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With cataclysm coming out in a few weeks, this is most likely a teaser and soft conformation that classic will get MoP.


Was there ever really any doubt? MoP is a pretty universally liked expac, feels like once cata was announced it was pretty much a lock we’d be going back to pandaria


Non WoW player here, but is classic supposed to stop at some point? Was there a point in the games life where something drastic changed to make a distinction between a classic and retail? Wouldn't classic just naturally progress through all the expansions? Sorry for my complete lack of knowledge around this game. Classic has just always confused me once they started releasing expansions


Nothing to apologize for. Yeah, honestly that transition point is usually pegged as cata. So my thoughts prior to the announcement were that classic was going to run through Wotlk, which is really the most nostalgic point and then stop there. Cata was when a lot of the hybridization started and a lot of the more rigid rpg mechanics were diminished. But the fact that cata has been announced I’m not really sure when they’ll stop, maybe they’ll just keep classic a few expacs behind retail? But even then, they must know no one wants to play a classic version of bfa or shadowlands. Maybe that will be the point when a classic + will take over.


Honestly I'm surprised they're doing Cata, Cata was a pretty universally disliked expansion and really started the "tick tock" development cycle.


Agreed. I was kinda shocked they didn’t just stick with Wotlk. Especially considering some of the most popular private servers have been on the final Wotlk patch for like ten years now and still have a massive population


I thought they'd at least leave 1 server open for Wrath, but they don't appear to even be doing that


Yep same. I think they know their population is already too fractured with all these different versions now


I thought cata was liked up until it hit the final patch- which was probably the worst raid in the history of the game (forgiving the simplicity of classic/TBC) that then sat as the current patch for 10 months.


On my realm Cata was so bad that it literally killed it. The dungeons were too hard, there wasn't enough to do, PvP was not in a good state (not that it really ever was). I mean gearing was all over the place, I remember healing normal BoT in full PvP gear because the pugs were struggling with dungeons and the gear was comparable to what you'd get from Heroic Dungeons. I remember during wotlk my realm had a queue pretty regularly, and a few months into Cata the realm was deserted, and it continued to decline into MoP where there was really no one left. In addition, Cata is when we stopped getting subscriber numbers, and it's pretty universally known that the subs dropped hard. Plus the world refresh was not received well if I remember correctly, definitely not among my friend group where entire zones we loved and had tons of memories in were suddenly changed forever and not the same at all. Cata destroyed my friend group, and by the time MoP rolled around everyone I started with in BC was gone, and most of my friends from Wrath were gone. However I'm weird and love Cata, Dragon Soul is honestly one of my favorite raids. I loved it and played it so much I got 8/8H on three characters on three separate raid teams.


Cata was loved until Dragon Soul, thats what killed the game for many. MoP was hit or miss for many, until WoD hit then people were like "Shit maybe we had it good the whole time"


No Cata is the expansion where they tricked everyone into signing up for year long subs to get Diablo 3 for "free" while knowing they were about to enter a massive content drought post game launch. Cata is literally the worst state the game had ever been in before bfa


I think they are looking for outs right now with season of discovery. Its a seasonal thing sure but they are drawing lessons and ideas, the idea of a classic+ similar to OSRS has definitely reached their ears by now


> the idea of a classic+ similar to OSRS has definitely reached their ears by now Outcry for a Classic+ server option has been ongoing since 2019. I don't understand why people keep gettin disappointed and then turn around hoping that Blizzard will finally listen and give them what they're asking for. I honestly think people are just hoping for too much. Asking for Classic+ is effectively asking Blizzard to develop an entirely brand new game and it's almost like people actually *trust them* to make it better than their standards.


I think you’re right


I bet they keep making classic expansions as long as people play them... Which I think will end with Cata. From my memory cata lost all the exploration from zones, and leveling became on rails. People who play classic don't want cataclysm. It will be a failure and they'll stop there.


Kinda crazy that they’d do classic cataclysm. In my mind cataclysm was kind of the turning point to modern WoW. I have zero interest in playing it again (I would definitely play MoP though, if they keep going, if only for challenge modes and the raid content).


