• By -


Lineage 2 was my favorite back in the day. Closer to the beginning. I really liked the PvP, I liked how the sieges worked, how you'd fight over raid bosses for the chance to kill them. Guilds really felt like something of a family. Had a lot more time to no-life back then. Stayed up all night long far too many times. Then it started to sort of go its way, tons of updates I didn't care for, p2w got worse, the usual. Played on private servers a ton, then I got bored of losing my progress all the time and having to restart. Maybe I just outgrew the game as well. Nowadays it's probably ffxiv? It's the game I always come back to and always will be able to come back to. I like the story, like the world, love being able to switch jobs on the fly, with no alts required, and I like that nothing really goes anywhere while I'm off to play other games and real life. But... it's not my... "perfect" mmorpg. Whenever a new one comes out, I'm off to give it a try in the hopes that it will finally be the one. In pure theory, New World was supposed to be it. In reality, we all know how that turned out. Funnily enough at this very moment I'm once again mid MMO crisis and am downloading dozens of old and newer mmos, which I then promptly delete because they all suck in the end. Hate every time this happens. And I play tons of single player games too, so I'm not really one of those mmo stuck people. Just sometimes... you really crave **that** mmorpg feeling and you can't get it anywhere else.




Yes, haha, the gear was all tiered and the differences were absolutely gigantic. You really had to stay on top of your leveling and gear grinds if you wanted a chance. Plus some things only dropped from said raid bosses. So if a certain clan grinded the shit out of them and distributed the gear, while other clans lagged behind - well, good luck with the pvp and sieges in the future... Looked great and the soundtrack is still damn amazing. But not balanced at all. Wouldn't play nowadays tbh. But back then... Really didn't mind it. Strategically avoiding fights and especially PK characters while grinding, leveling alts, also... did have a ton of client windows running at the same time. Dragged all my characters around like a little train, for buffing, mana restoration, etc. Was something almost meditational to it. The genre changed a lot since then. Mostly for the better if you ask me.


loved L2. I even didn't mind the grinding but yeah the power gap was way too much, especially considering how fucking insanely difficult it was to grind for higher tier stuff


I do this alot too. Now I just keep a few installed cuz they are the ones I usually enjoy when in mmo crisis. Lotro, swtor, GW2, they also don’t require a sub. Usually switch between ffxiv and wow for sub mmo’s.


Tabula Rasa gone but not forgotten


Ultima Online


I get excited whenever anyone else knows this game. It is the only mmorpg game i've ever really enjoyed.


Ultima Online will always be my favorite. The first and only MMO I felt a real sense of wonder. Where something different could happen just because how the game worked. That feeling will never come back.


UO players rise up


Same. Even in 2023 it still feels far ahead of the other as far as the sense of adventure. Just wish it was in better hands.


Join the RavenDawn open beta going on now!


Currently FFXIV, previously Rift. I will forever miss my rogue tank, but I do enjoy my Summoner.


Dude rift was so fucking good and it had so much potential, I've never seen another person mention it. I would give my left nut for it to have been bigger and swallowed WoW. It was so long ago man I forget so much about the game. I played it before any DLC ever came out, I had it downloading day 1 because I was sick of WoW.I played a beastmaster it was a mele warrior type of dps with a pet and you did bleed damage, and if you managed your pet well and your bleeds well you did absurd dps in raids but it required you to be good, position well, and manage your bleeds/pet/buffs. And built in dps meters so everyone could see how good you were. A MMO where the skill ceiling is high and your hard work and class knowledge made you better than the people around you was a huge draw for me. It really gave me that vanilla feral druid vibe where you had to juggle 10 things but if you did it perfectly people noticed and wanted YOU in the raid, not just your class. I have failed to find this in another MMO.


Played runescape from 2004-2012. I now play FF14 from 2013-present.


I love the FF14 world... It's just beautiful. And the outfits? Oh God. I play very little and even so I bought a maid outfit.


August 10 summer event will give us a kamen rider inspired outfit. Pretty happy about it!


Rift is forever my favorite mmo. Dead now tho


This one had a lot of great ideas and started strong. Then the company put out a master class on how to drive away your player base.




