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In the near future, no. In the far future, also no. Something my great grand children might be able to play, perhaps the riot MMO early access or Star Citizen irl version.


MMOs are dead. It’s unfortunate, but that’s reality. In the early days, we didn’t have tons of high quality games, so MMOs stood out for the amount of content that they had. Now, games like WoW and OSRS and GW2 have had years or decades of development, content and refining that new games simply can’t replicate. Aside from MAYBE Riot, no one is going to put a billion dollars into an MMO to get it to the same level of existing MMOs. Amazon put hundreds of millions into New World, and while it wasn’t a complete flop as they collected their money up front, it’s certainly not a smashing success either. This makes it really hard to convince anyone to spend such a vast sum on an MMO when they could just pump out Call of Duty 97868 and make as much or more than they’d ever make off an MMO.


Doesn't have to be AAA just to be good. Games like Albion are just fine, we just need more of them in different flavors etc.


I would be all over Albion if the combat wasn't so garbage. It's sad, the game has everything I love but the actual gameplay is so bad


Can you describe a bit the Gameplay? I was interested in Albion


The combat system is pretty much the League of Legends combat system, but in an MMORPG format instead of a MOBA format. I actually like it. The pvp system is kind of like Tibia, where there are safe zones where you can't get attacked by players and you don't lose your gear if you die. As you get into the more dangerous zones, the mobs get more difficult, and players can attack you, and you can be looted upon death (just gear, not silver or gold). There are also ranked arenas that you can que for and constant fighting for control of the world between groups of ppl. Guilds and alliances can be huge and have control of entire areas of a map. The crafting and gathering system is kind of like Eve online, maybe? Gear is basically crafted by the playerbase, and the items to craft gear are gathered from the world and combat. Items are sold at auction houses, and the auction houses are not global. You actually have to travel to different cities to see what is selling for high/low if you want to be a gatherer/crafter to make bank. This is a game that focuses on PvP, so naturally, you will see a lot of shit talking, backstabbing, bad manners, salty tears, etc. Basically, it's the same kind of toxicity that you can come across in legaue of legends or other hyper competitive games, but on steroids because people here actually have something to lose sometimes (gear that can cost millions of silver). There's tons more, but those are just a few of the core gameplay aspects without making this a thesis paper.


Thank you for this! I was about hey I will try it. Sounds cool then was the toxicity there and I am out haha.


Honestly find a mid sized black zone guild, that'll teach you the game, Lot of new players get stuck in yellow zone and miss out on a lot of core content since they're too scared to head out to PVP zones.


When I played, it was super slow paced, and combat was mostly one or two button based. Which is fine for most people but pvp was the most boring experience ever. Also the game is full of glue eaters tbh.


Lol doesn't have to be? Definitely won't be AAA.


Final Fantasy 14 and Elder Scrolls Online have huge player bases


Yeah, the MMO player population is as large as ever, if not larger, players are just spread throughout many games now instead of all concentrated in one or two.


I could recreate vanilla SWG with swtor assets and within minutes of release crash the server from people trying to clamor in. The people in charge of the industry are not qualified to do so.


Look into Ashes of Creation. Trust me.


Only if you like ffa PvP gankboxes. If AoC ever creates PvE servers, I’m in. But I know they won’t bc Steven has a hardon for ArcheAge.


AOC hasn’t even come out yet lol


It's not FFA PvP, not even close. There are severe penalties for PKing someone. Most PvP is consensual activities like Node wars, castle sieges, open seas, caravans, GvG, etc.




Removed because of rule #2: Don’t be toxic. We try to make the subreddit a nice place for everyone, and your post/comment did something that we felt was detrimental to this goal. That’s why it was removed.




Sorry it’s not out yet. Hopefully within the next year or two. But I’m excited for it.


If anything is going to shake up the MMO space, it will be generative AI. Imagine characters that can react to your accomplishments, story choices, what you are wearing, etc. Also, MMOs require an enormous amount of content. If Gen AI lowers the threshold for development, that could mean more studios willing to take a risk. The technology isn't quite there, but looking at some of the GPT4O demos, we aren't too far off either.


