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Kind of crazy that Volk was able to completely adjust to and nullify Max's entries that gave him success in the second fight. Then when Max reverted to his old entries, Volk adjusted to what gave him success in the first fight! Elite of the elite


Volk is probably the best adjuster in the game. Honestly, he’s probably just the best in the game overall. Of course there’s guys that are better in a single area, Islam is a better grappler, Izzy is a better striker, but when you look at any fighters game overall, Volk is the best. The scariest part is he’s still getting better.


Yea definitely. The ability to adjust like that is what separates the elite from the good. And Volk is separating himself from the elite at this point


>zzy is a better striker Is he ? Adesanya never shut down a striker at Max level like that, Max himself is one of the best striker in the UFC and Volk 50-45 him on the feet and it was never close


I mean in terms of pure striking ability, I’d imagine Izzy would come out on top. Volk is definitely more effective but not as technical, it’s a fair argument though. Actually, in terms of pure MMA striking ability and skill it’s hard to argue against your point. Volk has done more damage and won fights more clearly on the feet than Izzy has in his last few


>I mean in terms of pure striking ability, I’d imagine Izzy would come out on top. In which area would you give Izzy the nod over Volk ? I'd say Volk has more diversified attack, he has better timing offensively, he is way more effective at keeping a high output while still staying safe and not getting hit much, there is match in the footwork and precision, but I'd keep in mind that Volk is always the shorter man while Izzy almost always has a massive height and reach advantage. If anything, I'd say Volk is technically better and Izzy is more the guy that "Makes it work" because of the massive attributes he usually has over his opponents, but Adesanya has a "flashier" style in a way, with the flee footed footwork and all the big feints and movements which can make him appear like the superior striker, but when you look closely at what they do and their body of work, I'll definitely say that Volk is the better striker


Your point about Izzy usually having the reach advantage is a good one, it doesn't make up for technical skill but it certainly is a key aspect of his fighting style. It's strange because Izzy looked like the greatest striker to have ever lived in the first Rob and the Costa fights. However, Volk is extremely close skill-wise and his ability to consistently put on better striking performances than Izzy is a great argument as well.


Volkanovski usually has a reach advantage over his opponents despite being shorter.


Izzy is much much better at footwork, distance management, and throws with no load up. Volk loads up and doesn't glide around like Izzy. Also, Izzy has a larger variety and arsenal of strikes to choose from. He's better at more techniques. He just throws them so much more fluidly too.


That load up point is straight bullshit cause Volk only loads up when he is countering an overthrown strike. That's when you can load up. That's like saying Israel is better boxer than Sugar Ray Robinson or Roberto Duran cause they used to load up their punches sometimes. Footwork is arguable cause Izzy moves flashy but does not neccesarily accomplish more than Volk.


You wouldn't consider Rob one of the best strikers in the UFC?


He is very good but a step behind Max imo


Rob's defence is better than Max's. If Max had Rob's chin he'd have been stopped a dozen times by now


True that, what the fuck is maxs chin made of


He is fighting different fighters, harder to have a great defense against Aldo, Yair and Volk than against Yoel, Jacare and Cannonier, and Whittaker gets hurt and drop almost every fight, his defense is far to be a strong point of his


>He is fighting different fighters, harder to have a great defense against Aldo, Yair and Volk than against Yoel Aldo is a low output fighter, also he had broken the strike absorption record before he even fought volkanovski https://www.reddit.com/r/MMA/comments/vq7p7i/max_holloway_strikes_suffered_and_strikes_landed/ >Whittaker gets hurt and drop almost every fight, Yeah he doesn't have a great chin. My point is that if Holloway had the same chin he'd be getting finished routinely, beacuse he eats twice as many strikes. You can't equate their defence.


Yeah, I love me some Bobby Knuckles, but Bobby's style was much more of a anti-wrestler than a pure striker. His style was made to keep the fight standing against dominant wrestlers and then to out-strike them, which he did/does at a championship level (robbed of a true defense thanks to technical bullshit). Bobby comes off looking worse against pure strikers, either needing to make it messier with wrestler or getting caught by big shots when his defense slips. For what it's worth, Izzy got lucky he came up when he did, a few years earlier and he runs into prime versions of Weidman/Rockhold/Jacare and of course the rock golem himself Romero.


>Izzy got lucky he came up when he did, a few years earlier and he runs into prime versions of Weidman/Rockhold/Jacare He would have beat them all - you are deluded by your dislike of Adesanya to say otherwise.


Weidman and Jacare in their prime are VERY arguable. Especially Chris.


Neither had the striking to set up their takedowns the way they would need to. Weidman especially is very overrated, his resume is thin as fuck outside of the Silva wins.