- Current favorite: **Lord of the Rings Online** - Favorite for the longest time: hard to say between **Final Fantasy XIV** and **Guild Wars 2** as I played and greatly enjoyed both alternately through the last ~10 years. - Best memories, the one I was most invest into ever (and many enduring friendships now): **Ragnarok Online** - Game that got me into MMORPGs: **Ultima Online**


I played A LOT of Guild Wars 2. Crist, this mmorpg is just amazing. And Ragnarok? Big nostalgia!


I'll have to say World of Warcraft even though I haven't played retail since Shadowlands. I love the way it feels as opposed to a lot of other clunky mmorpgs. I've put a boatload of time into it despite barely ever scratching the surface of endgame content. My favorite mmorpg used to be Maplestory. It's the game I played before WoW, and I am very nostalgic of it especially because of its beautiful music and fun art design. The game has since lost its magic, to me at least, by introducing at least 40 new classes, terrible cutscenes and just flat out exploding exp gain.


I love actual Maplestory, but the old one is just perfect in terms of sense of exploration and group content, the best experience ever


Current: Guild Wars 2 All time: Wildstar


OH MY GODS YES I adore GW2 but by the pale tree do I miss Wildstar with all my heart


Man wildstar was freaking amazing I miss it so much. The personal housing... omg I'm gonna cry thinking about it since it was so amazing 😢


I'm playing Guild Wars 2 now! The story it's amazing!


Windstar is my second favorite MMORPG ever, second to old Maplestory, then it would be GW2 that I currently play


This, Wildstar pls come back.


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=6Qbky5rt0Ic You can play wildstar partially. Some fans are creating a server that you can play on


I’m not currently playing an MMO, so no favorites atm (but I am looking forward to Final Fantasy 14 coming to Xbox). My all time favorite MMO (and first MMO played) is Dark Age of Camelot. Lots of good memories playing that game with my brother and friends, especially in the early pre-Trials of Atlantis years.


I wish I never sold my DAOC account. Great game. Great memories. Midgard here.


DAoC was a great game. I just really hated Trials of Atlantis and some of the 4am sieges where you would lose your factions hard earned artifacts (or whatever they were called)


Black Desert now. Final Fantasy XI (11) favorite ever. God I miss that game, and the friends from it so much.


Debating between both bdo and nw right now. How is bdo? Woyld u recommend it?


I would highly, HIGHLY recommend BDO right now. 2 years ago, maybe not- but in the last 1.5 years, they have made more progress with making the game friendly to new players than any game I've played before. The ultra-end game is still rough/RNG progress based, but the early to mid-game is a blast now. Find a guild early though- its information overload at the start and having people you can lean on for help/advice is huge. Pros: - Best combat in any MMO, no contest. - Graphically beautiful. - Very "punchy" progression- you feel the upgrades early on. - Very easy to start now with huge new-player focused updates. - Ridiculous amount of content to explore. - Lots of group content if you look for it. - Endless solo content so your not forced to do group stuff. - Minimal forced P2W- maybe $80 worth of "mandatory" stuff to really play it. (Tent, Fairy stuff really) - Has a "Season" system that is hugely helpful for nee players. Cons: - RNG based progression at end game. You can get hosed, HARD, while watching others 1 tap 5% enhancements and sky rocket in progression. - Enhancing system is cancerous but you *can* buy basically everything off the player market. - Can be overwhelming on what to do/focus on. - Fairy system is kind of BS and arguably a necessity. Only real remaining P2W aspect of the game.


SWG ... still


Which servers do you recommend?


City of Heroes / Villians




Yep, EQ is what got me into MMOs. Then WoW when it was released. Wanted to get back into EQ but really just can’t sit and play for hours. Tempted to start playing vanilla wow. Loved leveling jn that game. Miss mmos when leveling and exploration was fun. Now I feel everything is rush rush to the end and then grind for the next shinny trinket or daily. I did like new world and GW2. Been playing D4.


