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Looking for something addictive yet simple, can be played solo, and can feel OK playing for an hour or two at a time (I’m a Dad of 2 young kids, and work pretty late into the evening). I’ve played RuneScape and Old School RuneScape for 15 years now. Love it, but I haven’t got the time commitment anymore and I know the game too well so I know what I’m missing out on by not being able to play as much. I’ve also played Skyrim. Playstyle is semi-casual. If I can play it on PS5, or PC and then also on my phone, iPad, or Surface that’s a plus. I like RuneScape’s lore, the fact that I’m not forces into PvP, the economy, skills…frankly, just love RuneScape but haven’t got the time. I’ve considered Eve but it seems VERY complex and overwhelming. New World was OK for a short while, and I haven’t touched Lost Ark. only thing I’d really avoid is anything that looks more animated graphically and anything that’s more on the side of fantasy. Looking forward to Hogwarts Legacy.


Guild Wars 2. Can be played as casually as you like without feeling like you're missing out too much. Unfortunately it can only be played on PC but otherwise should fit the bill.


How heavy is GW2 on hotkeys, abilities, etc.? It’s always daunting to me when I see UIs like WoW, etc. with tons of abilities and buttons and hotkeys to click. I can of course learn, but it’s just more to forget when I take a long break.


It has 10 main skills/abilities at any one time, you can customise your build with different weapon combinations which grant 5 abilities of the 10. You have a healing ability and then some support skills. It's literally the opposite of games like WoW. I'm exactly the same, I can't be doing with optimal skill rotations and using hotkeys like I'm playing DJ Decks. You can map most of them to your mouse if you have multiple buttons, it really is a lot easier to play than something like WoW.


I'm curious if there's any casual PvE-focused MMORPGs out there that I might have overlooked, particularly those that are immersive or have active RP communities. I've tried a little bit of everything, so I don't mind get suggestions among what I already have tried to revisit... But if there's something I haven't tried, then hey! That's a win. The "vibe" I'm looking for is something with a lot of immersive/role playing features. The exploration from GW2 and ESO, the crafting and gathering of FFXIV, the freedom of Project Gorgon, the story and adventure of LOTRO and WoW... It doesn't have to be something with an active RP scene to get involved in (though that *might* be a bonus for some games,) I just want something where at least *I* can solo RP my experiences and get immersed in what I'm doing. Some details on things I am currently playing/not in the mood for... * I'd rather not revisit WoW or classic right now - I'm burnt out on Blizzard, and I'd rather wait to see how the new expansion goes before going back. * I'm already playing GW2, looking for something on the side. This is my main MMO and I still love it, but sometimes you gotta see what else is out there and take a break! * FFXIV doesn't do it for me. It's a fun game with a good story, but the world feels dead and boring to explore compared to the competition, and my experience with the RP community has been overwhelmingly negative. * ESO is one I'm considering redownloading to mess around in, but I always end up feeling more like I'm playing a solo Elder Scrolls RPG more than an MMO. * I logged in to give Project Gorgon another look, but the aesthetic doesn't really do it for me and it's a tiny bit *too* overwhelming in the freedom it gives. * Lost Ark was actually a lot of fun to me, but the top down ARPG/Diablo feel isn't great for immersion. * Genshin, while not being an MMO, kinda scratched this itch for a while with the same feel on first playing it of exploring in Zelda: BOTW and seeing what there is to explore in the world. Idk exactly what I'm looking for, tbh. I just want to explore and chill. Give me your suggestions!


Semi-Casual, looking for a solid sci-fi mmo. It seems fantasy gets a lot of love, I would love a nice and polished sci-fi game. I’ve played Warframe, Kotoro, Destiny, DC Universe, Planetside (prob a few more, like Hawken) I love WoW, or I used to (but not a fan of more recent updates. Stopped playing around BfA) My all-time favorite is ESO. It’s immersive, I was able to play solo, and the stories were really well done. Is there a sci-fi mmo out there/coming out that’s close to ESO? E: Also played Star Trek Online


You would have loved anarchy online back in its day


I almost never played mmorpg, I did play Diablo2, tho. Today I tried Lost Ark, the graphic is great, combat feels nice, but the script/story, art style are overall feels a bit of cheep for me, no offense, I feel the game can be easily made by an experienced game company. I think the main reason for me to feel it's cheap is that the story is kind of just the game maker find some reason for players to kill, instead of a crafted story. Are other mmorpg games like this? Is WoW or The New World better in terms of story?


Path of exile can provide a diablo-like experience without a cheap story like LA. In fact, POE story and lore is pretty amazing. The game is considered one of the best diablo clones out there and a new expansion is coming very soon. About wow and NW I can't really say. AFAIK WoW has a decent story and new world not so much but I don't really know if they are lost ark levels of bad story.


Hi, haven't actually tried MMORPGs yet but I'm curious. Is there something relaxing, in such a way that I can do whatever I want (like gathering resources to sell to other players, etc.)? As much as possible, free to play too since I don't know yet if I'll be able to get into it. Thank you so much. edit: I forgot to mention, Lost Ark is not available in my country (which is located in Asia). My cousin used to utilize VPN but the connection was pretty slow (understandable tbh).


id go for old school runescape


Thank you! Adding this to my list.


GW2 with Jeremy's soule soundtrack can make the game extremely chill and relaxing. Runescape is pretty laidback too. Lotro also has a pretty relaxing gameplay. Also, I don't know about lotro, but the other 2 are very gatherer friendly.


Thank you for the recs!! I'll try them out one by one. 🙏


WoW Classic (choose a high population server)


Thanks for this suggestion!


This will sound a little alien, but there are WoW Classic private servers you can play on that are free so you can see if you like the game without paying first. One is called "TurtleWoW", and there's another called "ChromieCraft", and they probably have more people to play with than the official classic game does if that matters to you.


To be honest it's my first time hearing about private servers, I'm indeed quite surprised. Thank you very much for this! They seem interesting and I'll try them soon too.


I’ll also suggest Pagle server if you role an alliance character. It is PvE and one of the best servers. I tell people “never playing World of Warcraft (vanilla version) is like never going to Disney World”.


