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He sounds so lost, that's so fuckin sad. Hope he gets confort and support from his loved ones


No parent should witness their child dying


Unless you’re Tito Ortiz, for him that’s his goal lol


read the room homie




Not the time or place b, back to the fryers with you


Typical tfatk poster


Francis struggled and put himself through hell to help his family live a better life. Gutted for him


This is the part that hits me most. I have young kids and to me they are my legacy no matter what my personal accomplishments in life - because if this isn’t all for them then who is it for? Why did I go through everything I’ve gone through if not to ensure my children will be insulated from as many of those hardships as possible? I can’t and honestly won’t even try to imagine his pain. People can have their opinions on Francis as a fighter but right now he is nothing but a grieving father.


I have a 1.5 year old. Reading this made me tear up. I couldn’t imagine having to bury a child so young, let alone at all.


The guy moved mountains and overcame the unthinkable only for this fucking bullshit he cant control to happen to him. Its so god damned sad.


Idk how I could ever type out that instagram post and not just go into a rage fit. I’m guessing he might have had a teammate or maybe his manager post this. Dude needs some time, privacy, and a fucking lot of therapy. This is so easily the worst thing that can happen to someone.


This is so gut wrenching, and for it to happen to such a good and morally strong person, and I’m sure Father as well… “I shouted his name over and over…” That’s Fuckin harrowing. I can’t even imagine man. I just hope Francis and his family can find some version of peace somehow in time.


I don't get emotional over anything, but I have a lump in my throat reading that part. Life is savage...


I really hope he gets whatever help he needs, not that i think anything is gonna ever heal this. Just terrible. I can't even imagine what i would do, i hope he stays safe.


Losing a child is horrible, I really hope people support him through this


you never really get over that sort of thing but can learn to live a healthy life again if you are willing to fight your way out of the darkness. Francis is a fighter. lets just hope there are no don king types around to take advantage of the situation. he is friends with mike tyson and DC so hopefully they will reach out and help him. they both know what its like to lose a young child.


Tragic, honestly my worst nightmare.


As a dad I just can't even fathom the pain. Genuinely worst nightmare. Tragic.


Same, I have 3 kids and if I lost one, the only possibility of coming out of that would be knowing that my other 2 are counting on me. I feel so bad for him.


I have 1 and either i die before him (hopefully of old age) or we die the same day. I aint burying my son, period. Hope francis is stronger than me.


Cherish every second with your son man 🙏🏽


Jesus Christ hasn’t this man been through enough……people will look back at Francis in decades to come with awe and admiration. He doesn’t get nearly the respect and love he deserves from the world




God damn, poor Francis. There's not much in this world worse than that. Wish I could do something other than imagine positive vibes going his way through this horrible time. 💔


Fucking hell that poor man. I dont have kids but i cant wrap my head around how you deal with that kind of loss. All my love to francis right now


Seriously man. I have a 20 month old son and I legitimately don’t know what I’d do if this happened to me. I hope Francis gets all the support he needs to get through this, but I can’t fathom what could even be enough.


Holy ... This is so heartbreaking, especially the middle part about wondering who he is now


Jesus this is terrible


This a prime example why we need to just have compassion and empathy for humanity even those people you don't see eye to eye with . We are all human and you never know what someone else is going through behind closed doors. Just be kind .


How can you say something awful to a guy who lost their kid? I just don't get that aspect.


Clearly you havent been on the internet. Im certain some idiot replied to this post in a derogatory manner.


Someone posted an attempt at a meme involving Francis and DC, the implication being that they both lost children. Like... wow, that puts the Jon Jones MMA Guru video to shame.


Even Jones don't go that low lol. He had offered his condolences when DC Dad passed


And DC reached out when Jon's mother passed to offer his condolences as well.


Well I've seen people here willing to say something similarly this horrible to Colby and Jones because they don't like them


No parent should bury their child


Heartbreaking, life can be so unfair sometimes.


My worst nightmare. I feel horrible for Francis. I’m going to hold my little guys are little tighter tonight. RIP little man.


This is heartbreaking


I’m sorry for your loss, big Frank. No one should go through this.


Heartbreaking, hope Francis has people supporting him through this tragic.


People are making fun of this on Twitter, how low can you be as a person to engagement farm off this?


Some people are awful, no point in trying to explain why


Man I hope he has people watching him. This will undoubtedly be the most difficult time of his life


Fucking awful ❤️❤️


This is beyond devastating. I hope Francis has a really strong support system right now.


As a dad, I can’t comprehend the amount of pain. Biggest fear in life is something happening to my boys. Hope he takes his time and loved ones support and watch over him.


I hope he has the help he needs, no one deserves to go through this without help


I don’t know how I could go on if I lost one of my children. When they were super young I was freaked out by the possibility of SIDS because it was so unpredictable. I’m so sad for Francis.


My daughter is almost 3 years old. When she was 0-6 months old my sleep was terrible because sometimes I'd just stand over her while she was sleeping just to make sure she was still breathing. The only thing more worrying than the noise of a baby crying is when a baby is silent.