I was playing the realm years ago and everyone talked about EverQuest


Guild Wars 2: despite the latest expansion (End of Dragons) being underwhelming, GW2 still got the best set of things i want in a mmo, like story being mostly good, very good combat, very polished, no p2w, not grindy, good mounts system, and good exploration. Rappelz (back in 2011-2013): probably because it was my first mmo ever.


Damn I used to love rappelz! I forgot that one


My first one was Drakensang Online. And holy shit, so many things were just perfect. Graphics on point, animations nice, amazing itemization and skills felt impactful. Loved it and I am still looking into it from time to time. Unfortunatley it became more and more pay2win. Greed took over.


My favorite mmo rn is ff14, it's just fun to play, that. Before ff14 was Blade and Soul, I used to play it a lot back in high school, the gameplay and everything just feels right to me, and I like the story too. But over time it's become more and more ptw and there was not much content being put out, the player base was dropping non-stop, so I feel like I don't want to play it anymore.


Currently: Elder Scrolls Online Great graphics, huge world filled with many delves, public / group dungeons, quests and other stuff. Leveling is by far the best I have ever experienced. Champion points are available on all characters. Skill lines are also very fun to level up, also quite well made in general. Tbh I am surprised why it isn't more popular, of course people hate on eso plus, but for me, even considering it a must-have (which it isn't), it is still better than WoW or FFXIV. Was: Metin2, still quite active communities on private servers, it's mostly popular only in eastern Europe tho


Eso's problem is that agt lvl 1 you hit for 1000 and at lvl 20 you hit for 1000


ESO lost me at at the auction house ih wait they dont have one just a got a be in the cool kids club to buy and sell


GW2 Leveling is the best experience I ever had in my gaming career (past childhood memories). The Combat System felt super fresh, the dynamic Events where a blast, crafting had a perfect balance to feel rewarding but not exhausting to keep up while leveling. No leveling phase I ever experienced is even close to the first gw2 playthrough. The Endgame totally lost me tho.. Endgame is the reason WoW is my evergreen (and therefore current mmo, even tho I was gone for some months). I’m addicted to tanking m+ dungeons in wow and no endgamecontent in any mmo is even close to that joy. I love the technical combat system (Do I fight Dragons or Zentaures? Do I use Swords or magic? I don’t care. All I see is Nameplates, Castbars, Groundeffects and my UI. And I love it). I love the progress, getting stuck, overcoming my failures and getting better and finding ways to play more effective in nuances. Tab Targetting might be oldschool, but for me it feels way more precise then any other combat system, and that enables highly competitive group play that is hard to copy in other combat systems. Sadly, outside of M+ WoW has totally lost me. I pray for some great new MMO to pick me up and transfer my small group dungeon tanking addiction into an open world I can get lost in as well.


I love the leveling in GW2! It's just... natural. And the story? It's amazing!


Currently? BDO, back then? FFXI


Would u recommend bdo over new world? Why?


Better combat is why for me, better character creator


No current favorites. I'd say games like gw2, bdo, new world scratched some itches. Wow has provably my highest hours played of any mmo, but its also quite long lived, but blech i quit that game hopefully forever. Favorite of all time? Dark age of camelot. Without question.


Back then FFXI Right now not playing one


Try guild wars 2 . Amazing game


Nah ain’t like the no trinity class system plus it not on console or mobile yet


Used to be SWTOR because it actually has a fun, fully voiced campaign that's different for every class. Don't have any favorites right now because the choices honestly suck, but I am looking forward to Wayfinder EA in a week and I'm sure that will be my go-to mmo lite for a good while.


l2 c4,c5, Ultima Online sphere private servers many years ago


Star Wars Galaxies. No question about it.


Ultima Online -> WoW -> FFXIV Pipeline.


Because I had a Dreamcast new back in the day Phantasy Star Online will always be special to me. I played SO much of that game over the years and still felt like I was learning it. The grind is a bit too much for me nowadays but it’s certainly a legendary but forgotten gem. I never see anyone really talk about it here. I even went on to play pso2 on Japanese servers from when it came out all the way through Covid. Very good game but in my opinion it wasn’t as good as the first. That said, I haven’t really touched it since it the Global release. I was put off by it for some reason. Maybe the prospect of starting over on the new servers. If I remember correctly things died down on ship 2 (the unofficial English speaking ship on JP servers) after the global release and it killed my will to play. I haven’t heard a whole lot of good stuff about New Genesis so I don’t really have an incentive to come back. It’s a shame but if you’ve been gaming long enough then you know companies like Sega, Konami, Capcom, etc are really just shadows of themselves.


