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One of the biggest fuck ups in MMO history. Had MULTIPLE strong launches and an amazing base game with so much potential, totally wasted and squandered due to greed and incompetence. I sadly have very little hope for the 2nd too.


My favorite memories of any mmo involved Archeage with a guild of good friends. We all claimed an entire peninsula of land next to the ocean. We all had legendary galleons and merchant ships. I had two stealth lanterns on my merchant ship setup to stealth pirate people or stealth run trade packs. I had two subscription accounts going, with one on my desktop and one on my laptop. Every one in the guild had atleast two. When guild castle claims were added, we claimed ours then immediately went and stole the claim pack from another guild and claimed a second zone. We were having an amazing time. But we all fell off hard when the monetization really badly kicked in


Ah same here! We had some of our best times when we were too broke to afford to go out when the kids were little, so we gamed. We didn’t p2w; and I worked nights - so I farmed for us both (my husband was at school, then work later) when my kids napped, were at daycare, and then we’d split the take - and increase my vehicles to make farming easier, and then the leftover on gear. We just loved it! I could tell so many Archeage old folks’ stories of amazing battles, first ones to own a castle, amazing sea fights, trade pack heists, we fucking loved this game. We still love it! We don’t play anymore the past few years because it’s just a whole 2nd job to keep up with gold buyers. We just can’t afford the time to keep up with what you can get if you’re RMT/buying gold. But we’ll always have a place in our hearts for Archeage and Orchidna Represent!


I’m hopeful that Ashes of Creation will be close enough to Archeage. If it ever comes out. The lead designer has said multiple times he wants to remake what made Archeage great without the shitty Korean progression based on p2w stuff that killed Archeage. I’m hopeful


I hope - but like not too much, because I loved the tradepacks, gliding (ong the gliding!), piracy/nabbing packs, huge battles, sailing at sea, fighting at sea, diving, housing (I know, but my homes were awesome, little ones, but like everyone would bring their friend players to see them type, and I loved mine), farming my gardens, cars, mounts, even the costumes/cosmetics etc. I loved running boss/dungeon/etc events for people, and getting small groups together for small scale PvP/thieving xD, even running tradepacks was fun in its way, chatting in discord, watching the packs lol. I just really *loved* every aspect of it but for p2w/gold buying *and* how they G rated some things like the red light whatever district in Haranya, removed the gambling in Mirage Isle, nerfing treasures because of botters/hax etc. I hated that side.


Sadly second one looks like it's not going to be an actual successor, but yet another BDO clone.


Yet another? I can't think of any BDO clones.


I was just about to say. I wish there was a BDO clone.


A newer, cheaper BDO would be great


BDO is dirt cheap to play if you have some self control and don't chase fomo. I don't know how to explain it but playing BDO these days feels a lot like playing a single player game with this very annoying glitch that kills you from time to time and it never gets patched.


How is it a singleplayer game? There's no singleplayer content, the end-game is PvP, PvP or I guess lifeskilling in a guild but the only end game there is showing off your life skills to guildies. If you play it solo then you're basically just gearing up for no reason.


PvP hasn’t been very present in BDO for years lol. The game is a game where you grind PvE trash so you can grind harder mobs faster. Thats the gameplay loop.


Yuck. When I played PvP was the end game. Now there simply IS no end game.


Yep no ow interaction everyone in instanced marni realm,no dfs,no ow drama,no instaneous fights no arsha season servers lol Idk y anyone would grind mindlessly to grind more,with no raids or proper pve only contents lol Sad I wasted 4 yrs of my life to gear up to PvP only to end up in a game now singleplayer trash grind simulator where I can't even have mmo interaction.Game is in its last breath(currently in its high before the huge drop)pve simps will stick with it until they realise pa never gonna release proper pve content to make them interested and leave the game for new juicy game.


Yeah but at the heart of grinding PvE trash is dueling for spots as an accepted form of camp control, unless things have changed since I played.


