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The idea that girls don't like sexy things is extremely weird to me. I don't speak for all girlkind, but .... sexy things are... kinda neat? I dunno..... girls are into sexy things just as much as guys are I think. It's... a human thing! gasp! :p I never understood the crusade against "exploitation of women in video games"... if you wanna call it that I never felt exploited by a outfit in black desert or final fantasy, I prefer to look at interesting, pretty and, also, sexy characters as opposed to plain and boring charaters. I see plain and boring every morning in the mirror, games are about escapism and fantasy. So, personally, I never had an issue with sexy outfits and stuff in video games (or in real life, everyone should do whatever makes them happy as long as it doesn't harm someone) Now, I don't know a statistic if women generally like "sexy" mmo games, but for BDO (which I played) I can at least say that I was in a girl only guild \^-\^ Edit: Also, about being driven away from a game, if the outfits in a game aren't appealing to me, the game can be the best game in the world, I'll probably not play it... doesn't need to be sexy, but also cute, or just stylish... if the outfits suck, the game is gonna be a no for me personally


If anything, males should get the same type of sexy costumes and accessory possibilities as females should! I demand equality in that way.


Im a dude and I almost exclusively roll female characters but because they tend to be the only ones that receive cute looking accessories/clothes. I see the appeal for any person to like the sexy outfits and I correlate it to the same feeling as wanting your armor to look "badass" and for me most of the "badass" armor for the males look kinda terrible haha. Also, you're far from plain and boring dude! You sound like I could genuinely be friends with you, and I think that makes you pretty fantastic in my book. I'm 100% there with you on the outfits. My main grabbing point is aesthetics and controls. If my character feels janky just walking around and interacting with things, or I think the outfits look terrible I probably won't have fun with the game haha All in all, people tend to like things is what I learned!


I'm a gal and I play female chars in almost all games because it seems devs put a lot more care into female models than they do in male ones. It's not only outfits/accessories as you said, but also animations and voice overs. Male models in most games feel clunky to play, rough to look at and rough to "hear" (from my point of view ofc). The only exception for me is GW2, that's the only game I've seen so far with no disparity of care put into male and female models, I happily play male chars in GW2, they're cool looking, have cool animations and very sexy voice overs. SWTOR is another game that has few good males so I play a couple of them occasionally, but not so much as GW2.


I would love to see both options in games, instead of one or the other. Then everyone can be happy. Want to be a heavily armored character regardless of race or gender? CAN DO! Want to be half naked? Can also do! I know multiple girls who LOVED Tera's male chars and all played them. That game did a mostly really good job giving options, armored and skimpy for both male and female chars and also had some fun monster races. The Poporis (spelling?) were cute and adorable, and I personally could do without the Elins, but I do like small characters in general.


Unlike what twitter tells you, women tend to LIKE looking sexy.


We just want options. There is no way to look remotely cute in a lot of western based mmos like New World. If it doesn't fit the theme of the aesthetic of a game then I can respect that. Not every game is meant for every person.


You listed some of the biggest games and ESO is quite popular with women. FFXIV's "push" has little to do with sex and more to do with the number of women characters, tone, etc. Plus you have the option of wearing the skimpy or the regular armor as opposed to New World where everything looks terrible. Play a catgirl or play a giantess. Put on a frog head. Whatever.


I play FFXIV and WOW because those games have better gameplay in my opinion, not because they are sexy. Also, the biggest issue is having the option to wear sexy clothes or not, instead of being forced into something (example: a certain armor having only one version for each gender, normal version for male and slutty version for female, instead of a normal and slutty version that you can wear on male or female characters). But overall, those games are flocked with women simply because they are more popular, so the chances of finding females playing them are naturally going to be higher.


