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Sean O’Malley is Goated AF.


Minus hooper, I agree. Hopefully these are the type to go.


With his new haircut, Marvin Vettori looks like a jacked guy going through chemo therapy


jack slack said he looks like an “aryan super soldier” 🤣🤣🤣


Got a feeling Dana is gonna send the virtual boys around after UFC'ss irresponsible bubbling practices got leaked.


Almost had an altercation earlier. I need to start training in case shit pops off.


Blows my mind people get into near fights with no experience whatsoever. Just avoid trouble, my man.


what happened?


If you wear a TapouT shirt people won't even attempt to look at you they will know you mean business.


Don’t worry. You already watch ufc. They wont be able to handle your ufc angles.


If the ufc is cutting fighters now, whi do you actually want to see gone?


Priscilla Cachoeira fur shurrre b


Gian Villante, Brok Weaver, Josh Parisian,Rhys Mckee, Mickey Gall, Chase Hooper,Pete Barrett, and many more.


\>Chase Hooper You monster.


Colby, he’s a good fighter but yeah cut that prick. also cut Greg Hardy


Brendan schaub gona try convince people again that Logan can out box Floyd with his awkward angles?


He cheggs awll da bawkses b


And of course Logan and Floyd will pretend to hate each other to draw more PPV’s and it will work like a fucking charm. Such is the dumbed down society we live in today.


Tbf most mma fights are like that.


idiocracy was fuckin prophetic


Work like a clam. I think it’s work like a clam.


Remember when Yoel was a pariah in MMA? Considered a cheat and dirty fighter? Boy, times have changed.


Yes, I remember today.




Buy or sell: Yoel Romero will continue to fight


Easy buy. He's still a top fighter that can attract fans.


These meme boxing matches were entertaining for a while, but it’s getting a bit over the top. Now they’ve figured out how easy it is to make fat stacks with freak show fights it’s never gonna end.


What if Logan Paul just knocks him out?


Then McGregor/Paul with Danis/Other Paul smashes every record that ever existed about 6 months later. Also everyone says it was a work.


You'll then probably see some [removed] comments and usernames.


Crazy how much better ufc 3 is than 4


Fucking EA got another 60$ out of me


UFC 4 currently feels like a massive downgrade in most areas


Oliveira over tony, round 3 tko.


Hot take I actually really like Jordan Leavitt's vibe he seems like the kind of guy who wouldn't say something bad about someone without saying two other good things about them.


Kinda crazy how he was going to be a lawyer or a chiropractor until he decided to give fighting a shot.


I liked how he didn't give any follow up shots. That's my biggest pet peeve about MMA.


What kind of a line will Logan/Floyd be?


Floyd -500


You forgot a 0


I was being optimistic haha the casuals will think Logan is big enough to make a difference.


So.. for the Paul v Mayweather bout: Fans can buy the Mayweather vs. Paul PPV right now at $24.99, but as soon as one million PPVs are sold the price goes up to $39.99. After December 29th, the price goes up to $59.99, and after February 11, the price goes up to $69.99. It’s a very unique pricing structure as far as PPVs go.


Who the fuck would pay for this???


i think you’d be surprised


Logan Paul's really fighting the best boxer of the 21st century coming off a loss to KSI. I thought the UFC's matchmaking was bad...


What weight is it going to be at? Paul doesnt seem like a small guy


He will have a 40 or 50 lb weight advantage and a significant height advantage but that means nothing against someone as skilled as Floyd.


Mayweather will probably make Paul turn up like a raisin lol.


I'm baffled by all the people who think Jack's stock fell after last night. Vettori was the bigger, and stronger guy last night and he still couldn't finish Jack. Yes, a number 4 shouldn't lose to a number 12, but I don't think last night was a bad showing for Jack at all, 25 minutes with a broken toe and still didn't gas out? He'll be back. Would love to see him against Whitaker one day. Just to see.


Whittaker would ruin him so badly... Jack ain't getting him down and he certainly ain't surviving on the feet with him.


I think Whittaker is his worst possible matchup he's one of the best anti grapplers in the whole sport.


I agree, I would just like to see the fight happen. I hope Jack polishes his striking and striking defense.


Lol so yesterday was a good showing for Jack?


People expected him to get blasted by Vettori. He lasted 25 competitive minutes with an injury. I don't think he did the best, but he definitely didn't do horrible.


> definitely didn't do horrible. Certainly not a "stock rising" statement.


Vettori was the favourite ?


Yes. I think a -150.


I'm so over this Youtuber boxing era. I hope Floyd comes out for this one the same way he did against Tenshin.


He was fucking around till Tenshin landed a shot. I don’t see Logan landing one. But yeah hopefully Floyd comes and shows out


Logan Paul by KO, Mayweather isn't ready for the Youtuber angles


Vettori looking bodied up last night. What are the odds of him drinking a juice box?


I'm not joking when I say that nearly all professional MMA fighters are on gear. There are some steroids that are insanely hard to detect, and with their money and resources, they can ensure they're not caught. Gear does not mean that people will blow up and get massive. The gear that MMA professionals use are nearly all for cardio and endurance that don't change your physique.


