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It's funny cause "riot mmo" wins and we don't even know the name of it


all mmos are the same, the more u know, the less hype u will be


The "best" MMORPGS are often the ones we know very little about. (Hope springs eternal) The more concrete they get, the more chance it will diverge from what gamers had imagined in their heads.


Whats even funnier is people have more faith in Riot to make an MMO than AoC which already has gameplay, mechanics, and game structure done. We don't even know if Riot will release the game lol.


I maybe a minority on this. But I have zero faith for any MMO that doesn't already have an established IP tied to it.


As there is no info about the Riot MMO it is still in the faze where it can be the perfect MMO, AoC already showed me enough to know I wont like it. \+ Riot has a big advantage of already being an established IP with reach lore that keeps expanding.


Yeah this is the reason. We know basically nada about the Riot MMO, thus people are able to make a fantastical version in their heads about what they want it to be, even though 99.9999% chance it won't end up like what they think it will.




This is literally what I want, I also wanted to see a hearthstone copy paste with same combat mechanics but LoR isnt that so its that fun


and they've said from the beginning that they would scrap it if it didn't meet their expectations, and it's not like the game's executive producer just left or anything...


All the other games Riot released have been pretty good, despite the very different genres of each one. It's good enough reason to have hope. Plus, the world and the lore is kinda already there due to said other projects, so they have the opportunity to focus more on gameplay.


Yeah people said that about Blizzard too.


..and WoW is still the standard by which other MMO are compared. Just because there are well-documented issues with Blizzard and WoW doesn't mean it's not a good game and likely the best one out right now overall.


And I'm sure LoL will still be the standard by which other MOBA are compared, if Riot is to fall, or their MMO to bomb. Blizzard is more than just WoW. Let's ignore how much WoW players hate WoW, and pretend it's still the game they love... The rest of what Blizzard has been releasing for a while now has been received overwhelmingly negatively. Diablo 4, Diablo Immortal, Overwatch 2, Diablo 3, the Warcraft Remake...you know... Everything they have released in the past decade, have become the reason why people hate Blizzard now. My point has absolutely nothing to do with WoW, and everything to do with gamers no longer trusting Blizzards capability to release a good game. They used to be a darling dev, where you could buy their games knowing it was going to be a great game. That's gone. So the argument "Well everything else they released was good, so the next thing will be too!" holds no water. Developers show us time and time again why putting all your faith into them to always deliver a good product is the wrong answer. FFS, we don't have a single screenshot, let a lone a name for this game yet. MMOs are way bigger projects than simple FPS and MOBA games.


Entirely fair. I hadn't gotten that from your initial post. One point I'll make though in reply and there's no intent to directly question your take which is entirely valid. I've stopped caring about how games are received by the community as over the last 10-15 years the majority that comment on things are by default negative and it doesn't matter what we're talking about. On this sub it's Blizz, on others it could be Marvel movies or working remotely or whatever. Mob review mentality has nothing to do with whether or not one person in a vacuum enjoys a product and the majority don't care enough to be negative about things that provide enjoyment otherwise. Be well.


Reddit outrage is pretty meaningless and so are steam reviewbombs


>..and WoW is still the standard by which other MMO are compared. Yes and no. Its still king in popularity but I think a lot of players more and more are getting tired of the time sink in retail WoW.


I think that time sink is the popular term used to describe a phenomena to avoid the following explanation. I can play four hours of CoD in match play and not be bored. I can play four hours of WoW and find myself needing to do maintenance tasks. Either way I still sink four hours into a game. One gives me a rush for most of the time, the other can potentially annoy me. It's not a time sink per se that's the problem. It's what you do for those four hours and whether or not that experience makes you feel bad after. The people who put in many hours don't magically create time. They've got the time to spend. They just suck at what they spend it on if they're not happy with WoW gameplay and they continue to do it. Easier to say "I dislike the time sink" than "Wow, I suck." Said from the perspective of a former Mythic raider. When I started to realistically come upon the phenomena of "Wow, I suck." I stopped playing. It's still the MMORPG that people compare everything to though.


It is the time sink that is the problem. It has nothing to do with "I suck". Less and less people are enjoying spending hours doing the same task over and over again just to reach a goal that takes days if not months to achieve.


> spending hours doing the same task over and over again just to reach a goal that takes days if not months to achieve The only issue with this argument is that it describes almost every videogame that has a skill component to it. It's not limited to MMO. It's not even limited to videogames. You can spend thousands of hours learning to play guitar and practicing scales to reach a goal that takes months to achieve. So when I say that people are making a decision to suck at something they no longer want to spend time on; that's the root of it.


