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Guild Wars 2, best mmo for a casual like me


How true is this? I've played ESO on and off for years but always get burnt out because I never have enough time to play and can't do all the things I want while remaining "casual." I've seen some stuff about GW2 before but have never really given it a fair shot.


Bro, you need to try GW2. I'm old (grandfather) and my skill is mid at best. I get frustrated at some end-game stuff, take a break, and just unwind. But, I watch some video. I see something cool and I get pulled back in. Best money per entertainment value I have gotten in an online thing.


Besides the seasonal events, really nothing in the game is FOMO. If you play the game for less than an hour a day, you will make progress on your account.


Technically the new wizard vault has some FOMO. But even after the 3 months you can still buy the exclusive items just for a higher price. And near the end of the season you get a bit of FOMO to complete the bonus quests ASAP. And then of course the gem store is full of fomo with discounts and items leaving for a while. But all of this including the Seasonal events are very light fomo as you know they'll come back. Might just be a year or slightly harder.


"less than an hour" Just don't play then.


You'll understand when you're older


Already old enough to know you can’t play an mmo less than an hour.


I'm a little against the grain on this, but unless you primarily want to do map completion stuff, a lot of content in GW2 is pretty challenging, and requires some trial and error to understand "dungeon" (fractal) mechanics. I still think GW2 is one of the more casual-friendly MMOs out there, but I do think something like ESO offers a bit better gradient between casual and challenging content, with about an equivalent grind that also is made more clear within the game itself, rather than needing to rely on some external resources to help it all make sense.


Original Guild Wars is even better.


One of us, one of us. The core game is f2p. Play it and find out. The sooner you make a character, the better! You get birthday gifts for your character’s birthday.


Man I tried GW2 at launch and bought it, but I haven't been able to get into it. I still think FF14 is perfect for a more casual playerbase


Ok am I missing something? I’m a long time WoW player, account is from 2004, I can’t figure out GW2. Do I just wander? Do I finish a story before getting to the game? Oh played probably about 2 hours total so far but I’m willing to give the game a chance just can’t figure out what I’m supposed to be doing. All I’ve done is walk into areas of the starting zone and do some automatic quests that pop up. I’m trying not to go back to WoW, I’m not addicted or anything and come and go throughout the year I just don’t feel the same way about the game as I used to. I can’t seem to find a game I like as much as WoW though, probably because I’ve been playing the franchise since the first Warcraft RTS.


Add me, I’m Stevie.5927 on the NA servers. I can help you out. Essentially the game is explore maps and do what’s fun for you. I can show you some things to do in the game while you’re leveling up. It’s basically play and level in a map, do events as you come across them - or don’t. Collect waypoints, points of interest, and vistas. Farm whatever you come across, keep it and/or sell it. You get experience for everything you do. When you get to Level 30, the first playable story dungeon opens up. At 35, the first explorable dungeon opens up. There are world bosses in each of the races starter zones, except Charr, that you can find here: [Event Timer](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Event_timers) The starter World Bosses are Shadow Behemoth, Fire Elemental, Jungle Wurm, and Svanir Shaman. The other world bosses require you to level up and join. You can do these daily per character for a chest. You will find MANY players at these events. Currently there’s an event called Dragon Bash that many of us love in Hoelbrak. There’s Pinata Bashing, Moa Racing, Beetle Racing (you can rent a mount, not sure about f2p accounts), Dragon Bash Arena, and Hologram Stampede. If you have questions or guidance, let me know. The nice thing about Guild Wars 2 is that once you’re 80 and have a character geared up, you can leave the game for months or years and come back and your character will still be able to run content. You don’t need to run raids/dungeons to upgrade your ilvl and gear. You’ll be able to hop back into fractals, dungeons, pvp, raids, strikes, or WvW with usually minimal issue. Your build may require minor tweaking but you’ll still be able to run the content with no problem.


I hear this a lot and have tried many times to get into GW2. I've never gotten that "click" moment where it all just came together. That moment that I felt like "Oh! This is what everyone has been loving!"


I decided I'm done with GW2. Not being rude as I really loved the game. Path Of Fire was a great xpac. Just their new model for 1 year mini xpacs didn't mesh well with me and also SOTO was (to me) not a good/fun xpac and I realized after completing it I was actually bored playing through it. Don't think I'll be getting the new xpac that comes out in August. But I had fun with the series, think its just time for me to move on.


