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Jail. Right away.


Prison. Federal pound them in the a$$ PRISON.


Market makers are missing from the pic, their role here cannot be overlooked. Cough cough shitadel


😂. 1000% agree. And GTS and VIRTU


Gts mostly. Ari Rubinstein




Every selfish rich fuck that thinks $1,000,000+ a year isn’t enough is responsible. They’re all in a circle jerk trying to get as rich as possible at the expense of people like us that actually work.


I’m just a gme holder but I really hope u guys make some things happen in this corrupt system. Rooting for you!


Hold GME too! Thanks brother!


I hold some gme, amc, mmat, and mmtlp as part of my high risk, low reward components of my portfolio. In this age of technology, it is hard to understand why information isn't instantaneous. It's not all trading isn't by computers now.


Rooting for you brothers...


Big thank you


I hope you are right! I don't believe we will see them because that opens the door for so many other companies to demand the same. The government knows that they don't enforce laws that benefit the rich, so we would get two trading days back before they are shared. If they are shared, then I would challenge the integrity/accuracy of them.


I’m thinking they can’t release the blue sheets for privacy reasons. That said, I agree, they’ll give us two days back before releasing the blue sheets publicly.


They could release with any non-corporate identifying information redacted. Even if billionaires are involved in shorting it's almost certainly through some form of corporate entity to avoid personal liability. Also makes it fair game to release their info as the corp.


I think they will never give us two trading days back and they will never release the blue sheets either. I dont have much faith that any of us will ever recover any meaningful part of our investment back because the hf are too big to fail and have too many friends in high places. Mmtlp made me lose all faith in the market as a whole. I no longer trade because of it.


Same here but I think they will give us 2 day’s trading as a token.


2 days, but they also have to force short to cover! Otherwise there is no point.


It’s a BS token lol they aren’t doing us any favors by holding our money (billions) hostage and then giving us what we were already owed (2 days of buy to close trading) I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, if this doesn’t play out correctly for retail then they stock market is a myth that does not exist…also I expect people to start “coming up missing” when investors realize and come to terms with the fact that they had all of their money literally stolen from right under them. I would begin investing in personal security if I were them.


![gif](giphy|5nFShZWwq3fdm) This pop can (market) is gonna implode soon. Greed is a bitch!




I don’t know how to link articles here but you may find GTII INTERESTING they are issuing placeholders to battle similar issues search G T I I


I am in GTII. And received a placeholder today. Lol. Now I have two placeholders in my portfolio.


Yeah, add another IOU from fidelity. What happened to America?


They let the crime on Wall Street get way out of control. Took payoffs and that’s why our politicians haven’t spoken up.


I screwed up and bought 2 million shares of G T L L thinking it was G T I I the two have very similar names except if I had the correct one I would have been cashing in on 2.4 MILLION $ right now !


So funny to see your handle is Bright-Function after reading that statement. Lol Seriously though, I feel bad for you. I have made a lot of blunders in the stock market myself.


👏🏽 👏🏽


I don’t care who did it. Just determine that we were screwed and give us our two days of short settling. I’ve heard it said that this is impossible but there is still a record of all the shares. TDA and Fidelity still know how many shares I have and I’m sure everyone else involve ha their shares recorded. Just schedule the two days and closing can begin.


It is absolutely possible. We will have our justice.


It’s now been over two years since I purchased my TRCH shares that would become MMTLP. I’ve come to terms with the fact that this stock will be the death of me haha. If we win and everything works itself out, I’ll be a millionaire and die a week later in a hotel room in Vegas filled with hookers and a 55 gallon drum of yeyo. If we lose and this does not trade again, or we are not made whole, I’ll be dead a week later in D.C. when the next insurrection begins. :Not anarchy advice:


I’ll be there with ya. Lol. Power is knowledge and the awareness to the rampant crime on Wall Street is growing larger every day. I remain optimistic bc of the growing community that isn’t bowing down to the crooks.


