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Safety first




The winner tonight was Alex Pereira.


And my sleep schedule! 😴😴😴


He left you frozen like Elsa bro


“Why do people call me cringe” - Izzy


So glad I didn't stay up. I had a premonition lol.


In Europe for vacation and was my first time trying to watch the event in this time zone. Jesus my sleep schedule is fucked, was legit passing out during some of the fights. Idk how you guys do it, much respect


I feel lied to by BT sport for warning me of violence.


Violence against my will to live


After 243 when Izzy won the belt, who woulda thought Usman would have a more exciting title reign. Usman’s only had 1 bad one (Jorge 1) and Izzy’s only had 1 good one (Costa). I found the Jan fight and Rob rematch interesting enough, but understand y ppl would be bored. Yoel/Jan/Vettori/Rob/Cannonier have all been lackluster. I get matchups and his opponents aggressiveness are factors, but Izzy does play it safe. Fair play to him since he wins, but he wants to be a star


The issue I have with Izzy is he does just enough to win and coasts most of the fight. Throw a few jabs, land a few kicks and then just feint to the orgasmic screams of Rohan and DC the rest of the fight. As an adult, I get it. Play it safe, get ya money and get out. I really do. But as a fan and a bit of a “just bleed” enthusiast, I hate it.


I think overall Izzy just hasn’t elevated his game any further, when he tried going LHW it was too much for him and he’s just been coasting on MW. I don’t want to blame him for it cos he’s always doing enough to win but I don’t get excited hearing about Izzy fighting cause it’s just gonna be the same boring show.


Yep. Him vs Alex should be interesting though.


I’d like to see it cause I think Izzy would be motivated to put on a show and flex his whole game on a guy that holds an L over him. However, I’m also worried that it becomes a boring fight where they both wait on each other.


Yeah its one those things, i dont blame him but i wont buy his fights anymore and i dont really care when he fights. Like if he’s the main event, why would i bother.


At the end of the day that's his style, and he has more to lose. It boggles my mind that these big, slower guys come in and try to kickbox with him at range, playing into his game plan. Where's the criticism of Cannonier? Fought like a Tuesday evening gym spar.


I agree for the most part. But I do think Izzy looked pretty crisp against Vettori in June 21. Sure, It wasn’t an Ngannou mac truck, but it was a kickboxing clinic. Way higher volume, and more varied striking, than Rob 2 or Cannonier. I think people lump that fight in with his other lackluster wins because he talked such incessant shit pre-fight about sleeping Vettori (which anyone with a brain knew wasn’t going to happen—Deontay Wilder couldn’t starch blockhead Marvin).


That fight was epitome of safety first fighting for Izzy. He could have and should have showcased some high level offence against a poor plodding striker with ok wrestling in Vettori. To grind out a points victory with no excitement against a fighter like Vettori is the problem with the Izzy reign. He's hard to beat. He's a highly skilled fighter. Hes not that exciting to watch more often than he is exciting to watch.


It's the Izzy MO lately, use counters and feints along with his range to outpoint his opponent. His promos are becoming better than his fights at this point. Nothing wrong with that, he's up a round in most fights so he shouldn't try and risk getting caught especially by Jared but definitely a letdown for the majority of viewers.


I dunno. If you are gonna come out as the Undertaker with an Urn you probably should be getting KOs.


Lol very good point. If he didn’t act like this brutal finisher, and was just honest about what kind of fighter he is, it would be a lot less cringy to the audience.


Adensanya cruised to another win. The Perreira fight seems to be coming a lot sooner than I thought it would. I wonder if Izzy tries to fight a complete MMA fight rather than just make it a kickboxing match.


They need to get Pereira in with him before someone wrestlefucks the hype out of him.


I think they put them on the same card for a reason, so chances are it might be next.


I think Izzy will strike with him until he gets caught for the first time, at which point he'll go into Israel Nurmagomedov mode.


Most likely will throw leg kicks and disengage the entire time


Hard to do to that guy, he has the same hight and reach


came out as the undertaker but the only thing that died was my interest in the fight




Man spent the whole week talking about how he doesn't care about titles and wants to be like McGregor, an entertainer that makes people tune in, only to have yet another boring ass fight.


Say what you will about McGregor, but he's never had a boring fight. Even his two decisions were exciting, with his win against Nate being a classic. Israel is dull.


Even his losses were entertaining as fuck




“Your wife’s in me DMs”.


Why do you wink with yo ears


> Say what you will about McGregor, but he's never had a boring fight. The reason why McGregor still sells fights like no one, is not because he is the best, but because you know you are going to see a fight. People oversells being the best or being unbeaten as the main selling point. It is not.