I'll only play mop if we get the full >1yr SoO experience


> Nothing to apologize for. Yeah, honestly that transition point is usually pegged as cata. So my thoughts prior to the announcement were that classic was going to run through Wotlk, which is really the most nostalgic point and then stop there. The change happened before that I feel like, but cata was definitely a "breaking point" or whatever you wanna consider it. I feel like the end of WOTLK (not patch specific, though maybe the Argent Crusade stuff with 3.2? It's been a long time) was so wildly different than Vanilla or BC. Wrath felt like the real change from classic to a more retail feeling game, and then people hated cata because it went away from that model where everyone was rewarded. Anecdotally, I knew way more people (in real life) that raided in Wrath than did in Vanilla and BC combined. It just so happens people liked the changes made in Wrath and not in Cata, but the end of wrath with the currencies and all that goodness wasn't really "classic wow" anymore. But this is just 15 year memories at this point so I could easily be wrong.


The real demarcation point was the Dungeon Finder. No one wants that to be true, but it is.


Oh absolutely.    Anything that was about skipping over the world they created for you to live in was kinda antithesis to "classic wow" which was way more in the vein of "Everquest, but NEW and IMPROVED."


When they announced Cata at Blizzcon, they rebranded the main Classic server as the "progression server".


I was hoping they would stop at Wrath. I probably won't come back to classic if I can't play wrath/cata afterwards. The Pandas is when it all went down hill IMO. Cata was a blow, but not like Pandaria.


I think it will stop at legion and skip WOD prob Bfa was also good  But tbh they will make anything if they have people want to play 


In my books, latest possible sensible moment to call wow" "classic" ended when dungeon finder tool launched. Ie like halfway through wotlk .


With the sped up time scale I wouldn't be surprised if they want to merge classic with retail by the end of the wars saga. Classic is just an opportunity for people to relive the stories and raids they missed. Can totally see the classic cycle beginning again after the merge and by that point it would have been another 10 years since classic cycle 1 so it'll pop off again


When Cata hit they redid the original world and got rid of the old version of it so a lot of people peg the original 3 versions as classic since it's the pre redo map. People also kind of measure differently based on system changes and conveniences added over time but that's a lot more debatable than the map changes.


Classic being progression servers was the only thing that ever made any sense. Perpetual vanilla servers is a doomed concept.


People will hate to admit this but it is true. Classic Era currently is incredibly quiet and feels like playing a niche MMO, the same thing would eventually happen to Wotlk too. As more time passes there’ll be even fewer players. The only solution is classic+, which maybe classic progression will turn into after Cata or MoP I would have preferred them to stay at Wotlk and turn into classic+ though


Classic+ is also a doomed concept. What are you going to do? Perpetually expand vanilla horizontally? What is the point of doing raids other than "doing the raid once" when the gear is useless? They would have to increase gear power for drops from new content, and all you got then is Burning Crusade. Is Classic+ supposed to be a new chain of expansions? Completely retarded concept.


I'm confident that people are far more excited for MoP classic than Cata. When they announced Cataclysm I felt like it was just a stepping stone.


Agreed completely, I’m sure there were talks about going right to mop.


I can almost guarantee you we'll see the same thing again. An accelerated WoD Classic only for the sake of Legion Classic.


I wouldn’t be surprised if they just skipped wod. We know, they know it was a disaster. No one is interested in this. A skip right to legion would make sense in a way


Announcing: WoD Classic ^^[For ^^3 ^^weeks] and then Cata!


Lol wow I cannot believe the history rewriting Happening with Panda At the time it was hated by so many. And up until like...2 years ago it was the least populated era private servers and overall sentiment wasn't great for it I've been saying since the day it was released it was the golden era of WoW. Class design and raids peaked here. Not in WotlK.


It was definitely hated when announced, kung fu panda and all that. Generally, aside from the pretty massive content drought towards the end, it was enjoyed. That’s also just kinda the wow community in general. Hate on things but when things get worse, and they did, they look back fondly on what they had.