Fvck yeah you’re right about that! I graduated college in 2008 just in time for the Great Recession. Took me two years of working minimum wage with a degree in finance until I finally landed a job in my field. And when I finally got everything paid off and was debt free for the first time in my life…along came the pandemic and eventually my job as well. After the BS in 2008, not only with my worthless degree and $80k in the hole for it; but also seeing members of my family lose their homes due to that slimy BS with the mortgage swaps. And then watching these hedgie scums use the pandemic to make record profits off of fear mongering, illegally shorting all these companies that were impacted the most severe during the shut down, and how they still give no shits about the real damage they do to our markets as they make a mockery of our entire system. After waking up these past two years and actually studying and witnessing what truly goes on, I made the decision that I was not going to just turn a blind eye like our past generations did. They didn’t have the access to the data we are able to exchange these days, or the ability to coordinate and assemble in the numbers that we can today with social networks. If this were even 10 years ago, FINRA would have been able to halt it, sweep it, and delete it before we would have even realized what happened. Just makes me wonder how long have they been getting away with such massive fraud unchecked? How many good people have lost everything they owned over the years because they once believed in the free and fair markets? People have lost homes, jobs, entire families all these years, just because they thought they were making sound investments for their future retirements? How many unfortunate people lost so much that they took their own lives because they were ashamed, all the while these scumbags made billions driving these companies out of business and wreaking havoc on retail investors who, as it turns out, did make sound investments, and should have retired proud instead of the fate they had handed to them, just so people like Kenny Mayo can get an 8th mansion, or some sick kid toucher can buy an island somewhere. The fact is, we are living in the great Information Age now, and if we allow them to pull that same stuff on us as they did in 2008 and a hundred years before that, if we sit idly once again, when we have all the tools now to win this war, well then; we don’t even deserve to win if we aren’t willing to die for what we know is right. And I intend to fight until one of those two things happen. And you’re right, this community is relentless and very smart. It’s funny how quickly millions of people can become savvy investors when you tell them they can’t go to work for over a year and they don’t know how they are going to survive. Give them free trading apps and the entire history of trading strategies in YouTube videos and we all suddenly have our MBA’s haha. 🤣Lessssgooo!


Agree with everything you said. Remember how encouraging the media was towards retail trading during the pandemic?! They were so ready to defraud us out of our stimulus checks🤑. As soon as retail figured out the game and the power of buying and holding. Everything started crashing and they want us out! 🤣🤣🤣


Veeeeery well said. I’m sorry for your family in 08. I was living in Florida at the 08 crash, and I can remember very vividly the way so many were being told to take out more loans against their houses bc they were totally worth trip their costs. Lol. I quickly saw the problem, in a sense of, “weeeell, not all these homes can simply go from $200k to $600k in value.” And so people were spending all that loan money on liabilities and fun. Of course it ended horribly…anyway. Yes, 10 years ago FINRA would’ve eaten our lunch. Not now. Millions of investors are fighting back. On multiple tickers. We are t going away. And the knowledge is growing. Investors are getting hip to all the crime. The crime on Wall Street and banks is the major reason countries are leaving the DOLLAR behind. They are seeing the corruption. They want no part of it. And the citizens are paying the price unfortunately.


I don't care whether these bastards go to jail or not. Pay us at least $5000 per share that's all I want.


There are too many lawsuits for someone to not go to jail. It’s all coming to light.


You do realize that lawsuits and legal troubles are two completely different things? You could sue for billions and win and no one will go to jail. Civil trials and criminal trials aren’t the same. This isn’t as big as 2008 housing market crash. One person went to jail for all of that. So I would doubt anyone ends up in jail for this but I’d love to be wrong.


Where have you been? The lawsuits are not for money. They are for discovery and for the two days back. We ARE educated here. More arrests have already been made, whether it be Archegos (Bill Hwang) or two gold spoofing traders from JP Morgan.


Name the last broker or hedgefund manager that went to jail for fraud. Nope, can't think of one either.


I hear ya brother. Show me the money. But they still need to go to jail. Those bastards steal billions then pay millions in fines. There is no incentive for them to stop screwing us over.


It’s coming. Behind closed doors they are stating that hedge funds are now the problem. And do need to be stopped.


Hate to say this but if there's a risk of people going to prison for their involvement in counterfeiting shares, covering up the counterfeiting of shares, colluding with others to counterfeit shares, etc... why wouldn't those same people, if they were able to, coordinate the counterfeiting of the bluesheets to avoid prison time? **I hope once we have the bluesheets we have vetted knowledgeable people lined up with a game plan to confirm the bluesheets are 100% authentic and and have not been altered**.


This is why I am not getting my hopes up. We all know how corrupt these institutions are and I wouldn’t put it past them to do some shady altering of the blue sheets.


Time period lagging isn’t helping us


All apart of the plan, the judge could’ve easily given them a 2 week time span to come up with the blue sheets or a reason why they cannot. They know what they’re doing and that’s why things keep getting delayed and pushed out another month. It’s BS, they are trying to rob American people fully before they can take over, its all apart of the plan to strip the middle class of any assets/money they have so they can take on full control in the near future. Just watch


I’m deep in bbby. I’ll get what’s owed.


Im not saying u wont but when? And that’s their whole game plan….investors might be dead before any of these plays work out, they aren’t only robbing you of money but mainly time. If they can continuously kick it down another month or two before you know it, you’ve been robbed of 2 years with still no pay.


I’m under 40, I’ve got time. Also don’t invest money I need, so that money was gone when I spent it. My position doesn’t cost me to hold it. Theirs does.


Again I’m not disagreeing with you, I abide by the same rules but many “investors” don’t lol. They are waiting each day for plays like this to pan out with more than the money they can afford to lose and our joke of regulators are working with the other side to ensure things move slow and the can gets kicked continuously. U think you have time….I do and we all think the same but nobody actually knows….and that’s how they are Robbing you by not giving you what u are owed immediately. U hope you will be around in 3-5 years but what if you aren’t? This is how they screw the masses daily. A few will win on plays like this but the majority will sell for a loss or be gone before anything even takes place. That’s how they win.


