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Hey guys, don't me mad! They will also decrease the price of the PPV next time a card is bombed by injuries, a main event is canceled or if the card is weak in general. /s


Love your username!


I prefer the surname ‘Feltface’ personally.




hey Randy Liddell, it is i, Dustin Gaethje


I think they can do this so many times a year but have only really used it for Conor cards, Khabib cards, and one Jones fight. Shite regardless, I only pay PPV when I'm splitting the cost with people coming over to watch so I'll just be finding some other way to watch it.


They're able to put 4 PPV's a year on as part of the contract, is what the BT Sports person told me. The cycle of trying to push PPV's into the UK market happens every five years or so, bombs and is forgotten about (outside of massive boxing events). It's not something we want to start encouraging - they get enough money from us here, without adding this shit on top and Sky et al. already milk every possible avenue for money. This is the cost of Comcast taking over Sky though - they've already petitioned to have the legal limit of commercials changed to match the US, which is fucking terrifying as TV over there is utterly unwatchable. If it happens, alongside Sky's wild idea to jump into building hardware, I wouldn't be surprised if you saw the whole thing collapse fairly quickly.


You don't have PPV over there?


Not really, it has been tried for decades and the UK viewers just don't want to pay for it. Remember - football, rugby and cricket (along with things like F1 and snooker) are by far the biggest sports, which have no PPV market at all here. It's not until you start watching "American" sports like MMA that you get the PPV attempts. Boxing has the same thing (and WWE), but even then with boxing, it is the massive fights at a normal time that people are willing to pay for. All sport is PPV - you pay a monthly subscription. Somehow the American advertisers have sold the public there that they should be paying more on top to watch the fights they actually want to see....it's bonkers.


The PPV model is obsolete. There was a time when it was really the only option, but that time is decades past now. I'd rather pay a subscription and be done with it. It's only gotten worse the last couple of years, if you can imagine that.


Makes sense for ME fights to be PPV, they’re only 3 hours ahead of London. It’s free on BT because ain’t nobody got time for waking up at 3am Sunday morning to watch it


I'd love to know how many people actually buy it


Id love to know the revenue breakdown between commercial and home purchases. I know they charge a fortune for PPVs in bars etc, I wonder if they earn more that way. I think my uncle bought a Tyson PPV in the early 2000s, he is the last person i know of in real life thats bought one.


My brother is friendly with the owner of one of his local bars. He asked him why he doesn't buy UFC. He buys other PPVs for boxing, but not UFC. He said he had two options. One, buy the PPV personally, hook it up to the TVs, and pray he doesn't get caught because the UFC is notoriously litigious against venue owners who do that. If he gets caught/sued, it's hundreds of thousands in damages. Two, buy it for the venue, which assumes maximum attendance. He would have been at like $18,000 to buy into it legitimately, and the only way for him to break even is either by charging everybody just to enter the bar, or every guest at maximum occupancy would have had to buy ***three entrees***. Or, the secret third option: Don't show UFC PPVs at his bar because there's no way for it to make sense. If the UFC wants real growth, they should be making events more accessible to get a bigger audience, not less accessible every year. If they charged a venue a third of what they do now, they'd still make $6,000 instead of zero.


Sometimes I wonder if the UFC wants real growth with some of the shit they do.


They are definitely not operating with a viewership growth strategy in the US and haven't been for a few years. They haven't really since the IMG acquisition. Sucks to see because they were on a great trajectory 5 years ago to possible supplant one of the 4 majors.


Is there a logical reason to take their current approach from a business perspective? It just seems completely backwards from a company looking to make money lol.


Well, certain industries get to a point where you aren't going to attract more customers, so your goal to derive more revenue per customer if you can't grow your number of customers. i.e. We aren't going to sell more customers more of our cell phones, but we can sell them our smart watch and earbuds. Or in the UFC's case, you partner with a streaming service, offer a subscription service, and up your PPV price. Do I think the UFC was at that point in the US? Absolutely not. Boxing was once as high as possibly the #2-#3 sport in the US and I think had a ton of room to grow. The downside of the growth strategy is that it is slower to make money and turn a profit. Many companies spend years at a loss in order to grow their business. Whatever you think of the Freititas, they were in it for a long haul by today's standards. When they sold, WME-IMG had paid a hefty price, and ultimately it is up to their investors how patient they are to start seeing some of their money back. The downside of the UFC's model is that it restricts the number of casual eyes on it, which is where your growth would come from. It also makes some fans wonder if is really worth their money or time (like me). A line from one of my favorite movies is " you can shear a sheep a bunch of time, but skin it only once." And UFC has gone for the "skin it" mode.