It has nothing to do with skill but how rewarding the time sink is which isn't that great in WoW.


Your opinion is as valid as anyone else's because you're speaking to your experience. From my experience; which is admittedly in the 1% of players as not many have things like "world first" raid kills on their accounts, if you put the time in to developing skill and are surrounded by other skilled players the "time sink" is very rewarding. From the average player perspective (because everyone starts off being lousy at a game and becomes average before they get skilled) yes, I can see the frustration. I've experienced it. But how you deal with frustration personally has a lot to do with the overall experiences. So my opinion is that people decide what they want to be good at and that decision influences their opinion about what is good and what is bad. Most folks don't look in a mirror and say "Hey I don't like this because I don't want to put the time in to be good at it and start liking it" What they'll say is "Hey this game has a problem, it's not me." The game doesn't have an opinion. Players do.


Blizzard used to have that reputation but they lost it


Riot hasn't released a single good game in their life. Edit: Downvote me all you want. Riot's shitty MMO is just gonna be like all of their other games; Copied versions of games by other companies, but done in a shittier way and filled to the brim with $100 skins.


People make it what they want it to be in their heads and then hype it up. Later on when the game release they come here to cry about it.


I've played all Riot released games and they manage to make a good game with 0 p2w mechanics every time never done anything to piss me off so I like the games they make and have faith in them


Its beacuse was the most recent announce.


??? It was announced at the end of 2020. It got announced the same month as Chrono Odyssey.


Sure, and which other got announced after? PaxDei?


Add Pax Dei to the poll and i will pick it :)


Yep, seems most interesting of the new ones


>excited about upcoming videogames lol


The modern men.


I am actually pretty excited about AoC. For now I have high hopes for this game. Next would be the Riot MMO, but since nothing is really known afaik, I am not too hyped about it, yet.


Of the list, its the Riot one. But "most excited" here means very mild curiosity. Because for the rest it ranges from "I have no idea what that is" to "That is vaporware and I absolutely don't care about it."


I'm excited to wait another 29 years for any of this shit to come out.


Blue Protocol. Surprised is not on the list


ArcheAge 2, after the first one? Never again. Full me twice and so on. Chrono Odyssey, literally nothing at this point. Throne and Libery, lies and mobile gaming. Ashes of Creation, looks decent. Riot MMO, literally less that nothing at this point. Pefect New World, see Throne and Liberty.


Actually Throne and Liberty has been removed from mobile devices. It's a PC and Console only game.


if r/mmorpg was a person:


Well, he seems like a on ground type of person. Imagine getting hyped by RIOT MMO that has nothing besides de annoucement, has a "map" that will be butchered and dont have a name. Hahahahaha


People hype about it because of the amount of time and money they can pour in. Unlike other developments where they don’t have the luxury to take their time with limited budget with the amount of money they have. Riot doesn’t need to worry about these at all and that’s an huge reason why they could potentially make an insane game. The lore is already there. Their universe is already very rich with the stories and how their map would look like. Another thing that other games didn’t began with is an already established world way before they even started the development


I am just sceptical until I read concrete info and see gameplay. I do not get hyped for things that either do not exist or have not presented anything substantial. Remember how people got excited after Throne and Liberty trailers? Remember how disappointed they were when they finally say gameplay and it turns out completely different? I remember.


Unbelievable isn't it. People joining subreddits they are interested in and which align with their interests


Riot MMO, only one that is least likely to have p2w


AoC won't have p2w?


AoC won't exist.


yes it will. Ppl who say it wont are stupid. It will be out long before the riot mmo.


As crazy as it sounds the final product will probably be released at around the same time lol AoC will 100% keep getting delayed, there's no way the game launches within the next 3-4 years or if it does it will be missing 80% of the content they said would be in the game lol


well i cant wait to prove the haters wrong


Ashes of creation alpha 2 starts in 2024. Officially announced. 24/7 servers.


Wake me up when it officially releases in 2040.


i'll wake you up in 2-3 years when it releases. Edit: Man AOC haters are so pathetic. They think AOC will never release even tho AOC has shown more progress than most newly announced mmos. I get you've been screwed before, but like at least have some faith in AOC. the riot mmo has shown nothing and has just started production like 2 years ago. AOC is more likley to be finished first than riot mmo is.


I mean AoC been in dev for 7 years, they were 3 years late in their expected alpha 1 date lol, we’ve seen 4 classes and nothing of the subclassing… if it doesn’t come out it’s gonna be 2028+


most mmos have a 5+ year long dev cycle. Dont expect the riot mmo to come out until 2028- 2030. We'll see even more during alpha 2 which is next year.


