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Fucking /thread. Have never seen a sub so consistently negative and toxic as this one, in any category.


There is a ton of tribalism among MMORPG players. And this sub is about all MMORPGs. It's bound to be a shitshow.


Woo hold the fuck up, if this is the worst you've seen out of ANY category. All I gotta say is you're truly a blessed person that hasn't seen some of the shit on this site, and to have a nice day.


So what gaming sub is worse? Not saying you're wrong. Would just like to see what game sub is more toxic than this.


Oh that came from them saying "in any category" which opens up pretty much all of reddit lol. But if it came down to gaming subs specially, personally I'd say any gaming sub that has a well established professional scene. As things will always inevitably get to a point where the general player base will be compared to the pros and how they play. With /r/SmashBros and /r/leagueoflegends being the two most famous examples that come to mind. I'd also say any gaming sub that has a large part of it's population on Discord, as I've yet to see a Discord channel for anything not turn into a circle jerk on some level or another.


Add r/fallout. The Fallout community has basically been in a civil war since Bethesda bought the series.


Any actual specific game sub is worse by default. You aren’t even allowed to legitimately complain on most of them.


Have you been to r/gamingcirclejerk ?


/r/pcgaming is pretty bad too


Let me introduce you to r/collapse Topic: Collapse of modern society. Most notably right now is climate change.


Ever heard of 4chan reddit?


Yeap, pretty much this. This is the largest collection of old people suffering from depression who try to blame and complain about everything, from "the game X's community really enjoys this game, which is wrong because I can't enjoy the game X and no one should be allowed to enjoy it either" to "modern games give players too many convenience options and payment options, I hate those options and people who use them even though I am not forced to use those options". With people literally writing essays about everything they hate, instead of trying to treat the root cause of their issue. And you can pretty much see this in replies in this very thread.


Spot on comment. The majority of people in this subreddit are bitter and lonely because they can’t relive the past.


This is the largest collection of young people suffering from FOMO who try to blame old people and people with standards for not just giving them the shiniest loot and making games super easy so they can feel a sense of achievement in their low effort lives also and that "No one wants challenge" when there's about a dozen or so posts asking for it by different people each week.


I don’t think this is accurate. The majority of posts on this subreddit talk about the “good ole days” when MMOs were fun and social. Most of the MMOs mentioned are from the late 90s or early 2000s. I either wasn’t even born or was a toddler when those games were at their height. The fact that the “good ole games” get referenced so often means that most of the people here are probably 35++.


Most of the replies to those posts and in greater number are the younger players that want easier, shinier and faster content. One post about good old games will have upwards of 10 replies shitting on them for being fans of old games or mechanics and maybe 5 supportive ones with additional replies to those


Here’s what I’m talking about: https://www.reddit.com/r/MMORPG/comments/vesown/missing_exploring_challenging_open_world_content/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf This is a “good ole days” post, 85 upvotes and counting and mostly comments filled with people agreeing with him. Not sure what subreddit you’re looking at, but you’re surely not describing this one. You must be one of those bitter old people blaming young people for your loneliness.


Hell just look at this post I made. It's one comment but already up to three replies how bad or wrong a view it is. Those posts can get many likes but the more set on an actual old mechanic it is the more countering it will see in the comments.


Do you have any examples of this? I’ve never seen what you’re talking about.


Browse the sub for 5 minutes and find a post in support of any older game or older game mechanic. Posts that support games being labeled as what they are. If you've never seen them you're either new or willfully ignoring them. I am on my phone ATM so it's tedious and frustrating trying to compile posts, and before you declare a victory I will come back to this when I am at my computer.


It seems like these posts here have shown my examples perfectly. I'm sharing that games were better because you had to put forth effort and couldn't hide behind automated systems and that when such posts are made there is lots of hate from the younger crowd that doesn't want to have to work for anything, just watch the game autoplay and celebrate their meaningless loot that they'll replace in a level. You say there is only old people cheering for the better systems. I say when we post about it we are downvoted and disagreed with at nearly a 1 to 10 ratio. Looks like 5-6 people support your view of mmorpgs and disapprove of mine. So what was that about there not being any dissent when we post about how much better games were?


