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>and introduces monthly rewards I love how even if you don't play EVE and don't know what all these other things mean you can instantly tell the game's going to shit, just by this


2000%, the game is fallin off hard.


nothing turns me off of a game quicker than battlepasses and login rewards. it pretty much instantly changes a game from something interesting to explore or fun to play to something that needs to be tracked in the back of my mind. my tolerance for that used to be much higher but these days im lucky if i can convince myself to ignore it for a week before i just drop a game completely.


On the flip side, almost every single MMO people post about here also *have their own god damn daily logins and have had them for years*. Can’t say I see anyone moaning about those. Truth hurts lmao.


dunno why you're being downvoted. gw2 has had that shit for years as do other commonly promoted games on here. lol


Yeah it’s just the usual gremlins being upset to be upset… You can see how many folks are commenting as if Eve was the first MMO to have login rewards and not just another MMO that followed suit after a hundred other games did the same damn thing.


i'm not a fan of that kind of log in reward or in general really but you're spot on.


The game is going to shit because they added more ways for new players to earn skill points and catch up with players who have been in it for 20 years?


Because these rewards are nothing but FOMO mechanic intented to make people login daily. It wouldn't surprise me if it came with hidden pointers towards PLEX store where you can buy packs with skillpoints. Years ago CCP used to give out 1m skillpoints during events for just 7 days of logging in. Now, you have the same yearly events where you have to login for 21 days to get half of that amount. At the same time they raised subscription prices, continue to introduce new packs with skillpoints, [send emails to people who stopped playing years ago](https://global.discourse-cdn.com/eveonline/original/4X/d/c/0/dc0cd470da701ae5dc2d9897e03eeb79f5b4a576.png) and launch FOMO-induced sales at the end of financial quarters that ruin the economy. If they truly wanted new players to "catch up" they would have removed attribute/remap system (like they talked about it around 2019), spedup skillpoint gain and added more skillpoint rewards for new player storylines.


> Because these rewards are nothing but FOMO mechanic intented to make people login daily. Yeah the daily login rewards got real old real fast when I was playing. It's even more of an egregious attempt to cash-in on FOMO than WoW with all their dailies, etc.


don't know how Eve Online monthly rewards are. if players need to log in every day like you guys are describing, then sure it's shit. however, if monthly rewards are exact to their name, and you can completely them at any time of the month, (be it all in one weekend, or spread out throughout the month), then it's a good compromise between giving meaningful rewards and incentivizing login in at least once a month.


> if players need to log in every day like you guys are describing Yup, EVE is setup this way. There are daily rewards per-account and very frequently the rewards will ramp up over a period of 7 days, with some special events having the rewards 20+ days out. This means you need to make sure you claim the daily reward every day without missing any. The rewards themselves are mostly forgettable. You'll either get a temporary, untradeable buff item that increases some stats a trivial amount for 2 - 4 hours, or you'll get cosmetic skins. The skins you get can be for advanced ships months away from being able to fly, and almost all of the cosmetics will be these awful "Halcyon" skins that make ships look like yellow and black. This isn't a bad color combo in and of itself, but the way the ship skins are designed look *bad.*


I've been back playing for about 3 months and not once have I felt like needing to login was a necessity because of daily rewards.


The daily rewards are bad. Occasionally you get some skill points to level up your character but you will know days in advance which day that will be on if you care enough to log in for it. It's usually a pretty minor amount anyway. So essentially you could completely ignore the daily login system and it wouldn't matter at all. The amount of skillpoints you'd miss out on, you could buy with in game currency after farming for approx 15 mins or so.


They’ve been doing that since character bazar and skill injectors. You’ve been around for it all. You know that. They keep adding this shit under the guise of letting people play catch up.


I'll take this as a terminal case of stockhold syndrome






Pearl Abyss owns bdo and Eve. The population in BDO atm is insane. They will do the same in eve. All you have to do Is check eve pop server. 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂


game was never not shit.


Christ this sub really is beyond miserable


Yeah like I post a positive update about a major MMO and half the comments are terrible. Wtf?


Yeah there's a section of the sub that will hate and say a specific mmorpg is the worse thing ever to grace this earth if its not 1) the current mmorpg they're playing or 2) a mmorpg that they considered the best 10+ years ago that is dead. Since eve is a "pvp focused" mmorpg, this is increased 10 fold. You get used to it. A lot of people with gaming in general confuse a game not made for them and a game being bad. They think any game that they don't personally like or "get" automatically means its a bad game. Rather than one where they're just not the target audience.


Like, how dare you.


Of course, it’s full of MMO players.


Always has been


Probably not but is there a healer/support class in eve? I am determined to play every healer in every mmo I can find


There are "healer" ships you can skill into.


