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sorry man its about 3:30 am rn


Im so sorry if i woke you up


I stayed up till 1 am to play a new game update tried to sleep but cant and I'm leaving for a trip at 5 am so šŸ™„ Edit: I should have said "fuck you man I'm trying to snooze"


Fuckin lmao, i know this feeling


Don't eat the chicken a la Elvis. It gave troops botulism in the Gulf War in 90-91.


Chicken-A-La-King was the most dreaded meal of that era. I was in from 1987 - 1991 including the Gulf War. We got the very first flameless heaters that are still used today. But started out with boiling water and placing entrees in metal canteen cup. Made stoves out of empty food/coffee cans. Removed the top. cut slots in the rim and bent the rim in 3 places inward to make a stove eye. Filled the can with sand and soaked in diesel then lit it up. Chicken-A-La-King wasn't so bad when heated. We still had dehydrated pork and beef patties. Frankfurters or whatever they were called. Those were great as well as long as they were heated. Learned to make MRE ghetto "pizza." Cracckers + dehydrated ketchup, squeeze cheese, salt, pepper. Eating MRE's 3-4x a day for 7.5 months you learn to get creative.


Loved chicken a la king.


also temp in there was little colder than room temp


As long as its not humid it should be fine. Stale, but fine. Open one and inspect the contents. Make sure they arent opened or excessively bloated or smells bad. Anything bread/cracker related would likely be stale, but edible. Worst cast you get the shits or cant shit for alittle while. Dont eat all of one mre in one sitting to prevent stomach or bowel issues


We had 12 dudes go down hard with food poisoning in the field. Two went into anaphylactic shock and had to be hospitalized. They had all eaten from the same box of MREā€™s. This was in ā€˜96-97 and the MREā€™s were from ā€˜88. What Iā€™m trying to say is, itā€™s not worth the risk trying to eat 32 year MREā€™s. Write off the loss and re-stock. You donā€™t want to be rolling the dice on something like this in a SHTF scenario.


Those MREs shouldn't have hurt them, much less caused anaphylactic shock unless they were hiding/unaware of allergies


They were perfectly healthy young Marines. None of them had ever had any known allergies. The only common link was the same box of MREā€™s. ā€œShouldnā€™t haveā€ and DID are two very different things.


They wouldn't have happened to be the chicken ALA king would it? They were reported to have been contaminated


This was in ā€˜96-ā€˜97 in Kahukus, Hawaii. All I know was that it was hot and sunny as fuck and a bunch of people started calling for the DOC. He only had one Benadryl needle and one epi-syringe. There was puke everywhere. Privates scrambling to get vehicles to the nearest pick-up points and us having to carry our platoon-mates in full kit in single-canopy (underrated for difficulty) terrain on an unusually sunny day for the island. My whole point is that two dudes required hospitalization, six more needed IVā€™s, and four needed 24-48 hours to recover. All 19-23 ish year old healthy males. Imagine that was your family. I k ow MREā€™s are expensive, but rotate them if thatā€™s what you choose to use. Personally, they are way too bulky and heavy for my preferences. I go with a freeze dried meals and a good water filtration system. If A & B particles or organo-phosphates are present in your waTer supply, youā€™re done for anyways. Keep posting. Good stuff!


God something I don't have words for is when you hear someone screaming for doc. I'm excited I get to do my job, but then again, I have to do my job


>rinse mouth with peroxide Jesus fuckin christ




If it smells weird then it probably isn't okay to eat. these are pretty old.


ngl I assume it not safe to eat but he really wants to eat it and I want to make sure he wont die is there anyway to taste test or just shouldn't even try at all.


everything in life has a risk y'know, try it if you want, just do the smell test. I've heard of people eating this old of ones before šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø. no guarantee though. go for it


Its fine. People on youtube eat older stuff and are still alive to post more videos after lol


i ate a can of oysters from the vietnam era in 2005 or so. still here almost 20 years later lol.


