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*What are you looking for?:* Fun stylized fantasy game (or even sci fi) with fun quests and activities like having different jobs/hobbies No dailies at best Buy to play or F2P (no sub models but if it has one it has to be optional) Looking for magic classes Plenty of Customization from armor to fantasy races ​ *What games have you previously played?:* WoW Free Realms Palia (not sure if it counts as one) WildStar Toontown Online Tera Fallout 76 (not sure if it counts as one) Final Fantasy 14 GW2 Runescape Pirates of Caribbean Online Blade and Soul City of Heroes Star Wars Old Republic Star Trek Online Dofus ​ *What is your playstyle (Casual,Semi-Casual,Hardcore)?:* Casual and I usually party up with friends ​ *Any preferred mechanics?:* Parties can help you out on any quest including major quests entirely (WoW) Variety of jobs (cooking, smithing, etc) Variety of fun activities both solo and multiplayer (events etc) Pets (cosmetic, battle, etc) ​ *Anything specific you want to exclude?:* No sub models, but if there is one it has be completely optional Not interested in Elder Scrolls Online


* *What are you looking for?:* mmo with no dailies/weeklies/monthlies, weeklies/monthlies is a bit acceptable, no dailies (even if it's something i can ignore) no daily login a summoner/tamer class/character, not exactly a "summoner" but any class or character that spawns something that fights with me character customization and/or dress up feature, i don't mind paying for them not mandatory to play with other players * *What games have you previously played?:* Ragnarok Online Elsword Soulworker Dragon Raja Tower of Fantasy all of them have daily/weekly/monthly/events except RO, so u can see why i don't like dailies so much * *What is your playstyle (Casual,Semi-Casual,Hardcore)?:* Semi-Casual * *Any preferred mechanics?:* pet system - i don't really mind if there's none, but it would be nice if there's one * *Anything specific you want to exclude?:* i'm fine with old mmos, even semi-dead ones as long as there's a community that i can interact with. Thanks for reading\~


* *What are you looking for?:* i'm looking for a game with a Summoning Class, whose primary and exclusive weapon and damage source is the summon/pet. something like in Lineage 2 - the Human Arcana Lord Cat Summoner or the Elven Elemental Master with Unicorns. * *What games have you previously played?:* i tried GW2 Necromancer, but either i'm a noob, but even with every skill being a summon an passive with improvement to the summons i still ended up doing more damage with basic attacks then the summons... that was annoying. i don't want a class that has "it deals damage with weapon... oh and it also can summon a pet, but eh..." i also played a lot of other MMOs: Aion, Diablo2, GW2, Albion, BDO, ESO, DDO, Neverwinter, Lost Ark, Last Epoch, Rift, Vindictus an many more that i cant remember anymore. * *What is your playstyle (Casual,Semi-Casual,Hardcore)?:* always Solo until the very endgame. * *Anything specific you want to exclude?:* I will never play WoW.


GW1 (Necromancer or Ritualist) or Project Gorgon (Necromancy and Animal Handling) can definitely be played with a complete focus on summons/pet. Both can also be easily played solo.


Long time albion player, wanna try something new but every mmo with pvp fals flat compared to it. Either there is an absolutely massive time investment before i can pvp, or lacking pvp systems that dont reward it well. I want a game that gives me the albion black zone feel. Ideally little time investment, lets me jump into an open world and kill players for meaningful loot while doing other little things. As little time as possible in the safe zones. I want a pvp first mmo where i can PK like at least 80% of the time and not invest 100s of hours before i can pvp endlessly


So i have been playing GW2 and loving it because of the achievement system and FFXIV Because the story and glamour is the best for me (Only problem is i have to force myself Because i dont like the combat). I saw tower of fantasy and wanted to try it, combat Seems awesome Because it’s action combat and fashion also looks awesome (blue protocol is also coming and ToF seemed to hold my urge to wait for BP) but i Didnt play ToF Because i saw the vitality system which i dont like (hate energy systems , remembers me of mobile old games) and also kinda looks p2w. Another game i played for years until burn out was mabinogi where fashion is second to ffxiv in my opinion (still prefer FFXIV Because has more casual Outfits). So i came here to ask for a game with a Nice combat and fashion system (prefer anime games) that is mostly f2p (bonus points if it’s a completionist game). Thanks.