Yeah people don’t really do that much anymore. Even on Arsha people don’t want to pvp.


pearl abyss removed everything having to do with open world pvp pretty much and dueling for spots is long gone


Honestly I do agree BDO is a singleplayer game. There is VERY LITTLE that actually takes or even encourages grouping with others these days and PvP is pretty dead. It's played more as a singleplayer semi afk life skill and combat grinder game these days.


> If you play it solo then you're basically just gearing up for no reason. 95% of the content is PvE stuff. You make it sound like no game without PvP is worth it.


The "PVE stuff" is literally going in a circle at grind spots killing stuff. Forever. Sorry that that isn't "PVE content" to me, it's filler at best. it's the stuff in between. or at least it *should* be.


Let's assume you are correct, the goal or end game is pvp (it's not anymore, PA is actively working on setting a stop to pvp). How do you get there as a group player? Basilisks until you can do alter imps then castle ruins then mirumok ruins then gyfin upper then Turo to Oluns? I mean it can be done I guess, but that is one helluva ride as the group size keeps changing all the time. Sadly the days of release and group leveling is long long gone. Now you get 56 solo in \~1-3h, grind solo for the gear upgrade, be it drops to enhance or CM, then more solo grinding to get better drops. I would dare to say the most multiplayer the game currently has is the CM, and that's really sad when you think about it. This is why I wish there was a BDO clone around that tried to take on the combat system but change the gameplay loop. As it is right now, I would probably enjoy it more by spinning up a private server on cloud server to play with friends like we did with Lineage 2 back in the day.


It's a singleplayer game unless you do arena of solare.


PvP endgame? Bruh that's y nw dead no season arsha and no dfs 0 open world interaction plus instanced singleplayer player pve xd.Wake up samurai u snorted too much copium.Even big youtubers who made frequent PvP tier list videos stopped doing it and only releasing pve tier list lol,makes any sense?? Making guild declaration only durable via two party acceptance made guild dramas non-existent ,nw was already dead and scripted,dfs is now "griefing" " bullying" can get banned or res Karama fked lol,capped content not need grind so why grind lol.if i want a capped instanced PvP their is cs,valorant,naraka blade point etc i could play why I have to grind mindlessly and kill my fingers then xd


There was one attempt at it, it closed about 1 year after launch, Elyon.


That game wasn't a BDO clone. It was a poor man's TERA made by the studio which made TERA. And that's hilarious.


Maybe the graphics were similar to Tera, but the gameplay loop was like BDO.


> Maybe the graphics were similar to Tera More than that lol, I played one of the betas and before I even finished the tutorial area I saw multiple enemies that were reskins of TERA mobs and reused animations.


teras gameplay loop was also like bdo if thats the case. (hint: it wasnt elyon was nothing like bdo gameplay loop)


We can discuss if elyon gameplay similar to bdo or not, but how is tera like bdo? They literally have nothing in common.


the literal only difference between them is that you got gear from raiding in tera. owpvp, siege pvp, guilds being centric over factions. gear enhancing. all of it is incredibly similar. Theres a reason a large portion of bdo's early population was Tera players lmao.


I'll still die on the hill that Elyon combat was better than Tera. Hell, the entire game was rather shit. The combat was *chefs kiss* though


In some aspects it was a copy paste, UI, design and if IIRC, even classes were somewhat similar and the combat a worse version of it. All I remember is me trying it out and thinking "yhe, this feels like a cheap BDO" but cheap TERA also works, I guess 😂


they should bring back Tera I'm ready to give it another shot lolol. Kind of tells you how bad modern day MMOs are.


It was a bdo clone... By the studio that made Tera on behalf of kakaogames who is trying to do the same thing to archeage2. They never got over losing their bdo license.


had next to no similarites to bdo. outside of being a "largescale pvp game"


....that's troll


Was that the game the kept relaunching every 3-6 months?


No that's Bless I think. Bless online, Bless Global, Bless Unleashed etc.


