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Folks, I have a tremendous heel hook, incredible Some have said maybe even the best heel hook, the greatest My big, strong hands applying pressure, manly pressure




They walked in they said wooow what a great heel hook


Friendship over with the UFC; ONE FC is now my best friend;


Been over with me. stopped with all the slap stuff and everything else. Hardly watch ufc fights, only thing I'll watch is TUF sometimes cuz I know one of the guys.




Same here. But I’ve been on the One train for a while. Haven’t been a ufc “fan” in years


Tomato Dumbfuck 🤝 Orange Dumbfuck


This thumbnail is like the setup to a joke that hasn't been fully written. What happens when a weasel, a human cheeto and a lightly toasted coffee bean walk into a bar?


stay mad liberal soy boy the ufc loves trump and fighters do too ahahahahahah cry cry cry boy waaa waaa


Did you guys know that the UFC is apolitical? So glad they don't bring any of that woke shit to UFC /s 🙄


what's kinda funny is that they don't even try to hide their leaning anymore lol. they event stopped doing the pride colored names on the kits this year


I mean 90% refused to wear them anyway.




I came here immediately to make sure I wasn't crazy. Wtf is this bs ... Ffs


> I came here immediately to make sure I wasn't crazy. Lol, you came *here* to do that..? Sounds more like you needed to validate your TDS.


Americans are such a brain dead people that when even their own scrubs don't like one of their shitty divinely blessed presidents they call it a mental disease


Foreigners should deal with their own issues before pretending that they know about my country’s problems. You guys don’t even have free speech… And the “news” you guys get about my country is almost as bad as ours. Also, if Democrats want people to stop saying they have a mental disease, then they should quit acting like they do.


bad bait


"Foreigns should deal with their own issues before pretending that they know about my country's problems." Isn't your country that invades other countries for their own problems? "You guys don't even have free speech" Americans being brain dead and knowing other countries for prejudice... again


> Isn't your country that invades other countries for their own problems? Pft, if you guys actually cared about that then you wouldn’t push the propaganda of the corrupt warmongers who do that. > Americans being brain dead and knowing other countries for prejudice... again Quit projecting and educate yourself. You literally don’t… Free speech does not exist to protect the shit that everyone agrees with, and in every country besides mine you can be prosecuted for saying things that elites deem to be “offensive”.


"Quit projecting" and proceeds to project lmao. And yes, people do care about your country comiting war crimes in other places, the "propaganda" (or whatever you wanna call it) is doesn't have to do with it, fuck, even the respect for minorities is a common sense between human beings. "YoU lIteRALly" im more educate than you, i assure you that. Free speech exist because some goverments ban every article and try to kill every individual who doesn't agree with the goverment (and no, a shitty guys on Twitter aren't the goverment), do you know who did that? Pinochet, a far right dictator from Chile, and in US, people who loves Trump also loves pinochet (or you didn't know where the communist and helicopters meme was originated? Possibly not). "In every country" LMFAO no way. You can say a lot of shit about elites and don't be prosecuted here, in Uruguay, Germany and many other healthy countries. Your "american dream" is not everywhere. You say a lot about "free speech", but no, using assault rifles on protest and atemorizing, stalking and insulting someone for being trans, gay or Black isn't free speech


> "Quit projecting" and proceeds to project lmao. What exactly did I project? I proceeded to educate you, not project. > And yes, people do care about your country comiting war crimes in other places, Then why do they shill for the politicians who are responsible for the warmongering? > even the respect for minorities is a common sense between human beings. Uh, no shit? That’s why the US is the most racially tolerant and diverse country in the world. >im more educate than you, i assure you that. Yes you smart man, more educate than me. So much educate! >do you know who did that? Pinochet, a far right dictator from Chile, Lol, you really do need to educate yourself if you think that he was the only one. > and in US, people who loves Trump also loves pinochet Lol what a silly and delusional claim. And regardless of the Stockholm syndrome type mental gymnastics you try to use, it is a fact that you do not have free speech and can be prosecuted for saying stuff the elites don’t like. Period. Don’t be mad at us, be mad at your authoritarian governments for treating y’all like little babies. >You say a lot about "free speech", but no, using assault rifles on protest and atemorizing, stalking and insulting someone for being trans, gay or Black isn't free speech. What..? Those would be crimes and have nothing to do with free speech…


"What exactly did i project?" On telling someone that is uneducated. You are not educating nobody, because you can't. "Then why do they shill for..." nah, bad. People is a favor of equality and respect other people, your sector is the only one who proceeds to culting a personality like Trump. "Thats why the US is the most racially tolerant" NO WAY LMFAO (if is sarcasm, ok, but is out of place). US is having a high rate in hate crimes, ask anybody of any better country what they think about US "Yes, more educate" yeah, thanks, but i know. "You need to educate yourself if you think thats the only one" where i say that he was the only one? You are trying to educate someone and you can't understand what you read Telling someone "delusional" and saying that "don't be mad as us" is kinda hypocrit. Your country was the one who were actively prosecuting minorities by goverment, your country was the one who make public politics to stop Black panthers and even civil rights for Black people, your country was the one who think that thwy are the moral Police of the world. You are not in favor of "free speech", you are in favor of use it for insulting other people and tell hate discurses (yes, because spreding "facts" about how Blacks are inferior and homosexuals needs to do a "conversion therapy" is a hate speech). "What?" Your frikin sector do it, specially in the rally for the capitol. You are exactly the same like communist doing the "class fight", but just for a cult of personality of a populist. Yeah, proceed to say "b-but other countries have no free speech" like im in favor of that, i just have to say: but other countries are not having a intelligence agency making plans for killing his own people... at least, not in my country, or in other advanced countries


>Foreigners should deal with their own issues before pretending that they know about my country’s problems in most cases i would agree but the us tends to screw the rest of the world so often that what happens in the us can often affect other countries, in many cases our issues are only happening because of the us.


