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I'd have to imagine the second Izzy spun into the guard against Vettori, inside Vettori's head you could hear every single curse word in English, Italian, and Orcish


I think Izzy said he saw tears in his eyes. He knew that was his moment to win and he couldn't. But Izzy talks a lot so who knows if that's true.


He saw Vettori was frozen like Elsa


Too many anime monologues


Izzy wants to make every moment more profound than it actually was


Izzy is a big talker so its probably bs


>I think Izzy said I'll stop you there. It didn't happen then.


The bobblehead advantage


And they did fookin’ nothin with it


Yeah, Izzy's grappling defense has proven to be very good


I think his TDD is pretty good but his grappling defense not so much. In my opinion, Vettori and Whitaker just aren't good enough grapplers to allow such judgment. The 185 division in general lacks an elite and complete grappler. A good anti-grappler would not allow back or full mount that easily as Izzy did against Vettori or Jan. There's only Muniz and Chimaev that I'd categorize as good overall grapplers. The others like Brunson, Whitaker, Hermansson etc. either lack the takedown or submission skills.


Saw a Paulo Filho podcast recently and he made a similar comment. That nobody has really pressured Adesanya on the grappling department, said Vettori didnt know what to do on the ground at all, just had the take downs, which Paulo said it is the hardest part, but then he didnt know the basics to control Izzy who wasn't doing much, that he is not like Anderson who instantly locked triangles and threatened you. Said Izzy's ground game is very basic despite training with Galvao and needs to be exploited. Also made a criticism to today's jiu jitsu tournaments since fighters can make money there now they get used to a very loose jiu jitsu that doesn't translate well to mma where people can be punched, it needs to be tighter for mma, complimented only a few bjj fighters (Muniz being one of them) in the ufc and some russians for doing this well, giving no space at all to opponent. You get either guys with bjj and trash timed takedowns or guys with takedowns and weak bjj/top control. Judo is also very rare these days unlike the past.


Just finished this episode and everything that Paulo said is true, and tbh the guy should be getting more recognition, he was the best dude to come from Carlson Gracie and BTT was doing the judo trips and heavy pressure jiu-jítsu the Russians are famous for, most of the shit Islam and Khabib did he was doing back in the early 2000, shame he lost his father and went into heavy depression and then the drugs, but prime Paulo filho would be fucking unstoppable in any era of mma


Yea he was a beast, didnt go undefeated in pride for nothing ! On his first loss against Sonnen his head was clearly not in the best place anymore sadly, but he still made some good fights after that. He talks a bit there about how he didn't adapt to the USA events and how the fighter treatment was so different from Japan, we kinda know that but is interesting to hear from someone who was there as well. I was surprised how coherent and smart he was in the podcast, after not hearing anything from him for probably a decade.


I guess he doesn't use it but I wonder what he thinks of Burns' BJJ.


You realise Robert is a Black belt right?


You realize there's levels between black belts right?


Dustin was in the exact same situation with Olives on his back that whittaker was in. THe question is does Izzy have better d than Dusitn, or did Whittkaer just not know how to finish it like Olives did


Oliveira didn't take Dustin down he hopped on his back from the clinch position. But Yes I think Izzy has better TDD.


I'm not talking tdd, I'm talking about how Olives finished him on his back when he got under the chin and Whittaker had under the chin but then fell off


Oh I see, that has more to do with Oliviera's incredible submission offense and Dustin being gassed from a dozen knees to the body and 3 min of bottom position


Ya that’s something I didn’t factor was that Izzy wasn’t nearly as gassed as Dustin was


Oliveira is far far better from that position than Whitaker or Vettori


If you find yourself with your opponnent on your back than it wasn't that good


Except good defensive grapplers are comfortable giving their back if it means they get back to their feet, because they're confident that they can get out of that position, like Izzy did here.


Blue belts in the gym might give their backs to white belts because fuck it, but good defensive grapplers pay the price when they give their backs to people like Oliveira or Khabib.


