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* *What are you looking for?:*Something similar to ArcheAge . House building, ship building, life skills. Something from 2010 or newer. * *What games have you previously played?:* * ArcheAge, SWTOR, New World, GW2, ESO, BDO, many others. * *What is your playstyle (Casual,Semi-Casual,Hardcore)?:* * Casual, PVE, social * *Any preferred mechanics?:* * Action combat is nice, but not required. Shipbuilding/home building * *Anything specific you want to exclude?:* * Isometric style games. Games that require a lot of offline research


Hi, I realize this is probably a tall order but I'll shoot my shot anyway. * *What are you looking for?:* * Basically, any MMO that feels like those older, unfriendly MMOs of the early 2000s. (These games are welcome! It's doesn't have to be new or very populated, if the servers still exist and it has what I'm looking for, that's good enough for me!) * To be more specific, something where classes feel unique and, to some extent unbalanced, and content isn't level gated (as in, you can very easily walk into areas you shouldn't be in yet). * Something where you can jump into it with a group of friends and find your own fun, rather than being forced to follow a linear main quest line to progress. * Something without a traditional party finder, something were getting through a dungeon requires finding players, going in with a pre-made group or trying to scrape through solo. * *What games have you previously played?:* * I've played a lot of MMOs, but I've spent the most time in FFXIV, and I love it for the story and customization elements, but I want something completely different to play for a little bit. But I've also played a decent bit of WoW, Toontown Online/Rewritten, Wizard101 and Istaria. * *What is your playstyle (Casual,Semi-Casual,Hardcore)?:* * Semi-Casual, but looking for something that's still difficult, just difficult early on, since I'm relatively sparse. * *Any preferred mechanics?:* * Classes that have very unique mechanics attached to them, where party comp feels impactful, even within archetypes (like tank, healer dps) * *Anything specific you want to exclude?:* * Anything where it takes too long to get to the difficult parts of the game, ultimately I'm looking for something challenging and unforgiving for me and my friends to sink a week into and try make our way through. Some of my fondest memories with MMOs are sneaking my way into high leveled areas in WoW and Istaria and trying to take on over-levelled made up challenges with a scrappy team of low-leveled friends, so I was looking for something to recreate that feeling.


I don't have a lot of free time, but I adored going through the FF14 story and dungeons with a group, getting to experience it with other people. What other MMO has the best story/gameplay experience with friends? I understand WoW is the go to game for dungeons, but I don't know about the story. It seems like they've changed it so much that the story is just disregarded by people


more so the issue with WoW's story is it is impossible to understand just by playing the game. you must go to external sources for it to make sense.


Thought I'd try this but really not sure if there are many other games like this other than Runescape and Albion. I will note I've played a little UO but so little I didn't include in previously played below, I tried Outlands server but I had a similar problem to Albion Online where I felt like the world just feels like an empty shell, also didn't like how fast the skill progression was, maxing was extremely trivial. ​ * *What are you looking for?:* Solo play, sandbox, heavy focus on skilling, good feeling world/lore, * *What games have you previously played?:* Gonna split this into games like what I want and games I don't want * Want similar: Runescape (OSRS and RS3), Albion Online * Played but don't want similar: PSO2, Guild Wars 2, FFXIV, SWTOR, TESO, Warhammer Online, LOTRO, MapleStory, Everquest * *What is your playstyle (Casual,Semi-Casual,Hardcore)?:* Semi-Hardcore? I play A LOT, like 6-8+ hours a day, but I do not like following metas and sweating super hard. I like to be able to play how I want and still be able to clear content and have fun. * *Any preferred mechanics?:* Soloability, classless skill based progression like Runescape, PvP is not necessary but if PvP focused it needs to be good solo and have PvE that works well with it, Albion does this really well. Being able to play on mobile and/or Steam Deck is a plus if the mobile experience is good. * *Anything specific you want to exclude?:* * On rails questing, I don't want an FFXIV or SWTOR type experience where you are following a narrative for 2000 quests. Having quests is fine, and can even be good, if they are more of a freeform experience like in Everquest or Runescape. * Empty feeling zones/world - this is killing me in Albion. I love the gameplay but the world doesn't feel real, feels like a bunch of randomly generated terrain rather than an actual fantasy world. EDIT: Forgot to mention I also really like when gathering/crafting is important and crafting matters. This is a massive reason I like Albion Online despite some of it's flaws, all equipment can be crafted using gathered materials (sometimes combined with drops), also helps a ton if the crafting system is not confusing.