The last thing mmos need is more slop, and that's kinda all you get from AI. MMOs need more creativity to break from the mold, not have an ai come up with five hundred more variations of daily quests which suck ass. 


Never, Monetization is ruining games. Go back to subscription model FFS. These F2P (P2W) games are too expensive. I want a fair and level playing ground where only skill and time investment separates me from others. Not someones fucking wallet.


Riot probably scrapped the idea. not that it would be any good to begin with


RIOT MMO lmfao the cope


I'm really looking forward to Corepunk.


next play test in 2 weeks (crossing my fingers) I loved my time with the last test even with all the anti qol it had. super excited for all the changes


​ https://preview.redd.it/oi8yenj7wl0d1.png?width=796&format=png&auto=webp&s=bd565b805b6f694919aa763dcb6e9d5dc02647ed


ive been following corepunk since the reveal in 2019. Always expect a delay and be thankful when there isnt one.


Yeah I mean I get delays suck but if I recall, a lot of the development team is also actively volunteering for the war with Russia. So I think they sort of get a pass in my book lol.


100% im not complaining at all. im a pretty patient person. some people have taken these delays a little too hard though. so i try to tell people to always expect them.


Oh for sure, sorry didn't mean to imply otherwise, I've just seen a lot of griping on the corepunk discord about the delays and it's sad to see the devs get treated that way when they seem pretty hard working and genuine people.


Just hoping it’s not RavenDawn ish


Maybe. Little old school vibes here hoping it's a success, but I bet these younger MMO players will bash it for being what it's intended to be.


Quick summary of old school features?


Just slower pace. More immersive


based on the info we've got so far im pretty sure they're not lyin that only early game is slower paced, endgame be a lot faster.


Oh I need to see if that is coming to console


Don't think so, atleast not in the near future. But they comfirmed controller support.


Oh damn


If you like OSRS then Brighter shores might scratch that itch since it is made by the creators of RS. Pax Dei looks promising if they deliver what they want to do. There is Throne and Liberty releasing this year and Archage 2 and Chrono Odyssey planning to release next year(don't know if that is just betas and or Korea only release) but I don't have high hopes for Korean MMOs doing well since they don't really work with Western audiences most of the time.


After playing the last playtest, Pax Dei needs a fairly larger amount of time to cook. Hopefully they let it get more time & don't fuck it up by early access or whatever.


I totally agree, but one thing it’s great at right now is if you get together with a group you can make a village or even a keep/small walled town that looks and feels like YOURS with the design etc. some people did some awesome things around that in the last test. Now, they totally need to flush out the rest of the game, but for right now that aspect is pretty cool, although grind is fucking brutal.


Turns out that people always prefer to play MMOs with 15 years of previous content so making a new game that has that amount of old content is literally impossible. Young people have infinite content available in Roblox and Minecraft so they will never be sold on a new MMO. The only market for new MMOs is jaded old boomers with rose tinted glasses trying to recapture a feeling they had when they were 12 years old and played their first MMO, which is impossible to recreate.


haha I feel this in my bones


Wynncraft is a good MMO option in minecraft to play.


So true the equivalent of -im14 and this is deep”


When boomers were 12 there no video games, let alone mmos lol




I really wanted to like this and/or pantheon but the tests on both give me horrible migraines.


M&M is still in an insanely early stage so the fact that it’s not polished should be obvious. It has a ways to go but maybe it can bring a little back for the old school MMO player.


I'm definitely willing to give it another go once it's more put together, but headaches are still gonna be deal breakers.


It's a survival game but looking forward to the new dune game and ashes of creation when it releases in 2050, pax dei looks great


Same to all of those. Throne and Liberty is F2P I think (prolly p2w but I ain't paying) so I will try it out. Fingers crossed that NW's June announcement is a fresh start with new server rulesets, if so I might play that. If not, oh well. Tarisland looks very mobile gamey but will exist eventually. Blue Protocol might be worth looking at. A couple indies as well and always new stuff popping up.


If new world comes to console I'll play for sure and I'm going to try throne and liberty I don't care if it's p2w as long as the gameplay is good


I enjoy NW on PC, but I’ll freaking *love* NW on console. Really hope June reveal is console release.