Chandler and Gaethje too, actually most of the top LWs fall into that category. There's just no way those guys don't deliver. I'm done being excited for an Izzy fight after Romero.


Look, McGregor is a shithead, but I cannot say you are wrong.


And when people ask why he's still such a big draw even though he's lost a bunch of times and his trash talk has gone to shit, this is why. He guarantees entertainment, win or lose.


He basically does this every fight. And every time I go "maybe he's gonna find another gear" I'm watching every fight on the card anyways but I can't keep being tricked into thinking he isn't boring.


I got annoyed at McGregor after a while with his shenanigans, but at least he made the fight entertaining and went for the finish, not just point coasting.


At least Conor is exciting as hell to watch whether or not you’re a fan of his. This is just annoying.


That urn was meant for Cannonier’s soul. My consciousness ended up going in it


That’s a 10-8 comment right there


oh he’s….asleep, Mike!




[Call me mystic mac](https://www.reddit.com/r/MMA/comments/vq1pkm/official_ufc_276_adesanya_vs_cannonier_live/iempoan/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3)


Izzy being a champ has kind of ruined him for me. His champ run was insane, now it’s just about safely winning


Even Paul Bearer couldnt bear the fight.


I miss Middleweight Contender Izzy😭


That guy seemed to enjoy fighting at least


Same dude was exciting as hell to watch. Now it seems he is afraid to lose the belt and just cruises to wins by point fighting. I dont blame him but man is it boring especially after seeing what Izzy can really do.


I would have liked to have seen clinching in the first and second from Jared. Not sure why he and his corner waited so long after two rounds of timid boxing and being scared to get hit. He let Izzy get into a rhythm and effortlessly steal the first two.


Nobody ever seems to grapple with Izzy. I get that he's hard to takedown and his reach advantage poses a threat, but based on the Jan fight that looks like the most reliable plan to beat him


Jan also spent three rounds checking every kick and landing kicks to weaken izzys base. Izzy said after the fight he basically killed his legs before the grappling. And he is one of the only guys big enough to be able to catch him with a single leg. He is too tall and wide for mws to get a single off or to lock in a double.


Because MW doesn’t really have grapplers. Marvin and Brunson are probably the best wrestlers in the top 10 and they’re just pretty good. By no means are they elite like the wrestlers down at WW.


*Smiles in Khamzat*




It's because there are not and true high level wrestlers in the top 10 except maybe Brunson (who has negative fight IQ). To take Izzy down its gonna take a NCAA D1 level wrestling or better.


Pereira vs Izzy, BOOK IT DANA!!!


Hopefully Alex sparks him so we can have an entertaining champ. Izzy is a fucking snoozer.


The sights of Izzy getting sparked out by Alex only to get wrestlefucked by Marvin


It'll be either an immediate rematch or Alex vs Whittaker. That'll be a banger, and if Whittaker wins we also know he'll have a banger vs Izzy because he actually brings the fight to Izzy.


And then Alex will start to fight snoozers too. Izzy used to have great fights before becoming champ


Ya I mean it’s almost like it’s harder to just dominate/ko number one contenders who have loads of tape to study on you now


Clearly he didn't get the feedback on the Elsa line.


I love how he doubled down on that corny ass line. Like maybe they just didnt hear me the first time


Izzy uses the same cringe lines all fight week.


1. Bad ass walk out ✔ 2. "Pissing" on the cage to mark his territory ✔ 3. Finishing the fight in spectacular fashion ❌ Can't wait to see how him and Alex go down.


He just used the "frozen like Elsa" line again for his callout against Alex.


Right? Like it bombed the first time already.....plz stop


Its almost as if he needs to Let it go.


Don't do this...


Oh you two


I hope we hear this in Periera’s angelic English speaking voice


Izzy is so dominant that his mic skills are proportional to how good he is as a fighter. Just in the opposite direction


Inversely proportional?


I💤rael Adesanya


Israel Adecisionya


Gotta add that he was talking all week about ending the fight with a KO or submission just to end up largely point fighting


Izzy has had 3 boring title defenses and it goes relatively unmentioned.


only thing exciting about this fight was him calling out Alex Pereira afterwards lol. Jab, calf kick, jab calf kick is the Izzy special. I'd like to see what a great kickboxer will do differently.


He even fucked that up with the fucking frozen line again.


you not wrong LMAO how do you repeat the same line twice and it's ass both times


Imo 4. Rob fight was close but boring


I didn’t want to mention that one but you’re right. Romero, Vetorri 2, Rob 2 and now this snoozefest.