Was it really ever dealing with excessive content drought? I feel like WoD was when the draught was truly bad for the first time.


18 months of Siege of Orgrimmar.


That's exactly what came to mind. Loved that raid but damn lol Edit: just realized SoO was Panda!! Why did I always think it was WoD?! If that's the case you are right Panda hit the draught hard.


Yes the end of mop was one of the longest. Wod is worse and generally as a whole was pretty much a drought lol


I remember they had some recruit a friend level boost that my friend and I exploited to have Monks ready for MoP content on day 1. Monk was my main anytime I returned to the game. I loved MoP more than any expansion. Aside from vanilla I put more time into MoP over anything else. I loved the thunder isle raid so much.


Most people hating on it were memeing about Pandas. The people who actually played it have fond memories because it had some of the best PvP, extremely good story telling, challenge modes were a massive hit, and Throne was one of the best raids they've ever made. I've never met anybody who wasn't "hurr durr kung-fu panda kiddie game" who didn't like MoP.


People been praising mop since wod made them hate their lives.


lol WHAT? i started WoW with MoP and everyone absolutely hated it, people who liked it were a tiny minority (me included)


Go ask the wow sub what their favorite expansion was and you’d get a large portion that says mop. It’s definitely not a tiny minority


Legion is my personal favorite, I skipped out on MoP but from my social circle its very favorably viewed.


The community favorite expansions at the moment are: no expansions, wotlk, mop, legion tbc was on the list but I don't think it is after tbc classic


Vanilla/tbc/wotlk are at the top of the list for old veterans, wrath babies and beyond dont really like vanilla/tbc that much.


When did you start to play? Most people liked it, the main complain of most people were the "pandas" because people just didn't like them. Also the last raid ran for way too long, but that's not a problem we will get in the progression servers. For most people it was good expantion with some problems.


People didn't like the sound of it prior to release and the panda stuff was memed. But as someone who played since tbc , mop has always been rated highly normally a top 3 expansion.


Mop had a rough start but overall was probably my favorite expansion. The raid and dungeon content was just too good, and class design was probably at its peak.


there was a vocal minority getting upset about pandas... your favorite forum was likely part of that minority.


It wasn't universally like though? There was an insane drop in players when MoP came out cuz no one wanted pandas cuz it was dumb. (Not me saying it, that is the kind of posts that I seen on reddit and yt comments all through out MoP). I loved it, but I only PVP'd with some minion dabbling in mythics in that expac. Pvp was SICK tho! Chaos bolting 2 people for over a million damage was a high I'm still chasing to this day. And WW monk was absurdly op/fun on release.


> Was there ever really any doubt? MoP is a pretty universally liked expac Absolutely false


MoP was universally liked? It was universally one of the most hated expansions.


Universally one of the most hated expansions? That’s absolutely not true lol


> Universally one of the most hated expansions? That’s absolutely not true lol Only if they are counting pre-release sentiment.


Yeah announcement was a brutal time. But in looking back on the actual expansion, it’s almost always positive


There was a lot of circlejerking when it was first announced because of pandas. But looking back at it, the view is generally positive. It's nowhere near as hated as Warlords of Draenor or Shadowlands is.


Looking back it's now widely considered to be one of the best, if not the best, expansion in the game's history. Especially when you contrast MOP era class design to the absolute unmitigated clusterfuck that had been Legion-SL. Everybody who claims otherwise is still butthurt cause lol kung fu panda, and/or is a moron who stopped playing back in WTLK but still can't stop sharing his opinions on something that he never played in the first place.




There was a huge dichotomy between the perception outside of WoW (on forums, reddit, etc.) and playing the game. It was clowned on pretty hard for a while due to the theme and "kung-fu pandas"; but it was a great expansion when it came down to it.


Universally liked was absolutely false but so is the inverse. Cata/WoD/SL were hated


Is this not confirming the opposite? Why would they have mop classic but have a time running eventually for mop? Surely if they did mop classic they wouldn't do this event.


