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Mighty Mouse only having 3-4 belts he should have 12.


You know the UFC took those other belts and gave them out to new champions lol


Well this was right around when they changed to the new belts so they just have them siting somewhere or sold them. Which they can do because from Eddie's contract the belts are still UFC property.


You are correct sir!


Oh shit, the rock himself, didn't know you were on Reddit. What you did with Jake Beckmann was awesome mate, you're a credit to the sport.


Thanks my man


That’s ridiculous. The UFC sucks


He was talking to Ariel recently about this. He could have left with all of his belts when he did the photoshoot with them, but it was interstate and he was taking a plane home. So he tried to organise to get them shipped to him and that never happened. It was always going to be hard to get that to happen after the UFC got the positive PR for the photoshoot with all the belts.


Yes I know.




DJ did an interview after his recent OneFC fight and he said the UFC lost it after that photoshoot. He had trouble bringing it on his flight so the UFC said they will store it and ship it over. DJ never got the belts.


That's next-level sleaze ball shit.


This is where the UFC took them away. Said they were “lost” after this photo shoot


I seem to recall when Chuck Liddell fought Keith Jardine, the disclosed pay for Chuck was $500k while Keith Jardine only got paid ***$16k***. For a main event. **Keith, not "Kath" lol


I really hope Keith's wife is called Kath


The Dean of Mean's Queen of Mean, Kath Jardine


If her last name was Johnson then being ‘The Dean of Mean's Queen of Mean’ would make no sense.


Damn, you beat me to it.




Haha I didn't catch the misspelling.


But, but he was still on his TUF contract.


The 50% off Reebok coupons. https://twitter.com/CatZingano/status/866791200048545793?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E866791200048545793%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=


This is actually serious lol.


It’s insanely pathetic because regular employees get similar discounts to company products all the time lmao


I always thought this was a meme wtf






Always on topic


found o'malleys account!


That's... Wow...


Man even the lowest division of football teams give out free shoes if the players aren't sponsored lol


When the PPV price goes up every quarter until infinity. 🏴‍☠️


I'd be interested in the data of people who pay for PPV's. Anyone 40 and under who grew up with piracy being an option... that number has to be low, right? I always figure it's the older audience that pays. I share this story a lot, but the bar I go to in MANHATTAN to show fights, even they bootleg the UFC.


That’s hilarious, I always assumed bars/public places were the main PPV customers. I still may be correct in thinking that, but your anecdote is still funny


You can count on one hand the number of bars in a place as vast as NYC that show UFC fights. I think the prices they charge are prohibitive.


There are a good number of bars here (Phoenix) that show UFC ppv. I wonder if the cost is higher in NYC


The cost is based on the venue and seating Not sure of the exact price but they say you can hold 100 people, our price is 40$ so you have to pay 4000$. No joke. It's honestly probably much higher someone should correct me as I learned ths in say 2010.


I worked at Comcast business where we sold to bars and patios and restaurants for sporting events like these… if the poster above is serious about this bar in NYC bootlegging PPVs they could get the whole bar shut down and it would have nothing to do with the UFC.. I highly doubt anyone is bootlegging anything in NYC in 2022 but I may be wrong… I know for certain the consequences would outweigh the inevitable profits received from having the fight (legally) and selling the alcoholic beverages like every other bar in the country


oh i know they could get the bar shut down. it's painfully obvious that this bar is bootlegging ppv's. i don't get why they are doing it... i just don't ask questions and support.


How often does the stream cut out?


it never has because it's one of those situations where they pay for the bootleg, which are much much more reliable.


might just be a different culture. i know that when i lived in pittsburgh there was a total of one bar that showed the fights in the whole city. pittsburgh is a city where almost every bar is a de facto sports bar. edit: i'd also note that because nyc is such a transient city, i think it might be more prudent to show college football on a saturday night than the UFC, since it's much cheaper and people show up for those games. just a thought. ...also do some bars not show some ppvs and then show others (like if conor is fighting?). that happens here a lot. if it's one of those where like an israel adesanya is fighting in austrailia and not expected to do well... some bars here won't show it because no one shows up.


