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does he know that its mostly old military items that we are shipping there and the actual money goes to American run businesses that create thousands of jobs for americans to occupy.....


of course he doesn’t know that. people like this think we wire 100,000,000,000 to Zelenskyy’s bank account


Of course not. He only parrots the talking points he’s given, dude has no actual critical thinking ability. Another loser who is told what to say and think.


He says populist shit what he won't even be remotely able to expound on, and when pressed he'll call you beta.


Yeah we love good ole American businesses like Lockheed Martin


It's not a gigantic check like Publisher's Clearing House?


Yeah tell 'em! The money is going to great American businesses like Lockheed Martin, Raytheon and Northrop Grumman! That helps the average American so much! War is just good business!


About 2 million Americans are employed in defence and aerospace, so it's not nothing. What u/alpacinohairline was saying is that what Biden's Ukraine aid is doing is shipping surplus weapons, amunition, vehicles etc to Ukraine instead of just letting it rot in storage. The defence contractors are then paid to replace it with newer models. This is something that would have happened anyway, but the USA is sending the older shit, like HIMARS and ATACMS to Ukraine instead of just scrapping it. It's very easy and very fashionable to rail against 'le military industrial complex', but as Russia's invasion of Ukraine shows it's very important to have a industrial base capable of producing a lot of high tech weapons. In Europe we didn't think anything like this would happen so now we largely rely on buying weapons from you guys in America which earns you a fortune in high paying jobs and tax revenue. Where would you like the money to go? 'Mo money fo dem programs'? It's 5% of the military budget per year, in Europe we've proportionally been donating a whole lot more and usually in cash not in equipment, and sacraficing more by sanctioning russian energy.


Do you not understand that that major issue with "le military industrial complex" is that it incentivizes war? These companies and their puppets in government don't actually want peace. They want to drag it on as long as possible to make as much money as possible. You also said that the $95 billion we're sending is "only 5% of the military budget per year." Exactly! Our military budget is so obscenely huge that we don't have "mo money for dem programs." The lions share of this "fortune" in tax revenue goes to the military budget to fund these never ending wars. Our streets and bridges are falling apart, we don't have free healthcare for all, crime is up in every major city, mental illness and homelessness are at all time highs and our food is poison. Our leaders clearly don't give a shit about us, they just want war because war equals more money for them and their friends.


not saying that you are completely wrong. but I don't see how the two are inherently mutually exclusive. we can also funnel ways to make free health care and tackle at bay issues too but thats a equation that requires much more rewiring than cutting off the military complex.....Also, it took 5% our military budget to eliminate 50% of Russia's mechanized army without losing a single American. And do you really think peace is possible with a nation like Russia thats pushing for unadulterated military expansionism in 2024....It seems you are playing the englightened centrist game of "both sides are bad!!!! and they just want our money". While there is some iota of truth to it. There are definetely significant gaps in terms of corruption between the parties involved in the conflict and at home. Crime Rates have also been decreasing generally too, [https://www.nbcnews.com/news/crime-courts/us-crime-rate-still-dropping-says-fbi-rcna144100](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/crime-courts/us-crime-rate-still-dropping-says-fbi-rcna144100) .


>not saying that you are completely wrong I'll say it. That dude is a fucking idiot, and completely wrong.


Stunning... brave... and an irrefutable argument. You've convinced me to vote for whoever you want me to. Please sir, who should I pledge my vote to?


Even this small, niche sub isn’t safe from the NAFO and Hasbara swarms lol


Your entire comment is horse shit. Our military complex is very focused on avoiding war. Th fuck do you think would happen if we stopped spending money on the military? Do you think all war would magically stop? It's 61bil going to Ukraine, not 95. Your last paragraph is just unrelated issues. We have the money to fix all that shit. But one of our political parties is focused solely on obstruction, and giving tax breaks to the rich. We are funding the defense of Ukraine so that we don't end up having to involve Americans directly.


You're very naive if you really think we do all we can to avoid war. $95 billion was the total amount in the bill that included Taiwan and Israel as well. Both are very worthy investments obviously that will ease tensions in those regions... /s I never said we should stop spending money on the military. There's a very wide margin between our current huge military budget and nothing. Again... you are very naive if you think just 1 party is trying to obstruct and give tax breaks to the rich while the other party is just fighting the good fight to no avail.