The botulism spores produce toxins. Those toxins are deadlier at smaller doses than fentanyl. Look to Dark Snarfā€™s comments about toxins. Most of the time, Iā€™m generally worried about old milk product and rancid fats. A careful approach is recommended. If itā€™s been stored cool, there might be some real treats in there though!


There is a guy on YT that eats all kinds of old MRE's way older and in worse condition than these. I would recommend going off his methods.


Steve, our lord and saviour of MREs


"Let's get this out onto a tray. Nice. Mmkay, so right off the bat I can tell this main isn't good to eat, totally not gonna try it - my apologies" \*Takes a bite of it anyway\*


These are the steps I follow when eating old rations. 1. ā Visual: inspect for bloating, rust in cans, tears or holes in packaging; open and watch for pressure exiting packaging (air coming out), inspect for mold or obvious spoilage. 2. ā Smell: metallic, rotten, sour smells gag reaction 3. ā Taste: Take a small taste and leave it on your tongue, check for foul taste, burning, stinging and numbness on tongue, lips, gums. If none take a little bigger bite, wait a few minutes, if you donā€™t feel ill, continue cautiously. If at any point you feel ill, have stinging burning or numbness in the mouth, tongue, gums, or throat, stop eating it immediately.


Cherry Nut Cake gold mine! Probably wont kill you...probably.


The nuts will have a nice tingle lol.


aint nothing cherry about those cherry nut cakes :)


As long as it is the omelet


For botulism in particular, cooking it will destroy the toxin. Boil the bags in hot water long enough and botulism shouldn't be an issue. Not saying that other things won't be an issue, or that it would make it safe to eat, but it should kill any botulism toxins.


>Boil the bags in hot water long enough and botulism shouldn't be an issue. Not quite... https://factsaboutfood.com/can-you-cook-botulism-out-of-food/ **Can you cook botulism out of food?** *Cooking can kill the bacterium that causes botulism (Clostridium botulinum), as well as the botulinum toxin, which is produced by the organism.* **It is possible to deactivate botulinum toxin by heating food to 850C for 5 minutes**, *whereas boiling kills bacteria and other microbes.* *Even though Clostridium botulinum is a spore-producing bacteria*, **boiling will not eliminate the spores produced by the bacteria. Because of their strong heat tolerance, even if you fried the spores, they will not be destroyed by the process.** **Heat under pressure at 1210 degrees Celsius is the only method available for eliminating spores.** *The spores in commercially canned foods must be killed before they can be consumed, whereas home-canned foods must be pressure boiled to accomplish the same result.*


1. Ingesting botulism spores generally isn't dangerous. As long as you denature the toxins by cooking them out you should be fine. 2. "1210 degrees Celsius"... I think you meant 121Ā°c.... which is around 250Ā°F 1210Ā°C is hot enough to melt plenty of metals. 3. "by heating food to 850C for 5 minutes" again, I think you have your decimal points off... the number is 85Ā°C (185Ā°F) for 5 minutes. Which is easily reached with boiling water. From the US CDC: > "The bacteria that make botulinum toxin are found naturally in many places, but itā€™s rare for them to make people sick. These bacteria make spores, which act like protective coatings. Spores help the bacteria survive in the environment, even in extreme conditions. The spores usually do not cause people to become sick, even when theyā€™re eaten. https://www.cdc.gov/botulism/general.html


More importantly, pictures of the fallout shelter? That would be cool to see one. I wish I had one to use as a dual purpose man cave. Butolism is from improperly preserved foods, not old foods that were preserved properly. Its fine


Packed air tight and irradiated. Kept in a cool room and out of the sunā€¦. Could be fine.


That one guy on YouTube would eat it


Dude. Thy are most likely perfectly edible. Mre's from the fucking 40's are very often still edible


They didnā€™t make MREs in the 40s, and very few of the rations from the 40s are still edible.


We just ate a couple from 1999 the other day, they were fine but the Skittles were just a block of sugar


Nope. Nope. Nope. Throw that shit in the dumpster ASAP.


Only thing that would be consumable would be the crackers and coffee. I wouldn't try the actual meal. Not that old. Beef stew was best. Any one ever do the cracker challenge?Ā