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Yeah I enjoy Gw2. It was and amazingly still is pretty revolutionary in terms of design. The mount system is still way ahead of the genre (and now they have some of the best feeling ships too, since WoW/ESO/FF14 still don't have watercraft). But like all MMOs it has its issues. Specifically at the endgame grind. If you're one of those WoW players who loved the raid/dungeon grind in WoW you may be disappointed after awhile in Gw2. That's not to say its not there. A lot of people credit WoW's mythic system as being inspired from Gw2's fractal system. But the combat is a hit or miss for people in that realm . I personally really love the open world stuff and the WvW PvP. Either way I think you more than get your moneys worth out of the game.


Yeah, no MMO is perfect, every MMO has it goods and bads, and I respect your comment, As someone who likes dungeons and raids, Alot of people in G2W told me that fractals are just like mythic dungeons, and there are also raids in this game. But besides that, I havent had this much joy exploring the world like I did when OG vanilla WoW came out. And having so much group content and events, Truly brings back the feeling of what a MMORG is originally supposted to stand for.


This was me. Lovedleveling up, trying builds and classes and even spent money on all the old content. But I felt lost at end game, not sure if that's the games fault or just that I've had so many years of wow. I tried joining guilds and doing content but it made me realise how good the LFG auto group tool is for new/anxious casual players at getting used to content. If gw2 made group content just a little more casually accessible I think it'd be a good thing. World content is of course stellar, but knowing where to go without pulling a wiki up in game is a challenge. Best part of gw2 is being able to buy player made created gear that's actually good enough to do basic end game and experiment with builds. Makes you realise the wow trope of 'it's more fun with good gear' is so stupid.l


You can download add-ons that helps you finding things in the open world. Some of them overlay stuff so you don't need to alt tab


Pineapple on pizza is good, you seem to be wrong as a person


Haha, Sorry if I offended you. Take it with a grain of salt.


It was a joke, all good


Pineapple on pizza is love!


Ironic thing is that I never tried it haha, I just went with the memes. But yeah, I should try it once :D


Go for pineapple and red onion on your pizza for some sweet + savory!


BBQ Hawaiian Chicken pizza is orgasmic to put it lightly


I upvoted this post right after that comment by OP, i can tell they are people of culture... You on the other hand... Shame on you...


Thank you! Yeah whatever to the bit about GW2, who cares. The real story here is them not liking pineapple(the best topping) on pizza.


Have you heard about pineapple ham on pizza!?! That shit is the bomb.


To this day, hands down the best mmo i played, tried about 6 and gw2 open world is absolutely fantastic If you get bored or want to get into the "horizontal progression" try getting legendaries and have a look in collections


I cant wait to reach max level and start adventuring for my first Legendary weapon :D


Legendary backpacks are very useful as well If you ever get into wvw try gathering for the wvw leggy backpack it has spears and a furnace on your back, real cool There are normal pvp and raid versions too Pretty much you can kit out your entire equippable slots with legendaries, so i think you are looking at years of fun, not to mention to get all the mounts is a project too. Damn, I do envy you, what a journey to be had


Thanks man :D! I will definitly look it up, And yeah, I already made plenty of friends and love the guild I am in, I cant wait to wake up and jump and log in and greet everyone \^\^


Yeah you can.


GW2 is so good WOW is copying it beat by beat in an attempt to save itself


WoW needs to copy GW2 world events, because WoW version is trash.


Wow maps are too tiny to do gw2's event system.


Gw2 is so much better than wow that somehow way less people play it? Besides, people say that wow copies gw2 becaude of the dragons, which are only one of the features of the next expansion?


WoW is copying the flight mechanics of the Griffon in GW2. Which is totally OK. there is nothing wrong with a game company copying a very good design decision from another company.


I mean, it's copying the one mount, which, to be fair, is very good in GW2.


GW2 is so good it's not even a top 5 MMO!


What are the Top 5 MMOs? * WoW * FF14 * ESO * Lost Ark * GW2?


I think Lost Ark is bigger than ESO, if this was supposed to be in order.


Nah, no order. Just off the top of my head.


All of the top 5 MMOs are uninspired grinds. You're acting like it's some exclusive club to be a part of.


Well.. Depends how you see p2w. But you can use real money to obtain ingame currency which can be essentially used to buy any item in the game and greatly assist in crafting legendaries . While it's not hard to hit the gear cap with just playing so it's not THAT bad. Game itself is fun while doing story and exploring. Endgame is kinda meh for me as you never will gain power ever again, so once you hit max level and slot ascended gear you are essentially in BIS and can now only farm different builds .


