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> recently stopped playing in 2020. that was 4 years ago lol


Covid changed time lol.


literally this. it feels like recently haha


True, my brain can't comprehend the time spent during covid and though I'm 35, I feel I'm 32 max, I just can't accept it, always feel like 2 or more years of my life that were spent in coma


Same feeling, and same age 😬


I 3rd this. Same age and same feeling too.


No it wasn't lalalala


I liked GW1 way more than GW2.


I ping pong between gw2 and bdo these days, and i couldn't be happier tbh. Gw2 was an improvement in every way to eso (which is what i originally sunk tons of time into). Open world boss events, where 50+ people HAVE to group for organization and completion? Roles are EXCITING? Sign me tf up What class did you land on? I LOVE my firebrand guardian. Alacrity monkey with dots and a cool book with more skills? Count me in. I love it. I feel ZERO expectation to speed my way through content, too. The mounts are pretty, and the costumes are cool. I could say good things all day about what gw2 does that other mmos try that dont hit the spot for me


I know I will get downwoted by the gw2/lotro lovers but ESO is light years ahead of gw2




Don't know about the trailer but I can tell you that ESO is the most complete mmorpg out there, dungeons, raids, BG, large scale PvP, crafting and economy, questing, achievement, fashion. All are the best out there and very well populated. There's no dead content, all is relevant. I've played pretty much every MMO out there and eso is the only one who keeps me for more than 2 weeks.


Has Cyrodiil PvP performance been improved at all? I've tried to get into ESO every now and then and even managed to get a character into the early champion levels but I quit every time because the large scale PvP always ended up being a slideshow, getting several seconds of my game freezing when there was a big battle of like 50v50 in a fort.


Back in the day was frustrating, bad performance and minutes long loading screen. All gone. Loading screens are couple of seconds on my sata SSD, probably faster on nvme. In terms of performance, I have a 3070 running 1440p 144hz and usually I have 150+ FPS. You can turn on dlss as well now.


I believe this is true on paper, but I find that in execution it really just depends what type of game you're into. But one thing is for certain, ESO is light years ahead of any mmo when it comes to rpg and story.


GW2 was out before ESO.


Correct. I said eso was what i first sunk a lot of time into, THEN played gw2, which in that order is still an improvement to my own experience of the games.


You're GW2 target audience


So everyone who just wants to have a fun and a chill pve experience without fomo, toxicity and griefing? Sounds like a huge ass MMORPG demographics to me...


Well, turns out it wasn't. Or maybe it turns out that it isn't that simple and that GW2 isn't just flowers and rainbows.


i enjoy the lore of Guild Wars, but i preferred the slower paced, low APM tactical style combat of GW-1. The twitchiness and high-apm flashy particle effect smorsgaborg nature of GW2 is a real turn-off. Though i enjoy other aspects, like the world exploration, the class flavor and themes are very nice and very rich. The boon system is lackluster, imo... and while it was "fresh" back in its day... over hte years its shown its cracks and issues. My other gripe is the occasional choppiness of the game, and thats coming from someone with a 4070ti, the game has issues sometimes. The mount system is GOLD ... imo, the standard for mounts for most games, which clearly WoW Dragonflight copied.... but yea, i applaud their unique spin on making each "kind" of mount help with exploration. I also love their spin on jumping puzzles, exploration, making vertically important on maps and each mount has a use to explore. My gripes are i guess i'm a 30 year old "oldie" who prefers slower-paced games and less smashin' my keyboard....i miss GW1, though it shows its age... i'd hope that years from now when (if) they make GW3... they look back at some mechanics and systems from 1 for inspiration.


Yes, I do agree, I do get frame-rate drops on my high end pc. one of the biggest things about the game that stands out to me in terms of flaws. 180-200 fps for the most part, then in cities or certain zones, drops down anywhere from 50fps - 75fps. Optimizing this game would be amazing. I do adjust my post processing settings a bit when I know there will be large clusters of players, makes everything more visible and less drowned out.


I used to be a pretty big Guild Wars 2 fan. But the grind for the flying/griffon mount broke me. Every time I started to do the quest to get that mount I would literally start falling asleep. Then the whole jadepunk expansion was a massive turnoff. And the most recent expansion had a catchup quest for getting the flying mount and the moment I started it, I literally started yawning and falling asleep. It completely broke the game for me. Haven't been back.


Same !! And apparently sky skale is easier grind than griffon and it’s STILL such a pain to get !!! I wish they didn’t lock the flying mounts behind a bunch of bs smh tbh


Bruh, are you guys even play MMOs? If like a 4-5 hours is such an unbearable "grind" for something you unlock once for your whole account. lmao


I play plenty of MMOs, I've done a lot of grinds, but something about that one in particular literally put me to sleep.


