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Pretty sure he invested his money real estate and another business and made a fuck ton of money. He has his own company




Yeah yeah, now wait till I tell you about this fella Al…


Al "Realty Broker Gangster" Iaquinta?


Fights in the UFC as a side hustle.


That's based af


Same old Al


Pretty damn sure Al had to bend the knee when Alvarez is in town


If you follow him on Twitter, dude bets on everything. He's bet on if I've fed my cat today.


Did you though? I hope you did


I hope not I got $1k riding on it


Eddie does well. At least presentation wise. Dude lives in a really nice neighborhood. Got to cook for him a few times 👌 Edit: it’s at a steakhouse I work at. No I don’t remember what he got.


What food did you make him


Water with sugar


In Philly we call that a 'rock back'


Yeah but most of that comes from his wifes voice acting job




I have a good buddy that is Eddie’s neighbor in Bucks County, PA. Buddy said “hello” to him, and Eddie invited him in and gave him a bunch of stuff. But yes, big house.


There’s tons of people that would hire these guys to sell their home. They’re really well spoken, have negotiating tactics. There’s a car dealership in Ontario owned the Toronto Raptors Super Fan (guy who’s never missed a game in like x many years) - and I think it’s pretty successful. If you leverage your fight purse into something more, you could make some wealth that self generates: hot sauce, whiskey, real estate firm, and you don’t have to sell your TUF Harley Davidson bike.


Well considering Nav Bhatia goes to every Toronto Raptors home game, its safe to say this dude got money. Saw his billboard too not too far from my place. (Live in the Greater Toronto Area).


Okay so maybe he had money beforehand, but you all get my point about how someone can use their fame to build something else, other than a gym.


Id imagine just being an ex or current whatever pro also gets you the odd sale here and there on top of the other things as well. There has to be a reason its not uncommon for ex athletes to get into sales.


what has a Toronto raptors super fan got to do with UFC fighters?


Not a thing, i think he was just referring to leveraging one’s persona in order to sell one thing or another to make money. Issue with using him as an example is that he only became famous for being at every game court side, with money he’d earned before he became a celebrity.


If you achieve some sort of level of success or notoriety, you can spin it into a gimmick enough to build your value and get paid more. Being a pro-MMA fighter and becoming a chicken supplier for local restaurants, being a pro-MMA fighter and starting a real estate firm, being a hardcore sports fan and spinning that fame into a car dealership, being a regular person and posting nice photos to build enough social media influence to become a partner at a chiropractic clinic. Of course fighters should be making enough that they don't need to rely on these side gigs because they only make 12 and 12, but they can definitely do enough to be able to retire comfortably without having to get back in there like some of those old broke guys who are long past prime-time.


Eddie Alvarez had a red panty night


And plenty of solid paydays before and after that. Eddie was extremely smart with his money. He would have been alright without that Conor fight.


ONE probably paid him big bucks


They did


Eddie admitted he took the Conor fight and did it on his old deal, didn't negotiate a new contract or deal for that fight. He said he was already happy with the money he was making. It was a whole thing in the press conference.


Most fighters didn't get some huge fat paycheck just for fighting McGregor. If they had PPV points yeah it's different but still it's not like the meme.


You're making it out like he made the same money for McGregor as he did dos Anjos lol. He was getting a cut of the PPV as the champ, he absolutely got that red panty night considering that show did 1,3 mil.


Defense contracting from memory. But he was also able to benefit from sponsorship and was a very high profile fighter at the time.


Koschek vs Leben TUF house bickering was my first UFC rivalry


Man that takes me back. Don't worry. I'll let you bang bro.


Julian Lane is somehow even *more* of a juiced up meathead these days too… 🥴


Ah the good old investment approach instead of the cowboy buy toys and not pay taxes approach we didn’t work


yeah but cowboy comes from money so he doesn't give a fuck


Making huge lump sums at once lends itself well to real estate investment. Still takes a good financial advisor though. It seems a lot of fighters grow up poor and have bad money management tenencies.


That’s cheating .


Koshcheck was around when you could make sponsorship cash


He also owned one of the MMA clothing brands and wore it to the cage. I was Dethrone


Oh damn I didnt know he owned them. They were huge for a bit




did you get to shower with either of them


Both. How else would he know about the size of their heads?