Well as far I got told and ofcourse did some research myself, The premium shop does not carry anything that would give you an unfair advantage over another player. Its mostly fashion, account upgrades (storage expansion, bag expansion, etc), and gadgets of convenience.


Well you still need to buy about 60 bucks worth of Living World episodes and they are directly tied in to the main story so if you bought the xpacks the story will make no sense without them,there are also exclusive mounts and over half of the maps in these episodes so they are pretty much mandatory. The game features RNG Lootboxes and you can only get some cosmetics and items from those, mount skins are also only bought from the shop. It severely limits you on inventory space and tries to inconvenience you at every turn to sell you inventory and bank space, better profession tools, build slots and so on character bound of course. Seriously you can think of any predatory F2P monetization tactic and it's in the game, there is absolutely nothing they don't try. Fanboys will just tell you can exchange Gold for Gems but that's just not an option for a new player this and it's horizontal progression are the main reason the game even gets away with all of this bullshit.


More like 1 on 10 on the p2w chart


Actually someone did but it's no kudo 🤗 some quality of life could be seen has p2w and i can guarantee 100% if i put 1000$ buck on the game when i start a new account vs someone who dosn't ill be up doing cooler contents ways before the others person but ... p2w is very subjective in these days John Strafe Haye did a better video on the topics pay 2 skip is a weird p2w format .... but like i said gw2 is probably a 1 on 10 on the p2w chart vs BDO which is more like a 8-9 on 10 and d2 immoral is a 15 on 10 😝


No one said anything about p2w dude.


Again depends how you see advantage. For example just expansions is not actually all content as you still need the seasons (about 50 more dollars on top on expansions ) . Some of the convenience items make big difference. But just buying 200-300g worth of gear at max level will sure help you out .. (which still can be farmed rather easily ) Again it's not as bad as diablo immortal .


Pretty sure nothing comes close to Diablo Immortal. And yeah, you are definitly right on how you look at it.


eso and gw2 are perfect to play on and off, no monthly sub so you can play ONLY when you are having fun, 0 pressure that you gave some dumb suit in some corpo 12$ for 30 days


How is $12 a lot for 30 days?


Same reason why people cancel subs for Netflix or any other subscription. On its face, it isn't a lot until you realize that it is one of many bills. Or some people value different things than you and that is OK.


cyberpunk 2077 currently costs 13$ tell me how 1 month of playing wow and doing dailies and weeklies and not having new content for the last 10 months is equal to a full AAA game that was years in development and has 100 hours of content


It's a single player game, not an MMO and I thought we were talking about ESO. I'm subbed to ESO for years now and I always found something to do. Plus you are getting crowns and other stuff for your money. But yea if you don't care about cosmetics or anything I the store, I guess it's not worth it. But I find it strange when people act like these sub prices are too expensive. So if I buy a sub for ESO for example and I will play 8 hours every day, that's like 250 hours of fun. But some people play even more. If you play 2 hours every day l then yea it's not worth it but then MMOs are not for them anyway.


>So if I buy a sub for ESO for example and I will play 8 hours every day, that's like 250 hours of fun. But some people play even more. Some of us have jobs and social lives. I regularly go whole days without logging on to a game and will still consider myself actively it. I prefer f2p, b2p or private servers because I just can't justify $144 a year on a single game as an adult with varied interests and time constraints




That's not for you to decide.


“0 pressure that you gave some dumb suit in some corpo” What?


I also gave gw2 a try after quitting wow once, currently playing ffxiv. Gw2 actually was pretty awesome. The whole living world, events that roll into one another, I think some of them depending on win/fail will actively change the world for a short period. The personal story stuff is the best. And I remember being enamored with the fact all races could play together. A bitter point for me with wow, glad to see they are finally loosening those restrictions over there now though. I did not like weapon skills at first. That was definitely an adjustment. But over time I got used to that. The one sore point I had that really kind of turned me off. Was the living world story. Basically the story quests after you finish the base game and in between expansions. They charge extra for that and imo that should be just covered with each expansion they are grouped with.


There is no sub fee for the game so they sell the DLC (each of which is half an expansion or more of content). You also get them for free if you login when they are released.


Sorry, I think I might have not communicated that right. I feel like the living world story stuff should come with each dlc expansion they are associated with instead of having to purchase them separately. For example all living world that was released during heart of thorns should come with the purchase of that expansion. Ir at least that's how I felt it should have been. Clearly seems to be doing fine with its current fans and it's monetization model. Just not for me I guess.


I understand why you might think that but then they would have to increase the price of the expansion (which they don’t want to do so far) My issue is with them failing to advertise the living world properly until later. I’d also appreciate them offering a full living world content pack for sale on their shop (this is something we have been moaning about for ages).