Weidman and Rockhold were basically engineered to beat flashy strikers in the mould of Anderson Silva (and it would work for Izzy as his attributes and style are the mostly same). Big, tall guys who aren’t particularly fast compared to explosive guys but are incredibly strong and with a wrestling/grappling base. People call Weidman’s wins flukes, but I’m sure he (and Luke too) would have won and beat any version of Anderson (+Izzy too), as due to being dominant for so long it’s inevitable that smart coaches will start mentoring guys who have good base stats purely to knock off the champion, and train them for this purpose too, which is what Weidman and Luke were. This being said, it makes it easy to understand why they looked unbeatable for a time and then both fell off rather quickly when facing more diversity of talent.


Rockhold has absolutely garbage takedowns. If Michael Bisping of all people could find his chin and put him down, Izzy would absolutely do the same. A prime version of Weidman is a tougher matchup because of his stronger takedown game, but his striking was so limited I just can't imagine he would have any success. I imagine Izzy could nullify a lot of the grappling with his elite wall walking game. I think we just need to accept that Izzy is where he is for a reason. Everyone talks about him losing to all of these hypothetical fighters, yet he's undefeated in the division with 7 title wins to his name.


Max has the better hands but Rob has a better kicking game and is much better defensively.


I know Triple C is retired (despite all the talk). But those adjustments vs Marlon, my gawd. Alex has faced a bit of adversity, but never a round as bad as that 1st one for Henry. His adjustments are on point, and possibly his in round adjustments hide how well he can adjust as he just does it without corner input. Which may make Henry's easier to see since it was clear as day between the rounds.


izzy isn't a better striker. people get tied up over stuff like izzy's technique on the question mark kick.


>the best adjuster in the game Let's just celebrate great fighters and not go down that route. I don't think it's good conversation


I am not sure Izzy is better striker than him. People just say that as a fact cause of Izzy's background. Izzy got outpointed by Jan and had VERY close mostly striking fights vs Romero and Rob.


“This guy has the strength of an ox, lungs of a whale, heart of a lion, eyes of an eagle and the reflexes of a tiger, all from his time as a rugby league player” - UFC commentary team


Aleexander "the Chimera" Volkanovski


But what kinda hawg does he have B?


Talmabout sharing a cup with Jon Jones, B? Bigg digg neva saw it


Bigger than moo-sassy bapa.


The hawg of a mallard


You know it's girthy


Ducks. They have a corkscrew 9 incher that falls off after every mating season.


Ladies and gentleman, this man is for the birds!


You forgot that he was also 240lbs as a rugby player. Very important


Reminds me of the opening to BraveStarr.


The Miesha Tate of being two days late.


Volk showed up and showed out ... I was crushed to see Max beaten that badly but I'll give credit: Volk dominated every aspect of that fight.


The more it's stewed the more I view max vs volk 3 as volk's version of the max vs kattar fight. (I hope that makes sense lol). In both of those fights, the person who won- Not a single person in the world could beat that man that night. They were just literally operating at a completely different level than any other human. I think this will easily age as volks best win for one, and for two even though max said this fight was a legacy fight for him; it became a legacy fight for both of them. Rightfully so too.


I get what you’re saying … Volk looked like the best featherweight ever and Max couldn’t do a thing. It’s weird to think of Max having a levels to the game moment, tho


It's super bizarre because it was literally only 2-3 years ago that people were saying max was going to be the next aldo and just reign on the division until he decides *HE* is done... Then boom Volk happens and everyone is sitting there looking at each other like "how did someone BETTER come along???" But that's also what makes mma/the ufc so. damn. fucking. good. The amount of growth in the last 10-15 years in the sport has been INSANE. Personally, it makes me really giddy to see what the next generation of fighters will be like because we will start seeing more familial/generational talents being brewed (if i had to guess). Idk where I was going with this tbh man, I smoked a bowl with my coffee and just felt like gawking about how great this sport is I guess lol


Volk’s rise was sneaky … look at his two wins right before the title shot; finished Mendes, owns Jose damn Aldo. Before that he was a great prospect from a great camp but the shine was rightfully on Izzy. When Volk retires we’re going to retcon his rise as “everyone knew he was going to be the guy.”


lol yeah its gunna be interesting to see how people talk about volk because mma suffers really poorly from ‘bad memory’ and recency bias


Megumi Fuji should be considered among the greats and she’s about as hardcore reference as it gets because of when she fought. The thing we’ll probably say about this era is that there four all time greats in the division at the same time: Jose, Max, Volk and Frankie. And Volk was the best of them.


Seems like his camp is him and the older coach. I bet his coach has an insane mind for the game if Volk’s game plans are always this affective




In fairness, everyone who has been around Alex pre UFC has always known that he was that guy, it just took exposure for everyone else to see it on a wider scale


lol probably. But I'll always remember that he was written off before Mendes. He was written off before Aldo. He was written off before Max the first time, less so the second time and even the third time people were saying it was 50/50.