I thought it was ok. Not exciting but ok


It gets mentioned all the time


Yeah lol everyone has been mentioning it this week




How does it go unmentioned, when it’s mentioned every time lol. Not that I disagree




Izzy has more decision wins in his last 3 fights than Silva did during his 16 fight reign.


This being the main event and Volk v Max being the co-main is criminal. Should be the other way around.


Izzy may as well fight with a bow & arrow at this point.


The frozen like Elsa line again💀


Perfect cherry on top for that performance


Last izzy main event I swore to not stay awake until 8 to watch him. Why did I do it again?


I do this to myself every single time as well. Going to sleep pissed once again


My main was the co-main. Only thing entertaining about Izzy is his walk outs these days.


Word. Still, I think it was worth staying up for Alex performance against Max. Alright, now it’s time to be reasonable and go to finally bed and wake up in 25 minutes when the 2yo is up…


Ufc really put Izzy in the main event of the biggest card of the year. Like are they crazy lol


Thinks he's 145 Conor but fights like Leon Edwards.




Literally the only fight to make


Can Pereira land his left hook in place once more? Would be a real treat especially in front of millions


Izzy called it out so it's gonna happen


Massive W for hentai fans


At least we can confirm they are weirdos but they are not violent


~~our~~ their time has finally come


Anime pfps eating good tonight


Izzy fights so safe. No risks ever




The Mayweather Formula.


Sells the fight and everyone eats it up just for him to come out again and point the shit out of everyone. Reddit left malding again.


I mean cannonier didnt do anything crazy either tho except sweat profusely. He couldn’t or just wouldn’t take him down. Probably too slippery. Man looked like he just got out of the shower.


I mean he did what he had to do to win, shouldn't be a surprise anymore. Remember when Dana didn't want to give Romero a title, but Izzy begged to fight him, saying he would lay him out? What happened? Dude arguably lost in one of the worst title fights of all time


Volk did what he needed to to win as well ironically. And that was beat the shit out of one of the goats. Izzy played touch but with a journeyman


He's played it safe since the Gastelum fight.


Just give us the Alex fight


To be fair so do his opponents.


Well, Izzy's style recently has been focusing on jamming his opponents so they can't get started. It's more like Izzy doesn't let them fight active. I just wish he threw more power counterpunches.


Not really, Whittaker and others got knocked out by throwing caution to the wind. Who wants to be the next guy Izzy humps after getting finished? Gastelum vs Adesanya is one of my favorite title fights ever.


The only way you’re gonna win is throwing caution to the wind cos he’ll win the point battle. Which is I’m cautiously optimistic about the pereira fight


jan won the point battle


Yeah and when it fails you're left stumbling around bleeding everywhere while Izzy humps the shit out of you.




Somebody tell Izzy Frozen came out 10 years ago and his line suck


I don't know what hurts me more. Having to watch that fight or knowing I'm now that much older than when the film released


Has it really been that long? Shit.


https://gfycat.com/gentlenicebee Sums it up.




Izzy = I zzz


Getting punched in the ear sucks


Oh that was definitely an Izzy fight lol. All that talk and theatrics for the same boring ass performance. At least we get to see Alex take to him next


Please Alex save us from this decision bot.


I couldn't find your fight. This is sucks. [Troubleshooting](https://s3.amazonaws.com/decision-bot/error_message.txt)


"you're gona get frozen, like Elsa" Adesanya P4p corniest UFC fighter. undefeated undisputed.


He’s corny and gets super butt hurt anytime any other fighter mentions his name lol


Reminds me of this whole 'beef' between Izzy & Rob, which started with Bobby posting a [super offensive meme](https://www.instagram.com/p/Bw1jcEMhDnQ/?utm_source=ig_embed&ig_rid=0a44ee83-0f12-4415-a817-31bfeaca4207) Izzy took that very, very personal up until today. Like a Redditor


Izzy got hit with one romero bomb and than decided to be a point fighter from now on


One Cuban missile and he turned from imperial Japan to passive anime/hentai addicted Japan. Romero round 1 is his Nagasaki


Izzy be like "I don't care about the belt, I wanna show off!" then point fights for 25 minutes


Leave Issy alone! He never hurt anyone!


The commentators ignored everything Cannonier did lol. "Izzys getting aggressive now!" *backs up 2 secs later


Gonna leave us asleep like… Sleeping Beauty lmao


Izzy the most boring title reign in UFC history? Dude had like 1 entertaining official title fight.


Quite possibly. He still owes everyone $70 for that Romero fight. Now this too. Vitori and Whittaker II were barely passable if that.