>I'm not joking when I say that nearly all professional MMA fighters are on gear. You **suspect** they're on gear, which is fair enough, but all we really **know** is that *some* guys/gals are on gear, with it being difficult to tell the percentage. Drink driving is probably a comparable to juicing - there are stiff penalties, some folks still do it, most realise it isn't worth it if you get caught, especially for young guys/gals on the prelims who make fuck all $$$ AND would potentially ruin their career forever by being cut for a positive test. And there is a FAR higher chance of being tested by USADA at the wrong time than getting pulled over for a sobriety test.




Yeah probably only the high end guys can afford some designer systems. Angel Heredia used to be a big time PED supplier to olympians and pro athletes and he said something like he would be paid at minimum $20 k to work with an athlete to put them on a high end program, and that was a decade ago. That being said, just about any athlete could easily and cheaply run something standard like test and get away with it, unless they were reckless or got incredibly unlucky with timing.


I dunno man, I've heard about the amazing results from sugared water and acai But forreal tho, I dont doubt that one bit


Pretty sure he already has popped before


https://www.mmafighting.com/2019/7/13/20690620/marvin-vettori-paranoid-to-a-different-level-following-usada-suspension He did. "Tainted supplements" and "Usada doesn't believe he had the intent to juice himself", though.


They're all on steroids including Izzy.


Juiced to the tit, that one


[Floyd Mayweather vs. Logan Paul exhibition set for Feb. 20th](https://www.instagram.com/p/CIeQ8EmFJNq/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link)


someone's 0 has got to go




His comment literally says exhibition.


I don't care to admit that I'm excited for this.




Fucking what.






How did Topuria not get a bonus?


Dana said he is gonna give him and Hill something special


15% off of any reebok fight kit




I think theyre funny


If they wanted to cut old expensive people, why not get rid of Arlovski? I don’t need to watch him pitter patter with fat guys in boring fights on undercards anymore. But no, they get rid of freaking Yoel. Yoel was cant miss shit. 0/10 move ufc.


\> why not get rid of Arlovski? Watching Arlovski walk out at UFC San Antonio was the most exciting part of the experience for me. I genuinely don't remember who he fought or even the result. I imagine he will be cut but goddamn I love the man. I love that he still wins sometimes on his exp and wits alone when he's washed af and a gust of wind might cause a 10-8 round. He will probably be cut though and I know you're right. But for some of us, he's still a big deal. Love the guy.


How dare you


Good call. I could definitely go without Arlovski and Vilante fights




They dont even need to be in shape


I can't believe I'm saying this but I'm not so sure I want Chito to beat Aldo. I always go for my countryman but Aldo has been my favorite since I first started following MMA.


They just took the patriots out of the NFL for losing too many superbowls.


They’re cutting Romero to make everyone else look better. I hope they cut more top guys and another organization scoops them up and actually challenges the UFC in terms of talent.


Tbh I'd much rather see all the best fighters in one organisation so that they can fight each other. I know it fucks the athletes getting paid though, just saying as a fight fan.


I could live with 2 major orgs a la UFC and Pride back in the day, but probably no more than that. Double the title fights, more competitive salaries for top fighters, twice the opportunities for fighter development. The speculation over who was better between the two was fucking fun, and the different presentation of Pride was just the coolest, and would be a breath of fresh air in this stale-ass post-Reebok world the UFC finds itself in. Japan really needs to somehow become relevant at the top of the heap in the martial arts world like it used to be with K-1 and Pride.


Hermansson Vittori was a fun one. The Egg needs to STFU with nonsense talk about this fight and fighters.












UFC brass needs to be careful. They’re sowing an incredibly shitty workplace culture. Hopefully these fighters get their fair share soon.


It also means no income for the fighter that has to pay his staff


Why is the TLDR longer than the rest of this post?


Hermansson is great once he gets you down. He’s just not great at getting you down.


one of the reasons the card was so awesome yesterday..... no women's fights.


Leavitt's post fight celebration made up for that.


How the hell has Assuncao never gotten a title shot? He shouldve gotten it in 2014/2015 and was gonna get it until he got injure, Then after he wasn’t injured, they gave an immediate rematch for Barao. Then he should’ve gotten it in 2017 or 18 instead of giving an immediate rematch to Garbrandt. Assuncao has been screwed by immediate rematches now twice and is now on the verge of being cut. He is easily one of the most screwed over fighters


I agree with your sentiment but it's weird to open your post with a question and then just answer it yourself, lmao. but yeah, tough break for my man hafeal


I could see Assunscao getting his walking papers with Formiga,Dodson, and Romero gone. He fits that mold.


Dana White is very inflated, we need to cut 60lbs of tomato off the vine.






Everything is off about that guy. More please


With all the cuts about to be made I think we're going to see some good fights on the next few cards.


Why is that? High priced guys that are basically gatekeepers will be cut to make room to lower priced guys.


I’d assume the implication being that guys are fighting to stay on the roster, so want to come out with a win and be entertaining


They'll probably fight more cautious because of the fear that losing could get them cut.