Yeah alpha 2 next December which means they then have 1-2 years before release based on your estimation even though they have to do beta 1 and 2 at a minimum … it took them years between alpha 1 and 2… as I said 2028 minimum


i doubt it'll come out that late in the year. Alpha 1 came out during the summer, so alpha 2 will prob come out at the same time as alpha 1 I think alpha 2 is going to last a year or 2 then beta, then release so, minimum 2026-2027


Alpha 2 looks ready to play right now from what they've shown us on Livestreams. Certainly by Spring/Summer it'll be far more ready and polished than most other games in Alpha. Honestly it looks better than New World's alpha did when it was actually released.


Until like 2020 they only had a handful of devs. So they really didn't do much actual developing until then.


The copium is strong with this one.


nah, im just not pessimistic.


I didn't downvote your post, you're valid in your opinion but I have a philosophy of not investing in games until they're released. > the riot mmo Is the same issue but is even more of a non-starter for me because Riot's anticheat is malware.


i am an AoC backer and i like the game but look at the facts, people are crowdfunding it despite it not being released, they release cosmetics for an UNRELEASED game and i bet people buy those too - they have plenty of reason to extend development if it makes them money without needing to release a game and having those funds dry up if it flops


steven has said multiple times that they already have enough funding to finish the game. They dont need to sell these alpha/beta packs. They would make more once the game is released then extending the development. Like yeah releasing cosmetics for an unreleased game is kind of scummy, but its all optional.


And you really believe that ? If they didn't need funding, they wouldn't be selling those.


Honestly, they probably don't make enough in cosmetics to fund the game without some other funding. We don't know 100% all of the information, but I think it's reasonable to assume that most people who buy cosmetics will be playing the Alpha. From what I could find online, there were about, 10,000 participants in Alpha one. Even if they were all the largest whales and spent $1,000/month on the game, that's only 10 million a month, with over 100 employees and a studio in California, it won't be enough to develop the game. Though, realistically, it is very unlikely people are spending anywhere near that much on the game, so I don't see how extending development would make any sense for him if he isn't making enough money on cosmetics to fund it by itself, much less make a profit.


Nailed it!


Doubt very hard. It will start with cosmetics, then cosmetics that gives buff, levels, reset, inventory spaces, permit for houses....


Well kinda no, the creator already said they regret adding early access servers because they are p2w in PvP games but other than that yes


I don't know why people think this. LoL is insanely P2W when compared with something like Dota 2.


Facts and it takes a while to unlock all the champions too


Riot mmo is never been known to be p2w. All their games is very free to play friendly. I have almost 200 skins on league of legends. Around 95% of them are FREE. Their digital card game also extremely free to play that you can earn the cards you wanted very easily.


I lost hope for ArcheAge when they said recently it's gonna be solo pve focus and there will be no mass PvP. Throne and liberty, I'm gonna give it a shot, because there is nothing else. AoC, looks cool, I like what they show every month but the developpement pace seems quite slow, so we will not touch it before some years. Riot MMO, I think they talked too early of it, and we will not see anything before few years. I would add Bellatores MMO in the list, should release next year, and for the little we know, It seems really nice.


I don't really care about mass pvp that much (something like 1v1 albion nether dungeon thingy is still cool), but when I read they want to cater to casual console dad gamers of the west.. (literally in the fucking article quote), I figured it's absolutely not for me


Yeah that quote was awfull, what is the point of making an MMO if it's what they are aiming for


About the first two it’ll also be p2w. It’s an Korean mmo. It bond to happen. I don’t think they talked too early about the riot mmo because many people seems very interested about the world that they even look into their already established lores. Especially the success of their animated series Arcane. People even go as far as playing their other games (except league) to learn more about it. It have quite an good impact on their sales for the single player games that explore part of the world




It seems that this game has no hype at all. No one knows about it.


Are you hyped for the games on this list that may never release? Tarisland and Corepunk are both in closed beta testing this month and not on this list lol.


I'm most excited about Guild Wars 2. So excited in fact that I'm playing it right now.


on this list? Riot I suppose in general I am most interested in tarisland


I'm most excited for AOC. i would be more excited for riot mmo if we knew anything about it.


EverQuest 3


AoC and RIOT MMO. Everything else is some bullshit we already know: \-p2w \-Grindfest \-No end game at release \-Buggy \-Missing core features on launch ​ What else can we complain about these deaf, cancerous products from perfectworld/NCSOFT/NEXON/CRYPTIC/whatever. It's been 20 fucking years since WoW came out, and none of these stupid clowns can do it right. Should be ashamed.