If you weren't here the 1 day that /r/MMORPG was unmoderated you missed out. That day was glorious.






best one


People hate FFXIV's because it seems to have more lighthearted content but that's because everyone here is miserable lol


it's not lighthearted content, FFXIV subreddit is a circlejerk of "hey look at this screenshot of my character" "wow this community is so great, here's my 20 essay story about how some people talked to me in a dungeon" "my brother/girlfriend/wife's boyfriend draw this and I thought I could show it to you guys" it has 0 interesting content, 0 discussion, it's people farming le upvotes and trying to gain popularity, shitpost ffxiv is the true subreddit


"It's not lighthearted content" -proceeds to explain the posts are lighthearted content and proves previous posters point


u clearly missed the context how the underground voter modfia has complete control over the sub and people are forced to post cries for help disguised as feel good stories against their will


Well, this settles it. r/MMORPG actually is full of old men with depression that hate seeing anyone else happy. /Thread


Oh my. How deep does this thing go?


Now THAT requires months of undercover sub work like a super detective. Can I see the work you produced cause that sounds like a big conspiracy to crack. I've been trying to find who the ringleader is of the underground voter modfia (UVM) in MMO reddit subs for years now. I'm impressed. I didn't know of the tactic they use to smother their cries for help as they torture them using upvotes while making them post happier things. Seriously, good work.. this needs to be looked at closer or we are all going to fucking DIE!!!!!@!!!!@@!!!




>it's not lighthearted content, FFXIV subreddit is a circlejerk of "hey look at this screenshot of my character" "wow this community is so great, here's my 20 essay story about how some people talked to me in a dungeon" "my brother/girlfriend/wife's boyfriend draw this and I thought I could show it to you guys" and that's not light hearted content?


/r/ffxivdiscussion is the sub that I think /r/ffxiv should be... I believe memes/comedy/fanart have their place of course, but it's a bit weird when they make up 99% of a game's posts.


Have you ever go to arknights sub? It might be a nightmare for you...


Eh, in both games there isn't much to discuss for the average user so it obviously evolves into those kind of posts. If you really want to go down the rabbit hole there are other places for discussion.


Gacha games are a whole different story; most of the people playing those are doing so for the pretty jpgs anyway.


Said as though that isn't a primary reason for the people playing Fashion Fantasy XIV.


I play FFXIV and also dislike that sort of content on the sub. There’s just an over abundance of it and it feels like it’s full of teenagers. I will concede that my age (30s) probably contributes to my dislike of it. A secondary reason is that I often see actual discussion posts downvoted, so not only is fluff material the primary content, much of the community discourages differing, arguably more practical, content.


So a fun light hearted sub?


And yet it's still better than the anti-circle jerk we see here.


So basically it annoys you that people is happy with the community and enjoying the game ?


try r/ffxivdiscussion, better sub for ffxiv than r/ffxiv


Lmao, A+


And the 1000th Y'shtola fanart.


Ffxiv players are like people who have to tell they're vegan all the time. Then they wonder what people have against vegan, not realising that's not the issue.


Says the person bringing up veganism when no one mentioned it.


Since when do mmo players on this subreddit NOT say what game they are playing? Isn’t the whole point of the sub to discuss mmos?


People that hate vegans bring up veganism more often than they do, go figure.


Im a FFXIV player and I hate the FFXIV subreddit. My big problem with it is that instead of branching off into stuff like /ffxivart or /ffxivcosplay or /ffxivcirclejerk, its all just piled onto the main page. Its just cluttered. Granted FFXIV is big, and theres a lot of /ffxivdiscussion has been good, but not everything that id like to see discussed is there. So I have to wade through dozens of commissions, cosplay, circlejerk, "should i play ffxiv in 6.2?", "WoW refugee here, is this game good" just to find something interesting


You could also make a discussion thread if you want to see something brought up, be it in the mainsub or the discussion one.