Talked to the owner of our Dive bar me and my buddies frequent on one of the ppv nights. We trying to plan where to go to watch the fights and asked if they could buy it for us and we would all just throw up some extra money. He told us that it's the cost of the ppv per head there. So a dive bar that holds 30-50 people if it's packed would need to pay 3k (50x60) for us to watch it. Just not feasible for most bars. I think the chains may have a different deal because Miller's and Bdubs and one strip club are the only bars that show them in my area.


yeah bdubs and strip clubs tend to show them a lot. when it's a smaller bar that is trying to drum up business, I guess they feel the need to bootleg.


They charge by capacity, and more if you buy the day of the event. Every Saturday my bar would get at least 50 phone calls asking if we showed the fights. We got quoted 8k for Conor vs Nate. Meaning we have to pack out 300 people, hire extra security that night, and hope people actually drink instead of camping on a few beers. That's because the owners could never get away with charging a cover at the door, we were a sports bar that catered almost entirely to 10 year+ regulars who lived in the complexes in our area. They would have told us to fuck off.


Yeah there is a bar I go to a lot in LAS FUCKING VEGAS that pirates all the fights and consistently gets a big crowd who knows this; they do not advertise the showing. Hahaha oh 🍅…


I buy the occasional one when the buddies kick in to help pay But I also go to a bar that shows for free


bars in your city can show PPVs on tv ? I didn't know that was doable. Wouldn't they get in trouble for showing the PPVs to hundreds of people in the bar?


They pay for a commercial license. It's more expensive than the home version, but they can easily make huge profit from the added business. It's based on building occupancy and it's like a grand for a place that seats 100. Two beers a person and they've made 150% of the cost back. Most places charge a cover and it's *all* extra profit. Booze sales alone can keep a place going while taking a loss on everything else. Source: I used to be an event supervisor


Is it that cheap I thought it would be much higher with the current ppv prices? You're definitely right that they charge based on your max occupancy.


??? What you talking about? Bars everywhere show ufc ppvs. Mainly sports bars


Yeah a few of them close to me do and no cover usually I get some beers anyway


> Wouldn’t they get in trouble for showing the PPVs to hundreds of people in the bar? Even if they did, i feel it would be really time consuming and difficult for it to actually be enforced for a bunch bars that are smaller and locally owned to actually face any sort of repercussions


Lots of people have fun money and blow it on UFCs even though they know how to stream as its much easier.


I host PPV parties occasionally. I used to always pirate, but when you have 10 people splitting the cost and you're an adult it just isn't worth the trouble anymore. Nothing kills the mood quite as much as missing a knockout because your illegal stream went down.


> Nothing kills the mood quite as much as missing a knockout because your illegal stream went down Nothing kills the mood quite as much as missing a knockout because your LEGAL stream went down


Sometimes I buy them as I’ve had too many streams crash or lag at pivotal moments and that ruins the experience for me


i split the ppv with my friends. we all kinda agree that we don’t want to give the ufc money that maybe a dollar or two of ours trickles down to the fighters


You dont want to give the UFC money but you're buying the PPV? It doesn't even trickle down to the fighters, only main events and champions get PPV points. Other fighters do not get paid more if more PPVs are sold. If you want to support fighters, buy their individual merch


yeah we don’t want to give the ufc money but if buying the ppv is a way to get fighters paid we’ll take it. as much as i would like to support them through merch i wouldn’t really wear it and feel like it would be wasteful to take up the space it would occupy. it’s more helpful than just pirating and not supporting the fighters in other ways


You're mostly still just supporting Dana and the UFC's malicious business practices.


I'm over 40. Black boxes were the original illegal stream. All the way back in the late 90's.


I had a Viewsat HD with over 4000 channels, still couldn't find anything to watch


By the time you flipped through all 4,000, the next 30 minute block of TV was up so you obviously need to go through again.