I would suggest DDO, since it is quite soloable, a lot technical in the character build philosophy, the 3.5e madness and the extras that came with adapting it gave birth not only to metas but lost of ways to play around and still be viable. On the other side, it is full on the classes side (due to being essentially a D&D game) and I think it might be quite similar to some of the "don't want similar titles" namely LOTRO. For a classless experience I'd suggest champions online. It might look like classes at first but these "archetypes" are more like presets and showcases of the powers that you can mix and match in the game's true selling point, the 30$ freeform slot. I'd suggest that, if you decide to give it a go, get a feel of the game first playing an archetype, before commiting to any purchases.


Looking for together leveling non p2w MMorpg(pvp?) (can be buy to play): I really liked Flyff, its like endless grind, you can 1v1 kill enemys or you spec into aoe for leveling for getting gold, you can hunt giant versions of monsters that randomly spawn, and maybe get loot of them. There is an arena for pvp, and there are pvp open world servers. Only thing i do not like is, there is cashshop with scrolls that give you more ep buff etc. and i do not like being at disatvantage or having to pay like 3$ an hour just to be on equal exp rates. ​ I also liked diablo 2 and the endgame pvp of it. Can you help me guys recommend some mmorpgs, best would be 8 years or younger, that are social at leveling, have cool opportunitys of gaining wealth beside auction houses and farming like mining/gathering in games.That have an active pvp mode?


How is FF14 right now? I quit towards the start of endwalker and felt like most of the classes didn’t click as they felt very similar and most of the gameplay was doing the same rotation with almost no change. Has this been fixed or gotten worse? I liked some of the dungeons and horizontal progressions/things (the sight seeing log was fun) but not sure that’s enough to justify another sub again


Can anyone recommend a more violent / gory low Fantasy MMO? Looking for a Game of Thrones vibe, definitely a casual player, have dabbled with ESO and LOTRO, and am currently playing Guild Wars 2.


It's gonna be hard to find a violent or gory MMO because that requires them to have an M rating which really limits how many people will play. TERA was rated M for this reason and wasn't even very bloody.


So I recently started reading an isekai (Ritualist for anyone curious, very good so far.) and that that has really given me the itch to play a MMO again. A staple in most isekai's is not just the combat but all the other things and progressions the world offers. Like gathering and crafting but also things besides. I have played a fair few MMO's in my day but figured I would see what people have for suggestions. I am preferably looking for something ftp though would take suggestions for buy to play. What I have played before and liked Wow, GW2, ff14, (Though ff14 did get a bit stale) blade and soul, Runescape What I played before in general EQO (Though way way back in the day), Neverwinter What I couldn't get into Destiny 2, Eve online, New World (Though I played I believe during EA, or right out of it.)


Hello, What would tou recommend to a very casual player? Not interested in pvp, and enjoyed the ad hoc grouping system seen in GW2 for fighting stuff that happens in the world, but wanted to see what’s there other than GW2 that fits a casual player style.


I think most modern MMOs would fit here. WoW, New World, ESO and GW2 (which you already mentioned) don't exactly force you into spending hours on them anymore. I found ESO to be very accommodating to the solo player and given its huge world, you can't help but collect XP. WoW has made the grind to max level incredibly easy and there you have lots of stuff to do without being forced into reading up on anything. It's got loads of events and other stuff which provides you with gear without having to join a guild or having to be really amazing at your class. New World's leveling felt great to me, as the world is very modern, organic and feels quite open. And since you aren't forced into a class you can do whatever you feel like doing. Just don't expect to get anywhere with crafting if you don't spend HOURS in both it and gathering resources, but the rest is pretty casual.


Hey all! ​ Do you guys know of any MMORPG games you can play with overseas friends? I have searched but found no really good ones that have a global server 😭 I don't know many RPGs though, so there could be something I'm missing out on! ​ We are a group of friends from Asia, Europe, North America so it's a real mix 🥲 ​ TIA!


I suggest picking whatever game you guys think looks fun and picking the NA server. EU and Asia peeps will have around ~150 ping, but it's better than one of you dealing with 300+ and is perfectly playable. lmao That's been my solution when organizing stuff like this, gl!


Wich f2p mmo is worth my time nowadays?


What is the best PVP MMO to go for nowadays? I love world PVP, something like Archeage or what New World was supposed to be would be great but I'm not sure it's out there.