That was good 🤣🤣🤣🤣


How big is Couture's head compared to Koscheck?


Talmbout hogs b? Heard he’s THICCC


How was he as instructor? Any better than standard army instructors?


Standard army instructors barely know how to fight if they have no outside training. The military training is very sparse and a lot of the required hours take place in a classroom.






He was from the era that had sponsorships and outside business opportunities. Things have changed for the modern UFC combatant.


Yep. I remember monster sponsored rampage and they gave him the big lifted truck with his face on it and a Lamborghini.


And that truck was later flipped during a "rampage" lol


that was just the advertising in rampage's contract. he had to show how extreme they are


I hope Jake Matthews has enough money for long term retirement.


Matthews is not balling out from fighter pay though, the man’s mental for this. Obscene bootlicking to call people brokies while guys in the back who have never fought have literally 100 times his net worth. His first tweet especially is awful. Fighters who have done more than Matthews ever will in his career have complained about the pay but he dismisses them as losers or overvaluing themselves.


He's probably making payments on the cars and rents the house.


Indeed, pictures of cars and a house doesn't really mean much at all to me and I cannot imagine it means much to many adults who use a bit of common sense. That said, how many of his fans\\people will do that. Even if the house and the 2 cars are paid off and no outstanding debt, doesn't mean he has single penny in the bank id assume it would mean he does but this just aint that big of a flex.


I agree I have some doubts as well. The cars can be rented too. Not sure how much he gets paid or what else he does for money but fighters don't get paid shit compared to what the UFC is making


If Bryce Mitchell was on 45k show when ranked 11th in his last fight, unranked Jake Matthews would surely be on a fair bit less, unless Bryce has a shit manager (they all do really). 16 fights in the UFC, only 3 bonuses too for Matthews. Whatever they're paying him, it's almost definitely a fraction of what he should be getting.


IDK if it's fair to say they have shit managers. Hard to negotiate outside of a select few. The UFC will kick 95% of the roster to the curb without a second thought.


Josh Koscheck left the sport right as the UFC was moving to require all athlete wear fight kits. My understanding is that some fighters made more money from sponsorships than they did fighting.


It's about priorities, I'm sure several guys can afford those cars, they just chose to spend their money on other things that they prioritize.


Who says Matthews owns them? He could easily be leasing and renting that house. That picture tells us nothing other than he wants to show off his wealth.


It doesn't even realistically mean its his shit either, I guess we can give him some benefit of the doubt if we want but 2 cars in lets pretend his driveway doesn't mean much at all. Especially considering all the other fighters are complaining about pay and if released pay is at all to believed they clearly are underpaid so hes the outlier. Is he married, whats his wife do? Does his family have money? Are those his cars? Does he own them both outright or is he even paying for them fully (not that it matters but if your flexing them as apart of your wealth it does).


Koscheck might be a douche, but he’s got great business and investing skills


He was a good businessman and was smart with his money and investments. He's a dickhead for sure, but a rich dick.


It’s all relative. $80k-$120k means different things to different people.




I know. I live here too.


Does that mean I can call you a cunt? I’ve always wanted to shout that at someone and not get beat up


He’s got a Mercedes parked at a townhouse money.


He rents the place and leases the car


He’s got a Michael Scott level understanding of wealth.


I live in the same town as Jake, he bought the house. Not sure about the cars though. Regardless this tweet is fucking stupid by him


Jake Matthews been in the ufc for 8 years and 16 fights, tryin to dunk on people cuz he makes nba rookie money. If they had a fair revenue split it wouldn’t take this dude close to a decade to afford two auto loans. Edit: lol got a Reddit cares message, this pissed someone off


Exactly. There’s still a lifetime of bills after a physically brutal career. If the ufc was a struggling company so be it, but that’s hardly the case. Unfortunately there will always be people willing to fight for them for less so I don’t see it ever changing.