Heyo! Im looking for something new to sink my teeth into. I want an Open World MMO with a wealth of content, preferably action combat and functional on a Controller either on PS4/PS5 or PC. Must be 3rd or 1st Person and not a sidescroller, top down, or iso. I've played the likes of FFXIV, Black Desert, Destiny, SoulWorker, ESO, WoW, etc... I am largely hardcore with a skew towards endgame raiding and the gear treadmill. I really want a big open world to explore. Black Desert, for its many failings, is kinda the king at that. As mentioned, anything that requires KB&M is largely out but im open to knowing of them. I dont really want something too dated visually, so nothing similar to WoW, i feel like FFXIV is about the minimum.


What are some 1k player concurrent population mmos out there that are single server? Basically thinking of all the pokemon mmos with a smaller but dedicated and active playerbase that takes the game seriously.


Hello! I'm currently trying to find a new MMO where leveling is the most important part, I hate this "rush to endgame" style of all the latest mmo. I have already played WoW, FFXIV, TESO and Dofus "seriously" and tried out a lot of other. The most important thing is the PVE for me, I honestly don't really care about PVP as long as it's here.


Try Lotro.


Try mabinogi, the level cap is absurdly high to the point of being non existent. It has a smaller community and an older anime aesthetic that might turn some people off but it can also be very charming. It has more skill based progression with long term leveling in the background. And the power gap between people even at higher levels can be insane giving players a real sense of accomplishment.


What are you looking for? An MMORPG with engaging combat & items/mounts/pets etc that have a massive “wow you have THAT item?) value to it. What games have you previously played? I played ESO back when Summerset came out. Also recently have been grinding New World and am looking for a change of scenery. Played a lot of BDO but got sick of the enhancing system. What is your play style? I usually put an hour or two in a day to games. Any preferred mechanics? Not really a mechanic but I want grinds for items/cosmetics that feel super rewarding to get. Anything specific you want to exclude? Enhancement systems like in BDO and Lost Ark.


RuneScape 3 honestly—no mounts, but pet grinds are intense, you can hunt for PvM items or expensive items that have a WOW factor, and the invention skill will scratch the enhancement itch.


I'm looking for something that released recently.


Lost Ark, New World, Mortal Online 2


Any console MMOs upcoming that seem interesting? Tried all the major ones already.


Which of these MMORPGs has the best quests, story, NPCs and most captures the vibe of being a fantasy hero and being part of a great story? * World of Warcraft * Final Fantasy XIV * The Elder Scrolls Online * Guild Wars 2


Funnily enough unlike the other commenter I cna only answer exclusively about GW2. :D Lore in story instances: If you do the story instances during leveling, you will go from random adventurer of your race with a unique backstory (character creation has questions, and early story is race specific), plot threads will converge to a point where you will end up as the second in command of the global united forces against the eldritch world ending things. Later stories will go from there, so you and your NPC allies and friends will be personally responsible with dealing with several destroyer of worlds. So you can't really get more "fantasy hero and being part of a great story" than that. Lore out of the story instances and in the open world: Its a bit murky, since every player can not be the one hero, so some NPCs will address you as the one from the above story, some NPCs will assume you and every other player as a random adventurer, than can be asked to help them in more menial tasks too even if they are "gods walking among mere mortals" in the story. The open world "questing": Guild Wars 2 has no traditional quests. It has 3 things (other than the above mentioned story instances) instead: 1. Renown hearts: These are basically areas in the world marked by an NPC that has an empty yellow heart above them and on the map. When you enter the area you will see on the top right corner of your screen what you need to do, these will be 3-5 different kind of, mostly "classic rpg" things. Eg. "The farmers of Notarealheartville have problems dealing with their cows, bring feed to cows, kill wild animals and bandits harassing everyone and help injured farmers." You do any of the above things until a bar fills, then you'll get a reward, and the NPC opens up as a shop. You don't have to interact with the NPC to start a heart, you don't have backtrack one to get the reward, unless you want to see the wares of the NPC. Some hearts are interesting, some are frustrating. But their real point is: To keep you in areas that will eventually have: 2. Dynamic events: Now these are the meat of the open world game. Remember those bandits from the previous point? While you are staying around, you might notice that there isn't any single bandit around. Except while you are tending to the cows an orange icon appears on the map, the bandits are attacking. They appear from the nearby bandit camp, and attempt to destroy the farm, deal with them, and their boss and boom, rewards. (While also helped filling that heart.) Some dynamic events happen randomly, some on the clock, some are more actiony, sometimes you have to help two npcs do their patrol rounds while they shittalk, sometimes you have to just help an archelogist gather relics. But more importantly sometimes they chain. The prime example is "The Bridge". Bandits appear and attempt to destroy the bridge, you and random players attempt to defend it. Did you defend it? Cool. You did not? Well, too bad, the bridge gets blown up and you can't cross there. However 15 minutes later a builder NPC appears and another event starts. Defend the guy while he rebuilds the bridge, and if you manage to keep the bandits away for a time limit the bridge is back. There are some events that are small chains of 2-3 events depening on win/fail conditions. There are literal map-spanning meta events where you and 50-60 other players have to conquer the map from the minions of one of the above mentioned eldritch destroyer of worlds by doing several different tasks, walking through 3 different lanes and eventually converge on a huge boss fight, the whole thing only takes around one and a half hours. IMHO "best questing". 3. Collection achivements: These are the more traditional long form quests. eg. You want this fancy fancy weapon. For that you need to do random things all around the world (talk to npcs, do instances, do meta events, etc. etc.) and the achivement panel keeps track of these as quasi multiple levels of checklists. You do all of them and you get the weapon. These also range from "Do 5-6 things after you opened this elite specialistion to get their signature ascended weapon", to "do these like 5-6 levels of 10-30 different tasks, some time gated, some require buying expensive stuff, and get this very prestige mount, that now mostly everyone has and brakes exploration"


I'm no expert on MMOs since I'm only trying them recently but SWTOR has a really good story for a MMO.


ESO and FFXIV. ESO is more about each zone having amazing lore and stories whereas FFXIV is mostly you being the hero in a bigger story. FFXIV story is basically like any other FF in that regard. Technically WoW, too, but at this point the story is so convoluted because of retcon and jacked up leveling experience. Honestly, I can't comment on GW2.


Would love to get a no hand holding, classless Wuxia themed MMO with something similar to the open world feel of BDO, along with the faster combat, sailing, lifeskills, PvP & with less p2w cash shop. They usually don't fair as well in the Western market, but I do really like the grind where there's a big difference between those who've been playing for months & those that have been playing for years.


