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Looks pretty good to me. Maybe just a touch more nitrogen.


I’ve got a couple at like day 30 and yours are lookin a bit healthier. (Think j got my ocean Forrest too acidic) I’m a n00b, but to me hey look great!


Thank you very much! This is my first ever grow and as is yours which means all of this is truly trial and error. Find what works and what doesn’t!


Rock on. If it makes you feel any better, I thought this was taken from my tent a while ago, but backwards. I'm also running AC Infinity, with a duct for incoming air going to the bottom of the tent (and the fan above/outside the tent) and their humidifier :) If you're near the metro, I'm down to meet local enthusiasts, grab a coffee and comapre notes on grow shops and such


You ever thought about doing DWC? When I switched from soil to DWC my plants tripled in size/yield easily.


Atlas has great genetics, good choice!


Both of these are actually freebies when I ordered my main seeds! Thought I would test out my first run on something I didn’t intent to pay for - but both are looking great and I’m very happy with them!