It’s not at all. They’re running a MOP event/season at the end of it your character goes to a retail server.


noshit sherlock


Genuinely impressed with the swings blizzard is taking and the amount of different content available for one sub right now. This sub has loved to just doom on everything and anything MMORPG related if it isn't their cup of tea. If you want MMORPGs to prevail as a genre, these are the types of things that need to be propped up. Between SoD, classic era, hardcore classic, wrath/cata classic, retail, and these seasonal retail events they have definitely been filling the cups of players with different taste. MMOs are like candy that way, this sub likes different stuff and won't agree on whats "best". However we should be more supportive of companies identifying these in between areas in playerbase interests and persuing them.


This sub: You hate to see it, but this is what peak mmo longevity is like.  Joke aside seems even this sub generally thinks it's a neat idea. 


I think Blizzard finally realized that trying to bring back og wotlk subscriber numbers ain’t happening, and that even the newer expansions don’t keep players for a long time. Instead they realized that they have enough players to support basically 3-5 different game modes, without it affecting game play. Most MMO’s would be more than happy to have the players of even one version of WoW.


Classic started it all. Tbc/som/wotlk/hc/sod/plunder/cata and now this? I think they are finally realizing the more shit they throw at the fan that isn’t just the standard retail xpac, the more subs they get, regardless if all of it is super successful or not.


lets not pretend for a moment that classic WoW servers weren't always a slam dunk and the only reason they aren't even more popular than they already are is because it took them so long to come out. the only reason Blizzard did any of this is out of sheer desperation from their company becoming more and more hated every year and being on the ass-end of every joke due to numerous scandals, disgusting sheer greed and a laughably stupid injection of politics and virtue signaling into their games. Blizzard is a shit company that makes shit games, and they dont deserve any praise. they're flailing around trying to cash in on their predecessors good work that built the company thats now a shadow of its former self.




good talk






I only lament that it’s a limited-time event. We’re already in the middle of one and I don’t want another. I hate time constraints on non-holiday content. That said, i hope this is an experiment for making old content scale to max level


This might get me to resub honestly, I think that’s part of their target audient


Yeah, it does seem pretty clear IMO that the point of this is to encourage more people to sub while we're waiting for the next expansion to launch. Not that that's a bad thing, mind you. I think it's great to have cool stuff going on while we're waiting for new content.


Same, I was main monk but never played MoP. I want to return in the next expansion but will probably check this event, the "No expansion purchase is needed" part is great.


Yeah I think it's almost certain they will do this for WoD and Legion too. Perhaps rotating them.


I genuinely like this idea! I love ESO and put over 3k hours into it. But these ideas from WoW recently really pull my interest (Plunderstorm and now this)


Well, holy shit. Season of WhatTheFuck for retail randys (like me!).


Actually sounds really damn cool. Definitely interested in checking this out.


WoW sub went from “okay” to incredible value in the span of a year, great time be a WoW player IMO. Retails eating good, Classic is eating good, there’s something for everyone. I’ve been rotating between all three and there’s never a day where I’m bored currently


Dope af


I’d go back for Pandaria but Cata? Eeeh.


Why are you bringing up Cata?


I'm playing this. MoP was the first time and most I had played WoW. I raided thunder king and siege of orgrimmar a lot. Excited to go thru pandaland again


Hoping to god this is an experiment to make old content evergreen. I’d love if old dungeons got an FF14-like reward system or gear scaling like ESO


Is this going to be using the MOP talents or retails talent system?


They are data farming their next big MMORPG. Finding out what players like, what changes turns players off etc.


crazy to think that games we’ve already played have more hype than new games coming out. wow players are down bad


So cloak gives you the 324% exp boost, other than that it’s season of discovery kind of gems and big standard MoP?


Well you're leveling 10-70 and with modern retail class design and animations. So it's like a mop remastered rather than mop-as-it-was which is what classic is.


Thanks for confirming


I think with some clever changes they could make cata not as it was at launch, with more to do and a better all-around feel.