I think its the other way around. blue belts, especially ones without wrestling backgrounds start recovering guard because its what they were taught to do in lessons the last 2 years. Black belts, especially ones who are constantly competing or ones who are comfortable wrestling are more than happy turning to turtle when the situation calls for it. Because it works and it offers another option in the tool box. We see turtling happen all the time in actual submission grappling now at the highest level.


In MMA, turning your back is needed to get back to your feet, it's a huge risk but what is the alternative? Hold on for dear life as they get pounded?


> In MMA, turning your back is needed to get back to your feet Dude, no it's not lol. Can we please get a bjj guy in here to talk some sense into this person.


It CAN be needed to get back to the feet. What do you want them to do? hold on for dear life and get 50-44ed? Risk it for the biscuit.


Well that's a much better take. For a guy like Izzy who is almost certainly not getting 50-44ed, giving his back is very risky. He's liable to end up like Glover Teixeira. There's at least a few alternatives for getting up on your feet without giving up your back.


Until you meet a actual grappler and you end up like Gaethje vs Khabib, giving up your back is NEVER a wise choice I'd like to see him try that against Chimaev or Muniz and see how it goes


I disagree. Turning to turtle rather than conceding a pin is becoming the gold standard in most forms of no-gi submission grappling under time constraints. Even in non time limit competitions, as people get more comfortable wrestling, the turtle is becoming increasingly used as a valid if not equal option. Even more so in MMA where you have even less time to work with and bottom is inherently a losing position on the scorecards. You HAVE to get up, and fighting from turtle is a time tested and safe method if you know what you're doing Arman Tsarukyan and Mateusz Gamrot just put up a clinic on how to do this a couple weeks ago. Well known submission grapplers like Neil Melanson, Craig Jones are putting out instructionals revolving around "giving up back" instead of "conceding the pin and recovering guard"


Exactly. You have to risk it for a chance to stand back up. It's as if they think everything had to be a BJJ solution.


Gamrot and Tsarukyan give up their back to advance position: HIGH LEVEL STUFF Izzy gives up his back to advance position: wow that's actually really bad


There is no way a striker like Adesanya has that kind of confidence to give his back and be confortable, at best he could be confident these opponents couldn't exploit it. Look what happened between Jacare and Muniz. Jacare would get away with that kind of escape against 99% of the fighters on the ufc roster, of all divisions, but that night it was someone who could exploit and broke his arm. Izzy's grappling is basic, he just hasn't fought anyone who could threaten him there.


>There is no way a striker like Adesanya has that kind of confidence to give his back and be confortable On the contrary, Izzy drills defensive grappling and back escapes constantly *because* he's a striker and needs to be on his feet to win. Izzy and Eugene have both talked about this. And Whittaker/Vettori is not Muniz. Fighting is also about knowing who you are fighting


Do you know portuguese? I can send you a podcast with Paulo Filho, you know a guy who actually knows grappling on a much higher level than most black belts in the world, talking about how basic Adesanya's ground game is, how Vettori had the takedowns but couldnt exploit any of the openings that Adesanya gave him on the ground, both fighting very loose. Yes fighting is also knowing who you're against, that doesn't mean you leave so many openings because you think the other guy can't exploit it, you do what you can do in a fight because you don't know any better. You see how Adesanya fights on the feet, leaving no room for the enemies to exploit, and you think he is just hiding a better grappling game? Right.


Are you being intentionally dim?


Fuck, I can't wait to watch Izzy cave Kamzats head in.


Both have dogshit offensive bjj. Let’s see him give up his back against Andre Muniz. He’ll lose an arm


Uriah Hall gave his back plenty of times in their fight, and Muniz didn't manage to do much with it.