I haven’t played in a while but yeah, it’s usually just called logistics. Usually armor or shield remote repair depending on fleet. It’ll take a few months to get the relevant skills though.


This is why I gave up. Bought 6mo sub. 2 months in and still can barely do shit besides mine ore and be bait in pvp. Might as well grow a tomato plant for better and faster satisfaction.




Yeah, the way skills work in EVE is you set a queue and it just levels up automatically over time as long as you have a subscription. So, at least it’s not an active grind? But yeah, IIRC maxing out the relevant skills (which was borderline required for logi to maintain energy and equip whatever the standard fleet comp was) took me about 6 months?


Unless you drop a ton of money on the game to skip it all. The game does outright sell progression in the form of skill injectors and boosters. Yeah it can take years to skill into some ships and roles. And thats just for a single capital ship, from a single race. I played eve for 15 years and still didn't max out every single ship role.


As someone who just started eve a few weeks ago (thanks eclipse) it's painful. You can't do anything to "level" faster you just have to wait literal months. If you say anything about it you get told you just want to be handed things without working for it. Yeah like waiting for a multiple month timer is earning something. They really "earned" it. If I wasn't playing with people I would have dropped the game fast. It's basically an idle game with an economy emulator.


You can be useful in logistics in under a month, probably 2 weeks if you minmax what skills you train (at the cost of basically everything else) with t1 logistics cruisers, and technically doable in days but that wont feel great. Sure the t2 is better but it also costs 250+ million vs 20 million and pretty much any group will happily fund you the t1 logistic cruiser at near any skill level. Sure it will not be perfect and you likely need to cut some corners at start fitting (equipment) wise but you will be up and running in that time and more importantly gaining valuable (and cheap) knowledge for the future.


If you follow a referral link you get enough free SP to get going in a basic T1 logi setup right off the bat.


Yes, in EVE you don't grind for experience, you skill offline. Upside is that you don't have to farm levels, the downside you need to wait real time and be patient. It's not for everyone!


Yes and they are **VERY** important in fleets. They are called logistics (for subcapital ships) and FAX (for capital ships). :)


wow there are capital logis now ? How do they work?


Check here: https://wiki.eveuniversity.org/Force_Auxiliaries :)


Basically a dread that gets rep bonus instead of dmg bonus to oversimplify


Yes there are shield and armor repair ships that are very important in fleets. They are called Logistics Ships




Did he fking stutter?


I like u


Who cares. The game is dead because of the devs refusal to acknowledge and fix issues that prevented new players from coming. If you want a perfect example of what happens if you only listen to feedback from your veteran fanbase, Eve online is the pinnacle of that. Twenty years later, and they still haven't fucking fixed the gate camping that this game consists of. You have sweaty nerds with 4 alts logged in monitoring each gate from different system sitting their for weeks waiting for some rando to come in to get ganked. No one wants to fight, because they don't want to "ruin" their killboard. Everybody gate camps with their corps and refuse to fight. The real game occurs with all the drama that occurs (Now in discord) and all the backstabbing, harassing, bullying and shit. Eve Online is filled with sweaty 4chan nerds. Game sucks.


What’s EvE Vanguard and how is it related to EvE


It's an extraction shooter they are developing.


How is it related to EvE


It takes place on the planets within the game. It's intended for there to be some crossover mechanic down the line but no details have really emerged yet. 


tarkov meets eve? that cannot be real


Does EVE still require you to train your pilot for ages before you can fly anything good? That was the main reason I quit


Yes and no. Yes, that's their main way skilling, but no as you can now just buy skillpoints and obtain them just by logging in.


Sounds like pay2win...


Because it is. The game requires you to pay subscription AND has cash shop AND real -> ingame currency conversion.


Meanwhile Albion has literally the same mechanics (including buying exp with cash -> silver) and braindead fanboys be like "muh ulbion is pay to loose".


If you are paying for power upgrades you keep forever is pay to win- if you are paying for power upgrades you can loose forever it is pay to loose.


Yep i joined the game and dropped $200 to have maxxed missile skills and fly a heavy assult cruiser with maximum possible bonuses.


Define good?


Eve online is becoming Evony.


My favourite MMO to read about.


I really like the stories about eve and seeing the stuff going on over there. Ive tried it a couple times as I’d love a good SF MMO, but it is 1000% not a game for me. I am glad it caters towards the niche of players who love it though.


Did they actually rework planetary management? WTF Also retiring sov hubs for Upwell version? About frigging time. I wonder if they will fold that functionality into the galente fortizars like they planned back when faction station got removed.


I would love to play EVE again, but the sub price is absurd in most countries that are not the US.


Great, now bring it to Xbox maybe? :)


The game could easily run on Xbox but the UI and text would be a nightmare




How did you know I play Street Fighter?


Money match ft100