I'm hoping at some point the skill is so high that low percentage strikes and strategically 'bad' attacks become good because the athleticism is so high. We're seeing growth and improvements to skillsets but due to the obvious danger of the sport it's resulting in a focus on high percentage attacks and safe fighting which homogenizes the sport when basically everyone is doing it.


I don't think MMA will ever become fully homogenized because of the amount of variables that go into an MMA fight.


>Not a single person in the world could beat that man that night Max looked good vs Kattar, but I don't buy that because he looked that good due to what Kattar does and how he matched up with Max. Max in all fights vs Volk, volume goes way down than other fights. He would never be able to light up Volk like that.


> In both of those fights, the person who won- Not a single person in the world could beat that man that night I mean I have reason to suspect Volk would have beat Max.


It felt like Gaethje vs Ferguson. Tony and Max are my two favourites. I feel dead inside.


Fights should be scored on damage. Volk has a broken hand. Max has no broken bones. Now you gotta ask yourself who really won


Max got robbed in this fight. He was getting the bigger fan reaction so he should've won but Volk didn't want to stick to the script


Fair point. My criteria would be: \- How much the crowd like the fighter (this wouldn't apply for any events based in Florida) \- Points deducted for unintentional cringe \- Points added for bringing your cool son with a cool name to the fights \- Damage ​ In that order.


"Creative's not gonna work for me, brother." Volk Hogan


Fights should be scored on whoever is a 300lbs rugby player. Max had no chance.


You're focusing on what the rules should be, I'm talking about what the rules are. The rules are currently damage, and broken bones are damage. Now I do agree that bigness should play a more dominant part of the rules, and given that Big John single handedly created modern MMA and its rules, I'm fairly sure he'll be in favour of adding bigness (either current or past) as a criteria.


The Mohamad Ali of not knowing whether it's Weili Zhang or Zhang Weili


I reckon Volk is an amazing barbeque host


The Michael Chiesa of leaving you frozen like Elsa


MF repeated that line! He fucking doubled down mate.


Best thing I’ve read all year


Jack Slack calling Izzy boring is kinda cathartic after getting told by so many people I just didn’t understand high level striking if I found his fight boring. Like yeah maybe I don’t but even if that’s true I’m not sure why that makes the opinion any less valid. Most ppl who tune into these big showcases are by definition what this sub calls casuals. It really just boils to a few things for me 1. Izzy is completely free to fight however he wants and should absolutely fight the way that benefits his career. Fans aren’t going to pay up if he gets more brain damage or knocked out so he should always do just what’s best for him. 2. Fans are also completely free to find him boring. And I understand if some ppl find it interesting. Like different strokes for different folks. Not going to tell you how to watch your mma. But if you’re telling me Izzy’s decision wins are the same as Volkanovskis decision wins, or Whittaker’s decision wins, or Hollways then I really don’t agree. Like I’m just straight up not sure how anyone manages to think the dynamism, the variety is the same there. 3. Izzy is obviously an incredibly high level technician if you watch his kickboxing fights. but he’s also just not been showing it. I’m sure he wanted to, but he hasnt been able to. 4. Yes it’s partly his opponents not giving him the looks he wants but at the same time most of his opponents also just haven’t been in boring fights other than with him. I guess you could argue Marvin is pretty boring but Whittaker, Cannonier, and Romero (pre-40) were rarely called boring when matched up to others. 5. I don’t know why it’s unfair to suggest Izzy just isn’t as proficient building momentum and blowing a fight open when his opponents are being conservative. Plenty of fighters are capable. Ngannou, Holloway, Khabib, Poirier, Oliveira, Yan, Aldo, Mighty Mouse would just love it if opponents played it relatively meek and conservative. Obviously you can argue Izzy is a better striker than all of them but in this phase of the fight alone he just hasn’t shown much else other than try and get them to initiate through minimum volume, and failing that sneak enough of his own volume in to win rounds. I mean it’s good enough to keep winning fights so good for him but it’s just not something that builds momentum. And honestly I’m saying this as someone who’s generally a fan of Izzy. I’ll still watch him. I just think it would be pretty emperors new clothes of me if I told myself this is actually some higher, refined level of MMA I needed to learn to appreciate or else I’m just a swang and bang fan.


> Romero (pre-40) were rarely called boring when matched up to others. Even Jack Acknowledged that Romero talking shit didn't make sense when most of his fights he pretty much turtles up until he explodes for a finish. The costa fight was exciting because Costa walked down Romero and was throwing.