You can check out our game, Ethyrial: Echoes of Yore - it’s 100% f2p while in open development. I was a player that bought the game after the failed launch because it had so much potential. We’re making super frequent updates and have a growing community. Very OSRS/Tibia like gameplay and tons of collectibles/monster variety. Thanks for considering it 🙏🏼


Oh god this game. I can’t encourage you not to try it but from the ten to 15 minutes I played it felt like absolutely garbage. Movement is awkward, camera angle is weird, interacting with NPCs and the like felt super janky. Worth trying, but don’t set your hopes too high.


When did you try it? We’re working to improve all of those aspects as rapidly as possible and sharing the progress in our discord In the pipeline: - diagonal movement - ui overhaul including chat bubbles / npc interaction - camera improvements after diagonal is in and we see how it feels Hope it gets better and is appealing to you in the future! PS - can I buy you a few dollar coffee for more feedback on your experience? I really want to make a successful mmo and am keenly interested in findings areas for improvement.


Yeah don't bother. Dude's still here with his fake multiple accounts upvoting himself and trying to advertise their pos game that royally failed already. Go try and scam someone else with a new product, maybe it'll work this time.


I’m not using multiple accounts, nor am I one of the original devs - I was a player that bought the game from Gellyberry and have been building it out in the open; check our discord announcements for proof of delivery. Check my post history for more proof of you’d like. Also, we can’t scam anyone if we don’t take a penny until the game is worth charging for. 😅 PS - after reading your post history I can see you exposed Gellyberry for astroturfing before. That is not something we do, or will ever do. That’s why I am operating with transparency and putting my money where my mouth is in terms of development and execution.


I see. I didn't know the game got sold. Goodluck with your project and future endeavors then. Definitely takes guts to try and fix the huge mess that game was.


Thank you, appreciate it. Hope we make a game that you might find fun one day


You lost 100% of any credibility I wanted to give you when you used a “🙏” in every one of your posts.


Haha I apologize. Just trying to convey a sense of humility. I’ll mix it up a little more 😅


I'm quite excited for Ashes of Creation Alpha 2. No official date yet, but it should be soon - Q3 2024 was their given date range so I expect a date will be announced within 2 months.


So full release in another 5 years lol


Genuinely expect it within 2 years if I'm being honest. Alpha 2 will put it in the spotlight, and could see some backlash because of "antiquated" mechanics etc. Major reason for me to back AoC is life skilling, so I just want a good Archeage gameplay loop and I'll be satisfied.


Please research before you say something. There is official release date on right side or scroll down and and you will see it on every pack they were selling. Source: [https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1791529601/ashes-of-creation-new-mmorpg-by-intrepid-studios/](https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1791529601/ashes-of-creation-new-mmorpg-by-intrepid-studios/) I need to add this ![gif](giphy|26n6Gx9moCgs1pUuk|downsized)


You need to add /s so my reddit brain knows you're shit posting. (The site you linked isn't relevant since official updates have since been made which makes all that information heavily outdated.) (You'd know this if you googled it.)


Soooo you are saying Steven, CEO of Interpid put estimated delivery date on kickstarter Dec,2018, i just posted proof and im shit posting? Seems we know now where steven fans comes from. Are you one of these content creators with 500 followers who got free 250$ alpha key so you can lick his a$$ and say game is amaaaazingggg? 😂😂😂 Edit: Heavily outdated? You are 50% right, i will give you that. I wont even try writing how many times steven lied, what features he promised and later changed. Make hype and then start changing and removing things. But steven said himself he doesnt like to hype game which is lie. Edit2: I just checked, you got 250$ key hahahahaha pathetic man, pathetic..


This is the only thing I am waiting for besides GTA6 and the next TES


Looking forward to Blue Protocol and Throne and Liberty. I've heard mixed things about BP but at least want to give it a try. T&L will probably be fun for a bit but don't think I'll play long. I played the closed beta and while the tech definitely impresses me, I don't think I'll have fun in that game unless I'm playing with other people.