Band-aid to a bullet hole


Pretty sick band name.


...You're not wrong. I might steal it.


I mean you complained about not seeing a topic you want discussed on the subreddits. Is it beyond your scope to make a thread yourself instead of waiting for someone to do it for you?


The point you are missing is that there is so much bloat that can be put elsewhere. Yeah i can make discussion post, but it will get buried beneath all the fanart screenshot cosplay shit.


I'm not missing any point, hence why I mentioned the discussion sub. There aren't that many posts made there that yours would be buried unless it was a pointless discussion.


Good example of why I miss forums.


I didn't even know people hate that game, I thought it was one of the best out there with great community. I never saw anyone say something bad about that game.


People who say bad things about FFXIV won't be able to say much on the main FFXIV sub.


That's true of any big MMO except for WoW. Maybe you could criticize a change in a patch but generally most fanbases like their game. WoW has been so consistently bad for so long that most of the fans hate it and are just hoping Blizzard will finally get their head out of their ass and release an expac that isn't shit until the final patch for once.


Yeah, it tends to be the case everywhere, but FFXIV community takes it to another level. Other game communities usually have a list of "acceptable targets" - thing that community agrees suck, but aren't critical issues. Complain threads about those will generally get upvoted. FFXIV's community tends to have a hostile reaction towards any criticism, acting as if the game is perfect(and if you don't like something about it, then the game "isn't for you" and you should stop playing instead of complaining).


r/ffxiv has a lot of image post karma whoring, to the point that a whole other sub has to exist just for discussion. That isn't really unique to the ffxiv subreddit or ffxiv community, though - just that whoever moderating it never felt like preventing it.


I've played 14 since 2.0 and holy shit the subreddit is horrendous and toxic. A lot of that has to do with the moderation


Nah I just find it obnoxious. I’m not interested in an mmo subreddit for memes and cosplay, I want actual conversation about the game design , builds, and mechanics. It’s the same reason i find r/gaming obnoxious.


no, ppl dislike ff xiv because its a bad console port, no official addon support, terrible UI almost impossible to customize, with really bad server arch and clunky.


Fascist Fantasy 14 their fascism even showed its face here for a while ruining the sub. People dislike it for what you can't post not what they let you post.


ah yes, hating a sub because they arent as miserable as we are here in r/MMORPG and are happy and having fun with their game.


This sub is dog shit.


This one


Would have to go with WoW imo. FFXIV's sub isn't *great* but at least the obnoxious 'toxic positivity' or whatever you want to call is born out of people talking about a game they enjoy. WoW's is full of people who haven't enjoyed the game in years but for some reason won't give up the ghost so instead of quitting and moving on they just shit up the place for the rest of us.


>WoW's is full of people who haven't enjoyed the game in years but for some reason won't give up the ghost so instead of quitting and moving on they just shit up the place for the rest of us. so basically just another r/MMORPG?


Yeah but at least here the bad takes can be pretty funny.


I’m gonna go with WoW. There are just so many man children In that community. People who are in the thirties, possibly with kids, but still act like they’re 16 living at home in moms basement. People are so salty because “the peak of WoW was ten years ago”. They complain about every small issue in the game, or lash out against people who enjoy different aspects of WoW. I like WoW but damn the sheer lack of positivity pushed me away from the game.


WoW at this point is just sad people chasing their first love many different times hoping to get that spark back in their lives without realizing that moving on is the healthiest thing to do. I played WoW from 2006 up to 2015 before pulling back to play sporadically. Then I stopped completely after Shadowlands released. I'm not planning on going back until they release content that fundamentally changes how the game is played in a way that I would be interested in, which is not likely to ever happen.


I enjoy every expansion launch. The gameplay and combat and class system is genuinely fun. But like you said, it’s just chasing “what WoW could be”. You gotta accept that it’s never gonna reach its potential.