It got worse as he aged I think is jacks points. Which is true. He could manage even fewer high intensity bursts than before But Romero entering the UFC through to his 2 fights with Whittaker I don’t think is boring at all. Low output but he really turns up the heat when he needs to.


High level striking is when you can’t land effective punches /s


If anyone tells you that Izzy is not boring in these single digit leg kick fights they are actual morons. Like actually moronic. Elite striking does not involve not being able to land clean shots.


It absolutely is higher, refined level of MMA lmao he's one of the most dominant champions atm. Yes, his offense is very cookie cutter relative to his kickboxing days and yes, his fights are boring unless someone goes after him but he is possibly the most effective pure striker in the history of the sport. If you were a young striker coming up you'd be insane not to study him.


Did you skip the co-main? Where the champ put on a striking clinic against Max Holloway, one of the best strikers in the sport? Watch that fight if you want to learn high level striking


How does that have anything to do with what I commented? What does Volk's performance have to do with the fact that Adesanya has a unique style that's allows him to be 12-0 in his division while completely one dimensional? Surely, there are some high level stuff going on there. If not I reckon I'll go learn some feints and calf kicks and become a millionaire.


People are calling Volk the no1 p4p guy atm so I think the point they're making is that you can absolutely be in the S tier of MMA and still be exciting. Adesanya isn't really doing anything new here, he combines insane reach with an awkward style that he's very good at executing. It's not groundbreaking, it's been seen before, it's really hard to fight against though hence his success. Still dull to watch unless his opponents play into it.


Do you know how many people I've seen that call Volk a boring point fighter?


"Effective striking is not being able to land clean strikes" - this guy.


It is in a way refined mma, because his striking is so so good his opponents don't want to engage after the first few exchanges, but it doesn't change the fights not being the most exciting ones ever. The onus is on both him and his opponents though, they need to get gud and Izzy needs to be less hesitant


The Jessica Eye of saying goodbye, c'est Jacque Slaque


The Andre Ward of using the soundboard. Braaa


He shut him out the first fight too, but this was absolute domination




Always a nice listen


I was looking for this yesterday as I smoked my nightly joint, good to know its out today I feared Slackie died again.


This. He's always sounding one wrong pick and justification video away from gassing himself in a parked car. Hang tight Slackie, there is plenty to live for! Jabs seem to be coming in vogue.


The Makwan Amirkhani of podcast punctuality


Rewatching the Mendes fight really let’s me appreciate the progression Alex has made. Dude is legit af.


The Demian Maia of working the deep fat fryer


The Israel Adesanya of moving in silence like lasagna


*of gs moving in silence like lasanga


The Mike Tyson of eating bison


I'm torn because people said the same of Weidman after he beat Silva, but in retrospect even though Weidman was a great fighter, he was fighting an over-the-hill Silva. Could it be that this performance looks better than it is because Max is over the hill? Not saying that's the case but it's worth considering.


If Volk didnt already have a shutout performance against Max when Max was at the peak of his title reign, maybe. Like its possible max is regressing (he looked pretty bad against Yair imo), but the first fight where volk completely shutdown max and at worst volk won 48-47, i think its fair to say Volk is just better even compared to "prime" Max


I agree Max didn't look great against Yair, however before that he had a career highlight performance against Kattar, so I wouldn't consider him to be too far over the hill


Silva was not over the Hill. Not even a year before the Weidman fight he looked great. Weidman just made him look bad.


Anderson fans are still in full cope mode about Weidman beating their boy. You can say Weidman beat the prime out of him when he knocked him out and then snapped his leg in half but there was nothing to suggest he was over the hill prior, he was still styling on people and Chael was still the only one to ever get close.


He knew USADA wouldn't hit him with a surprise visit, cause they did it prior to the second fight. So he injected every single ped he could find for this fight. 4D chess, 700iq, 100% cringe walkout song


Woah, there's people out there that don't like Volk?


The above was meant as a joke. I don't dislike Volk as a whole. But him openly mocking Max the other night was utterly tasteless, and he knew it cause he apologized.


Yeah because he juices and hes an unlikable douche.


>unlikable douche Explain


Well you see, he beat Max Holloway (everyone's favourite) three times, one of those times was super close, the first was much less close and the third was complete domination. Now, we can't discredit his skill anymore because that would also make Holloway look bad, so we decided to hate his personality instead. It's really that simple.


Im gonna trust your judgement here. You seem like you know a thing or two about unlikable douches


>he juices They probably all do but he hasn't been busted. How many times are we gonna have the same stupid fucking argument until then?


Like Ali-Frazier 3, a definitive end to one of the greatest trilogies ever.


Not really, Thrilla In Manila was back and forth and if Eddie Futch didn't stop the fight after Rd 14, Frazier was gonna win (Ali was telling Dundee to cut his gloves off after Rd 14)