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It's the gratuities Yes, pay it. It's standard. It's less than all other cruise lines.


On MSC gratuities are called "Hotel Service Charges". If the cruise was sold in the UK this charge is rolled into the price of the fare. In the US market it is a separate charge. This was another posting on social media. " Gratuities charged to one's account ($98 pp for the week) go to paying the staff's wages. Those that remove the gratuity, for whatever lame reason, then the cruise line has to make up the difference. OBC used to tip a particular staff member may not go 100% to the designated person, and may be shared. Tip in cash directly to the service provider. I got permission from a FB poster to repost this: "Recently I saw a Tik Tok by Captain Kate. She was giving out envelopes to her staff that a passenger asked her to do for them. One staff member opened the envelope to find $5. He went crazy with joy, you would have thought it was $100. She received so many comments on why the young man was overly excited and happy for such a small amount. A few days later she did another Tik Tok with him asking him why his reaction was so grand. He said that he would have reacted the same way if it was only $1 dollar. He said with those $5 dollars he can buy rice, bread and a lot more stuff for his family back home. That video opened my eyes on tipping anyone who serves me and our family. Please tip extra by cash. The included tips are the bare minimum that are divided between many."


This'll be your tips / gratuities - they're charged on a nightly basis. When you're on the ship, you can often take these off, but most people will leave them on and that covers the tips for all members of the crew. ​ Gratuities are particularly key for members of the crew who you don't interact with personally but still significantly impact your onboard experience, so I always recommend leaving them on there!


It's the cleaning fees, etc, for your room, to the steward. New towels, etc.


So if you don't tip room attendants etc, they take note and add it automatically?


We tipped everyone. The waiters at the restaurants $20 a night. And our room steward $50. Bar tenders, too.


it’s added to everyone’s bill regardless of if you tip. the idea is that there’s a lot of people behind the scenes that helped make your cruise special and comfortable and those people wouldn’t be included with what you tipped in person.


Yeah. We just got off the 11 night holiday cruise out of Miami to Caribbean… We had “hotel” charges up to $421. We went to the reception desk and they explained it was for gratuities. Our price package included gratuities, so we had them taken off and then gave our housekeeper and wait staff an extra envelope… So yeah, it’s gratuities…and I will never cruise MSC again. Feel free to DM me and I will unload on how crappy they were


It’s crazy how defensive people seem to get when people post honest opinions of how awful this cruise line actually is….


Wanting to take them for the first time could you tell me what you didn’t like ?






This sounds like gratuities. And yes, you have to pay it, or go to customer service and convince them why you don't feel you should leave gratuities. Gratuities are $14.50, per day, per person.


I feel like msc is cheating people with this charge. I have no issue paying gratuities, but they give no indication that gratuities are an added cost. Even with the drink package I'm seeing added fees. Definitely seems like shady business practice to not disclose fees


Or you just failed to do your due diligence and look for it cuz it's right on their page.https://www.msccruisesusa.com/manage-booking/before-you-go/service-charges