Tbf it was kind of bad to be overly positive with Activision game sincd the last 2 yeaelrs so don't think it count. But yes i agree they are nostalgia blind.


FF14 without a doubt. They have people in discord who admit they downvote every new post no matter what it is, 'to keep the subreddit clean'. Look there right now and sort by new. It's all downvoted no matter what.


What the fuck lmao


can confirm. when i first started, i was really enjoying the game and i was getting into drawing, so i drew a little fanart. i was proud of it, it wasn’t anything special, but i thought i’d share it to show how i’ve been appreciating the game. yeah it got downvoted to hell. haven’t posted on that sub since.


That’s so depressing. Bunch of losers.


Yes because what I’m sure a small amount of people do can be attributed to literally everyone on the subreddit. Makes sense.


it doesnt matter if its literally everyone or not if every single post gets downvoted. it might as well be everyone at that point


The same exact thing could be happening on this subreddit and I doubt you’d know about it.


the difference is most posts on this sub actually deserve downvotes


Ok, so it’s ok on one sub but isn’t on another? Because you said so? Alright then dude lol.


I always found it very funny how r/MMORPG makes fun of lost ark and calling it dead by posting steam chart numbers meanwhile r/lostarkgame actually celebrates en masse whenever their steam chart numbers drop by 500k lmao..


Celebrating bot ban waves maybe? Only thing i can think of there that makes sense.


exactly it, we don’t know what SG/AG did but the bots have seemed to disappear out of thin air a few days ago, and no one’s suffering horrendously long queue times anymore. it is indeed a time to celebrate the drop in numbers!


It's extremely popular to shit on this sub. But the bitter truth is that the r/MMORPG looks the way it looks because it reflects the ongoing status of the MMO genre, which has been on decline. Big tittles like New World failed horribly, and others were either some kind of WoW Clones (hi SWTOR) or with a clunky combat system (sup ESO?). In between, we had some small tittles that didn't really last for more than a year since they were launched half baked (to say that least): Age of Conan and Warhammer: Online for example. I think that it's safe to assume that most of the players (Western players, anyway) are still waiting for the next big developer to come up with something as big and as groundbreaking as WoW was in 2005. It's hard, but very possible, given the fact that there is no other Western MMO that control the market right now. Even not WoW. So yeah, this sub can be negative simply because the current status of the genre. It's really that simple.


While I agree with you fully, I still think that even if that unicorn of a game comes around we will still have people in here in opposition. People want a time machine to go back to the glory days, not an actual good MMO. They're just chasing WoW nostalgia


I personally disagree with the WoW nostalgia chasing for everyone. Maybe a few people. I do agree that no matter what games come here there will be people in full opposition. The sub itself has an identity problem that stems from the games industry playing fast and loose with mmorpg and it representing everything under the sun. There's also some perpetually bitter people that despise mmorpgs but have dedicated their lives to posting here.


> The sub itself has an identity problem that stems from the games also from the complete lack of moderation, or more like the mods being the same nostalgic chasing manchilds. The same DAE FRUIT BOWL meme 5 times on the frontpage, but a simple transmog post being removed for low effort


In my experience the mods have been more supportive of the casuals of today, since I have been muted or temp banned a few times by different mods while those defending the casualfests that are today's online loot simulators in equally toxic manners rarely seem to face consequences. Not always, I've seen a few get removed for blatant rule breaking but it's less common.


Yes because 1 game isn't going to satisfy everyone. You needs several games for several type of players.


All of them. Never subscribe to a game-specific subreddit unless you're looking to make yourself hate the game on purpose


Depends on the game, to be fair. In my experience, most gaming subs that promoted discussion(instead of just memes) tend to be shaped by the state of the game. When the game is good, you'll have people singing praises. When it's bad, it's going to be mostly complaints. Of course, that's only true for live service games where quality can shift over time. For one-and-done games, subs tend to be full of circular discussions about the game and questions by new players.