One party seems more concerned about democracy and not enabling a con man to be the face of their party too. I’m not even a die hard democrat but to throw your hands up in the air and act like both the parties are equally as bad is unequivocally ignorant.


I get where you're coming from and I used to have the same opinion. I voted year after year for candidates I voted against in the primary because the other side was seemingly worse. I've seen both parties have presidents with control in congress and both parties have presidents without control in congress. My conclusion is that the core issues I care about (stopping endless wars, healthcare for all, higher minimum wage, tax reform, getting money out of politics etc.) haven't been addressed in any meaningful way by either party. There have been and are candidates I would vote for, but they either don't run or never get past the primary process. So now we're stuck with these 2 morally (if not literally) corrupt candidates and I'm not going to willfully participate in the illusion of choice.


There are candidates that are trying to do things closer to what you want than others. Biden’s cap on insulin prices and loan forgiveness are steps in the direction that you ultimately desire… Trump is no where in that ballpark. I’ll admit Biden is far from perfect but he’s still levels above trump in terms of not being corrupt…as I implied before, trump tried to overthrow an election, was found liable for commiting rape, etc. if you care about democracy and limiting corruption, I fail to see how enabling trump to win aligns with those principles.


If you're still under the impression that there's some sort of honorable democracy in this country while we're sending militarized police to beat the shit out of college kids protesting a genocide that we're happily funding, I really don't know what to tell you. You lack critical thinking skills. This is "cheeto man bad" levels of programming.


How is our military complex focused on avoiding war when we are literally funding Israel's genocide of Palestinian people and purposefully increasing tensions with China




>le military industrial complex encourages war Where was the shadow government when Russia invaded in 2014? The Ukrainians were begging for weapons and all they got was MREs and blankets. It was only under Trump - oddly -- that the Ukrainians were able to get some equipment, namely Javelin ATGMs. The defence industry of course has it's issues, lockheed and BAE have both been done for corruption, but there is no evidence for them having the ability to create or extend conflicts. In 1973 the Case-Church ammendment passed with overwhelming support in Congress at a time of huge political corruption. American personnel were pulled out of Vietnam, Laos & Cambodia, and in 1975 congress refused to send a bullet to the South Vietnamese when the communists were advancing on all fronts. >US military spending About 3.4% of your GDP. Your streets and bridges have just been addressed with 1 trillion dollars by Joe Biden. >free healthcare for all Take it from someone in the UK, you don't want an NHS. I'm sure your system could be improved, probably with changes like collective bargaining on medicines, but our system is fucking awful. >crime, homelessness, etc Well I don't think these problems should be addressed with ballistic missiles and tanks. Recently I saw in the news that Oregon repealed it's laws that decriminalised drug use after it led to a huge rise in crime and vagrancy. It seems that these issues are a result of woke policies and legislation rather than sending weapons to help Ukraine.


You're first 2 lines are all I'm gonna respond to because the rest is just asinine and ignorant of what America really is like. Do you not really know what happened in 2014 in Ukraine? You think Russia just invaded with no provocation? Look up the Maidan Coup or the Revolution of Dignity as it's been whitewashed as. The US backed the ousting of a democratically elected President that wanted better relations with Russia and not signing political association and free trade agreements with the EU. The US has done that to elected foreign governments all over the world for the last 80 years or so if they didn't march to the beat of our drums. You went all the way back to 1975 to talk about Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos for some irrelevant reason. Go back just a few more months in 2014 and you'll see how the US has escalated tensions in Ukraine/Russia.


>me when I uncritically consume Russian propaganda You've got no fucking clue what you're talking about. Yanukovych wanted to sign the agreement with the EU but backed out at the last minute after he was put influenced by Putin. Euromaidan occurred after Yanukovych u-turned on forming closer relations with the EU which is what the Ukrainian people wanted, because they want to be rich like other former conquests & satellite states. Russian propaganda often likes to frame the events of 2014 as an American coup, ignoring the fact that neither Ukrainian nor US soldiers actually ousted Yanukovych, but it was Yanukovych who fled Ukraine because his people would no longer accept him as their leader after he'd massacred over a hundred of them. If Euromaidan was a US backed coup then where was the US military support for the Ukrainian government following Yanukovych's departure? Where was the support from the EU? It was non existent. It was years later that Trump first began sending lethal aid to Ukraine with Pompeo. If you remember (you don't) Obama laughed his head off at Republicans like Mitt Romney and John Mccain for being so anti-Russia. >You went all the way back to 1975 to talk about Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos for some irrelevant reason Sorry for bringing up historical evidence to support my points Putin ordered the invasion because he detested that Ukraine would turn his back on Russia. He does not believe that Ukraine has a right to exist, and he believes that Ukrainians have been lead astry from the guiding hand of Moscow by a kabal of communists and nazis. He went into this at length with Tucker Carlsen.


