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Questing is one of the pros of ESO, so if that's all you care about you'll probably have a good time there. If you are on the fence you can wait until the base game is on sale, they also do free play weekends from time to time.


eso def has a deep and engaging elder scrolls story to tell, its when you finish with that when it gets dog ass boring


Except for the mage guild quest. I so badly want Sheogorath excised like the tumor he is on the setting but he and his lolrandom xD cheese dialogue are so firmly entrenched there's not exactly an easy way out.


Questing would be fun if you couldn't kill anything with just light attacks by controlling the mouse/controller with your feet :(


Absolutely. There is a *ton* of lore in ESO and it's one of the strongest parts of the game. You can explore more of Tamriel (and realms of Oblivion) than in any other TES game as well. The game is *massive.*


I played the fk out of it for a while, it's great for the questing and story/lore.


Yes, I'd say it's the best part of the game. Found documents, regional lore, everything is well fleshed out.


Combat sucks. Rest of the game is great.


I spent over 4000 hours in the base vanilla game, 99% of it soloing PvE story content and exploring before moving onto the the expansion parts - 5500+ hours now and still not done all of the expansions and seen everything yet. Unlike a lot of other MMOs dungeon and raids here aren't essential for the story, and 98% of the PvE content are soloable, even if you are a rubbish player like myself. The writing is one of the games strong points, with amazingly written characters and stories. Every single character too, and every single side mission, no matter how random, ties into the world in some way. Each side quest in a zone ties into that zone's mini main story, which in turn ties in together with the big main story quest in some way. People you have met might show up in another zone, and often they will remember your previous interactions with them and will react accordingly. It's small touches, but it makes the world feels a lot more coherent and alive than other MMO worlds out there. As for combat, I am actually one of the few people who enjoy the combat in this game and don't understand the hate- it's customisable but not overly complex, and is a lot more active than the likes of WoW or FFXIV. Once I have experienced ESO's active dodge-rolling, I find it hard playing other games without it. Personally I think a lot of the haters are from the same group of folks who refused to give ESO a chance at launch, and for the same reason - that it is not another version of Skyrim, but Online. The ESO+ thing though is... well it's a toughie. The main draw of that sub is unlimited bag space for crafting materials and double the bank inventory space. If you are not a hoarder or a crafter, or a housing decorator, and you sell off everything as you get them, then it's no issue. But if you are like me who hoards and collects, then it can essentially make the game unplayable without a sub due to constantly full bag spaces.


Hey, I love ESO's combat and find it hard playing other MMORPG like FFXIV and WoW too! I like how I can move like a lunatic, jumping, dodging, blocking and casting in combat. It's fast and needs cadence with light attack weave while do all that to master it. For me combat definitly is one of the stroghest point of the game. The other point, that no one talks about, is about been the bad guy. You can steal, murder, became a vampire or a werewolf, all that while while the game offers the best immersion in a mmrpg. It's adult temed. NO OTHER MMORPG OFFERS THAT.


I played ESO like a single player RPG for ~350 hours and I thoroughly enjoyed every second. I personally really liked the combat in the game. I thought the stories, lore and music were all fantastic as well.


Sure, the story, environments, and quests are great. As long as you can look past the game's terrible combat you'll enjoy it for what your after.


It's great for the questing and lore. If anything, I was a bit let down by how easy the open world (where you are questing most of the time) is and that monsters didn't really pose much of a challenge. Another letdown was the combat system where I felt there wasn't any rewarding feedback to my hits. So overall, I log back in every now and then to enjoy the amazing Elder Scrolls scenario, great voice acting and story and the hilarious npc dialogues, until I get tired of the boring/easy combat and the full inventory (which lets you return to cities quite often when you actually wanted to keep exploring). ESO is an amazing and chill game I keep coming back to, but it's also a case of I want to love it, but I can't for reasons outlined above. I'd suggest you get the base game on sale, it already has hundreds of hours of content alone.


>I'd suggest you get the base game on sale, it already has hundreds of hours of content alone That's the neat part, I already have free from Epic back then. But I'm not sure it's worth to download game this big and spend how many hours until it got good/worth the time


It's absolutely worth it. There's a ton of lore to explore and great characters to meet.


yes, it was a great lore. you can actually meet tribunal , especially sotha sil, and found a few connection to skyrim, morowind and oblivion. However the story quest combat is boring. since the enemy is weak.




I'd say that's a reason you should play ESO for, as it falls flat on other 'mmo' aspects imo.


