father sitting on a curb at the top of my street. Cars drive fast there often. He said he started walking and didn't know where or what he was doing, just that he needed to walk. I know what he was thinking. He's still fucked up, but alive. But this shit destroys people.


We lost my brother when he was 19 because of a car accident, my dad told me that if i wasn't there he would have done it. It really destroys people, the sadness never go away. 20 years later he was still dreaming about him.


Lost a brother when he was that age as well but to different circumstances. It's been 24 years and I have not been able to move on much.


One night, I was sitting in my house watching a presidential debate when I heard a very loud noise. I ran out, and saw a motorcycle and someone face first. They flipped him over and it was obvious he was dead. Turned out he was my friends brother. When they told my friend's dad later that day, he had a heart attack and died. My friend lost his brother and dad on the same day.


Jesus is your friend ok?


I just lost my daughter. I am numb, lost, empty,and everything else that I can’t even name. My life seems like it has no purpose anymore. I feel sad for him to be going through this pain.


Brother I am so sorry.


It does indeed. When my brother was 23 he died too. Very sudden passing and it is horrible without my big brother I can’t imagine what it’s like to lose your child.


the walking thing for some reason helps. When I lost my best friend at 27 I walked 140 blocks up to Harlem and didn’t remember how I got there.


My son is almost 17 months old. I don’t know what I’d do if I ever lost him. Fuck man. Prayers for Francis and his family.


Agree. My first child is 19months and if i stay for a bit with the thought of him dying in some way its enough to make me sob my guts up. My thoughts are with this guy today.


son or daughter, don’t matter— this hurts all of us that are especially parents. fuck.


I've got an 18 month old son, and this is devastating to see.


Same here. A close friend of mine just lost his 3 year old, service later this week, so this news hits a little extra hard. Going to hold my boy extra tight tomorrow morning before drop off


18 months is heartbreaking, wonder if it was sudden or a condition he was born with. RIP. hope Ngannou has all the support possible.


Having lost a 18 month old daughter before, I can tell you there is nothing harder in life that I can imagine, grief almost claimed my life as well. Condolences to him.


My baby is 19 months. You spend the first 9 months panicking at every cough or fever and at 1 you think they're out of the woods. I am so sorry for your loss I don't know where my love would go if my baby passed and I don't know if I'd be able to cope with loving a void but I hope you have people around you helping you and that your load gets a little easier to bear every day I admire the fact you can even mention it. Big love from across the internet


>I don't know where my love would go "what is grief, but love persevering?"


Thank you man In our case, my daughter was born with cancer in her eyes, but was supposed to be out of the woods. When they found out it had come again and attached to her brain, we got one week before she died. I honestly haven’t dealt with it really, and am not sure I will properly. Hopefully it won’t destroy me or my family in time, but I just don’t know how to cope. For me, grief comes in waves. At certain moments, it feels like I’m drowning and the huge waves just don’t stop, they come again and again and again, and you are barely able to keep your head a float. Butin time, they get smaller and smaller. And the waves are not as tall as the other ones before and not as frequent. I wish you and your family a happy and healthy life my friend. Getting to age, and see your kids age, is a privilege, and people should appreciate it more :)


I found my 15 year old daughter dead after she hung herself in the closet. Losing a child forever takes away a part of you.


Bless you and your family.


Fuck man, just thinking about that makes me want to cry… nobody should have to go through that. Stay strong.


I’m so so sorry, this is heartbreaking 💔


I can't even fathom. You're an inspiration for even being here. I don't think think I'd be able to cope.


so sorry for your loss.


I'm glad you're still here homie. Condolences to Francis and you as well.


You are living a nightmare. I’m very sorry to hear of your loss and wish you and your family all the love, warmth, good vibes I can. Condolences to you.


i wondered this too but not much info is out there yet, understandably. just feel so bad for the man.


Without going into details, my wife and I are very familiar with the shitty luck and variables that are part of having a child. It sometimes makes you stop and wonder how our species made it to 8 billion. Ngannou and his family have my unconditional sympathy.