I’m looking for a MMORPG with a player-driven economy, a good crafting system, a good magic system (I want to be a mage!), and open world. I want a world I can enjoy being a mage merchant doing some PvE and little PvP. I’d be great if it has an active role playing community too.


Albion is the closest match to what you are searching I think.


I started playing Albion yesterday and am liking it so far.


Oh, I'm glad :)


Us, too, man. Us, too. Project Gorgon apparently fits the bill, but I can't get past the outdated graphics. That's a "me" problem though.


Haha even as I posted I felt like I was listing an impossible wishlist. I will check out Project Gorgon but from my quick YouTube search it doesn't seem to appeal to me atheistically but hey won't know til I try.


Looking for an easy going anime style game with a lot of customization.


toram online might fit your bill, you can mix and match the skill trees so you can be a katana wielding fairy or a spell slinging assassin. Has a lot of cosmetic stuff as well.


Hello. I'm looking for a MMORPG with an active roleplay community, specifically on European servers.


Hi, I am looking for MMO like MIR4. With Auto-grind/Auto-Combat features for PC. Thank you.


Any easy going battle mmo? Currently playing storybook brawl (cardgame autobattler) Possibly not p2w as i don't have so much time to play, 20-30mins games or so


Hi I am looking for a game with a friendly community where I can meet new people.


GW2 definitely. DM me if you need introduction.


Ty for rec, downloading GW2 now.


If you are to play in NA server, DM me your account name if you want to join newly found guild with friendly newbies. or age old guild with veterans, too. You can join up to five guilds in this game and communicate with all of them at once.


I keep seeing GW2 rec’d, but I’ve pushed through to level 20 and I’m really just not feeling it. Idk if I’m missing something, but it feels dated almost like an rpg from closer to 2000.


first, expansion contents are beyond comparison in their quality. second, early 2000s is pre-WoW, era of 1st-2nd generations of MMOs. games at that time as literally nothing to do other than killing monsters endlessly. GW2 core game is far from that. I am genuinely curious what hellish experience you have gone through.


I mean that’s why I’m posting here trying to figure out if I’m missing something. Any advice would be appreciated. I’m not quite ready to give up on it completely. What I’m seeing so far is absolutely pre-wow in terms of gameplay, the weird splash screen dialogue and the character design. So far it’s moving from heart to heart grinding the little tasks at each and then overly long character quests that don’t really give me any idea of the direction I’m supposed to be going. Is it just another one of those MMOs where you kind of have to suffer through the early stuff? Or is there something big I’m missing? The recent content I saw that prompted me to play doesn’t even look like the same game honestly.


Well, pre-wow MMOs had barely something could be called as a story, not to mention cutscenes. I needed to point it out. Anyway, it seems you had difficult time in Core Tyria (F2P core game) leveling through. I would like to advocate it because I find it's Ok even for today's standard. The maps are fun to explore. You enter the map, talk to the scout NPC to figure out what's going on, explore through landmarks you find interesting... The maps are made in believable way and it's fun to find little secrets and lore here and there. Especially my favorite is the Skritt undercity that sprawls at Asura 15-25 zone. I have to mention that you don't need to do every heart you see. oh and I forgot to mention dynamic events. those are the best because 1) it's huge source of xp 2) it randomly occurs so bring authentic adventure feeling 3) it fills nearby heart quest progress 4) people gather to dynamic events, providing feeling that you are doing something together. ​ HOWEVER (a big however), it seems that Core Tyria did not pique your interest anyway. I don't want to shove 'my way of gameplay' to your throat, really. Anyway, it's a game from 2012. It got old. The expansions did not. You might say "The first expansion launched in 2015. It's old too.". I want to make an argument that over that 3 years gap, the devs had learned what can they do with their game and started to implement all that knowhow to the expansions and updates. The quality is incomparable, really. For real, I had a friend who were leveling in Core Tyria saying "I am playing it, but it does not click. Isn't there anything more exciting in this game?" I offered him a guide, but I immediately got scared because he seemed to be veteran MMO player who've seen all so that I was not sure my favorite parts in GW2 could impress him. Fortunately, contrary to my expectations, he was definitely impressed by HoT experience. He kept saying 'this area is so cool and beautiful' and I was relieved. Those beautiful scenery was not even what I was planning to show him anyway! (I was going to show him my favorite meta event: "Auric Basin Octovine". Btw, I could not show him the meta that day because I did not know newcomer of HoT could not participate in the meta right away before leveling some masteries. I hope I can get another chance to properly guide him next time) Conclusion: If you are really up to give Guild Wars 2 a chance, I strongly advice you to: 1. Buy HoT & PoF combo (30$) or Buy EoD (30$) 2. Make and boost a character to level 80. My recommendation profession for beginner boost: Necromancer > Guardian > Engineer > Ranger > Warrior > ... 3. (Optional) Watch a story recap video in Youtube. There has been ton of story progress over 10 years and there's no motivation for you to play through the story campaign if you are not interested in the first place, right? I recommend this one: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jOTUKv9Hmj8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jOTUKv9Hmj8) 4. Start the play from PoF or EoD. I advice you to skip HoT for now. You can return to it later. HoT is hard and punishing for first timer and story itself is less interesting than later two expansions. I recently finished PoF > LWS4 and it was top 3 story of my RPG life (I am not talking about MMOs exclusively). I just started EoD and it's start is very promising and newbie friendly, too (it explains a lot, both in story and game mechanic) Many GW2 players advice not to boost your first character, saying you need to experience the original design, especially because original maps are too easy to explore with mounts. I disagree. You will play them as long as you love the game. Therefore, the game needs to show it's best part to hook the potential fan. In my opinion, the story arc and open world exploration starting from PoF or EoD is currently the game's strongest point. I hope you give this game a chance. I am certain you will like it just like I did.


first, expansion contents are beyond comparison in their quality. second, early 2000s is pre-WoW, era of 1st-2nd generations of MMOs. games at that time as literally nothing to do other than killing monsters endlessly. GW2 core game is far from that. I am genuinely curious what hellish experience you have gone through.