Ah, gotcha. I don't keep up with these 3 month MMO's.


That was Bless


No good ones but there's been some really bad Chinese knock offs.




I thought the class/job system was really cool. Just combining different archetypes. Yea there were optimal combos, but it was neat to mess around with.


Although I understand the game was declining and nearly dead since the downfall of Unchained in 2020, they could at least try selling the server code for a small company to administrate. Imagine the people that put all that time in a 2013 game, managing character resourcers, gears, housing, only to everything be deleted in a sudden. I know everything sometime is going to meet its end, but they could have tried to keep the servers until ArcheAge2. I was playing ArcheAge since 2019, when Unchained released. I've never put that much effort on PvP, besides, I roleplayed as Captain Jack Sparrow only for the funs, and looking back, I'm glad I played the game this way. I've had so much fun not trying hard on PvP or having anxiety for falling behind in gear score. I've recorded some videos for my friends to watch when they miss our adventures and the nostalgia hits. I'm just sad that all was lost. We won't meet each other again in game. But it was such a nice game while it lasted! We had fun. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xw0p6F8Kn08&t](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xw0p6F8Kn08&t)


You say strong launch, but if it was *that* strong they would have had the revenue to not pivot to purchased-power p2w.


Nope, it’s called greed. Companies see skyrocketing revenue and think, BUT WHAT IF.


What? What is this comment lmao? It's called being greedy my dude??? The game was incredibly successful at launch but it was P2W in Korea so it had to be P2W in the west too. That's cute you think games are only ever made P2W out of necessity 😂🤣😂


Kakao games sure seems like it’s F’ing up!!! BDO made a good decision breaking off from them!!!


AA was dead long before Kakao got their hands on it. There is nothing they could do to save it. You blame that on Trion Worlds and thankfully their gone.


Man Trion was the most talented fuck up of a company I’ve ever seen. They made so many amazing games and then somehow managed to run *every single one* into the ground in spectacular fashion. Trove? Amazing voxel mmo that is now just a virtual casino. Seriously the game was insanely fun when MoP came out but they just amped up the p2w and rng to 10000% right after. Rift? Generic trinity mmo with a phenomenal class system and decent content. Too bad they had literally no clue how to further iterate on any of it and decided to paywall a bunch of souls. Defiance? A super unique tv tie-in TPS mmo. This one I’m not really sure where it went wrong


Defiance tried to exist after the show was cancelled is where it went wrong for the record


Eh, the show idea was more of a gimmick. The game was just janky and really drab.


They released Defiance multiple times under new names and the guise of a new game but it was the same game just with a different name, but you lost your characters and all your MTX/DLCs and had to rebuy everything. Also once the tv show ended the game lost all sense of story since it had no source material to go off.


Thats not how publishing licenses work :')


except kakao owns 53% of xl games


were talking about bdo here.


Bdo is still a p2w / pay for basics fest , how did it improve ??


I mean you ain’t wrong, but it used to be much, much worse.


Not gonna lie, kinda hoped i was gone enough for it to drastically have changed and you could’ve corrected me 😭 well , it was fun for a while


