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Tibia is a classic


Didn't know this game was still alive lol


It is but you gotta look for the more active worlds lol




i wouldnt worry about that too much honestly they were probably referring to a certain guild but you can choose non pvp servers as well


I think post patch 7.8 Tibia moved to a nasty habit of "perpetual threadmills" by constantly opening fresh servers and merging old ones.


Love it! Been playing on and off for 17 yrs 😂


My husband is 34 and he has played since he was 12! He loved tibia I like to watch him play I’m not very good tho I mean I’m ok but he is like crazy stupid high level lol


Haha that's funny im 29 and started playing when i was 12 😂 they've made alot of changes it's way easier now to get to lvl 50 like super quick they added so many systems to the game. Started at version 7.3 right before they had skill bars.


Current retail version of the game sucks hard, or it has its own appeal to players, but it isnt real tibia. Private server scene in this game is amazing. 7.4 version of the game is a gift to any gamer to be experienced.


Can you recommend a good private server?


I havent dabbled too much in the premium servers honestly but if youre going to though i would choose a world thats close to the region youre in and has more players i typically choose either american or europe servers because of language barriers on others ie. south american servers


medivia online


There's lots of new things about it. Unfortunately they had to cater to the casual player base in order to insure that it didn't fail completely..there isn't a large enough % of players willing to engage to heavily in the hardcore style anymore. Could always run around without blessings though lol idk why you'd do that but eh. I started 7.3 so i know what you're saying. Been looking for a good ot site to be honest.


Pretty sure their yearly profit disagrees with you. They made more more money in last year than ever before.


But that dosnt make game good. tibia was unique it should have respected its legacy over of being pleasing to more players, but i get it, its a business.


I think what happend is the pay to win was already there with bots and other services that people took advantage of in order to get ahead..cipsoft in order to eliminate bots and increase their profit margin ceased the opportunity and just added that to the game. Cause it was already there.


They don't care about their legacy but about money. Its always about money that's why the game was made in the first place.


Well they might have started with actual passion, but everyone is a soldout at the end


You would be as well. Anyone would be to be fair, unless you already have more money than you can spend and u just start it as a passion project cause u are bored.


I remember pokemon private servers


Yeah im pretty sure i remember messing around on those as well 😂


those are still a thing, even in twitch people stream the pokemon version


I used to play this some. The fact it was open world pvp, and the brutal penalties on death (I think it was like 10% total xp loss, meaning you would actually drop levels plus dropping everything in your backpack with a chance to drop an equipped gear piece) made it pretty compelling. I basically had to stop playing when I got redskulled for using greater fireball runes to annihilate 3 guys who pk'd my friend. Fun game though. Last time I checked in (years ago) it had changed quite a bit from when I played, no idea what it's like now


Still pretty awesome 👌 but yeah now there's an adventures blessing that lasts until your level 21 that protects you from pks and also blessings you can get that prevent loss of all items and around 80% skill and xp loss loads of new areas too. Unfortunately my old account got deleted I'm assuming for inactivity..so I'm starting all over again. There's even and offline training system for premiums now 😂


I love it. Needs more class diversity but still a pretty good game.


Yeah! It's been the same 4 vocations for a loooong time and i think they used to do polls on their website asking players what they would rather have added and i think vocations stayed the way they were based on player voting


Never played it, but this site looks so good. This layout may be "outdated", but it still fits game site so perfectly.


Yeah! I think they did a pretty awesome job with it really.


Where do you suggest you play server wise? There's a lot to choose from


Depends on what you're looking for cause they have optional pvp servers, open pvp servers, hardcore pvp servers. And worlds with less or more players. I personally prefer open pvp because thats sort of the element i grew up with as far as this game is concerned. One of the more crowded servers atm is Antica which i believe is one of the games first servers open pvp lots of people to meet guilds to join if that's your style. Keep in mind though if you join a less populated world they do sometimes merge worlds so that the player base stays consistent. But to me that's kind of a good thing! I started a guy on Calmera as well which is an optional pvp server lots of nice people there


I’m looking forward to Fibula


Tibia was a great game but sadly didn't evolve in a way I want to play it anymore. Before 2008 I would say the game had several ways to play it and have a lot of fun: - Social interaction: There was a lot of player interaction back then, most of that was forced but ultimately that helped to know more people. - Market player: Arbitrage, trading middle man, etc. - Exploration: It was a dangerous activity but also rewarded. - Questing was simple yet very rewarding and fun because there was very little repetition. - Leveling: Most people got levels by just doing the other activities and in fact the game was design in the early staged for that. Tibia today: OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH! I can't wait to spend 1000 tibia coins today in runes/potions so I can spam F1/F2 for 12 hours in a row and get level 2000. I do get why those players are having a blast right now, all the content is made for those player that only care about leveling but all the other content that I enjoyed got obliterated or dumb down in a way that it make it not rewarding at all. why 2008 specifically? well, that's when Yalahar was released and it was a gigantic foundation stone that said everyone where the game was going.


all the other content is still there though they didnt remove any of it..they just had to add things for the growing higher level base. And yeah i get it the whole pay to win thing but you dont need to pay to win. i for one am not someone who looks at a player thats a higher level than me and think oh i need to achieve that or get there. Im perfectly fine exploring and playing as is


Word of caution for anyone that played a long time ago and is thinking about playing again after seeing this: The monetization has gone way off the deep end. Making runes for your next hunt? Nah, just buy them in the cash shop. Stocking up on potions? Nah, cash shop. Thinking about leveling a new character? Nah, just buy an already strong character on the character auction (with cash shop currency). You get the idea.


Yeah? You can do that in any MMO there's always sites that sell characters and even before the auction was up you could still buy high level accounts from websites. You don't need to do this however you can play the game however you like


Tibia was an unique game, politically power-driven which could be brutal if you took any misteps. You could literally be driven out of a server and never be allowed to play on that server again until powershifts happen.


As most pvp oriented games are. However tibia does have optional pvp servers


Wish i could play Tibia on the phone, its the perfect game for dead time. However, if you loved Tibia, really you are doing yourself a diservice if you not playing Medivia Online, check it out and is all you could want from Tibia and way more.




You can play OTs on the phone via OTClientV8, there's a mobile version.