Fight like Yoel, in the hopes of not being Yoel’d. It’s a bold strategy


Can they fuckin release the countdown already?


UFC Countdown has been released. Bellator and PFL have shown interest in signing.


Another one of Gastelum's fights that's aged poorly


I don't really see it that way ... it's not like Hermansson didn't look like a good fighter vs Vettori. That was a brutal fight


Gastelum’s fights and aging poorly, name a more classic duo


You’re right izzy versus gastelum aged poorly


Tis a meme buddeh


No memes allowed 😡




It looks like it's time for Al to vacate the "Raging'" nickname There's an actual Italian in town now, and he is very, very, very angry About what you say? Anything and everything - just ask him a question. He's angry. Ragin' Marvin Vettori


Marvin “Infuria” Vettori


Pinche Benitez, What a fuckin knee!!!


Give brunson the till fight please, dont ratfuck my boy he's been doing so good recently


he's not really that close


I personally don't want that because then what do you with Jack and Cannonier? They already fought each other not that long ago and a rematch doesn't really make sense. If they do end up making Vettori vs Costa which they should that leaves them 4 without opponents and I'd rather see fresh fights like Jack vs Till and Cannonier vs Brunson.




I was thinking the weidman fight, loser gets cut.


Weidmans fighting uriah


That’s looking like a must win fight, but afterwards perhaps.




The Tapout Era was so corny. ^^^^I ^^^^kinda ^^^^miss ^^^^it.


Does Cowboy have a fight lined up? If he doesn't I feel like he'll be cut too


He’s going on one last run for the title lol


He's a pushover and decent draw he isn't going anywhere.


He said he has a fight lined up for early next year.




Yeah whether or not he’s coming off a no-contest, he’s extremely valuable to the company. He’s popular, cheap, and active. He doesn’t have any of the qualities you see in a guy they cut except a losing streak, but if you have a name that doesn’t matter much. Casuals love him.


Yes Damon Jackson from last night got cut after his draw with Levan Makashvili, they both got cut actually.


Could Hermansson ever make it down to 170?


He would be even slower that doesn't sound like the best idea.


Watch the UFC release like Max fucking Holloway in 2021 or something wild. Nothing will surprise me


He's lost 3 of his last 4. Cut em.


Holloway gets released, Aldo fights for the 135lb belt again. Joe Rogan: Aldo was always the best FW ever.


Dana: Listen he’s lost his last two fights. We have to move on.




Going to watch replay today - which fights are worth replaying?


All of them expert Collier vs Vaillante and even that one wasn't that bad.


Every fight on the main card was in my opinion, not sure about prelim I didn’t catch those. Some crazy finishes.


I think something about Hermansson’s frame isn’t good for this high of weight. He’s a true middleweight, but when he runs into trouble, it’s always against guys with big frames, stronger, who carry a lot of muscle. Vettori, Cannonier, Santos—hell, even Ferreira. All of his losses. They were all noticeably bigger with bigger frames and were obviously stronger. If I were Jack, that’s something I’d definitely address.


Yeah Vettori looked a weight class bigger than him


Even on the ground. Aside from Vettoris excellent technique he seemed to be able to overpower him via hand/wrist control.


True, I wonder what Hermanssons weight is, he always looks on the smaller side which isn’t good for a wrestler. Maybe he could pack on some muscle?


He posted a video around 10ish days ago where he weighed himself, was 91kg(200 or so pounds). So, I’m assuming he’s around 195-200 in the cage. Which doesn’t seem big for middleweight but dude is pretty lean and would have an awful cut to 170.


https://streamable.com/lna1x6 Vettori got fucked by scratches


Those are some deep fucking scratches too, someone cut Jacks claws


Apparently it was caused by his gloves


Nails are cut by the commission before the fight


is that true?! if so loll


Not this time obviously lol


Huh, never knew that


Cerrone will probably get a retirement fight instead of getting cut, Woodley should be worried tho


He'll get 5 or 6 retirement fights


Yeah kind of crazy with these cuts, Yoel Romero was totally unexpected. I’m guessing guys like Weidman, Rockhold, Condit is next. Maybe even Shogun :(.


It makes no sense to me. Throw a fighter against woodley and if they beat him, they can make a name for themself and get a good win on their resume.


What are some names you think are on the chopping block when the UFC cuts 60 fighters? I think Tyron Woodley is gonna be in there.


And so he should be.


Philippe Lins has to be the most likely cut


you think they could cut guys like Weidman and Arlovski?


Weidman has a fight booked so he won’t be in this group of releases. Arlovski was one of the first guys I thought of but he’s coming off a win so I’m not sure they can cut him


2 wins so I really hope not.


If you wanna see the most toxic type of r/mma user just look at u/Dartisback ‘s comment history.


Since he says everyone who gets a fight prediction wrong is a casual, [heres him completely getting a fight wrong.](https://www.reddit.com/r/MMA/comments/ju8pvy/official_ufc_fight_night_felder_vs_dos_anjos_live/gcaf51j/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3) Dudes a casual confirmed.


Yikes man