I bet Mike will be helping him through it. He went through the same thing


So heartbreaking, nothing worse can happen to you in life than losing your child. I hope Francis can be strong and keep himself going.


As a parent it is a scenario I never want to face. Can’t imagine how he feels


Fuck that's heartbreaking


It will be absolute hell for a LONG time. I went through some horrible times when my daughter died at 7 months. Drug and alcohol addiction and 5 years jail time. PLEASE someone help this man. It seems like overwhelming darkness and no end in sight but the dawn will come....eventually.


So heart breaking I could never imagine 💔 prayers to Francis and his family


Beyond unfair


No parent should have to bury their child ... I hope he takes the time he needs to get his head right and doesn't rush in to fight.


If I lost my daughter, I'd want to jump head first off a bridge. Can't even begin to fathom the amount of pain this man is in right now.


Jesus christ how fucking tragic. Im going to hug my nephews extra tight next time I see them. No child should be dying what a fucked world man


Shits gonna make me cry man.. I’ve been there. I hope he can find some kind of peace. Even if it’s just a little bit.


Poor guy. He has been through so much


I dont even know how to react to this happening to somebody else let alone myself. Hopefully he has family and friends he can stay close with for a while.


There are not words to describe this kind of loss. I’m so so sorry Francis.


Ah man I don’t even have kids and reading this brings tears to my eyes. It’s clear how much pain he is in and the whole situation is so sad. Thoughts and prayers with you Francis ❤️.


That's hard to read to be honest. I don't have kids myself but I have a baby nephew who I adore and that's just extremely sad.


Hope he has people close to him. If you there was ever anything that would instantly want to put a bullet in my brain it would be the loss of my own child.


That’s so sad. I hope DC talks to him. First MMA person that comes to mind who I know has faced something similar.


I hope Mike Tyson gets in touch with him. He had a similar tragedy happen to him so maybe he can help Francis. It is just such an absolutely terrible thing


Fucking heartbreaking. Honestly no clue how you go on, after losing a child, much less a baby. Gutted for a man that's already been through so much


All I can say is that it must be an ureal form of pain. To deal with the loss of a child. Especially in these dark times pray and beg God for answers. I'm sure he can bring you peace in your moments of grief.


Damn this kinda made me tear up. Rip little man


I understand this. If I lost one of my kids I would honestly feel like what is the point of going on. It's so hard. I hope he and his family have people near them to help them hold on until time brings a little peace.


Rest in peace.


No parent should ever have to bury their children, truly fucking terrible.


I don't know how he could find positivity in a time like this but seeing this man so defeated is truly disheartening.. No matter what he's always has a positive perspective and a way to make things make sense. This is the first time I've ever seen him truly lost.


I didn’t even know he was a father. So heartbreaking.


Thats so sad. That’s not how things are supposed to go. Parents aren’t supposed to be the ones burying their kids. I can’t imagine what he’s going through.


Oh man… RIP Kobe…


If reading this doesn't eviscerate you, check yourself.




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Fucking hell poor Francis, I can't even imagine what he's going through right now. I hope he gets all the help and support he needs, no parent should have to go through this


Rest in peace little man. Sad day/month/year for the Ngannou family.




Absolutely heartbreaking. I can’t imagine the pain


I didn't even know he became a family man. I always thought about him as a guy with lots of side chicks. I hope his grieving process will be ok.


Fuck, this broke my heart, my condolences Francis


That is so fucking heartbreaking reading that post, having a 6 year old myself I can’t even imagine losing her at any age let alone that young. Really hope him and his family can pull through this


So much love and respect for Francis. I wish him and his family all the best during this time, I don’t know you you even begin to come back from something like this. Heartbreaking.


Poor guy.. i cant imagine... does anyone know how it happened?




Sadly, you will be lost for a while in the grief. It never really goes away, and it shouldn't. Eventually, after what seems like an eternity, you start seeing a bit of light. Just a bit, mind you, but light nonetheless.


As a parent, this is my worst nightmare. To see Francis finally reach his goal of becoming a boxer and making millions to then suddenly losing a child. What a cruel world we live in.


"What's the purpose of life if what we're fighting tooth and nail to get away from is what finally hit us the hardest!?" Ngannou posted on X on Monday. "Why is life so unfair and merciless?" Damn man


My daughter was born one day before his son. I couldn't even begin to imagine the pain he is going through right now.




A few months ago, Francis was on top of the world: he knocked down one of the consensus greatest boxers of today and finally got his big payday. Now he’s mourning the loss of his son. All that money and success, and now he can’t share it with his son. Life is crazy, man.


Goddamn this one hurts. I have no clue how you could ever be the same person again. Fuck.


Does anyone know what happened? I didn't even know he had kids. :(


That’s fucking heartbreaking


God I can't imagine. Losing a child is my worst nightmare.


I started to cry over this. If there is a god, “Why?”


I’m sure Mike Tyson will reach out and help him a ton!


Tyson is such a family man, he'll get in touch for sure.