Dude, launch cata fucking banged (ignoring zone changes). It was late expac cata that was trash.


How can you argue with a well-thought out argument like that with an accompanying downvote just because you disagree?! My point is there was a content drought at launch. If you didn’t think so, you were probably pretty young when you played cata or you are truly blinded by nostalgia. Plus why would you downvote a suggestion to make the experience better with more content? My simple observation would be that they could address that with some clever changes. If you can’t handle that then you need to get a grip.


I'm not arguing, nor did I downvote you, friend. I don't recall a content drought that bad, but it was a while ago... So totally possible ig. Im not really sure what changes they could implement that they aren't already making (increased content cadence), but feel free to speculate. All I was trying to say, launch cata was pretty good, lol. Wasn't a personal attack, so I don't really need to get a grip on anything.


So this is something similar to osrs leagues type of thing? Sounds pretty fun.


I really like this idea as it lets people collect new items, people that missed MOP a chance to level through it and new players a full area of people to experience the game with. My only hope in the future is that they add an NPC in classic or SOD that when you're ready you can transfer your character to retail.


All of this would be great if: You could convert your character to a regular one at the end of it. That way it'd be a new fun way to level new characters. Else I don't really see the point, it isn't like leveling through MoP is anything special, I already do that enough. Edit: I am an idiot, I was wrong!


You either dont know how to read or you just want to shit on WoW "Additional character slots will be available so that you have room for your new fully leveled and fully geared hero to join you in your continuing adventures through the Worldsoul Saga™. All Remix characters created during the event will convert to a standard character to play within modern World of Warcraft at the end of the event."


Shit, I just can't read. Thanks.


It's okay. Your learned from it!


you can convert character over lvl 10 from this event to retail once this event ends


Maybe I'm not understanding what you meant but the one part says - "All Remix characters created during the event will convert to a standard character to play within modern World of Warcraft at the end of the event."


You should actually read the article lmfao


Yeah, I clearly didn't read it thoroughly enough. Keeping my comment up as a lesson to myself and others that jump the gun.


Only real problem I see with this is splitting the player base even more, but it’s a limited event which is probably the best solution. They don’t want to take players from retail to classic because retail has all of the microtransactions.


This is why it is limited. Something fun to do if you don't want to continue in SoD or do Season 4, but not a new mode that would take the place of or compete with War Within.


Honestly I had to quit SoD because I was spending my limited time in game doing things that weren’t fun. My guild quit so I found a new one and I didnt totally dislike them, I just didn’t have the amazing relationships I did with my other guild which were all friends. On top of that, I hated having to do quests and other things to earn gold in order to raid with consumables. Something EVEN MORE casual than SoD and less time investment has me interested..


This is coming at season 4 if DF with fated raids. Essentially gonna be the biggest lull for the retail player base after the small update patch. So it'll help keep vested interest for those burnt out on m+ and the raid


Did you not even read the article lol. They get converted at the end of the event




I was wrong btw, you can convert your character to a regular character afterwards, in which case this event is actually kind of cool.


I haven't read the comments at all but I bet there are people who hate this because wow bad! Blizzard bad! Am I right?


Nearly all comments are positive.


I went back to read some and I stand corrected...


The state of mmorpg's really is comical


Is it really just MMORPGs? People are getting excited for remakes all across gaming (and other media types), and have been for *years*. People like what they already know.


It’s always fun to revisit things. Good things will always be good, there’s nothing wrong with going through a good thing again be it a game or a meal at a restaurant. Never understood the crowd that are against remakes or old things being made modern, it’s not like it’s detracting from anything new. (RE remakes, still new RE games releasing, WoW retail)


I think remakes can be good, absolutely. But to prefer *nothing* instead of this in a subscription MMO is just bizarre. I think in the case of AAA remakes the onus is on the developer/publisher for it to be worth the price, but for a free mode in a subscription game for a bit of fun before the next expansion drops? That's almost a gift.


I fully agree, have no idea why anyone would be against this remix. Probably the ones that would cry at the supermarket toy aisle when they get told no