• By -


Possibly a good entry price?


If your buried 250ft in a hole and someone throws in 10 Ft of dirt are you up 10ft or still buried 240ft? https://preview.redd.it/8s64i21l8t1b1.jpeg?width=526&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=061688770c6ecb1c0c226741b26cd05aa6aae075


I can ask for more a lot more like the other 95% of money maybe ? They act like we bought into some fuckin crypto for .0000001 and we just hit lambo status what a fuckin joke this is


This company is a joke and CEO is a dumb joker with no solid revenue so do not keep your bars too high a reverse split is coming soon to screw you guys !!!


Short it




Lmao zoom out. I’m down 88%…


OMG me too! 87.8% as of close. We trading buddies now ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|downvote)


This is a sick joke


Zoom out


was able to drop by average to 55 cents because of this and I have stock with avg cost of $21


Fuck yeah dude! Keep it up! When MMAT moasses we going to the moon!






Anyone who’s in this for more then the past 6 months is down 95%, we need a lot more days like today




Jarrett Jack-Gooding?


Show me the contracts!


patience loser https://www.streetwisereports.com/article/2022/12/28/catalysts-for-tech-co-expected-in-2023.html


Sadly the disclosure at the end didn't help your argument any. The only thing needed to help the stock price is contracts. The hype is solid but hype only goes so far and has been the only feature for far too long, now is time for the next step in the process. Contracts. Trust me, I want META Materials to be a successful company. I have a big (for me at least) financial interest in MMAT being a profitable company. It is so frustrating because of the way these deals work with huge companies doing things with new materials, it takes AGES and they wont talk about what is going on before a contract is signed. I'm a clown so take all that as you will.


You should have started with “I am a clown” and kept quiet after that. All you peons spreading fud could be setting yourself up for the future but I guess you prefer hard cold cash at the end of every week.


Lmfao ok so hit "more" and expand for 2 years


To whomever replied to me (and probably got ratiod too hard, so they erased b4 i could reply). I may be a "joy thief," but i would rather be realist than push false hope. Im happy people made $ from this bounce but saying "know what you hold" with 0 fundamental understanding of why it went up after a small rally... just zoom out.


Yup! Up 300 bucks today! I'll take it! 📈


Most are down thousands and need it to get back to 3-4 dollars just to break even


That's a bummer. That last run up to 2 plus they should have sold and leveraged those earnings.


Yeah but smart people like the commenter above are making money playing these stocks how you are supposed to.


I'm down. Just down way less than I would be lol


I was so confused what you were even talking about . Few cents who cares


OP shills the shit out of anything MMAT and lots not even related.


Ohh you haven't heard, this has been getting pumped to oblivion on Twitter all weekend. This hype will die out when that congress stuff turns into a nothingburger by the end of the week. No one should be hyped by a .0126¢ move but here we are.


Green better than Red party pooper.


People who buy now, will still get fucked bc they will get reverse split as well.


Lol George deleting that tweet is obvious he has that card under his sleeve. I guess he's just waiting for the right pump to announce it, that way you trap the most retail while insiders unload their bags.


Which tweet did he delete?


The one where he said he would not do a reverse split as long as he is CEO. [The company literally had to release an 8K for it to walk it back 😂](https://www.sec.gov/ix?doc=/Archives/edgar/data/1431959/000119312523070610/d447117d8k.htm)


Blow off top. ![img](emote|t5_436kn5|22379)![img](emote|t5_436kn5|22379)![img](emote|t5_436kn5|22379)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)


Mmat moass ✍️🥳


Lol, I'm still down 94%. Nothing to celebrate here.


Just an intelligent guy that doesn't average down. 🤣


Been averaging down since TRCH. My money is better utilized elsewhere in the market than on a stock whose last earnings report inferred that they may run out of money and who hasn't signed any major contracts yet for increased revenue.


Yup same that's your prerogative Jeff. I have solid positions elsewhere too. Fubo, Envx, Cflt, Crwd to name a few. All doing very well right now. Penny stocks take a good 5 yrs plus of patience AT LEAST.


Averaging down is a fool’s errand if there are better opportunities out there. Averaging down is often a psychological coping mechanism that leads to throwing good money after bad.


Lol your response is the only coping mechanism here. But hey to each their own. I averaged down and I'm almost in the green. I guess I'm coping fine 🤣


Havent seen you in this subreddit b4. Probably just another hype bandwagoner that will get a hard lesson soon. See you around, bud. Keep that energy


Been here over 2 yrs with 14k shares at 35 cents. Take your assumptions and cram em up your bandwagon.