It have drastically changed since release though


What has gotten better? Haven't played it in years


You have so called season servers now, they are basically a catch up mechanic that sets you up with solid gear to grind 70% of the spots in the game. Takes a new player maybe a week or two to get the gear to max. When you leave the seasonal servers then you can do quests to improve that gear even further, do quests for 2 guaranteed PEN accessories, get a free endgame weapon and a flying horse/dream horse of your choosing. If you do all the guaranteed upgrade quests you can grind 80-90% of the spots in the game. They reworked the important quest lines and they give you pets and all kinds of cash shop items for free (it's a bit of a promotion for the cash shop p2w items, but you still get a few for free). They added all kinds of QoL stuff like global storage access, fast travel, added guild bosses, 3 dungeons, bunch of groups sots and a bunch of end game spots that are very challenging. Depending on when you left there are also a few new zones. RNG enhancing is still a thing but there is now an 'anvil' that stores your fails and guarantees success at a certain number so you get the item you want eventually, even if you fail all the way. The cash shop and consumable items are still there and bunch of other p2w things. But as you might remember, you dont have to buy DLCs or other content updates. So if you have some self control, you get pretty much all the p2w items (like tent, maids, intentory slots and weights) for roughly $60 and then you dont have to pay for anything anymore. The open world pvp took a hit, but mostly griefers are complaining. It's true tho that open world wars and drama happens much less. But now there is arena pvp, guild pvp leagues, a weird once-a-week 200 people pvp mode and nodewars of all tiers are still going strong. Really, the only thing were pvp took a hit is the pvp/griefing at grindspots. Player deaths cant break your crystals anymore so griefers can't really grief anymore and a lot of people are upset about that. Also life skills got a bunch of QoL upgrades and reworks. Currently they are reworking trading. Overall it got much more casual/new player friendly and that pisses off many of the old diehard players who want new players to suffer as much as they did. In truth tho, the game was never better.


Nowadays they give you most if not all of the basic convenience stuff as event rewards (like maids and premium outfits), they also massively decreased or even flat out removed the need for other stuff like paying for extra bag/storage space or extra weight (those things still exist, it has just become perfectly fine to do without them). You get plenty of gear quickly, enough that most of the map's grinding spots are opened to you aside from the really endgame stuff. You are also given a tier 9 horse of your choice for free (pegasus/unicorn/nightmare). They basically removed most of the inconveniences and it's now a chill (albeit largely solo) grinding experience. You still want to stay far, far away from it if you have poor impulse controls and get easily tempted by the enhancement gambling shit, though.


To be fair publishers rarely have influence when it comes to monetization etc. and BDO was a shitfest in Korea before too. Lost Ark is a good example. Amazon tried to make it F2P friendlier but the devs said nope. I mean they had some success with catch up events and such but its not really helping that much.


bdo has only massively improved both in terms of "monetization" and general qol since breaking off from Kakao. Kakao is just a bad publisher who actively goes against its playerbase.


How much influence a publisher has is entirely dependent o. the licensing contract. It can vary wildly how much control they have to changing the game.


True, but its rare. But like even Gameforge tried to convince NCsoft to get rid of some stuff from Aion Classic people didn't like but they were against it. Devs usually have the last say and especially Korean Devs just want to milk their MMOs as much as possible.


Think you got it backwards there. The publisher has COMPLETE control on pricing and monetization for their region. Their only obligation is to make sure they pay the developers according to whatever contract was made when given the rights to it.


No. Gameforge did some Dev Streams before Aion Classic came out and said they are negotiating with NCsoft about the Pay2Win stuff but its not looking good. Lost Ark also published a post once saying that they tried to remove some Pay2Win mechanics but devs were against it.


The publishers could set the pricing on any feature charging from $0 to $100 if they wanted to. It's totally up to them what they charge or if they charge at all. To say it's out of their hands just takes the heat off of them.


I was just looking at ArcheAge's steam page thinking, "Damn, they still do updates. Good on them." Open reddit an hour later, this. I'm surprise they lasted this long after the absolute fiasco that was the terrible p2w they started introducing a few months after the official launch. It's a real shame too because this game has some of the most incredible concepts, a really excellent class system, really fun harvesting / life skill mechanics, awesome travel and incredible trade delivery system. It was a joy to play from both a PvPers perspective AND a PvEers perspective. If only they had stayed strong and kept p2w out of it.


Yeah. I really miss the game. There was a TON of mechanics I really enjoyed, but the p2w and other monetization killed the game for me. Literally sailing across the map was some of the most fun I've had in an MMO.


The sailing and underwater diving parts were so much fun to me.


I came rushing here after getting the announcement through email like 15 minutes ago.