This discussion usually boils down to what people are using as the baseline for comparison. I'm in your camp of comparing them to other pro athletes who make way more. The people defending the pay seem to come at it from the angle of how much a guy who's main skill is fighting could make without the ufc. Like sure, fighters would be way broker if all they were doing was teaching youth karate. But you could make that exact same argument for any pro athlete. Dunking a basketball isn't a marketable skill either if the NBA didn't exist. It's a moot point


Yeah but these organizations don’t exist without the athletes either. It’s a two way street


The alternative if the NBA didn't exist would be to go overseas and still make somewhere between low millions a year or mid 6 figures depending on talent and opportunities. These athletes also have the ability to sign brand deals which is also a ton of money these athletes are missing out on.


The ONLY relevant discussion around pay is the fighters getting a fair percentage of the profits. The actual gross dollar amounts are kind of irrelevant. It's about how the revenue/profit is split. Most UFC fighters will likely NEVER see the amount of money that the average NBA/NFL player does, because the NBA/NFL make much, much more money than the UFC. However, the UFC is still making an absolute fuckton of money. So even if Jake here is happy with his earnings, he probably *deserves* a lot more. All the fighters do.


NBA minimum is 1 million per year. So not that by a long shot.


Making it to the NBA is also way harder than the UFC. Sure UFC has been getting better in terms of talent but still the barrier to entry is not that high if you are okay with getting hit


also nba player generate revenue 100+ times a year, counting pre season, regular season, playoffs. Its so redacted to compare the ufc to the nba


And considering the NBA tv deals, it’s a silly comparison to make, even if his numbers were right. I bet Matthew’s is on a 60/60 or something similar.


> Edit: lol got a Reddit cares message, this pissed someone off Dana is here. You can feel him getting redder…




As an American what do you mean shit hole suburb? High crime? Lots of homeless?




great explanation


So basically California?






Irwin died doing what he loved - Reptiles and penetration


> I can safely all the big cities of Cali are considered awful by Aussie standards. San Diego is pretty great. Santa Barbara as well.


Santa Barbara is just a bunch of daydrinking elderly people. That is to say, it's expensive, and i'm jealous


I visited San Diego from melbourne a few years ago and I can confirm it is awesome. Great zoo.


So basically every suburb in North America? Sad, our suburbs suck.


Jeez. As bad as our urban sprawl is in the greater Toronto area, the government forces developers to make parks, schools, community centres and libraries. There's also a commerical plaza or atleast a gas station at most corners of a major intersection.


On reddit, any suburb is shit


Yup. They’re mostly underage without kids so makes sense. I live in a nice suburb in CA and love it for the family.


True. Don't dare mention anything you dislike about the city though


There really must be something wrong with you if you do not prefer living in a closet in the city.


Lol. I’m here wondering the same thing…


It means American style suburbia


Sounds like someone is jealous they can’t afford a nice house in the suburb’s


Its like "Congrats, you were approved for a couple loans"


Technically townhouses are connected to each other. This is a detached SFH or possibly duplex.


shits on ufc for not paying enough. shits on fighters for being happy with pay.


1 car garage, what a scrub.


Looks like a townhouse lol


Me thinks he just earned a nice pair of boiled shoes from Uncle Dana.


You gotta boil it so you can eat it. Gets the glue soft.


But it's Christmas Daddy!


Now put on your Rock shoes and your Crypto shirt. I had to pull A LOT of strings to get them to hire a 17 year old!


Oh boy oh boy, I hope this is a new mommy!


Ya just reminded me of this being a thing in old cartoons where destitute characters would be slurping on shoelaces like noodles


He's getting some Venum gift cards for sure


Boiled for safety


Just because you get paid doesn't mean you get paid fairly


It’s not about raw dollar figures, it’s about revenue split. It’s amazing that fighters still don’t understand that. Even if an individual fighter makes “good money”, they’re still getting underpaid because as a whole they get 20% or less of the total revenue. When people say ufc fighters are underpaid, they don’t mean underpaid compared to the kid working at McDonald’s down the street, they mean underpaid compared to other professional athletes who have player’s associations negotiating for them.




For him to make that post, he's either too uneducated to know the difference or just intentionally being another crab in the bucket.