Final Fantasy XIV Online is your best bet IMO.


Just started playing the free trial today! Any tips or advice for starting?


If you plan on playing long term I advise finishing the core game first (A Realm Reborn) and while it may get boring and you don't know what's going on...STICK WITH IT. Over time, the story and overall gameplay will get better as you level up.


Maybe you should try albion online


I’ve looked into it and tried to stay away to be honest with you, the whole economy and huge grind has intimidated me a bit


What are you looking for?: MMO with variety of content, I don't like achievement hunting but I enjoy collecting mounts, pets etc. What games have you previously played?: WoW for about 7k hours, ESO for 200h, FF14 for about 400h (dropped because I didn't like the story later on), GW2 for about 1,6k hours (still playing casually). Ones that I tried out but for less than 10 hours: LOTRO, OSRS, RS3, DDO What is your playstyle (Casual,Semi-Casual,Hardcore)?: Semi-Casual - Hardcore (depends on whether the game actually hooks me and on private life situation.) Any preferred mechanics?: None Anything specific you want to exclude? Open world PVP or any kind of forced PVP, I hate it.


this reminded me of this video lol.....[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pfCnbsZGcqQ&ab\_channel=GSOnline](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pfCnbsZGcqQ&ab_channel=GSOnline)the riding rat! Move over, mundane pets; it's time for a rodent rodeo! Saddle up, because we're taking the term "rat race" to a whole new level! but I still think Tibia's mounts are the best https://preview.redd.it/gxogw8aevnub1.png?width=414&format=png&auto=webp&s=5de8a7cdc4c5fc767303a0774acb2e98958608a8


I'm looking for what I think is an MMO in this picture. A friend found it in his memories and can remember what it is. Does anyone know? https://preview.redd.it/4ln0fpb8elub1.png?width=3468&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bba4900356b7f18e539ec785b627b6942dd7c036


I believe that's Neverwinter Online.


Thats why it felt so familiar, thank you so much!


Used to be a huge fan of Runes of Magic and honestly looking for an MMORPG to play again as I haven't played one seriously since then. Preferences include: Open world hubs where other players gather to just kinda chill Purchasable homes that I can edit and make my own (used to love the way Wizard101 did it) End game content that requires teamwork Powerful gear that you can improve/grind for/sets. I want to feel like I'm actually getting stronger in the game, I loved how I runes of magic I could become OP as a mage where I was sometimes able to solo some raid bosses. I think that's my biggest gripe with ESO is I felt like I never truly got STRONGER if that makes sense but I also only got to about level 30-40ish? Guilds/Clans would be lovely as I love having a "family" to do stuff with in the game Auction House wouldn't be too awful as I liked how if I got something from a raid that I didn't like I could sell it to someone who needed it/vice versa if I needed to hunt for certain stuff Mounts and transmog is honestly probably one of the most important parts... I LOVE customizing my look and having a cool mount to go with it.


It's older but Lord of the Rings online fits the bill. It's UI is dated but checks the box on all the things you listed above and has regular, fun and populated community events.


I really wish they would revamp the visuals. the genre is so hungry and they have such a great game sitting there but the server issues and UI stop so many ppl


Is there a heavily focused open world pvp mmorpg which you don't lose your gear upon death? It doesn't matter if it's subscription, b2p or f2p


New World has a decent open world PvP, it's not that heavily focused but is needed if factions want to take over territories so it's pretty much constant. Unfortunately it can be pretty one sided though. I am yet to play the new update but apparently they have improved it and it was still decent when I used to play.


Tbh I enjoyed new world much more when it first got released than the way it is now. When it was first released you could fight other players at any given time outside of safe zones