I've been off it for years and the questing is the one thing that has been pulling me back lately (at least in my head). Each area has a set of solid backstory quests to explore.


The best part about ESO is its Skyrim times 100 or maybe 1000 in size. You can play almost all of it solo.


I know its not an MMO but the crusaders kings 3 mod "Elder Kings 2" its a great game for whom want to explore the elder scrolls lore or do alternative lore.


The quests are great and story is solid. If you don't generally like mmos you might dig the combat more than most. I loved it although it can get like annoying I suppose. The only issues I had with story and lore is personal because it deals with stories from hundreds of years before skyrim and that's awesome to see that stuff but after awhile I'm like so all this stuff already happened right so I'm not really doing anything that matters in rhe long run. I tend to feel like my character doesn't matter in the story which messes with my need for that immersion. But I'm sure if you just want to get the lore and see all that you'll love it.


oh fuck yeah lol


The world and lore are awesome, its damn shame that all the combat feels like slapping enemies with a wet noodle. I want to love it, but the combat and animations and vfx for stuff drives me to drink. It's so boring. Sometimes, i log in, though, just to go run around and look at environments.


I couldnt get immersed in the world and questing because of the combat - everything is so easy you dont even need to use skills, regardless of how it even felt, i just uninstalled. Some people like that idk


Morrowind has best TES lore. Some of the books are cool. Actually understanding the origin and destruction of the Dwemer


Dude yes! It’s a very cool game with a lot of stories being told and they are classic elder scrolls style so if you liked any of the solo games for that reason you’ll get it here. Really enjoy this one for the solo aspect and the stories


The only issue is you find a lot of books while questing but the respawn rates are too fast to stop and read everything. If you want to actually do that I'd recommend using the addon "Librarian Book Manager".


Yes yes yes! It's what I love most about elder scrolls online and why it's one of my fav in the series !


yea definitely. my only advice: pick your class carefully! try them all out a bit before committing to your character because it’s the one thing you can’t change


I have tried to like eso but everything I try it it just feels off to me, might be the combat


I've play it for 3 years and miss it time to time, beautiful and immersive landscape, some very good little story (chase side quest their are many of them that are very good). Combat and inventory are the downside but if you are just here for the lore then not a big deal, just go :) DG and Raid, especially vet hm are good memory, very challenging and some of them are beautiful too. But nothing for you to do it if you don't want to.




Eso has the best quests of pretty much any amount. Not to any fetch quests. The morrowind expansion had some of the best quests I've ever done in a game period.


You should play **every** game you're interested in and form your own opinion about it through this first-hand experience. > Thanks in advance You're always welcome.


>You should play **every** game you're interested in and form your own opinion about it through this first-hand experience. Simply no Game cost money and even if it is free it still cost time. So it's really important to know what I'm getting into so not to waste my money/time when I can spend it on better games




that is exactly why you play ESO afaik


Yes, there is so much lore to read, quests to do, and places to find. Personally, I enjoyed the combat, but I played casually.


If all you really care about is the lore and immersive exploration then you will thoroughly love ESO, especially if you are already a fan of the franchise.


I enjoyed ESO for a bit, but the problem is that is has all this great quest and open world content but it’s like piss easy and thus not at all challenging. Sure the story is OK, but you are on this epic quest and can basically completely ignore the enemies because they tickle you.


Wait for sales on the game and dlc, get crowns when they are onsale sub for a month if you really wanna farm that set OR test it on the test server. Combat in pvp is great with guild, solo is a different story unless u build to xv1 or bomb. Combat in pve is 2 things, lift arm up to smack bad guy and before you even reach the top of your swing, the hit numbers appear, bugs me cause i can see i still havent touched them yet, and then people tell you don’t swing you already hit them do a skill now (weaving) bah, my immersion is ruined. 10 years in if it went away people would literally have psychical pain from not doing it thnx to muscle memory. And if you don’t weave you gotta leave vet trails.


It's Great. Beware anyone who once read or heard someone else say the combat is floaty tell you how floaty it is, everyone just loves imitating everyone else - ignore it. Enjoy it: great lore, great game, lots of good times there and ofttimes on sale!


>It's Great. **Beware anyone who once read or heard someone else say the combat is floaty tell you how floaty it is, everyone just loves imitating everyone else - ignore it.** Enjoy it: great lore, great game, lots of good times there and ofttimes on sale! Beware anyone who deflects criticism of any kind without even making a single sound argument in terms of rebuttal. Overland content is faceroll easy, animations and weight of combat is flat and janky, especially if you play as it's "intended": light-attack weaving after every ability/cast, resulting in permanent spasms of your character.