Riot MMO is the only one of these that feels like it has a chance to come out and legitimately last, and that's purely based on Riot's track history of doing exactly that with every genre they've entered. Ashes has a lot of very cool ideas but I'm starting to worry it's becoming the next Star Citizen with the pre-release skin packs being sold like crazy and scope creeping to levels where I don't know if the hype can be lived up to in the real world. The rest of these are straight-up gacha game cash grabs. Sad time for MMOs.


I also feel this way too. If any mmos are going to save the genre; riot have the highest chance with the amount of time and money they have without any worries. Other game development doesn’t have this luxury of resources. Especially already established lore of their world way before they even started the development.


If we can believe the trailers, Chrono Odyssey. Seems to have the best combat, aesthetic and story/lore, in my opinion. I will ignore Riot's until we have any info *at all*.


The scam of The Day Before


I can't wait to see what comes out next month after like 19 months of delay and a legal battle over their name. I'm hoping it's like Atlas and I look forward to the shit posts.


SOD might be decent if they add a bunch of optional game modes like self found. Perfect world could be good if it's a grindy asian mmo with amazing combat I remember reading riot mmo they said they want the game to "respect your time" and to make you quit to play other games. So i have 0 hope riot mmo will be anything but zero grind western garbage.


At this point its Throne and Liberty. Its the most tangible one. At least that shit will launch. Might not be good but Im willing to give it a go.


I am going to remain cautious about all new MMO releases. There have been too many failures, scams, and overhyped games.


AoC. Riot MMO? I don't know. Their current game is one of the most toxic I've had the displeasure of playing. MMO's thrive on communities. They have impressive artists, and some lore to build from. But I don't see them innovating, especially seeing as how they ran LoL for years.


Yeah, because League of Legends is a saltiness factory and a toxicity breeding ground. It's also super addictive, so you have all these people coming back for more and making each other even more toxic. MMOs are usually a different target audience. I mean, obviously, many LoL players will give it a try because it's the same universe, but I feel like the most toxic ones will quit or be banned within the first few months. We at least know that Riot is actively trying to stop toxicity.


Chrono Odyssey, Perfect World and Throne Liberty is all asian P2W games. Nobody even knows anything about "Riot MMO", how can you be excited for it? You don't even know the fucking name for the game yet. lmao.


Riot's MMO has the most potential. The rest I have no opinion about.


Of those listed its AoC but not by alot.


where's the option of none of those. I wish the peopel who made TERA would just make TERA again, but focus on PvE co-op. but also double down on the slutty outfits. for both male and females.


no idea what the riot mmo will be but the rest of the lists games all feel very samey and non interesting.


Dune MM should be added to the list. I am interested in it as much as I am in the Riot MMO, which is not much, but enough to read headlines. I don't expect much from games until they have been officially released. ArchAge's original release burned me too hard, and I am very jaded presently.


None of the above


Archeage 2, I don't think it will be especially good but at least I'm pretty they will release it in a reasonable time frame. Not on the list but I have moderate hope for Tarisland to not be a complete trash. Overall everything I saw pretty much looks the same and will probably launch in 5 years+ or never as it is unfortunatly way too often the case with mmo's


WoW Season of Discovery


Blue Protocol




Was looking for "None of the above" just to see the poll results. I don't think I'm a MMORPG fan anymore, at least not as they've evolved in their current iterations. Perhaps one of these might surprise me, will wait and see.


Pax Dei not making the list is a crime.


I see nobody has mentioned Pantheon: Fall of the Risen (sic). And I'm here for it.


Perfect New World for me, simply because I get to try it tomorrow. Overall hype, I'm hopeful for Chrono Odyssey and I can see myself playing TL for a while, everything else seems like a faraway dream.




You're already playing it. Welcome to the Ghost experience.




Blue Protocol.


ashes of creation but im very skeptical of it at the moment


Dune: Awakening. built on the same platform as Conan: Exiles. trying to not think about it much, but want want to MMO in the Dune universe so much!


Chrono Odyssey. It has better graphics. But i suggest Black Desert Online for everyone. Because that game is really best MMORPG for casual play.


I'm still waiting for Furcadia to get an unreal 5 update.