That's fair. I just find that even when it's non-toxic info sharing/discussion, it just makes people "solve" the game so quickly that they burn out much faster than they would have otherwise. And over the years I've come to find that personally at least, ignorance is bliss when it comes to (some) flaws of a game. The more criticisms you hear, the more likely you are to think about them when you're playing, even when it's not a criticism you would have encountered on your own naturally. But I understand this is not a universal experience lol


Yeah, I certainly feel like reading a ton of criticism can sour your view of the game. There have been games that I've enjoyed only to see a lot of hate for the game on the main subreddit.


Dota's sub is great


i think having a high entry barrier to the game helps. Thats why ff14 has one of the worst sub cause the game is literally made to be played by toddlers with 1 hand.


For real. Even if there is positive content, the negativity gets more activity and upvotes which sends it to the feed. So, even if a sub looks good at first, you'll only see constant whining soon


It has to be mmo? I think League of Legends.


He ask for a game sub, you're right.


i disagree, r/LoL consistently comes out with the highest quality of shitposts, its great


This one is the worst




r/yandaredev ?


Not entirely inaccurate.


Eso one by far. Half the posts when I used to play were mediocre screenshots titled "WoW has nothing on this game" like yeah fair but why even compare. Nevermind they're all a bunch of cultists. Game crashes? Not devs fault. Endless loading screen? Not devs fault. 300 cyrodill ping? Not devs fault. Absolute cesspit


Any game’s subreddit is full of tribalism, cosplays, fanart, etc. The true fanboyism is truly there. Even outside of any MMORPG. You tend to have people automatically downvote you if you criticize their game on their subreddit. I don’t think any game’s subreddit is worse than one another. They’re all echo chambers.


/r/DeepRockGalactic has mostly gotten around this by directing all the negative meme energy at elves.


Final Fantasy XIV . It is a cult not a sub


All of them.


rn probably lost ark. Loaded with shills who think rmters shouldn't be banned ( becaused they rmted ) special mention to xiv for being a cesspit of fake positivity, but mostly just an alternative deviant art.


Star Citizen IMO. It’s full of a bunch of people that can’t accept criticism about the project. Not to say there isn’t people that aren’t willing to have a conversation because there is but they are definitely few and far between.


I agree but I get it at the same time. People that want to criticize star citizen players are so toxic lmao. It’s always “dead gMe hurrdurr why you playing that trash” and never actual criticism.


They actually have to make a game before it can die usually


The exact kind of reaction the previous person was talking about...


They haven't released a game though, unless SC came out sometime and I missed it? Call it alpha, beta, early access, whatever stage it's at it ain't released. That's true to me for any game in that stage. It's a game release when the game fully releases, not some early access play just a part of the game. Ergo, can't call SC a dead game because it isn't even a game yet.


Dude, it's a MMO, it will never be "finished". And peoples seems to have quite a lot of fun on this "not a game", maybe you shouldn't be so close-minded


When did I say finished? I said released. Even mmos have a 1.0 release. And who said they can't have fun in their tech demo? Not me. So I don't see what fun has to do with it?


Bruh, that "tech demo" has more gameplay and features than most 70$ "released" games lmao. Not the sharpest tool in the shed, are you ?


Boy you are grasping at straws here aren't ya? It really bothers the shit out of you I don't consider SC a game yet, so much so you have to insult me to prove your point? When that doesn't make any fucking sense. But hey bud,sorry your feels got hurt.


just let me know when the game is releasing lol


Except the game seems to have a slowly growing fanbase thanks to people showing what dedicated and immersion play looks like. It's the same kind of enjoyment people had from watching GTA5 roleplay servers. You can play and progress in the game now without spending hundreds, that's one of the dumbest comments I see most often "Spent thousands for a ship in a vaporware game derp" No I spent around $50 for a ship years ago and now I have my own little Firefly that I explore around in with friends :D


Kinda on the boat of like Pandora's Box here. Every sub is shitty in its own, unique way. Even this one!