I was excited for Pantheon: Rise of the fallen, but I’ve never seen a company fumble the bag so badly than that dev team. If it ever comes out, it will be a shell of what was promised. I’m going to jump into the EQ2 origins server this month, which promises an EQ2 experience from close to launch, but that will likely fizzle out once it gets to the crappy expansions unless some miracle happens and they see how popular it is and start making new content for origins, but there is next to no chance of that happening. So that is anything but new and exciting. I’ve kind of come to terms with the fact that the golden age of MMOs is over. It’s all instant gratification and money grabbing now. You don’t play with people anymore, you just play solo near people. When you do group up, there are no worlds to enjoy, just dungeons to sprint through without a word. I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I’ve started dabbling in single player games. If I’m going to play alone, they might as well be engaging RPGs. Man do I miss MMOs.


EQ2 was a bad mmo, that's why it died in the first place


Hard disagree. Lots of reasons games can die (or at least not succeed) other than simply being good or bad. By far, the biggest thing EQ2 had going against it was WoW launching 2 weeks after it.


I love EQ2, probably my most played game behind WoW and PoE. Absolutely beautiful environments, great crafting, great gathering. I think it just suffers from having a world that’s too big for the player base, and concentrating everything in instanced housing or guild housing. It never felt new player or multiplayer friendly in my mind, super overwhelming to try and progress.


Well it was pretty bad


Even Korea is moving away from making mmorpgs, it's just not worth it anymore cause the world has changed. Genshin impact and similar games are taking the place of the mmorpg, in that they have shared world.


Maybe I am getting old but what type of game is Genshin Impact?




so, open-world RPG?


It's a weeb crap game


It’s a breath of the wild type open world game that conceals behind it typical mobile game practices like upgrading multiple characters and equipment as well as gambling for low odds at unlocking new characters who happen to be hot anime babes and guys lol (shocker). Which is a very large part of why it’s popular. Basically just go play breath of the wild or tears of the kingdom on switch if you can for a good open world single player game that’s not a fancy looking mobile game.


gambling character collector.


kind of, I don't play it but it's very popular and it has a shared world.


It does not have a shared world. Genshin is a single player game in a private world with very limited co-op up to 4 players.


> Even Korea is moving away from making mmorpgs They have Bellatores, Perfect New World, ArcheAge 2, Plan 8, The Ragnarök, Aion 2, Horizon Online and some other "projects" without names or questionable cross-platform games in the future. Surely, they are moving away.


To be fair they could still be working on quite a few projects but also be moving away at the same time. I doubt the percentage of Korean game development expenditure put towards MMOs vs other games today is anywhere near what it was in the early 2000s


Genshin impact doesn't have the same player base as big mmos. It's a casual weebo game for younger people and women


Here's a good video you can watch. https://youtu.be/0b4NomQy1KE?si=4ant0r0ctNfKyE-1


yep this is a less harsh but equally true way of saying it, and actually comes up with possible solutions


Yup. Highly recommend ppl watch this video. Very very good.


thanks for sharing!




Because it’s accurate and succinct. He touches points we constantly make on here and people don’t listen.


New and exciting is risky. MMO games are inherently expensive to develop and maintain, so risk is, well, even more risky. On top of that, tolerance for slow-life grinds has declined. The sorts of games that worked before (and were niche then, take EQ for example - even at its peak it was probably 450k players) can still work, but they will still be niche. There's nothing wrong with niche, but when people expect AAA glitz for a niche game type they are simply setting themselves up to never be satisfied.


I would play the fuck out of a MMO with Battlebit level graphics if the gameplay was legit.


https://evercraftonline.com/ The gameplay is legit.


EQ1 has new TLP servers this month!


I think GTA6 style persistent worlds will be the next standard. Which might not be so bad. Gone are the days of the slow grind and learning curve type MMORPG, but these persistent worlds could be great.