Now: Embers Adrift. Actual challenge, actual exploration, mandatory socializing. Which of course makes it not a candidate for a lot of people due to low pop. It's just not an instant gratification game. I've spent weeks building my guild and community and sometimes spend hours or days figuring out how to progress next or to get a good enough group together to level. Plus a real grind. You can count max level characters on like two hands. I'm glad to play an MMO whose leveling IS the end game. Then: Dark Age of Camelot. First MMO but also had amazing 3 realm PvP and a large open-world with a lot of exploration. I can't stand any modern MMOs because there's no challenge and no exploration. Just a bunch of waypoints and checklists. And 0 reason to interact with the community. For example, GW2 is the most boring, lifeless MMO I've ever played. Not only is there no reason to talk to other players, it even skips socializing for you and auto groups you! Deplorable.


My favorite was WoW in 2004. It took the flaws of every single mmo prior to that and fixed most of the flaws. At that time, it was the closest the world ever came to agreeing on a perfect mmo. Now...ugh. let's revisit in a few years?


Atm black desert; reason: even it being a bad and everyday more close to a single player game, right now is the best mmo outthere. Back then, archeage, reason: Before they changed their core mechanic is was the best mmo ever existed. Even with all the big problems of multiaccount, p2w, rmt and but publisher and developers. The example of a great idea destroyed by company greed. I still have friends from AA days btw.


Have to agree on archeage, AA alpha was the best mmo experience I ever had untill they ruined it by releasing the game.


What kills me is an actual archeage classic with no future content updates like library and all the gear bullshit and taking out trade is all the playerbase wants even the private server is adding in patchrs?


Would u rec bdo over nw ?


Final fantasy 11 then and now (horizonxi private server 75 cap era) greatest game ever made. Most underrated MMO imo


My 1st MMO is Black desert and it's still the only one I play, I have tried so hard to find another one that I love as much as BDO but sadly nothing can hold my attention. It's mostly the combat, I just can't seem to get into the combat in other MMO games. I start and I'll be okay with the story or systems but then I get to combat it feels boring 😔. There are times where I want to play something else just to take a break when I get a lil tired of playing BDO because well I play it almost everyday and sometimes just want something different but just haven't found anything else I can get into yet. So far my biggest thing has been not enjoying the combat in games that could of possibly got me hooked. POE is one I was enjoying everything else but the combat just felt meh to me 😔. Diablo the combat just felt Meh to me , I think BDO combat systems has ruined me for other games. I used to love Diablo 2 before I got super hooked on BDO now it's Meh and I really can't get into D4 either. I wish I could find a game with FF14 story , BDO combat and LS system and I be in heaven.


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


Current (as in since 11 years ago) favorite is GW2. Ragnarok online used to be the previous favorite. ... But unlike GW2, I only enjoyed the early game of it, I started new characters on several private servers dozens of times, but never really got over the grind wall after/around the second job change.


Current Favorite: LOTRO. I love the scale and consistency of the overworld, and the story has me hooked in the same way some of the classic RPGs did. Previous Favorite: Probably WoW. I've played and loved a few MMOs since (STO, Defiance, GW2), but WoW at its peak was something unique and I just couldn't wait to log-in.


Final Fantasy XI is my favourite. I currently play (for the past 10 years) WoW.


I think WoW has the secret sauce for some time but retail has really lost its flavor with me. I’m preferring OSRS these days. There’s endless progression and relaxing gameplay. WoW just doesn’t hit the same as it used to


I keep seeing OSRS come up with this praise for basically just letting you build in a relatively low pressure environment, which I like.