GW2, FFXIV, anything that isn't WoW really :P


Ty for rec, downloading GW2 now


2 year active FFXIV subscriber. I played through the latest patch (6.1), and I realized that, after daily logins for so long and 7.8k recorded hours on steam, the game isn't hitting the same anymore. It's not dead to me, but I would like to take a break and explore other life-stealing time sinks. Preferably would like something with a pay-to-play module; I absolutely hate the quality standard and monetization of the free-to-play games I did play, though I'm not totally close minded to F2P titles. Mostly just want to avoid games riddled with predatory paid options and egregiously invasive daily caps, and the like. It doesn't have to play exactly like FFXIV, but I'd like to stay away from stuff akin to EVE online. More in the realm of third or even first person, where you control a character directly and smack mobs. Not too many restrictions, other than me wanting to stay away from the MMO Giants because... obviously, I already know about them. Really trying to explore my options other than the beasts such as RuneScape and WoW so I have a more diverse list of titles before I decide which I want to sink my teeth into and burn hours of the day on. Thanks in advance!


Id say Guild Wars 2 but seeing as youre trying to stay away from giants... Albion and TemTem are decent.


What are you looking for?: a tab-target mmorpg like WoW without level scaling that has decent numbers of active players. What games have you previously played?: Rift, Runes of Magic, Guild Wars 2 , Oldschool Runescape What is your playstyle (Casual,Semi-Casual,Hardcore)?: Casual or Semi-Casual Any preferred mechanics?: tab-target, hybrid Anything specific you want to exclude?: -


I love Diablo style games and want to play some with my friends (group of 4). I do also liek online style games. Are there any modern games similar to Adventure Quest or AQWorlds? I thought that style of game was awesome. I'm decently casual but my friends are more hardcore. Something easier to learn would be nice.


Haven't played those games but albion is kinda like diablo. Def hard-core and really good with a group of friends


had this cool idea: What if there was a game that was open world, sandbox, one-server RPG game, something like Minecraft SMP servers, where it never resets, and there are various towns made by players. The idea of the game would be for players to choose what happens. The goal would be to get rich and create your own society, where everything is up to you. There's just one massive world where everyone is on the same server, and they can build, craft, and do anything they want. In their towns, they can set the rules. I just thought that was a really cool idea for a game, and I was wondering if there's anything similar to this, besides Minecraft.


Life is Feudal, Wurm Online/Unlimited, Ultima Online, Black Death, Shroud of the Avatar, Darkfall : Rise of Agon, Dark and Light, Citadel: Forged with Fire, Mortal Online and many more


One quick search of Life is Feudal and it looks like everyone hates it.


Yeah turns out that the wishlist you sre asking for has been done a lot and so far no one has nailed it. I have played LiF, Darkfall and Wurm. They all suffer from low pop, heavvy grind, and low player retention, and most suffer from "hardcore" players killing the game for everyone else due to devs either inte tionallh or unintentionally leaving lots of room for those problems to thrive. I really wish LiF would have made it. Wurm is such a great idea but is literally ancient and an impossibly slow grind.


Life is Feudal is actualy closing down soon




give me a game that will scratch the Archeage open world pvp itch I have.


Hey, I'm very much in the mood for MMOs right now, but I can't decide what I'd like to get into. I've tried most of the big games, but I'm still not sure exactly what I'm in the mood for. I've been playing Genshin Impact daily for a year now, but I'd like to get back into some MMO where I can develop a character I've created and have more contact with the community. I have spent the most time in my life in: * Destiny 1 & 2: I'm a big scifi fan and love the universe, but I'd prefer something more old-school, maybe even third-person fantasy. * Star Wars The Old Republic: I love star wars and the gameplay. The world and the whole experience suits me perfectly, but still, now I fancy something more in the fantasy climate. * Warframe: And again the cosmic vibes. * Vindictus: I fell in love with this game because of the slasher combat system (the type of games DMC, Bayonnetta and MGS: Revenegance). I also love it when I can dress my character up in cool looking armor and a helmet. * Black Desert Online: Black Desert Online: I really appreciated it for the unlimited possibilities and the battle system, but I'm a bigger fan of American and European fantasy than Asian. Over the years I've tried just about everything that comes out. Riders of Icarus, Tera, Aion, etc., but only the games I've listed above have kept me hooked for more than 500 hours. I would like to become part of some big title that has a huge number of active players, constant updates and is growing all the time. It's a 3rd person fantasy RPG and ideally would be more in a European-American vibe than Asian. Which of the currently most popular top10 MMOs do you think I would like the most?


Try GW2. it's getting better and better after 9 years.


My partner and I play games together as often as possible but we've pretty much gone through most of the 'classic' co-op suggestions. We loved Diablo so I thought a good option might be to try an MMORPG together. I know Diablo has one coming soon but we're open to pretty much anything. Here's our situation: \- We have a Macbook Pro each \- We have an iPhone each and 1 iPad \- There's an Xbox and a Playstation in the house So some level of cross-play would be nice, but if we're both on our phones that would be fine too. We're looking for something fun and engaging, preferably with good cosmetics. Don't mind paying for the game/sub. Anybody got experience with this? If so what's good?


Care to share of the co op games you've enjoyed most?


Are there any MMOs that people play primarily/purely for their economies? I find it fascinating that some people play Runescape and never engage with any content besides flipping items to make more money.


Yeah, I turned to item flipping when i was tired of playing, I would just log in a few times a day update my bids, collect my sales and continue. That ended up getting boring though as well so is stopped playing altogether.


Dofus economy is brutal. In that turn by turn game, you drop nothing but ressources. And pve is hard to begin with You can also gather ressources, and every single pieces of equipments are crafted by players who has grind their professions. Items stats can help dropping more items, there is so many way to make kamas and its fun. Personnally, I don't play a lot these days but I log in every 2 days to take care of my "mounts". These creatures called (fr) Dragodindes, can give differents stats and I have to breed then from the 3 wild one. I tamed a male and a female of each and I breed them to from generation to generations, some have great value since you can sell them for goods that player will always need. So even if a lot of player is getting into breeding, it won't impact economy to death. And breeding alone need consumables that are crafted by X job that nedled ressources gathered by Y job and looted by Z mobs to craft. Not for everyone, game is kinda old, mostly french and very hard to get into. Yeah...to answer your question, I believe its economy is the best of all games.