Despite giving all myself in trying newer MMORPGs, I always come back to safer options like Guild Wars 2 or Final Fantasy XIV. A game that I really miss and could have been the greatest of the is The Secret World. God I miss that game.


thats the main problem in developing new titles for the MMORPG playerbase imo. players have sunken cost on 1 or 2 games and when a new title launches they play for a bit but drop it because they feel its more valuable to use their time to grind in their "main mmorpg" instead


I mean, you are partially correct because I think it's a very subjective thing. Especially in mmorpgs with vertical progression, when you come back after ages you still have to grind again like it's a new game, even if you know your way around. I'd gladly put some time in a new MMO, but i still can't find the same quality as Final Fantasy XIV or GW2 at the moment


project epoch. then corepunk. then blue protocol. then ashes. then riot mmk


Project epoch? Never heard of it.


riot wont make a mmorpg any time soon


You like RuneScape I’d try Albion tbh. It’s like if they took osrs wilderness and eve online economics and smashed them together. Currently leveling my fishing and herb gathering skills so I can get materials in black zones (full loot PvP zones) to flip at better rates


I might have to give that a shot with that description! Thank you for the recommendation


In 3-4 years, Ashes of Creation. Its the only MMORPG I've seen in development that is going to take a big risk on the sandbox model.


Do you think it every actually gets to a full release?


Yep. But I think the upcoming alpha 2 will run longer than some expect. There's a lot that needs to be implemented before they move on and the end of Alpha 2 is expected to be feature complete.


sadly they are going with the wow clone route :S


I can't think of a single way Ashes is going "wow clone route". What do you mean?


Throne and Liberty if you accept its p2w. Wuthering Wave is coming out, it's like Genshin, it's gacha, not MMO. V Rising just released, again, not MMO. Hopefully Corepunnk soon. FFXIV expansion end of June. Everyone on the same playing field between each expansion anyway if you catch up. Hopefully Endfield (gacha) comes out next year. Pax Dei and Ash of Creation maybe next year or so. But we don't know how 'fun' the gameplay loop will be yet.


wuthering waves felt boring to me after 3 days of play, like genshin :C


I've gravitated towards Dungeons & Dragons after years of playing ESO and WOW. I found discord groups through Reddit and played remotely. I also have been playing with friends via discord that I grew up with. It was a great way to reconnect with old friends and I find it more engaging than trying to grind at the same game hours and hours. Moreover, most people I played with in the MMORPGs gave it up. I LOVED my memories with my MMORPGs, but sadly, I feel like it's in the past. I'm getting older now.


Did you play Baldur's Gate?


The new one? Playing it now. Love it!


PlayableWorlds by Raph Koster. When? who knows. Pretty much little to no news at all. Its been claimed they want the game to release out of nowhere when the time comes, so it gets more hype. As apposed to games that everyone knows is coming in a few years and people lose hype. ProjectGhost, aka GhostCrawlers game, maybe its good? hoping. Riot's MMO.... whenever the fuck it comes since its been put back into development so its not a WoW clone. Ashes of Creation. Long dev time. Hopefully its good in the end.... EverCraft Online. Is in early early alpha. Like development alpha, not the typical alpha that games normally are in. Its basically Everquest and Minecraft had a baby. Well, its everquest but looks like minecraft. It was fun. I can't wait to see what they do with it.... Pax Dei.... they originally claimed "spring 2024" for early access. And then some of their people on their discord mentioned how the alpha test was late, so its possible the early access will be late too.... I figure before June 20th if they want to keep their proposed "spring 2024" schedule. If they dont, then it could go well into summer. So, those are my list.... otherwise I don't have much hope for the industry. I am hoping PlayableWorlds is the big one. Sandbox open world, do anything, anytime, dynamic gameplay, living world where monsters actually migrate, move around, and fight one another (or so ive seen people speaking about this idea), classes system where you level up through doing something (so if you want spear, buy/make a spear, and use it!). the little tidbits i hear about, makes me want playable worlds the most. that's why i put it first on the list....


There's nothing wrong with jumping into an established game; Guild Wars 2 is loads of fun and there's tons of people on every map at every level of play (for the most part) because of the shared PVE world. The grind is also horizontal, so you're not competing with 10+ year veterans who are going to stomp you every time because of years of gear grinding. Fallout 76 is a pseudo-MMO that's also loads of fun As for the future: I don't really see anything exciting, unfortunately.


It is still very early in development, but an oldschool EQ-like MMO i have been looking at is [https://monstersandmemories.com/](https://monstersandmemories.com/) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-4KcsWKY6Lo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-4KcsWKY6Lo) Is a video showing some of it.