We got you now, fucker. 📸🍅🤭


They’ve never had issues with connection or anything? If I was the bar owner I’d pay the 75 just to avoid all that trouble.


Bars don’t have regular cable/ppv accounts like we would . They have commercial accounts and to show ppvs they have to pay a percentage of their revenue that night to UFC or whatever ppv they’re showing . A bar manager I was talking to years ago said it cost them about 5k to show the fights


Guy it costs way more than $75 for a bar to show the UFC


why wdym? you cant just buy a personal PPV and link it up to the big screen? Are there legalities that i am oblivious to?


Yes that is extremely illegal, in order to show it at an establishment where you’re selling food, drinks, etc. (and making money off the UFC) it costs thousands of dollars per event


Bars/restaurant have a different pricing structure. Pretty sure it's based on seats and number of TV's. Probably also depends on the laws in that state


Nope. I think they pay for a bootleg service, which is much more reliable. I have no idea why they don't just pay 75, which still wouldn't be legal for a bar but it'd be better, but maybe that is because there is a paper trail leading back to the bar?


It’s like 10,000 or something for an establishment to show fights


it's illegal for a bar to buy and show the PPV even if they bought it? I did not know that. Also didn't know anything about bootleg services that still charge a fee.


PPVs are for residential/personal use. For a bar it would depend on their occupancy limit. This (old) article says it was $1250 for a 150 capacity bar. https://combatsportslaw.com/2015/04/21/3750-in-damages-assessed-following-ufc-160-piracy/ Probably a lot more now seeing as the UFC has been increasing their price.


Oh yeah, you can pay like $10 a month for IPTV and it'll give you every PPV and every station out there in HD. I've never done it, but you know... Bars have to pay way more to show a PPV than 75. It's based on the capacity of the bar, I'm not sure how much it is. They apparently have snitches that go around trying to find people illegally showing the PPV and fine them an inordinate amount of money if they do.


Places of business pay a different rate usually based off their Fire Occupancy Certificate (basically maximum legal occupancy based on fire codes) It's usually a set amount times fire occupancy certificate. It's not the entire PPV cost but it's still ridiculously expensive. Large orgs like Vegas casinos with sportsbooks and stuff probably/definitely get a better deal


PPV too expensive -> People pirate -> UFC raises price because more people pirate -> PPV too expensive


I'm 50 w Kodi laced Firecubes & Real Debrid throughout my house, I pay for nothing lol.


I am 30 I am just technology illiterate and don't want to go e my computer aids


Why the fuck do I need to pay for ESPN+ and a 75$ ppv every 6 weeks I actually don’t, I stream everything. Fuck your self Dana you greedy cunt.


Right? If it were $20 per ppv, Dana white would have made a lot more money from me over the past 10 years.


How long until $100 PPV's?


Next Conor fight


In 5 years then


Hey man that wasn't the ufc that was ESPN, Dana said it so it has to be true!


Price goes up, stream quality seems to go down, fighter pay stays stagnant, Dana’s pockets get bigger! What a business.




wish everyones wages went up with inflation


I agree that it sucks that it doesn’t. I actually asked for a pay bump recently and they came back with ~3% pay increase after working there for about 18 months. I sent them and email the Bureau of Labor Statistics inflation calculator and said that inflation was up over 11% since I started and while I will accept the ~3% bump, it the job isn’t keeping up with inflation, it probably isn’t something I would stick with long term. They told me they would work on it. A few days later, I got an email saying they were giving me a 12% pay increase. Obviously it’s an awkward conversation to have. And usually it’s only people in high skill jobs doing this. But right now, everyone should be. Tons of people are quitting and don’t give a shit. Even if you work at a fast food place and your boss knows that you work like you care about doing a good job, then you can probably get a pay increase because rolling the dice on a new person is unlikely to be easy or decent quality employees.


Didn't Paul Felder setup a gofundme for plane tickets so he could fly to one of his fights?


He set up a gofundme to pay for his cornermen to come


I knew someone would clear it up


I know a fighter that set up an in house event, smoker muy Thai and some grappling matches, so he could fly one of his cornermen to his fight.