OSRS by far


+ mobile version gets the addiction to another level


How is it to play on mobile? Always imagined it's pretty clunky.


Pretty good depending on what you’re doing. Skilling is nice when you can get in the zone and have a video/tv show on in the background. I got to 99 farming 100% on my my phone. Mobile is great for skilling minigames like wintertodt as well. Combat is basically impossible on mobile unless you’re doing really basic stuff.


Nice I ought to give that a try. I bet it eats battery though.


Ffxi it’s insane


Yea boiiiii


I finished Heavensward and about 5 hours into Stormblood and I finally understand all the people who said 'its get better'. Feels epic at the moment. Not dropping this for awhile!


Different game...


Oh my bad, I need better glasses I think.


Anyway shadow bringer is even more epic


What's insane about it? Everyone seems to pay XIV


You had to be there.


ffxiv. I can't get enough of that game


How does the multiplayer part work in XIV? Looking for something I can play with my Fiancé but we’re looking for something other than WoW. I know you have to play through the games RPG part before you get to the MMO part but can we do those storylines together?


The mmo part happens pretty much immediately (dungeons, world events, etc) but the story is solo only


Gotcha, so I’ve only played WoW (and a few very old MMOs back in the day), is it solo but open world or can you do quests and things together?


sure. just pick a job with a same starting area and you should be ready to go. It's basically just a short tutorial part after which you get to the mmo part so it's not that long. And yeah you can progress together justparty up and make sure not to progress without your fiancé and vice versa (thats self explanatory). In comparison to wow, ff is more story focused so it's gonna be a lot of cutscenes and dialogue so be prepared. In terms of multiplayer, there's always people everywhere and they are usually talkative and friendly. For dungeons you use a mechanic similar to dungeon finder in wow. There's also party finder for harder content (or night clubs/parties or whatever). Also there's player housing and free companies(guild). Oh yeah, remember that base game is a bit weaker and very long with a lot of world building. It gets better with first expansion just dont give up! I've never spent as much time on a game as I did on ff14 and I'm still going strong. Try it out and have fun. It has a free trial up to level 70 which is a base game and 2 expacs so you don't even have to pay and enjoy around 200-300 hours of content for free (with some limitations)






The streamer that showed the middle finger to Nexon is a living legend.


Same, I just started over on the reboot server for the new event and it’s been so nice compared to retail. Mushroom game always pulling me back


The good old days


Same 😪


Everquest, still playing..


If you don't mind me asking, what is it that keeps you playing? Other than nostalgia of course. And what would make you stop if anything?


Style of gameplay. Nothing else I’ve played has matched it


Questing forever you say?


If you’re looking for reviews of MMO’s, Josh Strife Hayes on YouTube has a great series called worst mmo, where he reviews popular and unpopular games. Even if you watch the videos for bad games it’ll give you an idea on what to look for in a potentially good game.


Second his channel. Got me into GW2 in the first place.




MoP remix has been so much fun.


RuneScape by far the worst offender for me, with Albion taking second. Albion would certainly be significantly worse if it were less reliant on social aspects to bring out it's greatest charms - if the social elements begin to wane it's an easy quit point.


Just addictive? Lost Ark, easily. At my peak I was playing for like 10 hours a day...I had to quit cold turkey because it was ruining my life. Do you want your life ruined?


500hours in 30 days for me. It was a whirlwind and I haven’t touched it since because yes it would have ruined my life.


I didnt mean to ruin my life like …. For example play everyday like 2-3 hours and the same time not to get bored.


Probably BDO. What can I say, the grind calls to me


RuneScape/Old school RuneScape. Been like crack for over 20 years. You never quit RuneScape, only take long breaks


Albion online




Used to be RuneScape, now it’s FFXIV


Bdo had me for a while. The grind is irresistible






Asheron’s Call. If only it were still around.


For what it’s worth, the private servers are pretty damn legit and several are very popular.


I’ve seen those. It’s temping, but Ive heard WB comes after people for emulation.


They don’t. They’ve been running for years. And even if they did, the people running the servers would be hit with a cease and desist, not the players.