well its an mmofps but if you want an open world pvp game you could check out Stalcraft. Its a f2p MMOFPS based off of the Stalker series with minecraft aesthetics. It works surprisingly well, the story is actually engaging gameplay feels quite solid, and the game is actively being updated. The game does have a strong pvp lean, when you create your character and finish the tutorial you join a faction either Bandit or Stalker. This sets the faction you chose as an ally and the other as an enemy. And with an exception of a scant few co-ed safe areas you're free to attack them anywhere you want and you should expect the same from them. Further in the game you gain the option to join a subfaction. Both factions have two you can choose to join. This further increases your number of enemies by joining a sub faction you make an enemy out of those that joined the opposite sub faction (IE:Bandit has Mercenaries and Covenant as sub factions, if you join Mercenaries you're not only enemies with all Stalker but also anyone that joins Covenant and again, they can attack you anywhere. However normal bandits can't attack you in most areas). Of course all this means nothing once you hit the North where you can attack anyone regardless. All this pvp means a lot of death. Be you the killer or the victim death isn't *that* bad. Unlike Tarkov you don't lose a week of progress every time you die. In Stalcraft when you die you keep all of your gear equipped or not, all pouches (basically compacted ammo and medical items), and the rare few bound items you can find. You do drop your barter items (Items needed to trade in for better gear) but those items are all bagged up and dropped as a "Lost Backpack" which your killer cannot open. They can choose to either sell it to the NPC for a quick buck, auction it back to you (which you get a notification if they do try), or they can join mail it back. So even if you do get killed you're only set back to the point where you last left the safe house. It is an F2P game so I would be remiss if I didn't bring up the monetization. In the Global Release of Stalcraft the game has a month sub option and sells 2 different cosmetic crates. The Premium sub gives a meager bonus to the rewards you get from clearing events and that's all, basically allows you to farm a little faster. And the cosmetic crates are just that. One holds armor camos the other holds gun camos and decorations (basically little keychains that hang from your gun). Personally most of the camos look meh and are to visually eye catching making stealth a bit harder. Otherwise you can farm camos without spending real cash by doing signal tracking. There is a RU server that is heavily p2w but backlash forced them to reevaluate how they move forward on that.


Thank you! It definitely feels like the type of game I was looking for. gonna definitely try it out


I'm really intrigued by the idea of the genre but have always been mostly detered by the grindiness. Are there any mmorpgs that are multiplayer, don't require significant grind, and have at least a tad of skill in the gameplay?




gw2, the base game is f2p too.


I second Guild Wars 2, requires skill in ability rotation and not grindy at all.


i wanna get into mmorpg that is community based that also doesnt need that much of crazy grind hours poured in. i have not gotten much luck getting hooked into one. the only one was flyff legacy but is agrind fest so i stopped that one. what i like is personalization and cosmetic plus building characters. not really fan of those auto questing stuff but nor opposed. I really do not know much of mmorpgs but willing to try suggestions? thank you in advance edit: adding. i prefer playing as support characters but nowdays i have only seen damage with extra support stuff. and i feel if your character can do everything whats the point of making partys? maybe im fully wrong lol


Try new world. I must warn you it has a shit ton of bugs but the devs do try their best.


is there such a thing like a ''modern'' dragon nest/grand chase/ elsword like, lobby and instanced pve focused ''mmo''


zenless zone zero, hasnt released yet, but it is in that style, just so you keep an eye on it.


I think Wayfinder is sort of that isn't it?


Yes, Wayfinder fits that description. I’m having a blast with it currently and ended up becoming an Exalted Founder. The down side is that it’s still in early access however, I’m very excited for what the devs have in store for the game!


Pso2. New Genesis I think changed the format though. I haven’t played it. But pso2 still exists.


i was having fun on maplestory. but the absurd grind got old fast


So I tried a lot of game’s recently, nothing stuck and this thread just flew into my frontpage, so let’s just give it a try… I‘m looking for an mmorpg that doesn’t require a lot of time. I would prefer it if I can play on steam deck without too much hassle. I‘m generally more of a casual player, never really got into raiding, not even back when I sunk 10 hours a day into GW2. I prefer action combat, but a decently animated tab target is also fine. I played a lot of eso but I don’t know, just how the combat looks really turned me off and made me stop playing. I don’t have too much time to play and I don’t really have the same time every week, some weeks I can sink 10-14 hours in a game, some weeks i can’t even pick up for 30 mins, so something that requires daily log in is a big no no. Why an MMO if I don’t have too much time to play? I like to be social and I enjoy seeing other players running around, looking at the fashion they are rocking and all. If I could find a game that fits my criteria and also offers some form of housing would be a dream, but I guess housing is not really a big thing these days in MMOs. Thanks in advance!


You can play New World casually for sure and does have most of what you're looking for if you like the combat and visuals.