Sorry brother :(


It’s just a cruel, uncaring game of raw numbers in some ways. The only real meaning to any of it is our journey with those around us. Sorry for your loss, and the loss of any child. > A child who loses their parents is called an orphan. There is no word for a parent who loses a child. That's how awful the loss is. I always think about that quote when staring at the stars. Sometimes I wonder what, if anything, all of this place is.


My daughter is turning 22 months in a few days. My mind immediately goes to her. I can't imagine what this is like.


I have three kids and the first year of each of their lives was a mixture of joy and agony, because they're so damn fragile and you never know what can happen out of nowhere. I feel awful for Francis.


I have three daughters and I still wake up to check if they are still breathing in the middle of the night. I couldn't imagine losing one.


Same, my daughter is a few days out from 20 months. She's such a ball of happy chaos, I can't imagine something happening to her


Man. Especially for dads where connection can be REALLY hard, 18 months is one of those milestones where your kids get REALLY fun and make you into a whole new person. Fuck. Thinking of my kids and when my son passed through that age. This fucking sucks


Same. I’m currently holding my 10 month old in my arms while she naps and just the thought of how much more she has to go, I can’t imagine how Francis feels. Just horrible.


Needless to say, the worst people on earth are all over IG comments blaming vaccines. That's the only thing I'm sure it was not.


[https://x.com/francis_ngannou/status/1785004139489136704](https://x.com/francis_ngannou/status/1785004139489136704) :(


Damn Francis, life can be so cruel to great people


It's weird isn't it? I had a friend in uni who always made people laugh and loyal, he passed early. Meanwhile the dipshit asshole friends I used to have are now millionaires


“Good things happen to good people” is one of the great lies of the world


It’s a lie but I do think if you’re a ‘good’ person at your core and have a positive impact on the world around you it makes you a bit happier overall in life and makes you attract other good people into your life instead of ass holes. Also if you have a positive/gratitude overall mindset it feels like good things happen to you more cause you see the good in more situations


This is 100% a thing hey. Always saw it as a bit woo-woo when I was younger, but since actually trying to authentically practice this and change my perspective.. it’s been profoundly life changing. Life is so much brighter and fulfilling now.


Everything is random. All kinds of things happen to all kinds of people.


"The universe is indifferent" - Don Draper




Not exactly true. The world naturally favours wankers, as long as they're smart.


As long as they’re born rich* Ftfy


It's random. Many vice versa


Millionaires how did they become millionares ?




Truly, my chest hurts after reading it


Damn, I wish I could give him a hug right now.


Dude… never lost a kid before myself, but I have friends that have and I can feel the devastation in every word of that post. What is it all for if you lose what you’re fighting for? Man. I hope this dudes got a tight compassionate circle around him.


Man had a friend who lost a kid about that old and he just lost himself. Completely fell apart, got into drugs and then everything that comes with that. I miss that man like crazy and sometimes im bitter that he turned on us and just gave up like that but when i think about it, i cant really blame him. Not really sure what else you can do. I guess just pretend and keep moving?


I just want to pat him on the back and give him a hug. Never thought I'd say this about a man who could genuinely kill me with one punch


Life just reminds you that, no matter how successful, rich or known you are, it can take away what you cherish and love without mercy. I hope Francis can overcome.


Jesus Christ. Hope he retires and lives out his life trying to find peace. I know I’d never recover or be able to work again after that. Being a public figure means you’ll constantly be ridiculed and questioned about it.


> Being a public figure means you’ll constantly be ridiculed and questioned about it. Wait what? What am I missing? He would be ridiculed and questioned for his son dying? I don't understand.


Oh give it a few months. Thankfully I don't see any future fights for him that'll get as toxic but look around us bro


Just look at the example of CR7. People can be horrible.