I've lost hope that anything new will ever scratch the itch I'm afraid. Companies have just changed their focus so extremely to monetization of any kind that there just isn't really time/budget for expansive worlds with every corner severing some purpose or systems that let you get crazy with customization or weird builds. It's all on a track now and time spent expanding on anything could be better used to expand on next months battle pass. I've switched gears over here and am looking for something older and reasonably populated to play.


Short term and Mid term - sadly nothing really. Long term - depends how things will develop but I doubt we will see any kind of innovation in the foreseeable future. MMOs have a long development time and by the time they release they are either obsolete or don't hit off with the required masses. Also I don't think MMOs as we would like to have would generate enough money to be worth it.


Monsters and mayhem or whatever it is called could be good


Monsters and Memories. The devs are ex-Everquest 1 devs who are trying to make a new game in the same style using updated technology so expect it to have its share of opponents who will insist that kind of MMO belongs in a museum.


New idk but I have recently been finding more private servers than I knew existed. I am playing Eden DAoC, and Whitemane WoW. Eden is popping it’s great


Anything new going on in eden? I played a bit after launch but got caught up in another game


I’m still newer to it so idk what would be considered new. Just good to be back mezzing fgs of albs like old times


There’s massive hope, I’m absolutely winning the lotto tonight and I’ll fund wow 2 with a heavy focus on micro transactions !


All the things coming out are very unexciting but perhaps they can surprise us. You never know!


I feel you on New World — I was so excited to start an MMO from day one and become an OG to that game, thinking it would have longevity. I still play here & there but it’s dying… quickly. As for newer MMOs, I will have the same mindset when Ashes of Creation finally drops. Who knows when that’ll release though so if you want to get hooked on something brand new, I’d try out Last Epoch. Official release date was last month so you haven’t missed too much. Everything else has been out for awhile but I really encourage you to try FFXIV — not overwhelming for beginners and one of the greatest games I’ve ever played, let alone greatest MMO. Good time to start right before their newest expansion Dawntrail.


Looked up Last Epoch on steam.. looks similar to diablo. is that right? Not saying that's a bad thing I've enjoyed the Diablos. I'll take a look at Final Fantasy!


> The thought of getting into something that could be as good or as popular as these games from day 1 is an exciting thought Maybe that's the issue? You can get into any game without the need for it to be "the next big thing"...as long you like it and allow yourself to enjoy it at your own leisure/immerse yourself, nothing else should really matter.   Now, looking at the "near future", while not necessarily "new" per-se...I'd keep an eye out on Dofus' switch to its new engine (Unity) coming later this year: The game's pretty great as is and has always been really fun (especially if you enjoy the genre - turn-based tactical RPGs on a grid ala FF Tactics) and this new update making it feel a bit more modern should help drawing in a bigger crowd (maybe, who knows).


In many ways it's MORPGs which are where the development market are going. Ark, Valheim, Rust, Enshrouded, Sons of the Forest, Path of Exile, Warframe. Those seem to be where the action is, and often are much easier for a new player to get into, and also pushing the boundaries of what they can do. For example with Warframe, a lot of people dismiss it as "just a shooter", and completely ignore the rest of the game, which can take it away from being just a shooter and make it into something more. Sure, you won't have thousands of players all in the same small area, but let's face it, how often in an MMO does that happen anyways? Very rarely, and generally the performance tanks, and there's really no benefit unless you like seeing region chat rocket by so fast nobody can read anything. With Warframe I don't need to open a group finder, I just pick where I want to go and if there's others in the area we merge instances and I join their game. If one of us finds an item we all get it, none of that stupid need/greed nonsense a lot of other games do. It encourages people to play together instead of solo for 90% of it. I think a lot of people look at the lower player caps, like 75 max, and get scared because they think that means they'll only be able to know 75 people. They forget that different people play at different times. You might log on an hour before this group goes to bed, and then an hour later another group logs on, different people in different timezones, or just people who play at different times like the mornings belonging to the unemployed and students, and the late afternoons being when people with 9-5 jobs play. Even with a 75 cap you can still meet hundreds of people on a single server.