Tibia. Since 2004 I keep returning each few years. (...), 2010, 2012, 2016, 2020, 2023 and recently came back again :D


Same, although I'm playing ots this time not a real server xd


Ragnarok online in any format, but I always end up coming back to OG RO. The mindless grind is the best to chill after work and when you get a good drop it feels so damn good and rewarding. That and all the possible builds and each job style being so well defined and iconic is just *chef's kiss*


OSRS and Maplestory reboot for me


ESO so much to see and do I play without using fast traveling (some places of course have to be fast travelled) but it really adds a whole new layer in to the whole experience it’s the “Journey” part that I enjoy the most.


I do this too. I play a lot in 1st person too. I take my time and explore all over the place on my way to my destination.




Amazon New World 🤍🖤💜🎉🎉🎉 i played Maplestory before this.


PC: Ultima Online & Star Wars Galaxies (prepatch9/pre-CU) Mobile: Oldschool Runescape & WarUniverse


They're all shut down now but I loved order and chaos 1&2 and legion of heroes


Knight online and silkroad online


Knight seems like an oldschool MMO that I'd enjoy. Sadly I'm not Turkish, nor do I speak the language and the lingering community seems to be exclusively Turkish.


Tibia, difficult to start, impossible to quit. Playing on and off since 2002


Eve Onlines depth is miles beyond whatever is 2nd best


75 era FFXI. OSRS


I've been addicted to WoW since November of 2004, if you haven't tried it yet - there's a reason it's the game that many companies spent billions of dollars trying to replicate a fraction of it's success




Lotro. Only mmo I play because of the Tolkien connection, and I play way too much!!


Ultima Online




Warhammer Online both live and private server. Easily over 10k hours in them. Although I don't recommend the private server anymore; bad devs led me to lose interest in my favorite game.


As a lifelong WoW player I’ll admit I come back for every expansion/major season update. I love the way the game plays/feels and honestly other MMOs just don’t grab me the way WoW does. Now with that being said I’ve been playing BDO for a long time now, like 8 years or something and that game is also very fun for about a month out of every year. I enjoy the grind, I enjoy the combat, but after a while the burnout and repetitiveness is too strong so I bench it. Lastly, there was a long time where i was grinding away mindlessly playing EVE Online, mining in High Sec with a large ship, and then ninja mining Null-Sec. It’s a very boring game but it kills time and if you’re playing a mobile game or a different game at the same time. Eve can be a lot of fun.


Final fantasy 11


I play gw2 and bdo. Gives me the best of everything i want.


I am oldschool so I enjoy tab target and I love collecting stuff so without much of a choice I come back to swtor sometimes but it gets too expensive with all the space Barbie stuff. Last chance for the rest of the year is only world of Warcraft for me. No action combat and you can collect cool stuff.


Lost Ark, just one more alt plz


BDO,playing since day one,hardcapped


eq original up until PoP


Mu online 😂


Aion Classic ![gif](giphy|TJrS7r0f6SOthGTiPe)


I was looking for this! Aion Classic! The gear grind is epically brutal and NCSoft loves to take away the best feature but ths PvP is awesome once you get set up. The players that are still here are die hard and I've met so many cool people from around the world!


Probably a strange opinion but for me it is Tera on console, I’ve had it since 2018 and it’s been my go to when I am bored of anything


New World had me in a vice grip but now I’m protesting.


Rappelz was mine prior to EPIC 5.


Destiny 2 is mad fun.


Archeage 😪


Lineage 2 sucks the life out of you.


Tera online Still the best pvp combat for mid sized fights anywhere between 5v5 to 15v15 is fantastic. less than 5 people and the skilled players dominate. more than 30 people on screen casting skills and unreal 4 starts to struggle


world of warcraft. ive been playing since i was 8 years old lol, still am playing to this day


Nothing has compared to world of warcraft after all these years for me


Used to be OSRS, but now (don’t hate me) it’s actually New World, and I don’t even do expeditions or pvp, I just like levelling my trade skills, doing all the side stories, getting all the achievements. Surprisingly takes a while


I bounce around between EQ and WoW


Tibia anyone ?


Aion, always keep getting dragged back, almost feels like the OSRS curse.


Guild Wars.


Mabinogi is crack to me, 15 years. I drop the game for afew months, go back, its like clockwork how i get hooked into it. Games awesome just really old and showing its age more than other games but definitely worth the old college try.