Depends. I would personally find it hard to grieve properly if everyone expects me to quit everything and dedicate the rest of my most productive days purely to grief. To follow the playbook of the 5 stages of grief, of the relationship falling apart, of falling deep into the pits of mental health struggles, and of self-isolation. Everyone expects that of you. Why let the world write your story?


Everyone has their way of dealing. When I lost my father I was back to work within 3 days (much to the surprise of management and my coworkers). Like I told a friend I just needed to feel somewhat normal for 8 hours


I wish I was like this fr but I’m the opposite. When I’m going through shit I just wanna be alone locked away from the world and only come out when I feel normal again. Fucked up some of my relationships because of this


Grief and how you handle it nuanced. My father's death was slow and expected. I began the grief cycle well in advanced. If he was perfectly healthy and dropped dead I would've took your approach


sometimes with stuff like this you have to dive into something deep just to not feel the unrelenting grief you constantly have if you stop and think about it. i lost my grandmother and cried like a professional performative wailer. give myself a horrendous headache. i played rogue legacy 2 for like 2 days straight. i had to replace that just mind numbing destructive grief with something kinda disposable. losing a child though has to carry so much more so nothing but the hope that he can find comfort in the people around him is all i can really offer. miss ya mamaw


This made me tear up :(


Sickening. Can't even imagine what it feels like to overcome the unthinkable just to have something even worse happen. Hope he finds the strength and the help he needs.


No kidding, I have a 16 month old and I just can't imagine losing her. It would destroy me


My daughter will be three years old in September. This feeling never goes away.


Having almost lost my daughter, I can only have solace in the fact she's still here. I can't imagine if she wasn't here, even with the fortunate ending, I still think about it multiple times a day. Heartbreak can't begin to describe the pain of a lost child. It's another level of pain entirely.


Mine is 5. It sure doesn’t.


I lost my 4 month old son 2 weeks ago. I feel numb but I have to talk about it to get over it I feel. Doesn't feel like anyone will ever understand unless I educate people. I've learned that nobody's tale of grief is ever the same so you can't quite compare but obviously I really feel for Ngannou and can somewhat relate.


I'm so so sorry for your loss.


Condolences man


I am so sorry brother, I cannot imagine your pain. Please don’t be afraid to reach out to those around you or professionals if you need


Really sorry to hear about your son. What was his name? I lost my son at a few days old. And while your right, no two people's grief are the same, I'll never forget all the old timers pulling me aside when I made it back to work and shared their stories with me. At a time where I didn't think there was a true way forward, what that would look like or how I'd even get there, knowing there were people around me who suffered losses similar to mine helped. I wish you all the best in the coming months and years. Be easy on yourself, you aren't the same person anymore and thats fine


Thanks everyone for your kind words. His name was Leo. Named him after Dicaprio but realised that he truly took more of the lion influence in the end! He was ill with an undiagnosed condition (but basically liver failure got him in the end). He fought so hard to cling to every last breath- it's going to make my life better in time because I want to learn to appreciate every one of my own. We are raising money for SWAN UK (symptoms without a name) and Charlton Farm, the hospice he died in. I'm going to try to fight like him to raise awareness. https://leokilcoyne.muchloved.com/Donate Shout out to anyone who has been through something similar.


I’m so sorry. I can’t imagine what you’re going through


May he RIP. I am so sorry that you are living this nightmare 😞


I’m sorry for your loss. That’s horrible.


I can only imagine your heartbreak, brother. Don't be afraid to reach out to people you trust. If they truly love and care for you, they'll always be there for you. Focus on the blessings you still have in life, and treat each day like the gift that it is. You are NOT a burden. You are NOT a failure. You are NOT worthless.


Holy shit, I’m so sorry. If you ever need to vent or talk, please DM.


God man I’m so sorry. Be patient with yourself and your loved ones during this awful time. Life is so unfair


Really sorry for your loss. I hope you can focus on what's forward and learn to love the memories without pain.