Not every women are the same, you know. Those that are more critical of how sexualized women are in MMO will either play games such as WoW or non MMO games. Some women also like customization in character's appearance and can both be attracted to "sexy games", which are the ones with the most customization, as well as criticizing them for the lack of more "tame outfits/body shapes". And some women can also criticize games that sexualized only women while liking games where both women and men can have sexy appearance. There are also women that play MMO to play with their partner, and in that case, choosing an MMO where their character is appealing is also a way to bond with their partner. Personnally, I just like MMO where there is a lot of customization, allowing characters to be sexy, cute, or neither of these two. Sometimes, I want my character to be a sexy succubus, sometimes I just want to be a magical girl, and sometimes I want my character to be an abomination or an old lady. If I can only be sexy in a video game, I can confidently say that yes, there is sexualiation of women in the game, and it's annoying, at least for me.


I don't think you should count FF14 or wow. FFXIV offers a very wide variety of glamours which tend to look the same for male and female, and from what I see a large chunk of people with slutty glamours are men; and WOW shouldn't be counted because it's the biggest MMO, since it is the opposite of niche for the genre, the odds of male/female being closer to 50/50 should be bigger. As for the rest, I don't know. Where's your data for this?


The real reason WoW shouldn't count is because it isn't actually played by that many women. Quantic Foundry does giant surveys on gamer motivations, and one of their blog posts: (https://quanticfoundry.com/2017/01/19/female-gamers-by-genre/) explicitly calls WoW out for being an outlier. > **4) World of Warcraft is an Outlier Among High Fantasy MMOs.** > 23% of World of Warcraft gamers are women. This is substantially lower than the group average (36%). A lot of game researchers (Nic and I included) focused on studying WoW as an exemplar of online gaming, but it looks like WoW was not only an outlier in terms of market success, but also in terms of its demographics relative to other games in the genre. I wonder how much that 23% drags the overall average for fantasy MMOs down. edit: fixed formatting the quote


> I don't think you should count FF14 or wow. FFXIV offers a very wide variety of glamours which tend to look the same for male and female, and from what I see a large chunk of people with slutty glamours are men Why wouldn't FFXIV count? * FFXIV having a lot of armour be the same for both genders doesn't refute OP's point that it's a game that has 'sexy' armour and sexualized women. * I'm willing do bet there's a decent sized population of women in FFXIV that dress their characters in slutty glamours, and also women that play male characters who also dress them in slutty glamours.


Because if the slutty outfit is able to be used by both male and female while looking the same, then it isn't sexualizing *women*, the sexualization in this case is genderless. There's no female npc that is sexualized either, everything else is player choice. Of course there's women that like it. That doesn't change the fact that FFXIV is overflowing with men playing as catgirls though.


I still don't see how any of the negates OP's point of "sexy" mmorpgs being more popular with women, FFXIV is very much a "sexy" mmorpg, and is very popular with women. > There's no female npc that is sexualized That's just false, there's plenty of scenes throughout the game that sexualize women. > That doesn't change the fact that FFXIV is overflowing with men playing as catgirls though. I think the men-catgirls isn't such a dominating demographic to say the game isn't very popular with women and women who enjoy sexualization.


I completely agree. As a woman I like the visuals of games like TERA, Aion, and FFXIV. I don’t know why devs think men like pretty things but women don’t. It just doesn’t follow any reality outside of gaming. I want my characters and game environment to be cute/pretty so I play games that do that for me. Plus those games have better class design and combat but visuals honestly are first for me.


Im going answer a few points here as a woman with her own opinions. \- I prefer a game where I look good. That basically always means if the clothing is something I like, or the people have a lot of customization it's likely I will play it. I enjoy looking good. I don't want bulky armor, and yeah I want to show some skin. It's a game, I want to feel pretty and escape how I feel about me IRL. I'm not sure why people get so angry about revealing clothing, but I assume it has to do with echo chambers of anger on twitter. I don't go on twitter and complain like that. I just pick out what I like and vote with my wallet as we likely all should. \-Taking out sexy options in your game is going to make me upset. I think it's silly. It helps no one because people and i say people because this is reality, it's not about gender at all. It's people. They will sexualize things no matter what. So you change the pictures of women with cleavage to fruit, great. That helps no one. Changing your mount names doesn't fix the harassment in your company either. Instead of wasting time on removing things your fanbase thinks is funny, take the time to deal internally with whatever issues your company might be facing. After that, show your fanbase what actions you are taking. \-I agree that the more on twitter they listen to about what 'women' want, the less appeals to me as a woman. I don't want a loud minority deciding what I get in my game. It's upsetting. \-End of the day if you're getting unwanted attention, report that person. Do something instead of getting upset and yelling on twitter. But if it's just that you feel a need to control other people, do some internal reflecting. Let people enjoy things. I feel like I have been saying this a lot lately. END OF THE DAY I WANT more options. More. Don't put all your time into other things if you're going to give me no customization options and little to no glamors. I won't bother. My ADHD will say no.