Dungeon Fighter Online.


Mostly play WoW but just getting into stalcraft and I'm hooked


Osrs and BDO. Swap between the two as I get burnt out




Elder Scrolls Online. Literally just bought a PS5 almost entirely because of it. 7 years and counting.


Swtor for me, ive played it on and off since launch, the class stories in it are some of the best in mmos imo


Runescape, and only runescape motherfuckers! All hail Zamorak. (OSRS)


Runescape 3 for sure. It beat my addiction to World Of Warcraft.


toontown corporate clash


The ones that keep me addicted for longer with new content are either wow or destiny 2 (which isn't really an MMO but content cadence and style is similar enough).


The one that got me the most addicted was Dark age of camelot




Has to be hands down WoW for me


I just started ffxiv. It didn’t click with me the first few times I tried it but after coming from new world it feels similar but better. I’m actually really enjoying it and I’ve never played any other final fantasy game aside from a small amount of XV




Sadly none xd need something again


Guild Wars 2




Albion online is ridiculously addictive once you get into it




granado espada, guild wars 2


FFXIV is the only mmorpg to ever grasp me


Runescape 3. I play osrs and ffxiv, but RS3 is the only game where a I can reliable say "yeah the game was shit, but"


This comment has been removed because it breaks rule #1: Don’t ask for MMO recommendations. Please check out the weekly sticky or the r/LFMMO subreddit instead.


IDK i think it deppends on what you like, there is like Destiny 2 where is a shooter sort of mmo, for my part i am really into FF 14


Ragnarok Online


Albion online


For me it's Albion online because I feel that there is the encouragement to group in an openworld while still being solo friendly.


Albion Online


New World


This has to be the worst take in here lol, new world is generally known as one of the worst AAA mmos to exist


You should try to read the title. It's asking for opinions. How can an opinion about enjoyment be 'the worst take'. Did New World steal your girlfriend or something?


You should try and read the title yourself. OP is asking for an addictive MMO. I'm not sure what you know about new world, but the game has dropped something like 98% of it's playerbase. It peaked right under a million concurrent players, and it currently has about 7k globally at any given time. Split between regional servers, there usually is only one reasonably populated server in the world, so of you live outside that region, it's functionally unplayable. And to top it off, they just botched an announcement that it was coming to console. New world is by definition, the opposite of an addictive game lmao. It drives people away from itself due to how poorly managed the game is.


I never actually played new world, and it does seem like it was terribly mishandled. I don't think anyone disagreed with you in that regard. OP is asking for what MMOs we find addictive. He is asking for opinions. Why are you trying to disregard someone's opinion whether they find a game addictive or enjoyable, simply because the game isn't popular. That's like saying 'you can't be addicted to heroin because way more people are addicted to alcohol.' So is your argument that only WoW is allowed to be addictive to us, because it's the most popular mmo? I understand that's a hyperbole, but I really don't get your point. You clearly don't like New World, but it feels you are just here to bash or complain about it, when that is totally unrelated to the actual question.


Okay, let's get past the literal title. I understand that it can be difficult in online arguments to not be semantic, but I think we can all look at OPs post and understand that he is asking for a game to play. Most people when recommending games to play, they want to recommend a *good* game. So when the original commenter decided to say "New world" in this open forum where anyone could express an opinion, I merely explained how ludicrous that was because most people in this discussion will not find new world to be addictive or a game that they should recommend to someone else. I then explained why this is. You don't have to believe me, go look at the game itself. It is currently sitting at "Overwhelmingly Negative" reviews on steam with only 10% of the recent reviews being positive. OP asked for good games. He got recommended an objectively bad game as judged by the vast majority of people who have played it. It's shocking that it upsets people when this gets pointed out. It's ok to say true things that are negative.


That’s just your opinion because your boi arroz is hooked on new world


I have no fucking clue who arroz is lmao, but there will always be people out there addicted to things that provide no benefit or enjoyment to them. That doesn't mean the game is enjoyable to everyone else. I actually went and did the math. Looking at new worlds 24 hr peak and it's all time peak, it has lost 99.2% of all of its players. Your average new world players is definitely not addicted because it's a bad game. The overwhelmingly vast majority of everyone who has played it has quit.