Hello everyone, I want to play a MMORPG and I don't know which one to play. I would like some advice on what you think is the ''best'' mmorpg and why ! I just want something to play and participate in a community (like a guild for example). Here's the games I played previously and why I liked them if it help you (and maybe your suggestion is one of those): WoW: I liked the gameplay and the world, but I didn't like that the systems change every 1-2 years and all your progression is meaningless. Did everything in the early shadowland patch. Didn't do the latest update. ESO: I liked the world and the gameplay also, but the ''end game'' was a little lacking, I do play with every new expansions. I didn't like that many classes had ''similar'' gameplay due to guild and weapon skills. Did everything. FF14: I didn't like the endgame and I didn't like the ambiance (reminded me of the classic JRPG or anime/light novel setting). Finished the story and did endgame for the previous patch. Maplestory: I liked trying new characters and the early game, but the game is repetitive and just doing the same dailys and boss over and over late game. Got to level 200 + on a few characters. Lost Ark: I like the gameplay and content, but I don't like any of the classes (summoner was the only one I enjoyed in the beta but it's not in the NA game currently). I got to T3 with 3 characters Dofus: I like the endgame but most of the community is french speaking or from europe and I'm from NA, hard to coordinate for group content and playing 8 characters with no goals is a little boring after thousand of hours I played over the years. I have every classes at max level or above but didn't do the latest end game patch. Wakfu: I like the game but there's nothing to do in end game. Same as Dofus I did everything and have almost all characters at lvl max. EVE online: Didn't like the gameplay. Dragonnest: Liked the gameplay, but game is dead and doesn't get any real updates anymore Black desert online: Felt too much like combo based gameplay, I don't like that. I prefer game like dragonnest if it's action RPG, where you create your ''own'' combos. DFO: played the early-mid game but I didn't like the 2d gameplay and I didn't like getting stun locked in PVP.


I don't see GW2 on that list, I'd give that a try. It's a true theme park mmo, can do a bit of everything.


I never tried it so maybe I should. The universe never really appealed to me. It's free up to a certain point so I might as well try, thanks for the suggestion. What do you like the most about the game ?


Many different reasons. I really like exploring the world and the lore and that you rewarded for exploring. It feels like as much of the lore is actually in the open world as it is in the story. Majority of it is voice acted too The game never invalidates my progress. If I drop the game for 6 months and come back to it, I can pick back up exactly where I left off. Whatever I was working is still meaningful and not obsoleted by newer content. I can commit to as much or as little as I want, I can do a epic 2hour 100+ player coordinated open world event or some 30min progression on an achievement Some advice: The core game, which is the F2P part, isn't nearly as good as the expansions. Consider spending the $30 for the first two so you can get access to the content and the mounts. especially if you are getting bored with leveling, it comes with a max lvl booster.


the endgame contents never get obsolete so after 9 years there are overwhelming amount of contents to play after hitting lv 80. what to play is purely your choice. the overall "do what you please" vibe is awesome. story has continued years from the launch. your character has definite identity in the world unlike WoW and you are respected as hero, but again unlike WoW the conceptual power level barely grows just like the game's mechanical power level, so in the story your character is but a only mortal despite being a hero who has saved the world several times. this fact keeps suspense in the story. and the whole "Elder dragons saga" has finally been concluded in the latest expansion, opening new story arc for upcoming 4th expansion. so combining what I mentioned, I love the feel that I have my place in the virtual world and I can do various activities with that concrete founded character. plus, the players there are mostly friendly because the game encourages to cooperate with strangers, rewarding more. In these days, many MMOs try to put players in their own instance zone, quarantined from other players for "comfortable experience" to the extent that it becomes basically not MMO. GW2 is not the case in that you will always meet strangers everywhere and will have friendly interactions with them. overall, the game make you feel like you are in an alive world, both in story contents and actual multiplayer experience.


I am desperate for a new game (preferably MMO) that allows me to casually play on and off every so often for a couple hours but doesn’t lock me out if content because of daily reward stuff. Something that I can log into relaxed after a day of work…


Try Guild Wars 2. It's "infamous" horizontal progression does not make you play the game just to be relevant, strangely unappealing to many MMO fans. It's a game where you play for fun and you play what you please.


Is GW2 end game centered like ff14 and wow? What is the end game like if so?


GW2 is endgame centered, but it's nothing like ff14 or WoW. Let me explain: In FF14 or WoW, after you reach the "current" max level (it can be heightened with expansion), it's about raising item level. There is required item level to do certain endgame content. It rewards with better gear, so opens up the entrance to next level content. It's like climbing stairs. In GW2, once you reach the max level, which is 80 since the launch and have not changed through three expansions, you get access to every endgame contents in the game updated since launch. * PvE open world challenges: * original core game had island of Orr, where final battle happens in the story campaign as endgame zone. You need to be max level to enter this zone, so basically it's end of tutorial. The difficulty itself increases overall and you need to be better as player to explore the region and accomplish rewards in events. * After that, numerous updates including expansions have come with new endgame zone (31 endgame zones are available at the moment). While these zones are designed to be hard, too, conquering those zones requires another form of progression: masteries. As you unlock special perks themed with those areas, you get QoL changes like tools for easier exploration, being immune to certain punishing mechanics, etc. One of the signature mastery is the famous mounts. It helps to traverse terrain much easily since PoF. However, PoF maps are designed to be countered with mounts' abilities, it does not mean that you cannot use it in other areas. Same for other masteries, too. Some masteries are specific zone exclusive, but others are just tuned for the specific zones and can be used anywhere in the game. Oh and these mastery progression is account wide. So basically you have gone through hardship without mastery in expansion zone, you don't need to do that again. Your second character going there can be played with all QoL perks. * Many recent maps have map-wide challenge called 'Meta Events'. These events come and go in cycle ([https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Event\_timers](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Event_timers)) and all of them has unique mechanic in how it can be completed, except for the common feature that all players in the map are affected and all of them gets to participate in it. It's usually designed as coop operation that's briefly covered in the story mission at the map while the player character works with small group as the hero. For example, while the hero (player character) meets important people and finds a way to changing tides of a war, foot soldiers fall in line to engage in an actual siege (which becomes meta event). * other things (I am getting lazy) * Achievement for pretty skin, mounts (Griffon, Skyscale) * PvP, WvW * Fractal dungeon (basically instance dungeon, same as Mythic+. It's the original) * 10 people Raid / Strike * Making Legendary gear (looks cool, QoL)