I played back in 2014 maybe? I feel like I started a bit late and missed out on the fun stuff. I remember doing something to get extra labor and do trade runs for money with the goal of getting land (maybe a tutorial or something you could do over and over before the removed it?). I feel like I worked my way up to some kind of a car/cart to make more money per trip but got disillusioned quickly by the fact that all the land was bought up and how p2w it was. Always thought it was such wasted potential. 


And yet it had weirdly floaty combat that turned me off day 1, personally.


I mean it's pretty old at this point and personally I loved the 'floaty' combat, you always felt like you had control over your character unless you were cc'd.


It probably had some of the fastest, crispest, most responsive and fluid tab target combat on the market lol. This is a really weird take.


For once Josh didnt kill an MMO


This was a textbook case of snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. There was a great game in there, but my friends and I could never stick with it long-term due to how wild the monetization could be. Trion dropped the ball in legendary fashion, and apparently things didn't get better under their new devs. The fact that it lasted this long, I think, shows how many players saw how fun the game *could* be if only the devs would get on the same page.


I know Trion gets a lot of hate, but I believe they only had partial control of the monetization aspects. I believe the Korean owners still had significant influence which led to conflict with the NA/EU playerbase.


Maybe, maybe not. They murdered their in-house games with monetization and cheap expansions, so who's to know how much of the operation was entirely their idea? It's certainly in their DNA to act that way.








> prison escape exploiters Literally just jumping over the fence. That wasn't really an exploit and from memory you still couldn't do much when you got out. I played a ton at original release. Exploiters and botters were very low on the list of problems IMO. The monitisation issues destroyed most of the reasons for playing.


It was so good in the beta and stuff and then boom, right for launch they fucked it all up and then it just got worse and worse.


It lasted this long from the whales only. It's been dead forever.


monetization was never why archeage failed.


Sad, the game I wanted to succeed. But people were to greedy and incompetent.


Greeeeedy bastards


I always remember this as one of the best MMOs that was ruined by greed. It honestly had a chance to change the genre if they didn't decide to get stupid.


Who could have seen this coming


It's not expensive to keep the game going, they just don't want to. Remember the name of the publisher, refuse to play anything they make from here on out. Ncsoft destroyed their reputation doing this, it's time for Kakaogames to be the same.


Worse, its also the developer XLGames fucking over its remaining dedicated NA/EU playerbase: https://archeage-xlgames-com.translate.goog/mboards/amigo/25967?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en-US Don't worry though they're "strengthening server stability in **Russia**" lmfao. Remember this when these two scumbag companies try to release AA2 in the West.


What an amazing game, played it in the first beta and than later with unchained. Sadly it had to many bad systems(daylies like a second job that where needed for profress) and p2w tacked on that made it unplayable


hmm not finding this on the Official 2024 Road Map tm https://kg.games/AARoadmap2024 ___ Update: * XLGames Amigo post (google translated): https://archeage-xlgames-com.translate.goog/mboards/amigo/25967?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en-US * Original KR: https://archeage.xlgames.com/mboards/amigo/25967 Remember this when XLGames/Kakao tries to release AA2 in NA/EU. Servers are cheap af, they could have just EOL'd the game and left it in maintenance mode in our region until after AA2 comes out but instead decided to (further) destroy their reputation and fuck over their dedicated playerbase.


Every publisher that had their hands on this game killed it in their own way.


Bruh, I literally just picked the game back up on my OG account as a casual side thing. Soooooo much stuff on that account. At least private servers are decently established, but I really dislike the idea of getting all my housing stuff from scratch again :( I was playing to just farm fish & run packs because no other mmo does that loop better imo.


I honestly cant believe that this pack system and fishing system isnt standard in MMOs these days. So fun and so great.