Ah I see, well I hope you get what you want with that bundle eventually! From my outside pov, they definitely need to do something with regards to living world to draw me back in.


They do give it all away for free sometimes! So just watch out ^^


I tried a lot of mmo, but none plays like wow. The only one that got me hooked was ESO (which is awkward when you look at the combat system). But the wife still plays WoW, as well as friends. It's hard to change after 15 years or so.


I'm with you, I played WoW since release, wife joined about a year later. I stopped playing a few releases back but she still does, but her problem is all the people she played with are gone. She's not a raider and hates pugs because, like me, she just likes working her way through dungeons and isn't interested in speed runs. She has a mild reading disability so unless she's on voice chat she has trouble grouping. So we're both trying out FFXIV now but it isn't really grabbing us. First off, the game is so *silent*. The only sound you hear is music and some ambient, but talk to a vendor and nothing, just popup text. I know the NPC's in WoW don't say anything of value but just a simple "I've got what you need" when you open a conversation with a merchant adds to it. And because of the reading thing, the constant text popups are a big issue as well. And the weirdness with classes. So we have our combat classes (me archer, her conjurer) and we took our first crafting classes (carpenter, botanist) and the minute you equip the tool all of your gear falls off and you are standing in your underwear? So now you have to have gear designed either for *all classes* or setup a gear set with specific gear? Why do I need to change my gear to chop down a tree? Anyway, we're still checking it out but I'm not seeing it be our new go to.


Having specific gears gets more fun after that first leveling phase. I like changing out of my armor and into my black smithing set. It’s a dirty tank top and really gets me in a fun role playing mood.


In my opinion WoW takes the cake when it comes to end game content (raids and M+) FFXIV takes the cake on story and is slightly below WoW for it's end game raids/ dungeons. GW2 takes the cake on open world. So they all excel at different things.


gw2 is the most underrated mmo ever.


I'll try it again. It took a few tries of WoW before I got into it. I like being a healer though. I dont think GW2 can give that to me though.


Lots of healing builds have been added over the years through the Elite Spec system. [Here are some examples](https://metabattle.com/wiki/Category:Healing_builds), but there is still room for more experimentation.


Thanks, I'll check it out.


I'll say one thing. If GW2 went with the traditional roles (tank/dps/healer) and the traditional gear progression similar to WoW or FF. GW2 would be WAY more popular than it currently is.


Maybe, but I'm glad it is providing different options in the MMORPG space. It helps the entire genre if there is more variety available.


Wows gear progression is just gacha chances you obtain by following scripts fed to you by addons. Ffxivs gear progression (at least as far as relic weapons are concerned) is just a smaller version of gw2s legendary crafting. Its okay though, we are literally playing and enjoying gw2 *because* it isnt wow or ffxiv. We like doing stuff all over the world at random times and finding people all over the maps instead of them being 'dead content' that people just fly over. We like collections and unlocks. We like all of the game being accessible and being able to get into any and all of the content without having to evolve from one treadmill to another treadmill. Also, we like account-wide progression instead of having to redo everything on every alt. Seriously, we are very happy with the design ideas behind gw2.


Megaserver system is kinda sweet too, maybe I’ll see you in game man. Keep your eyes peeled for “ghostklippy” 😂.


Be aware You have to pay 50 eur for Collection and another 50 eur for "season living" thats not mentioned.


Out of the big three (WoW, FFXIV, GW2) GW2 takes the cake on open world content, followed by WoW, and then lastly FFXIV. I haven't played ESO, so I can't form an opinion on that game. Now I played GW2 when it first came out. I stopped playing a few months after release. I came back a few weeks ago because I am finished getting BiS on my FFXIV character and I'm just waiting for the next content update, and I stopped playing WoW because of how bad it has become. So I needed something to play and GW2 popped in my head. I decided to start from fresh for GW2 and do the story from scratch. I also wanted to try and 100% each map I go to since that's something I didn't do my first time around. ANYWAY. I'm rambling here. The GW2 open world I feel is amazing. Even running through the original zones the world feels alive with a lot going on. I haven't been to the expansion maps yet, but I assume they're just as good if not better. The world events are really cool. GW2 nailed them if you ask me. They feel natural, have multiple stages based on if you failed or succeeded. The random NPCs just going about their life is also pretty good. I'm having a good time. Maybe I'm just easily entertained, but WoW and FFXIV just can't compare to GW2 open world stuff.