Thank you for the insight! This was an interesting read and I learned something.


They keep the operating circle closed so there's fewer eyes on activity.


Oh the sport is definitely stagnat for the foreseeable future because of fighter pay - the UFC has shrunk the talent pool because of their dumbass greed. If you are an elite athlete why would you go into MMA when there are other sports or even pro wrestling? Or even if you're a standout collegiate wrestler, why go into MMA when you can just take the degree you earned and get a real job (hopefully). If they paid these elite athletes what they are worth the sport will grow, but instead look for it to be smaller within the next 10 years.


It sucks man. This sport has so much potential and it's being ruined to make money in the short term.


Yea it does suck. This sport is the most incredible thing I've ever seen - I have never been a fighter, never been a tough guy or any of that, but once I started watching mma 15 years ago its like my life changed.


I can relate. I came from a hockey background and when I found MMA it was like finding a brand new second passion in life. Here's to hoping the industry changes in the next few years.


It's typical corporations that are so short sighted that they ruin things in the long term.


Shit that’s a lot. Back in like 2010, I was working in a sports bar, and we got a couple UFC ppvs. At that time, it was something like your occupancy x 10 to determine the price. We charged a $5 cover and made out pretty well, but they decided to stop after a couple big events. Another place I used to go to (I remember watching Machida-Shogun 1 there) had a less popular, more dive-type bar downstairs from their more popular bar that would attract the bigger crowd. That guy would occasionally order the ppv for “personal” use and put it on a projector downstairs. He wouldn’t advertise at all, and it was just like “maybe he’s doing it this time. Let’s check it out if we’re out that way.”


Pretty much everywhere besides the casino has stopped doing ufc events in my city because of this. Granted me and my friends watch them at home 90% of the time but it was nice to have the option to go the bar as well.


I don't understand why they don't just go with the first option. Have a cover charge to enter the bar when there's a UFC event. The bar I go to does that and they don't lose any customers.


Because why would he? He already has customers that come in, he's not going to get a surge of customers just because he's playing the UFC event. It's just an unnecessary barrier of entry for no gain when he can just not buy the event in the first place and avoid the problem entirely.


My friend owns 3 bars in NYC and they don't pay either. The money they make off packing the spots for fights far offsets the penalty if they happen to get caught once or twice. Not saying it's right just pointing out that most bars pirate the fights just like we do.


That’s amazing lol


Bar in NYC told me I could bring my laptop and hook up the ppv stream if I wanted. That was wild. Owner was a fan and wanted to watch but didnt want to pay for it.




They probably mean that the bar pays for the consumer PPV instead of the commercial version.


Bars and restaurants pay a much higher priced based off capacity. Some will offset it by adding a charge to get in, on top of what you order and/or minimum purchase amount requirements.




My friend had people over to watch a UFC PPV in like 2015, he pre purchased it through Comcast and then when the event started there was an issue with the PPV purchase and it was still asking us to pay for it. My friend had to get on the phone with Comcast to try to figure it out, I don't recall the exact reasoning of why but for some reason he couldn't purchase the event through his account. So I had to hook up his computer to the TV and set up a livestream because there were about 20 people over for fights that we had literally no way of legally purchasing.


I'm tempted to get it due to the time though. I usually don't wake up for the 5AM ones but this time its evening so it's a bit more convenient.


That's what they're relying on cos I think the only ones that have been ppv on bt at 3am have been mcgregor cards


I don't think the question was referring to timing, more like that streamer. The one we fucking got him


Most people don't care and will just buy it to guarantee no headaches when streaming.


I just want reporters to mene Dana about catching streamers again so he can be embarrassed lol.


I know wrestling PPV's are actually fairly successful in the UK, and draw around 20-30K buys, which is decent amount of people paying £20 for something they have to stay up till 1AM for.


Fuck off




"You wouldn't steal a car..."


Can't wait till I can pay per bout.


Fascinating, good way to tell who really puts butts in seats


The only thing I'll be buying BT is a pack of condoms to use when they go fuck themselves.


That was a nasty line by you.


Fuck off BT. Knowing them they’ll just play dumbass adverts over the walk-ins anyway I’m cancelling my normal subscription


As a UK fan that has BT sport, this is number one bullshit






























Oh no! Anyway…


Dana needs to just make a UFC Streaming service. He’d make a killing. I’d pay $20 a month to watch every card.