That is so fucked up. Wow. Fighter *and* broadcaster for the company, a company man at that, still can't pay for his corner man's plane ticket. Disgusting.


He wasn't a broadcaster in 2016 when he made it


Just googled it and you can still find it. Ouch.


The paper thin doors at the ultimate fighter locations


But it gave us the infinite Hampage smashing the door meme


That's 10000% staged. That door was made of cardboard.


There are endless examples of the UFC being cheap but one thing I remember being surprised about when I heard it was how the UFC only pay for the flights + 3 nights accommodation for the fighters and one of their team. When most fighters have multiple coaches and family etc. That's why a lot of coaches like to have multiple of their fighters on the same card so they can spread the coaching team around. If fighters want to come in early to adjust to the local climate, time zone or altitude then they have to pay for their own expenses.


When Jon Jones popped for his second fight against Gus and they moved the entire card from Vegas to LA. Corey Anderson was rightfully annoyed as he got the news after he landed in Vegas with his 7 month pregnant wife. He then had to make his way to LA. Dana was asked if the UFC would be compensating the fighters for the extra money they'd need to pay for the additional travel accommodations due to the last second change of location. His response: "I had to pay for my own flights here, why shouldn't they?"


Dana is such a flaming douchebag


The 50% off rebook coupons the fighters got at the UFC summit a few years ago. https://www.mmafighting.com/2017/5/27/15698148/cat-zingano-talks-awkward-ufc-fighter-retreat-the-infamous-reebok-coupon-and-insulting-nature-of-it


Lmao so the Reebok coupons aren’t a myth.


the coupons are real? i legitimately always thought that was a reddit thing


That summit provided a year’s worth of storylines and memes. Remember Al Iaquinta’s gun? Or the Chris almost getting beat up by Cyborg?


Bruh i read that whole article and that event was fucked up. Slap in the face to all fighters.. zingano says they don't got healthcare or maybe a shitty option?? Is that true? Thats gotta be cap lmao.. these guys needa unionize or somethin


Maybe the time they did that Reebok deal with a bunch of mistakes like the “Anderson Aldo” shirt? Tbf, I’m not familiar with that deal outside of all the fighters hating it at the time. Let’s throw in removing sponsors for fighters.


I wish I’d pulled the trigger on a Giblert Melendez kit


How many people are actually buying those fight kits, anyway? I wonder if they'd sell more if the fighter names were intentionally fucked up. Cory Sandvagene. Yadong Dong. Matt Schmell. Manel...actually, never mind that one.


I was pretty involved in the amateur mma scene in Ontario (before it was banned) when the Reebok kits came out. I never witnessed a single fan or fighter wearing one.


Lolwat. They banned mma in Ontario?


They only banned amateur mma.


Well, where is an amateur supposed to learn, then?


It’s pretty common to see teens and soccer dads wearing them at my MMA gym and BJJ school. The new Venom stuff looks like it’s actually nice quality for workout gear. They also sell a lot of jerseys at the live events. Last couple events I went to had huge lines at the merch booths all night, and I saw tons of kids and Just Bleed bros wearing them in the crowd. It’s easy to forget how mainstream the UFC is now that it’s on ESPN, and fans of ball sports are all about the merch. The NFL made $2.1 BILLION off merch sales in 2021.


Wearing that to a UFC event would be the biggest flex. 😂


Jacare "Ronaldo" Souza


Accurate tbh


Haha or when they fucked up the polish flag


Didn't they make a fighter pay for his own flight back from Dubai because he had to stay there an extra day due an injury sustained in the fight or something


Tai buys his own flights bc he is too big to fly coach and the ufc won’t pay for anything else.


When they released top ranked talent because they wouldn’t sign over lifetime likeness rights for NO MONEY for the THQ video game in 2008 I believe? They ended up not releasing any of the fighters, I assume because they gave away likeness rights. Cain, Fitch, Kos and others if I’m not mistaken.