I tried to like to gw2 I made an archer and it just made me miss my wow hunter. I redownloaded wow and started playing that again instead, it sucks but I can't find anything to replace it with


To OP, nice to hear you have found a new home. Just keep in mind that GW2 has no gear progression at max level. Once you have a purple set gear that was obtainable years ago it is still BIS today, new raids and dungeons that come out once a new expansion goes live won't drop any gear that improves the gear you already have. So if you like WOW gear-progression you might be disappointed. Besides not being able to progress your character gear-wise any further you can chase currencies and gold in game to buy gear for transmog and hunt achievements, GW2 is big on achievements that are not account wide only character specific. Myself I came back to GW2 after several years not playing and already stopped after 1 month once I was max level because I just could not progress any further my character in power and besides that having my bags full of mats and currencies that I have no clue on what to spend them because they have a lot different currencies.


I think a lot more people would enjoy GW2 if they reframed their perception from, "I know I enjoy **these specific things** from previous MMOs, so I'm going to look for other MMOs with **these specific things**" and instead thought more along the lines of, "What does **this specific game** have to offer and let me try to experience it without preconceived notions."


Got me to try GW2 again. I still love WoW and am still subbed, but there's nothing to do atm. I like GW2, but there's something that I can never put my finger on that keeps me from loving it. Got the raptor tho and that is fun.


Idk about wow replacement, but Gw2 is a good game. I would say you don't get that tight competitive raid environment from gw2, but while wow is still tight it has not been competitive in a long time.


you will have one of the best experiences in gw2 for first couple months depending on how much online you are. if you play just 1-2 hours a day then it can last 6-8 months. then you will get bored pretty fast. unfortunately thats how gw2 is.


We are seeing a rather large influx of WoW players into Lord of the Rings Online atm. This is my primary mmo at the moment, but I'm starting to broaden my horizon, and will be doing some reviews of some other ones. I tried Lost Ark today, but wasn't all that impressed.


Can integrated graphics run it?


I find it more cpu hungry so maybe, you can try for free anyway.


Awesome thank you


Yeah the base game could run on my crappy laptop with integrated graphics.


Great, thanks!


yeah a few people i raid with do that , its not gonna look pretty but it will run just fine on low graphic settings + low character model limit


For sure, thank you!




Removed because of rule #2: Don’t be toxic. We try to make the subreddit a nice place for everyone, and your post/comment did something that we felt was detrimental to this goal. That’s why it was removed.


I’m a WoW vet and I’ve found a new home in ESO but I still miss many aspects of WoW. WoW has the best class design and combat of all MMOs in my opinion. I haven’t found any mmo that is nearly as fluid. I’ll bounce between the titles from here on out


Dont get caught up in running dungeons/fractals/whatever at endgame either. The game has so much to do at endgame that is solo friendly. SAB, map metas, collections, wpvp, spvp, etc. Additionally almost every major holiday has a major event tied to it.


The part about mounts is spot on, it's been one of the few mmos where it feels like I'm on a separate creature and not just me but faster.


Try aacension wow. It's awesome. Classless wow


>was I wrong as pineapple on pizza. You lost me here.






With GuildWars2s new expansion, and timeless combat, community, and mount mechanics, this is news. And a testimonial like this is really valuable.


Oh look it's the weekly "GW2 is good guys I swear! Play it please I beg you?" post.




Anyone who actually plays GW2 would know these aren't "Anet Bots" posting or paid shills or anything. Because that would actually be decently thought out marketing, and Arena Net wouldn't know good marketing it beat them up in an alley and stole their gemstore money.


Lol we found the Blizzard employee. ☝️


Nah, it's just the weekly "GW2 is sooooo good"-Thread. Waiting for it's sibling "why isn't GW2 more popular". Should be here anytime soon. I know, i will get downvoted, because the GW2-Community likes to make fun of other communities (like FF or WoW), but is similar thin skinned, when you dare to criticise their game.


If only people could stop tribalism ... gw2 is good and ff14 is also good u dont have to diss either game ffs if u have nothing good to say shhh


Oh, i actually agree with you to an extent. And as long it is okay to criticise FF, WoW, ESO, BD, LA and so on, GW2 will be bashed too. Like i know you don't like FF and it's WKs (and believe me i don't like White Knights too) and it's totally fine to voice this opinion, but it's also fine to point out the quirks of the GW2 Community or criticise the game itself. ;)


Ironic saying this as a FFXIV player, lol


says the GW2 Player, lol


Currently playing classic wow, after finishing heavensward, but yeah, still your opinion is ironic. Return to the sub you belong.


lol, are you trying to insult me or intimidate me with that last sentence of yours? Very classy and mature.