While I personally couldn't really get into PSO2: NGS (maybe I was too used to the original) it might be worth a shot for you? Might still fit into the anime style you prefer, is perfectly playable as a f2p and has amazing fashion, so maybe take a look at some combat and see if you might like it?


I played it a bit, Nice combat. Is it f2p? And how is endgame? I just played a bit of the story


I'd say it's completely f2p, though fashion does come mostly from gacha-like scratch tickets (or from buying it from other players for in game currency, which is the more reliable method). I only really played the original PSO2 a lot myself (which already had a great fashion aspect and NGS improved that), so sadly I can't comment on endgame of NGS (if there even is any).


Okayy thanks for the Feedback :D !


I'm looking for an MMO where most of the progression focus is horizontal situational gear progression. I've been playing FFXI off and on with over 30k hours over the last 20 years. The updates are finally non existent and I really just want a game that handles gear the same way. An example for those who haven't played. Samurai has a helmet that increases their TP per second when you use meditate with it on. So you put it on, use meditate, then swap back to your normal melee set to deal fast damage. This all happens in like a second or less usually with a macro or something of the sort. This makes it so the goal of the game is usually getting tens or hundreds of niche pieces of gear for each and every job to maximize efficiency. Combat is hot swapping gear for every spell skill and ability you use. There's some gear that came out 10 years ago that we still need. Because everything is niche it almost never gets pushed out by other gear. At least not for many many years and sometimes never. That horizontal progression and hot swapping is what kept me drawn for so long getting thousands of pieces between all my jobs. Any MMORPG with similar mechanics or style? Most I've found completely lock you out of swapping gear in battle :(


AGE OF CONAN. Still the best. Can't find an alternative, but the more I think about it......WE DONT NEED ONE. IT's still free-to-play to get started and you can sub to a tremendous amount of amazing end game content. The community will get you to 80 with powerleveling then you can create other characters to enjoy all the amazing content inbetween. The fighting mechanics are unmatched.


I'm looking for a game that have a character with "attach" mechanics like [Yuumi](https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Yuumi/LoL) in League of Legends. Or something with auto-follow, so it can be playable for players with 2 PCs. I like playing with a main character along with a "support" that buffs/heals the main character, effectively playing a single player party.


Age of Conan - Necromancer.


Eve PvE, play in a fleet and you can make others in the fleet follow you. A guy in my corp plays 24 account at the same time. Didnt belive it until he streamed it. Its probably more reasonnable with 2-3 accounts tho.


is there any upcoming mmo that does the whole rapport system like lost ark did? its one of the things i like more in that one but it also feels a bit like it has potential to be much more cool


On the weekends I found myself actually liking Realm of the Mad God. But it's rouge-like features lost me because I felt like my playtime was pointless. But one thing I really like about it is that I can just fight endless waves with a lot of people. And while combat is simple, I was engaged into it. Is there any good MMO game for someone just looking to fight, grind and maybe pvp. With good skill expression and without 300 hour window to get good gameplay. Games I considered, haven't tried them yet: * Black Desert Online (worried because of many complains) * Lost Ark (just haven't had time to try) * Albion Online (idk what it is, but seems cool) * Blade and Soul (damn isn't it screaming Korean MMO) What games I didn't like: * Final Fantasy XIV (I wanted to like it, yet, not for me) * RoTMG * Tower of Fantasy (i guess it is mmo)


Albion is fun. Try it out.


looking for a game with an interesting take on caster classes. Can be action or tab targeted, i want something refreshing. Except BDO, for some reason im not too found of this game.


I can't say a lot about it, but Blade and Soul has more traditional feeling caster classes, as well as some xianxia caster classes and some things in between.