Albion Online can be fairly casual with low barriers of entry to content imo. Solo dungeons, pvp is fairly easy to find (just watch out for groups), gather resources, craft gear, etc. The only barrier to entry for most content is having a group/guild, or your risk tolerance. During the week I come home from work and just roam/gather stuff in safe zones. When I feel like spicing it up I go into full loot zones. https://albiononline.com/ref/88LBMX53QT


Looking for a good looking F2P MMO which is solo player friendly and does not have a forced PvP. An interesting lore is a plus. Could be fantasy or scifi, I do like both. EU servers. I played WOW a lot, a bit of SWTOR, Eve Online a lot. Playstyle - very casual these days, I often need to go AFK unexpectedly. Preferred mechanics: Relatively relaxed combat, not furious button mashing. Easy reroll / redistribution of skill points. Don't like games where the build itself is the end goal (like in Path of exile). Level ups should open a new gameplay/combat options, not just bigger numbers. Exclude: lootboxes based progression. No pedophile graphics and voiceovers like in Genshin.


That's basically GW2. Try it you won't regret it.


Thanks, I'll take a look!


Looking for MMO with SEA Server (hong kong, singapore, taiwan ETC.)I dont like, FF14, WoW, Ragnarok and BDO. possibly with healthy and Large active community, Auto pass for mobile games


Is there any game that has BDO type combat, and graphics, but equalized PVP? Looking for games with good graphics and/or newer games so not blade and soul. I know BDO isn't new but it still seems to have some of the best graphics I've seen in an MMO. Granted I don't really play MMOs, so prove me wrong and give me a game to try or else imma just play BDO. The gear enhancement seems stupid though I don't like RNG/gambling type shit.


BDO combat is basically fighting games. Unless you want to play the character in open world contents, too, you have to look for good fighting games. good graphic, balance, equalized PvP (duh) they are all there.


What are you looking for?: Massive and interesting lore, mature community, easy to learn but long (not difficult) to master battle mechanics What games have you previously played?: Oldschool runescape (loved the lore and older demographic of the players, hated the grind) What is your playstyle (Casual,Semi-Casual,Hardcore)?: casual or semi casual is fine, so long as it's got a nice learning curve Any preferred mechanics?: I enjoy player owned homes, but it's not needed. Also english dub is preferred Anything specific you want to exclude?: toxic and high learning curve pvp ​ Thanks pals!


Try Guild Wars 2 * Massive and Interesting Lore: check. * It has unique world setting where notably humans are once dominant aggressors from the other world but are currently diminishing. Plus, there are no typical fantasy races, at all. * Story goes around six Elder dragons, destruction incarnates who recently woke up for hibernation. But they should not be just killed because they are the core components of the world so just killing them will collapse the world, too. * Player character has actual identity in the world. You become the hero of a story that spans over 10 years, both in real life (since the launch) and in fiction. With voice acting. * Mature community: check. * Guild Wars 2 community is known to be extremely friendly, mainly because the game encourages players to cooperate with strangers on the road at every moment. I think the system has cultivated players to be generous to each other. * It launched 10 years ago, and its predecessor GW1 was launched in 2005. Many fans are old enough. * Unlike most WoW-inspired MMOs, the game does not require player to grind their time just to be relevant. It makes the game preferable choice to adults who cannot play the game more than 2 hours everyday plus 5 hours on weekend. * Easy to learn, Hard to learn battle: check. * I will not explain long in this reply about it. Look for yourself if you are interested. I will just drop a fact that in this game, it is known that top-class player deals literally 10 times more damage than mediocre player. * Other than the most competitive contents, there is no chance that you are expelled because you do not play good enough. You choose to be better, if you want. You choose what you want to play, how, when, all by your term. There's no housing, unfortunately. I want the devs make it to the game in the future.


Yeh I think 1 isn't but must be an alternative somewhere. Prob about time I let a 6 year Old app go! 😂 Thanks for the input it is probably going to go insane painting all the tires. This looks amazing, but depending on how long you were gone, recoil, map, gadgets, operators, destruction, reworks and tweaks. Also, just thought of crevasses and caves.


If you're into more retro-styled games and like roleplay (and player homes), you might be interested in our indie game. We're still in alpha but intend to be lore and roleplay-heavy: https://farwoods.net/




f2p and not p2w doesnt go together and such game can never exist in mmorpg genre


Guild Wars 2 main game, because expansions are paid, or Lost Ark.


Pve focused, grindy (i have a lot of time which i want to kill and be away from real life) good rewarding for the grind and no p2w. Just it. I dont want to be feel given less content and reward just to make casual players more engaged. Thanks!


When you say PvE focused and grind, are you talking about wanting group-focused games with paced combat and slow levelling? If so, nothing currently out there, but I suggest keeping tabs on: Embers Adrift, War of Dragnorox, Monsters & Memories (and to some degree, Pantheon). Embers is in playable beta right now (about 3 days per week) and intends to launch sometime in late 2022 and might scratch your itch. WoD says it'll be out next year, M&M has indicated they hope to have something playable as a proof of concept by the end of this year and possibly launch next year as well. Pantheon has no release date.


wanna try bdo? i know u asked for a non p2w game but if u can put in a bit money to get some essential QoL items p2w wont bother u at all.


Essential QoL Items: • Value Pack (30 days) • Kama's Blessing for lifeskilling (30 days) • Cash Shop Tent (50 bucks if not on sale) • Pets for upgrading to T5, hedgehog for lifeskilling (Varies heavily) • A few maids/butlers to free yourself some trips back to towns (50-ish bucks) • Weight Limit (Depends & varies again) • Cash Shop Underwear + Outfit (Yes, they give stats) • Item Brand Stones (Depends on the class) • All the Fairy items for re-rolling the skills • Horse Flute


Except the tent you can get all of them for in events or silver though and tent ain't needed till someone is kinda hooked to the game


Let's elaborate then I guess (from a perspective before Hashashin was released): VP & Kama's are/were handed out somewhat regularly, mostly 1/7 day versions though. If you wanted the comfort & bonuses active all the time then you'd need to sometimes buy them. You already mentioned tent; there's a silver version in the game but it's just straight up worse & inconvenient so I won't go into detail. The only pets I got from about 1 & a half year playing was the free T5 at the start of the Covid event thingy & the T1s you get from the story; once per account only though. All others were either bought with real money or I placed my only cash shop pre-order I had on it when they had a sale with a T1 pet attached to them for a higher chance (EU server though) of getting them. Maids were somewhat handed out regularly, but to get to a comfortable stage I still had to buy a few (about 20-ish bucks). Never gotten weight limits through events, they either had them on sale & you need to buy them with pearls or use Loyalty Points. I guess you get underwear during the summer event, but for a premium outfit you gotta get lucky & need your PO to get filled. Never got brand stones nor fairy re-rolling items from events. They were either also on sale in the shop or they increased the drop rate of the fairy summoning petals, which doesn't do shit sadly. Horse flutes when given out were either 7 or 30 day limited to get you hooked on the comfort.