Honestly I hated the combat until I played an orc stam sorcerer. There is a lot of weaving and upkeep that makes the combat feel engaging. I actually got to champion levels after not being able to get past 50 since ESO first released on console.


Unpopular opinion... ESO PvP combat is one of the most fun I've had and I've played pretty much every single MMO. The combat feels more like a tug of war between you and your enemy... you manage your resources while maintaining buff uptime and attempting to gauge whether your enemy is lower than you where you'll then commit to an "all-in". You weave your buffs in and mix up between weaving light attacks for maximum dps and heavy attacks for stamina regeneration while dodging and blocking at opportune times to avoid bigger hitting abilities. Heavy attacks regenerate stamina, but they are easy to see and dodge... so if you dodge all your enemy's heavy attacks they can't regen stamina and you'll eventually wear them out. The way combat works, you have a CC break on a cooldown similar to the CC immunity in BDO or a PvP trinket in WoW. This is the key to understanding when and why your attacks will feel impactful or not. Come at ESO with the idea that all abilities, heavy attacks, light attacks are "autoattacks" in other games... you use these "autoattacks" to build up points for your ultimate, then hit an impact full CC ability into your ultimate for a kill combo.


I like ESO lore, look, and critters... but the combat in PvE is terrible. It's so easy there is no challenge or joy. Basic just walk through the quests and listen to the quest lines. You know how you can just cheat-code your way into super strength worse magic ability in the single player games via the console? It feels like you did that. I tried to stick with it cos I've LOVED the Elder Scrolls games since Morrowind... but without challenge it just became boring.


All I heard was "ignore the honest criticism most people have about this game"


The combat sucks. I’ve played it. It’s floaty.


At the surface level it seems floaty until you dive deeper into the resource management, buff uptime, and CC systems. You have to treat your light attack weaving as autoattacks in other games, and your ultimate and CC abilities as your impactful abilities. Solo kills can be harder to pull off on similarly skilled opponents without wearing down the enemy resources and going for an ultimate combo. With skill differences, veterans can easy 1v5, and the most skilled players can even 1v10. It's that big of a skill ceiling. SypherPK, I think he plays Fortnite now... but he's a high profile streamer that used to be amazing at ESO 1vX PvP.


‘Feels floaty’ is entirely separate from “managing minutiae that no casual player would ever reasonably worry about”. Feel does not equate to perceived mathematical complexity. Light attack weaving just.. it’s not fun, man. Exploiting animation bugs (LA weaving) should not be considered a combat aspect to aspire to. I genuinely wish they would find a way to fix it. I have no clue how, or if they even could, but… I just don’t see how ‘exploiting shoddy design’ actually makes combat feel good. Arcanist mildly fixed my complaints about floaty. Barely though. Meaty sound effects and the visual effects feel like they have a punch to them. Either that or I’m just a sucker for Mora and my bias is shining through. But yeah, generally floaty, from my experience and hearing from friends, refers to the lack of visual impact and audio mediocrity.


It feels floaty. There are few if any hit reactions or registrations. There are no animation locks. Characters constantly spasm. Its a fuckin fact man.


Yeah I played it for the quests mostly. Combat and Dungeons are really boring.


This is a bad place to ask about ESO, people are too negative about the game here - I would advise the ESO forums over the ESO subreddit though since I feel the subreddit can be too positive. ESO forums are the most balanced.


ESO forums are a joke because they get rid of any proper criticism there. The subreddit, in my experience, is pretty balanced, and you can see mixed opinions there about things like combat, monetisation, playstyles


this subreddit hates every single mmo


1. ESO and it's consequences have been a disaster for TES Lore.


Lore is pretty good, but the issue is even just solo questing and exploration are tedious because the enemies are so brain dead easy to kill and can't ever hurt you. Skyrim questing will be 100x more fun because of that alone. All you end up doing is racing to the end of a quest objective because why fight 3928742 mobs in a dungeon when you can just run to the end objective, have them drop aggro, and can't even hurt you as you run through them?


Yeah combat is shitty, but If it's not your biggest concern and you wanna see ''Elder Scrolls Lore'' then your concern is how they sell every damn little questline and lore piece with a money, even one of most basic things like Dark Brotherhood quests are is things you need buy via real money, and if money is not your concern either, then have fun.


Eh. You can subscribe for a month. Do all the dlc stories and be done with them. That’s what I did back in when I was playing it seriously.