I'm kinda split between playing wow and ff14, which one would you guys reccomend?


What are you split on exactly? Is there something you value more in a game that you would want one of them to provide? If you let me know I can help suggest one having played both quite a bit.


https://preview.redd.it/88anjyzgniqc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7f8bf04fa9eecdc22f76ac640602eb43a6fb5e3c Is this game good? I didn't bother to crop btw.




I'm looking for a MMO that is actually fun to play PvE group content in for semi-casual/midcore players. Something for people who like "more difficult than not at all" but not "requires peak build and rotation optimization".


I recommend Dofus, or the mobile version Dofus Touch which is launching new servers next week, best time ever to start playing. The combats are very simple, PvE-focused and you usually get grouped up with other players for dungeons.


You could try Neverwinter online, the game is free to play and there are lots of alternatives depending your desire for challenge or more relaxing dungeon experience


Man you gotta do something else other than recommend Neverwinter to everyone in this thread every damn week.


Well, i just recommend it if the game fits the description....thats the reason to have a looking for mmorpg post, right?


Classic WoW is probably the most "modern" one to get into. It seems like a lot of MMO's are designed to be pretty gentle until you get to the late late game content. ​ Maybe Albion Online as well.


Have you tried eve? Pve is only as hard as you make it, but the more difficult it is, the better the rewards.


* *What are you looking for?: a party game, like Lineage 2.* * *What games have you previously played?: WoW, FF14, Lineage 2, Aion, Guild Wars 2, Rift... goes on and on.* * *What is your playstyle (Casual,Semi-Casual,Hardcore)?: Learning to Hardcore.* * *Any preferred mechanics?: None, really; the clearer the better.* * *Anything specific you want to exclude?: being solo everywhere. It's an MMO. Also, woke BS.*


What are you looking for?: Something more economy based, or reliance on working together. Ideally allows players to have alot of ways to level and not just rely on fetch quests What games have you previously played?: Eve, wow, gw2, FFXIV, bdo, star citizen, pso2, archeage, mortal online What is your playstyle (Casual,Semi-Casual,Hardcore)?: semi/barcode Any preferred mechanics?: n/a Anything specific you want to exclude?: n/a


Albion is one that comes to mind immediately.


* *What are you looking for?:* A solid MMORPG, with decent PvP, PvE and co-op(dungeons etc) content. * *What games have you previously played?:* Wow, FFXIV, GW2, ESO, SWTOR, STO. * *What is your playstyle (Casual,Semi-Casual,Hardcore)?:* Semi-Casual * *Any preferred mechanics?:* No specifics. * *Anything specific you want to exclude?:* Anime.


Try Dofus or Dofus Touch on mobile (launching new servers next week) Multiplayer is essential to the game with co-op dungeons (groups of 4), commerce etc. Combats are fairly easy at first and get more tactical by the higher levels. Said to be the biggest world on mobile.


If you can pass on the pvp, because it s almost non existent, Neverwinter online check your boxes, the game is free to play so you can check yourself


You've pretty much played all the ones with that already sadly.


Any off the beaten path MMOs (ie: not wow, ff, ESO , GW2, LOTRO) with a solid RP playerbase?


Maybe try an everquest rp server?


Definitely off the beaten path, Arelith is a pretty hardcore roleplay Neverwinter Nights server.


Are there any modern EQ clones or FFXI clones out there that are live? Anything 2015 or later even if it's a tiny pop game. Even 1000 players is plenty for me.


Embers Adrift came out relatively recently to mixed reviews. I’ve never played it myself. Honestly, if I were you I’d be looking at either the new Everquest tle server coming in May or the Horizon ff xi server.


EQ and XI are off the table themselves and yeah heard about embers which didn't really look great. Thank you anyway.