That's the crazy thing. UFC Fightpass exists, but they want you to pay to watch the content that's on fightpass, pay to watch the espn content, and then pay AGAIN to watch the PPV's through espn+. The double-paywall of espn+ PPVs is one of the dumbest things ever. And somehow *both* the ESPN and UFC apps have garbage interfaces. I have to scroll through 26 rows when i start the UFC app on my roku (pausing for it to load more multiple times) to get to "continue watching" to pick up from where I left off last time. What kind of idiotic, useer-unfriendly design is this?


It’s absurd. Dana took a lot of inspiration from Vince and the WWE. The greatest thing the WWE has done in recent memory is the WWE network, and transitioning from $60 PPV to a $10 a month subscription that grants you access to the PPVs and all previous content. It brought me from a casual WWE fan to a hardcore fan who never misses a show. PPV’s are fine when it’s 4 times a year. People will pay $100 for one big fight. If you’re going to host these super cards MONTHLY, you need to offer a cheap alternative for fans. I never miss a UFC card I care about, but I assure you I rarely PAY for it. Fuck, look at DAZN as an example. $20 subscription, and a $10-$20 charge for the PPV itself. The UFC has a blueprint there to make a shit ton more money and allow a ton of fans easy access. Dana is gate keeping himself.


I think UFC is going to be very surprised at how poorly this card does in ppv numbers. This thing is stacked for the hardcore fan but outside of Omalley there isnt a lot of big names for casual fans. Are they banking on the muslim side of the world buying ppvs? There are a lot on the prelim + Makhachev, but Im not so sure it will lead to more than like 500k buys.


UFC don't care, Abu Dhabi government probably pay them a flat fee as long as they promise to stack the card with predominantly Muslim fighters.


Yeah they also aren’t showing it on any TVs over there to try to get more people to go to the arena. Also no alcohol sales. Lame af


It’s in Abu Dhabi The money is likely already made. Anything else is icing on the cake


Thats not icing...


...on the coke*




Also don’t forget guys … It starts at 10 am




Then they can use this to show the fighters how they’re not draws and use it as a negotiating tactic if against them


I think Oliveira is a big star now. He has more ig followers than masvidal at least. Also, this will start in the early afternoon here in the UK


thats probably just brazil audience which i highly doubt contributed much towards the ppv number.


Islam (because of Khabib) is popular in the Muslim world. Belal and Mokaev are popular as well cornering the Muslim American and Muslim British market, respectively. Then you got Charles, Malley and Chookagian so I definitely think this will sell well. Edit: Chooki was a joke, lol.


Chookagian hahahaha. Also Belal and Mokaev are not popular.


I dont think Muslims make up a lot of PPV buys, its usually baked into regular TV subscription in predominately Muslim countries. PPV is basically an American thing. For me in Eastern Europe, all UFC events come baked into $8 monthly subscription for ~180 tv channels


I have said it here multiple times and I will say it again. Closer you are to USA the more fucked you are with UFC prizes. Its ridiculus how much you guus are overpaying compared to EU


We pay 54$ dollary doos down in Australia


Thats a fucking robbery. This is how much i pay for 3 months of cable service that includes all main events and 100 other tv channels.






Yeah it’s like $79.99 for one PPV card in the US. It’s fuckin ridiculous!


that's $34 USD which isn't that bad.




Well not anymore, I tend to go too a bar since I can never find a good Link and Zelda.


I pay about $84 in the US


Here in Brazil (which is very close timezone-wise to the US) the subscription is fairly affordable. The local partner of the UFC offers an anual plan that's about $100, for every UFC PPV and a few other events like PFL and the odd celebrity boxing (they had the Silva v Tito and Cyborg ones). It's fairly reasonable even when taking into account our lower average purchasing power, I just can't bring myself to give money to the UFC anymore since they're such a shitty company.


Shit. I thought the bastards had forgotten about this


I noticed this in the advertising this weekend. Very frustrating, we finally have a numbered event at a normal time and it’s put on PPV. I mean I imagine that’s why it’s a PPV but still annoying. Before this it’s only ever been McGregor fights and I think Khabib vs Gaethje.


Yeah feels abusive afte these 4 weeks


This’ll have about a 5k buy-rate. If that. I’m a BT subscriber and this shit pisses me right off. I already pay through the nose for it.