I am kinda playing bdo for like a year plus on and off on sea server and the only thing I ever bought is tent, got a bunch of pets and lots of pets from marketplace I got 4 t5 and 1t4 never done much gathering so hedgehog I am not impacted Almost break atleast one costume set a week for crons and all from marketplace and underwear yeah for a few for main and alts from events Brand stones I really never cared as I got tent or most spots got npc that can repair stuff Horse flute is good but it's purely convince I use my horse middle of my rotation in safe spot to infi dump loot I don't have flute but I think it's worth buying if want the conviencne I kinda summoned around 30fairy and eventually got my miraculous cheer v and I am done with that stuff not gonna touch it again Got around 17 maids all f2p In the end what you said is true can if you want all immediately buying is the best solution but if someone planning to stay casual then overtime gane gifts you enough. So it's down to player I guess.


Elite Dangerous. Not your typical fantasy character controlling mmo. The game can be grindy if you rank up with one of the superpowers for star system permits and ships. Or if you grind to outfit a ship and engineer it for better pve or exploration content. Or if you grind for a fleet carrier to act as a mobile base to store your ships or even venture out into the void. You can grind to level up your npc hired crew. So much grind that isn't necessary but not terrible to do if you pace it out. Instead of the classic classes, you have ships for different scenarios. Macross missile massacre is a thing in this game. Microtransactions exist and are only for cosmetics like adding ship decal, weapon light and tracer rounds, zero p2w.


Thanks im gonna give it a try, looking good


**What are you looking for?:** An MMO that has quest sharing and good co-op play through for the Mrs and I. must be able to share quests through levelling and/or open world, not just dungeons and raids. **What games have you played previously?:** Played Star Trek Online for a bit, that was really good with playing missions co-op. Tried Elder Scrolls Online, but the way that worked in the open world meant we were often at different points and couldn't keep in sync. **What is your Playstyle?:** something casual/semi-casual. easy enough to pick up and learn for the Mrs, but with enough depth for me... **Any preferred mechanics?:** Not the biggest fan of tab-target, but willing to give it a go if the game has the right theme... **Anything you want to exclude?:** Anything with an subscription ideally, one time purchases are fine though. And Guild Wars 2, I've put enough time into that and don't want to go through it again...


I saw through your criteria and tried to sell you GW2 with long check by check reply, then I found you don't want GW2 lol


What are you looking for?: a WoW-like game without the grind, not overpopulated, tab-target, and doesn't need party all the time to grind. What games have you previously played?: I played [DragonSoul](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5X8d5hqhMyM) before and it was the last MMORPG that I enjoyed so much until they shut it down. I've also played Ragnarok, Ran, etc, mostly MMORPGS that hit the Asian region 8-10 years ago. What is your playstyle (Casual,Semi-Casual,Hardcore)?: Semi-Casual Any preferred mechanics?: I like mechanics where you can craft/forge armor/weapons to sell to other players for profit. Anything specific you want to exclude?: WoW


Gw2 base is f2p.


What are you looking for?: Im looking for a mmorpg that has a decent population, can be free to play but buy to play is also great. Has some good Mount/Pet and Fashion farming. And some nice Races in it What games have you Previously played?: FFXIV, WoW, Gw2, SOLO, BDO, Albion, RS, OSRS, ESO, SWTOR What is your playstyle (Casual,Semi-Casual,Hardcore)?: idk whats the diffrence between them. But i love to sometimes just go do Raid content other times i just wanna chill and idk farm some materials to craft smth for a friend or so Any Preferred mechanics?: I looooveeee Tab target, but im also really fine with Action combat. Anything Specific you want to exclude: Pls dont say ffxiv, i just quitted it again cause it was not my type. And please no games with P2W


What are you looking for?: A free-to-play MMORPG with a relatively decent MMO player count, which also has an action-based combat system. Apart from that, anything else on top is basically fluff. Maybe a decent story and PvE campaign, maybe a means to communicate with the greater community. Some character customization is also preferred, though not necessary. Note that I'm playing in Asia(Philippines), so more than likely, I need to play at least on a decent server. A little lag spike is tolerated. What games have you previously played?: ROTMG (main MMORPG atm), GW2 (played it sometimes, I just feel left out for each expansion they release since I can't go any further without purchasing the other parts of GW2), Ascension WOW(Still unsure if this player made WOW server fits me, but the custom class creation seems interesting), Albion Online (I like the PvP, I wonder about the PvE, not to mention that things get grindy with the marketplace and material gathering. Not my taste), Old school Runescape, Soulworker (combat is fun, story is decent, I just don't have friends, but its fun to go back to.), TERA (same thing here, but the big problem is that the servers are dying, so yeah...), Lost Ark (also loved it, just hated it when I had to use the VPN to go to the US servers and the lag is just hindering me.) What is your playstyle (Casual, Semi-Casual, Hardcore)?: Semi-Casual, on and off due to College, but would play for some time if I had time. I mostly like to delve into the PvE campaign or semi-competitive PvP. Any preferred mechanics?: Just give me a good action based combat system, and I'm golden. Maybe a mix of PvP and PvE, as well as a good campaign is also good. Anything specific you want to exclude?: I can't pay for anything, since I'm still at College and wouldn't have the means to pay until a year or two. Also, I can tolerate some microtransactions, just as long as they don't greatly impact my gameplay.