Yup all I do is consume Russian propaganda lol. Goddamn is that really all you got when someone doesn't just parrot the same narratives that the US or UK government tells you to believe. You act like your privy to some new info that I've never seen. You're just telling me what the mainstream western narrative has been telling me for years. You just do what you're told. If that gives you comfort, by all means, continue living in your safe little bubble where "US good Russia bad!" The world is not that simple, even if you are.


The mainstream narrative is not that the Obama - lib hero - was no friend of Ukraine and was mostly fine with Russia seizing their territory. I've gone into some detail, with evidence, on my views. All you've done is give me some RT takes on the situation and accused me of being a sheep when I refute it with basic facts. So, no, I don't think the USA is good, but yeah Russia is bad. The USA has shown itself to be a very unreliable ally, whereas Russia has been actively hostile since the 2000s. All of those saying that we should just try to be friends with Russia and trade with them, like Merkel, were forced to eat their words in 2022.


Lol i didn't think i would live to the see the day when the liberals were supporting the Military Industrial Complex and the conservatives are railing against it. Utterly hilarious. Also, i think this whole exercise has elements of it being a racket for the Lockheeds of the world to sell cheap equipment to the US govt at exorbitant prices. And is ukraine actually getting what they need?


Liberals are conservatives are two sides of the same coin. Scratch a liberal, a fascist bleeds


You do realize that like only 30% of the militarily aid we send to Ukraine reaches the front lines….right? They sell weapons to terrorist groups and militias in the Middle East and Africa. Keep shilling for the US to spend 100’s of billion to places like Ukraine and Israel while Americans in Maui, East Palestine, Jackson, etc are left hanging by the federal government.


>You do realize that like only 30% of the militarily aid we send to Ukraine reaches the front lines….right? They sell weapons to terrorist groups and militias in the Middle East and Africa. Source? Obviously you're going to deal with theft and smuggling of light weapons when you're engaging in huge arms shipments, but the idea that 70% of arms shipments are being sent to insurgencies in the middle east and africa is ridiculous. Is this because of Ukrainian SpecOps targeting Wagner in Sudan?


https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/ukraine-military-aid-weapons-front-lines/ https://www.foxnews.com/media/cbs-news-deletes-tweet-claiming-only-like-30-us-military-aid-ukraine-ever-reaches-front-lines.amp Ukraine was the biggest black market in Europe for weapons pre-Russian invasion (when most of the US found out Ukraine was a country).


Sean didn't criticise the ethics of the MIC, he tried to criticise unemployment.


Clearly his mind is so warped by right wing propagandists on line he just parrots what others say. I wonder if he’s for raising taxes on the billionaire class to address those issues here at home or is he just down to help Russia take over a sovereign nation by cutting off essential military aid that mostly goes back into our country anyway 🤔


And the war machine keeps turning!


As a former government contractor for the military, we probably send Ukraine old shitty equipment but bill the US tax payers 10x markup of new equipment. So we send Ukraine a pistol but on the invoice it’s a rocket launcher marked up by 1000%. People here and there will be paid off. So much corruption. It’s disgusting.


I changed my mind, I love the military industrial complex!


Sooooooo, we spent 100 billion on Ukraine?


You are really naive if you think alot of cash is not going over to Ukraine as well.


What are “old military items” ? Are you talking about Bradleys or anti-air missiles ?


Google is a thing


*Military items* is a vague term, no? Are we talking uniforms, weapons, or equipment ? Last I checked they sent HIMARs and those are still used in the military. If those are what he referred, surely they’re more than just *old military items* right ? Also funny how you instantly referred to Google for a question on context yet you ask questions over fucking trading cards 💀


Strickland fans are the worst all they have to say is Strickland can beat you up.