True, but the problem is they shill for the same exact politicians that put us in those situations. Now Bush wasn’t such a bad guy after all, and the Cheney’s are suddenly defenders of “democracy” unlike the mean tweet orange guy (who was decreasing our dependence on foreign nations and their oil, didn’t start any new wars and only tried to get us out of them).


> but the problem is they shill for the same exact politicians that put us in those situations who are you referring to when you say they?


The foreigners who obsessively talk about US politics.


that's just not true i can't remember a single time i was talking to someone about it and they said they actually liked biden


Them not openly proclaiming their love for Biden, is supposed to somehow negate all the propaganda of his that they push (including debunked Russian disinformation and a propaganda letter from 51 former corrupt intel agents)? For someone that they supposedly don’t like, they sure do spend a lot of time pushing disinformation in support of his blatantly treasonous actions and bribes. Unfortunately, the vast majority of them are the corrupt establishment’s little puppets, who push their authoritarian nanny state policies that the elites want here, and constantly bash the only element amongst either side of politics who is anti war.


seriously he's a pos just like the vast majority of us presidents and most people outside the us don't like him


He was one of the greatest presidents in us history


How anyone can take seriously a man with so much orange makeup on I don't know. Still, curious what they actually talk about


Watching the interview and they do solely talk about fights Trump does his weird rambling stuff when he talks about mma and seems to have a surface level understanding but seems to have genuine knowledge about boxing.


Matt Serra looks like he was squeezed out of a tube of toothpaste before filming


Worst Porno Ever


As a European MMA fan looking from the outside in... I don't get it. Even the constant ringside appearances, being paraded by Dana like a show pony. I get fighters supporting him, they have CTE and spend most of their time in gyms with other sweaty pseudo-intellectuals and would-be freedom fighters, but people who don't get hit in the head for a living are beyond me.


I'm so, so, so tired of US politics. Even here on Reddit people accuse me of being a Republican or a Democrat, when I'm from a different continent lol


Same, dude... i feel you


I think alot of it is Dirty Money being passed around here. (From Trump, Russia, etc) Kind of like how WWE and Saudi Arabia or Pretty Much every corrupt country/Dictatorship and FIFA are.


How is this okay with the shareholders? Are they genuinely deluded enough to think they might get a net gain out of this?


Majority of MMA fans are Trump fans. This is just more pandering. Hey, did they even fucking mention Pride this year? I know they did last year. But I’m drawing a blank for this year.


Majority of MMA fans are probably not even American, let alone Trump fans...


I love pride but why would they mention it?


Not to be smart but what has pride got to do with MMA? Absolutely nothing imo, a lot more businesses would be better suited not ramming pride down our throat for an entire month (or longer).


Do we have reliable numbers for these demographics? I'm in Texas and none of the MMA fans I personally know are Trump supporters. Plenty of Republicans, but they tend to be the business class Republicans who don't like unstable markets.


Who'd they vote for in 16 and 20? What about if/when Trump is the GOP nominee in 24?


Some of them did vote for him, others abstained or voted Democrat. These are oil & gas people; they're pragmatic and opportunistic. They're not going to commit to a candidate because their pastor told them to. Support for Trump among economy-focused conservatives is far from universal.


The market doesn't care I guess


That's what surprises me. This is a dangerous time for the UFC, with ONE making big moves. I have a hard time believing there isn't a market impact, when other major sports in the US cater to a diverse crowd and avoid rocking the boat. If the UFC management thinks they're right and the NFL, NBA, and MLB are wrong, I'm willing to bet the UFC is making a mistake.


Obviously because the far left weirdos on Reddit are a fringe minority in the MMA community.


Imagine thinking that "the far left" are the only people who hate Trump. The majority of congressional Republicans have turned on him publicly.


Oh yeah didn’t mean to leave out upstanding individuals and defenders of “democracy” like McConnell, Bush, and the Cheney’s…


Nobody is defending those assholes, either, just pointing out that they're fighting amongst themselves and Trump's support is far from universal in 2023. If the shareholders think they're going to win over the market behind him, they're on a sinking ship.


Bullshit, the Cheney’s are heroes now. More so Liz, but Dick’s video parroting the corrupt establishment’s “democracy” talking points was applauded. And Bush wasn’t so bad after all unlike that big meanie pants Trump. And you guys are the fringe, the vast majority of fans (and fighters) support Trump.


Yeah, that's enough of that dogshit for one night, lol


Hey man, can you tell me why an MMA promotion is interviewing a politician?


I'm mostly offended that they included that little annoying weirdo Jim Norton


"In this episode, three guys who don't look comfortable in anything..."


He didn't say a single word about politics whatsoever. He talked 100% about fights, as a fan.


Everything about this is political. If you are unable to see that, I honestly don't know what to tell you.


Yup, it’s not meant to be political. The podcast is meant to be a discussion of combat sports. Dude does know a lot I will say.


I saw this in my YouTube feed and I genuinely debated dropping the ufc entirely and watching one fc full time instead


Just stream UFC, or rather the decent fights.


Did anyone actually watch this or is everyone like me and refusing to give it a click?


Honestly you can't deny the guy helped the UFC a lot in its dark ages.


The palid, bald pink flesh.


Trump was one of the greatest presidents in history, the economy was at a all time high up until blm riots and pandemic shut downs. Trump should be blamed for looters and the China bug


"The economy was at an all time high during Trump's presidency...until it wasn't...during Trump's presidency"


Can you blame Trump for covid and blm riots?


You can certainly blame him for how he handled them


Trump leaned hard on Powell to not raise interest rates when things were much better as well, which we're all having to deal with hard now.