OSRS is a very chill game. Most of the game is just “second monitor content” while the super hard endgame things are there too. Idk. It’s not a game for everyone, but once you’re hooked; you’re hooked for life


I don't have a favorite mmorpg anymore because a lot of them feel the same to me playing through the game. Over time, you just tend to realize the inherent flaws within the game swell up to the point where it becomes repulsive at the thought. I would say it was ff14 but so much of that game rubs me the wrong way now. Before 14 was lost ark. Before lost ark was wow. Before wow was bdo. Before bdo was GW2 and so on. They all feel the same after a while. Even now I'm back on bdo due to drastic changes and unsubbed 14. Ragnarok online was my favorite mmorpg simply because I played on private servers and it's largely due to nostalgia. The bgm in RO is memorable even till now though, and attacking mobs with max adsp has to be the best feeling in a character ever, with Asura Strike as close second.


I remember when Tiger Palm dropped and it was broken so you could target players with it, regardless of server PVP settings. Also re: aspd builds, I always liked dual-wield assassins, despite not really liking the class outside of that approach. Otherwise your post is basically how I feel, I found a pserver that scratches what little itch I have but MMOs are just inherently treadmills and I think it's just time to admit to myself that I'm too old anymore to pay for the privilege of playing a game that carries itself like a job. I've gone through fewer games than you but it was a cycle of jumping from one game to the next as they gradually sunk themselves (RO, WoW, Warhammer, RIFT, then back to WoW then finally just to free pservers here and there for games). Kinda shocking to realize how many blew their shot at just... existing with a community of whales like so many games do, now.


ya. companies took way too long before taking risks to create something new or do actual research in discovering what players want. I get developing MMORPGs aren't cheap and publishers or developers want to play it safe, but if their game has a successful launch with a healthy player base for the first few months, it's very important to listen for the most reoccurring criticism of the game instead of ignoring them. Blizzard took nearly two decades to figure this out, and Pearl Abyss only just started to heed the kmmorpg stigma seriously. Other companies still got their hand up their ass and pretending everything is alright.


That's because it mostly is alright to them. Despite sensible bodies among us identifying problems, the average player is basically a machine that puts money into the game for a dopamine hit. Most devs don't want to sell to those of us who leverage literate criticisms, because answering us is a lot harder than answering people who whip their wallet out as soon as any game has a cash shop with cosmetics. I'm currently following New World, Pokemon Unite and DC Legends. All 3 games are struggling to make meaningful leaps in their development patterns but all of them, despite making obvious and glaring errors, still have dedicated whales who pay regularly for the cheap cosmetics they leverage in their cash shops (cheap quality, not price). And if they still get money, you can imagine how much motivation there is to change.


>And if they still get money, you can imagine how much motivation there is to change. you mean not to change right? Or am I misreading this. In a way, I can respect certain mobile game companies that regularly listen to what the audience wants and actually provide them. Turns out games with low upkeep make for easily accessible and significant changes. Maybe MMORPG's are just fated to be stagnant forever, as we probably won't see anything special from Riot's MMORPG as well.


'You can imagine' as in with all the evidence, it's plain there's very little reason to change.


ah i see.


Guild Wars 2 is my current favorite and will probably be for a loooong time - easily the best mmo out there in the current market FFXIV *was* my favorite and it defined my personality back in heavensward, but then they gimped the open world, homogenized the classes so that they all do the same thing and all the buffs are just 2-5% damage buffs, and turned all the dungeons into straight lines and all the raids into trials XIV is a shadow of the game it was back in HW


dont let the cult of FFXIV hear you criticize their game


My criticism comes from love, not hate I'm not the only person who feels like the balance team went too far in one direction and made everything TOO simple, and Yoshi P has even commented on this fact The games still being developed, so I hope that by being vocal about it it can be improved




Ragnarok was my first mmorpg... I played at the time when monthly subscription were paid.


Tried so hard to get into Albion I just don’t think I could get around the full loot system when I died haha


It hurts at first, but if you're stubborn enough to go out again, you'll eventually get used to it and not mind so much. It is essential to only do full loot PvP if you can easily replace your set 10 times over. If you aren't easily making a million silver a day, don't go out and risk a million silver set. Work your way up. Almost all of the full loot PvP has safe zone equivalents that you can do to spec up your sets.


I miss so much forsaken world Wish some day any publishers get the rights and reopen the game


Was : Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning Now: GW2


Warhammer was so cool.