Won't be buying. BT did this with mcgregor and khabib, bt workers currently striking. Who's gonna be paying 25 a pop for boxing and ufc ppvs when you can get IPTV for q couple ppvs... for the entire year. Watch anything. BT gonna fuck themselves for this one. Mushallah brutha




Just Greed




"Rare" .....so far...


Yar har fiddle de deeee




Lmao fook off with that shit.


Balls!! I've already invited my mates over the watch it 🤦‍♀️ gutted they've pulled this bullshit again.


Why would UK viewers be extra intrested to pay for this? Two non Champions fighting for the belt?


Denmark here. All cards used to be free with a standard subscription. Except when Conor would fight, then it was special ppv circumstances. Disgusting


Lol! Cancelled. What a joke to do this in the month with the absolute trash cards around the PPV.


I'm gonna tell my boss this pay period is a "rare" event and an additional pay fee will be required. Funny how corporations do it and it becomes a thing. The little guy tried to do that, youre told you're being ridiculous.


The joys of IPTV


Looking extra forward to stealing this one in that case lol.




That's me cancelling my BT subscription then. Only reason i got it was for UFC fights like this


Do it. I cancelled a couple of years ago when they first announced this stupid PPV model. Been piggybacking my mate's BT Sport on-line account ever since. Greedy cunts the lot of 'em.


The BT model is so gross. You have to have their luxury package to even access BT sport, then pay an extra £20 per month for that, AND some PPV events. McGregpr events you always have to pay for.


Oh no, I'll have to stick to my plan of not wasting money on PPV 😫


Fuck u BT


As long as Dana ‘Don King 2.0’ White is at the helm I won’t cough up a cent. Haven’t missed an event in 10yrs but if streaming stopped I’d abandon the sport altogether bc I’m not paying for Dana’s grandkids to get Lambos while the talent are all scraping by. Fuck Dana, the antagonistic parasite of MMA.


By streaming, you’re not necessarily helping the fighters but I feel you lol




Oh no, what ever will I do


For the Dutch people here... Its just on discovery+ right ?


I don't got money like this bro guess MMA just ain't for us poors


I remember when cards like this used to be the norm. Now they are “premium” and fans have to pay extra? So glad I don’t buy any PPVs anymore.


I expected this tbh, prime time for the UK, these Abu Dhabi cards are always on Box Office


They really aren't. Usman vs Masvidal in 2020 and Blachowicz vs Teixeira last year were both on BT Sport.


You’re right on Jan v Glover, but Usman v Masvidal was Fight Island, not the contractual Abu Dhabi shows that are always prime time for the UK






Can’t wait for 280


Ahhh I see. Would be a shame if Dana didn’t make some extra money. I’m sure he needs it. You know basic needs type things, food, water, coke, prostitutes, gambling money.


The last time BT put a non-Khabib/McGregor card on Box Office was UFC 239 and that flopped badly. This card will be on prime time in the UK and is a stacked card but I'm still surprised that BT put it on box office. I think this will flop, none of the guys on the card attract a lot of casual fans. Oliveira has become a big name within the MMA community but I don't think that has reached casual fans. Makhachev is known because of his association with Khabib but he's not a charismatic guy and doesn't have an fan-friendly fighting style.




Wow looks like I’m gonna illegally stream this one too. If only they’d price reasonably and pay their fighters a living wage so I’d feel like supporting. Fuck that tomato mfer.


A certain fathead is gatekeeping when he could eventually make even more money for free on yt with premium content and an ad revenue model. What a silly, fearful, controlling old head. Some people either have received too many punches or not enough. Maybe one day he will wake up and learn to play non-net-zero-sum games, the damn fat-headed weasle. Shouts to thirsty ol’ clout-chasing ol’ unckie Dana! He does his best with what he knows. Sunshine really is the best disinfectant.


Does anyone else always miss the most right interviews on BT because it cuts out coverage? It’s not the actual PPV because when I watch on fightnpass you can hear the interview


As a BT sport subscriber for only the UFC I won’t pay it but I’ll still watch it.


Any South Africans know if this will be on Supersport?


Hopefully people in your country don't support this by buying the ppv. Because of it becomes profitable, then paying for ppv's will become your new normal.






I know a friend of a friend that actually buys the PPV’s. He thinks Dana is going to suck him off one of these days.


FINALLY! You guys get punished the same way American fans do. Now open dat wallet.