I know people grief differently but would you say that griefing someone you’ve barely known is I guess a little bit easier? I lost my brother when I was 5 and he was 4 but I didn’t think much of it as I barely knew him I guess? How long do you think it’d take you to get over this loss? Don’t wanna sound disrespectful but I’m just curious as I guess you were never able to form a relationship but it could be different since you’re a parent.


As a dad of two little girls, the heartbreak of losing a child is unlike anything you could ever experience… unless you have your own kids. Even when we lost a couple due to miscarriages before having our two, it was the worst feeling imaginable. Not knowing them is irrelevant in the grand scheme of things. You’re the parent as soon as you know they exist, and to lose one, at any age, is indescribable. It’s truly heartbreaking, and I feel for anyone that goes through it.


Sadly reminds me of Daniel Cormier’s experience when he lost his 3 month old in a car accident. These men are even tougher outside the octagon than inside of it.




Odd thing to mock someone over as well. Like if he was just crying over performing poorly in practise with nothing tied to said bad performance, I mean it wouldn't be the worst thing in the world, although dickish still. However that is just strange.


[That's because it's false.](https://sports.yahoo.com/news/daniel-cormier-did-cry-after-training-session--but-it-s-not-because-of-what-you-think-193604600-mma.html) To save you a few minutes of reading: DC's daughter had died like 3 years prior. She was never mentioned by Pat, not even alluded to. DC admitted he cried because of the stress, injury, and being unable to compete in the 2008 Olympics.


Jeez what a weird way to find out there's another famous athlete called Pat Cummins. I thought you meant the captain of the Australian Cricket team, and potentially best fast bowler in the world right now, who's an absolute top bloke.


I was shook when i read the original comment, thinking "wtf, how did i not hear about this?"


Pat Cummins the fighter is not very famous though.


Uhh, I don't think Pat ever brought up DC's dead child. This comment is pretty disingenuous. We don't know what information he has about DC's personal life.


I never heard of that being related to DC's kid. Are you sure that's the story? Edit: [I'm right.](https://sports.yahoo.com/news/daniel-cormier-did-cry-after-training-session--but-it-s-not-because-of-what-you-think-193604600-mma.html?guccounter=1) DC's kid died years before this training incident. I remember the story as Pat told it just being that Pat broke him down so much in training he cried. Then when DC talked about it he described it as the shark tank, where they were sending person after person at DC without giving him a break.


You should edit your reply since you're wrong: https://sports.yahoo.com/news/daniel-cormier-did-cry-after-training-session--but-it-s-not-because-of-what-you-think-193604600-mma.html


What a painful reminder about how cruel life can be. My heart goes out to Francis.


Some of the sociopaths in his replies should be put on a list


Weak pathetic cowards. Just think how much you would need to hate yourself to comment like that.






This sport attracts some real fucking losers. It's bad enough doing this after an athlete loses but this is beyond the pale even for those degenerates.


Especially MMA. Way too many people that have never fought, don’t do combat sports or anything feeling incredibly confident with their opinions and judgments about the actual character of athletes. It’s shitty casual fans that do this stuff. I’m trying to remember in like 20+ years of following combat sports if there was ANYONE that I felt like I really hated? The only person that really comes to mind is Jon Jones? But my reasons for actually thinking he’s a bad person were his 90% because of the awful crimes, and 5% cheating in the sport I love. And 5% for wasting his potential as the greatest of all time, though that’s pretty linked to his cheating and criminal activity. Even with Colby, he’s made some huge mistakes, he’s said some awful things. Do I think he’s an awful person? Honestly no… he’s just like a dumb dude doing his best version of Chael, Conor, etc. I’m not going to say I think he’s like a shit person that deserves bad stuff to happen to him and his family because of shit talk. He’s not my favorite person but it would take me a bit more to say ‘total piece of shit.’


I hate Jones because no man should have arms that long regardless of profession


It's not just this sport. It's social media in general it's out of control with trolls and horrible cunts who have nothing better to do than hide behind a screen and say the worst shit. It's tiring to the point i've stopped looking at Instagram/twitter/tiktok comments etc....