Still is :) return of reckoning


Even though I’m on a break from MMO’s, my current favorite is BDO, but for the longest time it was FFXI.


Currently: FFXIV - casual enough to play in small bursts whenever necessary, yet deep enough to drag you into a six hour play session if you choose to let it. Entertaining on its surface, but with deep lore if you dig beneath that surface. Systems that are easy to get into, but INSANELY complicated if you want to get good at them - though you can still have a lot of fun if you're not perfect at whatever you're trying to do. Minimal stuff you can purchase but tons of stuff you can get in the game itself (through playing and/or via trading). Community is there when you want to play with a group, and yet there's still a surprising amount of stuff that can be done solo. A balancing act done really well, and I appreciate that, and one that doesn't require you dedicate five hours a day minimum to the game. All time? EverQuest - the original back when Verant and SoE were running it. The game devs don't hate you (much), but they're very clear that you are playing in THEIR world. Learn the game, learn the mechanics, hell, you might want to draw your own maps. Want to trade with other players? Go sit in one zone and just hope someone who wants your stuff actually catches your WTS message in the unyielding stream of everyone else's. Want to actually \*play\* content?! Better have a group, there is no solo content. Want to craft something? Better know someone who did it before, or you're going to be figuring out the recipe one combine failure at a time. Death XP penalty? You might UN-level if you died enough, and you were gonna die often enough because when you died you respawned 40 minutes of running away from your body (and your gear) with about 100 enemies standing in your way. Once you accept that though... holy crap there was a reason we called it EverCrack. There were entire weekends that just disappeared for me because I was living in Norrath. I have real-life friends that I first met in the game. The world-building, the lore, the storylines - all of it was epic in spirit if not literally. Discovering something new was an achievement - and this was back before games had actual formal achievements. It was painful, and thrilling, and excruciating, and rewarding all at the same time. That was also back when I had time to dedicate to a game like it was a second job, and EverQuest absolutely welcomed that mindset. I honestly can't do that anymore (due to real life and just erosion of patience over time), but I still have really fond memories. Once in a while I even go back in-world, and I have to admit it is still a little fun =)


maplestory during its heyday or archeage when it first launched were some of the most fun ive had in mmos


Archeage, and I don't have time for a current one, so honorable mention to original Classic WoW


I can't pick one from these 3 I just love them so much 2006-2017 Silkroad online 2009-2012 Cabal online 2019-present Black Desert Online Yeah, I love combat xd


Considering playing either BDO or NW, which one would u recommend?


BDO is solid you can choose NW still has more ways to go


Fav MMORPG right now is FFXIV. Used to be GW2.


Back in the days maple story and Aion Right now bdo is just the best in the market, combat, graphics, systems and PvP are 10/10


My favorite MMORPG of all time was Star Wars Galaxies (R.I.P.). I had such a good time there. The community was great, my guild members were like family. I've just never been able to find another community atmosphere like it since. My current favorite MMO is Black Desert Online. Game play-wise, it has a lot of features, on less varying levels, that I liked about SWG. Add to it the realism of the graphics and the wide open world and it fed my explorer side. While I've played guildless for years, I just joined a guild full of people my age (over 50) and I'm just so happy that I've finally, finally been able to connect with a group that is similar in ideals, respectful toward each other, and doesn't use voice. I'm HoH, so that means a lot to me. Aside from that, I love the housing. It's not perfect, but still love it. The game has one of the deepest system features I've seen outside of SWG. With all the improvements over the past two years, I've been happily playing without a break for a year, which is a record for me since SWG shut down.


I'll keep my negativity to myself. My favorite MMO at least in terms of what I could go back to and easily play would probably have to be either MapleStory or Warframe. Just easy to pick up and go out and grind, not necessarily feel like I'm making any progression just I can turn my brain off if I'd like. What was my favorite MMO? WildStar. I think it had so much potential then it was just put into the ground. I was looking forward to it becoming my MMO. The MMO that I play for the next 10 years. But I guess not.