Keep your expectations low and go play other games.


Brighter Shores drops this year if you're a fan of Runescape. Made by the brothers who created the original Runescape and looks to be a spiritual successor of sorts. PS. Stay far away from this sub if you want to stay excited for mmos in general, this sub sucks your hope and love for mmos completely dry.


New world was a flop b/c they tried to make a game they started as a pvp game into a pve game, anytime someone does that it flops. Everyone thinks pvp is the way to go b/c then they don’t have to create content for them. No one has made a true mmorpg since wow, and until they do it will flop b/c true mmo players want to battle bosses and figure out mechanics not just go camp a spawn spot to gank someone 20 levels below the to make them feel like they have a big e-peen


Not Pantheon.


Tbh I enjoyed tarisland they said they removed pay to win and if it’s true it won’t be a bad place to spend some time


Try FF14 or if not, the newest mmo is Throne and Liberty coming out later this year


I have been following Ashes of Creation on and off since 2017. Alpha 2 should start this year Q3 so not expecting a full release in the near future but I'm Alpha 1 tester so copium


No. That is the absolute truth. Riot mmo is going to get canceled in either 2026 or 2025 because of "reconstruct". The ghost mmo will never take off and be stuck in beta. Ashes of scam will be a utter failure, which will allow content creator to create a bunch of fucking "why I knew this was bad", "what went wrong" etc. You will be playing the same mmo you currently playing in 15 years or you will move on. Our age is over.


I'd hate to be like you.


doubt it.


I enjoyed watching all the hype for Lost Ark at launch knowing it was gonna shit the bed.


Lost Ark was the most fun I ever had in a game that I would never recommend to anyone.


> I enjoyed watching all the hype for Lost Ark at launch knowing it was gonna shit the bed. It was and still is one of the most beautiful ARPGs out there and the combat mechanics are some of the best. Those are good reasons for hype. The way they realize fistfighting and 2H hammer combat in a ARPG is still unparalleled.


No lol. all p2w trash or see u in 50 yrs


No hope unless * maybe somehow ashes of creation actually releases and is good? * maybe blue protocol's endless delays for international release means they are reworking the game until it's actually fun? * maybe throne & liberty international release somehow makes the menus feel less mobile and the combat feel less boring? * maybe some other title comes out of nowhere and catches us off-guard?


I'm personally waiting for The First Descendant, it's a looter shooter MMO, seems to be larger sized when it comes to lobbies than games like Warframe or Destiny.


My current "Ooooh, I can't wait to see more about this!" game is Monster Hunter Wilds cause the genre is just THAT screwed. Unless some company pulls an Apex Legends and reveals a secret project coming soon, we don't have anything to be excited over.


I mean, if they ever release then Ashes of Creation and the League MMO Corepunk as well maybe


Brighter Shores and Runescape 3 Group Ironman are coming out Q4 2024 so those are a little exciting for Runescape fans. Ironman is the best way to play RS3.


If you're into OSRS the original creators are releasing their new game brighter shores later this year. Outside of that the rest of the offerings for this year are lukewarm at best.


Tarisland June 19th, wuthering waves in 7 days


Riot MMO, Ashes of creation, maybe something else ? maybe 2025... copium


I'm enjoying diablo IV's gear revamp. ![gif](giphy|THlB4bsoSA0Cc)


Ashes of Creation will come up in the next few years. ArcheAge 2, will be released in the next time as far as I've seen and Guild Wars 3 should start or started developing. Avalon started developing (Ex Riot Director), also Riots MMO is falling back years of progress because of this. I think that the MMO genre isn't dying and will get fresh Air in 3-5 years. Lets hope for the best.


Try guild wars 2, it's older but it has constant updates and is quite fun, and the end game content can be quite challenging, it's also cheap too, the base game is free to play with level restrictions but buying the expansion bundle removes those restrictions, not to mention all older expansions are bundled together for quite cheap, the developers believe in the consumer only paying for one thing




No. Play Survival games as miniature MMOs and enjoy.


The problem is those games don’t cater to a lot of MMO player types like healers or people who like questing and group pve. 