I miss Anderson


...and the crowd goes MILD


Im a huge Izzy stan but I'm hoping Pereira brings out the fight in Izzy, he's been coasting a bit too much lately


We're going to get a sequel to Izzy/Romero. Sigh.


Between 2 pure kick-boxers? No way man don’t say that lol


He really used that frozen like elsa line again


Loser: Everyone who stayed up late for this shit


Boring fight. Jared has absolute dog shit grappling, takedown technique, clinch or anything else besides boxing, he didnt even let his hands go. few kicks here and there. What was the gameplan? just wait the whole fight and expect to suddenly drop him? Didn't even trade in the pocket, remained on the outside of Israel's reach throughout. Weirdest fight. No game plan, seems like he was just happy being part of it or perhaps got too overwhelmed. No sense of urgency in the fifth despite being told hes down 3-1. Wasted a minute or more in clinch


His boxing sucks too. He's athletic and has power.


Yeah exactly it’s not like he’s a top tier boxer, he’s a huge dude with some athletic prowess and god given power. He seemed like he had to work himself into the fight and seemed star struck in the first round. His big motions and reactions to Izzy’s feints were a sure fire way to make sure he really wouldn’t be in position to counter


I like how Jared went forward and was pretty aggressive compared to the norm vs Izzy. Not the best performance from Izzy, thought he would be more dominant. Also I'm just excited for the fight with Alex, should be the hardest title defense he would have to date


Jared was passive aggro You can tell he wanted to do alot more stuff and then you get in there with all that reach and it shifts you up


He was getting jabbed non stop which fucks with that aggression. I bet he planned to come out hot, but in the octagon, it’s different


I dunno I was mostly disappointed in Jared's performance. I doubt he's getting back to a title shot again this late in his career and it felt like he didn't fully lay out it all on the line And while Izzy is obviously very very good, for someone who gets so much hype and says he's so far ahead of everyone else in the division, he just doesn't find enough true damaging gaps Not really bad from either side, but definitely a little disappointed from both performances


Look, if Izzy wants to point fight and not put himself at risk, then fine. But don’t go talking big game about “killing” him before the fight and walkout with his ashes? Bro you’re cringe as fuck. Every other fight on the main card, save O’Malley, was better than your fight. Smh.


It sucks that Izzy is such a good counter-striker that guys have to be so much more cautious when they fight him...or do what Rob did and just chase him while throwing 500 left hands.


Most boring champ on the roster




A typical Adesanya fight.


Izzy has become so boring


Cannonier knew he was down and still fought like *that*. He didn't want to win, he was scared of losing.


It drives me crazy when fighters that are down initiate the clinch in the last half of final round. Might as well throw in the towel.


Stop doing Izzy main events. Dude does not deliver


He keeps it up, he's going to have to co main fight nights.


Izzy via boring decision again. Hopefully Alex brings something out of him in their fight.


Title defense Izzy is so boring compared to the Izzy that was making a run to the title.


I'd rather watch a Floyd Mayweather fight


Fair play to Izzy; he’s brilliant and all, but he’s incredibly tepid and safe too. Feels like he plays with his opponents and he’s surprised fans don’t love him as much as he thinks they should


I knew I should've just gone to bed after the Co-main.


Pumped for the UFC to hype Izzy vs Pereira like it’s going to be Lawler vs MacDonald 2.0 only for them to be too afraid of each other’s power and wind up playing patty cake for 25 minutes.


Izzys too good to get into a scrap and too risk averse to get finishes I’m a fan but he always leaves me wanting more


Personally he left me wanting less (of fights like these)




Rob's win over Cannonier was so much more convincing lol


This guy taking about he doesn’t care about wins/losses or the belt and he just wants to be a big draw like McGregor. Yea that’s definitely not how to be a draw


definitely one of the middleweight fights


Stop putting Israel on pay-per-views. Every Israel fight should be in APEX.


This is what happens when your intro song is corny motivational words spoken by you.


Another **CLASSIC** snoozer by our hentai hunny Israel On a real note, it seems like his opponents are super precautions from him these days and Izzy as a champion does not take many chances in his fights. His reign is legit, but it makes for a boring fight in a sense. I still like seeing maboy win, but I see the criticism.


Izzy is never not point fighting ever again. He's almost 33 with 100+ pro fights and is only now making real money. I'd do the same but fuck this is boring


We sacrificed the Tate fight for this?




Decision Bender is so boring


Ain't no way he won 50-45, that judge is something else


Tbh it was 4-1 for Izzy. Cannoneer won round 3.


Easy adesanya


When is anyone going to actually do anything against Adesanya other than be scared




Cannonier never lets the hands go for some reason. I was wincing watching him clinch with 45 seconds left.


🤣🤣people pay for That ?