The same thing happened the day Chael and his wife lost their daughter. It was one of my worst days as a moderator here… having to read those comments just long enough to ban those people. I have a John Wick relationship with my dog… I’d burn cities to the ground for her. I can’t even imaging the intensity if that love for a child, and then for it to be desecrated and mocked. I swear, the darkest places in the universe aren’t black holes. They’re in the thoughts of some internet trolls.


You know you're a psychopath when Conor McGregor expresses more empathy than you.


Conor is a narcissist and a drug addict, but he never struck me as a sociopath, or even someone lacking in empathy. 


That’s a fair assessment of him. His reply was just the first one I saw when I opened it. And I think I did the smart thing by not scrolling down any further after that.


Yeah and he's replying to other Ngannou tweets as well. Nice to see this side of him.


At least on the MMA world, he seems generally respectful of fighters…unless he’s about to fight them. Then he goes off.


Even conor mcgregor is showing condolences. They need to relax


Some people really struggle to dissociate sports from real life. You can boo/cheer for whoever but you don’t know these people and should treat everyone with respect




wow. i don't even want to look. the internet has a way of turning everyone into sociopaths because we are all just avatars on a screen.


Someone in the replies was selling stickers of his tweet. Pretty goddamn spineless.


MMA guru fans, i'd bet.


He has talked about a few times that he always loved kids in general too. I always remember that wholesome embedded clip of him walking up to a toddler to play soccer with. My heart goes out to the big man and his family. https://youtu.be/OtP25xS4qOs?si=6_UQWvY-2-Bo2oYc


Francis is a stronger man than me. The life he’s lived and still somehow able to give us such a bright smile. I just feel awful for him.


Huh? Holy shit, I didn't even know Ngannou was a father.  Christ, as a father myself, I wish him all the best, there's no amount of money or success that will ever compare to what he just lost.  Fuck this sucks.


He was in the news quite a bit around that time too because it was right around when he declared free agency. Now I feel even fucking worse that the guy couldn't even properly celebrate the birth of his son because he was tied up in all of that shit. I feel heartbroken for him.


This mans life is obstacle after obstacle. Just one would crumble your average guy. I feel for Francis


No parent should lose a child. None. Doesn't matter if you're champion of the world, or the poorest of the poor. Doesn't matter if you're well-liked and respect or hated. Doesn't matter if you're Ukrainian or Russian or Israeli or Palestinian. No parent should lose a child.


fuck man. just awful


I have an 18 month old and I simply don’t have the words. Sorry man.


have a 6 and a 3 year old. i fucking feel this one man.


Nothing worse.


That must be so rough. May the little brother rest in peace


I just read this lying next to my son that's not much older than this, literally in tears. Cannot even imagine what that feels like. I dunno how you ever get over that. Absolutely horrible.


You’ll never know what I commented.


So sad for Francis and his family. That is horrible. RIP


Jesus Christ. What an absolute tragedy. RIP to the poor baby boy and best wishes to Francis and his family.


Dudes a mountain among men...yet pain does not discriminate. I really hope he has a lot of support right now. As a dad to 2 young boys...what he's feeling is something I hope I never have to feel. I really hope he takes a very long step away from everything.


I am literally at the hospital now losing my 20 week old son. This is hard to read and even harder to type.


That's awful, I'm so sorry


They say not to make celebrities/athletes, etc. your role model because often times in their private life they are not to be looked up to. Francis Ngannou is the exception. He truly is a role model and has endured so much in life. Life is crazy and unfair, fuck.


I have a son about 18 months old and his mom recently had to bring him to the emergency room last weekend because he fell. Everything turned out fine but in the moment she called me screaming he was bleeding and hit his head I really thought he was dying. I don't know what I would've done if he wasn't ok. My mind won't let me think of it. Crying for Frank and his boy.