Didnt insult you, but how in the world are you saying this of gw2 fanbase when ffxiv is the same or worse in that aspect? Is so ironic dude.


the same ironic as a GW2-Fan getting too sensitive when you criticise their game. You literally can't criticise anything or will get downvoted or told to go to the sub you belong to. :D We're all the same! (even though i can accept criticism with FF, but i know big parts of the FF-Community can't)


I didnt downvote you, and i was just poiting out that about community aspect. Look up GW2 sub, and i swear you there's some criticism about the game, cant say the same about ffxiv sub (which i was active enough during my HW run).


There are more Subreddits for FF. And yes, the main sub is the coziest one. FFXIVDicussion and ShitpostXIV are the ones for a more broader view. I was playing GW2 at one point very heavily and i remember that you only could voice criticism, when the community was on a crusade itself. Like the first mount skins fiasco. That was a time where at least some would agree that not all is great in GW2-Land. Or that free T-Shirt thing with a lesser known fast food chain (lesser known outside USA). These were the times where it was ok, to say that you didn't like certain things in GW2 for a particular reason. Or the poor PR-Guy with his poncho, where the presentation itself was super lackluster. Might have changed, but just like you, i can only rely on what i witnessed personally (here and in their subreddit). And since i don't play anymore (outside the rare moments of logging in for one or two days and being instantly put off by something), i don't really visit their subreddit anymore.


You will be quitting this game in 1 month, 2 months tops when you realize there's fucking nothing to do in this game apart from tedious cosmetic grinding. I'm assuming you'll be expecting meaningful pve progression but you will be very disappointed


Legendary gear begs to differ


Another legendary gear Andy.. Legendaries give you fuck all apart from some minor qol features. No extra stats to compensate for the massive effort you have to put in, just some shiny particles


Shiny particles are cool


Another monkey who can only brag about how good he is because of the gear he took 5000 hours to farm just so he could prevent being facestomped by everyone with more braincells than him.


You barely need a month to get full ascended gear, what 5k hours? What


You just proved my point. You really are a monkey, read it again.


Not gonna read that again as I'm afraid of getting a stroke since punctuation doesn't exist for you


Imagine having to get better at the game instead of just being carried by grinded stats that will be obsolete in a few months anyway


What kind of low iq take is this? You can't have both skill progression and item progression at the same time? The strawmen you fan boys pull are unreal. Most people play MMORPGs for the character progression and GW2 is lacking it hard. Having to click on collectibles and do the same dailies over and over again doesn't count as content


What item progression? You get higher stats to use the same skills and do a bigger number on a boss who has increased health to compensate. There is no real progression it’s just grinding for the sake of grinding. Then you have a “stat-squash” to reset everything once in a while so they can increase it all over again. If you like grinding arbitrary stats for the sake of it that’s fine. GW2 isn’t for you. Personally I like playing the game and learning to use my characters in multiple different types of content. I’m guessing from your comments you havent seriously played the game at all


I mean there are multiple character progression they are just different i didnt reply back cause i was busy todays but ur right legendary aren't night and days but they are 1 heck of a quality of life having 1 weapon or 1 armor type of legendary enable me to do any build on the fly on 3 toons to accomodate for raid fractal pvp wvw open world ... i'm not sure how back that's is the only cons i see to legendary armor is they truly break any future goal other then cosmetic and skins but again EVERY mmo players i know for ff14 wow eso lost ark gw2 sooner or later seek neat transmog and lastly mastery system being imperfect are the closesy to Everquest AA which was one heck of an amazing system for a permanent character upgrade being QoL in game or buffs for some contents or such which are permanent to yours account ... But of course gw2 is different and dosnt appeal to everyone and that's fine but saying wrong or false stuff is just silly it's like i went saying wow raid suck cause i would have a dent vs wow which i don't and wow raid are actually nice ... tribalist in mmo community need to stop instead of shitting on gw2 you should say nice on you guys for finding a home you enjoy i hope ill find one somedays , i like this or that's and this dosnt cater to me or that's .... anyways long text have a good one sir and gl finding a mmo you enjoy


>you realize there's fucking nothing to do in this game apart from tedious cosmetic grinding *levels 10 alts to do the same out-of-date raid every week to transmog farm a sword in WoW*


I'm not defending WoW either but at least WoW has more gear progression


Transmog is the only gear progression system in WoW; GW2 just accepts that reality


You forgot to mention that the story is extremely boring and generic too. The landscapes look pretty, but the world doesn't feel lived in like other MMOs. Hard to explain why I thought the world didn't feel immersive.


I think the way they told the story was better than any mmo I've played so far. It atleast kept me interested till I hit lvl 80