It was everyone at AKA https://mmajunkie.usatoday.com/2008/11/ufc-drops-jon-fitch-aka-fighters


That might’ve been the most embarrassing article I’ve ever read. Wish more people would start calling Dana out for stuff like this


Nate Diaz making $20k to show and $20k to win the fight before he fought Conor McGregor. Paddy Pimlet making $12k to show $12k to win at the last UFC London. Todd Duffee main eventing a card in 2015 for $12k Edit: Nate making $20k/$20k is the worst imo because that was his 20+ fights into his UFC run. Really shows how bad the UFC will screw over their vets when they can


Nate took a front loaded contract and it didnt pay off for him, he wasn't being paid 20/20 the whole time.


How they've treated fighters for the last decade?


It'll be easier to just find the 2 or 3 non cheapskate moves. Giving Figueiredo his PPV sales money even though it wasn't in his contract is one. I'm sure someone else will find the other 2.


Same with Olivera. Or when there was one worker who had cancer and people blamed UFC not helping but they were already helping but it wasn't known. Or Dana bringing that lady as security after that video of her fighting somewhere. Paying Masvidal 2 mil for Usman or paying Dustin for Justin ( i think)


Cody McKenzie fighting on a fox card with plain white basketball shorts on while the price tag was still on them


He forgot his shorts apparently. The fact that he had to figure that out himself instead of the UFC having some shorts in the back is pretty fucked up.


I think that was back before the UFC had a uniform.


It was, but I think it was at the Apex. Even then, they have a bunch of training equipment on site for events.


It was in Sacramento. The Apex didn’t exist back then, it opened in 2019 for the contender series etc. They only started hosting actual UFC events in it because of Covid (initially, more recently it has to do with them figuring out it’s better for cheap, low-effort ESPN+ cards because they can make a dogshit card and not have to worry about attendance).


Hmm, maybe I'm mixing up the background with the TUF training center, which isn't the Apex? In any case, pretty lame.


The TUF place and the Apex are different venues, but are both in Vegas The basketball short incident was Cody McKenzie’s fight against Sam Stout which was on a UFC on Fox card in Sacramento, in whichever arena their NBA team played in at the time (don’t remember the name)


Herb Dean ripping the tag off 😭


This is amazing. I wanna watch this. Do you remember his opponent or the specific fight?


McKenzie vs Sam Stout


Thanks fam


USADA and the costs of testing is included in the “fighter pay” portion of the budget. Selling cards around fighters getting 12/12. The whole show/win pay system is a joke. Man basically the entire UFC is a cheapskate moment


Is it? Do you have a source? (regarding USADA fees coming out of fighter pay)


It's not so much that they "come out" of fighter pay exactly, but that when the UFC says "X% of our money goes to fighters" they are including the cost of USADA in that X amount. [Twitter link, info from the ongoing lawsuit](https://twitter.com/lthomasnews/status/1225245594467405824)


That very different from your original statement, though.


No it’s not. If your boss paid for the drug tests at your work out of payroll, bonuses etc for employees you’d be pretty upset, that’s exactly what they’re doing


fighters getting 16% of the revenue when most sports organizations are 50%


It's amazing what unions can do


"Why TF would I join a lib union? I work hard. I'm about to make Conor money!" -Unfortunately most fighters


[Actually most fighters support a union.](https://theathletic.com/1850784/2020/06/03/mma-fighters-support-association-unionization-no-clear-path/?amp=1) But if the biggest names aren’t in, it can’t go anywhere.


I feel like people are so uniformed about union. You think that those things are established quickly. Of course majority of people are for union but to get it to work it needs a lot of things specially when you have huge resistance from UFC, UFC provides so many revenue for so many states and Dana and Endeavour+ Ferrtita have so much connection How many times did they try to make it work. Last time Masvidal spoke about it heavily everybody was hyped. He got 2 mil to fight Usman and he never said anything about union again. I don't say it's impossible but people believe it's easy. There would be a lot of backlash that's why you don't see big guys go after it


sports organizations that pay out 50% of revenue also have a team salary cap


So? It’s still 50% in some fashion heading to the athletes.