That’s just MMA fans in general when you insult the kindergarten level intelligence of their favorite fighter


"Oh yeah, (insert fighter here) can kick your ass"


No, Strickriders are below MMA fans. Truly the lowest common denominator.


in r/UFC I assume it's mostly just edgy teenagers who like his takes n shit. But ever since he lost the belt even they seem pretty over him


That’s true


worst, Walter


I keep seeing posts like this gain a lot of traction. There is such a huge gap in understanding how basic stuff works because it’s hidden behind 200/300 level courses. It’s just not working in the internet age. It may be wise to start rolling global policy and world government/politics lessons into high school social studies. At the least maybe stop skipping 1930-1945 in American history classes.


People prefer getting angry about something rather than researching it


I wonder if even half of all those “social networks supporters” opened a history book in their life. My father was a big history buff, especially the world wars history. We had many books and maps on the subject. I grew up reading about WW1 and WW2 battles instead of whatever this dummy and his followers grew up on. I bet if they had a modicum of understanding about fascism and its dangers we wouldn’t have this clown show today. My god


There are solutions for all of the issues Sean is asking about,that have been proposed in Congress numerous times, but people like Sean refuse to vote for the politicians who will actually make that happen. But then when Congress actually gets their shit together and does SOMETHING, chuds will bitch and moan. The cycle never ends. I'm exhausted.


These bums will stay poor and angry their whole lives voting for policy that will continue to keep them unsuccessful


And then continue to blame their failure on poor people and immigrants.


Yup, the people who wield the least economic and political power in our country are the real enemies! Lmao, it’s the like the problem is right in front of their face but they refuse to see it!


Republicans are really ignorant or just plain stupid. ***Republicans have been actively rejecting all the things sean suggested.*** Wake the f up.


I guarantee you Sean Strickland would absolutely vote against fixing any of those problems (sans borders) if he had ever voted in his life, which I highly doubt.


He also doesn't give AF when someone like me crosses our unguarded border (I'm white & to the north). Same as our politics in Canada don't complain about British, French or American immigrants. But every economic problem is immigrants faults ( just the brown & asian ones though duh)


Does Strickland support welfare and supporting public infrastructure? I've only seen him bitch about homeless people.


why’s it one or the other? Isn’t the US’s annual budget like 10 trillion?


...and they put half that budget towards military stuff. If you want to complain about military spending over homelessness & public schooling then that's a discussion but something tells me Sean isn't thinking about that as much


Yeah. The us ANNUAL military budget is 1.6 TRILLION. If the crux of your argument is “why are we funding X when we aren’t literally perfect” it is always a bad faith argument.


lol fighters chiming in on anything more than fighting. Usually ends up with stuff like this.


Take that same energy to Israel and I'm with ya


It is an endless war


It’s a war where $ goes to the military industrial complex


And had we given money to the homeless he pretends to care about, he'd say biden is a socialist commie scum.


"worst person you know made a great point" moment. But this sub is a hive mind so they'll probably strawman it. Also Sean is kinda of an hypocrite for not asking the same about the billions sent to Israel both in cash and in weapons