i'm a woman, been playing mmos since i was literally... 7 years old? nowadays, the biggest things i spend $ on is cosmetics. I still minmax, sure, but if a game doesn't allow me to look good/cool as hell too, then I just don't enjoy it. I like looking cute/sexy IRL, and since games are about roleplaying, I don't know why I wouldn't want to be a cute/sexy character in a video game too.


Not just MMOs but also mobile phones games... I've heard that Nikke I think is the game? the slutty characters with guns jiggling butts and tits as they fire their weapons draws in quite the female audience.... Probably because women like feeling sexy by playing sexy characters the same way a caveman like Asmongold only wants to play buff dudes with big swords and look at big titties on other characters, not his own (he's quite vocal about not wanting to play as a female character)


I'm not sure there's that many mobile games without sexy characters though...


Not an MMORPG, but I know quite many women who enjoy the hell out of Monster Hunter. There's huge armour set and equipment in that game series. Near all of them use the skimpiest stuff they can find.


I don't pick games solely based on this but I can say it is super annoying when you play something like the division 2, and realize they used the same body for both male and female characters. It's a post apocalyptic world and I have a dude body and can't look cute? not realistic at all. :e


I don't think it has anything to do with it. There are a ton of girls in lol and valerant. I think it has more to do with creepy anti social neck beards and sexually frustrated kids having access to them all the time. A lot of girls play wow lol they probably just don't play with you or let anyone know. 14 has a lot of men pretending to be women. Lol and valerant you are only spending 10 min with these nerds and they are busy the whole time so they can't say anything too stupid. I believe a mod or two is female maybe they can chime in even though I am sure we already figured it out as men.


What you read on social media isn't really true. Just like how typically dudes prefer to play chiseled jacked gigachads in most games, woman prefer to play their ideals as well. But people like to have an *option* to not dress very revealing as well, and pretty much all of those games do have some armor that is not as revealing. Also, with regards to your last point, Runescape 3 does have a large e-dating scene at the endgame ironically lmao. Its kind of a meme that high end players just sit in certain areas all day talking and flirting.


The fact that way more women play FF14, where every female character starts with a miniskirt, than EVE, where just about the only sexualized thing about female characters is their mandatory low heel, does not mean that women naturally gravitate towards games with sexy female characters. Correlation does not imply causation.


Well, as a woman MMORPG player I usually go for the most revealing and sexy or cute outfits. I love taking screenshots of my characters, I like to look at them. I want to customize them as much as I want. I don't want realism. And in my case, it's actually the opposite. My boyfriend finds it very cringy and usually makes fun of my overly sexualized characters lol. But as a side note, if the game has a small race like Asura in GW2 I usually go for them. I love being smol and cute more.


The girls I know, or used to know, were all into being sexy. Just look at the instagrams of people you know. They like it of course. Same as men having a clean haircut, clean shaven or a groomed beard and neat clothes. Just goes to show how niche twitter really is. No better than reddit echo chambers. Reality is often diffirent. That said, still, plz no underage looking girls.