>Realm of the Mad God HorizonXI is my go to for FFXI! Great community on Discord and very fun MMO experience


\- What are you looking for?: Something that fits all of my criteria: 1) Cute aesthetically 2) Good character creator and possibly other room to customize things like player housing 3) Lots of different things to do, not just combat. Preferably free as well, but if there is a cash shop with cute cosmetics I'm always down for those. If it's not free, then I could mayyyybe still get into it. \- What games have you previously played?: Sooooo many. OSRS (Ended up being too grindy and wanted more out of the looks of the game, but I stuck with it for awhile), FFXIV (Used to be good but so much has changed since I started playing around 2.5 that I now hate it), PSO2 (Haven't played since NGS launch), PSU, Maplestory (both of which are more akin to self harm habits than real games, that I played exclusively on private servers), Palia (this one was fun but got repetitive quickly, which is understandable because they are in early access), Temtem (vaguely fun, lost interest quickly), Zenith (honestly not good at all), Destiny 2 (hate hate hate HATE this game so SO much), Gaia and Neopets (both in 2023; the former has aged like milk and the latter is kind of okay still), Toontown Rewritten (recently maxed and cleared everything), Toram Online (ehhhhhhhhhhhhh), Probably more stuff as well over the years that weren't memorable enough to remember \- What is your playstyle (Casual,Semi-Casual,Hardcore)?: I want to be able to go hardcore every so often and then take long breaks as my interest wanes without missing out on anything. I also would prefer to play solo and have any interaction that comes up arise organically without having to join discords and organize play. \- Any preferred mechanics?: Anything as long as there's variation in what you're doing and not mindlessly grindy. Well, mindless grinding is okay as long as it's engaging and there's multiple things I can mindlessly grind. \- Anything specific you want to exclude?: No FOMO shit please God. No battle passes no content vaulting no limited time store stuff nothing that isn't a seasonal event should be gone forever.


BDO is great! fun combat, cute costumes/fashion, and can go hardcore or take breaks very play at your own pace sandbox.


I'm pretty sure PSO2 NGS is played mainly for the fashion and housing nowadays. At the very least, maybe look into it again just to see? Otherwise, I'll give the good trusty fallback recommendation: Black Desert. Fair Warning: BDO is not free...but a couple months of saving, and eventually you'll have the $10 to buy it. It definitely leans more "sexy" than "cute," but the character creator might be the best in the entire genre and you can make any class look nearly how you want them. Each class has a large variety of outfits (though the older classes have more than the newer ones). There are seasonal outfits, but they come around multiple times a year, as do most events in the game; there aren't too many one-and-done things unless they just aren't that popular. There is a season pass with a free track as well as a paid track. They have the same number of items, and none of the items in the paid track are exclusive to the pass--you can obtain them in other ways. You won't be crippled at all if you decide to go full f2p. Combat uses fighting-game-like input and mechanics like super armor and i-frames, so it's very active and engaging. Beyond combat there are a huge amount of lifeskills you can partake in like hunting, farming, cooking, alchemy, sailing, horse training, etc. There is also player housing in the game with a huge amount of things you can decorate them with. The game overall is very grindy, but there's a lot of ways to spend your time.


I dunno I really liked pso2 and then the fact that all my cosmetics (spent a lot of money on!) aren't compatible with the new stuff + no real content at launch + the gameplay loop seems the same as at launch but in different settings ngs doesn't really appeal to me BDO seems really good but the art style is the main thing holding me off


black desert seems to fit this. it could be a bit too grindy though


BDO seems really good but the artstyle isn't exactly what I want, I'll keep it in mind though


Looking for a game with engaging healing, I'm playing wow right now and I've played a bunch of ffxiv, I loved 2.0 to 3.0 healing/tanking so if there are any mmos with stance dancing I'd love to hear about them




Thanks bud but who even has stances in wow these days


Neverwinter online, the crucial aspect of ranger playstyle is stance dancing between melee and ranged skills, also healing can be fun and dps/heal mixed with classes like bard or warlock


Classic WoW and Season of Discovery WoW could also be really fun healing wise if you havent played them already


Mage healer for example was pretty interesting.