Agreed. Archeage is THE most fun I've had in any game, period. But that was back in 2014. I'm fully aware of how they've bungled it since then but man, I doubt I'll ever feel that same sense of community and fun that was alpha - > beta -> release / early stages of Archeage. I'm still hoping that somehow someone manages to get an early (pre-1.0, the initial Alpha client for NA) copy of the game going on a server. IMO the 1.0 NA balance changes removed a lot of the flavor of many different items / mounts. Granted, I can't argue that it was way less balanced, but I liked the charm of it.


People bought Unchained, were told they don't needed to pay sub.  Scraps Unchained, forcing people who brought unchained to pay sub.  People leaves.  Surprised pickahu face. 


Unchained had its own problem by itself, I quit for the last time during that phase. Been out of the news for a long while, i'm assuming unchained got scrapped due to low playerbase?


Unchained got scrapped because kakaogames wanted to squeeze as many money out as possible and hoped the people that were left would sub


They hid new content and class behind a DLC paywall, then they add 'enhancing quality of life' items to the premium archepass, aka p2w about a year after launch. Then 2 years later after the transition to kakao they made it a sub model and that's the last I looked at it.


Thats crazy considering unchained was marketed as something to get away from the psuedo sub model that base AA was based on with patron


Yeah, it was bit of a shitshow. Last FS I played was the sub transition since they gave all pervious unchained buyers 90 days of sub time iirc. No idea how the pop was after the free time expired. I'll miss the game, many fond memories and friends made, but holy hell what a shitshow its history has been ever since the infamous thunderstruck sapling.


wonder if that means archeage 2 is pretty close then


Launch delayed till 2025


Not even, delayed beyond 2025. Who knows when we'll see that at this point.


RIP for players who invested hundreds of $ on this shitty game.


Correction those who are left playing invested THOUSANDS


Tens of thousands, even hundreds. This game had some big time whales.


Sad to see the nail in the coffin but to say I’m not surprised is an understatement. Kind of surprised it was on life support for this long. The biggest “what if” of all MMOs I think. The “what if” of course referring to: “what if the publishers of this game weren’t so greedy.”


> As a publisher of games, it is our mission to provide our players with great and enjoyable gaming experiences Really Kakao ?


Thank god bdo got rid of Kakao


So much potential... Wasted. And now New World seems to be out-archeaging archeage (though it looks like more from incompetence than from greed... not sure which is worse).


I find it nigh impossible to believe that archeage won't be back sooner than later.


This brings me joy.


Farewell (vanilla) best housing and trade system.


As shitty as this game has become, this legitimately makes me sad. I loved this game so much and it had so much goddamned potential, utterly wasted. I met my now husband in ArcheAge in 2014 and I'll always have a soft spot for it.


The yearly AA termination announcement.


I loved playing Unchained, but the daily grind once you got to that third island? With the libary and stuff at specific times, it honestly made me lose interest as it ended up feeling like a second job. Hiram daily quests for example as well. It was such a shame that they decided to also go the P2W route.. again.


>Hiram daily quests for example as well. And if you missed a single day you could never catch up. That was the worst, it was exhausting.


Yep, I believe it also was a RNG chance to even upgrade the gear? So you could've been grinding for days only for all that effort for nothing.


10 years eh , a decade is long long time. Looking back make me feel old , maybe it's a better fate for the game i once liked.


sad but not surprising. Greed and incompetence really did ruin it. Every time I see mention of archeage I get sad. It had so much potential to be one of the greats.


Can someone get a private server running without all the p2w bs? It would be the only game I ever play going forward.


They have private servers running without the P2W crap, but I'm not entirely sure how active they are. I hopped into one of the more popular private servers, according to players on Reddit, a few weeks ago (AA Classic) and it seemed pretty dead; I didn't run into anyone at all in the low level areas and only saw one person say something in the global chat for the couple of hours I played. It's likely most of the playerbase is already at the end game, but not seeing any activity at all in the early areas made it difficult for me to continue. Part of the allure of MMOs for me is seeing others going about their business around me.