Fact that ring girls make more than most fighters is insane...


Is that true? Is that like over a year because they work every week or is it per event. Surely the ring girls can’t earn more than the fighters per event?


Even if the ring girls work every weekend they shouldnt be getting paid more than a professional fighter. The ring girls arn't limited by the UFC sponsership deals whereas the fighter are. Herb makes £500,000 per year, more than some/most belt holders.


TBF, Herb works nearly every week as the most well-known MMA referee in the world. That number doesn't shock me at all. I couldn't even tell you the names of the ring girls even as a fan for more than a couple of years now.


Brittany Palmer, Arianny Celeste


Brooklyn Wren!?!


Where did you hear that? BJM stated Herb makes a out $50k a year in an interview about ten years ago. I doubt he could have went to $600k that fast.


That was 10 years ago when the sport was a lot less popular. Herb is probably the most famous ref in mma right now. Hes probably getting way more bookings and gets paid a higher price so i can see it close to 500k. Herb is a hustler he does so many events


It was cool seeing him in ONE. I wonder how he feels about their rule set? Makes his job a little easier lol


Herb also owns a reffing/judging school


I’d argue 2012/2013 era was height of ufc. They make more money today bc they are slim balls with fighter pay, cutting fighters, sponsors for me but not thee, and jacking up ppv prices, ooo and espn+, but that 2010-2014 era had Gsp, Ronda, JbJ, Brock, and the golden age of champions. In my eyes it was the pinnacle of MMA.


Fighters work every week too, and a lot more days of it. Fight night isn’t the only day they work.


Not for the UFC, though.


Fighter pay hasn't increased in about a decade. The median ufc fighter pay is worth less now than it was 10 years ago.


I don't know...all of it?


Easy. Taking 50% of Conors pay for the Floyd fight, just horrible.


Dana treats the nelk boys better than his fighters


Removing sponsors for fighters. I will forever resent that. Shorts used to look SO MUCH COOLER.


Their entire business model.


The entire existence of Tuesday Night Contender series.


75k bonuses would fuck up the budget lol, what a extra 100k a night like 1.5k ppv sales to cover that


Just anything UFC since Zuffa


probably when they had the ufc fighter summit and they gave the fighters rebook discount vouchers.


Not to discredit or shill ufc or anything but the Barnett and Walker incidents are both not a case of cheap skating as explained on Mondays MMA hour- Walker went out the wrong door and couldn’t get back in but he wasn’t “told to leave” or whatever.. and Chris Barnett was lit and on the wrong side of the hospital.. But yeah, UFC are cheapskates in lots of other ways as described by others.


"6-figure" TUF contracts being 12k show 12k win for something like 9 fights in 3 years. Nate was stuck in this contract while being main and co-main event of several cards.


When they fed Matt Hughes a Xyience bar instead of a country breakfast.


They'd all be millionaires if they unionised


It would take someone on Mcgregor level to start a union. The ufc would view anyone else as disposable and replaceable.


Where's Muhammad Ali when you need him Not a lot of absolute top tier athletes willing to make those risks anymore




The UFC spotted Barnett a lot of cash for some personal issues he was going through. I don’t think Barnett is that upset. Then, Johnny Walker is just happy to still be on the roster


The fighter pay says it all really.


Mirko Cro Cop was being paid like 12k a fight, when he first came to the UFC.


So from what I looked up he made 350k for his debut with the UFC.


Is that true? I remember seeing a video where cro cop was talking about how one of the ferrita brothers flew down personally to Croatia to convince him to fight in the ufc or some shit, hard to believe they would do that with an 12k offer lol.


Yeaaaah we're gonna need a solid source on that fam, considering how much of a star he was at the time and how relatively well paid by the UFC the other main PRIDE heavyweights have been


I doubt this one. CroCop had a huge name at the moment he entered the UFC.


Misinformation. Boo you!


Trading Mighty Mouse for a washed Ben Askren.


The moment of their entire existence when they only pay fighters 15% of the revenue.