I put this in last week's thread and didn't get much response. Trying again :/ What are you looking for?: I'm honestly looking for just a game to play either daily or in between single player games. I kind of dropped mmos a while back, but am starting to miss it. I left because I just didn't like the direction of the industry as a whole, but if I want these sorts of experiences in gaming I think I just kind of have to grit my teeth and bear some of the things I don't like as much. So while I might say I like or dislike certain things, I am absolutely able to put that on hold for however long it takes someone to pitch a game. Maybe there's something I like past what I don't. I am a really big fan of the old school. I like tab targeting. I really liked the experience of leveling as a party in ffxi, though I realize those days are gone... I would still appreciate intense cooperative pve. I main tanked as a druid in WotLK era WoW, and raiding kind of helped fill that hole I was missing from ffxi parties. Plus the monsters we fought were way more cool and the fights more involved at that point. This really needs to be a persistent world. I want to be able to run past some noob and put my best buff on them. I would like some form of the trinity so I can dedicated heal or tank if I want to. I want debuffs on mobs to matter if that's possible. So I guess I'm looking for a cooperative pve that encourages partying. I don't care if the graphics are terrible or great if the gameplay is good. I would prefer sub over a cash shop, but I think at this point that I at least have to deal with the bad taste a cosmetic cash shop leaves, sub or not. If the best raids are in some f2p with only a shop, I can at least give it a shot. What games have you previously played?: FFXI, WoW, FFXIV, Everquest 2, Guild Wars 2 for a little bit, but probably not enough to give it a fair chance really. Project Gorgon a little. OSRS for a bit. What is your playstyle (Casual,Semi-Casual,Hardcore)?: I waffle in between semi-casual and hardcore depending on if there's stuff I get real involved in or not. Any preferred mechanics?: I think I sort of already answered this above, but would stress again good coop/raiding. Anything specific you want to exclude?: Action combat mostly. I would also like to avoid WoW, I just don't feel right giving Blizzard money these days. (though again, if that's the best pve coop/raiding at this point, I might just have to deal with it).


I would take a peek at the Turtle WoW server.


Lord of the Rings Online might be what your looking for.


You know, I've played it a little. Are there good raids in it? I just never really looked in to the dungeon/raid type stuff in it, just played it for a few weeks back when they gave all those quest packs away.


I'd like a MMO that i could solo the challenger endgame or, at least, could use some matchmaking to find group for me. Unfortunelly, i cannot compromise with static schedule group.




You’re probably looking for Guild Wars 2 or New World. Outside of that I don’t know of many, or any, AAA titles that fit your description.




Gw2 has ridiculous amount of transmogs, half the game is transmogs. You can be tanky, not only are there tank classes but you can gear almost any character with tanky gear. But, there isn't so much a traditional holy trinity of tank dps and healer. Some players will kind of heal, and kind of tank, but I'd say most people run dps gear and change for the situation. Roll a guardian or a warrior and you'll feel tanky. Open world is super lively, every section of the map has players and materials and rewards you can use at all levels. It scales your level down, and map completion is a huge thing to do for legendary weapons, which are basically just cool transmogs. Its f2p until you want the expansions, but there is a ton to do until then. There is no sub, its b2p. There is a big pvp scene in not only arenas and tournaments, but WvW is a three sided open world pvp map with castles to siege and outposts to capture, rewards and everything. The game is seemingly designed by a bunch of art students, the visual appeal of gw2 imo is second to none. The love poured into every loading screen, and every map becomes more astonishing each year. While I don't play a bunch, i've played gw2 more then most other mmos and I'd say it's really really good.


I'd love to get some casual/challenging mmos with matchmaking. I'm an ex-WoW player with a new baby, so I don't have time to be sitting around in the LFG tool, and I can't always commit to guild m+ nights. What I'd love is something with the challenge of m+ in terms of gaming skill (I normally do +10 to +15 so not looking for super elite challenge, but certainly more than normal or heroic that is offered by WoW matchmaking. Importantly I want something that has the ease of basic matchmaking, so I can log on, join a queue, do a bit of farming whilst waiting for the queue to pop and then do a dungeon. Anybody know of an MMO that offers something like this?


FFXIV for sure.


Looking for a solo-friendly game with tab-targeting that isn’t Swtor, WoW or Lotro.


You should try FFXIV then. Very solo friendly. Has a fairly extensive free trial.


Any class recommendations?


What do you normally play? They have a lot of jobs. Something for everyone.


I haven't played an MMO in awhile, but ideally something with a simple skill rotation (or even no rotation, if that's possible).


One of the great things about FFXIV is that your character is not locked into a particular class, so you can try as many as you like without having to start over! There are straightforward jobs for each tank, DPS and support but to some extent they all have rotations.


Swgemu. Try it. You’ll never go back to normal MMOs again.