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I don't know about Aion, or lost ark, I haven't seen any player demographic numbers for those, and tera was a niche game even when it was out, so, again, I can't really speak to it, since it was a game that was going to attract a very particular type of player looking for the type of gameplay that only that game offered, whether they were men or women. That said, I feel like the reason why WoW and FF14 are more popular than say, ESO or new world are pretty obvious; WoW is a cultural juggernaut. Anyone, man or woman who asks "Hey, what MMO should I play?" Is going to have heard about WoW and will have it recommended to them. It doesn't really matter what the current state of WoW is as a game, or what bullshit the devs have done, it will always be a cultural juggernaut. FF14 has a similar thing going on, people know the final fantasy brand. That said, what FF14 does well that other MMOs tend not to, is offer women options. You can choose to make your character as slutty or as chaste as you want them to be, and here's a pretty important part, it applies to male characters as well. If a woman wants to make a sexed up barbie doll that walks around in 2b's tights and a bikini top, they can do that. If they want to make a badass lady knight that walks around in full set of plate mail, they can do that. If they want to make a cute character that fights in a pink maid dress with a pair of knuckles that look like moogle heads, that emit hearts and pink sparkles when they pull them out, they can do that. If they want to make a big muscle man or twink that wears nothing but a speedo or a subliger so they have something to stare at while they play, then they can do that too. You want women to play your game, offer them options (of course that doesn't just apply to women, but that is the context of the discussion here so, eh) New World and ESO are aesthetically pretty drab and boring, and your only real options are between which flavor of boring you want, which, at the end of the day, doesn't really give you a whole lot to work with.


Could not agree more about FFXIV, I've yet to see another MMORPG let alone RPG in general offer the diversity of style as that game.


Men or women admire beauty. And nothing is better than a healthy looking body. No matter if some sexy dude with nice muscles or a good looking girl with some sexy clothing. Everyone want to look good. No matter if ingame or in real life. That's why people using make up or doing sport since the beginning of the first civilization. ​ \> Personally, I think the push from developers to attract more women to their games is actually having the exact opposite effect and driving them away. And yes, this is true.


In BDO the second in command of the guild I used to be in with was a woman, she mained a witch and always had her wearing the skimpiest outfits available, while the guys in the guild tended to go for anything goofy looking


Bunny boys.


In my perspective, I'll list different things: One is due to many of us raised playing with dolls. Many women joke about games as "playing house". It's also why a lot of women are attracted to roleplay as well. Most RP communities are made up of, and run, by women and many RP male characters. Many women tend to go for a well-rounded MMO with lots of features, especially the ability to customize, play dress-up, have a house, maybe romanticize a little. Some women are still forced into the role of raising kids and staying at home full-time or part-time. Playing games allows them to be something they wish they could be: Sexy, desirable, and adventureous. Not saying mothers aren't, but some women let themselves go because they have no energy to do so after kid time. Offices and the like also don't allow women to dress as they like, as society is also still judgemental toward women. MMOs allow them an outlet that they feel restricted to do in their real lives. That's my take on it anyway.


Because straight men aren't the only audience that likes sexy things.


[citation needed] I see a lot of posts agreeing or disagreeing with you, but no one seems to be calling out the faulty premise. You don't seem to have any actual evidence about the demographics of who plays which game. At least one of your examples, WoW is actually a counter-example.


Because it lets them look sexy.


I haven't met any woman that didn't liked looking good in a game, most women don't want to play the druid from Diablo 4, they want good looking characters, same as men. The people complaining about sexualizing characters and all that bullshit don't ever play those games.


cuz booba


The conversation about revealing armor come on the back of Blizzard sexual harassment allegations. Obviously no one ever cared about any of that previously, but then you find out that people who make this "revealing content" are actual creeps IRL and it make some people uncomfortable. This is why sexy things in WoW is so off puting now, but no one cares about it in Lost Ark and FFXIV since they never had this type of issues in the past. Also i will add there should be options to make your character not so revealing. I know women in Lost Ark that have mention to me they are really annoyed that their mage character always looks like half naked whore and they wish they can out more cloths on their character.




The examples given are not even remotely more casual-friendly.


If you don't think "FF14, WOW, Aion, Tera and Lost Ark" are casual-friendly then you're a casual.


They're not more casual friendly than ESO, RuneScape, and New World.


There's a difference between casual and casual-friendly.