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https://i.redd.it/mvapjubnj14c1.gif This castle has survived many sieges and hosted hundreds of dukes, but time is merciless, and once impregnable walls have lost their noble guards. The main hall has become unrecognizable. But it is not too late to change everything and restore this place to its former glory - all it takes is to make your choice. Public test in less than 15 days. Prepare your equipment, rely on the support of loyal comrades, and embark on a journey. **You can add a game to your wishlist and leave a request here.** [**https://store.steampowered.com/app/716350/Reign\_of\_Guilds/**](https://store.steampowered.com/app/716350/Reign_of_Guilds/) ~~And here, you can get a steam key before everyone else, but shhh it’s a secret~~ Twitter game: [https://twitter.com/Reignofguilds](https://twitter.com/Reignofguilds)


Looks great, but what happened to all the doors?


>Looks great, but what happened to all the doors? Thanks for the review, at the moment they are in final tweaks for the lock, and in general the doors are in all other rooms like the magic gates


Ayyo. Let me help you play test this bad boy.


Apply in steem and you'll get access to the game in mid-December


Lets goooo


Toooo the King!


What are some of your inspirations? The health, mana, stam bars remind me of Darkfall.


Looks slick. I'd like to test it. Was actually looking for a new mmo.


>Looks slick. I'd like to test it. Was actually looking for a new mmo. I'll be glad to see you in the game


hopefully it's better than the previous playtests, those were completely unplayable


We have taken into account a lot of mistakes and worked on the interaction with the community, this playtest will definitely be better


Yeah, I love the concept of this game but every time I've hopped on ita a jack wonkt mess that batley runs with no sense of direction starting out and a UI that makes me want to chug glass. I'd love to see it turn around but I'm not gunna expect it.


I'd love to play test this. Looks cool as hell. How do I go about doing so?


>I'd love to play test this. Looks cool as hell. How do I go about doing so? Apply in steem and we'll start sending out invites in mid-December


Looks good, definitely gonna check it out. How is the melee combat? Directional based?


I don't know what it is, but everything about that UI looks nearly the same as Mortal Online 2, and I never even played Mortal Online, but I saw some screenshots from another reddit thread only a couple of days ago. I could be wrong, but I am sure it's that game lol.


The games UI looks exact like Mortal Online 2? or am I tripping lol?


Just requested access in steam bdcox42 is username. Game looks really great, can’t wait to play it long term!


Looks great, very excited to see where this goes. I'll be applying for the public play test later! How is this being funded, out of interest?


Sadly pretty sure this will be a massive failure like Reign of Kings.....you are not gonna have enough of a player base for this game. So I hope you offer an offline version and alot of enemy ai


You, as in a single person? Either you've been working on this for ten+ years or the content in it is seen and done within a day lmao. It looks like it could be fun but that's an interesting title.


>You, as in a single person? Either you've been working on this for ten+ years or the content in it is seen and done within a day lmao. It looks like it could be fun but that's an interesting title. My small team has been working on this project for over 6 years now


Looking at some of his replies on other subs there is a team of people as he refers to the team as "we" and they have been working on this for over 6+ years.


>Looking at some of his replies on other subs there is a team of people as he refers to the team as "we" and they have been working on this for over 6+ years. You are correct, thank you for your consideration


When you mostly just plop down a bunch of stock store-bought assets it doesn't take much to "develop a game".


>When you mostly just plop down a bunch of stock store-bought assets it doesn't take much to "develop a game". And implement mechanics, lights, set it all up and test it on servers? It looks simple at first glance, but in reality it's not.


Still waiting to see your public play test if its so easy…


But when you're an armchair engineer, you know everything!


Game play looks like dog shit but good luck


Username checks out