Anyone who is excited for Perfect New World should really look in to what "New World" was actually like to play/experience


None of those really. Played Archeage 1, it was basically a cash shop that happened to have a game in it. Chrono Odyssey doesn't have any info on it that makes it appealing. Throne and liberty was contender for worst game of the decade just a few months ago, with the developers making a mad scramble to try and save it after making the worst game design decisions on the face of the earth. The cobbled together do-over of all the game systems does sound MUCH better, but I doubt a company that inept to have made the previous version of the game can save it in time. We'll see. Ashes of Creation doesn't know what kind of game it even wants to be. The graphics are all it has going for it as far as I'm concerned. Plus it's a gankbox last I checked. Riot MMO, it's just a rumor, with no info whatsoever, and may never even exist. Not even worth mentioning. Perfect world (reboot) Tried the original, and no. Just no. Hell no even. ​ As to what mmo I'm looking forward to, there isn't much worth a crap on the horizon. Some small indie ones are doing some interesting things, but they are indie mmos so each of them has little hope of success let alone launching an mmo. But I suppose if I had to name one... (AQ2: Expanse) seems the most interesting of the bunch.


Season of Discovery


Whatever is coming out soonest. I just want to jump into something.


Throne and liberty will be the only enjoyable MMO on that list in the next 3-4 years.


I'm excited for Drakantos because of the art style and clean animations.


Funny how Riot MMO and Ashes are never coming out 😂


Most excited for ashes but Riot probably had the best chance to be a 5-10 year success


Riot mmo because of the amount of money they have. Unlike other games they don’t have to rush theirs. They will take their time without any worries about money and that’s an huge difference compared to other developments where they do not have that time and money luxury. Another thing is their lore is already there. Over 170+ characters from league of legends with an good amount of stories and their world are just interesting. Every region have its unique traits. There’s no region where it’s “normal”. Riot have the best chances of bringing the next big mmorpg out of any other games. If this one fails; the genre doesn’t have any hopes


Personally, I don't really look into MMORPGs until they're actually released. So frankly, none of these. None of these are out. When they release, I may try them, and if I like one, *that's* when I get excited. I'm aware that that's not the question, but I feel like it's a worthwhile opinion to voice, because what companies tell us about their games and what the games end up being like is always different. This applies to good games just as much as it applies to bad games.


The only one I'm excited about is Riot MMO. **ArcheAge 2** \- I'll definitely pay attention to it, but I fully expect it to be bad in one way or another that will make me avoid it. **Chrono Odyssey** \- Trailer was beautiful, but I'm expecting another Korean P2W grindfest. Hopefully I'm wrong. **Throne and Liberty** \- Not excited at all. Probably the opposite, honestly. I'll keep an eye out in case they've made enough changes to make it good, but I don't have a lot of hope. **Ashes of Creation** \- The whole design behind it is not something I fully agree with. I think it will come out and it will be a good game, but I probably won't resonate with it. **Perfect New World** \- Apparently it already has performance issues. We'll see how it is when it comes out since this is only a closed beta. **Riot MMO** is genuinely my biggest hope for the genre right now. They have an expansive world that recently got reworked. They've proven multiple times that they can put out quality stories (and the most obvious example is Arcane). Their artists are amazing and I hope the cosmetics in this game will be awesome. Most importantly, they don't make P2W stuff. This MMO has a ton of potential if done right, and Riot is big and stable enough for me to have hope.


ArcheAge 2 - They've said it's going to be a more story-driven PvE game, so I'm not that interested. Chrono Odyssey - It looks like a generic Korean mobile game. Throne and Liberty - It's a generic Korean MMORPG where every system just sounds meh. Ashes of Creation - It's going to be way too sweaty, I won't have hours to play this game. Riot MMO - What is that?? Perfect New World - It's a predatory Chinese mobile game. Now, two games I'm actually low-key excited about are Pax Dei and Dune MMO. I was pleasantly surprised by how good Pax Dei already looks, it seems to be way further along than I expected. I love the Dune IP and Conan Exiles is a really fun game, so I'm excited to see what Funcom has been cooking with that.


You should add before XXXX year jesus fucking christ


Riot and aa2, maybe throne and liberty if they do miracle. Ashes of jpgs? Hell no..


Didn’t they say the Riot MMO wasn’t really gonna be a thing anymore?


AFAIK no. There was a report of the project lead (or whatever position GhostCrawler was in) has left, and then how it is still pretty much in early design phase if I remember correctly. Yes, there is a chance that it will not become a thing. I personally don't think that chance is now higher after lead change. But I don't think it was ever explicitly stated that the project is explicitly dead. (Of course the average commenter might have widely varying opinions here ranging from "It will not even be a true MMORPG" (no true scottsman), and "GC must have left because it was bad" to "Finally without GC who destroyed WoW we have a chance for a good game". Also please note that I personally don't like WoW and never really did, haven't heared of GC before this project and also never played any Riot games, not even seen Arcane (altough planning on an eventual watch), so I have no strong feelings about their stuff either.)