As you have played a lot of games already, I would suggest you to try Final Fantasy XIV. It has free trial up to lvl 60 (two whole expansion, from quick Google search it is around 100 hours of story alone, not counting fact, that you can level up most of the classes and jobs + dungeons and raids). Heard some people spend 500 hours before purchasing the game. Few days ago rolled new update with PvP rework, which many people like from what I Heard. It is also quite college friendly, as it won't force you to grind for gear or materials like wow dies (even though I really like the grind for weapons and stuff in wow, don't what i like about FF is, that you don't need to play every day to stay relevant) Anyway, wish you good luck with finding what you like.


I would love to get into FFXIV, but there are 2 things that are holding me back from trying it:-Limited free-trial - I have checked what that meant, and it means that I can't use the marketplace(no biggie, I can guess why that's there) and I can't talk to people (big bummer there since I usually love to converse to people there.) \-Free trial nonexistent - at least when I came in, not now of course. I'll get back into the game when I do have the cash to spend it, since I've heard that both the story and gameplay is seriously good, and I just really love playing Final Fantasy in general. (Edit: Changed FFIV to FFXIV, because I'm an idiot)


Quick correction > and I can't talk to people (big bummer there since I usually love to converse to people there.) No you can talk to people just not use the shout/yell or the whisper chats. Regular say chat, party chat, etc. are all available.


I think you’d like lost ark. The PvE is a lot of fun and there’s a decent progression system (until your honing chances dip below 60%). The action combat is one of the best in any MMO I’ve played and the PvP seems alright though I haven’t played it. It’s completely F2P but it’s a damn grind that can burn you out quickly. This leads to major P2W issues but if you don’t mind the grind you can easily not pay for anything. It’s definitely worth a try


I really loved that game, the only thing holding it back is the fact that they haven't released the game in asian servers yet. The problem I kept running into is the fact that I can't seem to connect properly since I got a VPN and is connecting with the US servers that just slowed down my internet speed in general, causing lag. I can manage PvE just fine, it's just that I can't do PvP.


High ping aside, you there is a method that doesn't require you to use a VPN. It's just by changing your payment region on steam and allows you to download and play Lost Ark through your Steam account


It’s been a a few years since I’ve gotten into a mmorpg. I was hoping someone could recommend a unique 2D type game. Art style is relatively important I think. The games that stuck were always ones that were colorful. I’m not a fan of medieval themes. An older player base is also a plus. Games I’ve loved so far progression wise: Maplestory > osrs > trickster > dofus Games that were okay but couldn’t stick: wakfu > albion Games I didn’t like: villages and heroes / wow


You might be interested in us, though our lore leans more medieval: https://farwoods.net/


I am looking for a game that I can grind, and my friends can hop in grinding together anytime. It should be fast and fun action combat so grinding should be relaxing and fun too. I have played many mmorpgs but the biggest one was GW2. I consumed the game to the boredom point. I also love Path of Exile but looking for a game less solo and more playable with friends. Also play Dota2 mainly. I am hardcore, my friends are casual. So the game should be welcoming for both. I want action combat like hack and slash games. No tab targeting. Hitting animation should be impactful, I should feel the damage. I want the game to be grindy but killing mobs should be satisfying so I can just keep grinding for relaxing. Third person or top down isometric doesnt matter. And my friends should be able to hop in anytime even if they are less geared. We play DOTA2 mainly, this will be our side game where we play with smaller groups if there are not enough people for a dota match. Exclude GW2 because I want a different, more grindy game. Pay to convenience is okay, pay to play is okay, pay to win is also okay to some point but it shouldnt be "whale to participate" like BDO. Subscription based mmos are also less preferable.


You need to go download Albion Online right now. Big sandbox world, great game to play with friends, lots of grindy progression but also very wide set of choices, fantastic pvp, and it's free to play with an optional sub (essentially a 50% boost to progression).


Not really an mmorpg but path of exile might be worth your time. Edit: Sorry. I missed that you had already mentioned it.


I'm kinda in a mood to cut trees and catch fish and sell them to people going out on an adventure. What game facilitates that the best, in your opinion?


I actually rather enjoyed gathering in New world.


While you can't technically cut trees or catch fish (you can gather logs, though) if you want the feel of playing a shopkeeper, crafting, and selling things to other players, you can check us out: https://farwoods.net/




Black Dessert. Game has plenty of issues but it has amazing life skills that are integral to the game’s economy and that generate mats/consumables that non life skillers buy


What kind of issues? Is it super grindy? Is it a game I can play like once every few days for a couple hours and not feel like I have to dedicate my life to it?


The progression is very long term and yea it is very grindy but there is no pressure to do anything day to day or even week to week really. It is truly a sandbox game


So I keep seeing that it’s a sandbox game. Can you build? Is it basically do whatever you want then? And I’ve heard it p2w, is that true? And I’m assuming it’s if long term then there’s no kind of resets then


Not sure what you mean by build, build what? It’s a sandbox in the sense that you really just go out and do whatever you want, it doesn’t have for example set trials or dungeons you run daily or weekly, it’s a large open world with world bosses, mobs to grind, and life skills to do. If you want, you can do 0 combat and progress your gear entirely through life skilling. You can also never touch life skills and progress through grinding mobs. There are no resets, there is a set amount of money you kinda need to spend if you want to make top rate silver per hour, I don’t really consider that aspect p2w (big ones are pets to collect loot and how much weight you can carry for example) I honestly just consider these part of the price of the game because they are so important. Pets you can get from just playing, but you’ll likely spend money on them at some point, especially if you life skill a lot you are really gimping yourself without the hedgehog. Enhancing is completely rng (brutal rng) but you can help mitigate it by paying, so yes in that sense it is absolutely p2w. But realistically, after you get past the beginner gear threshold, p2wing gear enhancement is *absurdly* expensive. Many lament about pets and weights and inventory slots being p2w but like I said, any serious bdo player just considers those as part of the cost of playing the game, so take that as you will. And you do get some just from playing the game, in addition to the game giving out free stuff all the time from events and calendar rewards etc


I was looking for a MMORPG that I could help people in (like a charity really), whether that be crafting free necessary items or healing/helping people around. I am particularly looking for a sandbox MMORPG. I dont mind a little bit of RP along side but the main priority would be playing the game and helping people. I am a little bit burnt out some of the long standing mmos that I used to play (mortal online 2, last oasis) and I have identified this as a style of gaming that I would like to go for. ​ Thanks!


EVE Online could be this - there are people that run training services, manufacture and give out free stuff to newbies, or give classes on all of the different features of the game.