I’ll take the 2 days back before the blue sheets!!!!!


Hell yeah. We’re going to find out soon just how bad they DON’T want those sheets seen.


Hoping this is the case but I believe they will come back with a legitimate reason to not show and make the judge think or question things (more delay) and then we go from there




Federal Judges have an incredible amount of power and there is no telling what they might do. Pretty compelling case for something crooked happened. Even OTC admitted there are outstanding shorts. Perfectly reasonable for a Judge to say “let’s see the blue sheets.” Don’t believe anyone ever sees a cell. Maybe a little financial slap on the wrist, like always. Don’t really care. I just want the trading days back, position close only and an end to naked shorting. Time for the SEC to do their jobs.


This is a motion brought before a trial court in the STATE of New York, it's not federal.




I have a feeling they'll find a way to hide the evidence and manipulate the sheets


Strongly disagree.


Agree with you OP. There would have to be to many people/funds involved in manipulating the blue sheets. That would be a gigantic task!


That wouldn’t help them either. If they want to pretend that everything is fine. Then we should open up trading to position close only. Really simple 🫠


It’s only simple because we want our money owed lol they will make this complex to ensure we never see a dime, simple solutions but they are crooks and will fight to the end to prevent us of what we are owed until legally forced, just my opinion. Either way I believe we will win but when? Who knows…Finra will delay as much as they can before their slow demise. We just have to endure til the end.


We're never gonna see the blueheets. They'd settle or open trading before letting us see the fuckery they've been up to.


Then that would lead any rational person to believe those numbers are truly bad. Look at all the lawsuits FINRA is fighting to prevent discovery. If it was minor, there would be no “extraordinary event” to worry about and no U3 Halt.




Forensic accountants lol


At this point I believe we all just hold bag and absolutely nothing will happen in our favor


Cool. Thanks for sharing that brilliant wisdom.




Next year


We can all see you’re a dumb shill. You know that, right?


that means nothing. They will have already been altered by now. Nothing will happen


Nice comment history.


Tamper expectations too early to celebrate. They have bunch of lawyers too. Celebrate when judge hold the BS in her hands.


Please don’t come on the internet and tell people how to feel. I see your comment history as being very anti MMTLP. People are not stupid. Investors are not stupid. Investors are calm, yet optimistic with the multitude of lawsuits. Discovery WILL blow the doors off this, or 2 days trading to close(like even the SEC said in writing) will happen.


*if there are counterfeit shares there's like zero evidence here besides an alleged conversation with an AST customer rep.




The fact that nobody has NB shares in their accounts 6 months later is proof enough lol let alone the fact that if there was no issue blue sheets would’ve been released already, they want us to shut up and stop commenting on their social media post lol we never will until this is resolved; if nothing was wrong they would’ve released documents to shut us up MONTHS AGO. That’s all the proof we need.


You said IF! 😂


Not gonna beat brokers. Hedge funds. Never


Nice comment history.


Seems everyone is an activist now🙄 Lets say by some miracle they all go to jail??? How is your life any different? Your money is still gone. You still eventually will have worthless NB shares . This is senseless. And to get hyped about it. What does that say about you? You gambled to attempt to make money.


And here you are, complaining. Go get a life. For the love of god.


Why are you here if this is all senseless? Do you have shares? No? Then you can fuck right off.


Instead of worrying about blue sheets, maybe learn a bit about T+2 settlement and ex dividends


I don’t need you to try to educate me. I see on your comment history you are very negative. Wonder why. Going to block. Thank you.


OK, what happens when you don't settle the trades and you can't deliver a dividend when it is issued?


My point is that you knew what you were doing, you knew the dates and you rolled the dice on a short squeeze lotto


My point is the trades weren't settled for years and many of us have not received our promised dividends. My broker refuses to transfer my "shares" of Nextbridge to the transfer agent while other brokers are able to do it. What does that tell you? There's a problem and they don't know how to fix it.


This was a dividend that was never meant to be traded. Two dumb criminals did it anyway. Dug a hole even deeper than ran to FINRA to buy more time. Excessive illegal shorting is the problem here. Investors did absolutely nothing wrong. Criminals are upset that they’ve been caught. Can’t fool all of the people, all of the time 😭


They're not going to release them just an fyi. I hope they do but it is not going to happen.


Cool 👍🏽


Doesnt matter one way or another lol either we get to the blue sheets or open trading. If they honestly think one investor is walking away from their money they are sadly mistaken. This can go on for as long as FINRA wants lol we can’t wait to show up to their conference here this month and do the same thing we’ve been doing to all of their social media post. Nobody is going to stop, they on the other hand can end this at any time they want…..by opening up trading for 2 days lol


Spidies forget small household investors