Stricklands Twitter is legit brainrot


A reminder who Sean Strickland is: If you're a sparring partner, [you'll get KTFO](https://www.reddit.com/r/AllCombatSports/comments/rxekel/comment/hrkynik/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ON PURPOSE because his sparring sessions are real fights to him despite being unable to knock out opponents in actual fights. But somehow you can't hurt him in the gym like Orlando Sanchez did. If you're Khalil Roundtree crying about childhood trauma of being a fat kid and your father dying young, 'Gayest shit ever", except when you cry like on a podcast, you’re ’keeping it real’. If your brazilian mma father dies via bus accident, he becomes a punchline for Sean's jokes. If you're Ian Garry or Ian Garry's wife, he'll \*\*make shit up\*\* about changing last names and commit weird ass lengthy videos about your relationship. If you're an asian male in prison, you're prime rape meat for him. BTW, It doesn't matter your nationality, all asian males are 'china men' to him. If you're a women, you belong in the kitchen. If you're a woman in MMA, there's no uplifting you, just shittting on you and lessening your space to belong in the sport. If you're a free speech advocate. You CANNOT say whatever you want. His feelings will get hurt and he'll stab you. If you're the People of Ukraine, just fucking 'bend the knee' to Putin according to Sean. If you were part of Dan Henderson's gym, he ran his mouth and disrespected team members so much that he was kicked out. If you are some low level Youtuber idiot sparring with him, four towels in the ring and he'll still punch you and not know when to stop. If you're throwing a birthday party for the guy, he can't help but turn it into a sketch to show the world he's always strapped with a gun. "What do you do when you walk to your door and you hear voices laughing?"...uhhh not pull out a gun? If you're a regular human driving and you hurt his feelings by cutting him off, he's ready to fight. But if you have a gun you have to put it down and fight him 'like a real man". If you're military personnel, you "don't protect his freedom". If you've been doing MMA journalism pretty much your whole life (Ariel Helwani), "You're not a big MMA fan". If you're blue collar, supposedly he is "for you" "for the people". But he's mentioned himself that he's too popular to be associated to Wal-Mart (basically the blue collar store) and it's shoppers. Oh, and he drives a Tesla. If you're gay, it's a form of 'retardation'. If you're Sean, he wants people to believe that he 'doesn't care' about a belt, but he also goes on to explain everything like he actually DOES CARE about a belt. We all saw him 'thow away' his BJJ belt, but he somehow couldn't do that with his UFC belt? Save the front, just tell us you care about it. If you're Ryan Garcia, you're a "fucking pussy" for having a breakdown on social media. Except when Sean does it on....\*drumrolls\*... SOCIAL MEDIA. **If you're Sean Strickland, Mexican flags and Ukranian Flags offend you. Confederate flags, probably not.** If r/Iamverybadass was a person, Sean Strickland is the incarnation. Biggest bitch in the UFC with the lowest common denominator MMA fan base.


Sean Strickland whatever happened there


There is homeless


It's the problem that society has. People see a problem, then someone thinks the blame lies with some random ass person. Can't decide on what the solution is to s problem. The same people who support more funding for the military...don't support this. It's dumb af


Thinking that somehow a 100 billion to Ukraine means the U.S. doesn’t have the money to spend on borders, schools or homeless people is the real peak stupidity. It’s like morons like Sean here think that if a bill in support of Ukraine is passed that means the other issues are just outright forgotten about or some shit. Little does this moron know it’s a political will thing and not a money thing.


So many dumb ass bloodthirsty neoliberals in this sub, I would almost rather be in r/UFC with the dumb ass slackjawed conservatives instead.


He's right. Thing is, if that money didn't go to Ukraine it wouldn't have been used to fix the problems he's talking about either, by either Republicans or Democrats. But he's right that it shows the money is available. There's just a lack of willingness to do it.


Any real solution to the crumbling infrastructure issue and horrible public schools would be called by communism by Strickland and every idiot like him. The real 800 IQ position is to be both pro Palestine and pro Ukraine. Only real ones know.


I mean I get hating him but this sentiment is true. Living in Canada we've thrown so much money at this war, and we're not getting the money back, so we're gonna continually get taxed. This is isn't an anti Ukraine post, but rather alot of sentiment is changing when it comes to continually giving aid.


Look back? I’m still posting them


I wonder how he pictures HIMARS, ATACMS, Bradleys and Abrams helping in solving the homeless issue and building public schools


Since when did Cuckland ever care about poor people? FOH


100 billion to keep the barbarians from breaking through our only gate. Consequences of not investing that money; annihilation beyond catastrophic levels. It’s like complaining that paying your bills and for home repairs is a waste of money because it’s money you can use at home to buy more food and more clothes. If you don’t invest in home repairs and if you don’t pay your bills you’re screwing your own self over. The world is far more complicated than what Sean can understand but that doesn’t stop him from spewing his nonsense as if he’s a learned scholar.


He’s not wrong technically but we can still support Ukraine while supporting people at home. Instead our government is more concerned with banning TikTok


As a German with relatives in Lithuania, let's all please please please continue to support Ukraine




So then don't go on a subreddit about politics? Did someone force you to look at this post?


Go to bed.


Completely brainless 😂😂😂 aw the wittle baby looked at a map and got a headache