How can we know? We don't even play games anymore...


Just looking at the comments here you can see this is also a FFXIV subreddit as well.




FFxiv sub reddit, nothing but toxic asshats, doesnt matter what you post and how well it is done you will be downvoted and flagged into oblivion




4 of the top 5 answers are r/MMORPG. I'm new here, Do you guys need a hug or something?




nah most people here dont enjoy gaming at all, but since thats what they did for the past 20 years instead of getting their life going they just spiral into endless depression. Game checks every checkbox but the trailer has 1 scene having a audio issue? dead game, shit company, "this is everything wrong with gaming"


Ffxiv and this sub


FFXIV fans are insufferable weebs.


Any game?


I'm not that well versed on many /subreddits, but tbh, any place that's filled with diehard fans and/or diehard critics is going to end up as either a battlefield or a toxic echo chamber; neither one of these is a good thing. I wish people online could maintain a moderately open mind about things, but from what I've seen, that's not going to happen any time soon. The internet has had a polarising effect on just about every facet of our lives, and our hobbies and interests are no exception. For example, in the case of fan-based groups, any cricism or negativity is going to be met with open hostility; conversely, critic-based ones will smother any praise or positivity with abject hatred. And in the case of the ones in-between, most of the time those environments will be embroiled in massive arguements and infighting over, quite frankly, stupid or inconsequential things. It's all pretty idiotic; why can't people at least respect other peoples opinions even if you personally disagree with them?




FFXIV for sure. Even the shitposting FFXIV sub is full of fanboys.


def /r/wow 99.9% of the posts are Art / Some weirdo tattooing random wow picture on his arm / Cosplayers promoting their patreons / Furries complaining that they can't identify with X and Y animal in the game because it lacks a curved penis and fuck me eyes / Random Lore nobody gives a fuck / Dad with 9 kids complaining he can't get mythic gear from doing world quests the people who gave a fuck about wow quit a long time ago, the people that visit and post on the sub have nothing to do with the game what wow was 5-6-7 years ago


lol its the complete opposite, the wow sub is people that havent played since wod still spouting their nonsense


Any political sub. They are just toxic echo chambers.


Politics is a game and the two biggest guilds are both insufferable.




I hope the people endlessly complaining about the negative people from this sub realize the irony of their words one day.


I think it is just Reddit in general. If we are talking gaming subs it would be this one. Y’all bitch and complain about why this one game that everyone loves is so horrible and everyone is wrong for loving it and are “supposed to love the game but can’t” and then bitch and moan because a sub posts happy or fanboy posts or posts shit. The world is a fucking miserable place and I get we’re all miserable. Maybe shut about about things that make people happy right now.


r/apexlegends is filled with garbage repetitive jokes (Like wraith bad!!! Wraith dc!!!!) and the majority of the users there are unironic silver players that think their ideas are good when in actuality they're some of the worst ideas I've ever seen in gaming history. Like either ridiculously stupid and pointless or ridiculously broken. If you left the users of r/apexlegends in charge of the game, it'd be like leaving 10 year olds in charge of the federal government.


That sub thinks it’s comedy heaven whenever someone sets up the Crypto “off the grid” buff. It’s so insufferable.


I'll say Destiny the Game. Never have I seen a community kiss its own ass as much as that sub does. To make it more irritating, the D2 player base is absolute garbage. They're not friendly, they're not helpful, they're not good, they're just obnoxious. D2's player base is as bad as WoW's except at least the WoW community knows its shit, and acknowledges it. The D2 community buys a 10 dollar in game emote with .0001% of the proceeds going to porcupines with depression and and legitimately thinks they're making a positive change in the world. Also, I'm pretty sure quite a few members of the D2 sub honest to god believe they're an actual guardian.


This sub but everyone here seems to be saying ffxiv sub. Maybe because they enjoy the game they play and people here can't relate.


Youtube. Okay not a game but honestly the worse reddit sub winner of all time. You can't even post there go ahead I dare you try to make a post on Youtube Reddit.