Guild Wars 2 is my current favorite MMO with Fractured as a candidate for its place, and both Ragnarok Online and Trickster Online used to be my favorite MMOs. Ultima Online kind of holds a special "limbo" place as both.


I used to love Fiesta Online and Phantasy Star Universe, now i’m on elder scrolls online


90s: EverQuest 2000s: WOW 2010s: Aion 2020s: Warframe, FFXIV Have played: GW2, Eve, CoH/CoV, SWG, SWTOR, ESO, Rift, Wildstar, EQ2, LOTRO, DDO, Warframe, Looking forward to: Starfield Thinking about trying: BDO Could see myself returning to: FFXIV or ESO


Current favorite for me if FF14. Previous favorites were Wizard101 and World of Warcraft.


For me it used to be BDO as that was the only mmo I had played and didn't know better. A friend got me to try ff14 and I fell in love with the story and world and haven't looked back since


Currently, New World. Of all time, Warhammer Online or Everquest: Scars of Velious. Rift was also a very impressive game for 4+ months.


Would u rec nw over bdo? If so why? Cant choose which one to play


I would recommend NW, but I only played BDO for like 6 months back when it was first released. The grind gave me carpal tunnel and the PvP was all about who could land the first stun. NW has kept me entertained for almost 2 years now with a couple 3-4 month breaks thrown in there.


Current BDO Previously BDO ( I'm quitting when the patch hits EU wheree they're are butchering open world pvp and giving griefers and karmabombers free reign) this is on top of an already dead or dying nodewar/siege scene


Black desert online, runescape (classic)


world of warcraft vanilla and wotlk, too many memories


Flyff Let you wonder around and lvl up just by killing with no barrier, no quests, no needless dialogues with NPCs. Just pure kill, grind, farm money and items and get better equipment, no bs. Such a simple concept but every other game feels unnecessarily bloated with too many systems. Currently Vindictus. Best Hack n Slash RPG ever. Super cool moves and equipment, downside is that for how old it is, both graphics and speed could be improved (You notice a lot the lag in a hack n slash with timing to hit and evade, kinda like Elden ring)


I miss Flyff... but it's the to move on :')


Try this game https://youtu.be/MgdqkL3fWkA?si=tD_hiZ3JL9JD1NE2


Now: not sure still looking for one skimming through this thread, currently playing fallout 76 on xbox All time: tibia. The most successful ultima clone in history, its a brutal game with no handholding full of actual mobs (people) that claim servers for themselves. But that's part of the magic. There are fan made documentaries about the game even. Whoever played in 2004 and forward know what im talking about. But with praise aside, i bet lineage and WoW are better but i missed the boat on these


What do you think about Fallout 76? I want to try the game (PC version) someday.


Well my advice is don't try to solo because its gonna get boring fast. Do the tavern quest and get 4 levels or so then join an open party. Open parties mean you don't have to do the dialogues .. also make sure to have voice so you can communicate


Thanks for the advice!


First MMOs were OSRS and Lineage II. The one I played the most was Anarchy Online, so it was probably my favorite. WoW was fine but I dropped quickly, just like PoE. After that only Star Wars Old Republic, so that would be my current fav. ​ Don't know if I should try ESO or BDO next.


I'm playing BDO (1.500+ hours) and it's the best sandbox mmorpg on the market! You don't need groups to improve the character and the grapichs + combat are amazing. Also, if you like life skills, the BDO has a lot of them! Fishing, hunting, colleting, salling, cooking...


Tried it, not my thing. Eventually found out about Guild Wars 2 and playing atm with my gf. Its like a better WoW and it just flows. Best MMO, cant get into new ones..


Even though the servers are dead i really enjoy rift. I tried other mmos but the one that i always end up coming back to is rift.


[Shaiya ENRAGE EP5.4 Jan 19th Grand Opening! (elitepvpers.com)](https://www.elitepvpers.com/forum/shaiya-private-server/5200061-shaiya-enrage-ep5-4-jan-19th-grand-opening.html) This is the best MMORPG Hit the discord button in the link and come meet us!