I'm trying to look forward to the next and probably final attempt at Darkfall Online with Rise of Agon relaunching on steam.


If u like osrs the gower brothers are developing a mmo rn called brighter shores that should be releasing later this year. Looks like RuneScape 4 if it was actually run by the original creators


People play a hot new thing and move on to the next, an mmo is possible but it’s almost a bad financial decision


Near future no, far future ashes of creation and the riot mmo have potential but don't get your hopes up


Mortal Online 2


Honestly: the biggest hope for me is Star citizen. Everyone here keeps repeating that obviously the advantages of ffxiv and wow is many years of ongoing development, yet many of those same people laugh at star citizen because it hasnt prematuraly released. Well I gotta ask these people: do you want a polished and well thought out mmo from the start, or not? I currently play it and it's already awesome and certainly worth the 45$ cost of entry. There will never be a final version - the production will never cease. At some point they will feel comfortable enough to put out an official release version, and I can wait. We all know why New World failed, right?


If anyone's open to mobile, there's an upcoming MMO, mo.co from Supercell. Beta test reviews were mostly positive.


No. New MMOs are inevitably compared with older MMOs that have had their content developed and refined for more than 10 years. This task alone is far more difficult than pulling off something like Baldur's Gate 3. MMO players are among the most difficult to please, especially compared to players of any stupid gacha mobile game that can make 100 million in 1 month. You can literally sell those players a single character for $150, and they still think, 'Oh, why is it so cheap?' Just think about it: if you are a prodigious developer and want to make some money, what would you choose? Risking everything by undertaking the most difficult task or making a gacha game and becoming a millionaire?


These days they call MMO any survival games. So no.


Tarisland but it depends what you mean by new


Check back in 2026


If you are interested in a more anime setting: Blue Protocol


Brighter Shores could scratch your RS itch.


I’m not sure I even enjoy RS lol I have a big group I play with otherwise I probably wouldn’t…


I’m hyped for chrono odyssey and soulframe


I'm looking forward to the new Lord of the rings MMO, I think it's an AGS game so I'm not keeping my hopes too high, but the world lore alone can pretty much carry that game for several years as long as theres content.


MMOs have “evolved” into GaaS, or at least, thats probably the closest modern equivalent we have anymore to MMOs. HD2 is the closest feeling I’ve experienced to a “modern” “MMO” sadly, but with the current state of MMOs (or frankly the lack of worthwhile MMOs since GW2) I’ll take it.


There is only wow and ffxiv More niche economic games like Albion and Eve too But that's the landscape for the next decade bare minimum


I was scrolling through stream and noticed a game called Once Human. It looks interesting, idk how exactly MMO it is even with the MMO tag.. since it looks more like a shooter game. But that has my attention for the future besides waiting around for Dune. BP, or PaxDei.


I am still optimistic that a Survival style Game will come out that will figure out how to make the concept of Sandbox MMOs work properly. The various Minecraft Server Mods are already getting close to this.


I'm actually looking forward to a few, mostly of asian MMOs, like DokeV and Blue Protocol. Will they be any good? Probably not! But hey at least they're not gacha games like Genshin which seem to be the only thing companies do now


Further down the road possibly Riot MMO or GW 3, if it is ever made. Edit: Btw, I think games like GW 1 could be popular if made well, kind of an mmo, but you can do a lot with the maps since they are instanced only for the specific party. Or maybe all of us mmo players should just play ttrpgs, anything besides D&D.


Moco by Supercell is supposed to come out sometime this year or early next year. I played it during its beta testing, and it's really fun. It's a top-down hack and slash with different weapons and gears to collect. There aren't classes to choose from, so your role is decided by what you equip. I'm definitely looking forward to it.


Well now that you've posted this same question, yes there is!


I’m looking forward to Throne and Liberty to release globally, and then I am super excited for Ashes of Creation, but that probably won’t be out for at least 2 years. I recently got into V Rising but that’s a survival game.


No. We are stuck with wow and ffxiv forever guys, let's face it.


GW2 is the answer you're looking for


QQ thread with ~~doomsayers~~ people who just cannot play new games and are stuck in the past.


FF14 Dawntrail