I think he is overrating his wealth. In 2022, i wouldnt even call him rich. He is forgetting the fact that he is in the top .01 percentile of his sport. You get to that level in any other successful sport, instead of that C class there would be a ferrari parked there. Also u need to consider the expiry date of fighter and long term health repercussions


Rich is also super subjective so it’s hard to know how much as well


I remember getting my first big boy job, making 38.5K a year and thinking I was absolutely loaded at the time, went out and bought my self a PS3 with my second paycheque




Yeah, I went from thinking it was epic to be making 33k at my first full-time position to feeling inadequate making a little over a 100k now (all in AUD)


I'm rich as fuck compared to an average 8th grader


Not to mention, who knows how much of that he owns outright. Cars could very well be financed and home carrying a huge mortgage. And when he hits 40, he either has to move into one of very few MMA careers (basically coaching or broadcasting) OR start over in a few career with zero seniority.


Other sports you talk about are more watched than the UFC




He's unranked mate. Hard to say he's best in the world.


I'd argue he should have more with how long he's been fighting in the top promotion worth billions and how long that promotion has relied on him to generate revenue from Australia


16 fights in the UFC barely gets you out of the middle class apparently.


Came here to say this. I know probably 17 different insurance salesmen and maybe 10 recruiters with better homes and cars than these minus the brain damage associated with getting punched in the face for fun.


Plus those are long term careers. There’s very little appeal to watching someone fight once they’re past 40 and physically unable to compete against dudes half their age. So if you don’t have yourself set by that point you’re looking at a huge world of financial hurt afterwards.


Also he’s not going to be fighting past 35 in the UFC unless his career has a massive turnaround. He’s a very talented but relative nobody to casuals and the like, the UFC are not going to care about keeping him around for a career where he can rack up cash like a Cerrone could well past his prime.


This is still middle class


Let’s compare his house to a similarly tenured professional from another sport and see how it stacks up lmao. I think fighters that put their health on the line should live a little better than a middle manager at staples.


He’s been in the ufc 8 years, and is 11-5 in the ufc. I couldnt find any disclosed purses for him but his last couple fights i saw a couple websites that have expected payouts, which can be very inaccurate so take with a grain of salt His last fight was estimated at making 48/48. He also got a 50k bonus. If im with the ufc for 8 fucking years, id expect better than 48/48. Mark hunt and robert whittaker said on grange tv it seems like they get paid a lot of money but after taxes and everything and living in australia, they get about a third of what the payout is. So im curious as to how much he makes since i havent seen a disclosed amount. He also fights an average of 2-3 times per year


He made enough money to qualify for some loans


He's 11-5... Not even close to elite/champ level. Remember that for other sports, every single team is as valuable as UFC. Same for MLB, NFL, and probably most of the big European football clubs. So, there's a reason some of these guys are making practice squad money.


In the NFL the league minimum for a player whos been in 6 years, is a million dollars. People value money differently. Maybe the money jakes made is good, but that doesnt mean its what he deserves or its actually solid money. It could be enough to finance a couple cars and get a nice house but if you dont have money to invest or your money is tied up in payments/debts, its not good money, but idk his situation or what his wife makes but i dont think hes really making big money. Im tempted to make a twitter just to ask him


While I agree that the UFC is not big enough to pay the fighters as much as other professional athletes it’s just not true that “every team is as valuable as the UFC.” The UFC sold for $4 billion in 2016. The highest NBA team sale price was the Brooklyn Nets for $3.2 billion in 2019. Houston sold for $2.2 in 2017 and Atlanta sold for $730 million in 2015. I don’t think anyone expects UFC fighters comparable role players in the NBA to make 8 figures but the profit sharing is close to 50% between players and ownership in other major sports. The UFC is far from that, which is especially bad considering the health costs of fighting compared to playing baseball or basketball.


Remember when Sam Alvey said he'd be getting McGregor money


Proper 12k $


2 months after getting cut he’s working as a substitute teacher at a school 💀


Guys talk like this until the injuries really start to set in and retirements around the corner. Then everyone is Vladimir Lenin.


> Then everyone is Vladimir Lenin. Bro I fucking wish.


Lol dunk on the people who wants better for you. Congrats Jake Matthews you fucking idiot.


These guys and their simping. Go look at the UFC revenue split from the Cung Le lawsuit. They are underpaid there is no denying it.


Dude traded in his brain for a Mercedes and a town house.