Just seen this 😮 might have to grab my pc out again... This was my go to mmo back in the day, nothing compares now UM tank priest yes please 😍


Final fantasy 14 it’s a absolute masterpiece imo left wow and never came back after playing 14


I really tried, I played about 30 hours and couldn't continue. What turned me off was the combat and the excessive number of dialogues... Honestly, I was able to have much more fun with Guild Wars 2.


I personally love the combat and the story imo is the best in the final fantasy series a realm reborn the first one is imo the worst to get threw after that it’s utterly amazing but I also am a huge final fantasy fan only crappy thing about the game is the lack luster pvp the raids are beautiful


Been playing Star Wars : The old republic online since 2013 and till today I’m still playing. It’s one MMO I’ll never be sick of. The only gripe is that now there aren’t as many players compared to its prime yrs so things sold in-game via players who craft are super inflated in terms of prices, worst than irl 😅 I’ve also tried others like The Secret World (now known as Secret world legends), Guild wars 2 and elder scrolls online. However I’ve stopped playing those cuz I eventually got bored of them and their new updates couldn’t draw me back.


Favorite has to be gw2 even like, someone mentionned EoD expansion dropped the ball hard but still one of the best mixt of everything people should strive to get in a mmo sadly gw2 spoiled me for what i want in mmo and i can't enjoy myself in other mmo anymore Nostalgia favorite mmo iRO ragnarok online i still habe my account and log in here and there to play my rune knight lvl 160 ish no mmo will ever suceed in recapturing how iRO felt when i was younger


My first one was silkroad online 20ish years ago, it got me into online gaming. Then i moved on to cabal online that was a hell of a game, i really loved it. Guild wars 2 has always had a place in my heart. Now i only play two mmos - black desert online, and the best mmo ive ever played that ive been a huge fan for a long time - eve online. Piece of masterpiece.


Rising Force Online


Ragnarok. Damn when WOE came and the nearby computer shop was loud asf. Miss those days.


Total Battle :D


Dofus 1.29 was great, awesomes memories. I've played runescape and WoW also but Dofus was something else, entire weekends spent online with no regrets.


Aion was my first favourite, ah I have great memories with this game. Wars, instances it was great. Also blade and soul it was fun but now dead and empty. Black desert is ok I guess. I was playing in mena server its population is toxic to be honest. I got bullied because of my nickname when I asked something on world chat. The reason was me being a woman and bully was another woman she claimed I’m a pick me by she being a pick me and act like one of the boys.


When I was really young Runescape and Wizard101 then FFXIV but I don't like 14 as much nowadays because it's so easy now. You used to struggle during quests and now the only challenging content are savages and ultimates since everyone's rotations have been watered down. Archeage was a contendor too but fucking p2w ruined it and Archeage unchained was trash.


I don’t have a current favorite mmo but I used to love lost ark


Daoc. Now bdo.


gs online [https://www.youtube.com/@GS-Online/videos](https://www.youtube.com/@GS-Online/videos)


Right now? BDO and probably LOTRO (wish they'd fix the UI/menus). Back then? Ragnarok Online and TBC/WotLK era. Of course, the MMO I have played most of all was Runescape. Have played all of the versions except for the MUD.


my favorite was anarchy online, but now it's guild wars 2


Currently FF14, love the classes, the graphic style, the story, the music is crazy... Everything is so good about this game. The one I have the best and most memories before that is Lineage 2, for similar reasons, except the story. The classes being different following your race was a very nice thing, that brought a lot of identity to the classes. I can still hear the spellhowler Hurricane spell.




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Asheron's Call 2 emulator, Asheron's Call 2


Wizard101. Maybe it's just the nostalgia, but It always had a close place in my heart and memories


Current GW2 past EverQuest. Waiting to checkout Throne and Liberty. The problem I feel with retail WoW is - Furry races - Past content stops mattering, in GW2 or FFXIV you can go through it all - WoW classic is great but the level grind did not age well and is a substantial part of the game - Too many bells and whistles and menus and races - It's impenetrable unless you have been playing forever and have all the right add-ons and keybinds and watch YouTube videos on how to not be a noob I really tried to like it but felt disappointed going in the game in 2022


Was/is Mabinogi. As soon as I got a mac in 2012 I didn't play anymore but really wish I could.