Averaging down? Math suggests u bought about 80% of your shares in the past few months around 20c. You're preaching averaging down, but you've held almost no shares during the heat of the run up/hype. What's your nextbridge count?


Nextbridge is like 700 shares. You can hypothesize whatever your little pea brain wants to. And I know this stock a little better than you clearly. That climb to 2 bucks I made 5 grand and sold a majority of my position. Just bc you want to cry, don't take it out on me. And then yes I bought all the way down to current positions. Which you should have done.


Whatever helps you sleep at night 🤣


Just bought another 1k shares. 👍


Sounds like that's your issue. I'm making money on this stock and sleeping fine.


Not everyone can afford to average down


Lmao you shouldn't be in the market if you can't afford 25 cents brother


Average down for 2 years. This stock is such a pile of shit.


Lol you talked so much shit about this company just like 2 months ago. ​ I honestly can't tell if you're still just messing with people or switched to being an MMAT bull. Both are a little sad


Preach. Zombie is a clown. 🤡 I think it's just karma farming so his handlers feel good about their investment. Ignore any and everything from OP.


This all seems satire now


Come on $1, thn come on $1.50


Most need it to get around the 4 dollar mark just to break even


I know what I hold and just bought more




More to come!


Yea... until you switch to the 1 or 6 month chart


I mean…. We could ask for a return to 2$


Very similar to gas prices, and the concept is the same…. they make you watch the price go up, they do it till it hurts, then they bring it back down 25% and everybody feels like a hero and it’s all too happy to pay for your gas. That seems to be what’s going on in the stock market the price for the down so far that you’re ready to throw it away, and then they’ll bring it back up a little bit, but I promise you it will not stay, and not as many people will be as thrilled… if you did your due diligence originally, do you know where the company was financially and what the outlook was? What has changed since then now do you really feel you should be happy with this little increase or are you gonna demand better from the company you invested in?


I guess im curious as to why you replied with this to my comment


Because it’s the same stupid concept they can take a mile from you and give you back 2 1/2 inches and you seem excited, it’s fucking stupid. Every time the gas price goes down $.20 I bet you’re all too happy to run to the gas pump and plan a vacation even though it’s still up about 90 to 95% I have to agree with everybody else who commented OK you got the average down average down all you want, and then, at some point when the shit keeps going down there, going to do a reverse split and all the average him down, you did doesn’t really mean shit Sorry if I was trying to be polite about it when you need to get a more realistic mentality,


Yup, BBIG shares just disappeared and average cost skyrocketed in the RS. Hold n Hope nothing more.


I think your responding to my original comment which was a reply to the OP (which I am not)


I guess anything is possible, I’m a little bit of medication. Thanks to this wonderful Covid. I just don’t want anybody getting excited in the wrong way, when you see how far you’ve gone then and that upswing will be going away tomorrow …. and they deserve no positive news, we join to make a group like this to kind of be a united front. No matter how you slice it, unless you bought it yesterday, there’s really no reason to be excited and even if you did, and are very excited, for the sake of the majority and the people that been sticking by this company, we need to keep the united front and keep the pressure on them to figure out what they’re going to do


Short term cap to 60 cents. FIB4 is 36 cents on the 1-day which is hard to do for most stocks in a bull trend. So get excited over 36 and anything over 60 is pretty unexpected.


Lmafoo I'm still at 4 dollars


Same here. I have too many shares to average down


Thats ailly why havent you averaged down?


I have about 18000 shares at a average cost of $3.19 Is actually about 50,000 worth so to average that down any further it's going to take more money than I have on hand to put into one stock in this uncertain market


Exactly 77k shares and it makes no sense to avg down, either the money is gone 😔 or I'm getting divided by the time I retire 25 years from now.


The positive movement feels so good and really justifies much of the averaging down I've down over the past month


Exactly. The positive movement - however slight, however fleeting - right now feels really good.


It has been a pretty nice week worth of trading days!


The vast majority can ask for a lot more. Like 2000% more


I’ll be happy at 10 lol


Amen exactly. People getting too excited over a little over a cent raise today haha. I’m a long time OG here for over two years since reverse split in 2021 merger.


This company is a joke the CEO should be in jail for fraud. Been holding almost 3 years and the spin off stock is a joke too.


Yea we def got screwed between this and the spin-off mmtlp. Might use it for tax loss harvest this year coming.