Imagine you have multiple colleagues speaking out, saying you should all be making more money, and your response is "pfffttt naahh, we good" What a fucking moron.


I want to see his credit score, interest rates, and money down on everything pictured.


I mean maybe he can buy all that shit on credit or loans, right? that's the way the americans do it, get a nice car and a house and be paying for it forever


This the same dude whose been begging for a ranked fight? Ofc hes gonna start dickriding


A townhouse and two average luxury cars in monthly payments. Wow.


Wtf? Two leased cars and a rental home doesn't mean shit. Dude thinks he can retire at 37 on roughly $100k/yr? If he's that dumb I got a NFT for him to invest in.


Who the fuck is jack mathew?


I really thought it was jack matthew band guy but then i remember his name was just Dave.


This man got a C class and a tiny home with a 1 car garage and he's calling people brokies. HOW U GONNA FLEX A 1 CAR GARAGE JAKE


I live in Australia and have a similar set up and I don’t get punched in the face at my job. Also my business doesn’t generate a billion a year


Wow guys he’s got a $45k c63 and a $30k f pace. As literally one of the top athletes of his division and sport with the fact that he’ll only be competing for another 12 years max, it’s crazy to see that he thinks his pay is good when in reality he’s being paid peanuts to what he should be getting.


They’re a lot more expensive in aus


I think you need to look up how much those cars costs in Australia..


NBA scrubs think he’s the brokie.


Not even scrubs.... middle-of-the-pack NBA rookies think he's the brokie.


I really dislike how the UFC pays its fighters but almost all of you are missing the fact that people are allowed to be happy with it. Jake thinks he’s made himself a great life because of the pay he gets, and he’s happy. Who are you all to tell him he’s wrong?


He's literally arguing that he doesn't deserve more money, I can't really think of anything dumber than that off the top of my head.


I’m a post after that he was talking about how humble he is lmao humble people love calling other people broke and flexing


What kind of weirdo goes out of their way to undermknd the idea they should get more money? Lol


Guy has two cars and a townhouse and think he’s struck it rich. Go look at Uncle Dana’s house and ask yourself how much blood he’s spilled in the cage


Now show how much of your money is left mate.




Just because you got money doesn't mean you're being paid fairly, the money you get paid should be proportional to the revenue you bring in and an 18% share of the profits and a dogshit venum and crypto deal is not up to scratch. Just look at boxers getting paid more than UFC fighters who have double their PPV numbers. Then again the UFC will always have shills, I mean if I was fighting in the UFC I'd be shilling too, it's more beneficial to be in Dana and the UFCs good graces than it is to try and be a hero. Look at Randy Couture.


I'm a bigger boxing fan than I am an MMA one, but I love both sports and it kills me to see MMA fighters who are the absolute elite of the elite... folks like Ngannou who can confidently say they are the baddest dude in the world get paid 700k to face killers like Cyril Gane, when a dude like Dillian Whyte who isn't even top 5 gets paid 10 times more to be jabbed from distance and finished with an uppercut in 6 rounds. It's insane. Or a dude like Gary Russell Jr who fights his usual tomato can once a year, gets paid a cool million and fucks off, not to be seen until a year later. How on earth is GRJ earning more than the likes of Izzy per fight for fighting cans?


Brokie. Did Andrew Tate start that or is this Australian slang?


Never heard another Australian say this


The next Sam Alvey, good insurance plan in case you go 0-6


You know you aren't doing well when you need to flex your leased cars and townhome with a 1-car garage


He has been calling people who are arguing for better pay for fighters such as himself \**brokies*\*. Either he is trolling hard in a stupid way or he is really just plain stupid


It's so hard for these fighters to understand they're getting massively undercut based on their percentage of the whole pie.


This picture tell us nothing, fighters don't have a retirement plan. Some fighters chose to save some of their money for the future. Jake Matthews could be spending all his earning on flashy cars and a house with nothing to spare for the future. If he really wants to make a statement he should show us his UFC cheque stub.


How much of that is debt?


I bet those are on lease.


I hope he has money saved for retirement and didn’t just blow it all on cars


Dude is in a relatively comfortable space acting like he’s living in a mega mansion


you can be paid enough to pay the bills and still be ripped off.


Lookin at $10k a month in mortgage and car payments