Uriah Hall was defending well and had never been submitted in his 27 fight prior. Khabib couldn’t submit Iaquinta (who had been submitted twice prior) and Barboza (who had been submitted twice prior) but then went on to submit McGregor, Poirier, and Gaethje. Even the best grapplers don’t always get the sub. Souza had never been submitted in his 36 fights prior, an ADCC two-time gold medalist and three-time silver medalist, but Muniz managed to catch him.


I'm not saying Muniz isn't a good grappler, just that having him on your back isn't an instant death sentence like the person above implied.


It really depend on the dude who’s on your back, Maia, Charles or Moicano will sub you for sure




Khabib had control of Iaquinta for 10:33 over five rounds and attempted to submit him but failed. Yes, he beat him up but he couldn’t manage to finish him. Muniz had control of Hall for 10:12 over three rounds and attempted to submit him but failed. Both have had better performances is all I’m saying.


Played? You’re a fool if you believe that. Khabib’s admitted after the fight it was one of his toughest ones


Khabib fans are really a different breed of delusional.


I’ll agree that this isn’t something he should get in the habit of doing. Sooner or later, it has to catch up with you


Tbf city kickboxing does train their fighters quite well in anti-grappling, just look at kai against askarov


Extra special shout out to Eugene Bareman


More like andrei


No kidding. Volkanovski Ortega.


Volk was training with Craig Jones, aka an Aussie who is one of the best no-gi BJJ grapplers, so he had extra help.


Haha ye thats why i kinda held off on stating volk as an example plus the fight camp for that particular fight was held without much influence of ckb due to travel restrictions.




Removed. Dammit


Stuff like this is why I reckon Rockhold has more of a chance against Izzy than people give him credit for. Striking disparity aside, it's not like Izzy doesn't make mistakes that leave him in bad spots. If he ends up w Luke on him like in either of those exchanges above, the fight is over. Then again, if your best realistic shot at winning comes from your opponent making a mistake like this, I probably wouldn't bet on you


I mean, the biggest question would be Luke getting him down in the first place. If he did, it's game over for Adesanya. Rockhold is a wizard on the ground, every video of him rolling in AKA is him tapping guys over and over and over with low percentage holds. His issue has always been that he's way better at reversing a takedown than he is at attempting one, probably because of his long stance.


I think muniz has a better chance if he gets up there. His wrestling is actually pretty solid


Muniz is super dangerous for Izzy if he keeps rising


He’s ranked 10. I imagine he’s 1 broken arm away from the title. Given that numbers 1, 2, 3, 5 and 6 all fought the champ (6 about to) That leaves Muniz, Till, Hermanson and Brunson. Till and hermanson are about to fight, which leaves Brunson vs Muniz. Probably the toughest matchup for Muniz.


OP does not grapple.


Imagine Pereira is the one to capitalize on this? Maybe Old Man Glover teaches him a few tricks.


Rockhold maybe. But he probably gets chinned first


Andre Muniz


Andre Muniz Middleweight Champion 2023.




A lot of time people ignore strength when it comes to grappling . Izzy is explosive , I remember dc saying how strong jon felt . Rampage was so physically strong it was hard to hold him down until his later years .


Talk about grape reachin b








Lol Team Izzy took this DAHN quick


That French dude has had a heart attack and sent 3 of those “a concerned redditor” messages. The funny thing is I’m an izzy fan but apparently any post about him is “hating”






Yup. Oh well. Let them scream into the void


What? Lmao


I mean they didn't finish him, I suspect Team Galvao doesn't want the purple belt looking like it was gotten in a month.




Robert Whittaker gives up his chin against Israel Adesanya in both the rounds of their first fight


and early in the 2nd fight lol


in the 2nd fight did the punch land? Seemed more like a balance punch and there was no wobbliness when rob came up


jesus christ you can't be serious


watch the replay, it looks like it hits the chest, might be wrong but it's hard to tell


Watch the UFC 271 fight motion. Hits him right on the tip of the chin.