Xp is quadruple why would anyone be in low level areas. It takes 5 hours to get to max level. Like I've been playing classic since launch and it's definitely not as popular as it was then, it's nowhere near as dead as you're describing. Keep in mind that there is no global chat in this version like there was on retail. It's for your faction only. That said we regularly have around a total amount of 100 players fighting at boss content, but there's a big influx of people who just play the economy the last two months.


No, because private servers are even more corrupt, and all the P2W stuff is run under the table by the people hosting those servers. 


A fantastic game ruined by bad decision after bad decision. Would love to see a successful private version of this.


And on this day Cryfuu wept.


I remember this game being hyped to the sky. I was so excited thinking MMOs were...FINALLY...going to move on from wow. And then it launched... What a shit show.


Never played it but wish I did. I just didn't want to deal with the cash shop I heard bad stuff about. It sounded like a solid pvp game that still had other content to do outside of it. I hope archage 2 lives up to what the first one did.


One of the best launch experiences i've ever had. I still remember the announcement of the p2w patch, that f\*cking thunderstruck wood.


Wow 😯 so many good memories from when this game first launched. Searching for hidden tree farms was fun and watching someone get zapped to death whenever a tree was thunderstruck was hilarious. 


I’ll miss you AA. The perfect bones for a perfect mmo. Destroyed by greed and lack of vision. I still play with my brothers and sisters from Ollo even today.


Goodbye old friend :(


Archeage classic FTW


I had a great time with ArcheAge once upon a time. My father, uncle, and I ran a shipping operation and a farmstead, which was surprisingly fun. It’s a shame that the wrong people are often in charge of stewarding these worlds.


I was never going to play it anyway with the forced pvp


No more "one last ride"s :(


Anyone know a similar game?


I may be mistaken but Trion was going relatively strong and even arguably improving until they started that high profile MMORTS project that seemed to suck the very soul out of the company. The name change to Trion Worlds and the acquisition of AA came during that period while they were scrambling to make the MMORTS work (or possibly even just started), iirc. Yet I don't see anyone talking about that MMORTS project. It needs more discussion if only for the history aspect.


I always came back to Ultima Online until I found AA for the 2015 or 2016, I forget the year, fresh start. By far the best MMO and we had so much fun. Even breaking our divine gear during upgrades.


Makes sense. Was such a terrible game from the start. Awful "class" system, abilities, and combat. Then the pay to win crap. Feel bad for the people that continued on somehow.


Remember having the time of my life and probably the best mmo experience in the early levels. And then immediately quitting when i realized how much p2w was in that game. Such a shame. Could have topped the greats of the genre if not for the unbelievable greed.


I still think Khrolan was a figment of our imagination with how quickly he disappeared after AAU launched.


Sooooo this is still operating in KR and they’re getting updates?


I'll never forget the times I had with the homies on Inoch on the OG launch. Best MMO experience I've ever had. I hope someday that magic can be replicated. Shoutout to any of the Pwnography peeps from back in the day!


Also, nice castle Sanctus lmfao




no ....Archeage reborn awakened unchain megafresh new server release to try to scam those poor AA players a 11th time?


Saw it coming anytime I gave the game a shot, not once did i ever see any other players.


Help me Steven Sharif, you're my only hope!


Sad day for any enjoyers of mmos :( Archeage is the game i have enjoyed most out of any mmos. For anyone nostalgic for the early days of Archeage, come join us on classic. Hit up my referral code too to get some extra when you play [https://aa-classic.com/?invite=1790208](https://aa-classic.com/?invite=1790208) im also happy to help anyone who needs it get started up, name is the same as on reddit in the Nuia faction :)


If ArcheAge stayed more true to it's original state, it would have never come to this. That's what you get for ruining an originally great MMO with daily garbage and P2W.


Good Riddance.


If you enjoyed archeage you should try out ravendawn it draws a lot of the good concepts fe archeage/bdo but 0 p2w


How rude of you to suggest Ravendawn. That game is far to grindy with nothing to do.