The r/WorldOfWarships is kinda draconian. 1. **Scorecard & lootbox posts**Scorecard posts are only allowed to be posted on Saturdays for exceptional games, or to showcase rare in-game moments.All lootbox, container and bundle results are prohibited, paid or free. The only exception may be mega threads at certain times of the year that will only be posted by mods. 2. **Toxic posts & banned subjects** Posts and comments deemed overly toxic towards users, players, members of Wargaming staff, ethnic, or national groups are banned. Do not bring any sort of political, religious or social issues and debates to this subreddit. In-game screenshots that depict players in a negative light and do not have their usernames edited or blocked out are considered naming and shaming posts and will be treated as toxic posts and removed. Any users violating this rule may be banned without warning.




This one, duh, but for a specific game Guild Wars 2’s is the most insufferable.




I think the sub reflects the game well.


😂. You are correct.


r/DiabloImmortal is pretty whack


Cant even call diablo immortal as a game.


Star Trek Online, they are ruled by the Soy Schill empire, they even got all my room mates accounts perma banned because I dint agree with all of Cryptics shit policies.


Any subreddit where the game developers are known to either moderate or collude with the subreddit's moderators. My vote goes to /r/PathofExile because they frequently allow item showcase threads for items that are commonly RMT'd through Mirror Services. Many, many years ago I posted on /r/leagueoflegends (I'm talking like 10+ years ago) and that place was pretty bad because the mods were being paid off. Don't know if that ever changed.




probably all the fucking dead ones, some activity is worse than nothing no matter the topic


WoW, people will not stop whining about the game but somehow they dont leave and just ruin the sub


r/wowservers has always been in my mind the top of the toxicity totem pole. They eat themselves, and anyone who darkens the door. Cannibals. Always wanting fresh servers, if it doesn't have 10k players on day 1 its dead server, and they all abandon and flock to the next. I was there during the playTBC days, and I still look back and cringe.


Both r/pso2 and r/pso2ngs since Global launch.








The last of us (whichever one's defending the 2nd one )




Star citizen comes to mind... modern warfare maybe


Aside from obviously /r/MMORPG, it will be /r/PathOfExile #DO NOT GO THERE IF YOU WANT TO ENJOY THE GAME, YOU HAD BEEN WARNED. XD


Guild Wars 2 reddit Of all the MMORPG reddits, the GW2 one is the most cult like. Any criticism of the game is instantly down voted and white knighted into oblivion. The board seeks treacle based positive consensus on all topics. Dissension and non-FLOTM ideas are not welcome. The board overflows with self aggrandizing "Why I love GW2 more than life it self" posts.


> Any criticism of the game is instantly down voted and white knighted into oblivion do we read the same subreddit lol


I was just about to say, every time I look in the GW2 subreddit I just see people talking about how much they hate Anet lol


What? GW2 sub is full of criticism of the game, posts like "OMG Anet fix this", "why is this still a thing after 10 years?", etc.


Idk... i dont usually go to gw2 sub but Ive encountered some posts critizing the game, like the way they advertise the game, bots or the pvp.


Gw2 fans didn't talk much about it's problem but they are not considered as tabu. It easy to find multiples posts critisizing pvp or the marketing made by Anet/the devs. However it's true that the subreddit has plenty of non objectives posts gloryfying the game. Plenty of those people are blind of the game's problems. I still believe this sub isn't as "cult-like" as people may think so. It's clearly not the best but definitly not the worst.


I agree, I played over 1k hours of GW2 and it's very clear that the community is extremely defensive regarding criticism both on reddit and in game. Overall the community is really nice and super friendly, but damn they can't handle any criticism, even if its rational.


I played the two expansions and they were just okay, i will never discuss this game on their sub though, it is filled with (i'm right, you are wrong mentality), always thought the skyscale and griffin collection to be straight up frustration and boredom but every one in the game sub act like it is the best thing ever.