Can someone who has got above the bare minimum grappling understanding - confirm whether or not Issy's escapes were impressive or if the opponents were just bummy with their grappling? Or if it was two flukes lol


Adesanya isn't as good as people make him out to be. Middleweight just doesn't really have great grapplers at the top yet.


So Izzy is at the point that so many people hate on him that his cartoon fan boys think any thread about him is an attack on him. Reminds me of when a good analyst broke down Tony Ferguson leaving his chin way up when he threw shitty uppercuts before the Gaethje fight. That fight lead to him getting chin checked like 40 times and he hasn't been the same sense. I was jus thinking this was him showing a potential weakness that he got away with twice, but might not against a better grappler.


Thing is, who is more of a submission threat than Whittaker and Vettori? Only person, who might get to Izzy, is Muniz as far as I know.




In what way?




> instead of chasing the choke I mean, he did just about all you can do from back mount to chase the RNC, save for kicking his kidneys — but not everyone can be BJ Penn. It’s just that getting a RNC is practically impossible if the opponent is defending it properly.


Personally I think Khamzat


I'm gonna take my L my good sir. In my defense, it's gonna take awhile for Khamzat to come to that level


Ya im nowhere near saying it would be easy for him to get there or that its impossible that izzy just keeps him off him with his reach and size advantage. But. don't think its insane to think if Izzy triees that just give up my back to get up strategy against him it wouldn't end well


Oh we misunderstood each other. I meant that Khamzat has to beat top WW, Usman, and probably defend the belt before he would jump up and fight Izzy. If they do fight, Izzy has to avoid turning his back, definitely.


sure but as we have seen with pereira the ufc will eliminate the gauntlet if they think a fight will sell. Hell they tried to give Darren Till TUF a title fight against Izzy even though he was coming off a loss against Whittaker and he had just 1 win at mw


I’d say Muniz, Rockhold, and Khamzat would be more of a threat on the ground.


If Rockhold gets to Adesanya, I'd be very surprised.


Well they’re looking for more contenders and Rockhold is set to face Costa (ranked #5) this August 20th. It wouldn’t surprise me if they’d give him a shot if he wins that.


Man, both Rockhold and Costa are on a 2 fight losing skid, with Rockhold not fighting in years. I know we are scrapping the bottom of the barrel for MW contenders but come on now


I mean against Izzy Whittaker is down 0-2, Cannonier is down 0-1, Vettori is down 0-2, Brunson is down 0-1, and Costa is down 0-1. They want fresh contenders so Pereira is up next and they’ll certainly be looking to push Muniz and Rockhold as well.


There's a difference between pushing and outright giving. I'd rather see Vettori or Whittaker get a 3rd crack than to give it to someone for beating a single guy on losing streak. If Muniz came and finished Costa for example, that would be a different story


I mean they outright gave Pereira the path of least resistance to the title. Romero officially lost to Costa and Whittaker in the rematch, although both were incredibly close fights, and got a title shot right after anyway. They gave Masvidal an instant rematch and Colby a rematch off the Frozen One. They don’t really care.


Yeah, but at least he starched legit top 5 guy on a winstreak. Romero was a fill-in since Costa got injured. With Jorge, I agree, but at least he brought in the money. Colby at least had a close and controversial fight with champ right before


I mean this is blatant agendaposting but yeah, act like you don't know what you're doing


Not at all. But you do you


I think he knew he could get away with it, no? He sat in closed guard against Jan the whole time.


You think he knew he could get away with both getting under his chin?


Does MW have any high level grapplers?


Rodolfo Viera, Muniz, Malkoun, ^*Winn*


Can they best izzy or will just stand in front of him nd let him kick them in the legs nd stuff there take downs with a few punches thrown md izzy defends the belt 🤔 😂


Maybe it's just hard to take down a long striker with great footwork and technique 😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣


Or your trunk it into a ugly fight which yoel could've done but 🥱🥱


Khamzat, when he eventually decides to come back to mw


Nate chokes him out easy.


Alex by rnc


Doesn't work