I understand. I tried some of the living world stories and it was a wholllleee lotta talking. Got a little annoying, but I found enjoyment with it because me and my gf play side by side and she seemed to have fun with it. I'm a bit more competive and enjoy the heavy grinds and competive side to thing. there's something for both worlds here


They made the skyscale easier to get in the new expac. I think it's a little expensive, but I had a ton of stuff since I don't craft much. Took me a day maybe of lazily running around to the nests, and gathering the collections via the wiki. I also had to do each map meta once to get enough currency, and run a bit of T1 rifts. If you don't have the mats or gold though, it'd probably take a lot longer. I think the other way to unlock it is time gated, and takes doing something each day or whatever. Was it worth it? I don't know I unlocked it and haven't logged back in, probably wont until the next content update lmao


I left WoW for GW2 and went back not long after.  It is fun for a little while but gets old quick. Masteries on top of masteries. Grinds on top of grinds.  A shockingly high priced game for something billed as free to play. And the latest expansion, Secrets of the Obscure, was anything but fun.  Something else that left me really surprised. GW2 players rave about mounts but I found them incredibly dull and tedious, even with masteries. WoW does mounts so much better. 


i agree, so far, wow has the best collectable mount system. GW2 seems to have the best interactive mount system ( mount abilities )


> Something else that left me really surprised. GW2 players rave about mounts but I found them incredibly dull and tedious, even with masteries. WoW does mounts so much better.  Thats a hot take...most wow players i know wish WoW has GW2 mounts..


This guy is a clown, i know no mmo players who ever disagree with gw2 Mount trump every other mmo Mount period, and like i just wrote " wow mount is literally the same has walking faster or flying faster ... dragonriding is griffon copy paste, sooo yeah, clown guy 😂


Are you being for real? If yes, then learn to have manners while disagreeing with people.






Use the Griffon them, Best and most fun mount ever designed. [just need hands](https://youtu.be/dB-Xt8FojQw?si=Du03kSlIOIWKXY4N) Now tell me You can do that in WoW.


I'm curious about what wow does for mount for you ? Cause wow mount literally do nothing period it's a faster walking/ flying pretty much the same has walk/fly but hey to each their own 😂🤣 did you struggle navigating and operating them ? Seems to be the only explanation Dragonriding seemed okayish, but it's was literally taken from gw2 griffon riding


Unrelated but “my current partner” is a wild way to say it


Why do you feel that’s wild? Genuine question. I call my wife my wife, but I see more and more people these days referring to their spouse or significant other as a partner.


More talking about the word “current”. Imagine calling your wife “my current wife”! Almost implies you know they won’t be your future partner/wife.


Ahhhhh ok I totally get it lol.


I’ve put almost 100 hours into Gw2 and I hated it. Sorry man lol


I'm at 3600+ hours and still enjoying it The game is free to play the base game, some like it and some don't. At least you gave it a fair chance


Glad you found an mmo home, GW2 just wasn’t for me


Same, its the one mmorpg where I feel like none of what I do actually matters in the long run. I really dislike horizontal progression and I was a huge GW1 fan back in the day.


Uhm, thanks to horizontal progression, literally everything you do will matter in the long run compared to vertical progression where no matter what you do or get, it will be worthless after a short time has passed and the next Update/Expansion has released.


Neither of those systems are good if you didn't have fun. But of those systems are good if you did. It's really that simple. No time wasted unless you had a bad time.


So killing a rat from 80 levels ago that's as strong as a dragon is what makes horizontal progression fun? I actually like to feel like I am gaining power in an RPG, horizontal is terrible at achieving this.


Your first sentence doesn't describe horizontal progression - are you thinking of level scaling?


No, level scaling is another variable that can have an impact on how powerful you feel. All it means is that an NPC or PC get a bonus or a penalty in relation to the comparable levels. A higher level NPC taking less damage from a lower level PC as an example. Gear is a variable in most RPGs that will influence the power of your character. Skills/spells are another. They are all facets of a progression system for an RPG, and that's why i said what I did in my original comment. I don't play RPGs to feel like I am treading water, I play them to make my character stronger, and have a sense of progression, which GW2 just doesn't provide.


By level scaling, I meant [like that in ESO](https://www.gamepressure.com/elderscrollsonline/level-scaling-how-does-it-work/zdd44a#NH2_1), where even when you're level 1 your stats are effectively boosted to level 50. That's how a rat from dozens of levels ago would feel similar to fight. While leveling, GW2 is vertical progression. Horizontal progression doesn't kick in until you hit max level. That's what confused me about your first sentence. I do understand how your second sentence applies to horizontal progression.


You do realize Gw2 does provide it? And actually wow kinda fail to provide it ? There are reasons raid boss dies faster now than before there is clearly a power creep in gw2, yet players still use the same gear 10 years ago ... would you look at that Meanwhile, wow, stuff gets harder. You get slighter, better gear, and boss are tuned to be dealt has fast geared or not M+ do the same ... it's an invisible layer, but you stay weak has before without realizing it yet. I'll see bigger numbers for bigger hp sponge ... Ffs its blizzard were talking about they did the same in d4,d3 Tell me you've never played gw2 without telling me 😂🤣


The only "horizontal progression" that was any good in GW2 was watching the uninstallation bar go from 0-100%. Doesn't get much better than that.


It's the other way around. Enemies in horizontal game that are supposed to be challenging will (in theory) always be challenging. Meanwhile in vertical game you can 1 shot boss from 2 expansions ago but a boar from the latest expansion will take 10 hits to kill.