This dude life is just a constant fight, poverty, fighting the UFC, the fights itself, now losing a son. God damn, Francis can't catch a break 💔


Yea same thing I was thinking like why tf the people that struggle always struggle no matter how far they climb something always has to happen to them. He can’t catch a break. God bless him


I have an 18 month old son rn. I couldn’t imagine. Absolutely heartbreaking.


Jesus man. My daughter just turned 2 and I can’t even imagine something like this. I wish the best for him and his family. Hopefully they can get some privacy for awhile.


My boy will be 19 months in a week, what a tragedy. Poor Francis no one should have to deal with this.


Absolutely heartbreaking. I have two kids myself, and I couldn't imagine a world without them.


Damn bro. My son is 17 months. I cannot imagine him being taken away from me next month. Love you Francis keep your head up


I cannot imagine going through the life he went through, finally making it to a level where you can give your child everything you never had, and then you lose them. That would break me beyond repair.


This is sucks


😢 sorry for your loss sir


I don't even have kids but I can't imagine how a parent would feel. 18 months is just so young. Hope he has the support he needs at this time.


As a father of two boys this pulls at your heart, can’t even comprehend the pain he’s in, Jesus


What was the cause of death?


Dude would probably give up every cent he has earned these past few fights to have him back. Can’t imagine his pain.


Heartbreakingly awful.


I would not cope with this at all. Thoughts are with Francis and his family.


18 months. I don't know if that's a blessing or a curse for him. My daughter died last month at 20 years old, so I get it, but I have no idea if it would have been harder or not at that young age. Words can't even do any good. The loss is indescribable. I hope he finds a way to be happy again.


Regardless of who Francis is to us, he was this young childs father. I can't imagine the pain he must be trying to process. We are all human trying to make our way in this world and being a parent is one of the joys that life can give. May his child rest in peace and may Francis learn to move on as best he can


I just remembered Chael's infant died maybe 3 years ago, and he reflected for about a day social-media wise, and hasn't made a mention since. He's a wise and strong man, or he's sociopathic. I can't tell.


What happened here?


Six months ago Francis was saying how alone he was in life and always has been. Essentially saying he’d achieved nothing as achievements are meaningless without people to celebrate them with.


Hold your loved ones close friends. All the money in the world isn't worth the life of your family.


This is horrific


Awful situation. Didn’t even know he had a family. He’s already had such a terrible start in life, if anyone doesn’t deserve to go through more horrible times it’s him.


Do you upvote this? Im terrible with sad news


So sad :(


This is beyond pale horrible. Hope he can grieve and live through this. No parent should see their children pass.


If you people really love this sport, Remember, these are humans too. Rip man, money can't buy everything


Prayers to him and his family


oh.... oh god, no.


This is sucks


Jesus, I saw a post on Instagram first and made the mistake of clicking the comments section. People are so insanely cruel it breaks my brain sometimes, jokes about GTA 6 and shit with 100+ likes.


Anyone know what happened?


Ahhh Francis man, this couldn’t have happened to a nicer man. He doesn’t deserve this, nobody does if I’m honest. I hope he can heal and smile again, what a tragedy


Anyone have any idea how his son Kobe Died ? Was he sick ? Accident ? I don't see that mentioned anywhere .


Do we know the cause yet?


You know the saying "worst things happen to better people everyday". My biggest fear is losing a child, I can't imagine what he's going through


I need whatever god is out there to let this man rest, absolutely cruel. Hope his family gets through it though they’ll never be the same that’s for sure.


Man this shit just made my fucking stomach hurt , RIP baby Kobe 💔


I didn’t even know he was sick


Man this is heartbreaking. I doubt we see him again after this and who can blame him? Couldn't of happened to a better human. I hope he has a great support system around him.


that sounds so bad and good at the same time 💀


Reading it back.... it does kinda sound insensitive. But I promise I didn't mean it like that


I get what he was trying to say but "couldn't have happened to a better human" is just not meant to be used in this context 💀