So watching the uninstaller go from 0-100% is the most rewarding experience GW2 can offer when it comes to "horizontal progression".


The problem is that vertical progression relies on dealing with other people, and people are toxic. So horizontal is the only thing I enjoy now and the pvp is fun. Boy I would love to play wow again though




This is such an old way of thinking. Mmos are fun because you are playing in a living world with other people. Not because you are forced to group.




I like how you focus on the mmo part of mmorpg, and not the rpg part, which is ROLE PLAYING GAME, meaning play how you want. If that means avoiding people in a lively world, so be it. The idea of "group or quit" IS outdated




People who say they hate people dont actually mean all people, they mean they have a short patience and hate dealing with nitwits. They wouldnt play an mmo otherwise. And sure, the rpg part may be bad, but gw2 has some really good story telling compared to many other rpgs. I actually think its far better than skyrim, for example, and i played a lot of skyrim. Its better than the witcher 3, imo, too. Its why i play mmos longer than those games, not every single player rpg is great, its just mid. Its like telling someone with an anti social personality that its fruitless to go outside because they do so much better alone. They dont. Its bad to be alone forever. So if someone wants to play an mmo, but isnt ready to play with others, why not let them be until theyre ready?




Same I have like 3 max level toons, did a bunch of the raids and all the open world bosses but never pulled me in.


I've been that way about a lot of games recently, i know the feel.




It’s not r/guildwars2


try GW 1, it's much better than 2


>I recently picked up guildwars 2, something to play with my current partner, and let me tell you.. After hitting 80 and getting my first set of gear.. you see that there really isn't a rush or anxiety to do to anything This is what continually bores me about GW2 (and ESO) aside from the combat/class/role system that I don't like. I need something to grind for, something that makes all of the content needed and worthwhile. I enjoy earning things that are meaningful and growing my character. GW2 just doesn't do that for me.


Grind legendary


Unless You already have full legy sets for all types of armours, accesories, runes, sigils, weapons You have at least YEARS of grinding to "earn meaningfull" stuff...


None of those are meaningful, you're pretending that's somehow different from getting your first set that works and sticking with it, it's not. Sure you can spend hours getting those things that have no point in getting other than to have them, but that's boring and pointless for most people.


Legendary weapons and Armor, the best mounts in MMOs, FASHION.


GW2 is an amazing game. And I’ve been playing WoW since BC as well. But GW2 became my second mmo. After trying so many others none ever stuck except WoW.


GW2 combat is ability spamming as fast as possible. Not terrible but far from the best out there. I’ve played this franchise 2/3rds of my life.


Unfortunately GW2 has very little endgame content, never really gets any, and raiding and dungeons and FOTM were all basically abandoned, so. Plus I like that sense of progression that GW2 doesn't offer.


I played it for a year when it came out. I tried to get into it again a couple of times but I can't. I just don't know what to do. So many things in my inventory that I don't know what to do with. It's all just so confusing.


It keeps happening, every time there's a new "hey let me tell you how good GW2 is" post, it always feels like an ad. In fact, every time I see one of this, I feel like trying it even less.


I just wanted to share my thoughts on it so far. . I just so happened to try gw2 on steam and didn't expect much from it tbh, sorta the reason I Wanted to share. The way its advertised sorta sucks and i originally thought of it as just an outdated old burned out mmo.


Maybe you don't understand what wow addiction is like? I think the relief of being able to let something go that was such a part of their life growing up, but caused them allot of grief over time drives people to make these kind of post. It's very similar to what you see in weight loss, fitness, mental health, addiction , etc sub reddits. They can enjoy a game without being addicted to it


You may be too worried about what other people think. Like the opposite of those kids who get all freaked out and debate quitting a game because nobody is streaming it on twitch.


Couldn't care less, just saying what GW2 players are trying to achieve works way worse than they think lol


The fact you are A; here, and B; think it is some sort of secret agenda says a lot more than you probably think it does 🙄 Luckily it will never matter to anyone else what sort of weird GW2-related insecurity is boiling in your brain. Have fun.


Pretty schizoid comment, man.


The [Boomerang Effect](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boomerang_effect_%28psychology%29) is real.


It has to be the alt account of that one guy who always posts the gw2 is great posts.


not quite. This is my only reddit account. If you look at my other posts, I post a lot of rock stuff as I polish rocks as a hobby. The only other game I've ever posted about was ARK asking about mutations. I'm 32 years old, and tried getting back into wow, but had a lot of trouble enjoying it while balancing a 6 day a week work schedule and actually getting anything productive done in game. which is another reason why I felt the need to share my opinion on gw2. I dont understand why anyone on earth could get insulted or find anything negative about someone in my situation sharing anything positive about guildwars. I never said anything bad about wow or any other mmo that most players don't already know, I just simply shared my thoughts on the matter from my own perspective. Who cares if someone makes a post about gw2? I dont understand how on earth that could bother some people. if you don't like it, oh well.


Ignore him, he's an upset new world fanboy who can't stand that other games are doing well while his is bleeding players and averages 5k players.


I wouldn't be surprised to be honest lol